The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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g Here, There aed Everywhere
UU IKK .: hDGEG ATE Thc Tenant Construed Sr'V Notice in Favor of Himself
Hut i xl Tb? i Cti 'HaL
Tip PpiNcrEL- rs
THT3 7VatE
GkJiGE- I'm
TD i.ET you. .
ctztrtc TO, Ri5L
7 you ?. 1E.tT TtiS
i wPiH-r you TO COJ-LLCT
Champion Boxes 8 Rounds
and Collects Enough to 0
Help Oldtimer.
Ain w. J out
revise it
Salem, Albany and West
Linn Teams Will Battle
Income Tax Problem.
i r -wm - a - ui a " t
Jack Dempse;' boxed eight rounds
and Btarted a cigar store here to
day. -"J".'.'-': - ;
. The eight rounds of fisticuffs
were parceled out by the world's
champion heavyweight among Joe
1 Benjamin, Lee Moore, Morris Lu
and several other hardy rlngmen.
and the cigar store represents
gate receipts taken in for the '
benefit ; of Monte Attell, old-time
boxer and brother of Caesar and
Abe Attell, also boxers.
Monte's eyesight is failing. His
idea of a way out is a little cigar!
store in San Francisco. '
' ." "So," said Jack, 1 "we got tip
this little affair today to help him
put it over."
' Although the athletic program
had been arranged on the srAir
Of 'the moment, the news that
Dempsey would box brought out
a large crowd of fans, and the
gate receipts. It was announced.
were 'qulte satisfactory."
Battling Siki Arrives-.
. , i at Cherbourg for Bout
' PARIS. March 2 Battling Slki,
tbe Senegalese (heavyweight; left
today for Cherbourg on his way
to " Dublin where he is to meet
MLke McTIgue on March f 17. t 1
As the boat touches at South
ampton ; before proceeding, ' to
Queenstown, Sikl's . manager, is de
sirous of keeping the name of the
vessel secret to prevent the Brit
ish authorities from (removing
Rial at the-former port' and cbm-
pe ling his return to France, due
to-objections- to-1 mixed bouts.
. - "
CHERBOURG. V ; March ; ?.
'Battling" Siki, who is fo fight
'Mike McTIgue, middleweight Can
adian champion, in Dublin on St.
Patrick's day, arrived here from
Paris this evening on his way to
Ireland to get In" condition for
the' bout.. . x: f,
3Iki says he is determined to
' leave here Sunday on board the
jLtnerican steamer President Ad
ams for Queenstown. '
"3sbe" Ruth Gives Up ,:!
- t Golf for Influenza
- ;vj -,: ' '
,'nqT SPRINGS, Ark., March 2.
"liahefRuth,2 here for prelimin
ary training in preparation for
another campaign tor home run
honors,- took "a- recess from his
mountain climbing and", golf to
day to battle-with the "flu" which
developed over night and sent his
temperature at one time to 104.
Tonight his physician ; reported
hlrri' free pf .fever." and with every
indication that' he would be In
eb npe to leave ' Monday for New
- New t York.- Mrs. Rene . Davies
Ledsrer, sister of Marlon Davies.
and, herself a movie star, today
won a SI 2.3 00 judgment against
the- Briarcliff . Lodge association
and Sime Silverman, owner of
Variety, i a, theatrical magazine,
for injuries received In a motor
crash on the Albany post road
rear Croton, in 1919.
Cut ;This Oat It is Worth Money
Cut out this allp, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2S55 f Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
111- writing yoir- name' and ad
d ress clearly. lh ou will receive
in-; return " a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound for; coughs, colds and
croup; Foley; Kidney Pills -for
pains In sides and backi rbeuma--tifira,
backache, .kidney and blad
der aliments; and Foley Cathar
tic Tablets, a wholesome - and
thoroughly ; cleansing cathartic
for constipation, biliousness, head,
aches, and sluggish bowels. Sold
everywhere. -Adv.
Salem high school will take
part in the triangular debate with
Salem. Albany and West-Unn on
Monday-Knight, on the question.
"Resolved, That a graduated in
come tax should be made a 'feat
ure of the state , system of j tax-
The debate was to have been
held Friday night, but because of
a death in the family of one of
the West ; Linn i debaters. It Was
postponed until I Monday night.
