The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 28, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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) A Marking the third oft his widely
read novels, and stories that have
been adapted to the'screen,' Peter
; B. Kyne's ''Humanlzlng-Mr. Wlns
. by,", has been produced by Para
mount under the title or ''Making
a Man," ;with Jack. Holt as the
V In "The Merchant f
' "Venice" S
' oitti:ox
Jack Holt hi "Making a Man."
Alice Brady C in "MisBinR Mil
lions." .
Frita LeiberV
Maey Baird Comedians present
ing Marlon Gray; Alice "Cal
houn in A Girl's Desire."
star. The story Is that of a tyran
nical,, snobbish young man who
goes to New York. and through a
chain of circumstances loses' his
money, and everything that would
identify him. He undergoes all
the experiences of a down-and
outer. The picture comes: to the
Oregon today.
The spectacle of two! sets of
high class crooks striving for the
Prepare, Easter Will Soon be
Here" . ; 5
New Coatings
Just Arrived
, . Many have been patiently waiting
Beautiful New Fabrics
Very beautiful coating, especially in these shades,
Caravan Brown, Rapallo Blue, Mocha Brown and
Fallow Tan. ..This material is brushed; deep with
; didjorial pile. There is nothing quite so
serviceable' and practical as well as beau
tif ur as this material. You are sure to
. Set good value when' you buy enough to
make your new Easter Coat. j
Moderately Priced
Salem Store
466 State St.
Portland Silk Shop
383' A'der St.
same-prUe -a shipment of gold in
the strong room of a ship at sea
ls presented In "Missing Millions,"
a newpicture starring Alice-Brady
at' the Liberty for jlie last times
today.':- - , ? '-,..'.-,v: 5; h
Miss Brady as Mary Dawson and
David Powell as Boston Blackie
attempted to steal , the gold as a
matter of vengeance on Jim Cant
well (Frank. Losee). a treacher
ous Wall Street broker, who
railroaded" Mary's father to
Sing Sing prison. The plan'of this
pair is exciting enough in itself,
but when two international thieves
come on the scene and try Tor jthe
gold at the same time, the action
becomes thrilling indeed. There
is shown also a daring robery of
a famous diamond at a fashlon
ble prty; and the spectacle of an
innocent man sent to imprison
ment and death. The cast is parr
ticularly strong.
Wild-eyed, wooly - and - blood
thirsty reformer that we are, we
are unable to escape tjie convic
tion that 90 per ent of reform is
bunk and "a bout 95 per cent of re
formers are nuts.
Suspenders are again said to be
coming in fashion, perhaps for
the reason that the world is pretty
much in a state of suspense all the
time nowadays.
We are not so much Interested
in what well-dressed men will
wear as in what hard-pressed men
will wear. Exchange.
r W 0NLY
1 V
Dashing Alice . Brady i in
her ' most engaging' roe ;
chic gowns and . a ward
robe of thrills. ' l 1
A silver tea will be gaven ioday
at the home of Mrs.' William Mc
Gilchrist. . Tha women .'.of the
First Congregational church Hy
ing in the s6uth part of tdwn'are
sponsoring the affair.
"What became of the children
who fol'owed the piper?" will bv
wonaroiis iaie ioia ine cnua-u
ren at the Saturday sVbfy hour by
Miss Florence Vettitt, children's
librarian. Saturday's version of
what happened to the children is
a new one, according to Miss Pet
titt. and it is expected thati many
children will make a special sf
fort to attend. (
Mrs. C- E. Bates will entertain
the Rapheterlan clnb at her
home Thursday. Mrs. Elmo White,
who was to have entertained the
group., will be prevented by ill
ness from doing so.
Th story telling s'ctirr. of the
Salem Arts league will sponsor
a banquet Friday night at the
Spa for members of the league.
Reservations for the evening
should be made with Mrs. J. , M.
