The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 01, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    : : gp CS Here
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I ',
Failure of Dallas Team to
Appear Last Night. Dis
rl joints Matters.
4 So basketball game wag played
laat night between the Salem and
tae Dallas high School , teams, to
the sore dissatisfaction? of the local-school
treasurer.: He had his
Leart seion a good $150 house,
when pop went the .weasel and
the armory custodian presented
' his bill tor a perfectly dark hall
that not even a rat could have
got Into because It wasn't open.
. Instead , of a championship "; and
money in its jeans,, the school pays
, the bill for a .perfectly good arm
ory that it didn't use! ; , !r;
; n The trouble , arose . over; the
word ' sent from ' Dallas that the
; team 1 had one man crippled and
two others ill. They have had a
' really wonderful team for a town
and school of that size. The. Sa
lem champs could pull out; only
i bue i point ahead of them in the
first game- of this year. But they
haven't many reserve players.
.When their first team is -gone,
that pretty ' nearly ".- ends' them.
Apparently, they thought they had
,a good chance for, the champion
v ahip in this- district, which they
Miave, since if they could win the
second game they wouldtie Sa
lem for the - first place. They
'.wanted to have all their , men at
.their best,, and they asked for: a
1 later; date.; after their fatalities
Were listed, and " it 'was ' certain
that they, would have to send in
. ja substitute team. " ' I ..
' Salem, however, has spent- the
'imoney for the hall, for the print
"ing, and felt so sure of a place in
'the state tournament that the
'team"1 wanted the next few days
tree from. Interruption. A game
'on about March 8, as proposed by
Dallas, would seriously disarrange
'their plans. They, felt that as
. .they had goneulnto the first game
without Relnhart at forward; or
Okerberr at center, both of whom
'were, laid up. it might be JusCas
t air for Dallas to play on sched
ule, whatever their condition.
; Relnhart and Okerberg have been
jy far - the best scoring combl
"sation of the high school year,
lanywhere j In the Willamette Tali
ley. With them In the Salem team
;f eels that Dallas hasn't a remote
chance, even with alt the best
Dallas players in the game. , For
this reason the locals have .felt
Extra Pants
. ":..'
$25 to $49
Hundreds of Tpure-rirgin-wpol
fabrics to- select
from. Then have it made
in just the style you
want.-. No extra charge.
Order Your Spring Suit
.. . - -NOW
Sale Positively
March 3rd
Uoolen Wills
426 State Street
that it Would be fruitless to dis
arrange their own' schedule for
a later game with Dallas.
Salem can claim the game by
default; which will be logical.
Coach Roy Bohler of Willamette
university. 'to whom is left the
task of naming the winner of this
district, might order a' later game
which, if. won by Dallas, would
call for yet another : game, as It
would tie -the score with, Salem.
- The business men of Dallas,
who are' very proud of their team,
are - said to be deeply Interested
in having' Dallas meet Salem with
both teams at their best. " It is
not recalled that Dallas offered
to cancel the first game ' when
Relnhart and Okerberg were ill,
and it is certain that Salem did
not ask for any. ' concessions;
though as a sportsmanlike con
cession of the big : school to the
smaller one, it might not harm
anyone for Salem to give them an
other chance. ' 1
Salem plays Silverton tonight,
and may play Dallas some time
next week. The state tournament
comes week after next. . ; .
Coach Bohler Preparing to
Give General ! Athletic ;
Training This Spring.
If anybody getsput of athletics
at Willamette this spring he is
going to do i It either through
Machiavellian craft or total ( dis
ability, according ! to Coach Roy
Bohler i 7 jV";';-:';-
The baseball field and the race
track were worked over Wednes
day and are in , fine 'condition.
