TIU' OKKfiON- STATESMAN. SAlAllC OREGON : At A Oil IV i.4 V), -I 1. 1 ' ' '- ' I CLASS11 Kate P word: a.. Utertio Thf inaertiona t; r" 20c .15 -12c "ti-i "aatrset. Mf Hi Bntt' eenirct. per mo... for Hf drtiSmBt 35 annimom fcOKWICII UNION m3 INSURANCE 80CIETT ' Y7. U. Biirghardt, Jr. f jmII Aent 371 State St i TONEY TO LOAN ' Oa Real Estats ! ; ' I I.K. FORD r fprcT Ladd ft Bush Bank) NEW TODAY tat WOOD PHONE 132 J. rt : VLELLOTD REED BABY C.Vrt ,'. 549 North Capitol. Phon 1710 J aing. ' " IS NASH SPORT TOURIXO. wire wheels, good rubber. Jots of . Quick sale, 9600.; No trade , South High street. f iLE 500 HIMALAYA. PLANTS. V r 100. W. C. Dibble, B. 1, Bo .' i;. ' phon 115F4. '. TlT'. AND FIRE WAIT FOR NO MAX In insures. , sana ",ji ei abed f them. Let ' us furnish your ,- wursnee. we sell sound protection at ' In COSt. t Pson S4T. Standley : A Foley. .A rents SPLCIAL TODAY $300 DOWN WILL ' , kr e modern bungs low, 3 room. Vtricity. bta," toilet-dandy locution. Pre for few day reduced to 92500. ' Chil BeehteU, .540 State street. . LOT& LOTS COTS NOW . IS , THB i liae to select year lot if you are coin ' to bsild this spring. W hsv them at 1175 'and ' Bp. Childs ft Bechtel. t1 54 Stst street. : HEX T1TCHIXO AND PICOTIXO AT. i tsfJsmenr Fits any sewing machine. Pri'e 92. Eeonomy Sales Co Billing. Kant. .TCCiD PCBSE CAN HAVK-flAME BY , riBa" for ad.-. Call at 240 Hood St. i'offT ELGIN WRIST WATCH, WITH iaitu! "M. A-r." ' 333 X Chonh. i Seward. ' . '' " ELE AS WASTED-Iclrr WEIGHT. IX i goad condition, for 40 arres ; Hood f Kivet laad tlear f debt Title O. K. 6e' toy afeat, Mr. Robinnon,' 229 Ore- ton Bids. .Phone '1013.'' Insurance and lean. OLE HAS THE ' beet used Ford in Salem foe a mail cash pay- meat.' '.' : LIBERTY STREET. EJYAL ASXE CHERRY TREES , FOR !. Xo orjlers less tbatt 25. . Phone n- ' ' ' ' ; . - " t U.rY. AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE hosiery-line tor this cos nty, in and around Salem. Address "E44.": States B.aa. , , f:0J0 BCTS A 5 ROOM HOUSE AT 330 ttiih street. See . W. G. Krueger V.9 Oregon" Burlding. Phone 317. '. XJ lARMEa IS 8ICK. THEREFORE I most eloee oat my aplendid stock of I-.od sews, .some with pics and some t . .farrow soon .wiU sell en time to ) ' " able parties. A1m e6wi : Poland ' ' China and a CheaterW1tite boar ' for ata. John N. Scottv 208 Oregon Bid. IX .1 RENT DOWNSTAIRS MODERN apartment, : partly 'furnished; etean) heat, prirate bath.' 4133 Court. VCa 8.VLE EXTRA CHEAP COMMON fuTaiture for four .rooms.. Call fore-Boo-! si 868 Broadway. r0S 8A1.E 10 PINE LOTS OX NORTH 14th ttreet,-two blocks from "Washing ton junior high school. - 9323 apiece. These lota will doable in valve in one .. year.: . J ' ' ' 5 room cetUce. lot .66x123. well located. 11300, 9300 cash, balance monthly. 3 room cottage, lot 60xlt3. well located. , 11400. eaah or terms. I These are good properties. , 5 , w. McLaren healty co ' i Fbene 430. ISO N. Com't Street. PIAXO FIRST CLASS CONDITTOV looks and is like new, 9198: 95 down, flJlO per week." Tallmaa Piano Store. 393 South 12th. 1730 PLAYER PIAXO. LIKE NEW. with rofU and bench. 9325; 910 down. I f !.9 per week.. ThJo Is a real bny. fe it. TsUmaa Piano Store, -393. So Twelfth.- , ..... V.SEO CASS - l2l rdge Roadster .....i.i: 9MM 1921 Dodge Touring ; 600 191.1 Dodge Touring 323 Re Touring J 550 Hit Fori Roadster v. .. 150 "17 Ford Delivery 150 ChaasU Ford...J i.,..,- lOO 1919. Rrub tie 1-ton truck . 350 EI NX STEELE MOTOP. COMPANY Phoo 423." , MPLOYMhNT MALE EOT WAXT8 WORK. "WASHING CARS ! ' ichoot. phone 608R. FEMALE VAVTED LADY WANTS WORK our. Phone 60SR. ' BY J WANTED PLACE TO DO r ' bftewrk.V Address ''E di LTGHT States v. Wanted a thoroughly- compkt V t waid. None other - need ppl-l- 'eracs"requtred. Mrs. C. S.' Hamil too, 290 Front street. RANTEDWOMBS. TO SELL RXPRIT ; 4 Ann T;u ..n.u x -i ' Bilott. 115 N. Liberty. - MALE AND FEMALE WATr:t MEN Attn WOURN s ravs nor snbecriptionS. A w anntitwa to thm right mmoU : Ail VT " Pacifiw. Homsoleod. aHatoae . Sai-m. Or. - PERSONA! GET MARRIED BKST MATRIMOXfA PMr nuhlished. Free foY stsmp. . (tor "POBdwt. Toledo. Ohio FOR SALE . EIED8. FLO WEBS AND PETS - FLOWERS. FUNERAL PIECES f 't"d- plsnts. '. Flak' PetUad. 978 '- i 81. Phon 636. " . . LIVTSTfCX or SALE PiTRK.RBr.fi . I. sh niRRI " Teggaburg buck; 980. Doe freah sto April, Juno. 930 np. Elian Rat per word: .' -k an 6e j .173 SO.. huirt Ashiand, Or. FOR : SALE LIVESTOCK FIGS" FOR SALE PHONE S8F1I. roft SAL GRADE NUBIAN DOES ;nd kids, rogiaUred, 920 np. la. 1 2..1,' L .' Pornoa Ranch. , Tiller. Oregon. PZAKOS " GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO-, 91SO. Termn if desired. H. L. Stiff k'nrni- FQR 8AI.B GOOD USED .' MAnOG ANY piano left with na to sell. Priee 820O termn, H. L. Stiff Furniture Oo lis-' si department. -i : : - . . PHONOGRAPHS. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. 9125.00 Victor ' 915O.00 Victor .!.. 9150.00 Path.., 9U5.00 Columbia 9 15.00 Victor . 9 03.00 - 113.00 , 67.50 110.00 52.50 Terms as.. low ea SIjOO per week H. 'W STIFF Phone 941. : FL'RXITURE CO.. I 1 404-430 Court St. FARM PAPER too . want to get the best fans paper, scad 15 to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three monthu' - trial subscription. UanUon POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eat stamp for special tare months trial Cot the boat and oldeet jonmnl In tho waas. Th artielea and adeertiae meat, ax, of special inter eat to the poultry breeders of the Northwest , Northweet Poultry 'JenraaL 2U Com s mrcia; 'aU-eet. Salsnv Oregon, k i WOOD FOR OLD FIR PHONE 1736. WOOD FOR SALE GOOD PRICES. A. Kanai, SiWerton. Oregon., Best Grade MillWood Font ft. and 1 9-Inch dry mill wood. Fw It. and M la. green mill wood. , . rroapt delieery sad reasonable prieos. Fred C - WeU. 805 S. Chnrck. Phaa 1349. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OLD 'NEWSPAPERS, 10 nu e bvndle. Circnlation department. Oregoa Statesman.; f FOR SALE HAVING QUIT FARMING n on 1922 model F Cletrae; one 2-boUom 12-iach efehard plow; one 6 -loot tandem disk uaed only part, of season guaranteed . good oA new. Also Lowded potato digger. - Writ or eom and as owner. Paul McKe. Jefferson. Oregon. - -, ' .4. ... .. Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven otKi limacti toon, together with a fin eollmtiou f patritie aongs, acred, song and innay old time later item, ... ALL FOR 2e - (Bpoeial pric- in euaatit lots) Especially adaptable for srtHMtt eamaine tty or homo singing. Send for Western Songster , 19 psgse, now in u third edition. ' Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 115 8. Oommereial SU i Salem Ore. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 ROOM UNFCRNISHED . apartment, with, garden. 1308 North Commercial.- v . FOR RENT DESIRABLE 8-ROOM apartment. . Well furnished. Garage. 920 MiU street. - ! - ' FOR; RENT FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT Clos ift. Lights, watar and phone fr. 417 Orogon . Bldg. FURNISHED APARTMENT CLOSE IN t room and sleeping perch. Oalt 1079 FOR RENT MODERN , APARTMENTS down town section. Tatton ' Block. Heat and water 'furnished, well equip ped in every war. ( For inspection or reserrstioa call at pattoa's Book Store APARTMENT, FOR RENT. 991 NORTH CommereiaL FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED psrtment, close- in; first floor. Tele phone 1316M. :?'; FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED 3 room apartment, also one, room with kitchenette The Angelus. 555 Marion street., HOUSES FOR RENT i-ROOM HOUSE, BARN, garsg,- ehieken . park; 8 lots, with fruiu M. J. Hunt, Ladd A Bush Bldg ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY" FURNISHED room; 915 a montlt 920 Mill street. F O B RENT . APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms. Leonard HeteL 254 N Front tret . i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, MOD era. Mr. Henry Row. 580 North 12th trev , J FOR RENT ONE HOUSE OF TWO furaishod housekeeping rooms:: alee three . furnished housekeeping 730 North Front street. 1 , NEW PIANO FOR RENT 9 PER MO, H. L. Stiff Furniture C. WANTED MTSOELLANEOUS WANTED ASH US OR OTHER CLEAN refuse, to make flit en lot loeeted S.E ornor 14th and Mission. . WANTED rURNITURK. TOOLS. ETC (Phone 511. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding C. Phon 19. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- i war oad fornilur. ; Beat price patd. 1 THE CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. , 183 N. Cemmrcial St. . Paoa 947 WANTED TO BUY. HOUSEHOLD FUR aitor. tool, miscellaneou artielea ' Pbn.no -1448. - - J VANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, MA chinery. stock, olo. . Will boy for e or ll' on eommisaUit. " Phoa III. . Woodry. th actr. BUSING CARDS -..i m eaacagBO-a-MHen-"'. AUCT10UEERS . G. 'SATTrm.r.n.. AnCTIONEER, PHONS 30-12lU('tS0 N.'Com'a SU Boem 2L ' - - - 1' - ' AUCTIONEER P. N, WOODSY. .THE v livestock; f nrnlur. - real ; eeUte aac tmnoer. ' Phone f 511 for Ml date, Ren. 1610 N. 8nmmer. COf. . B. GABLE AUCTIONEER Farm and city leV 160 8. Uija. PkeM 1449. ; : . . I V - ' ' i 'BUSINESS CARDS ACXTYIXNB WELDING IRON, STEEL, BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring the piece. Oxo-Gs. Heating Co 837 Conrt. - - AUTO DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO tor Co, 871 Conrt. . BERT L. JONES MOTOR OO, HUPMO bile dealer, State St. at Front, "Th ear of the America a family.' AUTOMOBILE PAINTING T AUTO OWNERS LOOK I ' TIME TO bar that ear repainted. Com in and Vaok r oar work. . On sceonnt of th nccosa of oar Ford. Special Job, it will bo continued. ' Reliance Auto Painting Co- 219 State, cor. Front St., second floor. Phono 4)37.. . - , AUTO TOPS AUTO ' TOPS Curtains to order, price reasonable. Andron-Ted, 171 8 High BATTERY AND ELECTXICIAJf A f CAMEL-IZED BATTERY NEVER . need drink. C M. Carlson, 94 N. Commercial SC. Salem, Ore. - 1 R. I. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South Coatmoroiat. ... , PRE8TO,LITEr : BATTERY v 8ERVICK Statloa. Expert .battery, and electrical work. Farri Bros. Pbon 1803, 418 Court. - AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU bl hooUng; 238 N. High. Phon 203. BICYCLES' AND REPAIRING - LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- ! and repairing; 887 Conrt. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES ARMSTRONG TLRXS TBB KIND that er wear - oat. - Tbompkia Hin. 919 N. CommarcUL C8ED PARTS 1:8 to 14 OFF. MIKE'S Ant Wrecking Hens; 424 North Commercial. Phone 923. MIKE'S. AJJTO WRECKING HOUSE ue paria tor au mane f cars. 1 buy old cars to wreck. 402 X. Com 'I Phond 523. . BADtATO B ft FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES. Md or repaired. J. O Balr. 848 Frry. f TKAOTOBS FOR SALE 1 AVERY AND 1 SAMSON tractor. A. C. Haag ft ,Co 444- Ferry treat. .. , ; -1 - ; . i 0. . HAAG ft CO, 444 FERRY ST. Phono 910. Cletrae tractor. 0Uet Im plement. USED CARS aw. USED FORD CARS. from an sutaorued ear 117 Touring 1018 Touring 9163.00 ;.; 183.00 27000 J. 230.00 . 283.O0 . 273.00 .. i, 300 00 W.U.. 265.00 ,..; 345.00 460.00 383.O0 425.00 500.00 . .1. . 475.00 .. 865.00 Open Saturdays..,. MOTOR CO, . Phoa 1993. 1919 Touring 1920, Touring ...... 1920 Touring . .. 1920 Touring w.. 1921 Tonring -1920 Roadster 1922 Roadster 1920 Coupe 1920 Coupe 1931 Coup 1921 Coop ' 1921 Beds ..... 1P20 Truck .. : Liberal Term. : . . VAIXEY 50 No. High. . VICK BROS. USED CAR BULLETIN 1919 Dodg Touring 1917 . Dodg Touring 8475 ,.. ... 800 1919 Oakland Tourine. n paint 350 1918' Chevrolet Tourlnf - 150 1921 Ford Coup ... . 450 1921 Ford Touring . : 275 1918 Studebaker Six, new paint.. "300 1918 Sludebakor Four 200 Kordaon Tractor 200 8amoa Tractor . 500 Samson: Track . 830 1921 Hudson 8uper 8is..-. 850 Butok RondaUr .... - 1.5 Overland Four Touring . 300 Overland 90 : 200 Maxwell Touring . 100 1918 Ford Touring 125 Ford Truck withinew tire and eom 1 . pletely overhauled with body and 1 Cab : : 300 Ford Truck with body and full top. . license w M. 350 1 VICK BROS. High Street at Trad. . BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND FLUTT RUGS NOTICE TO THB PUBLIC WB NOW weave fluff rugs mad out of old ear pott, any length or width yon dsire W Uo re-fit, r-sew and sis earpts. - Peataer renovaHng and msttrsss tm lag and r-tnking Bslem Carp' Cleaning and Fluff Bng Work. Pheay 1184. , CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING CaU before 9 a. na. 84F81. ,5 . s CEMXNT CONTRACTORS CEMENT. CONTRACTOR AND FINISH I er. Esimates furniabed, C. M. Oglosb) Phoa 1960J. :. -v ' CHIMNEY SWEEPS Tl CHIMNEY SWEEPING P U R N A 0 cleaning. P. Councilman. SaUat Hard war Co. ' . j CLEANXBS AND SYZRS SPICK .N SPAN CLEAN EE 8 AXI dyer, raoaa J9. , SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS -Suit cleaned ad presssd. 91.50 ; i Suit sponged and pressed, 50. ..- 121ft 8. Com'L Phono 190 ' s .. , . DRUG STORES . ' . ' WM. NEIMEYEB "JUST DRUGS, 17 N. ConunarelaL Phone 167. PTXAJrCZAb ; , - GOVERSM ENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 V per cent. 803 Salem Bank of Commerf' .-Puts & Calls 1 940 to 8125 control 100 share f. listed stock en N. Y. 8tock:Etrbaagr No further risk. Mov of 5 points Iron option price givs yen opportunity t Uk 950O profit: 8, 930U. etc. , 'Writ for Free Oircnlar. . .- : - ,,-Ri Parker -4 Co. : V -60 Broad 8t; N.:Y ' ' . ;- :PB If ' L O iB8 .AT 9'PBB CENT aad 8 PER CENT ANDEB80N ft RUPERT Ursgoa Bldf, Salem. Or. fw- ........." BUSINESS CARDS FINANCIAL LOANS ON THB EASY 1 PAYMENT plan, can "repay at any time without K a-tr charge; 417 Oregon Bldg. . PLORI8TS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery. Q. F. Breitbanpt, florist, 123 North Liberty street. Phone 390. FURNACES SEAGROVB FOR FURNACES PIPE and pipe! ess; .199 ..Bv 13th St. Phon 895W, ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phon 1200. 1 ELECTRia FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co, Phoa 1934. 323 N. Uberty. HALIK'S ELECT RIO SHOP XLEC trieal machine - repsirlng, eoniraeting, 837 Oourt. Phone 488.. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Hona wiring by hour or eontret. Es timate furaished. Phoa 980, 414 Court Bt. . ;r., I'". INSURANCE DON'T WAIT UNTIL- IT IS TOO LATE but when ' yon need automobile liabil lty, burglary, accident or fire ins-raac phon 717. Frd E., Mangi. FURNTTUEB STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less meaey. 878 Oourt Phoa 464,- : - - PEOPU'S FURNITURE STORE NEW aad aoeondj hand " furniture; 371 N. Commercial. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DBESSMAKINO SPBNCBB CORSETS TO ORDER i Dreaimakiag. Carri Fisher, Me Coraack Bldg.' . . DRESSMAKING TAII ORLNO. 771 N. CommerelaL Phone 2002M. Good work i 19 years experience, r ' , HBMSTITICHINa 8 A L E M ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleating, buttons, stamping aad aeodl warki 929 Oregoa Bldg. Phoa 979. MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, tamping, buttona. Room 10, over M U ter' stor. ; Phoa lit. ;., i . . IADIBS - TAILORING - - u.; W. J. MAYER LADIES', TAITXJRINO; long costs, and salts. Room T, McCor Back Bldg. Phon 692. BUSINESS CARDS hfXN'S STORE ED. OHA8TAIN CLOTHING CO. SUITS and vrcoat. Us my stairs, It pay. 8f5 Stat fit 1 " - - ' - XAUNDXIES .-, , - . : ,-'ry YALE LAUNDRY . IS AGAIN IN. A . FO aitioa to render you the snm efficient service a before th ' fire which de stroyed our okl building. All kinds f laundry work, alee, eloaaing and pra ing. Pboa your wanu to 195 aad w will ealL SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 816 S. Liberty street, Phoae 25. Oldest largest beet. Established" 1889.. CAPITAL CITY .STEAM .... LAUNDRY Quality work! ' prompt . ervic; 1964 Broadway. Phon 165. MACHZKE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC El EOTRIO Steam bolters, vnlcanisers - and tube platea. Parry C. Campbell, .817 N. Liberty. H. AND M CO. SPECIALTY ' GRIND- or and welders . Aatnmotiv Service. 490 Ferry. Phon 864. ' , WECHTER ft SMITH MACHINISTS. engineer. : wslders. Hesld i cylinder grinding servica.. Phon 563-845 Ferry - MVSlCAJu 8ALEM CONSERVATORY OF. MUSIC Alt branch taught, diplomas granted. John R. Sitsav director; ii31 Court Phon 036. . A 'COURSE v IN BUSINESS PIANO plsying. Popular yoopatd standard ntnsie.- Semt-clnssic - nnd ballads; 13 leaeoa. WaUrman Piaa School. . Me Onmaok Bldg.' - - - ' MEDICAi. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY- Paon 51T-W. - - - KU8I0 STORES TRADB TOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H, L. 8 tiff Furnj tor Oo Musi Dept. GEO. tt WILL .PIANOS. " PHONO graphs.. wing machines, aaeet mnaic and nisno studio. .Repairing phon arsphs aad sewing snachin; 4? State, fialasu . - . - SHERMAN, i CLAY ft CO- PIANOS Steiawaya. Duo-Art and othera. Maere'a MaaU House. 415 Court Ut. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING L SAUL JANZ EXPERT REPAIRMAN Oh all make of talking machine, bead aad atriag inatrumant.' Call writ or phoae 983.' Moors' Mod House, 41; Oonrt St. 8nsfctioa 4ruaraateea, PIANO TUNERS 1 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED P' an tunr. Lv orders WU1- Musi Store, NURSERY STOCKS COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALl ! fruits, ernsmentu. CspiUl , City Nur ry Cow 43r Oregon. Bldg. , Phone 7.v WANTED - STRAWBERRY- ' PLANTS t end other small fruit:- Ward 1C. Rich " sxdaen,. 2395 N.' Front.- Phon 494 FRUITLAND NURSERY HAS A FEW ' i mora Italian prune trees, -4 to 6 feet ' also amalrer grades..- -Phoa' 114011 o , 199. . FOB SALE-FOUB TO, t trees. Phoa 1125M. SIX PKUNl rRUIT. NUT. AND SHADE TREES r Pearey Bros 237 Slat. - STRAWBERRY PLANTSNEW OR' 9ob" Xagoons. Oold ' 4oIlara. 5c, 1'c ; lflO, 'prepaid- w- ..uuu. I uvt pre naid): insoeefd. e certified blast. W. Morrisoa, Canby.Or. ' ' - OHOUOE .SMALL PRCIT. PLANTS : Strawberry, blackberry, blsckesp: berry i earrsat; grspe. .. lagborry. . red rasp : borrn -Also paragn. rhaharb. etc Ward: K. Ricbsrdaea. 2295 No. Front ' 4 Phon '494, ..';..",, ' - ATTENTION. T3PIf... QROWERS . Choice BartlOU pr treoav fee aot re dttced prWa: i R. . W. Msthla, 8alm pboa'iHF2i. ' ' FRUITLAND NURSERY GRAFTED waTnnls. mostly nil kind. Leading ' rletr . narscry stock osb bo seeo mi Cherry City Feed ' Barn.. 544 Ferry . alfaetw Phoa 114011 r 199. BUSINESS CARDS PAPEBHAXOXHG AND PAlJitTNO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE doeorsting. pnper hanging, Uating. etc Reliable workman. TEN CENT. KALSOMjNE IN BEAUT! fal colors; 91 doe a room. Man O. Buren, 79 N, Com'L , , wZaUKBZKQ GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND beating; general repairs. Phon 550. Ul S, Ltberty. . PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phon 1897 J. Shop 137 Onion trees. A L. Godfrey. , SECOND BAND OOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND ells second band furniture,, tool nnd junk; 920 N. ComrareiaL