The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Salem Indian -School Will
:' Soon Have Two Fine New
Students4 Homes.
Work is proceeding Bteadlly
on the new : boya I dormitory
(he Salem Indian school." At
present; the. basement is being
'excayated , and the material as
sembled,' Uh a raw, of between
' 25 .and 30 men in all I the .de
triments; off': work; '"With; the
coming .of better .ireat her, it is
expected lhA the onatruetlon
v. Ill bel rushed along so that the
place", wlll;bei ready. , for occu
pancy before 1 the close of this
school ; year. . " :; , ,
. The Indian school has had- a
remarkably successful ' season, so
far , thi.V year. 1 There , hate been
nr. epidemics, no scares, and the
general : health of the school has
been so good as to allow of un
usually, good school .work. They
hare been crowded up past the
rormal and comfortable limit,
but the I new .central heattag
.plant has made Jit possible to
utilize erery inch of -their build
ing space ; as it had net ' been
possible before, and they're got
ten over I the peak of the win-
dependable Groceries
ILowgf PHcgg
Full Cream Cheese, lb. . .28c
100 fPounds Spuds . . . . ..75c
No. il 0 sack Farina . . ..50c
Bfest Valley Flour .. . . .$li40
' ' 5 lbs. Rolled Oats . . . . .25c
4 pkgs. Jiffy Jell . . . ...25c
3 cans Soup, vegetable ;
chicken or tomato ,85
; Xarge can, 2 's, Slleed i
" : Peaches, , Pears tand
i Apricots '.. . . i . ; . . . .22o
i-41bs. Macaroni for ,.V.v23e
2 lbs. Ginger Snaps . . . ;25c
Solid Pack Tomatoes, per ;
; .'-cau .'V. ' ..I5c
' IS lbs. Onions for ... . :25c
;' Onion Sets, 2 lbs for. . . .35c
.3 glasses Jelly- for ,. . . , -25c
Lemons, per doten . . . .'.StOc
7 boxes "Good" Matches 25e
." : 1 : bars White I Laundry - ,
- - 'Soap for . i . . i ; V. . i .'23c
Damon Grocery
Company '
2 lbs. Seedless Raisins, 27c
5 lbs. "Cascade" Lard . .5c
Veal Steak . .
T-Bone Steak
Veal Chops . .
Leg of .Veal .
Sirloin Steak
Round Steak
Breast of Veal
Pork Steak . .
Pdrk ChoDs : .
Hamburger, .2 lbs for. . .2."Ve
Boiling Beef ..... . . . . tOe
Beer Jtoasts . . . . . . 12c
Sirloin Roasts . 1 ..... . I4c
Rib Roasts '. -. ... . . : .'. I4c
. . . .20c
. . . 25c
. . . ;l8c
. .; .20c
. . .-t20c
. . . .25c
We sellt for less because "we -
are out nf the lilgh rent dls ",';
trlct S5.00 ORI)F.RS DF;"
Joe's Market
- Cominerrlal fit.
t '
: IS,
" is
ter iacomfort.UhwthB:twt3r
new dormitories for .next year,
the . one now iulldlng , , for , the
boys, .and. th other for. the rgirls
that was recently authorized,
they will be in better .condition
next fall than erer -before. The
girls' dormitory money .is not
available, it is understood, until
after theifirst pf Julyi the build
ing may not be possible for this
fall, but it; may, come in time
El m
Complaints of - Neglect , of
Animals Taken Up' by
Local Group.;
Carkin Relies oh Senate to
. Either 'Kill Bill or. Make
1 On motion' of 'Representative
Carkin the house consolidation
Mil was taken from the ..table
yesterday to fee returnxl - to the
senate. .-.-
: In explanation - Carkin j said
that ' In response to ihe requests
of many : members that he take
some action to reltete ; the ? dead
lock that exists, he had decided
to take the measure 'from ;; the
table . and rely upon the senate
to., either, kill tlws. bill; or. ; make
the amendments that: had been
tacitly, agreed upon by members
ot the house. : t .::
U Following the suggestion ot
Speaker Kubfl,'"...who recalled . tbe
membar's understanding that the
banking, food and; dairy and la
bor departments were to be tak
en fare of by amendment. - Rep
resentative OTerturf moved to re
refer the bUl , to house cojn-
nittee for revision but : this , mo
tion ws ruled" ont 'of order aft ter
Representative Graham, had call
ed atention to a 'point of 'order
involved. to' the effect that the
vote by which the house passed
the bill must first be reconsider
wl. : :'r :I;-r.;-f :.:??, :,
Carkin stated that the J bill,
while not really - his, toore J his
name " through a . mistake I and
that in 1 deference and : respect , to
the senate he wished to elimin
ate any chance of misunderstand
ing of-his position rn the mat
ter. r. , . 1 -r (: : -.
