The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 27, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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6 -
I ' 7.
Xcw Uw Finn
Salem friends of T. B. Handley,
former state corporation com
missioner have received cards an
nouncing the new law form of
Johnson. & Handley, which has
offices at 4 0 4-5-6 Wilcox build
in, Portland, Y The two attor
ney formerly were In partnership
at Tillamook, Mr. Handley com
ing' from -l Tillamook " to SalemJ
.when former Governor Olcott ap-j
pointed him corporation commis
sioner. - , I - .!'
i Tonights : t )- ....
Is dance night at -lW, Gray
Belle. Adv. . - - ' "
tierrleej Are gold-
I The Oregon Growers Co-opera
tive association, ' through - Robert
. O. llcNary, manager of the green
fruit department, announced yes
terday the sale of 15 J tons ot lo
ganberries of, the 1923 crop at 5
eenta a pound. Mr. McNary 'said
the sale waa not particularly sig
nificant clnce the amount han
dled Tons as high as 2 6 00- tons.
Mill Wood :
i Best . and cheapest. All good
wooa; no xrasn. . prompt neur
ery. Spauldlng Logging Co. Adv.
Legal PTiuilta ' ' 1 f . . .y:
: Get them at The Statesman of
fice. . Catalog on , application,
Boys Entertained ' 1 .
' -The Salem Lions' club went out
to the boys' training school last
night ' to put on their minstrel
show. They mad-as great a hit
with the boys as they did here in
Salem. They ire to go to Turner
tonight to present the same show
for the Turner Boy Scouts. The
Turner people ; now ? have a C tine
auditorium, seating. 400 people, in
the new high . school building, and
they ari able- to take on enler
L "
SAVE S S ? :
by buying your naxdwara and
, furniture at The Capital Hard
- torn & Furnltnra Co 285 No
ih Commercial St. Phone 947
i Diamonds, Watches,
'X. Jewelry and SHverwart.
- Phone 1255, Salem, Oregon
btiiJ liiniMlliimvV IvwAIitfff
--,., - Day Sighs
" Pfcsss ?666
1T8 8. liberty-fit. l- ; I
Calea '-v ' Ore.
Capital Junk
All kbis cf jusi and
teeond-hand cooda. We
pay full value.
215 Center Street
- Phcus 33 ...
:i :r: :- ' Established 18S8!m "v M'V
Genera Banking Bcslneai . '
Offlec Hooni from 10 a. ta. to 8 p. at.
1904 J
If you spend all yoiir income someone
else is sure to deposit it to their credit.
Why not open a Savings Account in this
strong bank today and then make it a
'. rule to save some fixed ambunt each
' month? ' . I ;
" , In this way you are sure to strengthen
. ,' your . financial position' each month.
$1.00 Starts a Savings Account $1.00 :..
United States National Bank
"The Bank That Cerrice Bnflt"
Ilember Federal Beienre Byatem
tainments that had heretofore
been practically barred from .the
town because; of limited facilities.
The Turner people promise to fill
the hall to the brim for the big
Lions show. ;
Dancing in New IMning Room
At the Oray Belle, 9 to 12
this evening. Adv.
West Salem M. E. Clmrch
. Passion i week services, com
mencing this (Tuesday) evening,
will be held: every evening (ex
cept Saturday) at . 7:30. Good
singing. Helpful messages. Pub
lic Invited, i - v ;
Abrams Electronic Reactions
And occllloclastlc .treatments.
"Dr.j Abrams machine a worth
less contraption and sold as c ire
all. . Occilloclast is merely a mass
of wires. Inquiry. Investigate
before spending your dollars.
: - 1 w . Adv.
Free Lecture .
The Kn Klux Klan stands for
the preservation ; of American
Ideals. Salem armory, March 28.
I Adr.
Temperature Buns 1P
r Monday tffternoon registered
the - highest temperature ot - tho
year, the Hartman; thermometer
on Liberty street showing 68 de
grees at 3 ! o'clock. It was a
really spiinglikei day, and : the
trees and flowers shoked a mark
ed growth between morning and
nightw ' . , -:!
Free Lecture-
The Ku Klux Klan In Oregon.
Salem armory, March 28. T-Adr.
Refnerve Tour ; Tables '
For the after-the-theatre dance
at the Gray Belle this ' evening.
Adv. i .
