The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 16, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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Averaf 'nr February, 1923: .
Sunday only -.1. , .. ... ,. .,8002
Daily and Sunday 5420
Avaraga for aia. month ending January
T. SI. 1923: - " - . :
fiaaday only- S8Q9
Paily and Sunday . ..5461
and alsawbera ia
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Naarly varrbedy raada
The Oregon Sstatesman
t ...
. Bills of Information Expect-t-
ed to Be Filed by Attorney
General Against . Certain
; Persons. . :
Grand Jury Unable to Find
; Sufficient Evidence to
j Warrant, Actions. ?
. BASTROP, La.. March 15: No
: indictments were returned by the
.Morehouse Parish grand Jury in
- connection . with the slaying l ot
Watt Daniel and T. F. Richard on
'August 24 last 'and various hood
ed band activities which the Jury
has been investigating for the past
ten days. The Jury's report was
given to district Judge Fred Odom
late today. ) ;'.-'
Attorney General Coco" and two
of his assistants left here before
the grand Jury made its report.
Mr. Coco stated early today ; that
In event no indictments were re
turned he would file bills of infor
mation against 'certain persons
.named at the open hearing here in
January as having participated in
in ob activities. He did not state,
however,': whether this action
would be taken immediately.
. In its report the grand Jury re
ferred to the masked band case as
.Vine crime . of August 24" . and
stated that r while it bad gone
-thoroughly into the affair, - it
tould find no evidence that would
! warrant the indictment of any in
dividuals. . . .
, History of .Case ' .
: On August 24,; 19224 fire clti-
tens of Mer Rouge, T. F. Richard,
; Watt Daniel, his father, JV L. Dan- i
' JeL W. C. Andrews and Tot"
Bastrop-Mer Rouge road while re
Davenport "were' abducted nv the
, turning by automobile from a plc
,.aic at Bastrop. The abductors,
' estimated at- from 15 to 20 men,
one in a 'white robe and the re
mainder wearing black , hoods,
placed the five in a truck and
drove i away. Late that night, J;
1 Daniel and Andrew were re
leased after being flogged but
Davenport ,' was - released without
punishment , Richard and Watt
: Daniel disappeared. 'J -: ' 5
'-. Relatives' of the missing men
, Insisted, they .had been; murdered
and enlisted the aid at Oovernoc
Parker in. the search for them.
. In September, department of jus
tice men appeared in Morehouse
Parish to investigate the casei
Thfeir deductions were that Rlch
ard and Daniel, had been murder-
ed and their bodies cast from the
Eastland, ferry landing. In Lake
LaFourche, 25 miles from here.,,
.., In November, Governor' Parker
visited Washington where he had
an interview with President Hard-?
ing and Attorney General Dough-
erfy and requested additional fed
eral aid in solving the case.
, Bodies Found v
On December 2 Governor Par
ker ordered a company of infantry
of . the state national guard into
Morehouse to drag the lakes In
search of the bodies. I -1
la the early morning hours,
two days later, the, troops en
; gaged in a skirmish with a boat
.load of men on Lake Cooper,
which was at the time closed to
traffic . - ': ' . : t-
While this was in progress, dy
' namitlng occurred on Lake La
vFourche twenty frniles . away
where the next morning the bod
ies of two men bound with tele
phone wire and badly mutilated,
were found floating on the aur
' face of the lake surrounded by
thousands of dead fish. , The bod-
fes were : Identified- as those of
.Richard and Daniel.
Governor : Parker . immediately
'ordered an additional company of
v infantry and a machine gun cbm
. pany In Morehouse and . set Jan
nary 5 as the date for an open
- hearing at the courthouse at Bas
trop to Investigate the slaying of
(Continued on page 2)
OREGON: Friday, rain.
, (Thursday) -
Maximum temperature, 53. ?
Mlnfmum temperature, 32.
RiTer, 6.3 feet; rising.' t: '
Rainfall, none.
