The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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v Hew Establishment on North
Commercial Serves Public
in Unique Way.
'.. The new Busick store on North
Commercial street; - was ; opened
Friday; with . thousands ot ' Salem
people passing In throagh, r Its
ddors to, inspect wi-a -lias come
to toe; a real Salem Institution. But
: the new store is a far finer de
. velopment of the old Busick store
idea than either of the older
'stores; The 'company hag Operat
ed two stores in the city, the lar
ger one being at State and Com
merclal, and the other two blocks
..north. The latter will be retained
for a while, but the Murphy cor
ner building at State street is re
leased. Busicks had held It for
fire, 'years, until this week, i
-' Self -Serving Developed
i The store is a development of
the self-serving plans adopted for
; the other Busick stores at Albany,
Corvallis : and Woodburn," only
that it is larger and 'finer than
any of the others. The general
idea is to allow the customers to
, help .themselves, the clerks only
doing the wrapping op, if the eus-
torn er, .wishes it so. The counters
are, in the center of the big room,
so that there could be. a clerk
. tying parcels from each side; li
clerks could . operate .' at . once,
wrapping . parcels that the cus
tomers pick out. ' f
-' The goods ar& all marked in
'plain prices, so that ,'the customer
. can pick-out exactly what j be
wants by the price tag. f The bulk
goods are to be shown by sample,
. and wrapped in standard pack
ages; such as' sugar for, 25; cents,
., S 0 cents, and a dollar: beans for
.- the same sized packages and so on
.where -there are good standard
- price units that cover the tisual
purchases. : These will be prepar
ed during the slack hours. of the
day, so that when the rush comes
they will, be y ready. There are
. two doors,; and a constant stream
of customers can be coming: and
v going,4 without possible - conges
i tlon. . -
Public Trusted .
' "We ard not afraid to trust the
public . anywhere in our store,"
t said William Busick, the working
- genins of the establishment. "We
mlgh lose a little stuff by pecu-
!- latlons, but it win not ever! ap-
- p roach the tax of extra clerk hire
that the public must pay. for. By
this present arrangement, allow
ing the public to help serve itself
in the interest of saving time of
waiting, 'two clerks can do the
work' of three in the old way, and
the saving of the buying public's
time rims Into astonishing fig-
. u res in the course of a year. This
qukk and accurate service we ire
going to make the supreme fea
ture of tbastore. 'iv f ; .
f "All the - fixtures ! except i the
counters- themselves, are f on
wheels, so that they can be
shifted instantly according toHhe
traffic needs.,; It ; means cleanliness-
of a new and rareUype tor
grocery and food stores. The
r cheese boxes, the meat racks, the
L, D. Mahone.Will Lecture at
.Willamette , University
Chapei March 22.
v. The. lecture as - advertised ' for
the armory which was to be given
by I D. -Mahone, A.M Ph.D on
March 20 has been changed to
March 22 and will be given . in
the college chapel, . Willamette
' : D. MAHONE. " 4
university, the; change being made
i n account of conflict of date with
; Dr. Dvl Boise.' .
t , The lecture, an appeal - for a
. greater patriotism among the
American people; also deals with
American relations among tne na
t i o n s 'jo f , the . world . Ir' Mahone
has spoken in some 34 states with
marked success. He was a close
' friend and advisor of forraer Pres
ident Roosevelt, parrying with hlra
a card to see President .Roosevelt
&t any' tine and anywhere ;;
coffee stands.; the banana "tree'
all are on wheels, and can be
moved for t mopping. - The store
has a new heavy fir : floor, and
over that Is a heavy cork floor
ing; sanitary,' noiseless, restful to
the eye. The counters are cork
covered also.. Alt tne wood fix
tares are In heavy white enamel.
Fine Offices Built '.
One of the, finest offices In the
state of Oregon has been built up
overhead, in the middle , of the
store. The high ceiling of -the
main room ? makes it possible to
double-deck this office .portion.
