i 'i i f i list sot; i PEOPLE MEET Community Building Them? i An Enthusiastic Gatherings .. rnqay rugnr, V Aj great local -community meet ing was neldVat ' t7at Sjarton. Friday : night .fotv the purpose of landing up. av, local .community spirit and a general enthusiasm fi- Oregon products of all kinds. It was ; under the name of "Ore flji... Products ; Dinner,' . and al most 00 people were present to . bring and to enjoy, the best pro duct of . the statefc its good things to 'eat and Its good peo Pe. J A playlet, entitled Hans von Smash, -was; very creditably pre sented .'.by.'' local talent, . composed of ' the following persons;... Mrs. Nathalie Ireland. Mri. T, R. t Mc OlellanMiss , Hattie Dlvely," Mr. Iwey Divelyr Tt Rt McClellan. IS S. Kinney t anil Xoyd Di velyi fMIss Mildred Anderson sang 'SSn the Land Where the Sham rock Grows," and Miss. Walton, o& Salem, "gave several delightful readings-, II., M. Crane, an en tiusiastlc West Staytoh "hooter" recited an, original I noem, "Just Watch West Staytpn: Grow." Mtes Olive Crane .also gave a'reading, alv.1 FredJobelmann, member of . Salem's "Melody Five" orchestra, gi ve a. cornet eolo "The Rosary." The most . interesting part of ttci ' program. f however was tan- diifctedly the Radio - entertain- lilhl "sci"?generofusly provided bj . Fjjf Bj Barton i of the Salem' Elec tric: company, who transported has beet; Radio receiving . outfits rrom saiem'TO ; west srayton. iXmottg! those- present were: t&r. and Mrs. i.onard , Walker, M&r and; $Irs.:.Tbomas rMeClelian, Sr.,' Mr. 'and Mrs: Thomas , Mc Ctjellan, Jn, Oscar Stall, Mr, and Mrs, ? J. T. Dickens, A J . E. Bradley and family," Mr. and 'Mrs. A. P. Mills, Henry Crane,, Mr. Camd Mrs. Raleigh Hammer, Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank .Williams, Mr and i Mn Judy Condit, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C Condit, Mrs. Frank Lathrop and son; Mr. and Mrs.5 Irish Mil lpl.tR. ; Howard, ; Professor E. S.J McjCorraick and Mrs ' McCor mick. Mi, and, Mrs., J. W, Nippje, Mtt and Mrs. Milton McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. , M, E. Nipple, Mr. ud I Mff I VCajtea.Carlson, ', Mr injtMrsi GeQrgeHowardi Fred ClevelancMtw andMrs Charles Cleveland. xMr- n Mrs. George Ops; Mr. and Mrs.V. Mayro Mc Kinney. Mrs. MJ Kenney, Mrs. Lulu Haxnmo"5rMTr apd Mrs.: AJ Beal, Mr., an Mrs. Ed Olds, Mr, Mrjt" G.10BeaBi-FjftSK:BMl ton , v':V - - - - From Salem there were A. E. HotichlnTred W." . JobelmanUi Sr. Misah Lula Walton. Mrs. I A. Humphreys and daughter, i ;Ts? 7IcDonld, M-3 Taylor ,and ' Ft id' Jobelmann, Jr. rj.)'; '"-"K Xlfcertrlwas also represented in the persons of Carl Gibson and faitiy.' :- ;;u Turner,": . Aumsville, Marlon, Weit Stayton, Salem, Staytpn and , Liberty irere 'represented! On of the most important events of .the program was an address on rCommunity uBllding," by. Fled Jobelmann of Salem. PlrAM TO ROB ' ;-.UZ-, PAY-ROLL THWARTED (Continued from page 1); , deep; gash and accounting fox the only I blood; drown among the. citi xera. Other, bullets -track -the ca 1 1 Tha chase was taken up by car; oa fTjckiey,? on' bearing Ma. -anal Kllngenberg and Harold Phtipa. w ! "Ant automatic vahotgun utX tram this car" succeeded only la i marring 'the bahdi machine Bu! lets from the marshal's reyolv- i garrish Grove Sacrificed to JlcsbdUers ' r i . , .. . In order to raise between-; f 5000 -and 16000 , in the hortest possible-' time, sweeping reductions will be fiade tn the price of home-r' sites In the beautiful Parrish Grove, North Mill Creek be tween .Capitot.&nd' Twelfth. 