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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1923)
t s. i 1 i r - CDDPERATiOrJ TQ BE URGED i Attitude of Church Toward Labor Should Be Friendly, Is View. I aken. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Feb. 23. -iThe attitude of the church toward, labor should be. friendly because the .alms (labor are In harmony "iVtuV tie aiins ot the church, Ed muo4 - B. Chaffee of TiJew 'York, tolc ;.the meeting of the Council 1 of Cities of tiiaj Methodist Episco pal churchy "hgre. today. 4 7 t tOt the U6; million. Protestants and ;2? , million Catholics in - thii country, the .majority are work eir,- said , Mr. , Chaffee. "They go to make up the. 40,000,000 or more gainfully employed." As the. labor movement has to. do with their economic well being' they must be interested In it. : "Labof must be . interested in the church , because to win the American, people it must, win .a population of which the vast ma jority are churth members.. La bor needs the moral idealism 'which the church possesses. Rniait Attitude Hostile i ".The attitude of labor in. Rus-' sia .has ; been. ..hostile .to . the Church; on the continent," gener ally hostile; ' In ' England, much hostility: prevails, but lt; la mod erated by some leaders;, in the United States, where the , labor' movement is relatively ; small ..we i have something of the , same hos tility as in Englaird" and ' at "large amount'f of indifference; .; here same of the strongest anions are Jewish. ' i ' . ' ' i ""The attitude of the church to war .labor in Russia has been hostile; on the continent, hostile; in England a ' mixture,' and 4n the United pirtt of hostiiUy prevails. . , : . . J . , "'But about 15 .years ago a 'change set inu? The "church I is meeting the situation is Bhown by the wofk of j the federal council; the ' awakening of the YMCA U , the. industrial , problem ; . the , pub lication of the steel strike, report; the -Church .league for industrial .Democracy; the awakening of the .theological . students; the , more friendly 7 attitude ot the church press; thetawakening of the min istry and the work of the -Labor Temple In New -York. - 'Mr. Chaffee cpnclnded'SU dfess with a, plea,, lor greater co operation between the labpr.moye nantattdlfhe church.:; "bILL SIG;NED :Tfce : following bills hive ..been signed by Governor Pierce since the . close of the legislature,; ? 1 ' B. ITS'. Hammond--Open-lng' the Willamette river below tfia bridge . at v Oregon .-City, to coiamercial fishing. JC ; ; - H. -B. 19 4, i CowgiU Making the; governor and state treasurer members of ' the .irrigation and drainage securities commission. . " JLTb. 240, i ,Mottlncreaslng the taxes on, foreign Insurance corporations ' ' . , .'': -y '-"'. H. B,- 299, "Cary Decreasing the Indeninity for loss, of luber '.. calosls cattle. r'7?7 j7.1'"7-' ' B. 333, x Sim monsTf-Provid-iag for appeals from., juvenile ; to 1 circuit, courts. . r i V.-rV?VJ..::i7. ill. B. 334, Kirkwood Providing- that game birds, fish or an imals taken in another state, ; and saleable in , that state; may be sold In Oregon. . ill. B. 346, Bennett Appro priating money for the-relief of Mrs. i Clyde R. f DIndlnger of arshfield and , providing a pen (ton. ", I .( "i ... yH. . B.' 351, committee on flsh . eries Providing for ' the pay- ment of $2736 to .William Hunt er as oounty on sea 110ns. 1L B. 3S4, committee on fish eries Providing for payment of claims to Clatsop county--for sup- piles furnished fish commission.. . II. B. 372, joint ways and means To appropriate '. .money for circuit judges. m H. B. 373, Joint ways jtBd means -To ' abnronriate : - money V : executive, state and treasury departments. y :. : -..".")'" . H. B. 375, joint committee on w'ays and means To . appropriate money for Oregon 'normal school H. B. 378, joint committee on ways and means i-To :: appropriate money for salary and expenses in connection with livestock san itary board. !. -.v".