The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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"in'qrmTf d lilU It.
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, il M! IS
:;i pudlic
SDSPEC iT:l! , :
M4ke Ambro; Toung Nez
Court - Suspends Fine Given
Perce, Finds End'of Rainbow j One' landed' Driyer'Wlien
Ir I
. Law i y u v-
TraU Is Starting Place
Girl Said Beautiful.
EH ' rl
-ticn of Treaties by
,-.;ch Japs Hold ; Ports
:j by Chinese Is Given
:::ro:isiBiUTY jof
r.u'ne Cordiality Between
Tv.a People Desired,
Text of Message. :
ZZVf YORK, March 16. The
C'..'-se government, " through
: . -Uang Chang, Chinese con
.1 eral here.' made public to
i 7 the text of China's demand on
; . i for abrogation of the trea
: : lj which Japan holds Port
j .linr and Dalny. - :
-- TL3 reply of , Japan, rejecting
x i d?and has already been
- public, hut the. claims; of
C.:a hare heretofore been
k::: wa only in outline. The text
c! t!.3 Chinese note, sent March
13 1 the- Chinese ministry of for
e";a affairs says:
At this time, when the ten
d.r.?y"to promote peace is univer-r
il aad whin the nations of the
wcrli are zealously upholding
t::a principles of Justice, it .Is ap
irrpriate to consolidate and
ren5thenf yet more -the hitter
ta existing friendly relations be
China and Japan so as to
r the peace of the world
' y safeguarding the peace of the
I r East. . - ' - r "
Obstacle Pointed Oat
Iti rTeatest obstacle that
. in- the " way -cf y cordial,
'; relations between, China
i Jajan lies in the existence of
:-.'.I;3 concluded and notes
.. .". r.sed between CMna and Ja-
I i ca May 25, 1915."
Tli note then says that while
Cll-a "was constrained to , cou
1:7 with the terms of the ulti-
l-itasx' for the" signing of these
...ments, yet she disclaimed
r - r-sibillty for violation of
t'- j rights' of other powers and
1 r set forth t the Paris peace
..;tuC8 reasons for the abro-
:::oa of the treaties.- The note
tiie, Washington conference
;L Chinese delegates aain eub
I that these treaties and
.lot. h3d been abrogated, sup
ortlsg their proposal with the
'-" "riaj reasons: , -
"1. That no quid pro auo was
cf::red for the concessions de
manded: v . .'" "
"2. That the. agreements are . in
violation of the treaties between
China nd the other powers;
Public Orinian Oppose!
"3. That the agreements are In
cc s!. teat-with the principles re
lating to China which hare been
adopted by the Washington con
ference, and '
"4. That the agreements hare
engendered constant misunder
standing between China -ad Ja
pan." , ; . '" .
The note says the Japanese del
egates At Washington "reeognir
the weight of the Chinese
preposition announced, the abro
gation of certain .portions as to
loans, Japanese; Instructors, etc.,
but that the Chinese, delegates re
iterated that the treaties should
be abrogated in tot. The note
adds:' ' ' ,
"Thus, these treaties and notes
hayei Irom " the .rery . beginning
been 'consistently opposed by the
public .opinion of this country.
' Friendship 'Wanted
"The Japanese government is
nerecy requested to appoint a
day "for discussion with thelChi
nesa government. pf questions In
cidental to the -retrocession of
Tort Arthur, and Dalny as well as
any problem consequent upon the
abrogation of the" aforesaid trea
ties and notes of 1915.
"The Chinese government firm
1 believes that the Japanese gov
ernment and the Japanese people
fully recognizing the importance
of Eiao Jaranes friendship will
comply with the united wish of
(Cc-tlaacd en rS D
OSECON Saturday fair.
Local Weather
ximum temperature,. 54.
-Imam temperature, 41.
rtfw 5.9.
-Tall, .16.
phere, cloudy.
vrro TisBo.
VincenzoiTisbo. head of an
have disappeared. and the depositors are clamoring vainly for funds that may reach $2,000r
000 in the aggregate. .Vincenzo Ti3bo, with his . brothers, Vito, ; Francisco and Ricardo, op
erated the combination agency and banking business and handled .money of . almost '40,000
depositors; 'They held no State license as a banking place,! but" accepted money for trans
mission to Italy. . - . . . : . . : 4
mis 01?