Scout Money Comn -In
Approximately $3700 has been
raised for the Boy ; Scouts main
tenance fund In Salem and more
is coming in. so that it looks as
if at ; least the minimum require
ments of the organization will be
met this year. i The smallest snm
on which the scouts could main
tain a scout! executive, an office,
and do all f the other essential
scout work for as large an organi
sation as this, is understoodto be
between $4300 and $50007 The
campaign is still going on quietly,
with enough money being added
to encourage the directors to be
lieve that it will all ' be raised,
and the scoots will open oat for
the biggest, best yearof their. his
tory, j ' '. ;V ; ; ;J';; ; '
Wantwd Flv Kxperiem-cl . ,.
Waitresses at the Gray Belle.
Reserved Seat 'Fight Tickets' rv
. For boxing show Tuesday night
on sale at Smith's Cigar Storej
and Terminal Billiard Parlor.
Adv. . . ; . :
Complete Line " u ' '
Of superior stoves and ranges
only at Giese' Furniture Co.,
, . v i . Adv.
Electronic Reactions or ADrams
Dr. White, 506 U. S. Bank bldg.
Adv. ' ; ' -
, - Osteopathic Physician and
: i Surgeon - "
228 Oregon Building ' ;
: Phone 258
Vaar V. a Bmrnsirt aannslMi
Who Banks -Your
r.iilHs a .nth of Oregon City yes
terday, leported . ' that lie was
struck by the other, causing his
car to be turned upsi'l? down lu
toci dl'.cU Kj one vai hurt.
Exclusive line -
Of baby carriages, priced from
$22.50 to $37.50.. Close Furni
ture Co. only. ' I Adv.
Mill 1
Best and cheapest. All good
wood, not trash. Prompt delivery.
Spauldlng Logging Co. Adv.
Cars Hit '
J. H. Fry of the Gray Belle
while going west on State street
yesterday collided ; with C B.
York of 411 Front street, who was
going south on Commercial. The
collision took place at State and
Commercial. :
For Easter Lilies
Flake's, 273 State. Phone 656.
Two Collide 4
Roy Hnligas of Independents.
while? tiying to pass a car firt
Reserved Seat Fight Tlcfcets
For boxing show Tuesday night
on sale at Smith's Cigar Store
and Terminal Billiard Parlor.
-Adv. ; ': :..) '
Oswald's Great 10 Serenaders
At Dreamland every Wednes
day and Saturday. Adv. f
Accident YcstercUy :
J. D. Trent of 2311 i Trade
street, while going south on Com.
mercial yesterday, hit' J. L. Mil
ler of ' 2095 North Fifth "street,
who was going j west on State.
Minor damage was done , to the
Trent car, although the car be
longing to Miller was said to have
been considerably damaged.
Dreamland Rink
Dance every Wednesday and
Saturday.- Floors resanded. Hall
newly decorated. Adv. .
Sent to Hospital .' . I ' j
Albert Parson, a laborer who
arrived here a short time ago
SMITH At;' Hopewell, Or., March
25, Cecifl Winifred Smith, ag
46 years. Funeral to be held
at S. D. A. church, Hopewell,
Tuesday, 11 a. m. , i -
KEARNS In this city. March
25, Cecil Kearns age years.
The body is at the Rigdon
mortnary. Notice ot funeral
later. - j ": ;
COBINE In this city, March 25,
Richard Carlton Cobine age .1
years.. Funeral services will be
held today, 'Tuesday at 3 p.
m.,v from the Rigdon mortuary.
Interment Lee Mission ceme
LA CHAPPELLE In this ? city,
March 26, Evallne La Chapelle
age 87 years. ; a former I resi
dent of Portland; The 'body
' will be forwarded to Portland
" for funeral services and Inter
ment hy Rigdon A Son, ! Mor-
- ticians. '
ASKWJTH In this city, March
26, Horace A. Ash with age 37
; years husband "of Mrs. Telitha
Askwith. The body Is ! at the
,, Rigdon mortuary. .
EATON The funeral , or Joseph
Eaton was held at ! the Webb
v Funeral parlors, - March 26,
1923, .at 1:30 p. m. Rev
- Klrkpatrlck conducted the ser-
vices. Interment was in the
; City View cemetery.
