The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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. 1
Hippodrome-, . Vaudeville
fatnre acts. , . . '.
Lart Bosworth in "White
: . i O My Heart" wUh
'Li . rrtte Tayof. , ;
unxavrr . .
'loonsulae Valley," with
Farnutn. ; . . - ,
f , CUUfD V
'The Third 'Aarm,M -
.Ti e -New York" Times said' ot
(Jo -j - .is Fairbanks and his pro-
S ci: x of .RoWa Hood:" .VOne-
ij- f, tdy.-siy ' of Fairbanks
.d la world, artist" Who
. ; a : to : mankind- as . Imraor
lerpiece,"; "Robin! Hood"
; ; ear" f oca" at ! the Oregon.
? ta-'i
' St;"
F. "
o the best that wV have
r m any a day. Of course,
holds" the center 'of ; tire
t -: J shout. His , pecsonal-
bas. been favored" wth admirable,
support- in the petite; and' capti
vating Dawn O'Day. the three-year-old
comedienne, who; plays
the part of -the lost child and ef
fects .the . bad man's (Farnum)
reformation. MoouhIne, Valley
Is , playing today at The Liberty.
"Peg CV My Heart, now a
Metro picture, with LAurette Tay
lor appearing in her , famous role,
comes ;to the Oregon theatre for
4 days beginning . today. ' This
rasclnatlng; tale of 3:;( Hartley
Manners, conception,; with lire
land and: England- aa the back
rround, : and the ; elfin ' ways and
humors and pathos of the moth
erless little girl , providing . tbe
man theme, has had' 6,608 stage
performances in the United States;
Laurette Taylor created the role
and has been, identified, with H
ever since, even being: known as
Peg, Taylor. , '
In Emory v Johnson's record-
smashing fireman's melodrama
"The Third Alarm," now being
;-3 ia evidence, and he shown; at -, the Grand -theatre s
a tributet to Vflre Chief JHutton
of this city and the brave fire
fighters of hia ' command, twp of
the most BSUfur child actors la
the world are to be seen' in many
momenta of delightful drama, j
.These " children are Josephine
Adair and Frankie Le: The Ut
ile girl : Is blonde and about five
years old but 'screen; experts cred
it her with the artistry; of a? ma
tured Romany t Josephine, jr the
language of the photoplay "lot."
cari put across a scene with JJ
best of thenu She la aVell Rea
soned "trouper."
" f .;;-tf
Frankle'a ; success encompasses
hot ."only! his i.role : In play ;,' with
many, of the greatest, stars of , the
screen, but also .hja own starring
productions In two Creels ".which
aie now in ,the course of produc
tion. His role' of a crippled news
boy in 'The .Third , Alarm, , falls
for a- dramatic equipment of no
mean proportions: and Frankie 'n.j
terprets his part With rare skill
and understanding, , - ,
, ,' i ' -' V'. f 'i j 1 .
. Hobart Bosworth, after f ight-
Ing Al Kauftmaa. Freeman Wood
aud . RobertMciyirA- in the fflrstj
reels of "White Hands, which
comes to the BligK theatre to-;
day, end'a-iip' y taking Tr'-and
Tcay : jf :t ' - r AH Tei ,
- ' : : ? ' t1 ;
k . :t , ,
: r'fCK if X""XK
; . j V X -' ' c-n
t - - "- " " 11 1
. Frea ihs Iloyel by4 , J . Feafcrinsr Roy Stewart
1 i tcvirt Edvard .Vtits , ' j witli an All Star Cast
""" sstibmsh ism sMi sra aiHM " TTTT.. . - , , -: . , ' , -,. ". -. - ... : I .
IliQUuLllb I JtllL f
Men's Service Official of Sal
vation Army. Arranges
f ' Meetings iri Salem.
i, jThe, vtsitiog men's ;! social offi
cers; of the Salvation Army," Lieu
tenant Colonel Kmil . Marcussen,
men's jsolat , secretary tor ,.the
western tenrltoryk and Staff .Cap
tain andiMrs. Paul Helsinger dis
trict social officers , for. .Washing
ton and Oregon, will arrive la 6a-
lera this -j afternoon, and :. coadnet
the.evenloff serTtce at the alY-
tlon Army halL , .. 'h: rf
Lieutenant. . Colonel 5 Marcussen
la' the head of the prison work of
the . Salvation Army : for the vest.
and ' while here. wlU take up all
the matter pertaining ta the ad
vancement of this .special branch
at the penitentiary. The local
corps, commanded. bXCapt. A M.
