The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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f ill;
. liiiiETSS'JC
.Usual Weendrpfif la&
ing Hinderance to Market
ii . V Advancement." "
NEW TORKT, March 16. Spec
ulators' for1, ttie dicHrie' successfuli
lr, attacked' th tferaVlIst In to
day", stock tn'arket butnef losses
fa most or the popular shares were
held to frictions.' Interruption, in
wirtf traffic tbr wester ; points,
which hate beeiiv supporting the
m arket ,Tr 1 t& buying, orders.', and
the; nsuat weekend profit taking,
aided the operations for the de
, The Initial' attack : was centered
on, the" Mexican oil issues" on the
orerolght ' - announcement, or the
chaIrni n of the C Standard Oil
company of,. Jew,. York; that Am
erican.: companies operating in
-Mexfco'jWe're; destined to .lose half
oC. their 1300,000,000 Investments
,;.yklPy;ll ipils.flost; ground.
alUioogh .Mexicaa Petroleom,, or-
cnnaruy inactlre, jumped 16 points
on,s A.turnover - o 300 shares.
United States Steel. Baldwin and
; stuaeoaker. again showed frac
tional losses. - '
t'Call money opened at 5 per cent
tut dropped to 4 at noon, clos
ing at that figure. Only a moder
ate, amount of time money is com
Ins? into he -market, bankers de
mandlng -5 H and- brokers offer-
u- o-i- commercial paper was
more ftctlTMPith prime names
tl icmmaodlag 5' per-cent. ,
: French francs continued to be
' the feature- of the foreign mar-
aeu seHifia jAoVe.iRSa. cents. but
reacting, lataty around, 6.24, yes
terday's lasti quotation. Demand
sterling eased to below 4.69
in reflection of the large Volume
6 -grain, coa , and sugar? bills
vii nre. vnner changes
. were sm ;and7anjmportant.
wrecked at Xlernando, and at Wal
nut t Lake .. the storm t took' its
heaviest toll ori' the plantation
of t.i . , Cannon ! wbernearly
a' score of cabins-. -were'-- swept
from their foundations and"' the!
plantation' dwelling was damaged.
Wire communication with the
affected area still was-crippled
tonight; and only;; meager reports
had ;. been i' received from' inland
Triages' In the path of the tor
nado, , 4 5- i V- ;
' ucr.tinued from page 1) ;
months1 a so' by -a' tornado - and
rare-led Half a dozen dwellings fn-
log CodWter Tfrer.' -
; ; f. ;lTc'tk is 'TfVecked, ' jj
th itora' wa , whirling wirid
which: swept in, from the south
west,, j-;, - a n.-- ; .. v-f . .v
i garage was tonight aY0148 rt:
Fplinteced rwreckagesr,J at Sar6Is
a . doreaK.btttldlngAiware .wrecked
and-the,, front f (a , hotel was
cmaslied ; tf ; itoHif .Springs, the
UcDermotf , hotel, and the Frisco
railroad , station waa?v damaged t
haUi; :io2;e-fcDiilldlijgs iweW
Instructor at YMCA May' Be
Prevailed Upon to Continue -;
;Worlcin Salem.
'. v- "t1 A -
The' public peaking class that
has been", working: for: Che-past
five months1 at I the YMCA met
last night for its final hearing.
A chicken dinner' was serred by
the wives of four of the members.
The general nature of the ; pro
gram' was a regular banquet and
toasts,' .with every ; man assigned
to a topic to which he responded
with a short address.'' Some of
the ' , topics " v were1 brand . r new.
sprung, on the speakers without a
second's .warning. : I Thej members
of , the class, who started 'way
down 'the oratorical ladder, have
climbed up a. long way since , they1
began, and some very Interesting
talks were made;
Prof." W; J. Harrington of Port
dresses for -his work. I with '.the
class. - He has been urged to con
tinue for" a" further short course,
and may . dp 'so; , meeting- once., a
week as heretofore. The,' class
Qu. aaua nauaersv inercnants, ana
almosf ererjr linear business en
deavor for its? members - during
the first series.-T ; ' -.- -
yjAiyflyy BUSY IVfC
HWas All (jaiifod-Up mul Itcaiy t
I S f5 t$OOK OH MODUH.. . I. X VVE.LL JLLTRy OUT : V I lvT f " I I I. I 1 H
- : - .V ' .InterwnatL Cartoon Cd Y " - - 1 - .. ,. V ..rjr : - . - ..v.-n..-.-. -o
Adele Grrlson,s New Phase of
df the Instructor was- highly
iplimented in a number of ad
vFor-a.-few. cents - you can ward
off (Flu and, Orlppe by promptly
checking: .your coughs and -colds
w.ith; Foley's 3 Honey and" Tar.
