The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    If- tr
i lafinrati.
To Demonstrate
-Remarkable New
-are nmtqrd and
wearfc truss, now, is your op-
JportanttJ" to get a . FREE
TRIAU of the rnostscienti-
fieally. constructed Rupture
support ever invented.
I . William S. Rice, Adams, N.
Y., inventor of the' Rice Non
w Surgical Rupture Method, is'
con Hi ntr TV,Tr nnl "Mrs. WillinTns
to the : Marion Hotel, . Salem,
Oregon. Monday, March 12, -and
from 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4
p. m.,' Tuesday; March 13. to
personalty explain and demon
stratehis ' wonderful " New
Rupture-,. Invention , entirely
free to everyjman, woman and
child who needs help. , " f -
:i ' ': i.r . v -
" I ' '-it if abkolutftlv oiiaranteed
. to hold : "jy. rupture, large or
sman, no matter wnere locatea
and afford proper : protection
at all times. iti' Y f .-- "
"i7T . 7" .'ill1- "U . ,
r It is positively - the ;most
comfortable., for every,, day
wear at; all. kinds of work and
can be worn nights'and at: all
other times with, no "discom-
-v- i. ' , rt
4 ZOrt' ,..:' :, ' ,,.,'
It is guaranteed, not to slip
out of; place under any' cir
cumstances and the . pressure
, so easily, adjusts j itself, to all
positions and movements of
the body that there is no bind-
i ing, cutting or chafing pr fur
j ther rupture troubles of any
nature after commencing its
USe.v;' -' '-,:'s" -"-''-. v-r..-
It has proven the only prop
k erly constructed Rupture Sup
iport ever supplied for frup-:
,tured. fwpmen;lJ can be ' worn
with or without the corset and
! actually improves the abdom
inal, outlines. ( " ", "."'T V '
I !'sIt is equally valuable- for
; ruptured children as it. allows
for full normal grtjwtl and de
fcvelopment" without - limiting
"I youthful activities or allowing
J the slightest protrusion of the
rtipture.' , . r- '
! t It .' ' ' k -
! r Pads are made of soft, resil
ient ' material, light, - durable
and comfortable. Hug the
'flesh snugly "yet do not irri
tate; They are designed and
shaped to fit and give pres
i sure at 5 the tight spot: so the
bowel cannot possibly escape,
4 Hundreds of thousands in
.use all over the . civilized
.world, arid thousands -are
"throwing': their old-fashioned
i trusses on the' scrap heap aft
.ter . adopting this -r scientific
Rupture Support, . ": t ,
-This wonderful Appliance is
i .also .used with great fcuccess
as p.' Support- following opera
! tions and for Ptosis (fallen
; t stomach ) , . floating - kidney,
saggingxf abdominal contents
wahd any, condition requiring
corrective support for the abn
k dpmen. And for men and wo
men who have no rupture but
require a strong - uplift sup
port for large fleshy or pen
dulous abdomens a special de-
sign is supplied which : dis
tributes the pressure over the
entire back and ; carries tlie
weight in front however great,
withotit cutting or discomfort.
w n
-is i or every man, woman ana
child " who is ruptured. So
don't fail to call and test, the
exceptional merits of. this
guaranteed Ruptur et and
Weakness Support, tit has no
, equal and is being recommend
ved by physicians and hospitals
everywhere. It don't cost you
ibne single penny to have "this
b wonderful ' rupture invention
-fitted to you. Call any time
from 9 to 12 forenoons,4 2 to
I afternoons or 7 to 9. eve
- nings. The test, remember,
; Vcpsts you nothing. Lady ex-
l Dert attends all wnmpn . tktt
young 'children in separate
i partments. - - -
r Note: If you live loo far
away or for any, reason can
riot 1 call on the dales given
Avrite W. S. Rice. Dent; 66, K.
jAdams, N. rY and your needs
can" be fully, and proiaptly
'roposal son $700,000
Worth of Contracts to Be
Opened in Portland.
grading, rock surfacing, paying
aDd bridge building contracts ag
gregating W estimated 700,000
Have been advertised by the state
highway department, and the bids
wilLbe opened at a meeting of the
commission Jn Portland on March
7. The road , building under the
contracts will 'total about 25.62
miles., . .. ' r . !" '
" The projects are:
Grading, Rock Surfacing, Paving.
Cods county Lamprey Creek?
Pat Elk treek : sectiohT ItooseveTt
Coast highway 7.75 ' miles griad-
Deschiites county Redmond-
Cline Fans 'r . section; MeKenzie
highway, 4.78 miles gradfns and
surfacing. ' Tumaio-Deschntes riv
er section, Bend-Sisters highway,
.37 miles grading and surfacing.