The office has : an : almost solid
north glass ' frontage '. ; on Court
street, and will "be a delightful
place, to work' in. ; - f.- ! "' . ,
The company does a consider
able wholesale business, handling
the goods from here for, the other
three stores, 'as well as. selling to
other grocers." The back half of
the building is the wholesale de
partment, and they also have the
upstairs of the building over the
rear half of the store. An eleva
tor will give them the easy use of
this valuable room for the whole
sale trade. i
. . . . s
: Growth Phenomenal . i
' The Busicks have built up their
whole train of stores, from noth
ing within the past few years.
There are six of the family in, the
new baiem store; three . on the
main floor, two in the office, and
one in the wholesale department.
They have been working along
for. this big new store for a long
time, planning . the : - details that
should make it a rear Innovation
for the public benefit in the way
of service." Now that they have
the new place, they ; expect to
make the innovation justify Itself
in price and service. ;
' Tone Up the Kidneys '" -"Symptoms
jof Kidney trouble
are all , gone, j Water is - . clewr
f.nd does not i burn. Foley Kid
ney Pills certainly do the work."
writes W. J. Grady, New-Orleans,
Louisiana. Backache rheuma
tic pains; tired feeling, are symp
toms . of . distressed kidneys, Fo
ley Kidney Pills tone up the kik
neyg and quickly relieve kidney
and bladder "trouble. Refuse 'sub
stitutes, i Insist upon Foley's.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
Interstate : Commerce' Com
missioner to Conduct Rail
; : " Hearing in Portland. !
- Salem will I be among Oregon
cUlea represented at the Interstate
commerce commission hearing in
Portland March 28 and 29 rela
tive to the railroad situation. :
. Commercial . bodies and com
munity organizations of Oregon
will be. represented at the hear
ings Jn Portland March 28 and
29 before Commissioner Hall and
two examiners of the interstate
commerce commission when the
attitude of the public toward pro
posed consolidation of railroads
Will, he made, known. The pre
sumption is that in the public in
terest sentiment will be favorable
generally to the grouping ot trans-,
portatlon- lines serving the Pacific
northwest so that more efficient
service may , be rendered . with
greater economy of operation and
with assurance of preservation
of competitive traffic. . . t- v
The hearing beginning at Se
attle Mach; 26 win I have refer
ence to consolidation of the nor
thern lines, -while the - hearing in
Portland; will cover r that - phase
Of the question together ' with the
proposal to merge with the Sou
thern Pacific system the lines of
the Central Pacific and the Rock
Island and .some others in the
southwest,; and the 'proposal to
group the Union Pacific with the
northwestern and other connect
ing systems From Portland the
hearings will be continued at San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake
and other cities in relation to the
Southern Pacific and - Union Pa
cific groupings. '
If dM' Dop,t Buy
Yoiir Groceries From Us
We Both Lose Money
2 Dozen Fresh Eggs for - s - 35c
Thompson Seedless Raisins ; 10c lb.
Full Cream Cheese 27c lb.
Best Valley Flour - $1.40 sk.
3 1 5c-Pkgs. Dates for; '-. -, 25c
A little indnlgence . in ' careful, critical comparison
. will establish the fact that the best values in thor
oughly dependabte Groceries are Tiere:
nr Kf HERE
Postmaster General "New
May -Visit Portland and h
Salem Next June, t
Postmaster General Harry New
may visit Salem in Juno in con
nection with a state conference of
postof flee officials and employes
in Portland. ,
It is not yet certain that he
wlll come to . Portland, . however.
It was the custom of the former
postmaster general, in company
with various officials from Wash
ington to attend such conferences,
and it is expected that the new
postmaster genera) will follow
the ' custom of his predecessors. :
New has recently approved ' a
plan of holding "get together"
meetings in the postal service to
increase efficiency. . I
The first' such gathering in any
western state will be the Oregon
convention, set for June 30 in
Portland. . t , J 1
Byron Hurd who has just com
pleted an enlistment in the Unit
ed States army returned home a
few days , ago. Mr. Hurd spent
three and one-half years1 in the
Philippines. ' ' '
William Stutesman of Portland
is spending a few days at tho
Livesley ranch visiting with his
brother. Bud Stutesman. ,
The condition of , Claud Sharp
who has been confined to his bed
for over seven weeks with sciatica
Is reported very grave. ' ;
Mervin Fidler has been unable
to attend to his duties as book
keeper at ', the C. S. Hamilton
store in Salem, the past few days
on account of a severe attack of
rheumatism. .