Also, -giYeay quick; relief from
coughs resulting: ; --.from? Flui
Grippe-,: Whooping ; Cough, Astht
ma ,and-, Bronchitis,; Forty-eight
years of satisfaction to users has
made -Foley Honey and? Tar" the
AVorld'e , largest ? selling cough
medicine. Contains no opiates
ingredients Vare; printed ott the
wrapper. . ; Refuse substitutes. In
sist upon .Foley's. . Sold-, every
where. Adv.. . j .
All-, . sorts-. of improvements in
automobile accessories are on the
market, but a windshield contain
ing ther list :of jcasualtles as fast
as they ccur; would .help "folks a
Lot. to.Temember, -? ; -.. 'i
Edith Fairfax climbed' into .the
seat beside me while Mrs. Durkee
volleyed dlrectlonsafter'.her As
t car rolled tdown the road we
heard &i last abrlll injunction
'Don't forget? the
' Ttie last . word' was lost in the
noise ot the englqe. .
"If .that woman doesn't' land
herself and' the .rest of us Jn .a
sanitarium Instead of at, the din
ner table t&night It wont be her
faulty'. Edlthisald,. with, disUnet
irritation in her crisp tones. ,h
Her jnannee . of speech, again
brought , forcibly to i my mind , the
great change which her war work
abroad . had ' made . in hen. t She
had -left the country a gently-bred,
rather., helpless, .rather .frivolous
southern girl; with the soft drawl
Ing, -voice of .the 47pe She, ha'd
rerurnedv feyed vi to efficiency
above the average,' with; , crlsp-
clipped Jiccentssomethlng aklja
to the speech of the English wo
men's with whom: 8heVhad. been
thrown In herwork,' and with' an
indefinable cool hardness about
I made no reply for a few sec
onds, .pretending, to be . engrossetd
with the. mechanism of the car.
Her, little critical liTitaWd: speech
A .. t
4 -
1 Wj
-K . ,
. ; f ;. ; i ; M , ! .: : , ;.
..... v . . .
Vc B t!ie Cakci to Order
Lait Saturday iv2 sold over 400
muNE IquarM
Did yea get yciri? Better ccas eirtyrSahirday: and get ia on this
' 5, s f " 5 - - treat ' -
2- f08P:2SS
457 &;r!j luzzi
" J i
PLsss 268
had jarred upon me., although,
mentally," I, had been making iden
tically the same comment. .But I
feel toward little Mrs. Durkee as
one does to a beloved relative. I
can criticise her. myself, .mentally,
qah j see , where she was ax; fault,
but I don't care to listen to un
favorable comment upon' her' from
any-one else; Besides, the little
woman, was atoning ; royally, for
the unconscious; nnkindness and
bad judgment of her -choice pf
decorations for' Leila's room, and
If 'did not, seem. Just 'clubby .on
Edith part - io comment, jsven
Jestingly, upon the -flurry , caused
by that change in . the.: plans . of
Her Fluff Ine8s., , . . :t f
"I think' the .worst' is over," I
said sedately at last. "The, drap
eries are all ready to put up, her
'dinner is practically, ready,- ex
cepts for the Oast- things, .and I
thinfc: she. will be , all right by
dinnertime.. It's . been rather :a
tense day for hery changing' things
at the last: miaute.' ,.j- ,r r
:f . "It's . been rather; tense f qr the
rest of, us also," Edith .answered,
f'but haven't observed you - or
me or i Mrs. - r Underwood flying
around like; headless fowls. ; , . ;
y'i ''Possibly because we' haven't
the , responsibility of :tha whole
thing resting on : pur f shoulders..