Phon 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 943 North CommerciaL Phoae 1369-W j STOVES AND STOVB REPAIRING BTOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeare priaco. Depot National . renee, is 28 to 28 la. high.. Paint, oil and oaralah- te loganberry and bop book. Salcnt Fence and. Stove Works, 950 Court street. Phone 124. SCAVENGERS 80OS 8CA V ENO ER SERVICE (8UC- coaaer - to Keel 8 f-a v eager) Garbage aad refaae of all kinds removed by th month. Reasonable rat. Phones: Of flee 529, rsidne 9058. SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, -r refaad Of all kinds removed. Cos pools eloaaed. Phon 167 or 1007 J, TQNSORIAL GET SHAVED "AT -THE MARION BAR . br shop, 156 S. Com'L - TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S, STAGE LINES . : ? J.' W, Parker. General Manager Ctrl StaM Trmlar .Salav Oregoa 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIV18I0N " Leave Salem, Central Stag Terminal: . .7 a. at- 11 a. a- 8 p. av, Lav4 8ilvrtoa.'Nrw Sund: ' ' ;8 n. m- 1 p. m., 6 p. an, Salem-Indepeadence-Monmouth : Diviaion I Leaves 8alm Central Stag, Terminal: t a. wLt 9 a. m 11 a. m 9 p. as. Leva Monmonth,1 Menmoatb - Hotel : t .- 9:15 a. m- 1 p. m 8.15 p. m. , . Leaves ladapradme. Beaver Hotel: ! 8:80 a. sv 10 a. m- 1:15 p." m '4 p. 'as 6:80 p. m. r'-', -.-1 ii W snak , eaaseetiopa : at- Salem to all part of tho valley. Eatr trips by ap pointment, v . - : J. W, PARKER, 0arai Maager. TRANSFER HAUXZVG i CAPITAL CTTT TRANSFER CO 22 State St. Phob 9397 Distributing, for warding aad storags-our specialty. Get our rates. r. M s.-ffr u'St WB MOVE. STORE' AND SHIP HOU8B- p bold goods. Our Specialty: is piano add xurniiur moving, v aiso -maae. cewn; try trips. W hand) th best eosl ad wood. . Call on na for price. W gi good measure, gobd duality oad god aervieo. Lormer .Transfer Oo. Phoae 90 -WOOD SAW ISO WOOD SAWING. Phoa I 1181. ED Spread, - "VARIETY STOKES SALEM - VARIETY . STORK CHINA were, - glass wate, toys, notiobs, and mil Hnory. . . -r WATEB 8ALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. i Offlc. 901 South Commercisl St, Tea per ent : diacoot . oa ,: domastl fiat rates paid . ia advaaeo. ' No deductions for absence or 'any cane unless woter is ' shut ff your pretnU. -' . LODGE DIRECTORY : UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp ft Armory, First, third Monday. PROFESSIONAL AMBULAN.CE SEXVXCB SALE M AMBULANCE SERVICE Pboa 666;. 173,8.. Liberty. - - CHIROPODISTS DR. B. P. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tioaal Uaitcrslty Seieaoe. Chicago Maaonie Temple. Phone .640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUSES, ingrown aails; all foot .troubl. ' Price She C. Phon 616. v - CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR 473 S. Commercial.-Hours 10 to 13 1 to 5. Phone 1415. , . DRS. SCOTT ft 8COPIELD. P. S C Calrapraetora, 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 87: re. B28-K. " - ' CHUTESB PHYSICIAN DR U T. DICK CURES, ANY KNOWN diseaa. 1.55 S. Jligh St.. Phone S8S SBUGLE8S PHYSICIANS MAGNEtlO HEALING DR. A, . L FrsnU. AeuU aad i chroai diseases Phoae 780 over People Cask Stor. rUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tore, 910 Center. Ploa 1656. - OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 904 Oregoa Building. SUITE 301 GLAS8ES FITTED BY THB .BQW. DP tieal Co4 " 825 Slste - trot, . opposite Ladd A Bash Bank. - "Ua QuaUtj Proven Shar-o." . KATUBOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DRv A SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diaOates; .413 Oregon Bldr- Phemo110.- . , OSTEOPATHIO PHTSIOIASS DR. FOSTER - 404 .OREGON ' BLDG Phones 758. S024-J.. ' , OR. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC . physician and snrgeon. Kirksvtlie graduate. 404-405 U. 8 National Bank Bldg. Phoa. olfic 919; res, x. DR. JOHN I LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC PhysMan nnd Surgeon.' 403-404 Ore gon Bldg.- Phones, eflic -l9; - r . 58 F3. . V c .RCAl ESTATE KTM 5 UWM BUNaA'r.dW, M BUCK 1o' street csr .V 8330fjr85W.'v monlhr, MJ. llnnWL-Jd A Bush Bldg tOR, SALE A J EW .LOTS LET, FOB 4 9LSS 'Mb.;' 469-Stat Wee. "y. 'Gomptdn Rear Estate , ' .. A. W. ESTE9 TtEALTT. L'O, r 827-28 Oregoa Bldg. Faeae 985 REAL ESTATE. LOANS. FIRE, AND. a t -a- !.l!,l.a, I. .BM.HKi. I AZIV" aVL. a. Just what jea.waat CaU aad ss a, REAL ESTATE:: SALE-TRADE IMPROVED RANCH. immediate possession, W. U. Converse Salem, Oregoa. ACRES BEARING FRUIT LOCATED m mil from - end of S. " Commercial street car line, 5-room house, S399O.0O. . Pettyjohn & Mouser - . 218 Oregon Bldg.' - - FOR RENT 40 seres good gsrin land ia Waldo Hilla near. Macly. '.:. i' , ' 13-acr. tract 8 miles snath of Salem. Will sell to young,' well recommended eoupl with very small ' payment down. .