As far -as he is concerned,
Carkin -said, he' "will not . be a
party to any orgy of killing bills
simply because they wera passed
by 'the senate and that he had not
favored the Indefinite i postpone
ment of the senate consolidation
till, the Garland-Eddy bill,: with
out the - courtesy rof .- considera
tion.' . , . - , r .
, Many complaints' about; starv
ing and unsheltered live stock
'Humane society-these cold and
snOwy days. The society's offl
cers have been called upon iin
many parts of the state Uo go i to
'the rescue of. animals '.with . feed
'and relief. : In-thtsclty one day
last week, Mrs. . P. W. Swanton
found two Jersey cows lying ,ln
the snow .on State street In front
Jot .thei BDgh hotel. They 'were
completely exhausted, covered
jwiih ice and sleet and one fot
jthem heaty with calf. A .party
at Si 1 vert on .had hired a boy to
; drive them to Salem that snowy
ay, giving the boy a dollar for
the day's work. Tho boy was
I chilled to the bone and nearly
starved. Mrs. Swanton secured
belp from Sergeant : Victor .of
, the Salem police," had the ani
mals put on a trues and deliver
ed to the dairyman In this city.
;jto : whom they ' had . been sold.
She got the boy a good ; trot
meal. ...
Ten horses were reported
turned into a pasture near Suver
by a highway contractor . last
fall and two of them .died in the
lecent. cold spell from- freezing
and exposure., The ,rest -are be
ing fed by: Fred Stump -and the
owners have been . notified.
From .; Amity comes .a- , pitiful
story -about .two -horses and, a
large .number , of . calves - -being
keptt in a small lot without food
or. shelter and ,belng in :a. starv
ing condition. Dr. Moorehouse,
county veterinarian and Humane
officer has . been sent to invest
tigate and - find the name ' of the
owner who : ;will be : prosecated.
Another report ' has 4 come in
from a ranch on the -Ablqua,
near the Mt. Angel college stock
farm of .starving stock, a number
of which have died. ' The same
owner allowed stock to die of
starvation last winter. : If : the
facts " are found to be as report
ed there will be a prosecution
in this case." ' . ; (
There are too many cases of
this : kind and but lor the vig-
Ulance of . the:. humane -.workers
there would "be a great : many
more, , it is said. . , 1
in mm w in mi w in 1 n 1 if ?
And salerices-go, perhaps never to
Come back again
..... . H
0 :
4 .
I I'.;;
lasa ssara ea ssi
Le Trocqaer, Minister of Works
ef Frace. who, ,.t la ,suted :in
many quarters, may divide the re
sponsibilities of the Ruhr' with
. whoever the ultimate , military
commander nay be. ' :
x ' The ehjive touch of sinartcess t&at inisiediately clijtinushcs
lbs individual hat frcm amcn hats wcrn ia any-gathering of women
isavcrytanblepartlof eta-aixcrbnent" 1 '")'
- Exacting good taste is demonstrated again and again as xme
sees hat after hat in the new exhibits:-' . -
Popularly Priced -From $3J98 to;$835
. .. , Ccnnsercial and Court Streets '?