The Salem affirmative team,
Benolt McCroskey and Bernice
Mulvey, will go Jto West Lynn:
the West Lynn affirmatives go to
Albany, and the Albany affirma
tives come to Salem to meet the
local " affirmatives, George Rho
ten and Elizabeth Fairchild. 4
. The debates are judged on the
number of points won, each de
cision of the judges counting for
one point. It would be , possible
for the affirmatives of one school
to win their contest by a unani
mous vote, and for their negatives
to win three ! votes against an
other contestant, with one added
point for the total side verdict, a
possible score of eight points in
a single; evening. Salem won five
points in the first debate against
Wood burn and Oregon y. a J"y
won that series , There are nine
districts in the state, and the win
ners In these are to meet at the
state university at Eugene for the
finals.' ; . : . i '. i
( Continued (rout pag 1)
riding cases, came : before the
court and said he had been
threatened by Henry Johnson and
Paul York, . two of the men re-
Called Him Bad Name,
but Says He Needed It
Admitting that she ailed; her
husband a word not spoken in
good society in a fit of exaspera
tion but charging that his con-
' temnf fhlA conduct' mnrn than Inn-
ported to have been victims of a 'tlfIed It Velma Adelia McDowell
night irding party of which Nor-; yeaterdav fIled - reD,v to the an-
! ris Is alleged to have been a mem
ber. . '
Admits Carries Gun
Johnson denied the charge ' but
admitted that he 'sometimes car
ried a gun, particularly at night.
Judge Thomas told Johnson to get
swer of . her husbapd, Ralph
Leonard McDowell, in her suit for
divorce in the circuit court.
According to the reply,' her
husband is the possessor of a sus
picious mind, capable only seeing
bad iu every one. Upon one oc
casion shn RtatM ha Rent her In
his gun and deliver it- to the Portland to 'buy clothes, assert-
(Continued from page 1) ,
road , department here, was shot
to death in a store last .Saturday
night by a negro. ,. Johnson-later
was arrested and held for the
killing. ; He was spirited . away
from the Gainesville jail Sunday
after officers had expressed fear
of . mob . violence. : '.. . ,
Advices from Palatka were that
warrants would be issued for the
men held here on charges of at
tempts to commit a felcray; assault
with intent to murder, and shoot
ing into a' dwelling. . .
court and asked the sheriff for a
list of the gun permits issued to
citizens. York was also ordered
to turn in his gun to the court as
Norris 1 had charged- before I the
court that York too had made the
threat that "somehody would go
home with their hip pockets full
of bullets." Norris In his state
ment to the court charged that
Johnson ; in his alleged . threat
against him Included Thomas E.
Goodie, also of Jacksonville, his
son-in-law, who was indicted with
himself and that Johnson had said
"If the court don't get you I will
within two years."
BLIGH i - , -.' 5
Hippodrome j vaudeville . road
show, four acts. Special i f ea-r
tur "The Servant ' - in the
house."f ;: ".. it i t?S
iour feature 'acts ; coming
highly . recommended compose the
road show at the Bligh theatre
today and tomorrow. 4 They are
'Jack Sutherland ; Four" a classy
musical offering, ; using v saxa
phones, French' horns, cornets,
and , trombones. . "The Tysons" in
novelty dances, I songs ' and talk.
rCaifns and Devoir the two ex
tremes In comedy singing talk
ing (and dancing,n "Jordan and
Morris" a comedy!; acrobatic of
fering, "Thrills and Spills" .;
' - r
"The Servant In the House"
first of the H. IO. Davis special
production gives fresh - and ; con
rincing evidence that the Shakes
pearian , truism "the play's .the
thing," applies as strongly to the
screen as It does to 7 the stage.
Mr. Davis has 'shown rare judg
ment in the selection of his cast
and everyone is entitled to stel
lar honors If the rreults achieved
this soulful S pictuiization of
life Is taken as; a criterion.
The photoplay production of
The Servant in; the House" will
be presented at the Bligh - thea
tre i for two, days - engagement,
commencing today. !
Read the Classified Ads.
Ing that Salem merchants were
"too high", then accused her of
associating with other men
while there. Numerous other ac
cusations were made, none of
which are true, she states.
Couldn't Pass Bad Bill
on Miss Helen Bobeil
Doctors have, or used to have,
what is known as the tactus erudi
tus. Miss Helen Bobeil of the
Ace has the same thing. Trans
lated it "means the "learned
r When the youth who pased
some bogus $10 and $20 hills
H. August Hunderup
l( ; (Evangielist and Singrer)
Every Night at 7:30
i i ' Beginning.
First Baptist Church
; . : Corner Liberty and Marion Streets
around town Thursday tried to
pass a $20 greenback on Miss Bo
bell after buying two bits worth
of something, she informed him
that she hadn't any change -which
was all bunk, for there' was
a lot of change in the store.
Whereupon the young man pro
duced the quarter.
"The bill didn't feel, right,"
says Miss Bobeil. ' fit ' was too
thin. And he had some gummy
stuff on it to make it look old.
I just had a hunch it wasn't genuine."