Atmosphere, cloudy. "
-Wind south.. . ,
Suit for $100,000 Against Pub
lishing Company Filed; Said
He Was "K. K. K." ...
CHICAGO. March 15. uit for
$100,000 damages for slander was
filed apalnst the American Unity
Publishing company, publishers
of Tolerance, anti-Ku Kluz Klan
paper, by ' J. William Brooks, as
attorney, today.
Mr. Brooks, who is also head
of an undertaking establishment.
asserts that his name was printed
in Tolerance as a member of the
Ka Kiux Klan, whereas he had no
connection with the klan.
"A great many clients have re
fused to do business with me when
they thought I was a member of
the Ku Klux Klan." said j Mr.
Brooks. "In addition, , my under
taking business was ruined."
Unidentified Negro Shot as
He Leaps From Car; White
Man Being Held.
OMAHA, Neb., March 15. An
unidentified negro, is dead, and a
white man claiming to ' be John
Dengar, Buffalo, N. Y Is beihg
held by Omaha police for investi
eation as tbe result of an attempt
late this evening to rob the Union
Pacific mail train No. 6, running
from Ogden to Omaha. A suit
case crammed full . of registered
mail and money was recovered.
It was a mail clerk's bullet that
wrecked the holdup.' .
When the train reached 6nm-
mit, NebflO miles west of Omaha
a cleik discoyered that one of the
14 mall cars was locked on-tbe
inside. ' He gave the; alarm and
the train was stopped. . .
As the guards and armed clerks
began to. ; swarm .! from ",.t he train,
the negro, opened' a side . door 'of
the locked mail car, and suitcase
In hand, leaped out.
. Bullet Kills fegro
Disregarding commands to halt,
the negro dashed through the
snow when a bullet tired by Mall
Clerk G. C. Kull of Council Bluffs
brought him down. . The bullet
struck the bandit In the back.
Ia tbe meantime the guards
started a search of the train and
found Dengar hiding; in the ten
der of the engine. He was taken
into custody; , j ' 7 i -, . I
TtiA mawft AtaA f ma th frfttn
reached Omaha at 6:30 o'clock.
Postal . Inspector W. M. Coble
at once , took charge of the inves
tigation and of the suitcase and
its contents. He would not haz
ard an estimate as sto the value
of the contents. W .
Inspector Coble tonight stated
that he did not believe Dengar to
be connected with . the attempt to
rob the mail train. . '
Paul Wallace Chosen as Al
ternate to International
; Convention.
PORTLAND. Or.. March 15.
Extension of the field , of the
Young Men's- Christian associa
tion into ; the districts now, un
touched by its activity, creation
of a series of . standards for the
testlne of the tarious phases ol
the association's programs and
the stressing of ; the necessity 01
volunteer ; cooperation and service
of laymen In carrying on jthe
vork of i the organization were
urged in the final recommenda
tions of ; tbe 23rd annual con
vention of ; the Oregon and Idaho
YICA which closed its sessions
here today.' .-
The convention, attended y
more than 1000 delegates rom
every branch of the 4 association
In the two states, has been in
progress for the last two days
? Delegates to the international
constitution convention were
elected at follows: , .
Idaho, C. A. Barton of Boise:
alternates,; i Walter Clear,; Poca
tello, and W. E.l Graham, ; Boise,
Oregon W. J. Kerr, Corvallis
and W. W. Dillon, Portland; al
ternates. ; Frank Everhart, Eu
gene; C. i E. Webster, Baker: A.
Lu Veazie, Portland, . and . ; Paul
:. -- ' - ' -i .
i ... - - ' ; : "
Wallace, Salem
State's First Witness Tells
of Raid i on Communist
Convention . Held During
Convention Documents. Sunk
in Ground Alleged Traitor
ous Material.
ST. JOSEPH, Mich., March 15.
(By The Associated Press.)