Douglas 'cottnty- Approaches to
bridges at- Winchester, Pacific
highway. .54 miles grading.'- '
Lane ' county Engene-Soshen
section, Pacific highway; 4.8 miles
pavement resurf acing. :j Creswell
section, Paclfle highway, .63 Wiles
or paving.f vf-H-- ,
Lincoln ? countyMDtter Rock-
Agate Beach section, Roosevelt
Coast highway, 5.75 miles grading.-':
:-'.- : j r -viv
Morrow county v Furnishinsf
crushed gravel at Castle Rock,
Columbia River highway, 16,000
ubic, yards surfacing materials.
, Clackamas . county Bridge
over. Pudding river on the Pacific
highway at Aurora requiring ap
proximately 16 00; eubic yards of
concrete, 260,000, pounds' metal
reinforcement, 125,000 pounds of
structural steel. 4700 feet piling.
1180 feet handrail and 2200 cubic
yards excavation. ! -?
Clatsop county Bridge over
Bear creek near Svensen. on the
Columbia" River thigh way. requir
ing approximately "180 cubic yards
concrete, 20,000 pounds metal re
inforcement. 1000; feet piling, 130
feet hand rail and 300 cubic yards
excavation. 4 ,". -
Jackson county -111 Bridge over
Emigrant; creek near Ashland on
the Ashland-Klamath Pails high
way, requiring, approximately 15
cubic yards concrete and 60 - feet
standard frame trestle.
Josephine county Bridge over
Jump-Qff-Joe creek, near Grants
Pass on the. Pacific highway, re
quiring, approximately 275 cubic
yards concrete, 32,000 pounds of
metal .reinforcement, 2100 feet of
puing, iiu, zeet handrail and 450
tVbic .yardrxcavation. . '
Klamath isbunty Bridge over
Klamath river at Spencer's on the
Ashland-Klamath ! Falls highway.
requiring approximately 850 cubic
yards concrete 155.000 pounds of
metal reinforcement, 810 feet of
handrail and 2.20 cubic yards of
excavation. j
1 (4
1 "
3 v '"t
4 r':V--';
4 M.J
1 .M
- .xr J
Picture sltows the rains of" Lester Block in the heart of . Hamil
ton. Ontario, which was gutted by fire with a loss of 11,000,000. The
building housed 150 stores, o& s and apartments. ,
Italians Who Conduct Bank
and TickeOffice. Bus-: !
ness Disappear.
NEW YORK, March 10. (By
the Associated Press.)' The three
brothers . ,Tlsbo , who conduct , a
bank and steamship ticket agency
oh Mott street, in the -heart of
New York's - little Italy, disap
peared mysteriously . today. Im
mediately a crowd of depositors
gathered, 'demanding their savings
which were. reported to total from
1500,000 to $3,000.0000. "
''Police, took charge, of -the bank
and .Its affairs, pending the re
sult of their search for the miss
ing brothers. " After a search of
apartments ' oyer the . bank occu
pied " byi the brothers officers re
ported that .clothing was" gone and
that photographs had been re
moved, from-their frames. f.-
- While the police were checking
up "at the passport "bureau, . the
Italian-American line- reported.! it
had found' Francisco TIsbo's name
oil the passenger Hst ?of the liner
Taormlna, which sailed yester
day. ' ' l'-
Cursory inquiry ; by the police
indicated that toe bank - deposi
tors, numbered 40,000. -,
George B. HcLaughlin, state
bank superintendent, "stated that
the Tlsbos were " hot authorized
private bankers. If they had been
accepting, deposits they were vlo
laung the state penal laws, he
said. ' ' '. '' 1 . " '" " ' i
NEW YORK," March 10.
Evaporated " apples quiet; prune
more doing; apricots firm; peach
znore doing; apricots firm;
peaches dull. '- ' ' ' ... '
Short Selling and Profit Tak
ing Responsible for
'Price Decline.
corporation Is known to
fused a large amount of business
during the mouth. - ?
Thecontlnued good .demand
for sterling resulted in another
advance-of l-4 of a, eent in the
demand prate to 4.70 3:4 but
trading In the otherl-JEuropean
exchanges was - Irregular and
iuiet with only nominate chan
ges in rates. v
' The weekly , clearing ' house
statement showed a decrease ol
$66,147,000 in Joans, discounts
und investments and . $116,418,
000 iri": net demand deposits and
increasesof $3,25r,000 in' cash
in own' vaults and $3, 798,000
in the reserve1 of members in
the federal reserve bank. Aggre
gate heserve totaled" $531,191.
OOOi'- thereby" converting a defi
cit in reserves of $885,660 last
week into excess reserve of $18,
1,31,690 this week. "
LONDON, , March .,10.---(By
The Associated Press.) General
Sir Arthur Codlev. commander
Of the British troops at Co'logriee,
returned to his pest today bear
ing governmental approval of the
agreement", drawn up ' between
him and General De Goutte, tire
French commander, ; permitting
the French occupational forces
to run " approximately ten trains
daily - avros3 the British zone.
