1 1 TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 1923. By MARGUERITE CIL.KKSON SPRING TIMK has entered the socjal' world and entertaining nas reflected the happy sea son of Kuushiii$ , ,and -blossoms. Easter music 1 ia taking the time ot a' considerable number" of the eoc'ety maids and' matrons. and the Toming week will be dull so cially. ' J . !. - . i . ) v The wedding of Miss Inal 't'ro'e : tor ,;was al interest , to many in Salem. The Woman's Club chorus will J sing Monday night with Miss Florence Matbeth at the 'Grand theater. ( . . The May Festival chorus prac tlce ris progressing and the date has , been set for May 26. The exact time has been" uncertain for Rome time and has been finally settled, according to Mrs. A. IN. Bush, chairman of the genera! committee. v.''.V-.7v.'--,' I ..:-.".:..-,...-:-. Honoring Sftss Flora Newman, whose marriage to , Henry Becker of Portland will be an event of the near future. Miss Mary Fos ter "entertained at a miscellane ous i shower last Friday evening. A delightful evening was spent . 'With, games ' and watching : the bride-elect : nnwrap jhe gifts, which, ranged from a silver buf fet feet to a little Malere kitten. Dainty refreshments Were served at tf- late hour." .t 'I -T V - Thoe present wefe, Ftlora New mart.Elti Piatt. Esther Bell, vCla(a . M'ller. Myrtle Reeves. Mauda Stenstrom, -"Anna iArms, Anna v Aline, Lari'la Perry Viola Nag$I Gertrude Hartman,; Aman da Alne. ; Detonia Byrn, Goldie Witttel. I Rose " Aline, Mary Foster, Mrs: Wiir rOobert,. Mrs. Roy ShidsJ MrsH Wyant, Mrs., Ruth Robert." Mrs. Marion Putnam and Helen Putnam.- I i : r ' K . Miss Ina Proctor became the bride ptjMare Latham of Silver ton yesterday at 4 o'clock. The cerenVony I was held In the First Method 'st, ' church and came as a surprise to their many friends in Salem.- Mr.' Iatham was leav ing soon for Santa Barbara, Cal., and; the wedding whichT was to hare been an j event of th$ com- I f i ll1 sjf . ing summer, was hastened. . . Miss Marv ' Bavne " and IlUKh r- Latham were - the attendants at i the. pretty wedding , seij-Yioe. Rev. j niaine E: Kirkpatrick officiated, j Miss tJretchen Brown played the wedding march and Mrs. Donald .Young sang "At ; Dawning." The bride wore a frock ot Brown canton crepe -anf a cor sage of pastel shaded blossoms.' l!or hat. was brown . to match the ; frock. Miss Bayne w&re ten can ton crepe. ; . . i Amonrf; thof . attending the wedding j were' Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Latham , of Silverton, Mr. Latham's paj-enfs. ' Mrs- E. - ! Proctor, The bride's mother is vis'trng- In the east','."' ' Miss Margaret j Gobdln,- a soro rity sister from' the .University of Oregon came1 home for the wedding. Both Mr. and Mrs. Latham at tended the University of Ofe gon last ybar and Mr. Latham wis a-member ot the graduating classof 1922": Mrs. Latham at tended the Oregon Agricultural for two years before going to the univars'ty. : She is a mem ber of Delta Delta Delta and Mr. Latham s a' member of Phi DDelta Theda. They left last night for Cal ifornia where they will be at home in Santa Barbara. Three local' gfrls appeared as. soloists for the Symphony orches-! tra Friday evening. Miss Iva! Claire Love, violinist, charmed! and delighted her hearers and graciously responded with special j numbers. t Miss Ruth Bedford,' pianist, whose ability as; an accompanist is well known in 'Salem, demon strated her talent as a piano solo '8t, at the concert. i , : MJss Sadie Pratt, wbb is a stu dent at Wl'lamette university, sang with her usual charm and accuracy. ; . ; The orchestra j Is itself an or ganization of Salem's younger mn sicians and one which those who are backing it consider . has not received the material endorse ment which it might from Salem people. t ' - ' i rA spring time , tea was given Wednesday by Mrs. William H? Burghardt. Blossoms In a col orful array werej used about the nretty living rooms of the Burg hardt Borne. Peach. , blossoms. f 6 0 0 "1 Si v . r FLORENCE MACBIjTH t ! : ' tives beginning tomorrow. Del egates will be in attendance from every localv organization in the state. The convention, in addlt'on ' to lis regular aunes, wm eieci uei- i egates to represent Oregon at th international convntion to be held at Los- Angales and San Francisco in May and June when the association's 30th anniver sary w'll be celebrated. During this time ,the Woman's eBnafit association has attained a mem bership of 300,000 extending into every state of the Union and the provinces of Canada and Includ ing 20,j00 Junior members. i Mrs. Minnie Aydelotte,- great commander for California will be Rotarians Make j." Macbeth Member rrocnws. daffodils . unit vinlpta ine gnesi oi nonor ana a re- lini. trim Jines of youth pre' krved and enhanced . by roper corseting. - Frolaset Corsets are scieniif ially de ' tign6d to rend$r support . rhere it is needed and to kiant freedom, $&Woifeafet: ' i' TTv;V' :, .dt r; I ,'. :'a".?vi r 1 Froletla't:c Girdles I "for all types of figures. 