Will T. Kirk, for four years
trial accident commission, yesterday announced his- resigna
tion. Governor Pierce announced the appointment of.' Dt A;
Elkins of Eugene in his place. Mr. Kirk has, become a stock
holder in the Industrial Hospital association of Portland and
Astoria and will be manager of that concern. '
Jlr. Kirk was appointed a -
mission by Governor Olcott shortly after Olcott became gov
ernor in 1919. Prior to that he wad engaged in -newspaper
work. "
Kirk3 term as" a member of the commission expired Jan
uary 1, this year, but he remained on the commission at the
request of Governor Pierce.' 'Whether he. would have been
reappointed by Pierce nas beens a question about the state
capital, but there have been
expected to name a Democrat In his place. I he governor
says he received about 60 applications for the place.
Jorgensen S t o r Entered
Last Night; Officers beek
The Jorgensen Tire shop, 130
South High, street, owned by Ira
Jorgensen, was entered last night
5nd tSe cash register riHed of
SO. As far as could be ascertain
ed at a late hour last night, nQth
lng but cash' from the till had
been taken- The' , ronnery is
thought to have occurred about il
o'clock. '
jTdr. Jorgensen, who bad just re
turned from the theater with his
family, stopped la the store on
his way home for moment and
found the side door had been
pried open. From this jdoor the
thief had gained entrance, to the
storehouse where the cash regis
ter was kept. All of the cash in
the register was taken, although
a number - of checks deposited in
the-' drawer were left.
The work was evidently that of
someone who' was familiar with
the store, according to Mr. Jorgensen.-
1 The method of entrance
and fact that they had gone di
rectly to the storeroom, touching
nothing else la the store to all
appearances, '-. are the grounds he
bases this belief on.
Local authorities began work
lag on the "case. Immediately. At
a late fhour last - night, however,
no arrests had been made
Fingers Badly Injured
' in Paper r:.ii! Accident
Robert Victor,., an employe at
the Salem paper mill, had the
fingers of his left hand badly in-
Jarcd fn the, paper rolls while
working on the night shift early
tila mornlns. The little finger
and the one next to it were .in
jured so badly that it was feared
they would have to be amputated,
and the middle finscr also was
severely squeead. The Victim is
the son of Police Officer Victor,
ar i has trra rorkics in Its paper
mill for two years. ..
; f
Italian 'East Side bank in New
a member of the state indus
member of the accident com
indications that the governor
The hospital association with
which Mr. . Kirk :, has . become, af
filiated is one of the largest in
the northwest, having recently
taken over the business of the
Lumbermen's - Hospital f associa
tion of Astoria. ,
' IleliabUltation Begun r
"My experience as a member
c.f the accident . commission will
be very helpful In the new-work,
cd the . opportunity for mel to
get Into this business was;' one
I could not afford to turn down'
stld Mr. TCirk. , .
"1 . have greatly enjoyed " my
work as a member of the com
mission. I have been particular
ly Interested in the physical and
vocational rehabilitation t work
This .was established during ,my
term la ' of f ice and I hare had
personal .supervision over 'its or
ganization and ' development. It
is worth-while service that is - be-
i Continued on cage 6 (
i;:oir.i lose td :
OLT30;i iiTIMS
. . - . . :. '
Wrestlers From . Portland
Wiirty, Narrow Margin li
'Over Chemawa Boys.;
r ' - ' ' ' " ' '-'.i . i
- Salem Indian school lost its
wrestling meet with Benson tech
of 'Portland last night by the nar
row score of 26 to . 24. The visi
tors came In much larger sizes
than the locals. They are said to
have averaged :- fully '10 ' pounds
more per -man for the scheduled
events. At that, the Indians came
within two points of tying the
score. '
The matches were fast and i in
teresting, and the Native, Ameri
cana won enough of them to keep
the visitors' scared every minute
of, the time; even for all their, ex
cess weight. -
' Captain Hawk, the best man on
the Indian-squad, left school, a
few days ago, and they missed his
services. They also i had one or
two other good men laid up in the
hospital, ' o It was a. decidedly
crippled team that met the Port
landers. . - '
The Chemawa- team accepted
the bouts without protest for the
overweight,' and, r.aflo a remark
ably good ebo.w!;. -. ..
