The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    .Gii STILL
' J " o f r I
Ui ii OuiyikUulli J 1
E:r.! Head viaives Exam
ination Willing to Face
; CHICAGO. Feb: 23.- InVestiga
tion of the financial operations o
Joseph Marcino, barber-financier
and alleged embezzler, shifted to
day -from Chicago, Buffalo and
Warren, ifasaJi to Italy when the
detective agency In charge of the
, case asked' its Italian office to
find .what werb -Marcino's activi-
' ties when' he was In' Italy and al
so( to find how' he obtained large
. sums of money' he Is safd to hare
'. brought back, from there.
. ; cMarclno. also known aa Palata,
wanted In connection with the al
leged embezzlement .,of $213,000
In securities from the Warren,
Mass., National bank, operated In
Chicago" In 1921," It was learne
ner today.
Frank Li Taylor, former rail
road brakeman and the president
of "theS Warren bank rwhlclt twas
eloped' by jbank - jexamf ners and
who was arrested here Wednes-
- day night, was 'arraigned, today.
waiting r examination and extra
dition, expressed his willingness
to to back to Warren to face era
bezzlement: charges, and; was held
In ' $10,000 bonds. ' ' Taylor main
tains he is Innocent f the charg-
Neelected coughs and' colds lead
infinsnia.- la ktIddo. stkma
and bronchitis, and the old roeth
of "lettlng lt run Its course is
TunldlV rlvlriz 'way to nre'veitlf e
treatment. Three generations of
users, have testified to the quick
relief given fcyFpiey a noney ami
Tar from eoughs,' colds, ' croup,
throat, chest and bronchial trou
bled Contains no opiates ingred
ients printed on the wrapper, Re
fuse Imitations and supetuuies
. gold everhere'i-dTAl;,:';V; '."v;
V - (Continued from page 1) , ;
to both classes of settlers the
right to purchase " an -additional
quarter section each at f a price
to be fixed by the " state land
toard. ,This opens, the iway for
a compromise with, the govern
ment, since,; It takes care of the
interests of both the. state and
the government.' The , govern-,
laent objected to any ; interfer
ence ; with Silvies Blitzen - rivers
far reclamation , purposes for the
reason- that federal authorities
wanted the- streams, to feed the
laW for the benefit J of , the
Koosevelt bird reserve. This al
so is possible under the Ellis
biiL ": ..v ':::':":..:y.!''h?.
V. Coast Highway Aided j ;
1 ; Highway , legislation ,was y-ol
minor Importance witk the ''ex
ception of an act extending . the
plan whereby the . state' ; may
rtvatch up tot $250,000! moneys
that may be appropriated by the
government expressly for con
struction of th Roosevelt Coast
Military highway. Another bill
adds another cent; tax ion' gaso
line, making. , the total tax 3
cents, i but amending the act of
1919 so that the tax la removed
from gasoline Other than that
used In traffic on the state1 high
ways, i; This was bitterly opposed
by some members for the reason
that no, decrease was ' allowed
. in automobile . license fees.5 An-c-ther.tin
increases the maximum
epeed of motor? busses to 8 30
miles an hour,
: Several r attempts - were . r made
tc amend the Initiative, , referen
dum i anud recall" acts to . curb
the activity of petition circulat
ors, but these. failed.-.. . i
!Bttr Fight -Waged
: One of the 'bitterest fights of
f h . session, twas oyer senate bill
215; placing dealers In; municl
' pal securities' under the - purisdlc
tion of the state corporation commissioner.-
- Opponents f of the
bill declared It was aimed di
rectly ? at Morris , Brothers, but
as ,It passed last- nigbt it was
paid to be satisfactory to that
V firm.-, :. v , . - -; K
Circuit court relief In Multno
mah county Is the objectpf two
bills that, passed, one providing
for the : appointment , of , an aid
dilionai circuit Judge i and ,;, an
other, sponsored, by Senator, Jos-
ejh, providing that . when tbe
ciief justice names a. Judge from
an outside district to held court
la 'Multnomah county J be v ahall
receive IS a day; In addition to
h's regular; salary.