"Romeo and Juliet" and
"Merchant of Venice"
Said Ably,Presented.
Fritz -Lleber, r who comes ' to
Salem. February -27 and 23 with
two Shakespearean -c o m e d i e s.
!Romeo .and Juliet", and ; Mer
chant of Venice," was a Chicago
high school. boy who for a: boyish
lark - entered a - Cook county ora
torical contest. He ..cleaned up
the whole county on the platform,
and that set' htm off on! the road
to public speaking. -He became a
minister of the gospel -and preach
ed for. one year, .but the lure; of
the stage, took, him from the pul
pit, and 'he -has followed it to very
near the top of the American stage
ladder --of success. -He was. for
years with Robert Mansfield, Olga
Petrova and other famous Ameri
can .artists, jand ,he has learned
the technique of them all. He was
for, a time with .the Ben Greet
players, .in : their elaborate lawn
presentation of Shakespeare at the
University of Chicago, i t
. One of the most Interesting part
apportionments -of -the: ."Roneo
and Juliet", cast, is that of Mrs.
Blanche Chapman, a famous star
of 40 years ago, now playing the
old nurse in ''Romeo." - She
played - Ophelia opposite , Edwin
Booth as , Hamlet, .and :she play
today with a fineness that needs
to ; be -seen - to be appreciated.
There is motherhood and the
whole .'technical 'progress of 300
years of Shakespeare, in her. play
ing today.. : :
; George Ford, the manager,' is
next ' thing to American, history.
His father, Henry Clay Ford, was
manager of Ford's theatre fin
Washington, w h e r e President
Abraham i Uneoln ;-was iahot 1 58
years ago. His uncle, John t.
Ford, owned the theatre, and an
other at Baltimore, that is still
run under the old name; be was
the first manager for Mary An
derson, the . famous -American
tragedienne nd beauty, , and be
fore that for John McCullough and
Edwin Booth. ' The whole com
pany breathes the air of the stage
in all Its , best traditions and
Shakespeare lovers are promised a
delightful two-night series. - "
'hard itTJcar.1!""1?:
Thevyoung man arrived at the
party and made , his way to the
hostess, 'greeting her and apolo
gizing for his lateness. ,'
? "Awfully-glad to see you, Mr.
Bones,! said the hostess. "So
good of you to come. But where
Is your brother?" ; v
, VHe.waa unable to come. You
see, we are so busy Just now that
it was Impossible for both of us
to get awajt and so we tossed up
to see which us should come."
- ' "How nice! "And you won?" '
No.. replied the, young man
absently. "I lost! "London Mall.
Ripe Fruit In AO Days After V
. . Hee4 .Is tJPlantel - .
.. .'..,.,.,. . , This wonder
ful Veetbl
tejkdl U the
moxt buti
ini of alt irg
etbl. Tb
reseaW ' tor
d(m in eol
r. hsp snd
time. w d
craw en Tn
lika ratloni. ; They Tsrraant ' bcaatlful
and" tempting apparanea i whan rooked,
maka deliciotHi prmerTc and aweat pUk
laa: and are fin for pira. There ia Bath
ing like them. .Extremely early, of the
aaaiest mltnre and very proline, eeTeng
the rroaad with golden frait. They Row
from aeed in 80 day a. A package of (the
aeod will H aeat poatpaid for.iuer
packacea for 25c. . Japaneaa Oiant Had
iah. 10 to SO lba. each: Mammoth Prixa
watermelon. 50 to ISO lb.. each ; Juki bo
Pumpkin, 100 to 800 Iba. each. Yonr
choice of Uieae artetM at luc per par
ket: 3 for 25e; 7 for 50c; postpaid. Cat
aloe free.