William Z. Foster's ; trial on
charges of criminal syndicalism
po . under way late today, when
Sheriff George Bridgeman ' of
Berrien county, took the ; stand
as the state's first witness, and
described how he, with a posse
of 20 deputies, our federal
agents and a member of the,
state constabulary, raided the
ccmmunish convention - held near
here, last August. ;
The jury was completed early
this1 afternoon with one woman
and 11 men seated to try : Fos
ter, first of the 76 persons al
leged to i nave attended the con
vention, to go on trial. Nine
of the jurors are farmers, one
a grocer, one a crosalrfg watch
man and the twelfth; a house
wife. ; .
Herrin IUots Feature
C. L. i Smlthfasslstant attor
ney general of Michigan, In J his
opening statement, declared the
slate would show that Foster
had helped to organize, become
a member and voluntarily as
sembled with t the Communist
party which taught and advocat
ed the. doctrine of crime,- sabo
tage, violence and other unlawful
methods of, terrorism as a means
of . accomplishing industrial ; or
lltical reform. - S ! ' '
Mr. Smith and Frank P. Walsh
of - New- York, chief - of counsel
for Foster, clashed when' the as
sistant . attorney general declared
the evidence would show that
the Herrin, 111., ' mine war, in
which more than 20 persons
were killed, had been i lauded at
th convention as a "valiant de
tense" and - that an official of
the communist party attending
the convention had declared the
workers throughout the, country
must "take their guns and close
down , the scab mines and para
lyze the state machinery by mil
itary action." :; ;: ":; i . ; '
, Said Paternal Delegate
Mr. Walsh objected to Mr.
Smith referring to ? the - Herrin
killings as "murders"- and con
tended that in the only complet
ed case gowing out of the affair
the defendants were acquitted-
1 Judge Charles White - ruled
that the attorney general said
he had the documents to support
his statement. It was t Admtesabiei
Mr. Smith described the speech
tlie state claims Foster del,vere
to the convention and repeated a
part of It, in which he said Fos
ter described a union meeting at
Chicago i which was debating the
question of buying an automobile
for its business agent.'
A substitute motion : to buy a
bicycle, was presented when one
member demanded to know bow
a. "business agent "can. throw
bricks through windows .from 'a
bicycle. . ' ' :
Mr., Walsh en his opening state,
ment said the defense would "en
deavor to show that Foster at
tended the convention as .a fra
ternal delegate and did not hold
a card or pay dues to the com'
munist party, .
The evidence will bring i out,
Walsh told the' Jurors that ' a
government secret agent. Francis
Morrow, alias Ashworth of Cam
den, N. J., was a delegate ; to tht
convention and that Morrow ' was
one,: of the active leaders in .the
extreme 'radical wing which op
posed the move,, and . that the
irotion was defeated by one vote.
v "The deciding vote ; against it
was cast," Mr. Walsh said, "by
this representative of 'the' secret
service of the Unite States."
- Doraments BnHed ; J
Mot row, who was arrested at
the time "of i the raid but later
released when he : established hfs
identity as a government; secre
tary service agent, is to be a
witness for the state In the tria
here.' ; .; . . , V : ,i.
Mr. Smith, ini his t statement,
declared the prosecution is not
aimed at the beliefs a Foster,
cr Foster as a "labor agitator,"
cargo taken
From steamer
Haul Made by Federal Offi
' cers at Ta coma Said to Be
Worth 150,000. ,
! TA.COM A, .Wash.. March 15
Narcotics estimated by federal of
ficers to be worth, $130,000 were
seized on the steamship Del Rosa
at a-focar dock today by inspec
tors of the customs department.
This Is the largest seizure, of the
kind at this port and is believed
by the officers to have been one
of the largest ever made on the
coast. 1 ' .
John Wrong, fireman on the
Del Rosa is held aboard the ves
sel following his alleged confes
sion to having taken the narcotics
on the' ship.