- A. 0. BOHBX8TEDT 407 Masonie Temple . Salem; Oregon F03 SALE A GOOD SIX-ROOM MOD era cottage, close la ea tine-large cor ner lot with fruit acd garden land. Excellent bay at 94200. terms. An other , sew 5-rootn bungalow with ga rage, absolutely at a sacrifice as ovi st has removed' nnd need the money ; 93750 6m Wm. Fleming. 841 Stst trt. ' . ... Nearly 200 lot for sals some of thai real bargain. ' .. ' - - . Good Buys - 10 acres fin' gsrdn. berry and orchard land, . acre appleaw strswbeirles. raapberriea. aspnragu. rhubarb; Irri gation lnnd aad wwter right, horse, wsgon, smoli tools, etc Price 83500. . 6 acre 3' acres first el beaverdsm onion laad; new. 5-room bouie; 2 acre la fruit aad berriee. Price 86000. Real Estate and4 Fir iAsaranc - W. H. Grabenhorst&Co. 978 But St. ' U. 8.. Bank Bldg 6 ROOM HOME WITH MODERN CON veoiencee, pert bssement nd garsga, good -location. 930O0.00. Will etfhaftge for small acreage aoar dg of ity.i 6-room strictly modern home, lot 66x160, 95250.00. , , This is An oxceptional valna. ' Two 1 beautirul modern ' bom , on Fair- meant Hill with-view-that eaanet be nut off. , Every eonvenicne and. priced to sen. - ' V Pettyjohn fit Mouser 216 Oregon Bfdgi 8 COO beautiful diamond, for 8500. .today. Diamond Earrings, 9330, for trade. . Five-room bouse, fireplace. ' bssement 93500. ' ' ' : - - ' - Six-room house, North Cotlsge, Y 93700; clos In, . t . " , . . -, . . , Seven room house, Chemeketa, clos in. 94,300. ' : ' t Business building, elo in. 915.00O. " '. .GERTRUDE J.M. PAGE . '.' .. 492 North Cottage. . : Woods Bargain's" " ' Four-room honso, ' all furniahed. ' lights, plumbing sfid gs'; clots ia .-:....,....-. ......9200 New 5-room 4 bungalow, . oa . 'pared . . street ..... 40O0 Four-room house, lights and wster 90 WantdWA'hous4 a piymQt ha 50-cr f srm. , - v;-. '..-, I Hv. a Buick Six to .trad for rkouae Several 'bouses lor rent.' 81,500 to Ioaav F. L. Wood, 841 Stst street: SEE THIS 8 ROOM SJilU-BCNGALOW lsrg lot wtta fruit trees aad awtaria' for garage;' paved atreet; conteat. l and terraced lawn; buiH-tav praetirr ally new, partly furaiahed and oasjr-.te bay. 93750. .8500 eth and 925 pet motith. . And this 6-rooot hos-. fail condition.'; tw lota aad tw grse 81100, 9500 cask. See Mr. Whlwrighlk of the A. ' W. Est Realty Co, '3.9 Oregon Bldg. Phon 985. Best Bilys and Exchanges 31 acres, 5 acres logsns. family fruit, bf aac cultivated, 5-room house . borav 4eaa, ow, ehieken. all -impteweata aai tools: close to Pacific Highway.- Prick 96500, 33750 eaah. balkace to suit. r 36 Seres, 20 cleared, 16 stump pestsra. family, orchard, 2 seres strswbeniea good soil; ; 5-room bungalow, Lara, large poultry houses, ' poultry . perks, 2 mil from good town; incubators, brood '. about 5.00 -hens. ' 600 bsbj chicks.:, turkeys,, all kinds . of imple-. ments, 2 horse; 8 , cows. 5 stands of bees. .-. .;. ; Socolofsky! r ; 341 State, $1900.00 . SEVEN-ROOM SEMI-MOD era. house, and large .lot; dosen mrge beating-fruit tree, block off our, good locality., Juat a little cash. Also South Commercial street, K. front borne, sijt rooms, $3000.00. Tbre choice lots. south, nesr ear, besutirul vieW.sad face north; avisf by non-resident. WiJ! sell chesp. Form 'for City proper! nd.elty for. farm. ' Phon .1013. Rob Insoa, 228 Oregon Bldg., Ins. And lean KOIt T3.VLB NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW on North Church street.. Full cemekt bssement, 'Dutch kitcben, wssh trnys. cement .walks aad paved street. Price S4000. W..G. Krueger , Oregon Bldg. Phone '217. LOT ' WANTED IN 80DTH SALEM north of MiMer 'street if possible. Give details ta first letter, address "New eomer,-" cor Ststeemsn: - A NICE HOME ON -CHEMEKETA ST T .rooms, lots of . closet, modern - ex cept baseman t; large- lot, fruit tree tnd two English walaats. A real vslss at 84000. fi A very, aeat,' 5-room. bangatow tyl of house, -close In. oa a- corner -in good resiaeaee aeation. atooern an ass ' n gnragnr both streets pved This is Ibsrgaid at $3750. A aest-abingl bungalow in South Salem i Five room, plastered ; basement, ata j tionery .tubs:, near school;' $2000, one i j half dowa. v : -s r: 'See J.. A. "ilills, 3314' State 8U f Special - . liond Buy 5-room houae, soutn, nine blocks from Ladd A BusK Bank. A good buy. for 82100. , . i room, house. , W, block ' from Stat St on 13th street, for. 92000. , , 6 room. .14 'a bargsin 'for - 61650. lot -for, 18425.. with 950 dowa. 'good hottse for rent. . . Nice Four 331 '4 State Street, oiaie oireew ;Tnomason FRUIT' NEW. YORK. March 32. Evap orated apples dull; .prunes, steady: apricots, firm; peaches, -unsettled. r - r ' .' FOREItJ N AV1IEAT . LIVEfAOPPL, March 82. Close wheat: , March,- 9s, 11 Mid. or Vd 'ower; May. 9s:9 d or4d fow-r:--Jit1y -8s. S4dt'or.