S2S-V.P, GAlXaStoKO. MICH. j
Adverse Report Signed by
Fisheries Committee ; of v
Little Avail. ;
ln the face of an adrerseyre-
port' signed by the7-balance of
the house fisheries -committee,
RepreaQntatlre Mott ' of Clatsop
yesterday afternoon succeeded . In
securing -the -passage - of ' house
bill 356 to permit the sale with
in the .state of fish taken with
troll lines outside the three mile
limit. ...... -
During the course of .the de
bate . which lasted ...more than . an
hour, Mott outlined the history
of the 1921 legislation by which
the trollers had ..been legislated
oct of existence with the under
standing that at j this, session ot
the legislature tpey would be
legislated back again. - It . was
to make . good on this , promise,
he said that his bill was - Intro
In defense of the position of
the majority of the fish commit
tee Representatire Watson ot
Tllamook cited letters which ihe
had receired from some of his
constituents urging; him ; to de-
Scat the bill if possible. , . Mott
'In vreply called ; attention 'to the
fact: that "Watson bad lntroducBd
a bill to 'prohibit', commercial
fishing east . of the Sandy rirer
on the "Columbia, "bad complained
because he: bad not been trealed
at the Seattle Joint ' conference
ns he . thought . he should . have
been, and9; had finally turned
down his own bfll and joined
in urging its defeat on. the floor.
"Mr. Watson .had all of the
data nefceary to back fdp his
original position oa : the ... bfl("
said Mott, "but he went, to dln-
rer with Seutert and the rest
of them and then joined In de
feating, the bill" -
Whitney - Boys Chorus
uf Rehearsal : Is Tonight
Pr.II. C. Epley, director, earn
estly urges all - boys ;who can ;or
who want to sing, to come to the
Whitney Boys Chorus rehearsal,
tonight, at the YMCA. They meet
at 7 o'clock for a half hour of fun
in the gymnasium; then they set
tle down to , sing, and they get
through in good time for the car
few., y.:i:----
The chorus now has' about 160
members, all doing - finely; but
the hope Is .to : bring the number
up to at 'least ; 200. The chorus
work is of unusual excellence,; In
the directorate, the choice -1 of
works, and the object to be at
tained. All the instruction Is free
as air; -nothing is asked but that
the boys shall come and sing. Par
ents are especially urged to come
and ' get acquainted . with . the or
ganization and its alma, so that
they may realize, what it is doing
and-urge their sons to join In for
the'good'&iid Lelful t;. .
fers. .
Some concerts of their own.
other work "fn connection ,
other-organizations, will be ;
ned for the future. Last year,
chorus went to Portland, and :
appeared at -the state fair .grou
in a Sunday . afternoon con
that -attracted much favorc
comment. They-, hope for r.
pretentions things this yeat
only- enough of the boys will j
in to make it adequate for the
tended schedule. Some older t
are wanted, too, to take the r
and complete the harmonies of
chorus. , .
Cecil Deacon, one of the Sal
boys, is i the pianist, and an txc
tionally good one. Dr1. Epley
the musical director
7 p-x-' w'
' -teuralc, eel.
and rhcun::
pains, li'eadache, -backachs 'i
all-other aches are quickly
lieved by ' t ' -
prvyucs' Anu-Pcin r;
Contain no dangerous . he
forming drugs. I VVhy don't ;
try them? t .
0 Ask your dru:t
- , -: - , . V ... .
Just as we had prepared to en
joy life, after, all of its .perplexi
ties had been disposed ' of here
comes Mary Lan don Uaker. who
saya she has no idea of 'marrying
All later t McCormlck; -We thought
it about time for lUtle Mary, quite
contrary, to get on the first pages
again. Los Astelefl -Times. . . ;'
i '. ' v - -- - i" " : - : . . -. - - -
We will be closing out shbesall this weefc'B&stired :get 'in -and ;get
a pair of these low priced shoes as it will be some time beforerwe liave
' enough broken lines to . put on another sale
Florsheim Men's Shoes '
We will place the high shoes in
this famous line on sale .for just
10 days. You can select any pair
of brown, tan, black kid and kan
garoo, iii all the inew styles, regular
$10 grades at - .