The Ladies Aid of the Metho
dist church of Halls Ferry met at
the home of I. M. Stout Wednes
day. - .v ; : - .- ? .M;
C. H. Pnrcell of Portland, bro
ther of A. J. Pnrcell ; ' this
place, was a visitor at the home
of the latter Tuesday evening. !
W. A. Shelton is the last to be
added to the long list of sick in
this community. - Sciatica and in
flammatory ; rheumatism are pre
valent ! throughout the district.
While the attacks usually are of
short duratloa they are extremely
severe while they last.
Mrs. W. S. Bifown will leave for
Portland in a few days where she
expects to undergo a major oper
ation. . ' ;
Commercial Club Formed
in Silverton1 High Sphool
' SILVERTON. Or., March .16.
(Special to The 'Statesman )
The students In the Silverton high
school who are Interested in
commercial - studies have organiz
ed a club to be known as the S.
H, S. Commercial:; club. ' The
purposes outlined by the club are
to create a greater Interest In the
commercial department and to
promote social activities In ; tie
high school. , ' ; v
The following officers were
ohosefi: LeRoy Soik, president;
Nina Robenolt. vice president;
Bonlta Behrinds. secretary; Ed-
n aMae Hartley, treasurer; Victor
Rue, Bergeant-at-arms. J
PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re- :
lieves ITCHING PILES and you
can get restful 1 sleep after the ,
first application. ; t s
AQ druggists are authorized to
refund money if PAZO OINT- '
MENT fails to Cure any case of .
ordinary cases ia - 6 daysT the '
worst cases in 14 days. 60c.
Interesting Poultry. Meeting
. 1 I I 4 111 I I.
Last iNigm is Miienuea
by Large Crowd.
.; The Auburk Community club
teld an interesting and profitable
nesting at the Auburn school-
house last . night, attended by a
crowd that filled the building to
capacity. The meeting was called
co listen to an address by Prof. A.
H. Lunn. head of the poultry de
partment of Oregon Agricultural
college's 1
.- riulCSSUl uuuu Dyuac i u taiui
if a larger and a more persistent
interest in. the poultry industry.
He said poultry ranks ; third ' in
volume among all the industries
of Hhe United Statesj, corn coming
second, and dairying first.
He urged greater study and
better methods,' and cautioned
against new men in the industry
becoming discouraged. If one is
'o get out of the poultry industry.
into .what industry shall he go,
that promises '. better returns for
rhard and intelligent and interest
ing work?
He said Oregon Is now shi pi
ping 75 cars annually of eggs to
the eastern markets; mostly to
the city, of New York; whereas,
up to six-years ago this state was
a large importer of eggs.
Many Questions Asked -
Professor Lunn, , after his - ad-
dress, turned the meeting into an
Informal ' one for the asking and
answering of , questions.' There
were many questions. Below are
fust a few samples.
What' is a good substitute for
kale for green feed? Answer, root
crops, ; such as mangels. One
poultryman makes a specialty of
feeding mangels with success. As
a last resort, feed clorer or al
falfa hay. Moisten the hay.
Whit is ' the Importance of
green feed? The answer is, as the
studies of Dr. McCollum have
shown, that breeding stock, espe
cially needs much green feed; es
pecially for the vitamines. Green
barley Is used much 'in the Peta
luma. district. Potatoes are ot
little yalue. They are principally
starch. : Even when fed boiled,
mixed with other1 feed, they are
generally too fattening.
How about! dry oats? .? Answer,
they are of ' U very -high, Talu;
but ' they must bet oats of good
quality. Just now, at the college,
corn and wheat are being fed; fo
oats, because good oats cannot
:, , -. I .
3-pound full comforter size
Cotton Batting. Dras-; AOj,
tic Disposal, per roll C
Beaut ifu 1 assortment of
Dress Ginghams. 27 inches
wide, big array of patterns',!
25c grade, Drastic ' i "17'
Disposal, per yard. .
v. . : ( . ' : v
Just arrived a new shipment
of LaVlles' New Sport Coata,
in the latest spring colors
and patterns. Specially
priced for Drastic
"c $9.77
Disposal, each
Ladies' New Taffeta Dresses,
spring's1 smartest styles.