I rejoined, with as careless a man
ner as. I could manage, but felt
Edith's quick turn and searching
glance at me, and I , knew that -she
had 5 missed - nothing .of i the .an
noyance I was , trying Oi conceal.
, ..She made no-answer to my lit
tle ; speech, but. s few yards fur
ther on she' spoke quickly, with
an air; o resolution,. -as if htt ut
terance of the words were some
thing, she had been debating with
herself. j
OF ix EUGENE . -
(Continued from page 1)
Saving Time.,
t 'There's one thing I want you
to know'; she tsaid and I. fancied
that, her breath was a bit uneven.
!This ezeussios with -you was not
pt my. planning, Mrs. Jurkee
slsted ' that I ; must to. I know
that yon are going to meet Dl
your husband, and I can imagine
mat - with thia ; mlx-un i. over at
your house to explain to him yon
wont want any outsiders; around.
But 'if you'll 'just drop, me at the
aelicatessen on , the way to . the
station, and Dick me nn' aeain t
Ihe florist's on yonr tray, home
in have all the errands done, ex
cept .the selection of the- flowers,
f'-want your help la th'at, and so
does1 Mrs. Durkee.
It was lucky that I had a clear
street In front, ofme as. I listened
Id this' .speech',, for; r; don't . think
I had ahy idea of what r was do
ing; It astounded, and offended
me,' although I gkve the girl cred
it for the desire to, .play ; fair.'
which was evidently the Incentive
for her werdA
t The OoI 'assumption that DicvV
would' be unpleasant; ov ka
house, the : quickly . caught-back
syllable of 1 "Di," and. the substi
tutlon of ' "your husband" irritat-
ea me. Above all,, the memory,
which wlir never, leave me while
1 1 hive the- power to remcmW
of this girl's scathing words to
me: -roti pretend to love him.
but you do not love him asT do!
:these - combined to make my
xot . seiMontrol a fierce,
racking battle. - '
I acCompHshed It however' an
managed to appear casually pro
testing in my answer. s
I "There Isn't the slightest reas
on wny xon. shouldn't go to the
-""," I aaM. . then
laughed lightly. ' "Yon .',i.
don t think-1 am so Inexperienced
as to leave Dicky ! Ignorance of
the house . until he arrives hereV
m iu.a mra over the telephone, ahd
he has hsd plenty of, time tojsatm
down. So you neednt be afraid
of being Involved In a conlneai
crap,; and -well drive straight ;to
me station unless yon think von.'li
!f Te.4 t,me by doing yonr. errands
urc. i assure you I . haven't the
slightest .choice In the matter
t I purposely left . the loophole
ior . ner,. and she slipped through
ing performed t for the : serlonsly
injured, men of .this state, .and is
one of the most,, important; fea
tures v that, make ; Lthe Oregon
workmen's compensation r system
better, than, that of , most , other
states.,; We havej always had the
hearty and active - cooperation of
the employer,, and ; the employed
in this work. .tJ ; ;;;4
-W; s Payment Kxpedlted.
. "Under the . segregation ol
work, among' the three members
of the commission, I have had
particular supervision of the
claim ;. department; and feel " justi
fied in saying that the work of
that department has been 4 great
ly ini proved' in the' last three
and. a half years'. The' payment of
claims' ; has - been - - expedited,
and -many pthersteps'-taken,':to
Improve the service,, while at
the' same 'time protect ? the inter-
eisti .tif the -accident fund,, .1.1 3
"My association with the ' other
twomemoers of ine commission
has been most ' pleasant, and jl
want u to say" that I have . never
known men who' had a . more
genuine" and" sincere interest In
the . welfare and success of their
SUdns la Democrat . '
Mr.- Elkini Is a practicing at
torney of Eugene and a" former
sheriff oTtane"c6unty. He Is
a native ,of 4 Polk - county and; ts
connected -,wth ..a pioneer ;j fam-?
Jly. t Bince 1910 he has 'lived; In
Eugene. , Politically he Ja a Dem
ocrat ; and, . for.-.- some- years . has
been-; member of the .Up-Staie
Democratic clnb i. He is reputed
to have been; Active- as a- member
of the Ku Klux Klan: In Eugeno.