About 25 men turned out tor the
first baseball" ; batting practice;
fire to a squad, pitching; batting,
and . pig-tailing and fielding the
balL The coach was not able,' af
ter this first try-out; to pick out
the men who -will even get a
chance to wear Willamette uni
forms this year. Some ready bat
ters' showed up. enough to dem
onstrate that it will not be alto
gether raw material, j
; Today there Will be a general
call for track men.:. There is no
advance rec6rd - of what material
there is in the school, except the
comparatively. smalls cumber . of
hold-overs i from last year. Last
season the track 'athletics lan
guished when baseball took most
Of the coach's time. This" year,
the university will have Lestle
Spars, ; former W U star, now
teaching Jn the Salem high school.
He will take charge of the track
Work.'- , ;; ; - i '
There was some excellent ma
terial last year, though not much
was made of It In outside meets
because - "bf the shortage of In
struction and Interest. It is ex
pected that the more rigorous re
quirements this year and the ad'
ditional coaching ' service, will de
velop some really excellent -track
material, both from the older and
the new. men. ? -O ' ,
It is reported front the Uni
versity of Oregon that 90 percent
of all the 1600 men in the school
have taken some active athletic
or physical training work on the
campus this year, ? While the en
rollment in Willamette: Is far
smaller, the same.; j proportion
would give more thin 200 men
actively competing for some form
of athletic honors,; .'.'-,
Dempsey Opens Training
Before Crowd of Friends
LOS -ANGELES, Febl 2 8 Jack
Dempsey, heavyweight boxing
champion. : opened training at a
local gymnasium 1 today before a
large gathering of fans. and "per
sonal friends. The champion said
today's conditioning exercise
would be the first of a series to
be held here before-his departure
for the east, where be plans to
take '-. on a more strenuous pro
gram after contracts for a title
bout have beea signed. , . ;
Thye Wins Over Sauer
r in Two Out of Three
PORTLAND, i Feb. 28. Ted
Thye, Portland wrestler, defeated
Pete Sauer of Nebraska here to
night. Thye won two out of three
falls.- i Both of Thye's falls" jcame
by wrtstlocks, the first In ,38 min
utes. 26. seconds and the thrd in
nine i minutes, ? three seconds.
Sauer took the second fall with a
headlock . in 24: minutes and 26
seconds. ! -'. ' '
22 HORSES 22
. .. . 'i51 1 4 .. " J" .. t l .i... i . i . ' " . :"..:;
Auction Sale at the State Fair Grounds, Salem, Ore.
; SATURDAY MARCH j3, 1923 j . U
22 Head of Good Horses, well broke to work and .
gentle. , AM young; weight, each, 1200 to 1500 pounds.
Hale Will Commence at 1 V. M. Kharp Terma WUl Be ; .
J- r- Given on Day of Hale. I,? '!
l L. PHARES, Owner. 4 G. SATTERLEE. Auctioneer
' Phone 430 180 N. Commercial St.
(Continued from page 1)
them had been able to get di
vorces. ' v; 1 :
Pleas Fpr Settlement
Then, she continued, Martel
tiere got hold . of her property,
inducing her to put a mortgage
on the house her husband had
given her and '. to sell his auto
mobile. While they were living
together, she continued, Martel
liere contributed toward the up
keep of the establishment and
then borrowed most of it back.
At last, she paid, he became
less attentive and she learned
of his other affairs.
y The shooting occured in Mar
telliere's office after she 1 said
she had pleaded with him for a,
settlement twice in the same day.
Mrs. Saludes wUl be cross ex
amined tomorrow.
(Continued from page 1)
leging that she had been de
prived of her rights as a British
citizen. She accused her husband
of violating an agreement not to
divorce her, made in '1909. under
which she received a trust fund
of $1,350,000 and $350,000 for
their two children. 5
I Mr. Mellon brought the suit On
grounds of infidelity, naming
Alfred George Curphey, an Eng
lishman, as co-respondent.
. The appeal sought by Mrs. Mel
lon for intervention by the Brit
ish government were ; denied . by
Sir Edward Grey, then secretary
of foreign affairs. He held that
she had forfeited her British citi
zenship when - she married Mr.