' (Continued from page 1)
(Continued from. page 1)
plication in the incendiary burn
ing' of a warehouse and this was
the offense for which he was sen
tenced. Under a stipulation that
this case would not be appealed,
the case In connection with the
bank was not carried into court.
Walker is said to have applied
for a pardon while Ritner was
serving In the governor's chair.
This was refused, but the com
mutation was granted.
law in behalf : of war veterans by
the senate ordered a sweeping in
vestigation of the veterans' bur
eau to be conducted after adjourn
ment of congress.
Nominations Made
A mqve for a sugar Investiga
tion also was made in the senate,
which spent1 most of today on the
government employes' salary re
classification bill which,, ohuse
leaders declared, could not be
passed before adjournment. ,
Minor bills and completion of
conference reports are on tomor-
Rolland Parrent Gets Tired
of Waiting for Clearing
Impatient at the delay J of - the I
ponce committee ; in preparing
a report for Salem papers which
would acquit him of any alleged
Imnrnnrloto nrlth ,1.1 (n.
T7?JZmt branches. the cit ja Roland ParrenW
tLll ,' tbe ??Se worJInK -patroiman who was discharge
ZL two-cd by Chief Walter BIrtchet on
" V JlT Uharge of "neglect of duty", fol-
siot nrt exrtUt,T? , lowing accusations of unbecoming
iSiliJ ena late today, conduct with girl , inmates in the
Sr J2ln Lnn xtl' ln?ln " city Jail yesterday reiterated his
?a2?fffP.? " Jf !ndf ntenlI" 7ot demanding a hearing
pendenC officers, but mostly post- befoie the cIty councfL S
masters and army and navy ap
pointments, were confirmed.
Read the Classified 'Ads.
"Officials promised to. clear
my name through - the columns
of hc dally papers," Parrent as
serted. "No statement was ever
prepared. I know that I am in
nocent of the charges made . and
shall demand a hearing before
the council." --
I II. McMahan, Salem attor
ney who will represent .Parrent,
stated that it was their desir
to set the facts -of the . car
squarely before the council. II -stated
that it would probably t?
several weeiks however before it
wpuld , be possible . to , arrange f ; -a
bearing. . ;
Mayor John Giesy when, Inter
viewed ; yesterday state4 V.tbct
neither; party as yet : had- got i t
touch With htm but that - tt-i
council, was willing to grant the:
a hearing, should they, so desire
'Parrent, - who had been wit
the local department about or
year, was accused by Chief Bin
chet of supplying girls-.- confine :
In the,1 city Jail with cigarettes
He also alleged that Parrent hs
attompted ; to i kiss one of them.
Both accusations were denied t:
the patrolman. .
Cold and : silver have beer,
found in a farm In Missouri- But
there always has been jnoney k
agricultural pursuits.
Good Used Piano,
$5.00 down. $1.50 a week.
This is a real buy and won't
la3t long see it today.
Geo. C .Will Music House
432 State Street
"Sutherland Four"
I Tunes and Tones
Jordan & Morris Cairns & DeVoil
Thrills and Spills ' Two Extremes
The Tysons" at The Cabaret
, A Photoplay Masterpiece
"The Servant in the House"
See Our Bargains for Today
Special Six Studebaker
Two new tires and bumper, paint is good
, Going today at ,
Spring Styles
Mallory Hats
W $5 and $6i
Spring lots tell a new
, story an interesting one
too. Light colors are in'
evidence Tans, Sage,
Green, Peart and the
lighter tones of Browns."
They're - all here. See :
them. ;
c fal, Boys' Ss ,
Just arrived for the boy. '
Mannish suits'' for 'the
manly boy. f Belted and
pleated backs, bellows
pockets, made of Bish- f
t)paEnre Virgin" Wool
Sultihg la many desira
f ble patterns. Exception- :
al . value away under
priced af . . i S12.50 '
M oie foe' blt(Lairdpy peidl: ti7(Btiellb&
That Will Crekte Brick
ing in the Men'j
Shoe Section
Here's the Reacoix
. License free.
1920 Dodge
Five oversize tire3, bumper, spotlight, motor
meter, good paint. '
Today only. '
Every Day is Bargain Day at the
Marion Auto Co.
We Give Terms.
At One
) $8, $9 and $10
All sizes in the Assortment but not in every style
Marion Automobile
Phone 362.
235 S. Commercial St.
Open All the Time
Here's opportunity right; at the beginning, of
the low shoe season.
Every pair are high grade oxfords from re
nowned makers. Practically every wanted leath-er-vici
kid, kangaroo and first quality full-stock
calfskin, in black, nut brown, oxblood and Cor
dovan. Up-to-date styles, but as the size runs
are broken we are going to dispose of them at this
remarkably low price.
$6 Saturday and Monday
All sizes horn 6 to 11 in the lot, but not in
every style. ' ,