- .r;j; . H. tB. 383, joint committee on , oim means Apprujirjiftuiifi money for i state engineering de- partment. . . 1 -Y JH. ,B. 384. Joint committee oh 1 1 ways and means Appropriating - money ; for Oregon state library, V 11. B. 386,; joint committee - on ' ays . and means Appropriating VWILL TAKE OFrT: t 41 f ; 1 all excessfh; L Tut j em itMnr tktt lkr"h tinph Mnnl.ii, effoetir rraaedy Utr Ter(at mT b td Mflr od tTtA-. W J r. Say nn r woman wbo , is kMia ' !' f yooth 1 Tfcr I and it "t than tb tablet form la aw fameuB MarmoU Precriplio. knoa . - Ifarmola PVacripta Tsblota T -e,m. , w ePA ta rdnea ateadily aad ?,l7 HkHit roiar thronrh knc elc j uraa zercit and lUrrstioa diet. LnjP' lsTtntioa Tablets ra ald fcy ?" ggS't -ot t 'one doF i i tn f lot t ce. 6r" too 'cbb ikui& Ibem h direct from the Murmoln (.. 4613 Wood "r d..AaliLrieiu ilka a reeelyi THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM,. OREGON coney for ' the state T bureau of labor. .,-. ; HI B. 393, joint I committee on ways and means To provide ex penses of records ot United Spanish war reterans. r ; H. B. 397, joint, committee on ways and meahswAppropriating money ! for 'support; off Oregon national guard. . j . : : H. B. 398, Joint committee on ways - and means-4-Approprlating money for election expenses. H. B. 408, joint committee on ways ' land means Appropriating money for desert ; land board. s II. B. 369, joint committee on ways -. and means Appropriating money for . state board ot for- estry. , . 1 . , : .- H. B. 371, joint committee on ways - and means Approprijatin?? money forcapitol and supreme court buildings and ;. grounds. II. B. 380, jint committee, on ways . and; means Appropriating money for supreme .; court arid supreme court library.' H. B. 382, joint committee on ways and means Appropriating $200,000 for University of Ore gon medical school In Portland. - H. B. 383 joint committee on ways and means--Appropriating money for transportation of in sane. V . "'; ':-: ' HI B. 391, joint committee on ways and "means To provide a revolving fund of 1100,000 lor Oregon state penitentiary. II. B. . 394, joint committee on ways and means Appropriating money : for expense of records of Grand Army of the Repubic and V for - the department t of weights and measures. U--:' H. B. 401, joint committee on ways and means Appropriating $7500 for -The Cedars In Port land to close up Its activities in three months. I ' i ? - H. B. 402, joint committee on ways and f means Appropriating money for the. state board of health. V:1 ; : : ; H. B. 403,. Joint committee on ways and means Appropriating money for the Oregon employ ment institution if or the blind in! Portland. s , j ;' H. B. 410, joint committee on ways and means Appropriating money, for -Oregon- Social -Hygiene society. ' i . ' ' ' H. B. 411, joint committee on ways ' and 'means-i Providing , for payment' of deficiencies for 1921 and 1922 on bounties on wild animals.