Mellon and her citizenship had
not been restored despite her two
years' residence in England and
France after the separation.
NEW YORK, Feb. 28. J. Vor
res of the Greek-Olympic club.
Chicaco. tonight won the national
senior wrestling championship of
the 135-pound class from CPla
conis of the Greek-American A.
C New York, in the final bout
of 15 minutes , at the Amateur
Athletic union's annual tourna
ment at Madison Square Garden.
Santel of San Francisco, claimant
to: the light -i; heavyweight wrest
ling championship of the world,
defeated George Vassell of Hous
tr,r Taisji. In HtraiKnt falls here
tonight. The San Franciscan took
the first tall in one hour ana two
minutes with a double wristlock
and the second lmll minutes and
50 seconds with an arm scissors.
(Continued from page 1)
John Bitey. frr. . .
- Craisaa .'
Jssm J. farmer.
Chu. D. Query, farmer, t ;
Doaald ' ,
CIm. B. Hostini. tilettaker.
Christian Giear, fanner. ;
Geo. W. Ce, farmer. .'
Josephine Kerr, hoaaevife.
Harry D. Erant, labors, a f I
Cecil B. Siaeho, farmer.
John Bhody. farmer.
W. . Dirr, farmer. 1 " I
Margaret C. Lansinz, houaewife
II. O. Mafuren, farmer.
John C. Herren, farmer.
Anna M. Vick, houaeirif.
Grace Bellamy, boaaewife.
Louie Aral, farmer.
Haael M. Mahony. housewire.
Chaa. R. Orizza, farmer.
Mary E. Reynold. howife.
Ed. Mfthes. farmer.
Geo. O. SaTaf, farme.
at OtrvaU
J. A. Feraehweller, farmer.
Amy llardiaz, fcovsekeeper.
ennie Iupnis, housekeeper.
Frank H. CutafortK, farmer. .
West Oervaia
Arthor Coffin, farmer.
Mame CuUforth, housewife.
iohn MilU. retired.
'.... . Horeli t
Henry Joott, farmer.
tffie L. McCnrdy, houbife.
' Ctntral H (Mr ell
Olive G. EfZmD. bookewife. -G.
11. Ottaway, farmer, i - .
Edward Iunican, Jr.. farmer.
. Horta Hawaii
Willard J. let tenon, farmer.
'Km ma M. Vitike, housekeeper. t
J. E; Waltman. lamer.
East Hubbard
John A. Dimick, farmer.
Minnie M. Hpagle, boutewife.
M. W, Crawford, farmer.
Amanda LHmick, housewife. - .
Frank V. GerrarA. retired.
West Hnbbard
Frank E. Yerteu, retired..
Glen C. Carothers. bop merchant.
1 T -" Jefferaon
Lona, G. 1ooney, housewife.
Grace Li hby, housewife.
Mar caret -L. Peeae. housewife.
Xettie Sherman, bouaewifs.
Hans Albertaon, farmer.
John A. Anpperle, retired.
Paul Buchner. farmer.
Joseph G. Fontaine, merchant.
K. If. lotr, farmer.
Homer P. Cleveland, farmer.
Gracia U Cbmart. housewife.
John C. Jones, farmer.
Harry E. Martin, farmer.
Ida M. H. Tekenburs;, housewife.
Eva T. Jones, housewife. .
I.aae Conklin. farmer.'.
Roth Libby, housewife.
Cclestin K. Palmer, housewife.
Arthur Beers, farmer.
McKee H.
Katie Aicher, housewife.
George Ballweber, driller.
Mary. Baaman, housewife.'
David A. Dryden. farmer.
Kd G. Hies-mund, farmer.
P. C, Freres. farmer.
Anna J. Stout, housewife.
Bertha TiUe, housekeeper.
MU1 City
John J. Ettinzer, millhand.
iaisr B. Richards, housewife.