'The seizure followed long days
of watching on the part of the
officers following the arrival of
the steamer; here two weeks ago
from Valparaiso and other South
American points.
The shipment seized is supposed
to be one of a number that have
reached the Pacific northwest
through Ptuget Sound ports" and
it is thought that the shipments
are being financed by strong, in
terests In South America.
Committee on Reforestation
to Look Over Conditions
in the Northwest;
cussing . plans . of the special sen
ate committee. on reforestation,' of
which be, is Chairman, Senator
McNary,' Republican, . Oregon, an
nounced today that after the com
mittee inspects conditions In
Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana
will carry on its investigation
In the west and northwest during
the summer and in New England
next fall The ' committee'" plan
to leave here next Sunday for the
south. ' v .
"It is the present -plan . of.- the
committee." Senator McNary said.
"to return to Washington' about
April ,1.' The south as well as
the north and west is particularly
concerned in the matter of ref or
estating 'its millions of acres of
cut-over- pine lands which are
peculiarly adapted to 'the growth
of timber if protected from fires.
The chief menace to the Industry
everywhere fires ifc one ovetf
which the government has no con
trol at this . time " except within
the national forests, but it is be
lieved that a plan may be found
whereby the federal government
can and will cooperate with states
in , protecting - the - forests from
fires. t i , "; - ;;;
- 'There is a great deal of tim
ber wantonly destroyed and pro
ducts wasted in one way or an
other." Senator McNary .stated.
and it is the purpose of the com
mittee to inquire carefully into
these matters for the purpose of
recommending how such destruc
tion and waste must be obviated
or reduced to a minimum'
- - L -. -J.
Clean-Up jn State Insurance
Department Pending, Ac-
cording to Report, .
Hoi-aee Sykes of Salem, an in
spector for the fire marshal's de
partment of the ; state insurance
commissioner, and John j Collier,
Portland attorney, who has! had
charge of legal work for i the de
partment, have, been relieved, of
their duties by Will H. Moore.
Governor Pierce's new commis
sioner and fire marshal.
While it is said that the move
is one of economy and that their
places are not to bex tilled : by
other employes, it is understood
that Moore., with the, approval of
the governor, will make a clean
sweep of all employes in his de
partments and ' replace them with
Democrats. -; ,. i ',; - ,.
Collier was retained by the de
partment at a small monthly fee
to handle the legal end of Inves
tigations. '
BALTIMORE, Md., March 1&.
William Carter, former pres
ident of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive .Firemen and Engine-
men. , died at a local hospital
here todaf, aged 63 jeari.
i , , . ". i
Charged With Second Decree
Murder of Capt. Pettit,
Life Story Is Told.
MINEOLA, N. Y., March 15.
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Billle)
Wells, charged with second de
gree murder in connection with
the death of Capt. James Pettit,
proprietor of the Massapequa Inn
told the story of her life on the
witness stand today.
She recounted three marriages,
her unhappiness an attempt at
suicide and her stay under Pet
tit's roof as hostess of the tavern
Mrs. Wells said she was introduc
ed to Pettit in a New York police
court where. she had gone to iden
tify a man who had stolen Jewelry
from her.
She testified that on Christmas
eve, 1921, Pettit gave her . "the
most awfnl black eye" . she ever
had. ,
Last New Year's eve, she said,
Pettit pulled her upstairs, threw
her to the floor and gave her an
other black eye, but was sorry the
next day. ; (i
Man Accused of Double
Murder Asserts Insanity
Runs in His Family.
MARSHFIELD, 'Or., March 15.
Several surprises developed today
in the trial of L., W. Peare, al
leged double murderer, charged
with killing his wife and a neigh
bor, James Culver. The first was
the speed with which the trial
proceeded, the prosecution resting
its case shortly after noon; the
second was the production of a
short will said to have been writ
ten by. Peare on a tablet In cither
the Peare or pulver home follow
ing the killings. The third was
the placing of Peare oh the stand
Uy the defense. .. ,
Coroner F. E. Wilson testified
to finding, the writing purporting
to be Peare's wilL- The existence
of this was not known until Coro
ner Wifson went on the stand.