I j
York citv and his brothers
: - , . .. . :----Willamette
Forensic War
riors in Grip of Storm;
Debate Cancelled,;. v
. A telegram was - received - late
last night ; from ' Robert littler.
manager of the Willamette, debate
team which; left i here Thursday
morning to debate the TJniversfty
of North Dakota team, that their
train had been, stalled at Essex,
Mont., in eight feet of snow, mak
ing further " progress " Impossible.
with the 'result that it was neces
sary to cancel ,tbe debate. '.
. According to .the telegram the
debaters entertained the passes
gers' with .speeches while waiting
for the track . to be cleared.- All
were described as being in the
best of health-
Those who .left to represent
Willamette were Robert Littler,
Ward South wort-h, VRodney Alden
and Robert Notson. :
Following is the telegram:'
"Debate team stalled at - Essex,
Mont; by snowslide. . Necessary
to cancel University of North Da
kota debate. Debaters feeling
fine. . Entertained , passengers to
night with speeches. ( Eight feet
snow iauen in last sue nours.
Tracks nearly cleared, varied by
repeated slides east' of summit
and Glacier park. Trains hope to
go through tomorrow." ,
IS ks men
Present f Year Expected to
-Break .Records, Says
, Salem Judge.
'From all present Indications
this year will? be a record one
for flops in the .municipal court,
according to ' figures compiled by
Judge ,1VIartin ' Poulsen, city re
dbrder, bearing n the past two
month 8."" - '
'-.Th '' city records show that
during 'the year. 1921 $4,994.5"
was collected in fines for the
clly. f JYi -1822 fbts ' amount ' was
raised ' to '$6.904.7. The records
tor., the Tlrst two rpouth of the
new year , show that ' in. Jariuary
$507 was ct'llected in fines while
in Febp'uary 'f 735 .was collected.
Based - on the law of 1 averages
fines .this year will run elose to
$7,C00. '' , . -
. City R ecord e r Poulsen be
lieves - that tho ever Increasing
amount of fines ' Imposed . has
been due to the - Increased num
ber of people operating automo
biles, a great; part of -the tlne
coming (from speeding' cases. The
big fine month of "the year -be
says is In September, state' fair
menth," when -'speeders keep the
local ' traffic officers worh'ng
overtime. Arrests at this time
he says prove extremely lucra
tive to the city. ,
A. total of $, 160.23 passl
through - the city's cofers : lat
year on fines and miscellaneous
Mems, the records show. Auc
tioneers licenses brought In $209,
plumbing fees $44.60,. permits
$190.50, miscellaneous S20.5 6
Justice Agent and Waitress
Remember seeing Com
munist leader at Sand
Dune Meet .
Defense Not to Contend Con
vention Instigated by
- v . Burns Detectives. '
3T. JOSEPH, Mich., March 16.
By The' Associated Press) 1
William 2. Foster,, charged with
violating the ' state law. against
criminal syndicalism through at
tending the communist convention
held in the sand dunes near here
last August was lined directly
with the meeting today when two
state' Witnesses testified they saw
him there. Foster was not present
when tthe convention was raided
August 22 by a sheriff's posse and
federal agents, but was arrested
later in. Chicago. .
"Jacob Spolansky, a .department
of ; justice ' agent . from Chicago,
testified . be saw Foster at the
meeting on, Sunday. August 20,
when " Spolansky ' and .Edward
Shanahan, another . federal agent
sat 'on '. a , nearby sand dune and
watched! the meeting.
- Pocuments Identified .
jure. Ktnei Mieike, a waitress
at the Wolfskin resort where the
convention was held, pointed Fos-.
er. out .in - a crowded court room
as one of those on whom she had
.waited and then searched the au
dience outside the rail and identi
fied Rose Pastor Stokes and Re
becca Sackarow of New York, and
E?te Eeeyei'nhoor .of i3aii Fran-
Cisco as others present. The three
women, under indictment with
Foster surrendered last week.'