Holbrook, has a membership in
what s. called the Brighter Day
league 01 ana wun aoout 2u
more waiting for cards - Thl' de
partment of the Salyatlon Army
work,, not; only t keeps the u officer
here in touch with the men whose
dfy are darkened by having com
mitted some -wrong againsjf soci
ety, but also puts . the . army ia
touch tth aU who .may . be ; the
erring one's . dependents. In . ad
dition to .this there arek35 regu
lar; Salvation -. soldiers .in the in
stitijition,. r There- were; 51 .and.
some Jhave; beer discharged but
the. sergeant .major, the local oft
f icer ; who. ; is :- 'also ; a: .converted
prisoner, . says 1 that there .are . at
Jeaat five, more r who are .-desirous
of taking their stand as full sol
diers -and; Christiana.' Uw , . h
:,r Colonel Marcussen - in his -Jtalk
at the penitentiary Sunday morn
ing will tell of- some of the marr
velous changes in men who have
been there. He will address the
boys at the training school at -11
,..,.. . - . - -
School Youngsters to Devote
l . lit": .- a? j - rL .1 . 1 . .
Miieniion 10 cerKsnire
F "Production;
1 Another pig club was organized
yesterday by Rural School super
visor rW. II. Balllie and Pearl
Woods' of ,' Howell;. Prairie. . The
cjub which at. present consists' of
seven members "will devote ltd
activities to ; the raising of Berk-
1. . . ... . 1 .. .... ...
Bjaires, ana wui oe anown as me
bpating up ' an' entire band of
Algerian ruffians. '
t Hippodrome Vaudeville road
euow, four 'feature' acts, at the
Eligh today.
r :
j- A .return engagement of . the
Macy-Baird. comedians starting
Monday, ; presenting -"Which Ons
Shaliajdarry-V 1 ..-
- TT-
Shaarock Bargain h
Blatince at liOO and
3:00 25v -3
f v'. -.V f . - ;,;u r
.-... .? . . . . t : 1 , ; !"-: ' ; :
llo dzzzzTfntTQ Ttfrtzbh ccsisy-drasa'iHaa "Peg"
0' Lly IliV! Lis cfe fea fHmf lt i checi Jbe I;
very pictures cf t.p ycb'jfasi ili frtztxest TCquires 1
a;cnII rlTahrs.ia'cfcriiisr' prided 'iI.Iitinees.tiU. 6:00 I
; ' ; ",'''" i . 1 '. r i , f
': Bliss Taylor, created the role
i "of Peg in-the original stage
play, which ha been per-.-'formed
over 15,000 ' times. -
:f -.' :
:U,vUf . -
- f - f 5 ' . -.. .; ' .f f . - ' '. -::i-i-f f .;.;fVf ;.;.;f--:": -; L,- V ,
;.,;-. -c. .---f Xv- f;f j'f-..---. f, -f ..-.i;?:if.,;",;i; ' . -x-: :
""-.ff v'vV u-i- " . ,r " " ' u . ' '
,s-;-f s -la: n&
j A ' ;
; v : it ;- j? -'rl; u fF i" ll
;,v., VV... H :.. If n ! if"rv,f 3
; I I v -:: - - - - i'-"" ' V V " i1 , N
31IT. tllAinJlS W. IIAWXKY, JR. has returned to Salem and will be-heard on the
. r. LI: M uilitjier beginning today, playing -''Irish ye are Bmilln.
Howell . Prairie Berkshire club.
At the present time -there1 are
eight pig cjnbs In the county,? al
tlMiugbi it " ts th'e - expectation ot
Supervisor Baillle "that .jnoro -".w'ln
be organized In,i the near future.
Location ot preient clubs are at
Salem,? Sllverton. Mt. . Angel, Su
blimity, Stw PaaI,'Gerrals, Stay
ton and Howell Prairie. - f . ;
j .Present meraberf " of ; the , HowC
ll PralTle' club -are Gilbert Dixon,
Percy XJunn, James Rlckard,- Ed
ward Rudishauser, .Walter Hav-
erson, "John: Judy ;and .Walter'. Dix
on. rThe membership of the club
is expected to be enlarged from
time to time, a stability as shown
by prospective applicants.