Clifford by Thursday. All mem
b?rs of the league, whether thev
are membrs of the "story telling
Rection or not, are Included in
the list for the banquet,
I The Willamette Shrine No. 2
Will entertain Mrs. June Carter,
supreme priestess of the Shrine,
Thursday when she makes an of-
ficial visit to Salem.
. Russia, Its' religion, past and
present, its music and: customs,
will be studied by thei -Woman's
Alliance of the Unitarian church
Friday. Ms. Emil Aufrance will
be hostess for the women at
Channing hall. Rev. Martin Fer
shetian will talk on "Religion, of
trussia. past and Pre3?nr," while
Mrs. Russell Mohony and rMrs.
Fershetian will play a pian duet
of Russian music. Mrs. iTershett
an will sing a Russian number.
All women of the church or in
terested in the church are Urged
to attend. (
Mrs. Elln Miller of Kansas CitlU
who has been a guest of Mri
J,., Miles . Jor.sevexalj mqutbs,, ,,bas
tiWfay ;
( Children's health clinic, at
Chamber of --.Commerce'" rooms.'
j .'.Barbara Frietehie Tent of
of .v. .
j Oeneral Aid of First Methodist
church. . .
i M'liurKday
Louella club, with Mrs. David
C. Hassel, 395 S. ,15th.
i PEO, chapter G, Mrs. Al God
frey. , r
i Raeterlan c,tub with Mrs. C.
E. Bates, Center street.
v Friday
First Christian church Mission.
ary society, at church.
! Salem Heights Woman's Pro
gressive club, at community
Woman's Alliance of Unitarian
church", at. church.
! First Congregational church
Missionary society.
! Presbyterian Aid society, at
church. i
i West Side Circle of Jason Lee
Aid society, with Mrs. C. G.
Given, 1565 N. Commercial.
AAUVV, at Chamber of .Com
merce rooms, lecture on
by Suggestion."
WRC meeting.
Dental Essay Contest
Is Sent Out to 'Pupils
The Oregon state board of den
tal examiners ( is to coiMuct an
essay . contest .through iill fifth.
sixth, seventh and eighth grades
of the public schools of the state
on care of the teeth, the contest
to carry $140 in prizes, according
to information released from the
rcountv school suoerintendent'a of-
rfice yesterday. The contest will
close April 1, and the w-inning
essays will be determined upon
not later than April 20. 1 ;
The -subject for fifth and sixth
grade pupils will be "How Good
Teeth' '(May Aid Good Health."
The seventh and eighth raders
will write" upon "Why Are Good
Teeth Essential to Good Health?".
x The length of essays . coming
from the fifth and sixth grade is
hot to exceed' 400 words, while
600 words will be the maximum
for seventh and eighth graders.
The first four, prizes are $10, and
include county.and, district es
says. The last four' prizes are
$25 and are given for best essays
in the state coming from counties
and districts. .
VI may be To
I I cold troubles;
flowed 1y. serious
use nightly a
Otfer 1 7 Million Jan UaeJYcarlj
22 HORSES 22 (
Adction Sale at the State Fair Grounds, Salem. Ore.
: SATtJRDAY, MARCH 3, 1923 -
-22 Head of Good Horses, well broke to work and
gentle. AH young; weight,' each, 120016 1500 pounds
Sale Win CoViinaence at 1 M. Sharp- Terms Will lie 9
. Given on Day of Sale.
V. L. PH ARES, Owner. G. SATTERLEE, Auctioneer
Phone 430 180 N. Cdmknercial St.
reurned to her hom In the east.
While in Salm shj has been en
trtain4 at a number of affairs.
Miss Alta Jones entertained
Saturday at a pretty bridge party.
The' hostess was assisted during
the afternoon by Mrs. Edwin L...
liaker and Mrs. Jessie C. '
Mrs. Baker won high scored for
the card gamps and Mrs. John!
Caughell was awarded the conso-;
lation. . The matrons and maids
who were invited to make up thgj
tables of bridge were Mrs. Homer;
Goulet. Mrs. William 11. Mott
Mrs.- George G. Brown, Mrs. John
Maurer, Mrs.;. Milton Meyers, Mrs.