-- p H. B. 287, Reynolds (byiB quest) Appropriating moneys for agricultural ' and " horticultural Quarantine work, j . H. B. 179, Lee Relating to consolidation of contiguous school districts ?. ; tor high , school - pur poses. i iT ?3.. . ' II. B. 4 104, '.committee on re vision v of ; laws To provide for the maturity of school - bonds hereafter issued and .to provide for their- redemption. " S'f H. B. 327, joint committee on military: affairs To transfer the Independence ' armory appropria tion of $20,000 to rnilamook. ', H.: B. 328 . trfivejoy Relating to - corporations or associations having no capital doing- business lq Ihe state, using standard in surance rates. I . r : The following bills were signed bj' ' Governor Pierce -yesterday; v S. B. 208, committee on roads And highways -Relating to ac quisition of ; rights of -way by county courts ""for public high way - by cpndem nation or-.eoter-cise of the- power of eminent do main . ; . . &. B. vl 9, Robertson-r-Relating to whei. taxes are payable.1 '," 1 B.Ui5. Mosfer and Tooze Relating tov property . i of deceas ed exempt; sfrom! execution.;. S. B. 224 jttoser To regulate the manufactured sale and repair of bedding. ' " : S. B. ' 156, Dennis Giving Jur isdiction to the public service commission- to ; grant .reparation. S. B. 23 1, Edwards To pro vide for closing activities 1 ot state bureau "of mines and geo- logy. - ', : . ". ... S. B, 229, Robertson To re imburse the : First ' National bank of Llnnton In amount of $85 for coupons lost'- while being ' trans ferred from state treasury. J ..S. ,B. . 90, rMoser Relating .to notaries public, f S. B. . 202, i Strayer Removing compulsory requirements : for teachers attending county Insti tutes. v.;.' " " "i "' S. B. 188, committee oil agri culture and forestrySpecifying duties of district attorneys and cbunty clerks in? enforcement of law against noxious . weeds. .. ' H. B. 324, Bennett Relating to ; publication of certificates of tax delinquency. ; . , i : H. B. 362, committee jon. fish eries; To provide for payment of claim oJC William ' Hunter from hatchery, fund.-' j'l':!''' i '-"7 H. B. 338, Lee and Hammond, To provide compensation ; for Lucy. Agnes ,Yoary, .widow ot Henry Nathaniel i Yeary. C ? v ji, . . 0 x 0, warn.iu rtuTiuiaK additional .tax ot,4 cent . a gal lon on gasoline.; ' r JI. B. 336, .Woodward Rela ting' to factory, inspection.' " If. B. 314, .Csrkin ProvidUig for." taxAop t motor vehlclo s fuels and making certain exemptions. II. . B. 350, McMahan of Linn, Bennett, Carkin.' Wheeler and Kubll -Incom tax bill. 1. 1-. ; H, -B- 155, McMahan ot Mar lonPermitting- state ; land board to j extend time '. for foreclosure Of. jnortgages r'Sv l.,..--., . Hi B. 175,- Kirkwood Relat Ing to authorized investments of insurance cotapades- : : - I I ' V "' By MARGUERITE GLEESON CLUB CALENDAR -"...Today ' : Rehearsal for May Festival, at First Cong. church. -Wednesday 'Children's' health clinic, at Chamber of Commercefrooins. Barbara Ffietchie Tent of D. of .V.1 V .U. General Aid of First Methodist church. ' .-. :; ;; Thursday :;" .".""' i;l Louella clnb. fwith Mrs. DavicT C. Hassel, 395 S.'.lSth. PEO, chapter .G Mrs. Al God frey. ' m. v M 3 ' Rapeterian club with , Mrs. El mo White, 1465 Oxford street. ! : Friday- - ' . i Salem Heights ' Woman's Pro gressive club, at community house. Woman's Alliance of Unitarian church. First Congregational church Missionary society. Presbyterian Aid: society, at church. ' - !'.'!' West Side Circle of 'Jason Lee Aid society, with Mrs. yC. "G. j Given, 1565 N. Commercial. I v Saturday AAUW, at Chamber of Com merce rooms, lecture on. "Healing by. Suggestion." WRC meeting. v . . " ': ' ' f ; i . OXORING Miss Catharine H. Carson wno wil1 : be a bride of . March 7, Mrs. William Bell was.. Irostess yesterday at a pretty, bridge .luncheon, day. .Daffodils were used on the pretty . small tables, at .which . the guests -were seated and the color scheme in yellow was carried out in the other appointments of the table. ... . v Mrs. Joseph Li McAllister won high score at the bridge game in the afternoon.' " , .. The " guests bidden to honor Miss Carson were Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. William . H. Burg hardt, Mrs. Hugh IcCammon, Mrs. Frederick . Lamport, Jttrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs.' David W. Eyre, Miss . Elizabeth Lord; Miss . Nell Thlelsen, Mrs, William Walton, Mrs. Frederick Thlelsen-, Mrs. Hal Patton, rs. Homer 4 Goulet, Mrs. John A. Carson, Mrs. William Xy- tle, Mrs. Edsel Kay, Mrs. John H. Carson, .Mrs. Allan Carson and Mrs. John J. Roberts. . .' :. x r Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, who has been In" Lor Angeles for several months, returned last week to Salem. , . . ; , r --Dr.. and Mrs. M. C. Findley spent the week-end in Ashland. , " i :. More than $2400 has been pledged so'far toward the YWCA, according t to , Mrs. Harry Hawk ins, member of the committee in general- charge of the drive. , - Mr. and Mrs.. Ford Hendricks and little, daughter Jean, of Fob-, bII. .Or., are visiting friends in Salem.: , i"j ; t V; Argentina, its topography, gov ernment, industries and people, were taken up and discussed by Dr. Mary .Rowland at the meeting of Chapter AB of the. PEO list night. I j Thegroup met with Mrs. S. (P. Kimball for the last regular meet ing in February. Mrs. Klein will be hostess for the next meeting, March 12,-when officers for, the coming year will be chosen. M)r. Rowland Is president of the ctiap ter at the present time. f I- ;;,.; ; J - The public is being Invited to attend Prof. E, S. Conklin's leq ture on "Healing by Suggestion", Saturday. March 3, in the Cham ber of Commerce rooms. The Sa lem branch of the American . As sociation of University Women is sponsoring the talk. 1 . The K. O. club of the senior high school held a line party Fri day evening, followed by a pleas ant social hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Collins chaperoned the party. ; - Guests included Lois Taylor, Margaret Stoltz, Neva Millard, Marie Arnold. Charlotte Zieber, r. 1 in 1 if -a A GqaAintee of Complete and permanent Cura ff HAbbeen asutTerer fromRles "Ji 25 yeara, but today feel like a different woman." This is one ex pression out of hundreds of sim ilar letters received from gratified pa tients whom . I have! completely and permanently cured of Piles, If you art Interested In knowing (h tacts about YOUR Ca, tend for my FREE illustrated book. It cells WHY I dm no knife, clamp, ligatures, aritchea, burning or other disagreeable end dan gerous methods,;- ' ''- . . Remember my guarantee means a positive and per snaneat care no matter how ftvers yoar case maybe, ; ' . tK9 A. f ...J3Sfl PCimA9,C",?SCJ piiTi. "j t w 1 pg a whin Bernice . Wolf , Helen Selig Mart garet Drager, Alice Roth, .VfH fred Lucas, Pauline ' Knowland, Arthur; Hamilton, Walter Furher, Glen baugherty, Vernon Perry, Guy Albin, Russel Pratt, Lester Post, Howard Post, Francis El lis," Benoit McCroskey and George Rhoten. i - Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Feb. 26. Planning, cooking, and serving a dinner at Multnomah hotel in Portland is not-only to be an annual event for OAC co-eds, but the project is to be more elaborate than in 922, its. first year. This .became .known- -Friday when the : school . of home econ omics accepted . the Invitation of R. W. Price, manager of the Mult nomah, to combine a style - show of gowns made by co-eds with a dinner prepared by them at the' Arcadian gardens, on March 23. The 60 junior and senior Wo men in the school of home econ omics, who have been chosen fo make the trip, will be guests of the Multnomah management. Fol lowing the serving of the last of the, 1000 guests 'Whom the hotel' nlans to invite that evening, the