Drastic Disposal, Q IT
each 4
we will -sell Imported Jap
Crepe, ' all wanted colorsX
very special, 1
per yard . . . .... . . X C
-' ' 1 '.' '
Drastic Disposal, one lot
Glass Water Tnmbiers
(Basement Store)'
Come to this store
t o d a yand 1 get your
cup of real honest-to-goodnes
piping bot
Coffee FREE
Watch our Windows
be easily secored.: ,; They are' feed
ing them in equal parts! Do not
jump too I fast from one feed to ;
another; Formerly, for . scratch !
grains, the college poultry was fed
wheat and : oats ; no corn," except
ing for varlety.v Now corh is used
most of the time;' with the other
grains. '. . - . i
Milk is of high, value; sweet or
sour, milk, , Preferably sour, -, be
cause sweet milk has a tendency
to sour In the brooders.'
v Home . chnrned buttermilk Is
good. So Is creamery buttermilk
at this season. But look out for
it in the "summer season. j
Some of -the biggest poultrymen
of the Puget sound country aTe
putting In herds of cows, to get
the usev of skim milk for their
chickens. r.
About lightr Professor Lunn
says the college chickens are not
'lighted. But he is himself a
poultryman; his poultry farm be
ing just west of the . college
grounds. He uses a lighting sys
; tem so as to ; give the chickens a
longer working day in the Winter
season. So far, it is largely ex
perimental. No one can say, yet,
Just how valuable Is the system.
Poultrymen will know more about
this a few years hence. He turns
on the " electri lights at 5 : 3 0 In
the morning.
About heavy nreeds, for meat?
When some one finds a breed that
is heavy and yet lays white eggs,
perhaps there will ' be more ten
dency to change. But' as long, as
the principal 1 markets ' demand
MARCH 171 will open d temporary meat mar
ket in the west end of the store building
formerly occupied by Busick's on the corner of
State and Commercial Streets and will dispose of
STEER BEEF at prices less than wholesale. Don't
miss this chance, for what I lose you will profit, by
This opportunity will not last long. NOW as to
prices and quality you are to be the judge.
HUNDREDS have marveled at these extraordinary LOW
PRICES right at the season's beginning -hundreds more
intend to buy. RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE- Don't
delay or you will regret'it later. , BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!
we are determined to sell half of this mammoth stock, therefore,
every article has been sacrificed. Unusual conditions prompted .
this sale--overstocked, overbought, overloaded, and we need
cash that's the reason, j Come today and every day during thi3
sale. Buy! Buy now and save. Tell your friends; tell -your
neighbors COME. ' :
Live Grocery
Real Lave Grocery
Specials ,
Crown Flour,
per' sack
Cherry City White Cap
Hard wheat Flour,
per sack . -
Irown Rolled Oats, JQ
-lb. sack ...r.,... ftOC
Bulk Peaberry Coffee, OA
per pound ... JUC
Wilson's Nut iMargar- on
ine, per pound mmC
B argains by the Hundred Here Today
white eggs, the Leghorns will pre
dominate." " -: - ' : : -' '
' . A You'n Petal am '.
The. Auburn district, Just east
of : Salem," Is a budding corner . of
an Oregon Petaluma. There are
perhaps 25 farmers there with
200 hens and upward;. up to 630
and more, r And larger flocks
planned. 'There are perhaps 12,-
000 to 15,000 hens within two
miles of the Auburn school house.
There will. .be double that num
ber before long, and the begin
nings of the poultry Industry there
on a' commercial scale were made
only three or four years ago, and
the development is more rapid
now than it has been at any time
before. '. "H: fv " : -' f:.',
The poultrymen of the Auburn
district are a bright, well educat
ed, live, go ahead bnnch.'and they
deserve all kinds of - credit-- and
the highest praise for showing the
way to make Salem the Petaluma
of Oregon. '
They are going to be heard
from often in the high circles of
the poultry industry in the future
in world contests " and In other
ways.' :
Full Arrangements Made
for Shrine Entertainment
,At the Salem Shrine club meet
ing this week definite arrange
ments -we're made to cover many
of the features of the approach
ing Shrine vaudeville de luxe on
April 7. i The show is being put
on by Al Kader patrol of Port
Specials for Today
VS tall cans Milk,
ill cans Milk, QQq
Fresh Ranch; Eggs, in
per dozen ..... v . . X C
Fresh Creamery But- AAf
ter, per pound j . . . . xtxC
Vegetable Specials
California Head
Lettuce, two for . .