'These tracts ; are in the geographical center of the iity and are the most desir able homeaites available in .alem today..' - ; " When I raised the money f o pay off, pressing claims against? this- property "some ' time ago I quoted prices that ; lold tracts rapidly Permit . me to. say that, until this v emergency is past, I mean - to' Quote lower- prices thkn .ver.V-j- a r : . 1 ' No tract r smaller; " than . S 0x11 2. Some bordering ' - the creek as beautiful - as Nature can' make them; are equivalent" to v 100x102 andU" 100x125. 'Until the needed money is raised these tracts 111 be priced without re serve at from $225 to 1900, the latter being- the highest pricef asked f 6f, the largest : and most; beautiful of the -tracts. , , -' I. expect'to ralse this mon . eyTina very -'short time, so"1 you. will see' the: necessity of -prompt action if interested. - Call after.fi. p. m. 624 N. , Capitol Street. Phone 1942-J - XI. A. HARRIS ' - f' er proved more effective . and .Af ter about two miles of the chase the car halted and Indicated that a.Burrender wonld.be made. Rip oil leaped from, the car and dashed Into; the , timber along the high way. uie was captured after' a two-mile chase by Marshal KJlng enberg and was returned to Buck ley. The three -men were returned to : Buckley, where ; their wounds. .were treated by Dr, J. H. Sheets. , Robbery Long Planned , -p. t Tha robbery attempt; 'planned for more than a. month,, was In tended to capture the-hi-weekly payroll for the miners of the Pa cific Coast Coal company at Bur nett. ; ' The money regularly leaves Se attle, the day before it is to be paid out at the mine and is taken to iTacoma where It is held over night. In the morning . it is tak en via train to Burnett, where it is received by W. H. McCullongh, paymaster'' : ". ' ' k' " ' X" '. , " . ."I have long feared that an at tempt would be made to capture tlwr payroll," Baid McCullough Saturday; "So I was ready. When the call came from South Prairie I ran to my car and took up the pursuit, expecting to cut off the robbers before they passed Back ley cutoff. ,They beat me and I kept . after them, j When they reached Buckley I was about six hundred yards behind them." Portland News Has Taken Up Job of Trying to Pro vide Equipment. At ' the state tuberculosa ; hos pital at Salem there is no radio apparatus. .... . ., i Day by day the inmates, all eitizens of Oregon, wander about the grounds. . ". -: . : The only messages from, the out aide areiby letter from friends. They want to hear the world talk.; 'r"--i'. :-: - A radio, outfit with "horn," of course, is the . answer. Howcan they get one? The inmates have asked the News to devise some method for securing a radio set. Readers, of the News who se a way out should communicate with the managing editor Port- land , News. Public Market to Open at State and Commercial I A public market will be open- "u in , me Dunuais iuiiuei i j yv j 4upied -Dy tne"Busick' grocery .tore about-April Jl, according to ians completed .yesterday; ,The building has been leased iby G- Klorf in, owner of the Bake-Rite bakery, and ; D. -Samuel i and - they- will begin - remodeling 'the-; prop- rty at once.;. ;. , t v; Mr.; Samuel has; recently re turned f torn. California .where he looked- over - pnbllet market con- iltions 1 there and i he plans to arrange for stalls to ; rent .within the market which he will open. Mr. Klorf in has taken a. stall al ready where bakery goods from his store will bo sold. . ' V ' The building in which the mar ket will be opened lslowned-by Chester ; G. Murphy of Portland nd. the. monthly rental is mraor d to be about S250 although the lessors, would make no definite statement as to the rental . rzr T B HOSPITAL HEEDS RADIO SET li I'- -tr .rtTTSaMt I i "w . TV' - 8raBM - - Y- ''.; 1 . ' , . i -. - ' - ' ' - , . i - . . -' - J : . . . ' - - ' - . - - , ; y mLA..ZOSElJf ; f .. SQUIRE EDGEGATE i ;- : featlWoan (X iCB ' " miunrminnniiifp !tbt.made the Alfamou. Inrniiiiiin nil nrnx Mil Ul It-MI1K IIH lUUn ieag comes in mans sized slices, lip llflfl U I II hll nrn I IIUI1ULIIUI uiiniiu Stories and Sermons of Evangelist Thaw Out the? Starchy Christians Record breaking crowds at tended the First Baptist church all last week to hear Hunderup, the, "whilrwind evlngelist." And every night the interest deepened. Hunderup is a first-class cure for starchiness. It Is amusing to see some prim folks try to get shock ed at first, and then to watch them thaw out. He said the oth er, night: ' a'. "Some of you folks don't like my stories. But there Is one one of me and if .you could, see all the things I don't like in the bunch, of you,' you'd cry quits. Moreover, I'll forgive what I don't like in you if; you forgive me. If you don't you'll not go, to heaVr en." j '. The evangelist likened some cantankerous Christians to a dog that sat and howled at the top of his lungs. A( passing stranger stopped and looked at him for a few moments, then said: , "You've got a mighty, sick, dog there, pardner." ; "Sick dog nothing," said hlf owner. "That dog ain't sick He's just plumb lazy." J "Lazy." .. "Uh-huh! i That's what I said!" "What does he howl for, then?" "He's howia, because he'sLsit: tin" on a sand burr and is too lazy to get off." The application was -that some Christians sat right down upon a condition . thaVthey did not like and raised "a, "howl instead, of shut ting up and getting busy to bet ter things. .; - . ' Mr. Hunderup .will speak , this morning upon "Seeing a Vision nd: Hearing a Voice." His eve ning theme will be: "The lead er of a Hard Gang in a Bad City. No service Monday evening, but the evangelist preaches every oth er evening- this week.' . Local Writers Will Be Guest at Monday Lunch Lest any member should fear it's to be a pink tea with literary hash . for the principal diet, the Chamber af Commerce announces that the main , decoration of the tSblo at the.Mondav Innche.nn will be uo pounds of the Swiss steak M Spring AT BUTTER VALUES i: i : ' ALL COLORS AND STYLES SEE THE "VAGABONDS $3 end $30 MANHATTAN PHOENIX, HOSE Make this Tour Store for -FURNSHINGS r - M 1 --- v 0m " , you a I: 1- ,;. ; 4' -' HdrtQfZ.- SHAM f : " ' "v. ':' " Li - '' - : - - W-Aies t -J . -:'.. , ',' s. , . . ; j- t : . , La ; that made the Alps famous. . The steak comes in man's sized slices, two inches thick, and it is smoth ered and stewed and whatever else it is they do to steaks. They served this Swiss rarebit at a recent dinner, and the crowd ate it up before it got half way 'round.1 It 'was - a-1 real culinary riot. This time there will be enough of it for, everybody; with baked' apples and whipped cream and all the desirable dinner trim mings to make it a worth-while meal. . The literary feature will be something altogether unique. Sa lem has a number of literary "wo men. There are' poets, story writers, musicians, playwrights, and the brand "Made in' Salem? carries genuine distinction. ' Those designated as guests are Miss Audred Bunch, Mrs. Byron F. Brunk, Mrs. - Gertrude Robison Ross, Mrs. W; Fv Fargo, Mrs., F. S. Barton. Miss Mina Harding, Mrs. M. D. Ohling, Mrs. Blanche Mi Jones, Miss Edna, Garfield, Irs. Lena M. Lisle. MJss Ruth Austin, society editor for the Cap ital Journal, and Miss Marguerite Gleeson, society editor of The Statesman. ' " , . ' Most of these "talented women are members of .the , writers', secf tion of the Salem Arts, league, Mrs, John W. Harbison, president of the league, will f tell of. the work of - this department. Miss Mina Harding of the publie speak ing department of Willamett'unli versity, is to introduce the wrftf era