McELROY Mrs. Ellrabeth El
len McElroy died at her home
In the Auburn district east
of Salem, March 25, 1923, at
"' 2 a. m.. at the age of ; 74
years. Mrs. McElroy is sur-
vlved by ; her widower, Gilbert
McElroy. and three ' sons, T.
H. McElroy. Wm. H." McE,l
roy, and Charles G. . McElroy,
all of Salem. - Funeral services
will be held in the chapel of
. the Webb Funeral parlors,
March 27, at 11 a. m., Rev.
, Johnstari , officiating, j Inter
ment In i the f City View cem
EATON Mrs. Augusta Ea toadied
- atv her home at t1755 North
Commercial street, March 23.
1923. at the' age of 71 years.
Survived by C three daughters,
Mrs.lL. A; Baker, of Yakhna.
Wash.. Mrs. Robert Wygant of
Salem, and Mr. Jasper Rlck
ett, of Picket, Wis. one broth
er " Will -Keese 'i of Oshkosh.
Wis., 1 and " one sister, Mrs.
" Ruth Dennlson'of Salem.; Body
at ; the Webb Funeral parlors.
' Funeral announcement later.
Webb & Cloiigh
Directors V ;
Expert Exnbabiert
Rigdon & Son's
SIORTUARY -Cneqcaled
Service t
from Colorado, was comraittel to
the state hospital yesterday.
A Classified Ad
Will bring yon a bnyer. Adv.
Reserved Seats for Tonight's
Fights on sale until 6 p. m. at
Smith's cigar store and Terminal
Billiard parlors.-v Prices, $1.50
and $1. Ladies free. Adv.
Meetings Continue ,
By a decisive and practically
unanimous vote of the congrega
tion, the First Baptist church
decided to continue the llunder-
up special ; evangelistic services
for another week. Because of
a cold, aggravated by overwork
Rev. Mr. Huderup held no meet
ing Monday night, but will be
gin tonight and continue - each
evening - during the week. The
house had t standing .room only
Sunday night. :
ReMcrved Seats, for Tonight's-
Fights on sale until 6 p. ?n. at
Smith's cigar store and Terminal
Billiard parlors. Prices, $1.50
and $1. Ladies free. Adv.
Roy (Spec) Keene of Corvallis,
spent the week end In Salem. Cor
vallis schools had two days' holi
day last week to give teachers
and pupils a short rest following
several weeks of much, absence
because of illness.
W. B. Cain, head clerk at the
Marlon hotel, spent this week
end in Portland.
Harry Levy of the Midget Meat
market, spent the weekn end 1
Mrs. Helen, Damon and her
daughter. Miss Ruth Damon, of
Portlan, visited In Salem Sunday.
Louis Cohn ot the Ace, was in
Portland yesterday.
Miss DellaRawson has return
ed to Chicago after visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
A.. Raw-son. -, . V-:
Harry Levy of the ' Mraget
market spent the week end In
Portland. '
Ed - Chastaln was In 'Portland
for the week end.V
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green, their
son Robert and Mrs. Ryan. moth.
er of. Mrs. Green, stppped here
Sunday en route from Portland
to their, home in Oakland, Cal.,
to visit with Mr. and Mrs.1 II.
R. White.) Mr. Green ls a eou-
sin of Mrs. White. " V
County Judge Bushey who Is
111 with the grip may not re
turn to his office for a week,
it is reported.
W. M. Hamilton, Willamette
valley manager of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power' com
pany, Is 111 with the grip.
W. G. Allen, manager of the
Hunt cannery, is but after
siege with the grip. .
- -A. N.- Pierce,- manager of "the
Marion hotel, who recently un
derwent a surgical r operation,
. . . . - - .
win not return to aaiem ror sev
eral days. , 1 ,
The appearance ,: of the old
steamer Grey Eagle again on the
upper' river recalls tho time when
that historic craft, taking advan
tage of a fresh lef, made the, trip
up the Santiam river to Jefferson
and brought out a cargo of flour
from the " Jefferson mill. .
The Grey Eagle Is the largest
vessel ever to successfully make
the passage up this turbulent and
treacherous stream. She .'was
built for freight and passenger
service in the upper Willamette,
but for many years has been used
exclusivel for towing logs for the
Spauldlng Logging company. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Fidles' ot
Buena Vista, were visitors at the
home ot B. D. Fidles Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Higgins and
family were guests at, the home of
Mr. and, Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn on
Claude Sharpe who has been
10 weeks confined to his bed as
a result ot an attack . of rheuma
tism Is reported slowly imnrovine.