.During the .Spanish-American,
war,-Mr..-Elkin served with the
Second - Oregon regiment ' In the
Philippine i. islands and has "; been
ativeflWlth (this veterans ' of that
organisation. . -
U Charles E. trlekland ; to t W,
Blandish and wife,' land in 'claim
B1-7-3-W.,.$10.-H;.-: .y-V.-'i- J-w:i ; "
L..' M; Ford to Cora1 E. Johnson,
lots' 12 and 13 Pairlodge addition
to SaJem, 110. ;-
Joseph'' Wletman find wife to J,
A. Uncbln,- lots 3 ahd" 4T';blpck'i 3'J
Cowings addition ' to .Silverton,
$615. ' - ' - ' " ! ' "
portuwd; HAsa ,2 ; x
Continued "from page 1)
most . part completely gutfed.i.The
chief. Josses . were on; the; build Ing
Itaejf, thei hotel ; plant and ; furn
ishings pnd several. ; stocks , of
goods of varions;klnd3. and stores
on the ground- floor,- Preliminary
estimates -placed' the , aggregate
OdonJns Top .fast
$If Arthur. Conan i Doyle 1 a W
In " a- Chicago address; ; .
! i"Be - sure yopr sin wIIL find
yon out, That is j a good thing
for us to remember. --" i' .-
'A- commercial- traveler's wife
once gave1 birth to"' a ' babyr dpr
ing her husband's absence .'and.i
as she ''seemed a' pretty' sick.wo
man," the doetor1 wrote out altel-;
egramr for the husband to come
right home.' J t "'.:,''.'.". 1?
The telegram was given fto
the hired girl v to", send - off.but
she forgot all about it somehow.
This sin" : of ommlsslonnher
part seemed ' of nb consequence.
though, . for the husband' goti
home unexpectedly : the. very next
day: ' ; .
Well, , he'V.went ' off ' again a
Sit days1, afterward... fqr
Reported by Union Abstract
- - . - . Coihpany
. John J. Ehrisman to I A. Beek
man. part, of lot 1, block 3, Wood-burn-
$2500,5-4 -. .. ifii ;-. i j
Albert .Webb and wife to Edla
K. Gihlstrom, land in claim 47-
6-1-W.. I1.
i XT. W.. Ilershberger-and wife' to
Mary:,Ei ; Goudy, . part tot lot 15,
Ooudy. Gardens, 1000 . ... ;
1 Engelbert Gier to Leo Gler and
wife. , land In section 10-6-1-W.,
M00. . ;. . .
i Leo N. Childs and wife to Dave
H. ' Foreman, part , of Jots 3; 36,
36; Capital City f. P.. and land
inT station and 28, .-Wi,
ii . . ,
. ; At B.. Petersen" and wife to J. I.
McKlnney et ; al, . trustees." of the
Church, of God oft North Salem,
part of lot 6, block 1, North Sa
lem, iio.' . ,.
Gilbert Weathers and wife to
John W. Marshall and wife, lot
7.. block llHiverview Park ad
dition to Salem, ,$10. . , ... ,
- , JEt. J., Young and wife to Sarll
dal Smith, lot 11, block S, Bur
lington, $2250. V . I.
Fred A'.. ErlxDn.4o Argyl JH.
Harris, lot 4, block 4, Highway
addition to Salem, $200. ' -S
I Rollin K. Page and wife to E.
S. TiUinghast and wife, lots 1 and
2.- Orchard . Park addition to Sa
lem, 1 10. i:; . - t
fo Harry E. Elmer and wife to W.
F. Krueger. lot 2, block 3. Oak
Lodge additions to Salem.- $10
It eagerly.
"Of course It'll save time." she
said, "and you ' know that's the
chief - thing tonight.- So- please
drive first to the delicatessen.- f
I did as she requested, and left
her there .with 'relief and thank
fulness. . For the last thing jn the
world which. desired" was tohavsa
Edith Fairfax witness my coming
interview fwilh' Dicky.' t
i (To be' continued.)' "
A baby was born, .in a flivver In
Detroit jjt, js sj- good ' e't that ' It
Is a bouncer, , :
hbiiritejw.aa now: .ouch; better.