Sarah 3. Taylor, housewife.
R. T. Short, farmer. ,
Rodney E. McKee, farmer.
Mary A. White, housewife, j
J.. A. Van Cleave, farmer.
Marraret B. Miller, housekeeper.
Eaat Mt. Anfel
Nkk C. Mickel. retired.
Harvey Smith, farmer.
Peter Biermeyer, merchant.
Mazz A. Annen, housewife!
Anna. T. Walker, housewife.
West Stt. Aaael
E. R. English, farmer.
John Ktoft, farmer.
Hophia Kehoe, housewife.
Lola Essen, housewife.
Chaa. II. Cannon, farmer.
Jeeeio M. DavidMn, housewife. ,
U VT. rotter, farmer. , i
Martha M. Brownell, housekeeper.
Oaude C. Settlemier, farmer
Lisiie J. Masaey, housewife.
Joan Pufh, housewife.
Joseph W. L Follette, farmer.
H B. Smith, millman.
Eva Cant horn, housewife.,
; Retedale ;
Cbaa. '-Hi Taylor, farmer. !
Klie Trick, housewife.
ftilw No. t
W. R. Rath, farmer. "
Wtu. H. Pettit, carpenter.
Grace, G. Chenoweth, housewife.
Aim L. McWhorter, housewife.
Elsie B. Simeral. housewife. .
T ho mas E. Cole, retired. ,
Harry P. Chase, carpenter.
Conrad G. llomyer. mechanic.
Helen If ay dan, housewife.
Ida C. Trazlio, housewife.
Salem Wo. 2
Edna L. Craif, housewife.
Hannah Steusloff, housewife.
Frank W. Spencer, retired.
JVilliam X. Savaze, retired.
Cad G. Nichols, clerk.
William Uaaz, janitor. 1
Linnie M. 'Lee. housewife.
Oscar Johnson, merchant.
Minnie E. Gabrielaon, housewife.
Salem Ke. 3
Cbea. J. Ramsden, farmer.
Amanda . King, housekeeper.
Edna. Fandrich, housekeeper.
W.; F. Prime, retired.
Claude L. Rivhardaon, housewife.
Clarence Van Pat ton, contractor.
OUie M. Edwards, housewife.
Salem No. 4
Chria Lachele. farmer.
Clara Swnfford. bousekeeper.
Geo.. Wt WUon,- carpenter. "
Alice Budlons. housewife.
Mary K. rVaite, housewife..
O. L. Darlinz, railroad clerk.
Saiam SSTe. S
Nooa M. White, housekeeper.
Jesse I. Steiwer, retired. .
Geo. C. Bolter, teamster.
Obaa. Eppley, merchant. . - ,
Walter K. Walker,' teamster;
Alice)- M. Judd, musician.
. f . Salem Ke.
Mna B. Rpwland. housewife. '
Edward J. Mentis, eomaaiaeion.
Elsie M. Eisaman, housewife.
Elmer E. Tanner, teamster. -Thomas
C. White, laborer.
Salem No. 7
Gv X. IreUad, laborer.
Iva Ashby, housewife.
Levi McCrackea, retired.
Anna E. Carpenter, housewife. '
Harriet Peebles, housewife. -Herman
C. Ifonuael, retired.
Salem He. t . 'f
Anne E. Hale, housewife. 'i j - ...j
Wilbur L. Marsh, expressman. I
Gladys Eoff, boosewife.
P. L. Fratier, contractor.
Lena Tavlor. housewife. V
Geo. B. Paulus, clerk.
Salem No. 9
Wm. McGUchrkt, Jr merchani,
J. A. FoUnd, clerk.
Emma E. Endicott, bouaewife.
John W. Harritt, retired.
Mae E, Gingrich, bouaewife.
Salem No. 10
H. S. Gile. capitalist. ; 1
Laura J. Broylea, housewife.
