The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 04, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    liiu Ui(J-.ljUt Jlii t kJL1..i,- UiilljOj.
uUUU riuiu L
- li i Likeness ' Which ' B'e a ,r s
Strangely on Oregon Leg-
islature Is Seen.
A picture that Dears strangely
. . 11 . L x. . . . .
k, :' un lae receni uregon legislature,
T v la being shown -' at the Oregon,
'- from' Saturday- until ' Tuesday
. night. The screen title is "Hearts
, Aflame., but It was published' a
, ., most two y0ars ago as a serial in
t Everybody's Magazine; under the
j n&ie j of 'FQraker'av: Folly." It
1" depicts the.struggJe of -a ream
er 'lng forester jto eara iO, 009 acres
of onca,; Jogged-oyer jbut ' now
splendidly reforested, jpine timber.
. H .. Thep'lce'has i hrlllhg enough
sentimental plot; .but the bis
Jj " story Vthe studyi'otVeforestaiion.
A tihtecently'jedt) the Ore
Of .gon legislature pr'oyded, f or the
remltment of taxesebn . .reforested
' or growing timber,' taxing only the
' land until the'timber is ready for
market. , Governor Pierce Tetoed
. the measure, after the legislature
y adjourned, on" the. general ground
' of public policy; In .the story,
- they had been given chanee to
j. reforest without' destructive taxes
until the jealous land shark pollt-
i , . leal fcoss got . the assessor's -ear
.and started In to destroy the work
.of 50 years. The tax commission,
, i appointed two years ago,, recom
mended: that, the. state fee allowed
to recehre j eufc-OTer. timber lands gutsf-Jor the purpose of reform
- estation-: The legislature' killed it
, and uow 'the state Willi haVd to
fc f steflr ibuyvimy.lmbrtlaiids it
flakes . tcjj owp jtiatthe. two
A$& premhould; ejbe( so. well
fprcaitd -4n-.a sQTy rrltten t.WO
.years. 9,,,iflteresf;
I such asJiaYo devastated yOregoa
In pase yeaifcarftjwIte.graphical
ly shown ' in this picture; It's 4
powerful jrarnlnt thciktttej
- ju?t,t the. beginning of .the new
I . 'fire season." 'The legislature ap
propriated 8lT,000;for. fire.fight-
Inl and the timber companies and
the government make the total
- Bum spent In the ptate run. up into
. he 'hundreds of thousands yearly.
: i This picture is a free state cam
. . pafgn against the careless smoker
i and the firebug ' and' the'ruthless
' 'tree-killer Who doesnt .replant.
r " ' f ,r 'f - v- r " y . -
PARISkarch' S.By the As-
sociated Press Jr-The" French goy-
. e'ruWeiit hasibfficially notified the
: j !jrma;iSiambassador at Paris that
! 'the occupation tSday of tie Rhine
pdrV'of tfarisrhue and .MahiT
liyim', Was on 'thelound thatcfs
' j? 'of febaOtit'ge t ad1 Veen carried ' out
'on'trailrbadi ?ani' aflal fa; jte
. Hahr "valley and the Rhln eland. ,
t UM'rr nTfi' p n. tnrr.n d.. nxi;:' ,. -t;: ,
;lldll li3imi!y!t UH
n it nn DiPTiinc ;.;r!
jiis m
r . . , j i ; . , J i ' ';
Apply It t Any Xnptuw, Old r Eecent,
ligm or SnuU. ul Tou ar a . -th
Botvd Tfcat Bu Coa
s vlaced nouuli ': ;
Anyon rnptnrtd, bib, womin r child,
hould write at ae to W 8. Rice 797B
Min. 8t Adams. kK. .7, for free tnl
e( hi wonderful itimulatinc applieatioa.
Just pot ft m tb mprmra mod. tk mn
elec Leein to tlsbten: tbey bezia to bind
together to that th opening closet a ti n- J
rtiiy and to ticca ex support or trust
or appliance is then done away with.