The will devised his Tanch to Joe
Knight, a neighbor, his cattle to
another neighbor named Ely, and
to each of bis daughters $5.
On taking the stand Peare re
lated what he said was his fam
ily history. He spoke about his
one daughter who is an inmate of
the asylum, either at Salem or
Pendleton, and said that insanity
was common in his family.
Jury Finds Industrial Work
ers builty ot Criminal
LOS ANGELES. March 13.
Elrtit alleged members of the
Industrial Workers of the World
were found guilty of criminal
syndicalism by a jury in the su
perior court here today. Five
of them were convicted on two
counts and the other three ou one.
Any attempt to create a dis
turbance when the verdict was
announced was forestalled by the
presence of armed deputies.4 The
crowded court room remained
quiet. One woman, the wife of
a defendant, fainted.
Judge John W. Shenk set Tues
day as the time for pronouncing
sentence. '"--.
Found guilty on the first count,
which was criminal syndicalism,
were Roy Leonard, Claude Erwin,
James Fink, Lawrence Gross, Ar
thuro Orla, William Allen. Mar
tin Larsen and Dan Duffy. On
the second count," conspiring to
commit criminal syndicalism, all
of the defendants except Oria,
Larsen and .Duffy were found
guilty. .
The .trial started here January
4. All of the defendants insisted
on acting as their own attorneys,
in attempt. It was alleged, to draw
out the proceedings and "Jam
the court. 1
MEMPHIS. Tenn., March 15.
The town ' of , Savage. Miss., has
been wiped out by a. windstorm,
according to reports : reaching
lere , early tonight. .Wire com
munications are reported des
troyed and no estimate of dam
age has been received here. Sav
age is about 40 miles south of
it Sup
Mob of Three Hundred Told
They Will Receive $3 In
stead of $5 Cease to
Five Go to Hospital With
; Bullet Wounds, but Ex
pected to Recover.
LOS ANGELES, March 15.
Events that - caused the transfor
mation of a movie mob into' an
actual mob of infuriated rioters,
five of whom went to the, receiv
ing hospital with : bullet wounds,
was the subject of police investi
gation, here tonight.
, According to. Harry Stalwyn,
manager of the local employment
bureau in front of which the riot
occurred, a crowd of; about 300
men appeared at the bureau's
downtown office to apply for work
as extras in a mob , scene : which
was to he staged at a. motion pic
ture studio. When It was an
nounced to - the men t that they
would receive $3, a day Instead
of $5 per person for simulating
mob violence, they ceased to sim-
ulte, he told the police, and began
functioning like a bonafide mod,
advancing on the bureau's head
quarters and personnel in a very
threatening manner, v
Andrew B. Lane, an employe,
of the bureau, then stepped out
and tried to calm the crowd, Stal
wyn said, but was set upon and
severely , beaten. In self defense
he drew a revolve and fired at
his attackers.,
Lane Said Assanlteir
Extras who participated In the
affray told the police a different
story. They alleged that Lane
appeared at the door of the bu
reau's office armed with a re
volver and attempted to drive
them away. Instead of retreat
ing, they said, the crowd set upon
him and beat him until he cried
enough and then released him.
As saan as he was clear . of the
crowd, they declared, he turned
and fired, wounding five men.
When the police riot squad ar
rived Lane was found 'hidden in
a closet In the employment bu
reau office. - He was placed un
der arrest and booked on an as
sault charge. .;'; ; Jf.
Officials of the service bureau,
where the riot occurred, said in
Lane's defense that it had been
believed therevolver he used was
"loaded with blanks."
Police surgeons said they ex
pected all the victims to recover.
Race Driver in Speed Tests
Breaks Five and Teh 1
Mile Record,
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 15.