and tell something of theiy activities. f POLICE SOLVE MANY RECENT BURGLARIES ivuuunuoa rrom page i) store, Rupert confectionery. Sa lem Steam laundry,' Quick Luncbl restaurant. Gilbert - grocery andj Drager Fruit company. . .a ' . Anderson, who :avai ha) age, as 24, was apprehended in time to have his case turned over tq the , grand Jury, whleh returned -a true bill against him , yesierdayj when its report was made to Cir cuit Judge Percy-R.vKUy. . . ..: Roa I Searched - j Several weeks ago Chief Blrtchi ett instructed the - patrolmen, tq watch Anderson's -; movements whenever they saw him on the street. This resulted in his arres Friday night. Following - his ari rest his room t was. searched 6ji the: officers and articles found ihat led to his confession. of ?o.ther of fenses. 1 - ' ' .' - . ' Read- the Classified 1 Ads. -: ' Hats 1 NEW' You Grange Would Dictate to ; Governor Relative to State, Institution 4 Charging that the expenses of the boys training school : have been greatly- increased , through the , imposition of ; a superintend ent: from another state, Salem Grange. No. 17 adopted a resoluL tion demanding the reinstate ment of former Superintendent L. M. Gilbert at its regular meeting held In Salem, Grange i.hall yes terday morning.. ! y The . resolution, which, was passed by 75 members present, stales that because .former Super intended was. eminently, capable and! successful, inj his work; and that since' his -deposition, expenses at the training school have been greatly increased, hlrf . Gilbert should be Immediately reinstated. The Orange plans to bring a copy of the resolution before Governor Pierce and to mail duplicates 'to all granges throughout the state. Members from five subordinate granges outside of Salem were in attendance. At noon a lunch was served in tha grange - hall. ' The afternoon program consisted of music, reading and speeches from Various members of the grange. , A talk was given by A. E. Zim merman on "Co-operation." fol lowed by, an address by . Mrs. Jei nie Van Trump who spoke on "Landscaping the . . House Grounds." Miss R. T. Smith &poke on the compensations and rjoys of farm life .and. S H. Van Trump on "Scientific J Orchard Management. GRAND JURY BRINGS FOURTEEN TRUEB1LL5 X , ( Continued . from, page 1 ) DIFFERENT! OH SOi; DIFFERENT! - H. AUG tJSTj HUNDERUP. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Big Sing Interesting Sermon, 7 :SO Every Kite (except Monday) t' Sunday Topics A. M., MIs It Beasonable.M P. MV "The Leader of Big:Choni$ U's Go : ' VALUiS , l - . 'I . ''" ! ' ' ' " - ' !" " " FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. 1 - .. 8- - . - : . -- -: ' - '.' . - You Will Find Here One of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks ofr SUITS, HATS and: FURNISHINGS in this Locality.'. Don't Fail to See Our mm S't will find here just the style and fabric you'll like at, prices you can. afford to pay Large Showing - , ' ':Tf:M $37.50; 1 ; Come'lne&eMwa&OadtoShowYo . THE! 416 ST AE ST. ; SALEMSIERTON gerous 'weapon; C. M Coy, utter ing a forged instrument; Albert E. Anderson, burglary of the. Jor gensen tire supply store; Martin. Dietrick, contributing to the de linquency of a minor; Russell Lindsay, larceny of a car owned by Paul Morris, and Dale Alter, robbery of the Zosel & Cooley store. MISCELLANEOUS PORTLAND,; Or., March? 