Doa't neglect to send for this free trial.
Even. U your rnptnr doesn't bother you
what is the ate of wearing supports all
yoar life! Why tf rer thi nuitancel
Way rna tbe risk of fsngrea aid snca
daacerS from a small and innocent litila
rupture, the kind that he thrown then
sands a the eperitinf tablet A heat, of
men and women are daily, running: inch
risk just because ' their ruptures do not
hurt nor prevent ' them ' from getting
around . Write at once for this f ree trial,
as it is ' certainly wonderful, thing
and has aided in the cure of ruptures that
were as big -as a nian's two fiats; -'Try
and writ, at once.yBi" the coupon be
:- Tree Tor - EtrDture
W.' B. Rice, lae
797B Main SU Adams. N. T.
Ton may send me entirely free a
Sample Treatment of year stiatmlaUng
application for Rupture.
Kama ' ' ' "
6tat ' --
&1 BrMnk)stxiYher,ry.g;rAftt'd ,oii
ib'T'a rallkwtTed ' 'and. ' a ' sugar
maple and AW'fee ,. cream- plant
a ; la mode; Thyr have ransacked
the; ; eg u'atorial , and the, . cannibal
j,utigles for ijMir taleal They
have hauled Jnegambian futzy
w'uzzies'. Jnt Tby! tlieir kinky j hair
and their microscopic : breech-
clouts, and. trained them; to roar
and wiggle, their .ears ' like real
Lions They , have,! juggled the
English language for jokes until
it ; can ', no longer, tell a lie it's
tired out . with i its previous (.ef
forts. ' 'They" hare borrowed prac
tically, every, dress , suit. In town.
11 : is . urged . mat no one seeing
a trousers of hii own. in the
chorus will k Insist , having, them
returned to ; him the,re In public J
for" hte Uons are brave men and
heyd; do it, right on ..the Bpot,
come. police or -what will, ; -
The show,, puts on good enqr-
uses and four '"acks'' of vaude
ville ihat .'get' over '. big. There
ere Jsome Incidental v solos and
the . 'generaliugly. 'alr of tb
show males l especUlly attrac
tive to f f e n.'ear-wlld .men' of tijiB.
audience' who.jtake their Jungles
by proxy.' ' . ' . . .t
The reserved seat sale Has been
Tery good indeed . enough :- to
promise, the, Boy, Scouts a. regu
lar . financial , windfall rfrom the
Minstrel engagement. The Lions
glve it all,- and pay their ; own
. i
Pre-shopiflg Takes Well and
vRecrGf d y Exriected I
im ' Joesday N lgil ? j i a
A - j
A f pre-vlew of thd Lions; club
Minstrels at 1 ' the' penitentiary
Saturday night i indicates , .that
there ouKht to be ', a real scram
ble for tickets wheat they put on
the real snows Tuesday and 'Wed
nesday Bights at the Grand. They
have , been promising something
different and I they have it v in
dead earnest." ': ;, : .
The end men are, , as new. as
r iThyfolleyipayoneents flledJat-
'tistog ef
state ' corpora tlrt department yesj
V erday: ..BE; :;; '-r -l
Jirysor roioi'vcompanyi
-r rillamc' ;ofp6fators; (E. 0
r LJnk, 'Jte Bry Vn R. :Si
' Lint Atloni "Wi.rit
- Eygfene Auto , Pair ; ' &, 'Top
company, 'Eugeneij L ; iter-;
L. Hillman, B. I"..iu.iirla R,
r 3S. Forncrook; eapitailzatlpn; J
. '; poo. : ' ' .-" -I
M. Green Knltttner'MIlls. rort-
.land; 'Incorporators, Max Green,
Silverman, John, S, Medlar y;
rj FapiiaiizaiiDn iyuA, ? .