Tourists Not Aided
TouHst legislation tailed. Af
ter the ways and means commit
tee had - turned down r appropria
tions asked by: the Pacific North
west Tourist association and the
Cregon Tourist Information bu-reau,-
Speaker Kubli revived the
former by having a 1H introduc
ed to appropriate 340.000 for
tie association. This was beat
en In the senate,. Last night an
attempt was made to bring it
I ack in amended form, but was
frustrated,; " ;
L"3'::ation tinctured with reli
- 3 T-rej-aiic:dId. not: get ?far.
iward bill prohibiting
; ;;3 f : i.ccl teachers from wear.
' n garb r pas?ed, -but
'tl ty all ele:eat3.
r :.. :. I,rr-T ..U, ..irrjssissaatsr.
- t ' f i -
V - 1 ... - t
: $ ? , , - j it1,
t-, y-
j -r.-; . I
! '
S : . ' ! J
ill - .-:h
; .; J " .v- f
'I : i
hi I
In i
f ' i
r 1
?! , if
Newt" Grey, a deacon of the Fellowship Baptist Churcn. snown
' on witness sUnd at Bastrop. La-, open hearing on Mer Rouge mydera
was identified aa one of the hooded mob who kidnaped T. J. Richards
and Watt Daniels, by Fred Eubanks, a farmer, one of the witnesses at
hearing. The State of Louisiana' now plans to ask for indictment of
. thirty men for kidnaping of the two Mer Rouge victims and lndlctraents
s of at least five men for the murder of the two. , t
Bills to , eliminate. Columbus day
from fthe list of legal holidays
and to repeal the Jaw providing
for both Protestant and Catholic
chaplains at t the - penitentiary
failed. No attempt was made to
advance the effective date of the
compulsory public" school : bill f
thit" was passed - by the v people
In November; '
Bills attempting to place a tax
on church property and on hos
pitals failed." " -
Woodward Rills Fail ;
Three bills' introduced. by Rep-
rese'ntatiVe "Woodward; one pro;
vlding for f free 'v text-books, an
other . proposing that ail ' electors
in school district be allowed to
vote on questions' affecting school
finances and j another calling' for
dental Inspection in public schools
all failed. ' " 1:')':'-'
There was; little legislation " of
miliary character. 1 An attempt
was -made to. cut -the salary ' of
the adjutant general and another
to provide that he might be re
moved" at any time " by the gov
ernor.' oBth failed.' . After the
ways and means committee turn
ed -down- an ; appropriation .for
maintenance ! of, the ' battleship
Oregon in Portland harbor It was
revived ' and went through. V," -v
The Eddy" bill providing 'for
more thorough' ; groudwork in
fundamentals and patriotism la
the public schools ' was defeated
In the house .by one vote - after
it bad been opposed : strenuous
ly by the . school teachers and
superintendents of the v state. " '
; Uterary .Test ; Approved ,
Considered! among important
enactments . Is the sterilization
bill, intended io curb, the pro
pagation, of feeble-minded and
ci iminally inclined persons.
Another important bill requires
literacy: teat for voters.!
The old . wild animal bounty
system, was repealed and in its
place was enacted the so-called
hunter system whereby counties
have the option of using, govern
ment hunters! to chase down pre
datory animals.'. They are' paid
jointly i by the counties and .the
government; :.:..,.:."-,.-..,
The reforestation bill was ve-.
toed by the! governor. 1 Repre
sentative Graham's market road
bill which ; proposed the creation
of a revolving fund as bonds are
rttf red ; failed 1 to pass.
Here Are
Scnis of these goods ; are slightly damaged, but
' , took at the prices'
' Enameled Sink, new ...i....JL.$4JJ5
. Rome all copper Boilers,,new ..j.1$4.50i
, Claw llarnmers, new ..-...J..:...J...35c '
Wooden Chopping. Bowls, all sizes -
new u... : . ...-...334 f
' - i y .
i Loganberry Wire, Hop Wire and -
? Chicken Wire at" Reduced Price's ;
t Ve. also buy and
Jun!:, Rags," Tools; Machinery; Ftaiiitirre, etc
House of Half Llillioa and One Bargains ' ,
Phone 523 , , - , 402 N. Commercial
The so-called "farm bloc" of
the le.gislatu re walked ; away with.
two prizes tucked under its arm
in the, form of a bill defining the
standards 'of ice cream ami a bill
to prohibit - the use of milk or
milk.', products in ' milk or butter
substitute' containing vegetable
oils. r The per centage of(butter
fat arid milk solids not fat 'in Ice
cream is raised by.thelce cream
bill. 1 :
A referendum has been threat
ened by the oleomargarine and
filled milk manufacturers against
the ."oleo" bill. . - - - , -
' ' . v Film, Tax Quahhed i . ' .