Transcontinental Test to Be
..Made Wednesday Night
. From Boston,
An all-Elk radio program, will
b broadcasted , from f - station
WNAC, the ShepftrdV Stores, Bos
ton, Mass., on Wed nesday, eve
ning, March 14, according to in
formation received by. the Salem
FJks lodge from Joseph M. Mc
Dowell of the .W6burn, Mass..
lodge, and Joseph M. Sharer, ot
Newton, Mass., lodge.. The lat
ter is editor and publisher of
the Eastern Elk, of Boston.
--On that night a transcontinen
tal test is to be made, partici
pated in by' Elks " from Massa
chusetts ' and their female .rela
tives. They also will be assist
ed by Elks from other parts of
the country -who may be in Bos
ton at the time.
"We consider this a hlgh'hon-
oh, which has heen accorded
tis," says the -letter, "and t e
Senior Class to Present "AH-
of-a-Sudden Peggy" at
' Early Date, , -
"AU-of-oSudden Peggy,"
three-act comedyf has been chos
en Wii '- V.2 .a.U. - T... Lm t.A
f alem high 'school . as the - annual
class" play While the date' of
giving the . play; is not . definitely
fixed,; If Is nowrexpected to "be
about Anrll 20 Ernest Denny is
the, author ot the play, which Is
a sparkling production from the
ticket window' to the goodbye
of the Janitor.. I .;
Miss Kletzing, a. teacher in the
schools. has : been selected as
coach for the play. ' She has had
good experience In such work
Almost , without I exception, the
caste froni''" the" senior class has
had previous dramatic exper
ience."-? .'t""t ' ! ' "' "." "'
The play centers around Peggy
O'Mara' and. Jimmy Keppel, who
elope - in f ; order that -Peggy's
mother shall "have her own way
la - certain affairs ; of the heart.
They ; drag in lords 1 and ladies
butlers, footmen, servants and
pals, . Into a .whirling maelstrom
of ' undignified mirthful - situa
tions.'-;'. : :t; -': - j
The Cast "follows:
Peggy O'Mara,5 . Helen Pollock.
Jimmy Kissel, Xouls'West.
Lady" ;? Crackenthorpe, Mary
McKlnnon. !
" Major"PhIpps, 1 Keith Brown.
. Mrs. .T O'Mara, Vivian Elkerl
'Anthony, K Lord Crackenthorpe
George - RhotenT 1 ' , . v -'
r Mlllicent; his daughter, Edith
Brotherton. ' 1 , 1 -Mrs.
Colquhoun, Alice Roth.
Narcles, a chum of Jimmy's.
Dow Lowell. j
, Parker footman, Clifford Hul-
sey. . ''Xa '';La I':.i : .X-:-
j Lucas, a servant. Hen Sun.
NEW YORK, March 10.
Speculators for the decline suc
ceeded--in depressing- prices m
today's . brief session of the' mar
ket, 'short - selling being 5 aided
by heavy : profit-taking of "pro
fessional traders. ' These realiz
ing sales were "based In part, 6n
the'" fear that" Income tax' pay
ments next week would result " in j
higher money rates' with" possibil
ity 'o ' another liquidation "' ot
shares' in which,; paper5 profits
had "been "established." ' f , 'X,' V .'"
' The 'decline while conducted in
anv' orderly fashion, without any
indications of general Weakness,
was coristrued in some "quarters
as "proof ' that the recent rise had
been overdone, 'leaving, the mar
ket In . a" weakened technical ; po
sition. ' One of the most signifi
cant" developments of the day
was the report that odd Jot. bus
iness 'had been r materially in
creased in the last " few weeks.
Indicating an expand in public In
terest in - market operations. Pro-
f essional operators, however,
continue to dominate the general
dealings. ' .
The monthly tonnage state
ment of the United States. Steel
corporation showing unfilled or
ders of 7,283,989 tons at the
end of February, . an increase of
373,213 over those at the -eadj
or i tne preceding ; raontu was Jtf
ter than v expected. . It " showed
the largest number of unfilled
orders on hand , since January,
, 1920, despite the fact that the
"SURPRISING VOLU31E! It was fun to watch him walk
Into big passages as if. he 1W not care whether he broke every
string on the lnHtromenf' -Chicago Evening Post.
World's Greatest Harpist
New York Evening Mall.'
: . - I - ' " iucsiay evening -
ml wm, i. - r" -r : ''
; .
Salvrs Harp Is v
Insured for $20,000.