17. Dutter: Printa, extras 41c; cubes extras 41 at 42c; prime firsts 40c. Butterfat, Portland delivery No.' X -sour, cream 44c. Potatoes: Buying price, locals ZOci selling price 75 andv 85c; new California1 12 lr2c. ' A Feeling of Security, You naurally feel secure when you know that th; medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a-medicine lSfBr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, kidney, liver, and bladder remedy. ' The same . standard of - purity, strength and excellence is main taihed in every bottle of Swamp Root. ,t It is scientifically compounded from' vegetable herbs. It is not- a stimulant and- if taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended' for everything. It is nature's great helper . in relieving and overcoming ; kidneyi liver and bladder . troubles.,'.- A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of- Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. u . If you need a medicine, " yoa should have the best. On. sale at, I Sail drug stores? InbotUes-of ;tWSh sizes,, medium: and -large However, if you . wish first, to try tbis great: preparation send ten cents , to Dr. Kilmer A, Ca, Binghamton, N. ifor, a sainple bottle.- When writing be sure tq mention this papers Adv. Hard Gang in a Bad City' Orchestra LateU Arrivals m Ai'S- mm TO HAVE. eErf iHGftsteewt THE MTu& op yotiR i Highest Impounded Darn-. - Finished; in, . California MODESTO, Cal., Man h 17. Don .Pedro, the ... world's highest impounded dam, located, on? the Tuolumne river, above La Grange, will be completed,' March, 14, .ac cording, to. Percy -FV Jones. - engi neer 'ot, the Modesto irrigation! district, The dam,, which is., own ed jointly by ihe.,lodesto.-TurJock irrigation, districts, cost, together with the power,- plant, approxi naately$ 1,000,000., ! t Tlie only, construction vworte ror maining f or the; dam: proper, Enr gineer Jones, says, la the.. filling of 'a hole near,the center. This hole is Abouk lH feet; deep ' apd 30- feet wide. The ppwerv house-haa bepn, conv pleed and. workmen, are engaged at. present; in . cleaning.. up. ther co.nr Btrucjtlpn: refuse, and are,, prepar ing for connecting up the. neavy transmission, lines, which are comj pleted being organized and t two of the large generator., units: are being operated- continuously - for tests before connecting up to. the district distribution lines. A totals of -6 oa men have been employed on- tho project;' the ground, for;. which, ; was-: formally broken, June 24. 1921.' The,, dis Do Yon Know That It ME EASTEIt'SUIT : Qui showing; of spring .woolens was never solarge " nor.- complete' Buying; early j and. iri; large quan-h tities we can show yon a very, substantial saying. "Eventually You" Tailored A' D. H. V Merchant. Tailor ' Goods Sold by the Yard '468 Court St. mm r 1 Hw. 1 HV I ILL r MSZPL COMB MZftZ tricts are to have" the i benefit of the.' -280,000-acre.. feet of stored water wMch the, dam .will impound for the 1 9.2 3 crop . season. The base, of the. dam In the river Is, 176 feet; the, dam is 285 feef'hign'and TlOOO feet long across, the rrpst. wbjcb,!, a.n,ajc The dam- was constructed bel0"W th9.. JS&OO.o'OO .estimate of the f districts! engineers. and the powe? plant cost $1,200,000. Minnesota Musicians d ; at Silverton,; Monday SILVERTON,Or., March 17- -(Special .".to The Statesman.) i-' . Silyerton. m usic. loy ers ar e' gbln ; tqreceive a ; treat. Mondajv nigt when, the St, pjafr band; from Bt, Glaf college Northfieidi Minn appears i& cmcert at the; Eugene Field i auditorium," :;.The, band I. well known, throughout ths sUtes, especIally,"th08e-ot- tha,.raiddU west. A "special treat will .be the solos by - Miss Gertrude,. Boe, who is traveling with.thv band as vocal soloist mss' Boe is, not entirely1 unknown here , although she haa never-appeared.-. inT. person. She has often sung from WCAL, '-at Minnesota- broadcasting station. ; Is Tiae To Order Tt Will Buy Merchant Clothes." Mosher Phone 360 I- - . V A 'ifL L: f t I i J ft - i t. ELLISCCOOLEV . Jr.. r : - " - f -, j ; - s. ,.-.;?!. . j. ..... ... . fS Ur '-'- JL