college .women ; and their . friends; will change- from their cooking garbs - to evening dress and be guests of honor at a dance the Multnomah is planning for them. March 23 will be "O. A. C." night in the grill. A college or chestra, known as the Sevetn Serenaders, will furnish the mu- Why Metropolitan Policy holders Live Longer' . .. - ..r, - Metropolitan has . distributed 272, 000,000 bbpkletj ahdrmpWetsdeali- -i - itiihfiaith and longer lie. i Mopolitan nurs ea Kave made more tSiaii 15,000,000 fr&tyisits to its In- 1 " dussriai(i. e.,weekly premium) Policy holdeco. rr I .Mctrppplltgn 'ex- tends free periodic medical examina tions to holders of Ordinary (i..e.'f jodieT .rfyin !ndut rrial) -policies. j MctrqpoliUni" working with Na tional, State and Local Health Agen v cies, is wtging a war on Tuberculosis ,an4, 9ttTj. teyerit itblz disisss. "'" J ) Life expectancy vnong Metropoli . fcidustrfcil Polt- cyiioldecs his been iGgeaAcd 9 )4 years . 1923 "'o-' m .... M , , , , ' J 1 w VlM w' I ' Yj- , , 1 M jaw? ca Nc 1 s(:4$&g. And they even lift their shovel on the pile sic, while the decoration of: the room and tables is being planned;' by classes . in ' household decora tion. - ; -"' More than 2000 invitations are being printed by the hotel - to be sent to OAC former students and graduates In Portland that the Corvallis college atmosphere may pervade the whole room the night of the event. Silverton, Or., Feb. 23. The music students of the St. Paul's school at Silverton gave a pleas lng recital Thursday afternoon. The ' music room was decorated with the national colors' in - honor of George Washington's birthday anniversary. The violin solos 'by Miss Frances Coberly were espe Twenty million people mumally .own jthe bigg company in the world- It is The Metropolitatia " One person in every six in" the United States and Canada is a holder of a rMetro pplitan MpoUcy' of the safest forms Jof investment known to man. Metropolitan live longer than other people because The Metropolitan takes care of its policyholders- At the same time The Metropolitan is working in cooperation with private, public, ciyi J and national organizations to improve the health and liviijg conditions of every man, woman and child in this Country and Canada M e t . Incorporated HALEY FISKE, President Business Assets Life i More than theje of ant other Insurant tjamtmni in th War I A T Increase in Assets during, 1922 . . . .. . . v . . , More tnun that of any other Liabilities . . ...... . . . . . . . . . Vrvrf 1,198366,913.98 Income in JL922 . . . ;. i More mart that of any other Gain in Income 1922 . . . . ... . j ... . ? More -than that of any other Insurance Company tn the WerU i, Total Insurance placed place Morc than ever Placed in on Gain in Insurance in Force in 1922 . . . More than that of any other Company in the World Number of Policies in Porce December 31, 1922 . - - ' More than that of any other Company in the World Number of Policy Claims paid in 1922 . . . . . . . ; . Averaging one claim fakl for every 24 teconds of each business day of 8 hours Payments to Policyholders averaged $803.81 a minute of each business day of 8 hours Dividends payable to policyholders in 1923 . . . ORDINARY (Insurance for the larger .amounts, prenv itirns payable annually, semi-annually, ; quarterly or monthlv) t J '. " ' ; More than that of any other Company in the World INDUSTRIAL (Prerniums payable weekly) TOTAL INSURANCE OUTSTANDING idort than that of any other Company In 'the World' K i H GROWTH IN TEN-YEAR PERIODS Taae Iac i for thTear Aaaeta at 1882 1 $ 1354,2679 $ 2,002,464.13 16,6682.22 89,168,790.55 18921 13,3073115 1902 1-43336,283.61 397,913,442.711 