-!id lower.. - Duenos Afres. Opening "'wheat. ! hvQr: .AnrU; II.19.U- May. $1.21. down 14 c. T . ' I ; -."MISCELIaxl.VKOrat. - . RTJNlXUrch, r2r--Uu;tier ryfyttH1 extras.?" .t4p;4cube extras. 4tRc: prime, -firsts, 4c:;' IXut-rrat..- Portland "delivery: l No, 1 Sour cream. 44c. ' Potatoes: Buying "price, locals 50ft 60e; celling price. 75&S5cH new Califoraias, l2Vic lb. . IIOIDCB H ISDf'IICIBfl LillEr Allele Garriaow'si Mew Phae of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 266. THE WAY DICKY TOOK C0M- , HAND WHERE KATIE AND JIM WERE CONCERNED. . : "There!" Mrs. Durkee set low bowl of roses on a small table wheat, prices todar. the effect by the window and looked around failed to last Jn the face of late Leila's room in triumph, "I think geiiinE here aKaip.t buying at It's done now, or would Tou put Winnipeg. The " Chicago market another cluster " r'oK-d unbilled at lh same a 'Not- a single bud more, please!"! Lillian ejaculated. "U'b perfect now. Don't spoil it." All right." Her Fluffjness I looked at her tiny wrist watch and uttered an ejaculation of dis-l may. We've got to hurry, folks or .we , won't be dressed.; , Alfred I said we should, not meet them at I the station, as he didn't know Just quotations at Liverpool the wne which of the early evening trains market 'here advanced soon wltli they, could catch. But .weve go offerings readily absorbed d td be ready for them at 6 o'clock; buvers outnnmberinEsellers. ,! for they may be able to make ont miaBd for wheat available .to- .be necUons witb'tli train which shipped ationce appeared. ,how reachea here at that hour. So-yott ever; 'to lack vol o me. an- comTi folks who are going to dress In the other house,1 please scat right out of here. Edith will arrange) I the flowers in the living room; and I'll starL,the dinner; and then we can dress." -' "I suppose- that "scat. business' means us, old dear." . Dicky drawled, looking at me; ''So let'sr vamoose. I'm tnxidus to seS thd damage over there, anyway.! . I "It also means Marion and me," UUlan said. "Buti we're; quick j'sh. - Ih rtd'tlf i.vnn0wure"v Changes me child and meKwa tnada. that alTrf -he -T' we'll m vniri-at thm.ir). thi hn the Chlbarrjt:rh''-Hr.- 30 nfTw spectiou first, before : we anibie ''HlVhM w, nrrTrj tnlnyl- OTer.'- -. - -i , f . t. ! d in nwhllc e'evators. trine She- flashed :me ; a, signifani "roaslns the - a-Ttont r.f-br--d-glarnce., which I returned with read for 'lT"r- iratefal 'one. Dicky must ' have fontractn.,- -Cent' s'ied -liberal m- ! ... ... imtK from 'Arenn th oat, 1.l),' .li r nau In, 1, .,, A Ian L I ty laughed:' t ...' ; I'll; promise not 'to leave-any scars, or to -use 'a 'stick thicker than, my thumb? he said sardon- ieaHy. . "Bat. I 93k -you now, as man to woman, Wbat'n'U.'s the use of having fn.' wife unless , you .can hold her responsible when- things hftppen?".- - -j ; Will you etop gabbing ami gei out of here-?" our little hostess tre- manded frantically. -.Dicky seized, me by the hand, ru8heTne out of the-' room and down t He 'stairs, "Whet did. our beloved, hand maiden bay .to the mess -when: she discovered it?" Dicky Baked as we crossed the lawn. 1 stoBoMl ahnrt with . littlft gasp of dismay. -1 .had completely lorgouen my inue maia,ana. neri tantrnm, and . I wond-reA .If, wel ahould find either Katie or Jim. on thr. That. TMrk mat rist nr.! auainted .forthwith with thti iewl tlevelopment was certain. 1 didn't wish him .to tret -the .idea 'that. 11 was.keeoine this new develon - ment from him also. ' ' ' v ' - - .'What's th matter?. Jtiat r 1 member that vott left Katie . locked in the coal . ,celiarf '. drawled Dicky. . . '-.'' . , "Worse than -hat:". I retorted. "Stop' risht here till. 1 tell vou." I I ranidlv aketeherl lis nriden t ' Innrlinw i,n in TCnti'. onthnrit onrt her flirht to hr room. ndJnl. with a despairing little, wail.. ''They Won't Leave." 7T' And I don't know what In the SVArLt I ahull An If If n nnA Tfm leave Just now with all this work on hand." 'They -wo n't leave," Dicky de clared confidently. "Katie might be nut enough to ry it, but Jim has a lot of sense,, too much to be pulled around by a petticoat. ! He know what, a good fhing he has with us, crippled, aa he' is, and he'll never Jet Katie, upset the apple cart. Nay, nay, dear heart, Pluck up your courage." I tried to - emulate his cheery mood,-and succeeded Bomewbit until wecame to the side door, for ' r. t .L'a.el PUBLIC NOTICES Z'ZJZ.." " .OTlCB OF, IMPROVEJiKST OF WM STKKKT BE- lly!SlSLJSEE STREET AND OAK STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common - Council, of Hhe City of oaicm aewns . u wpeaieni' sua hereby, declares its purposeanjd woa to prove. : houi a w in- r rr ne Hin ? we 1 deserved having ouf home bro State street to the north line of ken up ,n thls Way Wlhout ever YiT - r V ewnse 04 loe ""luu& u .aujaceni property. in aueL'i ana niiey inter sections, the expense of which will be, assumed by the City of Salem ta... favatwa .X . r ll. at .. .