The entire day was spent - by
the state ; developing the story of
the raid and identifying some of
the hundreds of papers and docu
ments seized when - the raiders
dug up. two barrels of hidden evi
dence. " ' ' ' ' 4 -' 1
" ". Coaventiom Mot "Fixed
An-apparent disagreement be
tween Foster and FrankvP. Walsh,
his" chief of counsel, on the one
hand, and several of Foster'a fel
low defendants who are awaiting
trial on the other was denied to
day by all concerned, ; although.
the others issued a signed state
ment that apparently repudiated
the line of defense indicated In
Mr. Walsh's "opening statement
yesterday. .
The executive committee .state
ment took exception .to newspaper
reports , regarding the depositions
taken by tyr. Walsh at Chicago
prior to' the trial, which reports
said the defense ' would try. to
prove that the convention was
planned by agents ,of the urns
aetecuve agency and that the del
egates were tricked 4ntq following
me detectives'-lead. 1 -'
"This is positively untrue," the
statement says. "Nothing of the
sort happened ' Brldgeman,
Mich. The defense will not con
tend anything, of the kind.""
Board of Control s Wants
Tract Within Twelve Miles
From Salem. .
. That: the site for the 'proposed
new . state training school for
boys will be located 'within a ra
dius of 10 or 12 miles from Sa
lem Is" Indicated , in advertse-
ments that the board of control
ha? . prepared .for.publlcationw The
advertisement asks for informs
Hon.. relative to - suitable sites.
It stipulated that the tracts
must contain from ;400 to 500
acre of good agricultural land
adaptable to the growing of pro
duce, grr.Ins and fruits and lie
within a reasonable distance' from
an improved highway. An appro
priate building site 'and adequate
water -supply also are required.
It Is requested that . full . descrip
tion of property, statement of the
character of the, soil, lay of the
land,, a plat showing the, general
outline of the propertr and the
price per acre des'red ; besubmlt
ted to the board sot later than
April 10 19.2? ;
The call of the wild proved too
tempting to" Mike Ambro, 14 -year-old
Chemawa .Indian schools stud
ent. , - 1 -
About one month ago his father
and , mother, full blooded Nez
Perce Indians, decided that edu
cation' for their 'son would not be
amiss. So they sent him to the
Chemawa Indian school. Then
they, packed their, belongings and
departed - for "somewhere . in Ida
ho."1 ' --'-'
For three long weeks little MJke
stood the grind of . the white man
from which brains are developed.
Then , with the .coming of spring
the spirit, of the - wanderlust got
into his blood.. ; Books became a
great bore. He decided that he
must join his parents.
So early one morning, about
eight days ago, he took "French
leave' of the Indian school and
started dut for Idaho. He had
no money, only a good pair of
soles on which to travel. : But he
traveled.- First, to Portland, then
to pillsboro. At Hillsboro di
rections became mixed, and be
fore he knew it he was -back in
Cortland " again: Once' more he
set out. He walked many miles.
Finally, on the eighth day he
reached another town. . He . then
thought it must be - near Idaho.
So he asked someone tlie name of
it. He was told that it was Ore
gon City. It puzzled him, for; It
seemed las though he had passed
through' it once before. '
, . While he . was thus pondering
on the .ways of Oregon roads, a
friendly ' automobile passed r him,
stopped and 'a voice asked if he
would consider a 'lift," He ac
cepted the offer. And therein lay
the end of his journey. , Its oceu
pants proved to be Officers George
White . and t VT. Edwards of the
local police departments
1 Yesterday a, very " tired Indian
boy was waiting at the police sta
tion ' for a trar which was' to Te-
turn him. to Chemawa. ; The wan
derlust - spirit was , dead. In its
place - was - the I rresistable desire
for three certain meals per day.
The end . of the rainbow , trail
for Mike Ambro had proved to be
its starting point.
Eighteen Lose Lives and
Property Damaged Many
Thousands in Storm. .
MEMPHIS, Tenn., March 16.