L. P. Griffith, Mrs, Ed Gilling
liam Mrs. Sam Adolph, Mrs. H.
II. OHnj;er, Mrs. William B. Mott,
Jr., Mrs. Edwin, L.. Baker, Mrs.
William Walton, Mrs Lynn Smith,
Mrs. Ed Hartley, Mrs. Jessie C
Jones, Mrs. Bert L. Jones, Mrs.
Ercel Kay, Mrs. W. E. Anderson,
Mrs. T. P. Risthagen of Silver
tan, Mrs. Jotyn ?aughell,- Mrs.
Marge Lovelace, Mrs. Homer
Smith, Mrs. Louis Lachmund,
Miss Eunane Craig, Mrs. T. B
Jones and Miss Alta Jones.
I Kenfal says he wants Turkey
like America, so he's using the
Herrin, JIl...,pattern. In .Armenia.
r " .-. .
! Ripe Fruit Iii 0 Days After
Seed is Planted
... 1 - This wonder-
v i'll Veetftbla
retch is tnc
most beauti
ful of all veg
etable. Thfj
resemble or
nees in col
or, shape and
size. and
crow oa Tines
Ilk melons. They present a beautiful
and tempting appearance wnen rookea,
nuke delicious preserves and sweet pick
les: and are fine for nies. There is noth:
inr Iika them. -Extremely parly, of the
easiest culture and very prolific, cover-na
the ground with golden fruit. They Krow
from teed in 80 days. A package of the
aeed will bo sent postpaid for iuc: a
pscksfrcs for 25c. Japanese Giant Rad
ish. 10 to 30 lbs. earn; Mammoth Prize
watermelon, 50 to 130 lbs. each; Jumbo
Pumpkin! 100 to 300 lbs. each. Tour
choice of these rarietipn at iuc per pac
ket; 3 for 25e; 7 for 50c; postpaid. Cat:
alog free.
i Unbleached
: " The pure food flour, will be given hy Mrs..!. A. llumpli
reyj, celebrated IchmI special ist of the Northwest," represent
ing the CItOWX MILLS, owim1 mid bfieratiMl by Balfour
Guthrie & Company, atj , .
FEBRUARY 27th to MARCH 3rd
Ladies of this eommunity.are cordially invited to attend. Samp!e our Raking and get a
' RECII'B BOOK FRKK. Special Demonstration every afternoon on Cake, Pie, Bread, 1 lolls. ;
All cooking will be done on Westinghouse Electric Kange furnished by the Westlnghouse
i ' Company. A. . j r,
- Jio orders will bo solicitetl. Eyerj-tliing Is free. Come in and be the guest of The
People's Cash Store and th Crown MJILs this week. . .1
. , J .')'.-.. j CROWN MILLS, by Mrs. Ij. A. Humphreys. . ;
Tq Those Who Have Attended
" Other demonstrations requested to come to the People's Cash! Store for fnriher advice
rr n r
.- I v ' : :
AT V 1 " 1
' - ' . . J i ,1
Ragulai' Price
- i ' I . : '
Cherro Flour
Cherro Cereals j
Cherro Poultry Feeds i
Cherro StOek Feeds.
; It will pay to lay in a good supply of flour,
cereals and stock feeds. his discount means ,
nearly $3.00 off per ton on poultry feeds Just the
right time for your spring poultry feeds.
- -v i ; ' ' . H - .- i
This discount holds good this week f at ' all
dealers of Cherro. products.
Southern Pacific Ifnes la Califor
nia (andOrej;on to various points
on ''.the' west coast ; of Mexico
hich were to have expired
March 31, will be " extended until
April 26, according to announce
ment by 'Charges S. Fee, passen
ger traffic manager for the rail
road.; Tickets will be sold daily
until April 26, 'with final return
limit six months from date of
sale. The reduced , fares apply
to the followingMexican point:
Acaponeta, . - Culiacan, .'Guaquas,
Ilermosillo, Mazatlan, San Bias
nd Topic. ... i '.V'-- :l
Prominent financial editor says
the thing for everybody, to do is
to go to work and, he should add,
that they should w.0rk after they,
g:et. there. i,.. ,.":, ' .V-' -
Ofnl -
VsV -V jUfi IM-r.i L?
foxithly pains,
neuralgic,' 'sciatic
and rheumatic
painsV Headache, backache an
all other aches are quickly. re
lieved by ,rr-
Contain -no ndanrous habit -forming
drugs. ' Why don't.yo
try them?: .