, The new bungalow being erect-
to ai ureiiey ny Pettyjohn ft
PurceU for Bird Statesman, is
no nearing completion and will
soon be ready for occupancy.
The members of " the school
board of this district are rushlnz
the work on the water' system
being Installed for the schools
house and expect to have It com
pleted by the end of next week.
Mervln FIdler has - sufficiently
recovered from his recent Illness
to resume his work at the C. S.
Mammon Furniture store
E. T.'Crosham made a business
trip to Salem Friday.
Supervisor Bailey visited the
Halls Ferry school Wednesday, i
The decisiorwof the circuit court
In favor of the Phez case is a
sever blow. to a number of logan
berry growers in this community.
TURNER.. Or., March 26:,
Principal E. B. Fletcher, Mrs.
Lena Ball. Miss Gayette Davis
and Miss Hazel eBar attended the
teachers Institute aj Stay ton
Saturday. ; , '
x Mrs. West Smith had a serious
operation in Salem Wednesday.
U A. ThelsHcn drove to Hills
boro Friday. , . k
. Ralph Hussy called on' old
friends Thursday. i i -
Mrs. II. N. Gragg Is visiting
her sons, and other relatives In
California, , 7 . ; . ,
, Walter' Robinson spent Sunday
at the W. T. Riches home. '
Dr. E. C.V Saunderson and wire
of Eugene Bible school . were
guests of i Mrs. C. A. DavI&.Jast
Tuesday. , .
Juatis Robertson, Arthur Salis
bury and Glenn Miller are over
from OAC lor spring vacation.
President Landers . of Mon
mouth visited the high school
last week..
The High-Y club, with visiting
members - and the Boy Scouts
went on a long hike Saturday.
Mrs. H. L. Earl is spending a
few days In Portland. ,
. Fifty-three sat down at the
Father. & Sons banquet, given
at the Masonic hall Friday; eve
ning by the Hi-Y club. Elmo
S. White of Salem gave the prin
cipal address of the ' evening.
Several Willamette men were
present, responding with music
and other entertainment. R. J.
Thomas was toast master.
Lars Larson was in Town Sun
day. - Mrs. Levi Webb returned from
Salem Friday.
Joe Hall who has been quite
sick Is -better.
, Prevent Flu and Grippe
For a few cents you can ward
off Flu and Grippe by promptly
checking your coughs and colds
withl Foley's Honey and Tar;
Also ! gives quick relief from
coughs resulting from Flu,
Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asth
ma and Bronchitis. Forty-eight
years of satisfaction to users has
made Foley's Honey and Tar the
World's largest ' selling , cough
medicine. Contains no opiates
ingredients are printed on the
wrapper. , Refuse substitutes. In
sist upon Foley's Sold every
where. Adv. .
Miss Mickey . of Salem.) came
out aSturday evening to visit a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
Ivan Hadley. t
Mrs. C. Drager and Mrs. Delia.
Blaco were amonk the -' Salem
visitors Saturday. . . ;
Mrs. Helen Buitzke went to
Oregon City last Monday to visit
a week with her son, Will Ev-
erette. ' -
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wright
were shopping in Safem Satur
day. ":
F.' A. Wood Is to have a b'g
auction Bale at his pace - next
Friday, March 30.
Mr. , and Mrs. WUson had vis
itors from Salem Sunday.' '
The young' folks of the..neigh-
borhood are- soon to put on an
ther f their, excellent plays at
the schoolhouse.
M. Fllflct and Ivan Hadley
were among the Salem visitors
Saturday. 1
' Oscar Fliflet motored to SU-
verton Saturday to spend ' the
week end with friends. ,s.
Husband Mistreated Her,
Mrs. Binte Declares
After having taken, a solemn
marriage vow that he- would for
ever protect and ' support her.
August G. Binte, husband of Ada
F. Binte, threw her out of his
apartment" and told her to shift
for herself, according' to a dlvorco
complaint filed - in the county
clerk's office by Mrs. Binte. yes
terday. ... ; , -'r
They were married la Oregon
City in 1910, the plaintiff alleges.