Eighteen dead,' approximately 100
injured and property (damage es
timated at between $300,000 and
$400,000 made up the' known toll
tonight ef a tornado which swept
seven -delta counties in northern
Mississippi 'last: night, demolished
one village- Savage- and left a
trail of property damage and
death and maimed In a dozen
or more towns and farming set
tlements. - Several hundred are
homeless. -
Of the known dead, nine lost
their lives when, the storm bat
tered the remnants of the town
of Savage badly damaged two
f Continued on page ) y
CflfY SC
, Reports are current that an effort will be made by some
citizens of Salem who opposed the school bonds; to have the.
issue of bonds enjoined. - j
Propaganda that is being spread by these persons is to
the effect that a lot of people were allowed to vote at the
election last Monday who were not qualified to do so-
; The complaint i3 being made that all of the election judges
were women and that they allowed everyone to vote who
applied for 'a 'ballot and claimed to be a taxpayer. .It is as
serted that the judges made
of ithose voting that they were taxpayers, and that no way
was provided for them to verify the voters. Un these grounds
it is asserted that the election was invalid.
' . The prediction i3 made, on the other,hand, that no attempt
will be made to .invalidate the' election. The bond election
was preceded by a strong campaign for. the bonds ji which
the dire need of additional buildings .was pointed out, and
practically the whole progressive element of the city backed
tho boiidSs 'i ; I: ' -
PORTIiAND, March 16. R; W.
Sylvester was arrested as he "was
drlying an automobile with one
hand. , " ' h - :
""Was she pretty?" asked Judge
Efall.ln court today. ' '
"She sure was,f replied Motor
cycle Patrolman Pierre. ' . ::.'
' "How about It?" asked the
Jurist of the defendant. ' ' '" :
"Tou bet she waspretty," piped
up Sylvester.
"That being the case. X will
suspend the fine of f 7. 50 which
I was about to charge you,"' the
court announced.'
Hotel Alder in Retail District
Gutted by Flames No "
Lives Are Lost.
PORTLAND; Or., March 16.
Fire broke out on the ground
floor of the Alder hotel, a five
story building In the rtall district
early tonight, presumably " from
an overheated electric iron In a
tailor shop,' the firemen said. The
lower floors of the" building be
came quickly y filled with smoke
and. flame burst from some of the
windows. Some 200 guests were
in the building, but it. waa believ
ed ail escaped. 'A general alarm
brought the fire fighting -appar-
latus'from all parts ot;the city to
the. scene. . '.,",
Notwithstanding the efforts of
the fiijomeit. the flames fealned
rapidly and an hour fter the fire
started flames ' burst throtigh. the
roof. " Tons of water,-were poured
Into'the" bulfdlng." drenching "thor
oughly ' everything " not .flame
Fred Smith, proprietor of the
burning hotel, soon after the fire
started bethought himself of R. J.
McClure of Coos Bay, Or., a guest
who was lying 111' in . an : upper
room. . Smith dashed up - the
smoke-filled stairway, broke into
McClure's roomj" seized "the help
less man,dragged him. to a fire
escape and carried him down" to
the street; to safety: -amid the
cheers of the crowd. ;
Two hours after the fire broke
out it had extended to every part
of the building, which was for the
(Continued on'page 6)
Baptist Meetings Still
Attract Great Interest
: The gospel, as presented in
songs, stories and sermons at the
First Baptist church' by . H. Aug
ust Hunderup, is proving very at
tractive, - as . is evidenced by the
crowds' which gather 'each even
ing. s" :Mr. Hunderup as a' song
leader has ' Introduced many new
songs,, including some as sung by
the Southern darkies in , church
gatherings. !
His topic last night "Oh, Look!"
proved most interesting, the ser
mon being taken' from the story
of the Serpent lifted in the wil
derness by Moses. Mr. Hunder
up is a very effective speaker and
his reputation as a whirlwind has
certainly not suffered in Salem. .
no attempt to verify statements
. ; ..- ..
mwm -
Occupation of Ruhr cind Up
rising in Bavaria Lz.i t'
Invaders' Dccirc to Dc i-inate-
. '
cuimed u;:dzfi v;;.v
New-Era in European PC.:::
: Beginning ucv' Fc'.cy
1 Is Expected.
.MUNICH, Bavaria, !"?rrt 'SC.
i(By The ' Associated rrfjs.)