Emilie G. Hendricks, housewife.
Winifred Bird Darby, housewife.
Carl O. Enzstrom, contractor.
Minnie X. Epley, housewife,
Achilles L. Headrick. contractor. -
Salem Ne. 11
Sarah H. Steevea, housewife.
A. N". Moo res, retired.
K. M. Croisan. capitalist. .'.
George I.-. Rose, farmer.
Lavine M. Downing, housewife.
Inez Adele Cramer Byrd. housewife.
Barbara D. Cross, housewife. !
Kate I. Goltra. housewife.
M. W. Meyere, retired.
B. C. Miles, retired. 1
Lena liutton Otcott, housewife.
Salem No. 12
J. L. Purvine, clerk.
Mattio F. Beatty. housekeeper.
Bath E. Swart, housewife. '
C. F. Elgin, retired.
Beryl EByre. housewife.
Ada L. Condit, bensewife. -Ed,
L. Townsend, laborer.
Dan J. Fry. Jr., druggist.
Salem Noi 13
Elsie C. Rhoten, housewife, y
Lewis C. Gosser', blacksmith.
C. A. Roberts, merchants.
Salem No. 14
Harry W. Elgin, clerk. i
Carrie B. Ross, housewife.
Jennie C; Van Trump, housewife.
Jcskie A. Prince, housewife. L
John A. Jefferson, retired.'
Salem No. 13
John Hunt, batcher i
H. O. White, merchant
W. W. Fawk. retired. . .
AdelU Clougn, housewife. 1
Ethel M. Fletcher, housekeeper.
Ida M. ' ICeebe, housekeeper.
Mary S.J Mooros, ' printer. . t
Grace K. B brock, clerk. . !
August E. Uuckesteia. bank clerk.,
Salem Ne. IS
Emily F. Milliken. hounewife. J
Lorens A. Byrd, 'merchant. - '
Mollie C, Dancy, housewife.
Laura A. George, bousewif.
W. P. George, restaarat.
L. O. Herrold, centrartor. '
. ' Salem Vol -17 ,'
I F. M. Brows, millman. , -.- )
1. C. Mint, farmer. , .
Mae Hunter, housewife. .
John B. Craig, farmer. J7 J
Geo. H. Dunaford, Janitor.
Effie Ireten. bouaewife.
August Nougobatuer. clerk. A '..
L. K. Sicginund. retired.
Salem No. IS
Dora B. Scbellberg, housewife.
8. C. KighUinger, plumber.
Will Bennett, machinist. ,
Blanche Walcher, housewife,
V. M. Bishop, blackamith.
W. F. Drarer, merchant.
Olive G. Harbison, housewife.
East Salem
Luuitte M. linger, housewife.
W. DV Horner, farmer.'
Salem Helghta
H. 8. Poisal, fruitgrower.
J. W, Carson, farmer. :
Albert N. Fulkerson, farmer.
L. B. Judson, farmer.
Eleanor R. Lamport, housewife.
'lora B. Jory, housewife.
J. J. Longcore, farmer.
8t. Pnul
Wm. Murphy, farmer.
Elisabeth Davidaon, housewife.
Mary F. Boutin, housewife.
John K. Gooding,- farmer,
fhas. 1. Coleman, farmer.
Mary McDonald, housewife.
- , Seollard
3. A. Glatt, farmer. .
Benjamin Collison, farmer. '
Jacob Voorhees, farmer.
Garic Seollard, housewife.
" Scotts M1IU
Jennie Lawrence, housewife.
Edith E. Hogg, housewife.
Allan Bellinger, farmer.
John W. Magee, farmer.
i Shaw
Eva E. Ketone, housewife.
Adela Si, Putnam, housewife.
James H. Simpson, farmer.
Chas. T. Gilbert, farmer.
F. B. Simpson, farmer. ,
Geo. W. Palmer, farmer.
Mary Scott, housewife.
Maggie Meier, housewife.