At the time 'her husband wad In
the' saloon business and it was
his1 wont, ' the complaint states,
to come home evenings Intoxi
cated and to make existence hide
ous for the rest ot the night
Vpon one occasion Mrs. Binte
states, he awoke her late In th
night, insisting1 that' she take a
drink ; of his whiskey and upon
her refusal, threw the contents
of the- bottle into her .face. Fin
ally. In March, 1921, she state?
he deserted her.
...... A divorce and such other .re
lief as the court may deem Justl
fiable, is asked by the plaintiff.
j A ' bird house building contest
for iboyspand a cake baking con
test; for girls 'were held recently
at the Rosedale school. .. Promi
nent business firms of Salem of-
456 Court St.
; Phones
- ' 256
' Tl . V W
fered the prizes. -
Bird houses of every descrip
tion were entered In the contest
and have since been placed 7 out
over the district. The girls con
clusively proved that f they were
second to none in the art of cake
baking. The bird house prize
winners were Elmer Morris, Ho
mer Morris, Frank Morris, Carl
Trick and Albert Cammack. The
girls winning prizes, as cake-bakers
were Mildred Cannon, Lela
Cook, Doris Gardner, Lois Bur
ris and Lyla Little.
s The following business firms of
Salem contrbutecji prizes: Stiff
Furniture company. People's Cash
Store, Miller Mercantile company,
Farmer Hardware company, Sa
lem Hardware company. Will's
Music store, and Roth Grocery
company. -J- '
Ballot Title Completed
For Tax Referendum
Attorney General Van Winkle
has completed- the ballot title
Tcr a referendum, of the state In
come -tax act of the 1923 legis
lature which the" State Income
Tax Referendum leagtre Is now
attempting to refer to the people.
and aisc for the referendum of
tle Oregon Just Tax league. The
titles are identical and read:
"Purpose: To ' provide for the
levy'ng, collecting and paying, ot
an income, tax on individuals,
partnerships and resident and
nonresident corporations residing,
Incorporated or doing bus-'ness
within and without-the state of
Oregon, ' such tax being based
upon net Income; providing the
rules and regulations for com
puting, and reporting such in
comes and the tax thereon; and
making certain exemptions.".
No diplomat can arrange in ad
Vance what he will say: the su
preme - art consists In preparing
what, be must not say.
Teddy Bear
A Real "Blue" Hit
4 IS Court
Phone 083
v Headquarters for
'Cough Syrups
Cold and
Grippe Tablets
All the Standard Brands
175 N. Commercial St.
Phone 167
DKIj VKitDK ISUM, a3c ami 2Qc Karli ' ,
You should try packinpr some egfes in water glass for j winter use.
Leave orders for candled eggs for this purpose.-. ' - " -:
- Take home a dozen oranges with you, they" are healthful and are now
at their best. - - ; , '
William Jennings Bryan r ,says
that wealth Is a disease. t And we
don't "see him tasjdg a.ny serum
to prevent it. - . ; .
American house
wives are using
Calumet Baking
Powder today
with the same
1 m" luw (V Tm
8. success
mothers experi
enced over a third
of a century ago.
This perpetual
s made :
, . sales over ISO fo greater; than that
of any other brand. '.
There isn't a baking powder of great
er merit there isn t a leavener ob
tainable that will produce moresatis
factory or positive results. That's
why the largest baking powder factories in
the world are always busy turning outenough
Calumet to supply the great demand.
. A pound can of Calamet contains fell 10
, ounces. Some baking powder come in 12 otmca
. instead of 16 ounce cans.. Be mure you fire a
pound tv hen you want it. ;-v.:C;;.: -.v
Don't Fail to Hear Him Every Night This
Week at 7:30 P.'M. First Baptist Church. Topic
Tonight-;- .
"Why Religious Folk Go To Hell"
For Easter Gome
Colorful - S weaterb;
.. .. . . .' " - - .' ... ..
New Sweaters maintain-their vogue by many .
unusual weaver, and brilliant color harmonies. Dc-.
veloped in slip-on, tuxedo or jacquette styles, woven inj
orkft irnnl vnma or p-lnssv silks, manv of ttiem feature
fcJVSA. W W a f J m . w O -
the new almond green that
Where it Pays to
A politcian who impugns inces
santly the sincerity of hia enemies
ends by causing the public to lm.
ugn his own. . "
Mm J
that their
ot lavor
T7 i
- j
is so appropriate for sports.
"Pay As You GoJ