.'vBueno AiresOpening wheat,
March -$1.16, e lower; Mar,
1 1.2 0 Si v . c lower. ; ; , ,
.a Liver pool -Close ' wheat,;. ' to
ld higher .!.....
: PORTLAND Or..' March I B.
fDntter. prints extras, 44c; cubes
jc;, prime firsts,, 40e." ' Dntter
fat, Portland delivery:, .No. i
soar cream. 44c. Potatoes: Buy
ing price locals, 60c; selling price,
75SCC; new Californias. iiu
BOBTIitT ' . .. '9 "
. ' . .FRUIT , -
..NEW TOnk, March 16. Evap
orated apples, dull; prunes quiet;
apricots,: firm;' peaches; dull.
' Colds Are Contageou
Coughs and Colds are conta
gious and' require prompt treat
ment as they spread or develop
into Flu and. Grippe. Take no
chances, when you , can . get ! Fo
ley's Honey and Tar- for a tew
cents and ; quickly check coughs
and , cold&K The constantly ', in
creasing demand for Foley's Hon
ey and Tar, for., three gener
ations, has, made It the largest
selling cough medicine ' In , the
World.. - Contains no. opiates
Ingredients Are- printed on the
wrapper,. Refuse. substitutes. -In.
slat upon Foley's. Sold' every-
where. A4t, -.,.':;..,.; i '
t"::!?;toDAYrfb::o:o I ?
j a;. The World's Greatest -Comedy XIale
V. Just a Reliearsal ;
Novelty Skating
Ellis and Dc&hy
Things; We Meet on the Street
Hcbart Bcjwcrtli
!!:'-V:'Vl-'"v :;-;'.: .;- FoiT ' SaleS """" -.-.:f-- -"
f.v : Owmz-to :tfce .cltednV increef of cta tasiness. in.the past Menr nTTOlij, v;s Juvs tc:a
V" ''Ti2i' 321 ' ' ' i ' - - g ' '' v - , . 1 - - ....
unable to properly serve tbVnuncredj of cust others ih&'e&"&l-c&Jior&
novever, we nave, just . conipieiea . eniarsinj ana rearrar. ; : cur. pre: cl: ji:;:rccn zz
!' wwYotwe
lately six 1
wireliouje, whicH give us tiie necessary space to - handle ccr patrcnsivliidr nL zi ziiczA
thousaht weekly;
f 7e t'ake earpleasure'm izXiiLi A
r y 4 Your expressron of confidence! ia our methods shall Be an inspTratich taccilr.;ii io cVrvb
you to the' best of our ability;
f -ir f
OR. ;
- on
t-. Federal: ffllt 10'tall cano . . . '. .
Butter,-' best . creamery,; per pbulifdi-.' .: '
r";'ah laige'paif.ljlG.
; 2-.buhce casa .; . ' c
. - ;.... -
.' ft. f :
ge:paciiage.. . .;,.-zy2
Feimjckfs GoMeii' Syrup,' 10-Ib. caK .."1:3
Grycjal: Wfiifee Spap 23
oreaa, oouna ioar . ...... . . . .. . i;
r .r
, ! J '
"BbbMel'' GKeieseir per: pdUiiirl- . : . . "L j
Ff esfit; EggOy--guarieedv..;2:-bz ; . .-
give each patron a Pireniium Fran! Jnrter Sandvicn FIlEE to demonstrate tKe csaliiy. cf -thstr
Sausage products. ' .l
-11 bars Crystal Yhite Sbep, 1 L-irji p!:;!
Seaf Foazn, 1- Lares : plijf. Pests XfzjzH 11--cHns
Granulated Soap2 bars Crcs Oil Tc!-
let Soap v....:...Cjc
This will save ycii' 25?. "
; ON SATURDAY, ; LIARCH, ,17th the
manufacturers cf ;CryttaI Vhite Soajr p"od-;
.. nets 01 have a representative in' cur store and ,
as an advertising feature they will sell the fcl-'
1 lovIn'f Jl.ZSSoap asscrhnent, all for .99c
SalemV Most SiMy Grocery and Marked
. FREE DELIVERY ch 'crdsrs eihoustin j,to 55.0 0 cr incre b ths city (sic!: tz z? czcz;. t-
ed). Orders" of Jess ccunYdelive additional 'delivery cLirc f
orders ch Falrview Avenue cr 7est SalenL Order your f.featr and Groceries tccll cr.
. SALET.I,1 OrtEG0!tv;
k fiio:ieco:d.o:j:z-is73
- j