Silver Tails
Elbert G. Neal, farmer.
Mary E. Glover, housewife. .
Carrie Vols, housekeeper..
Harry C. Todd, farmer.
North Silverton
G. B. Bewen, farmer.
Emily C. Rewe, housewife.
John H. Riches, farmer.
Ida M. Hobart, housewife.
Pearl Porter, housewife.
South Silverton
Fred D. Knight, farmer.
Helen II. Paget, teacher.
Maude Haberly. housewife.
Charles R. Riches, farmer.
East SUvortoa
X.' H. Ames, merchant.
I etty Steelhemmer, housewife.
August Scott, i housewife.
liable storts, housekeeper.
L. J. Davenport, farmer.
W: II. Drake, farmer.
West Silvertoa
Rahh A. Cowden. Isborar.
Jossie Bentson, housewife.
Minnie F. Fishwood. honaawlf.
Er Wolfbrd, housewife.
Julius Aim, merchant.
rank E. Hubbs. farmer.
Minnie M. Keene. housewife.
Marcia S. Mayo, housewife.
Aettte M. IXowninK. hoaaowlfa
Onre W. Cooner. clerk.
W. W. Elder, retired.
George A. Smith, ut.i.
John H. English, Uborer.
st SUyton
Joseph Fisher, merchant.
reter Ueidrtch. merchant.
Lilly U. MJasler, housewife.
KIU M. WlUi anBlaB- 1
T.'J. Ware, farmer.
JWien G. Lambert, housewife.
. . West su&MAa
Jennie MeClelUn .
John M; Miller, farmer. ..
- SuhHanltw
Ann R. Ditter, housewife.
l'earl E. Heater, housewife.
Myrtle Scott, hanaewifa
John Zuber, farmer. - '
John P. Ditter, merchant.
wjuum zi. Carter, firm.,
W. V. Ashby, farmer.
Can If. Downer, f.m..
Joseph Heuberger, farmer. '
' 1 Toraec
Cbs. A. Bear, farmer.
i nomas Little, farmer.
Aeiiie F. Hamilton, housewife.
Cordolia A. Smith w. .
Mary E. MeKJnney, housewUe.
r. xx. xrr, farmer. .
John Girarin Z.-.. '
Alice Wipper, housekeeper.
victor Point
Phillip Fischer, carpenter.
"ne Humphreys, housewife.
Melvina Doerfler. housewife.
Clarence C. Jonea, farmer.
'..' Wnconda
Ell 8. Palmer, housewife.
Av J. Pruitt, farmer.
, Woodward
Joseph E. Thnra.a
Joseph Marty, fsrmer.
East Woodbnra
Herman Otjen, farmer.
Kettie Zinrmerle, housewife.'
Vf. H. Goulet, dortor.
Henry W. Hall, retired.
Lillian M. Bitney, housewife.
U W. Durant, retired.
Phoebe Allen, housewife., .
Anna Bents, housewife.
West Woodburn
V. T. GatcheU. mechanic.
Lydia M. Chapman, housewife.
Eva B. Gillette, housewife.
Alice B. Powell, housewife.
Ha rah Kennedy, bouaewife.
Geo. Beech, clerk.
Wm.' If. Broyles, .butcher.
X. 8. Sceltard, retired. '
tCoatltiaerJ from pas 1)
grave for some time and has
bad the constant and conscien
tious attention of the members
of the school board.
"At Grant, In addition to hav
ing the , shop in a shed outside
the building, we have classes in
the basement where the rooms
are dark, stuffy and poorly ven
tilated. We have classes in the
halls and are otherwise crowded
clear beyond capacity.