,i &mdy Highway Garage,' . Inc4
Portland; .-. ; Incorporators, . IJ; . A;
Johnston, A E.-, yeager, , H
a (vLar .CJount. PArmef o
. Coopr Jvevwarehouse, ne
1 (ncor. ,ltort,iRalpns P. f an
j I ' Notice ef fllssotutfb
j by the Ameruarr
bany of . Ppn:I,
JO -
- r. ; ,- . ..iTt : :"i i
,MGC,o,pny; ;
. - VLi,- ..' ,J .
o3 ,
ijv.,, xt-Vt .y -'--'i
dealers .
- :
tponunnea .from, page- i)
-1 w
the . post .of . highway commission-
e-ri ttuSeeed W. B. Barratt, the
xeerfAve let if beiritnown that
meet 'It; with a, proportlonjfte N5Utie Wjsnes ic. a. uootnQ remain
in -hi)t-rAwn --' ' . Hon t A. commission until -May or
SuperintenderttKuser of the.' at .leaBt. ,
wlth J a fslmUar ' statemenC Tbe
two y euperintendenfa ."treceive
23000 a year: each.;, t'i - .
uy "Booth Slay Remain. 1 -
Following announcement by
Gcyernor Pierce yesterday that
WUliam Duby. of j Baker Jiad sent little: time at least.
We need Mr. Booth's know?
ledge of road affairs throughout
the state," said the governor.
"He ) has Informed nie he will
Icaye when I wish or remain as
long -as I desire and I am anx
ious . for- -him toystay ; for some
t.: .1
For the unfortunate children of
Russia , the motherland' has ' only
a . bosom ..of . atone,.- ; ; y ;.
s Good Used Piano i ; : t t 4
--$5.00 dowm S1.50 a weteki
i This i9 a real buyaridwbril
? last-long" ee it todlxf: y
- Geo. CWiH Miisic Hoifec'l
r,vf j.j 432-State'Stret t"' r I I :
m i. r. I
The ShQtfYoZve Wdiied For fv
jovernor indicated' theremay .be
a. change in the Multnomaa corrH
mlssionersblpin .a shorter, timei
This post 4s beid fey John B -
Yeon 'of Portland and apparently
his 'Successor "will be ;, - selected
lime -. y .; I k '.UiWi"4 t -,
pc intmerr,t? i t; once sird ; the
governor, ynd announcement of
ihenr 'Wiil " go out' rnom time' to
m K-e
y . i
KONbAY Mar. 5 ahd'6 toesdXy
Seat sale at Grand Theater, Monday, and Tuesday
" Seats 75c ; and $1.00--Ganery;50cT-Tax Free
Bowcoiita. f;y.--t - ml . . ;. . Boy rScout
F 1
. -
3 Small Hugs ,-..) .' '
G Full-sized Beds, Springs and
Good Mattresses - : -
2 Twin Beds, Springs and Mat-
r - tr eases ''. - y .:
; 1 All-Leather Duof old, like new
Extension I'able and Diners '
' 4 G6od, Dressers, in oak and
; walnut .'
ylGood, Chiffonier.,- '
"lKecj'rIc Heater . ...
' 1 Oak Library Table , . .
' 2 leather, Seated Oak Rockers
and other Roekers.
1 Drop Head; Singer. Sewing.
I Cheney Phonograph and Rec-"
.. ords, like new. y 't?
1 Columbia Phonograph 311.')'
1 Bridge. A Beech 6-hole Ransre,
vd.( ,r . ;
1 Acme 6-hole . Range y . . y .
2 Good Heaters, Board 'and
.- Pipes '
2 AJtminster Rugs, 8x12. '' '
1 Brussels Rug, $xl2
1 Rag RtfgV Jxl2
1 Grass Rug, 9X12
. Padded Cot, Breakfast Table, Office Table, High Chair, Magazine
Stands', House Plans, Silverware, Glassware,. Kitchen Utensils,
Dishes, Draperies and Curtains, Sheets, Pillow Cases, .Comforts;!