" At the request; of '. Governor
Pierce,'; the attorney general's of
fice .drafted, 'and" submitted a, bill
to Impose a tax on the rentals and
royalties1 of motion picture,' films
exhibited in the state.. The Mil
was given rough' treatment In the
hjbTi se judiciary committee, Tbu
was finally rescued yesterday
morning and passed after a; bitter
fight in the house. . The senate
killed the bill late Thursday night.
It would have Imposed a tax of
5" per cent; on the gross income
from such royalties and rentals,
tinder theprovlslons . of the
fCirkwooa narcotic laws approved
by tha governor the penalties for
the. use, possession or "sale of nar
cotics 'are greatly Increased,. In
linp with the roirig demand for
curtailment of the dope traffic, f ;
, Knforcinent Demanded ii f
The same general approval was
given all t legislation offered., by
the Anti-Saloon league and allied
organizations, with the result that
a state prohibition .enforcement
organisation headed. by the gover-
.; , MONEY ') i :
: - Cut"; out this slip; : enclose .with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,
283$ Sheffield Ave., Chicago, JUL.
writing; your name and addresa
clearly , Ton will receive . in re
turn a trial paekage containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs,, colds and ; croup; Fo
ley Kidney Pills for pains In sides
and back:? rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets;' a whole
some and; thoroughly : cleansing
cathartic tor eonstipatlonvblllous'
ness, headaches and sluggish bow
els. Sold every wherevAdy. ; ;
sell all kinds of
jirjk i-'ed.
nor, was created, and a division of
fines lmiosed s irt the ' counties
authorized to maintain the slate
organization. .- .
Confiscation of automobiles
used in illicit liquor transporta
tion Is' provided In another bill
and additional restrictions .are
placed on the use of stills and
mash products. ; 5 ' ; . 4 .
The state fish commission will
be entirely self-supporting by
1925. It la predicted, under the
operation of. the? revised '.fisheries
code enacted by the legislature
Increasing poundage, fees : and
makinr othermendments to the,
present statutes. The only other
V? Tfm SIrlel?atlvn W"tbe
Mott bill, lifting the ban on the
sale of fish caught by trollers out-
side the three-mile limitfxwhich
was imposed by the 1921 leglsla -
-' . 'J. -..';' I: - : .
The ambition . of the American
Legion of Oregon was' realized on
February; 1 C t v. Wben s Governor
Pierce attached his .signature to
the Railey-Huston anti-alien land
Dill. 5 .: . v i:f; -i . ; V
lender the; provisions 1 of" this4
act, aliens not eligible to citizenT
ahip are not permitted to own
land or hold it undsr long-time
Ieas(M.i( A recent decision of the
federal courtSs-. is presumed by
those In touch 'with the provisions
of the new Oregon law, tp- make
the provisions' of this 'act apply
equally to certain Hindus
This act is based upon the Cali
fornia anti-alien land bill and em
bodies some of the Washington
law on this stfbject.
Mrs. B., Klecker entertained
the-" Community ? club February
14th. , ; -
'Miss Anna Masser was releas
ed from " quarantine Wednesday.
The Waldo Hill club met with
Mrs. If. A. Keene Thursday1.
i Miss Amanda .Matthews left
tor Portland , Tuesday, where' she
i3 visiting' friends.' - ,
Mrr and Mrs. C. Ll McAllister
drove .to - Salem Thnrsday to ' be
with -their son, V. J. McAllister
who was to be Operated on for
Mrs,! C. M. Elliot and Mrs. E.
T. Chamberlain drove to the
City , Tuesday.. , ,n y, .
H. - E Ferris was a Salem' vis
itor Saturday. '" 4
H.C. Hanson had the misfor
tune of nearly losing his thmfltf
while cutting wood. - - 1 v C
"Grandpa Schneider is reported
ill. . - . ' . '
Frank and Andrew . Fisher
drove td Salem Tuesday.: "
Master Lewis McAllister was
visiting' his grandparents, C. L.