The ocupation Pif the z-
an uprising in Bavaria lave Ir i
parts of a French plan. f;r
t&bllshiag . a continental 1-'
of nations under the C:::.i.. - i
of Frar.ce, according to t 3
Muenchner Neueste' Kachi .
which makes the char;;? in f '
nection with the &rn-.t 1.
March 7 of . Professor FucX
dramatic . critic and'llcrr "it
aus,' a musical condactcr, cn t -picion
of treason.
The. newscauer clalr:? it I
received ' information ti.-t t: 7
prospectus for the cert trs ;".'.!. 1
league provided for the lrcl-: ' -
af" France, Italy, the Utt'.-j f -
tente. Bavaria and several I '
of Austria. The r, reject "
mentioned, by a French 1': .-"
ant .colonel, . Rlchert, ilviL: 5 f-
cret. ,' treasons:!:! 3 " rr";ci.3t:
some time ' ago with ' ru:'.i 1 .
Machaus, the ne-sjarer ar.-:;; .
- 1:''. . - i
Flot Cunp' DoiTi.Ti'l
Rlchert Is alleged to have ;
In "tench' with these r.;:i V.
the French first mot
born, resistance ia t. 3 T " r "
have adrccctcl a Ea-r: ' .
sen", for indppeiidiico i'. 1 '
le&tof Gerraany In : '
fuse and creak tie 1 r
resistance la tta Tztr.
'! you don't -act now.
ert is said : to '. have toll I
and Machaus, "Bavarian trini
ties will.- have no inter-, t f
France , any longer. This c:
must and will .bring si." t
Cown-falJ of the Cano Ovrr.i.i ;
v,n& "the -estaWLsiment of a 'r V
governraent in Cestnil Cfnr:
. The.' Kachrichten as?crt i1"'
Machaus, at an earlier 1
been asked hy.the Frer-li c.'
onel, Baqud, In Mayence, si--,
bolshevik unrest In Central C. r
many, with the aid of the Tf. 1
in order' to -"give "Bavaria t'r.-; ut
most occasion for action.
Continuing, the newsra;;r f -;
that when 'asked why Fr.-r. 1
such . iiiterest . In ' Munich, 'I -t
sch"' Ttrchert replied:
. . . . - . .... t .
1 . New Kra Zeon
"A new era In Euro-ran I -
itics Is now beginning. T"..o K""
operation is not a cc::tln-at- -of
the reparations, policy. V. "
this step the new Ilurc. i--
ioy will be introduce.!.
, Ttichert Isthen sail to 1.--
announced the plan i. r .a r.
league, of nations and x uch . -Machsus
allegedly, asrefi r. :t:
it. .Therefore, it wa3 decide J 1
carry but the "putsch" at V
earliest -' possible momer.t. - .
newspaper adds that Richer
declared -: Bavaria woull I
France's gratitude if an
should '.be carried out in ITar.":
In. support of the Ruhr C7r3i':a
Oregon Receives Cla
From Federal uovcrr.rr,
The agricultural an i"": J'ii: .
act for the fiscal year 1624 r::i' i
an appropriation -of 3,0 0 0,0 0 0 f r
forest roadj and trails at. I av.:.
brizes the secretary of a;rlc'.tur
to incur obligations, approve 1 ro
Jects and enter into contracts t?
Ka oTtent nf nn n A rl it in r. a 1 S.?,.
500,000. By section 25 cf t:. ;
federal highway act thesr; r.Kjr.N
are placed In two funds tl-i f:r
est highway fund and f!:e f;r: :
development fund an;l - e -portioned
to the state? wLlchcn..
tain national forest Ur.l.
Under the apportlonr:--.! "
the $6,500,000 ar?rc: :I..t'., 1 r
authorized. : Oregon wi:i rr
$453,395 from tho for?: t hi
fund and $440,922 frc.n tt : -est
development tnn;l.
Turiir Arr;
The robber cf t!: -Tire
Supply ulcre tr
High Street was 8 ; i '
aar early t.cur tits : " :
local r::l