R. C. (Cliff) Durant, automobile
race driver, in speed tests '-on the
Los Angeles speedway, broke all
world's records, both competitive
and non-competitive for the five
and ten mile distances, it was an
nounced by speedway officials.
The trials were made under the
supervision of and with the sanc
tion of the contest board of the
American Automobile association
and will be recognized as official,
It was stated.
Durant's time for five miles was
announced as 2:32.40, an average
ot 118.42 miles ah hour. This
broke the non-competitive record
ot 3:16.58, formerly held by the
late Laddie O'Donnell and made
at Sheepshead 'Bay, Ni Y Novem
ber 10, 1919, and the competitive
record of 2:38.85 made fay Frank
Elliott at Cotati, Cal., April 2,
Durant made a record of 5:04.
OS for ten miles', an average speed
of . 118.4. This broke Jimmy
Murphy's non-competitive .j record
for the distance of 6:14.60 made
at Sheapshead Bay, ' November 18,
1919, and the competitive record
made by Frank Elliott at Cotati
April 2, 1922. The latter's time
was 5:14.40.
i 1
More Than 19 Inches Fall,
Leaving Worst Storm Rec
ord in History of City.
OMAHA, Neb.', .March 15.
(By The Associated Press).
Omaha today was digging itself
out of the snow which the worst
storm In the city's history left be
hind it. More than 19 Inches of
snow fell, shattering all records of
the local weather bureau. - i
Last night a blizzard prevailed
in eastern . Nebraska and west
Iowa. With Intense fury tbe wind
piled up , drifts many feet high.
Railroad service . was practically
at a standstill this morning.
The fojrcast for tonight is more
snow, to btf followed by fair and
warmer weather, v
State's Attorney Declares
Sufficient Evidence to
Convict Lacking.
MEDFORD, ; Or., March 15.
Practically the end ot the night
riding cases in Jackson County
was reached today when on mo
tion of Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Liljeqvist, an Instructed ver
dict of kcquittal was entered.. 1U
le case against J. Av Norris and
T. E. Goodie, charged with hav
ing' participated In an alleged
stringing up and . terrorizing of
Henry Johnson and .'Paul York
one nlgfib last April.
, Evidence Lacking
The state'8""attorhey in his mo.
t ion said that the state-did not
have sufficient evidence to con
vict. When court reconvened
, (Continued on page C)
Gathering Last Niht De
cides That Organization
Shall Not Disband. V
After having been measured
for its casket, after having jwilled
away its life and property and af
ter having practically cut pff Its
own head and thrown itself into
the, bottomless pit to sizzle like a
watery egg in hot grease, the Sa
lem Federated elubs hopped up
and came back to as keen a life
as It ever lived. It is now going
at a stronger pace than ever be
fore, r and there seems to be no
reason why it shouldn't go on forever.-
; . ' .: ; ;
The funeral service was called
for last night,, at the, Chamber of
Commerce rooms. They were
about ready to screw down the lid
of .the coffin, when the corpse
raised up and said, "Raus mit
lhm!' and then raised itself up
Into action. ; If elected new offi
cers and it is still acting.
'. One of the matters discussed
was better municipal playgrounds.
This was presented by Dr. H. E.
Morris. , Batter playgrounds were
advocated by Mrs. Gertrude J. M.
Page. They will talk over these
Land many; other important mat
ters at the next meeting, Friday,
April 13. . ;
The new officers are: Dr H. E.
Morris, president; Mrs. Gertrude
J. M. Page, vice president r Mirpah
C. Blair,- secretary. The Federat
ed Clubs Is an affiliation of all
the civic clubs of the city, to take
up any. sort of public matters that
the Individual clubs . might not
wish or, be able to handle singly.
If Is aimed to boost everything ot
public nature that may need
boosting. ' . ':
s Those ' attending last' night
were: Dr. Morris, Kiwanis club;
Mirpah a. Blair, Mary B. Purvine,
Business and Professional . Wo
men; Ross C. Miles, Allen Ka
toury. Lions club; Mrs. Mark Mc
Callister, Lincoln-McKinley Parent-Teacher
association; Walter J.