, Tilen s Dress Shoes
Black and brown,, all Jasts, brok
en lines, $8, $9 and $10 grades,
10-day close-out at
Men's Brown Calf 1 6-inch Boots
v 1 We have a few pairs covering all;
sizes of men3 boots that "are, fine,
for farm wear, or boys' (' school
wear, regularly sold up to $12. Take
your choice while they last: at .
Ladies High Top JSoots dv?
We have t broken lines of high
boots for girls arid women, after
our heavy winter selling, priced Up
to $10. Closeoutatf i - -; -"', z
$5.95 and $7.95
Ladies'Hoase Slippers
j We have ladies' house slippers in
both the soft soles and hard soles
with heels, all colors, all sizes, over
500 pairs to select, from. Regular
$2 and $2.50 quality toiclose out
Ladies' New Pomps and Oxfords
, We .are going to make one big
lot of, ladies' patent and. kid
pumps, oxfords jn brown calf pat-
ent, also brown and ' black ; kid, r
rangmgan price from $7 to $10.
-These are not old 3tyles or broken
.'lines. A long line ofiow heeled
oxfords in all ' leathers for young
; ladies. This entire lot goes at
Boys' Black Calf Lace Shoes
A real close-out in boys' shoes,
$4 values, all sizes from 1 to6,
while they last, go at
Children's Shoes
We have one of the largest stocks
of children's shoes in the city and
every .pair is ; guaranteed to give
full value in wear for every cent
invested. We. can not quote prices
here but are - giving large reduc
tions "on all shoes. Prices range
from, , .
1.95 to $4.95
1 1 1.. i i
Ladies' Wide Toe Shoes
We have iari extra good wearing
wide plain-toed low heel shoe for
old ladies with rubber heels, an
extra .good $4 value in this sale at
. Women' Dress Shoes
All sizes, cloth tops,' in grades
up to $12.' These are high grade
shoes, well pnade, but not the new-,
est style. These shoes will be
closed out at . -v .,-,, ;
Women's Dress Shoes
Black and brown kid, also calf,
in most sizes and a number of .dif
ferent styles to select from, go in
thi3 ten-day close-out, up to $10
grades at !
HLadies' Brown Calf Shoes
A fyie calf shoe' with low rub
ber heels. There are all sizes, in
this lot, but" only, a few - dozen
pairs; a fine $6 shoe, ten-day close
out a . - ' '
Ladies' Black Kid
We have a. large line of two
strap pumps in a very comfortable
last, a belting sole, medium toe,Tan
extra $5 value goes at
Ladies' IIcu:s !:ccs
i - ' - -
We have an "easy 'black shoe,
rubber heel3. A "very neat shoe
made up with a tip -and flexible
turn sole,4 This is solid comfort in
every ?way;;$5 value, close-out
Boys' j Brown Boy Sccut hccs
'. This is the shoe -the boys like
and will wear just one-half longer
than any other shoes for $5; to
close out in this sale
y Boys' Blade: Drcrs Slices
We have a high grade calf, med
ium wide toe, lace, Blucher Excel
sior shoes, the best 5 shoes sold
in Salem. . We will close out. all
sizes in this style for '
Boys' Heavy Everyday She zs
Heavy i shoes , in black calf with
double soles; a winter shoe sold at
$5. Only a few sizes to close out
while thy last. Sizes -from 1 to
6, go at . . .
Children's House Slippers
, We have all colors, all patterns,
all sizes in children's felt slippers,
sold regularly at $1.75 to : $2.00,
,our close-out price ' ' '
95 c
Dr. Willi
Dr. ; Williams, expert
foot specialist. ( Consul
tation free. Consult him
about your feet. He removes-corns,
treats bun-,
ions and fits , arch sup-;
ports. All foot troubles'
scientifically treated. Ai
Tit Haft
326 StttU5L-BnattUMtciri-A
The best j repair work
in thq city, : Wcj have
put in new machinery
and have the best man in
the city. Try ns once. If
it i3 not the best repair
work you ever had we
will not ask another
chance. ." . ' - : , .