1 1 1 111 caassaaasasgaass3gac3egasgaBEasx3
Valuable advdde information lot the
treatment of every form of Piles is enclosed
.with each box of PAZO OINTMENT,
e remedy is" guaranteed.
the "price of 'PA20 OINTMENT is 60c and
you can get it at any drug store. The advice
and information goes with it ' i 15 '
' 1 11 1 1 1 " " i.-...gar
o Aduoinjiso.
Ye.will.giYe iiD to 5 per cent of the
amount of Cherro products purchased at
anyr feed or grocery store on Hour, cer
eals; poultry and stock feed from this
date on until further notice. - '
v , All that is necessary to present or mail
Vour purchase slips to the office of the
Cherry City Milling company and you
-will get in cash 5 per cent of the amount
of the purchase. ' ' -
If you, buy: one ton of Cherro Chick
feed at the present price, $58 per ton,
your purchase slip is worth $2.80. You
buy the best product for less plus 5 per
cent discount i , i: : ' : '
Remember this ; applies on all Cherro
products regardless of quantity purchas
ed. . , ,;'' .
Buy and use Cherro products, you1 gain
in two ways, and cash in your purchase
slips at . :. V : , ' "
CSisrry Ciiy
Bill Passed by HouseTavors
Return of $10,000
Each Estate.
WA55HiNGTON. Feb. f 28. Re-
. Af a If an rtfAnoriv F. SAlTAll
durinr the war to the extent of
tA AnA - M., .,tnti'W ntv.
Proved Jn a bill passed, byjthe
jhouse late today. 300 to,f 11. and
hent to the senate. Efforts to
jamend the bill talc4. : ';
j . 4ust before; tie ,mal Vote, Re-;
Ipresentative ' Rayburn, I 'Democrat.
Texas, ; moved to re-comlt the bill
to, the", Interstate' commfrce com
mittee with instructions to am
end It to require return " of ' all
property, held. His" motion was
rejected 181 to 2. Other pro
nosed amendments would have
nut eoneress on record t as favor-
;ing the return of all the prop-
erty ultimately and 'would havei
jrovided for return of ,all prop
erty of Austrian nationals. 4 ;
Patents to be returned under
the present measure include only
such as are not; in litigation .and
not held by the war and navy
departments. -' - Thlsr will exclude
the .thousands . of: patents sold
to the Chemical foundation, for
the recovery ' of which the ? gov
ernment has instituted court ac
tion. " i
f . --i.-rl . i ,i t- r .... . r
and Mrs. McAllister j, for a few
days.. . i - ;i . -A . .5
. Rev.. F. II. Scherbring-was
a Silver ton visitor.! Thursdayf'
- Mrs. M. J. 'Larson and her
son R..E. Larson drove to Aumsi"
ville Wednesday... , J
Classified Ads in .The
Statesman. Bring Results
Millhig Co
Farm, Bureau Officers
, y f .;to Be " Elected Today
iA-,r . . .. i , vst" '
A twice-postponed, election of
officers for ' the ;MarioiT County
Farm bureanlia to beTheld today
at the Salem Chamber of - Com
merce rooms. At their ' regular
election meeting, early- In-1 Janu
ary, they, learned of : the coming
of some important . state visitors
for the following weekl'and ther
deferred the election for the big
crowd, i Then when the crowd
came they had; ,to pass It over
once'more. But today they prom
ise to settle the matter fdr-go6d.i
The bureau held a meeting al
woodburn Thursday of this weak
The business men' had wanted to
know more of the bureau before
endorsing It, ?. and the farmers
came in for an 'all-day 'session,
What Is reported from . all sides
cs one of the most windertul din
ners ever served in the county,
was served, and every .business
man In town was invited . in
There "were addresses by bankers.
farmers, the secretary of the state
Chamber , of Commerce, and oth'
ers; the net result3 being a defin-
. ' " -. ' '.r . . !..; ... ; " t " -T" : . r .-.";( :i i '
Perfect Corfw that'H what all say who try Diamond W Coffee, servel free Jin the G rotary
, . . -I..., Department.-.. ::( --'. ' - '
$15 00 to$18.50
- Value3go at
' V The lirice doesn't "befirin to tell the story about its true value. . A surprise is
in store for you when you see.them These are higher cost dressed; if bought, in
the regular way would not be possibly quoted at this figure. This is not a rear
offering-, indeed not i is a very unusual offer made possible through a rernark
" able special 1 purchase. : Hence, this "wonderful opportunity. . 1 " ; "
Long cape effects, rich .'