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes. 1(J
per pound . i.v;. . , IOC
Fine Florida Grape
Fruit, each ........
MARCH 17, 1923.
land, with the local Shriners; as
hosts. : r
It will he an elaborate, fall-
dress af fatr,' with the whole Ara
bian band of 60. pieces, the patrol
of 40 men, and the 17 chanters.
all In elaborate uniform. They
are to arrive in Salem at 5 o'clock
and at 7:30 they will sUge a spec
tacular street "parade. - The . con
cert itself hegins at 8 -o'clock; at
the armory. , . ;;;
The program " consists of . nine
high class Shrine vaudeville . acts,
with band music. It will mn un
til almost 10 o'clock, after "Which
there will be dancing.? J In 'Port
land alone 500 tickets have been
sold or contracted. " 7 A like num
ber . will : be - disposed - of in .sur
For the coming week special selling emphasis will bs
placed on this most staple of all dried fruits. ;The coun
try over prunes 3 will be displayed and sold at special
prices. Locally we are interested in the success of thi3
movement as there are large quantities of unsold prunes
of the 1922 crop still on hand. Buy them by, the box
1 25-lb. box, medium size, $35; 5-lb. package 75c
i $U5. , : .
Hood River Yellow Newton, ex.. fancy pack, box 22.00
xiooa River wmesaps, dox -,z
Jfamhill Rome Beauty, box .
Winter Banana Apples, box .
Grape Fruit, each :
Oranges, dozen
Spinach, Sprouts, Celery; Lettuce, Cabbage, Peppers,
'. Tomatoes, Artichokes Rhubarb, Sweet Potatoes "
fMchpastoy Y
Come ! in and see the 'creations of. our chef, in fancy
pastry. It looks good and. tastes better.
Special St Patricks Day Decoration
Demonstration Saturday we will serve our Gem
Blend Coffee and the French' Pastry. Our Gem Blend
Coffee comes fresh roasted
will always get the fresh coffee at a price that is rea
sonable. . ; - I
- '" a , . "i. i
Gem Blend 35c pound; 3 pounds-S 1.C3
Heinz Demonstration All of next week we will have
a representative of the TL J. Heinz Company with' U3
and their 57 varieties wil be displayed, prepared and
: sampled. Something different every day. ; ' -
: Roth Gr beer y Co. -: -
Phones 1885-6-7 . " No? Charge for Delivery
Extra ! Extra!
! Saturday, March 17th, -we will sell to anyone mak-
ing a purchase of $2.00 or oyer in any department,
except groceries, a 49-pound sack of the famous Pride
of the West Flour, at, per sack
Limit one sack to a customer.
Fancy Ortley
Apples, per box
Large size Sunkist Sweet
Oranges, v
per dozen
Fancy Ripe Bananas,,
per pound ... . . . . i ..."
Oregon Grown Spuds, ?C ' !
per 100 pounds . . . . DOC
Oregon Onions.
12 pounds for .
Don't Miss Them
1!" ;." 2:!
rounding towns, and It Is expert !
that' Salem '.will 'contribute t;.
tween 500-and 100 to the, audi
ence. ' " -r . -1
Bring ;Up Your Ez
-' ' We Pay . '' ' '
17c Ch
Damon Grocery
Cczipzzy V".""
899 North - Commercial
' ..-.:.'-I.10c and 15c
.:...:.30c, 40c, 50c and 60c
and we grind it daily so youj
Saturday, Ilarch 17
Drastic Disposal of one lot
children' heavy ribbed hose,
good run of sizes, onale in
sthe Basement Storo.
per pair
.One iDt of Men's viol Dress
Suits, good atyles and pat
terns; -values - to' $18.50.
'Drastic Disposal, (n m
suit llO
: Come to this store
today and get your
cup of real honest-to-goodness
piping hot
Coffee F?wEE
ffcey tell the -'ilcry