A wejt passed. Then; at the
of the week,. the -hired girl sud
denly remembered ; the . teJersn
and! sheVTnshed jto: the tejemji
of flea, and ; dispatched it at . or cs.
When t the . poor .commercial, trsr he came tearing
a second time in a perfect frezzy
of horror-jind amaxement Ail-
weir he -might b inia.frenry, too
tax, ihe: telegram,. which? he kct
reading andi re-reading .-as tUis
iraln-rocked - along,- contalael
these- alrful . words: ; j ' -;
. ."Another addition, son.
Return-at-ence. - -"His
relief was- so grtit rtLsa
thd mystery, was -at Mast J cleared
tip l tb4t:.he i actually' pardc
the - forgetful: hired girl."
- j . : . .....
Read " the Classified - AcfsV
' . - " ...... -..,1 : .. j i . ...-. ) i j ;..j.' i. .j.'.v
Br L k 1 9 t
r flour!
' Crovcn- Flour, 49tlb; bak .........:....$1.98.
Washburn-Crosby Gofd Medal Flour J V
barrel r.........;.$7.68
49-lV.bafif ..--.:, .:.:;..i::..?li2
9-lb. 8oz. 9raharrt ..J.:. ..:.-..j.A5c
9rlbu Commeal .J..iJi id29;
9-lb. &oz-,WhoJewheat LL J.....A5c
" '. SOAPS' ' -''tr:
Crystal White ; i4c
23i bars ..l;:4,;.vw..?LO0 t
Swifts Pombinatiori.So4ip;. package con
taining 2 , packajgreS Pride Washing .
Powder, 10 bars Classic Soap, 2 cans
Sunbrite Cleanser, each $1.00'
25 bars Easy . Day Soa U-L:.-:-:..$l.C0
3 bars Cream Oil Soap :liu 1..20cT
a Old Dutch Cleanser 4....25c
Standard Corn, each ..-.J.n.Sc
Solid. PacR Tomatoes, e4ch.. 12 Vc
iarge, can Hominy, each, .:..12c
Baltimore String Beans,
Libby's Alaska Bed Salmon, each.-.26c"
Libby's : Rosedale medium redl....17c
We will have' a nice assortment of fruits
attd -vegetables for Saturday's trade.
Large can, each f .-.i?L.ju;5I.07't;
Medium .can, cachu...'.J..:.v:.';....-'..54c-Small
can, each 'Zc..J.:jJ.J27e
, , SCUlipEB SYRPji -A
high , gradev maple and rock candy "
; Syrup-r: ' , -- ;
34 sallon u...... ....-C7c
- gallons '-v- ' H-?-!'
9 lbs. Criicof , , ..."
6Jbs. Criscoitu.
a lbs. Crisco'.
l;lb. .CriscO;i.
jgal. Wesson!s Oil
i galloniWessori'a OU
A gallonWesson's- Oil
1 pint Wesson's OUU
1' K1
Ild-lb. pail Silverleaf Lad ....$l'J75-
. 510. pan buyerleaf Lard. 3c
Barton's Circle W. Hams, lb. 27p
Swift's Premium" Bacon, lb; i--;.;;; -Swift's
Premium I-lb. sealed carton, .j
Omorr Sts,.pound . .U.
of tJiu week Ccine ia anii .sample JVkfflai; I CjEs-'icsd PisV
wwuu ii c voiicc scrvcu irec o&iuroay; yea arc WCICCHISi",
.- -.,-ycv,-iv;-..--gf- ex -
. , J5' trt&jb&yr, pf tetter suit hi pecple of.SaI: vie &xz H
cided ta make deliveries on '0r2eH ' amoiHIi3& to five dalhrr ;cr ciirc;
456 State Street
!1 ' - i-! - . -i , T i . V, -: i - '. V. ' M"i :
st. reiee
'.f ' ,V''' ;-'-''''.";.'
... ' "' : : , ' .:" : . . .-a- - ' . - : - . s.-.j'.".-. - - -
, - - , - . . . v . . v ' - .