! Hear Him Play It
Box Office Seat Sale
Tuesday, March 13
Seats $1.50 and, $2
Students 50c and $1 "
: Plus 10 Tax ,
wish. ,.to enlist " your .support to
the extent" that you listen In on
this -night and spread -the news
to. r your, . members .':by - reading
this r letter, at : your meetings and
making mention of theifaetj- in
our lodge ' notice. ' - i "
"The concert will begin at
9:30, 'eastern time, and will con
tinue until 3 o'clock the" follow
ing .morning thus allowing for
the difference; in . time. . This
is the first , time such an exten
sive program has been given By
Elks, and . the fact: it Is golns
to , be -a ' trans-continental teit
should : create great, interest , In
your pact- of the - continent. If
yon pick us up on this occasion
will you do your bit by tele
graphing the Shepard Stores.
Boston, immediately; and please
prepay that message." v ;
Once, while chatting with Ben-
ator Shirley of Maine, Bill Nye,
th,e humorist." remarked that , ha
had been born at Shirley la the
senator's , state and that he sup
posed .the town had been named
for - one r of the senator's ances
tors..'" -'f--"'"' ;""1 " " ' -: .
,"I didn't know, me senator re
plied, -"that there was such , a
town in Maine as Shirley ' j
X 1 1 dlln't; know It either." "Nya
iald innocently, ?antll I was bora
there." ; .: .' '.::.y'
L Phonographs . lb price, piano
prices slaughtered. $1 down JJ1.50
a week buys a phonograph, and
S down and" 51.50 a week "buys
a fine piano. See blg sale ad on
page: 7. GeorC Will. 432 State
street. ' ... : ; 0
rHow i5an vou.acco
at one sitting, Doctor x"
, , "I was lln the: chair only a shorf stime; and. yet yci '
have removed ther decay and have that front ;toetr -prepared
for the inlay.": Can' the work be proper!.' ;
done inso short a time; doctor?'V r r Jr-
'.Yes. You see 1 deadened the nerve of tHatLsens!!v ',- '
tooth temporarily'sb "that ! could work' fast and ,
curateiy. 'Being-thobugrdy: famfliar w(th"the anat- ' a
: omy of theooth1!' knew just how far to .go' so' as .
not t9 touch the herye ' canal. Here, look"' a' this
cuagram : , . - . . ,
"(A) represents decay wb.ich. had! toeremce6Ttace -will
be filled by the, inliay. . . . . .-- .- . ' ". - . - ..
,"(B) is the . pulp canal containing the.. nerve. 'Forttmatci.r ; -decay'
had not' reached the nerve, so your tooth is tiU 'ljve,, "
the best condition f6r "any tooth. Rettirri in about an hou":;; ,
and well set your inlay. It takes fust ar few minutes.'', ' t r-'
With painless dentistry' developed to the proficiency as prac-V '
ticed in the Parker System dental ofBcesjthcre is'no need .
: for anyone to neglect his teeth. ' ; .'-'-.';
' There are 25 busy Parker System oSces in 25. Pacific Coast '
cities. All employ the same methods. All do the same hijh- ..! ','
. Erade dental work. 'You are cordially tovited, to-call at any ; '
Parker System oBce and have your teeth examined free of"
- charge. There's no obligation. ' . ' '- r! ' - ' ; "" " "-- " -r
";' - - Licensed Dentists using the
' '"" ' tPAINLESS PJtitXEk DENTIST)2 , 4 r
' . SUem: SUU mnA. liberty star: ' - .
Portland:-326V4 Waahlagtdn St.? 7 :-;. , .
acen: 7Ui Ava sad Wlllamette St. ; .
.... .t . . -
u i-'uu
r'-'n- ' VrV iin - V. "f . I: .."''' T' 1 ..T ---T r 'i - 1 1 - n - -- ----- r--
' "
: J ' Y
J "l?A-x m
9 It I 1
7 1-2CI
n I AT
Skcv&sa rryTxxrite
' (and kissableji
bfs uqs aryranT
." i&Kl bcw'fching
2-11 o.m.TO DAY 2-11 D.m.
k i 3;:---: -"tv iv?ty;rf f-
Cherlie Murray Comedy "THE" 4 ORPHANS
' - . - .
t - - - 'xA
c-r -iv - .ft .. I,- E"fe- -.: -1 -"
- : -f ,! o-- - i . v n . mm i i
'a - - m lis - if ! v .rv. v v i y i Ti I
'' . - rv5vJ- fcs7. Vi.';, -sra?- ,
She mowed the, swains down right and left, and awoke to the
shallowness of her soul only 'after, she had involved her loved ones
It is such a story " as Booth Tarklngton liaa always loved to
write full of dramatic situations, ', irresistible humor and just
enough pathos now and then to arouse the softer emotions.
"THK FLIRT', will live In your memory ; ; forever. Don't miss
jiroYiaea xor oy ciaii. . , v -
j r-.)i! t'f v
: 1 i "' ,: . ,