1922 j 340sJo 136 -TUESDAY MORNING, cially .well received. Miss Cober ly gave .an extra. violin solo by special request at the close of the program. . . The . following numbers were given: 'Tripping tOver the Lawn," Inez and Habel Goyette and Anna Lytle; "Norwood March," Mary HenJums; f'Moth Waltz,' Cecelia Dreller; ;"IVTroyatore," George Abel; "Mocking Bird," Anna Ly tle; "March Militaire," Agnes Lambert; Clover. Leaf Waltz." Leona Uphoff ; VSprIngtime" Irene and Hazel, Goyette; "Mountain Bell'' scottische, Anna Dreller; "Cavatina Raff." Bertha Kim; "Spinning Song" Marie Lambert; "Heather Rose," Dena Aim; "Mountain -Spring," Hazel Hart- man; Air Varie," Frances Cob r o p '0 1 insurance by .Jthe State of New York. f A Mutual Company. FREDERICK Statement, Decent Insurance Company in the World. . . ".r- ; Intntranco Company in the World and paid for in 1922 .... year by any Combat? In theVorld Eaeof Tear Sarplaa at Eaij of Tear Nnaabcr Fere; at $ -379,907.13 3,6743 16V49 403513302 34342,9715 61,48311.25 FEBRUAKYr 27, 1923. erly; Fifth Nocturne, Edna Mae Hartley; i " Tannbauser: : March. Bertha Aim and' Frances Coberly; Miss .Edna Mae' Hartley-was-the accompanist for the violin solos. Johnson Smith' Will Be Kiwanis Speaker Today Every Klwanian who thinks he'e liable to need a friend, is urged to come to the luncheon today and hear Johnson Smith; new warden of the penitentiary, fell what the state has done, is doing and ought to do for Its legal prlspners. The story that Mr. Smith fold, at the Realtors' meeting last week, made a tremendous hit and the Kiwanis 1 olttb Is to hear if In full today. Mr. 'Smith does not expect to make crime attractive, or to show that a 'fellow' can get off dead easy under the new regime, but his Ideas of prison's are so different from the old-time that ' they're worth hearing. :! The Kiwanians are afraid the Rotarians are going . to refuse their challenge to an attendance contest to run 10 t weeks. The K-club .lost .' by a hair's t breadth with wet baking 'afterward applygantly mm PORUD Oecr on lata Ufa Yearly i t a m H. ECKER, yice-Presidetxt i922 p ;v $1,259,6503253 1 144,267r300:t59 340;66830130 W 38685,601.91 . ; ? ' ' ; .1.802.110.686.00 801B49,lli5.00 . -1 ." nt. -27384,445 365,276 20,809398.56 $4,395324,118 3412,23239 '7,807356)957 of Polidca ca Zmd ot Year OaMafeaBtlias Inao. maem at End of Year Tear ltsa . CoVar Company 341,632 I 2,719360. 6,976,651 12,837,042 27,3845f45Ti $ 43345,752 310,767,876 J319,i66;427 2,60466,102 7,807356,957 18S2 1892 1902 1912 1922 lasV-yeitr on the attendance of the -very last day..; ,: .. ' ;.' " ' Whether the hands of theclOck move , over 4a golden or celluloid face, the: hour has but one dura tion. ' . : i " .. 2- J is a real bargain. It has a low top ana meauim skirt. . Made in dur able pink or Vhite coutil; cizest - 24 to-36-r-and cosu only $3-00. JJ tout dealer ctt n't cct It. aend nam. d drea. u td $3. We'll send tJw cartel. NiO IlrglcBtc.Fafliion tnsdtnte "'?0 e, l6tlS New York (Dept. S.' 4 3 'I teste I 4, Metropolitan .EoUcyJbjbLdcrs r iiyelBetter--; - fThe Metropolitan ... ;( Agent is a friend to the . families he vis- j its and "Helps them v. n caseof icknessl ; .' -: ) ' 17,000 Agents visit ; V : the-homes "of 17,-- 000,000 Industrial Policyholders" ", tweekty -telling " ! ft' them of the value ox s5ntraTicn, rresn tir "and sunShitw. '.:V,.-:!i;,:;:-' ,y ' i '-:.: - 'of .-v . " Among tKe' useful .booklets .distribu . r ed by the Agent! at v f4 . those telling hcy o'y buy fob&,3ov 'xo,- 'care for fooaV ixo' to xpok fp6dt;fe ! to rprovii'.Vfbri-'. - some.- nbuf ishinj - .1 food for ,thc: ItAfvt tm TV r if 4 v "e. . A A. A - t. jk Jfe . . . ,