7;Renska L. Swart T tVrset Hpet iaii.st 'i 115 Liberty St. created a charming atmosphere of the early springtime. ' Mrs. Frederick Thfelsorl and Miss Nancy Thielson assisted Mrs. Burghardt and Miss Mabel Robinson poured during they tea hour. The burs were from four to six o'clock. r ; The, guests bidden for. the af ternoon were M4ss Mabel Rob ertson, Miss Marie Churchill, Miss Louise Corbin, Miss Frances Schrode, Miss i Helen u Pollock, Mfssr Melba : Davenport, Miss Alice t McKinnori Miss Mary Mc Kinnon. Miss Charlotte Zieber, M'ss Margaret Stoltz, '.'Miss Ruth Griffith Miss Florence? Jones and Miss Lenta Baumgartner ; i ' . . j ,. . Mr." and Mrs.' F- J. Irons are entertaining Mr. Irons' cousin, Mrs. .'WaRer Sharp of Fjuitvale, 3. C, who has been spending; the last three moritns vUIting " rela tives in Minnesota', i Sbe-4s?..now en route to her home vrr :' k t ,' i - - .'.'. . Miss Clara Follbrecht of Coop- erstown, N. D., recently arrived to "is't at the home of Mrs. J. D. Foley .for the summer. Miss Foll brecht may decide to locate per manently in Salem. -- ' '. The state conyantlonV. of the Woman's j Benefit.,", association for Oregon will hold its ; sess'ons nvrt? in me nouse 01 represent The Spirit of Easter eia ' .-. ..... ' . i - ... . .. A gift of f!ow.ea'at Easier will bring so much happi ness to those dear to you that you will be glad of thid. reminder. , r i 1 f . - r . : V : April 1st is Easter Sunday . i ' f " " i ' '. - . : "i Flowera may be delivered within a few hairs to any. d'lrebs in the United States or Canada by. iaeas of the i I iu ist'a. Telegraph delivery service. , j j- C. F. BRElTHAUPt Salem's TclegrajHT Florisi 1,123 Si Liberty nione 3 HO i ception and banquet will .be held at the Marion, hotel in .her honor. The, general committee in charge is "composed of; Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. H..A. Smart Mrs. . JL D, Chambers, and Mrs. Joe Bernard!. Those in charge of the Marion reception are Mrs. Bernard!, Mrs. F. E. Schaffer, Mrs. II. D. Chambers and Mrs. George Miller. The reception .committee whicb will be at the state house in cludes Mrs. Will Purdy, Mrs. Bernard!, Mrs. Caroline Bushhell, Mrs. F. E. Schaffer. Ushers will be Mrs. Leonhart, Mrs. F.iBor 'npi Mrs. B Peterson, and the girls of the color guard will be in charge of the decorations. Mrs. George Miler and Mrs. Caroline O'Brien will be in charge of the program cQm'mit tee. , S-The pages Z&fQ be Mrs. Foyd Smith and 'Mrs. Edward Shank- Thfe txv K rft'on com- mlttee is -.composed of Mrs. II. D. Chambers. Mrs. Rosella Cros san and Mrs. George Miller. I Mrs. W. H. Stensloff and Miss Dorothy Steiislof V are" spending a few days in Pacific City. ' - One of the paisley shawls used on the stage for the Snikpoh Ut erary society .play Friday night, was loaned for the . occasion j by Frederick Brock. It is more than 180 years old and has always been in the family.- Another shawl, more than 100 years oll was the prrvperty of Monroe Gil bert who decorated the stage for the group.--- i ....... I '. Mrs. G. V. Couson or Corva'l 'is is a guest of Miss Hazel See ley. ; " Frank "Rollo " wbb- host to the members, of the GAR at a chick en d'nner . followlnf the meeting of Sedgwick , post Saturday. March If, celebrating the occa sion orfiU" Etgbty-thlvrd birthday. DinneT-ws servd,by the Dangh. ters . of Veterans; plates bu'ng laid for :4 0 guests.;. The tables were arranged In the form ' f a large "V" and were? artistir-ally Hworated with daffodils. The color scheme was also carried out in the large birthday cake which adorned the hoad of the table. Individual akes also marked the places ot several members of : Sf dgwic'k nost who have .had b'rthdys since the first of the year. Dur ;ng the evening the string trio, composed of Avery. Hicks,1 Del Iwrt Mxre and Byron Arnold played, and a pleasing solo dance was also given by Miss Eliza beth Waters. Classified Ads In The 2 Statesman Bring. Results To be a leading grand opera star is