"Fruit Jars, Home Canned Fruit, Axe,-Washtubs, ironing Board
'and a lo of other things.. Terms, cash.' . Be on time, 10 a. m.
y sharps.. Don't, forget the day,- NEXT -TUESDAY Sale held in
, eide in, case of rain. ... . . .. ... 1 jjv. fi: . ...
IRS. II. J. MILSON, : 1 l " P. Ni WOdDRY, f -;
;r ..:. -y VtowKRR . .' rHR Vvrxrnoxrx;! 1
r.' -,1r;"JJ5.1J f. ,v; ' .st-1 'v ?C'l . (t i-t,. i-
: a
jO'- , . - - f
am. m r
- i a-w. t
f m mln1 ( Hamfaxxna Vvww, to.
Clw nw"""'"! Choiw Kinds, SO,
rni 1. mm timi, I Pine Vuietina. to.
MHn. t .Se) Varieties, to.
t . uwn iw. aa u i.wet vmm
Irto, 4 CranJ Varitti, tOe,
V 7 Cliihlesi V . fopnT fLinda. tOe.
Ta your ttiutta ef the ,Nm Ht aaaj
' a JIM aruat. Ail tiie above for tl.(
' ' rj n r r? busm m- eaapvi
' liU JUint tRKeiU
1 ar
aider for ne fciir or non. -
228 IT. Zleral SW-Galesbarr. MlcX
V -Ttitllewv. ;
.11: ,
If 1 1 ! i , n V
.1' v
II' - .V- Jkb.
aitiife: . visa
; oui '-3ff- Stt
. " V" '
Is a PlppiaVA
Call tor it at
"n i H -I-V ?' -l;-4? 'v"i
- ... ... ...... , .. .
" 7 -t" "y -h'' ':',i-y
N -
. 1
-TT " " fs,v
.10 ; ;.. J ' y .T - ' y C-."yi
Do i?bt fall lo t present at lie Arnicry on l5ie -
-atju., t evening of ; - , i.r'.'"rf-;'
Tucbdair, tVlarch 6tH
To Hea,r jut Address by That' MatcMe$Y Speaker t.;
and Instructife Entertainer f T '
y vbf Bbaton ;
Who Will Discourse on a Subject That Will Appeal to
.y ' 'Every Patriotic Heart ;
"What Ambricb Uc;f
1 - -.'
JH ,1'
, IU a 1
-1 A ' i f '
I (3s
- M
-T ' I S
.-T aTTs 'Wkf li .. J, t "V. - - 1 - r e-f - f-
Ti rri, l ur-.,jftL . ..1-15
i "u i uf?,:wf':r.' 1 -i-
, j-yy : Ml--;y ..... .-.N
TAis Great St6dk of Americars 'Fihest P
, sC t?- -f f -afl Wry-lastone in short time: . .
- vvi HP 'Hi 1 1 y . nil amil a.M fmLf r "mtmj T T-r .i .. . , ... - !'....,.::'' -
11 --'...
'Mjlt? - - " ' , Wee -
v . ' Wk. . S ... - J , 1
,y 'iiHii'
"J . 1
now on the market1 at 'pricesthai'viuWovo ;
e-. f "it I ,.
alfc You
iLaVaV ""EOfc ST. -W;
1 i tvtn..' M- " f 4... : ,'''
" " v 1 5-t . - -t - f - -a-.
Leothe i Prepared tei Bie W Got the Prices
Timt Wm GonVbice You
x :
Phone for V
the :irms
i, 1' .:' J. "
Store Open
. .Evenings
. ...
III :j
... i
' " a
I ' - 4 J
v- j
I. Av ' ,.: - - ;. - , t - s - ......... r ... , . - :
1L 1 a i:a a V V "'i" ifiilltaaaAi