O Ask your druggtst
Mexico Excursion Rates
Extended by Railroad
Sale of round-trip winter ex
cursion rates from points on
Instantly Opens 'Every A.'r. Pass
age Clears Throat, Too
; If your nostrils are clogged and
your head is stuffed because of
nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a
little pure,' antiseptic cream into
your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage, sooth
ing and healing swollen, inflam
ed membranes and you get in
stant relief.
Try this. (Jet a small bottle of
Ely's Cream Calm at any drug
store. Your clogged nostrils open
right up; your head is clear; no
more hawking or snuffling. Coiyrt
fifty. All the stuffiness, dryness,
struggling for breath is gone. You
feel fine. Adv. .
- -
Our line of Millinery has heen pleasing
the Salem public for many years and our
showing this season is'even Keller.
Hats for the Miss as well as the i matronly
A Hat for Every Face
Priced $3J98 to $8.75
Commercial and Court Streets
Y -'Y
Y -
- Y
. r
. 2 r
Special prices this week to reduce stock before
moving to our new store. This is your oppor
tunity to buy at wholesale cost.
To unload 400 .sacks of
Crown and Vim Flour before we
move 'to our new store, we are
i going to give every one a chance
to buy "at 75c per barrel less
than wholesale price.
49 lb. sack Vim $1.93
49 lb. sack Crown $1.99
No. 10 sack Rolled Oats . ..49c
No. 10 Crown Pancake ....65c
Albers Oats, large' pkg. .w..27c
: Flap Jack Flour ................25c
Pearls of Wheat . ... ... .....27c
3 Post Toasties ....25c
3 Kellogg's Corn FIakes..:.25c
3 cans Corn ......25c
Extra Standard Corn, 2 for 25c
Standard Tomatoes, 2 for . ..23c
2 cans Solid Pack Tomatoes 25c
2 tall cans Del Monte Pork
and Beans .19c
2 pint bottles Del Monte
Catsup . ..,.38c
2 pint bottles Shider's ;
Catsup .... .... ...;...49c
Alpine, 10 Jeans ...,9i5c
Dari Gold, 10 cans ....95c
Campbell Tomato Soup,
3 for ......25c
Jello-0, all flavors, 3 for.: . 20c
Sno Lite Floating Laundry .
Soap :.4c
Crystal White Soap 4 l-4c
10 Fels Naptha Soap ..G9c
Palm Olive .... , ;.7c
Cream Oil ........ .... . ..1.6c
Ivory Soap
Citrus ' Washing (Powder,
2 for .
1 - -
. J. - . " .
1 lb. American Club .....?....39c
3 lbs. American Club ...$1.05
Fancy Bulk, 4 lbs. ..... :.95c
GhTrardelirs Chocolate 1 :
..-. ..I. Jbl ....29c
Ghirardelli's Chocolate,
3 lbs. . v. .. .....Ji85c
Bulk Sweet Chocolate, 2 lbs 35c
Hershey Cocoa, pk. J.19c
3 lbs. Bulk Cocoa .....:....:...20c
Full Cream Cheese .........-.30c
4 lbs. Macaroni .... .......;....25c
4 Ibs..Head Rice 25c
No. 10 Pennick's Golden .. .A 9c
No. 10 Pennick's White .59c
1 gaL Tea Garden . ;....$1J09
1 gaL Liberty Bell, cane and
maple $1.13
Bay Now arid Save
j .. i
from this marvelous food expert
! U I1US IHiUlliKti CASH 8TU1US .