some distinction for an Americari girl, but Florence Mac beth, the famous soprano of the Chicago Opera association, takes just as much, pride in her many associations with the social, bad ness and charitable world. vt; Her honorary membership kf '.he St. Paul- Rotary club Is partly unique, for she with Schumann Heink are the only two wohifen Rotarians in the world. ; The past summer she was In ted to the Elks convention 'at Atlantic City, where her hom'ei own band was one of the- final 'sts in the band competition, and 'here the supreme ! exalted ruler resented her with a card of hon irary membership. . In October this year the Camp Fire girls, at ' Mankato, Minn. held a solemn conclave. One of !heir number some months before 'iad been ill and past hope in the hospital. She had so looked for; A-ard to going to an adjoining citf 'o hear Miss Macbeth.1 The prima ionna heard of this. With a da.y to sparey she took the train to Mankato, and at the hospitaf, imid the tears of the' relative ang songs of life and hope for he dying child. From that mo ment improvement set in and tins Mtt'e girl was among those who bestowed honorary " membership in Miss Macbeth, and the name of Ka-Wa-Tan-Ya. tshe who groli- le thfi ffift nf 'annr V ' Proud, but unspoiled Miss 11' 4 -1- C 11 A I Xyh t is your daughter's ace? Four? Or . ten? Or eighteen? , Nj matter- what her age Js, here's a lovely Hat for her! The prices will certainly i give you a pleasant sur prisewn do not remem ber ever being able to of- fnr HatH so smart as . theso, of siich good ma terials, at price so low. Mrs. H. P. Stith ... - 233 Slate Salem, Ore. Macbeth believes success is found only iii service to others, and 8he is - convinced that not all the ge nius in the world is of the slight est value unless with it there is a heart fu 1 of self-sacrifice. Mi.s Macbeth will sing at the Grand. Monday evening. The pro gram - for th concert is as fol lows: i (a ) Viking ; song, Taylor: (b) Dear Lad o" j Mine, Foster: (c) Louisiana Lullaby, Brapscombe, woman's club, chorus. Aria, "Shadow Song," from Di norah, Meyerberg, Miss Macbeth. "From ; the Land of the Sky Blue Water," Cadman; Tht Moon Drops Low. Cadman, Woman's Club chorus. (a) What's Sweeter Than a New Blown Rose, Handel; (b) Vesper hynm. old Eng'.ish choral: (c) Kalina, Russian folk song; (d) Le The,, JCoechlin; (e) Kum Kyra (Norwegian Echo song); Thrane, Miss Macbeth. (a) Prelude, Schytte; (b) Ori ental air, Bowen-Fultoni; (c) Staccato Etude, Rubenstein, Mr. Roberts. (q) Song of the Waiting One. Strickland; (b) Pierrot. 'Roberts: (c) Sakura Blossom, Ross; (d) Hayfields and Buttoxfils, Del Riego, Miss Macbeth. I AT THE UBRARY "Huntingtower," a novel by John Bucban. "The Van Roon," a noval by J. C. Snaith. ; Children's Book "Rootabaga Stories," fascinat ing tales for the little ones, espe cially good to read aloud; told by Carl Sandburg. "Fairy Tales from Far and Near.'f folklofe from many lands, told by Katherine Pyle. "Helga and the White Pea cock," a play by Cornelia Meigs. 'Og, Son of Fire," a story of primitive man by Irving Crump. "Peggy Raymond's Way," by Harriet L. Smith. j '' ' Hayesville Sunday School Convention Opens Today .The Hayesville district Sunday day School convention will .con vene Sunday March 23 at the (Baptist church at Hayesville. The following Is the program for the day: Opening service by Allen Mc Cain at 10 o'clock. Quarterly Review of S. S. Lessons," W. C. Andrews, C. J. Baftruff. Mrs. C." Sherwood. Music by Hayesviile Sunday School. Address. Bas ket dinner at noon and business meeting of 4he delegates after noon. Devot'ons. Business meeting and County convention reports. Music, Kaizer male quartette. Address: Revj W. T. Milliken. Address: Rev. Thomas Ache3on. HOLY WEEK TO BE OBSERVED Monsignor Lane of Albany to Speak Tonight at St. Joseph's Church, New Books "McKinley and RooseveU Ad ministrations." a new volume by James Ford ' Rhodes. This car ries his studies of the history of the United States to 1909, the earlier volumes of his work be gan the study at 1850. "When the Wrest was Young." tales of pioneer days in the west, especially in and about Arizona, many of them thrill with excite ment, told by Frederick R. Bech-dolt. "Child Training as an Exact Science," a phychological study by George Jacoby. "Books and Characters, French and English," literary criticism of i number of authors, including Shakespeare, Voltaire. Blake, Bed does and Boyle, by Lytton Strach- ey. , "Impressions and experiences," 