Principal Crowded Out
"At. Highland we have been
compelled to put a partition in
the assembly room and make two
class rooms out of it and even
with this the building is over
crowded. '.- At Park we are using
the principal's office as a class
room and are crowded clear be
yond capacity. At Richmond we
have likewise put a partition in
the assembly room- and made
two class rooms ; out of it and
are. still overcrowded.' At Lin
coln the building Is v an old
wooden structure, a fire trap,
eud is about . as full as its ca
pacity will: permit. The high
school is ; crowded beyond de
scription. Our manual training
machinery has been taken up
and stored and the rooms used
for class rooms. The shop: is
not half large enough and near
ly every class room in the build
ing is crowded beyond the ' limits
of its capacity.
"The attendance in the Salem
public schools has increased 23
per cent within the last four
years and no new buildings have
been constructed. We have reach
ed the limit of our capacity to
accommodate more students with
the same equipment.
These conditions : have had the
thoughtful, careful and conscien
tious' attention of - the school
board . for some time last past,
as every member of the board
has known that something must
be done. With these conditions
before the board two petitions
were presented, one simply ask
ing a bond Issue to place an ad
dition upon the high school, the
Ifs toasted. This
one extra process
gives a delightful
quality that can
not be duplicated
By an Authorized Ford Dealer
When buying a car from us as we stand behind .
every car sold
One-Price Policy
Don't Buy Until You Have Inspected Our Line
aie Hmdlo PJJairclfd
Yours lor Genuine
260 N. High
other to float a $500,000 bond
issue and - inaugurate a compre
hensive building, program, which
would eliminate the crowded con
ditions, some of the old wooden
buildings and better conditions
generally through the one sys
tem. ; ,
Program Ket Fofth
"The school board after very
careful consideration of these
petitions saw fit to call an elec
tion for March 12 so- that the
voters might vote upon the ques
tion of floating the $500,000
bond issue, and so there will be
no misunderstanding as to ex
actly what the school . board pro
poses to do, if this bond issue
shall pass, we herewith outline
the program - which this, bond
Issue contemplates. i.
"In the first place it is pro
posed to Issue. 10 year serial
bonds, each bond Issued to be
fully redeemed and paid within
1 0 years from the date of the
Issuance thereof. The statement
is being circulated that the board
admits that it has not any need
of this -money at this time. This
statement Is only partially true.
The board now sees where It will
be necessary to expend every dol
lar of the $500,000 bond issue,
should the same pass, within a
very tew years and desires to
assure the public that if con
ditions change so that, it , is not
necessary to use any part there
of that bonds will not be Issued
although, they may be authorized
oy the voters. The program
which the board js committed to
E. Z.
New paint, new rubber, rum like nrvr,
,' License free with this car at '
Every Day is Bargain Day at the
Marion: Auto Co.
We Give Terms.
Marion Automobile
Phone 362.
Open All the Time
III i s
Ford Parts and Real Service
and which it will -follow, if this
bond issue passes. with the
reasons therefor is as follows:
. liiffh School Unit Fin
"The first year a unit will be
added to the high school to take
care of the i imperative needs iat
that building next year. Tnere
will also be constructed the first
unit of what Is texpected to ul
timately be a first class school
building at Oran. This unit
(Continued on page 4)
' Tope Up the Kidneys .
' "Symptoms of Kidney trouble
pre all gone. Water Is clear
end does not burn. L Foley Kid
ney Pill, certainly do the work'
writes W. J. Grady, New Orleans,
Louisiana. Backache, ' rheuma
tic pains, tired feeling, are symp
toms of4- distressed kidneys, Fo
ley Kidney POls tone up the kid
neys and quickly relieve kidney
and bladder trouble. Refuse sub
stitutes. Insist upon Foley's.
Sold everywhere. Adr.
(Continued from page 1)
merce of evaporated or condensed
milk when made from skimmed
milk. and such oil substitutes for
the withdrawn butterfat as-cottonseed
and cocoanut oil was de
bated Intermittently, through the
remainder of the. day. Agree
ment was reached tot -a vote late
tomorrow on the measure which
already has passed' the house.:
-' a
'. 235 S. Commercial St.