- t7 f 7 P.l .0V,lra.";i " I".: 7. " ''" f MuBr runsiruiung cement ncie luroi sua paring Mia por tion of South Winter street wit h tbree-inch .bituminous concretel wearing surface pavement In ac cordance with the plans and speci fications 5 therefor which ' were dopted bv.rhe -Xtomnion .Cuuncl. March ISirr. 1925, now on ffl in the offlfav nf t ha fit., T?arnrar and whU are hereby referred to an n.rt hnt . . tnfl rasde. s. part hereof. . The Common -Council hereby'de- flares its "'purpose and Intent kin in, rnake thw" -abte', dfcf ibed tn rrfvem.ent vby and -,: through J lh Ftreet Impryrrensent Department of the City or Salera. t ; ;' Ry-order of.the Common Cvin eil the 191 h day or March, 1923. M. POULSEN. Citv Recorder. late of first publication hereof is March 22, 1923. CLOSES UlSEOLEO Foreign Buying of- Futuro mm ' I .11.. Deliveries Hftips .ui.ve uir - to Piices, ' CHICAGO. March-1' Al t h ci ' K h forelsn buylnr of future dellr6.r- ies helped clre a moderate life fv v?terrl jit's finNh fo v e lower. j - ,itn mt $1.21" to. $1.22 and, iTnu'lifiV. t illlfi'Si. Coa finished a hale off to c 0ots at a shade decline to a HV- adrsnce. and provisions down 1 0 ,U0 i cents. i After starting ' at ' a transVent downturn In svmpathy with lower iwlth yesterday and bulla were f a " farther dissdvantaBe owine . td rord that - a little - .moisture ni . been received in the drv rrvt lot Kansas. Tbert'came sDr"'"' loerstion between here .ana- in- Jnir leaving vMcef here slantlns MOwewtra in m unannmv. Saleo at 2fl0.opO -bitshela I wheat to be nut Into atore pv onrtbutd in pome' ae-Te- xo "v ight oft Tnarxet-sr t tn- ""Mil W tmm T Mm Ji1f rvanon given: tot -weakness f.T.lrernool.- 4i - --.- - - ronflnaMl -wjti,in ;Bwre.l'.-',. rn and oat refect M I'' t! f jVbwiC .notvrlthsn4nsr .tw. eom t jOtnaha ifomrtis"'!'''! r5e wieiaiVag the.hUhestr:'Cord; tl-Ja -e! ;Trmrlslon-'"rere ' lower's In .'! ilr host. valuer-, ."; .. . ; SELLffi DlfflS j pair --Buying SuppOrti HOV- A7or QfbrriT Hb nfsVm- wi.v mv v,.- lent Restriction. NEW YORK; March 22. ipec 'atlve apfrrehenston over the pos- sibillty of aa early increase in tee federal reserve rediscount rate l brought a lartte volume or seinn? I orders for both : afceonnts into to- 1 lay's stock markets hut fair buy Irg support was forthcoming and Jhe reactions in most ot tne popu- liar industrial issues were leia to I fractions, operations on tne snorx Iiae pt tne raarKei were aio en- - . . A- At , 9 J A m Mmm mm i coungea oy wc we icacu lcal 'POSitlon Of 8 BUmbeT Of BtOCkS resuixinr irom tner rapiQuy 01 toeir receni suTsnces. Stlffeninc of the, time monev ate to t virtual t per rent basis for all mMnrltV. and the roark- ng np of the jtall -money rate io . S per cent after, a renewal rat ot 5 called attention to the in- -itfoMoTi i .wr'li was also reflected 'n the further depreciation of bond vaue. . , ', . ..." - .. V Indenendent strength was, shown by 'several Issues in the; oil, rub ber, sugar and motor accessory croups."-.-'; ''' "'."' there Jwe found Jim and Katie waiting rorus, : each with' a small grip packed, Katie's swollen, tear-stained 'face , was filled with resentful; sullenness, while ; her husband's, though free from, an- ser, ws' still eloquent with dlgnl- fled disapproval. 'We're going. Mrs. Graham." Jlm ad(ire6Ked himself to me. -Katie, here. Is all excited like. Lnd rm gofng t0 take her dowa to 'my 'folks until we can find a piace. She won't be back, but 1 11 I come Wk tomorrow, if you like. u.j 1,-1 tK,n..rh .th th packing and moving. I'la sorry to 1 leaTe like tBig .Qt J dQn't think telling Us. We expected to suy 1 witb you as iong A Peremptory. Order. Jiml" I interrupted. I You miwit understand. I never - I meant 1 'Dicky Interrupted me with a little air of authority. which I had seen: him display to me but once or twice before. '. Please let- me attend to this, my dear," he asid-quietly, ' then turned -to-Jim.' t"My dear chap," he said cor- ?aVrr,',ltUt,Pf ZVfVT''1, I first. Remember I've Just got here. and.vknow; notblnt; about this. Katie!" his voice .was Tcrisp.' per eirrptoty; T'go, t6 your room', and wait .for Jim.".' I- .held' my. .breath.- -votitiering what. Katie woukl do. Lint 'after one jquickly - drawn lireath; - wne long, steady glance at Dicky., slie turned on her Jieel and obeyed nlm- 1 : (To Iru continued.) OIlllEILlli St