- trimming some , with
Bertha collars, . flaring
sashes, others - In "plain
modes,- etc., at . , . .$9.85
A j ; ; Tarieta, Can
Gils' Wool !
1 Mi Jdlcs :
In' bright red and navy
blue. Special at
! $2.49
Absolutely' Free ,
250 Hand Fainted Scenes by. Charles L.
Martin wil be offered free to the custom
era of this store as long as1 they last.; SAT
URDAY: ONLY. , Be here early. '
SaiurrJay dfnlj
' To purchasers ot: 11.00 and upward, r
there are many classes of pictures and will -be
distributed accordingly to pnrchaseav
'. , - CLASS 1 $5.00 and oirer. "
CXuVSS a $3.00 and over. -- v
k ' - CLASS 3-41.00 and overv
See Them a Display ii
: An i i i t U t Ji r ; v
t. . .
FEBRUARY 24 1923."
lte understanding on the part of
the townsmen' as to what the bu
reau is and what it seekr to o,
and their own-pledge to back It
to th' limit. About 200 people
attended the dinner and the- ex
ercises.', ' . .
An amusin incident occurred
at a railway station in Switzerland
lust before the great war brofce
out.; when the Swiss were begin
ning to refuse to accept xoreigu
money or to make exchange for
Swiss, or to cash., letters of. credit
or bank checks. Two elderly Eng
tlsh spinsters were excitedly dis-
L cussing the currency trouble, one
01 inem smoomea uui o"
England note' and said to her sis
ter:. -r.:: ,r:;::y , -;:..:-' :f'-.;.:-;
."There, Sarah,5' Is a Bank of
England note, which baa ; been as
good as gold all oyer the world
since Christ came on earth, and
these-plagney Swiss won't take it.'
.5 Someone told this incident af
terward to a banker In - London
He said they were very ignorant
women i ' there were no Bank: of
England notes 1n Christ's timet"
Wonderful . Opportunity
and Serge
Featuring a. ; special
line ' of $5.00 value
sport hat at - ;
, ' $2.49
the Windows -1
w - -w w . -w -w ir-, r. w
4 i ll C la .l '' - V ' . .
a j. d pv-i. i'T ' '
for tnap lan.
! r
,,4 frvt in -0 !- '-r f
fruit th sm.a Mn r
r-ro. mo"' . ''''
i I
t in -
-if rmtx !.:.. "- " r- -
1 Jjl !! 1 n- t
euiu.P iirr u r ' " '
j ipty Itrnt ran t - -fwimor
i'W ,v
:,MloHlc.S r:. ttt-n
sTrinr or pr.vv fM'r; i -r
tona'-t, ,r.f" I-.- ,
p. .rht .mi te wni ol " i
ft4 tun , r, 'r"'sr
ctwfce of tt -'- 3 r"r
m .- n tor etc: w v -
r- ff"1" , Wsfh r.r
li..bahaMWdukrrflSl 1 t
SI lUAMi CO rirai tk.. . - -
a ' v
15.00 to $18.50
- i Values gro at
X V 3 C0L02S .
";. Navy, blue, brown,
black-,-: tan and other
gayful color trim
mings; all gio at $9.S5
CIlvlIH22r S Utu3
SaitJcrlltn, 51.10
Regular $1.75 grades
in Chalmers, spring
needle knit unions. ,X
12 lbs. SMi-:Mc
1 sack Bias Ribbon Flcar, guar
l anteed for good bread cr money
back ........ '.lfj'i $1,55
5 - cans Cora .i.;-.l-.:.55c
5 caw Toisatocs;...i: ul.Sc
5 cans SaHon -.;.....55c
5 cans American Sardines U.....22c
1 0 five-cent cigars J125 c
5 cans Velvet -: .....5 C z
10 bars White Launciy Soa?....35c
1 Brocrn dli ....;.:.. 4 Dc
llot Coffee
Coeae and
try it cup of
Dianond V
v - w w