3ssays by William Dean Howells. "Esther and Berenice." two new t)lays by John Masefield. j i "Locusts and Wild Honey," s uiys by John Burroughs. "Confessions of a well-meaning Woman," by Stephen McKenna. "Jeanne-Marie's Triumph," a tory by Clara Laugblin. Holding A Husband (Continued from page 1) were ready to snap so tautly were they drawn. But the strik ing of the clock which Katie had set going in the kitchen brought me to a realization of the social duties before us. The bride's home-coming must not be mar red by . a conjugal row on our part. On her account, I did what I have never done before I played the role of a meek, coaxing wife, when I did not feel the part. Going up to Dicky, I slipped my arms around his neck "Don't be cross," I said. "There'll be no hammer and no 'I told you so club. Kiss me. and then let's hurry and dress." He held me off from him and looked steadily, quizzically at me until my eyes fell and I felt;tbe hot color mount into my cheeks. "You feel a lot like kissing me," he said mockingly. "You'd much rather exercise that fist or yours. But I , never decline a lady's challenge." He clasped me roughly in his arms and kissed me, smiling h a 1 f-tenderly ha 1 f-maliclously when he had done tso. - "Now there won't be any dan ger of a scrap when the dear bride and groom get home," he said with a comprehending grin. (To be continued) Holy week services will begin in St. Joseph's Catholic church today with the blessing and dis tribution of the palms. The Pas sion will be read at both masses today, - with no sermons, and to night Rt. Rev. Msgr. Arthur Lane of St. Mary's church In Albany will preach a sermon following benediction at 7:30. Holy Thursday, when the insti tution of the Lord's Supper Is observed, the members of the first communion class will receive their first communion. Mass will be at 8 o'CcIock'and the solemn proces sion in honor of the Holy Sacra ment will be a part of the serv ices with special music for the occasion. Good Friday will be observed with the mass of the presanctlfied at 8 o'clock. . The three hours, from noon until '3 o'clock will be observed with the Wa yof the Cross and prayers in the church. Evening services at 7:30 will con sist of a sermon: by Tier. J. Keen an, assistant pastor, followed, by the. rosary. Holy Saturday will be observed with the blessing of fire, the Eas ter and babtismlal water which will takelace before the 7 o'clock mass. Everyone is invited to attend, any or all of these services. England has made her first payment of the debt due the United States. Form In line, boys, and give the other nations who owe: us money an oppor tunity. : ROBIN HOOD TIGAI A MMJGH 1 KNOT Operetta in Two Acts by W. Rhys Herbert, Will be Presented by- . . . . - -. S. H. S. Music Department The setting of this .operetta. Is taken from -the sea. I r ! . .Y '; . " - - Eleven principals with excellent youthful solo voices and a chorus of 130 voices directed by LENA BELLE TARTAR. Proceeds of operetta will be used by the de partment to purchase music scores. This department ot the school Is self-supporting and the fact that in the past two years $425 has been earned by public programs attests to its excellence. H. S. AUDITORIUM 6 - April EASTER IS FASH ION 'S OWN DAY The occasnonon which you, like all other women, will eagerly pay homage to Style by smartly decking yourself in her most distinctive creations and joining the Easter Parade SILK DRESSES Choice $19.75 One Rack Full Taffeta Dresses with their basque waists and full skirts, a,lso lovely dresses of soft silks and some with wool skirts and silk paisley tops, you will find this assortment. TOP COATS Camels Hair and Polo Extra Special $24.75 and $29.50 Swagger and swank, soft ana nappy, bomei are belted and others are not. Other topcoats of tweeds season's new shadings. 1 1 You'll Find Here a Of High-Grade Styles That Are Different Distinctive Gala Assortment Silk Dresses $25oo Dresses of Canton Crepe combined with printed crepe in brilliant oriental colorings or of flat crcne in the more quiet shadings, dresses of Krinkle Knit and taffeta, good looking things that are beyond words. Dresses you'll be proud to own and wear. YouVe sure of satisfactory selection from this , , . group SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS Easter Gloves " Neckwear Silk Hose " Veilingi " . Handbags Salem Store 166 Stale St. I'ortland Silk Shop 383 Alder SL 3 I j 1 'I i t I 31 ': 1 1 4 . t 1 3 i t I b : ! I ? t i V- i v 1 ! ,i Hi i;i