Kirk, American Legion; Mrs. La
Moine Clark, 1 ; Salem Women's
club; Dr. E. E. Fisher, Cherrlans;
W. M. Hamilton, Rotary; Pascal
L. Tragllo, Central Labor coun
cil ; Gertrude J. . M. Page, , Real-,
tors; . C. E.'-Wilson,' Cnamber of
Commerce. ' '
Four . other organizations are
members: The War Mothers, Arts
League, Highland Paernt-Teach-
er association and Salem TeaCVer
association. . ,
says geie;:
No Negotiations Will Co
Entered Into Before In
vaders Withdraw, Author
ities Assert.
Hope Expressed by Enninr. J
That Germany Has Ccrr.3
i . to Senses FjnIly.
- BERLIN, March 15. (By Th a
Associated Press.) It was '" re
liably stated tonight that com
plete and. unconditional evac :
atlon of, the Ruhr will be de-Jz-
nated -by Germany as a- prere
quisite to . the resumption of re
parations payments . and deliver
ies in kind under the prograrx
to be agreed upon when nejo
tations.wlth the French and-Uei-
gians are resumed.
This is the crux at. the Ger
man official position as announc
ed in connection wth the cur
rent, rumors in respect topossit!j
early inauguration., of negotia
tions either directly with Franca
or through '-the mediation of &
third party.
Two German policemen wera
executed f fn Buer on . Monday la
the presence of two officers and
two soldiers of the occupational
forces, 1 according to special d.'a-
patches from German c"T-" - r-
dents in the Ruhr.
The policemen, named Mohr
Krause.'were once deported Stti
the district but had returned for
their personal, effects when seized.
(By The Associated .Press.)
For an hour or more" today Laiy
Boheham-Carter, daughter of tha
former Dritish premier H- H
AsQUlthi who : is reported , to t a
iBVestlgatlng the situation tera
at the instance of her father,
heard a crowd of German coal
miners ' tell their tale of woe.
The miners wen brought to tba
surface especially tor tho pur
pose, as Lady Boneham-Carter
speaks German. The mer. eiM
they favored going on strike a a
soon - as the French seized tbo
ccei on the surface; they toelisv-
ed this was the feeling nc::
the miners generally.
They also emphasized that they
rvere "eager for a settlement and
would strike against the Berlla
government if they learned ttat
the German government had ct-
fers of reasonable peace , nego
tiations and Chancellor Cuno de
clined to consider them.
i LONDON, March 15. (By Tha
Associated Press.) While evi
dence ot a perceptible weakening
in Germany's - resistance , to
France and Belgium has come
to the notice of Downing street.
British foreign , office officials
declined to comment on the var
ious reports that the Berlin gov
ernment Is about to adopt an en
tire new policy toward the al
lies.';. :
The hope was expressed to
night, however, that Germany
has at last "come to her sen
tes'' and is ready to make direct
proposals to France regarding
the , Vhole question of repara
tions and the occupied territories.
at wood c;
V r -
Bottle Deposited Near Trusty
i Camp Found to Contain --
Formaldehyde, a deadly poison,
was contained in one of the bot
tles found at the state penitenti
ary wood. camp, Warden Johnson
8. Smith - said yesterday, whers
moonshine liquor Is alleged to
have' been "planted" so that it
would be found by convicts em
ployed there. .
That the bottle contained some
thing more vicious even than
moonshine was suspected by the
trusties and . prison guards to
whom It was turned over by them,
and the warden sent the bottle ta
the laboratory of the state ho ; S-
tal for the Insane where the con
tents were analyzed and found to
contain formaldehyde.
What motive may have Inn j-
enced the person or persons vl..j
depbslted the polso In the trz ,
is conjectural.
(Continued on page 6) 1
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