TIIB OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21. 1923 -13 -1. '"; ' f i : to- i i TJ: Y. .t I t i i-. i : tr V r-. st-.' i TV " CLASSIFIED ADVXRTlSSatEXTS r 3r lilt .Mi nrl: , rsr- taasrtton Thro tnerUoa .,.... Oss wesk (sis Inaertiona) Sis. ajoaths' mxtkI, ff mo. hflolnnua ( an adwea-tissinent -25 i . . NORWICa L CNION HRE INSURANCE BOCIBTT , W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Agent ,S71 Stats St. . MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate ' - . I . TJ X. FORD . (Orer Ladd sVBash Bank) NEW TODAY WANTED TO REST 15 TO 23 ACRES garden land, with buildings. Call 700 ' XV High.,- ' , ' i- ; : - . WANTED TO RENT HOUSE. PREFER 'ably, wrath or east. Alia grain drill tor esta, food ss- new. ; Phone 1 W. i MR TRUCK, OWNER YOU CAN"T AF frd ta rerlook our. insurance - prepc- - -eitioa. r&eo as -before you, reinsure. SUadley m Foley. Asts.-Phons 341. WASTED. 'WOOD CUTTERS TO PUT p 300 cords, aa andsrbraBh. Phons 28 FURNISHED ROOM. TWO - BLOCKS ' from- stats' bouse. 253 N. 13th. Phons SSSW. . . .. ' .-.-.-.. . - . i ' APPLES 73c PER BOX: WOOD POT A toes. T5o sack, detrrersd. Wsrd vK. Richardson, 2383 N. Front. Phone 494. SUITS CUEANED-AXD PRESSED tl.&O' . Prompt and off iciest- service. Salem ' Clssasrs and Dyers. Phons 1868. . 100 ' ACRES ' - OF GOOD EAXP. ; 50 seres- cultivated, balaaeo Umber -and puton. 6 roou booM, bars.. entbail'l isa; water pleco; rood team, . ell farm aqsipraent g o -with plnee for $7000. Half cash, . balance irood terai . B E N- F. .W E ,S T , : . 370 M Stats St. FOR RALE - 20-ACBE DATRT RANCH. s model - dairy farm for 20 cows. Pat rat -, stanchion. , lot 4 ot bar room and driveway. " A - bnngalow -. house, email bearing orchard, all nnder .imgatton, and , os mala caaaL. ' One-fourth mite Iron . railroad town, good schoola and . solid, roods. WW soil for one-fourth cash, balenes a psymeat,. , With- per pttual watsr right walatensne-' fl -year.. I hsrs asms other rood jrri(fat4 . load for tent.Phoas 1522; A. E. IIou cbeo.' 813 Orero Bid;. , tjslem. r - v- To, Exchange - . 5 acres close la-on food rosd.' all kinds of 'fruit ' and . berrie: 4-oonv booss. Will trade for city property. Wo bare tr 830OO .mortgage to trade for bonao in. Sslees.',. . - ' C-robnr . modern . how and -4 acre.- an irf fruit -and berries. This ptaeo is a barf otw for 92600 with 8600 down. , St 54 h .. 3a . 20o 15 83l Ststs'8t.-' L X ?BOOM HOUSE. PfjASTERED.' MOD- em eseepV basement. 83300. ,te"., J JO-room botwe.- two' lots, ood locatioa. f 5-room ane-Br?bonlow-, $3100. modern: f rood' term. '' - t r " ' .'.870, -V. CM PI .EflPLOYMEMT .ItXLB-f IKDUSTRIOCa COLORED MAX WANTS fconss eiesaia. odd Jobs. Phose WOOD CtTlTERS WASTED TO COT oO to 800 eords fir, and oak. Abrsma. - 814 South Oomrtoreisl' suest. FEiLALS- s WAKTEDXPEmrTDOilTO aU Esas Hosiorr' UriU Jfrs-Tboo-joeia Conner. 1080. rremoat. St... Port- (sad. Tarrgoa. S ' . - v. . WASTED attX- A.VD WOH1K' TO toks farm paper eubsoriptWna. "A good ' fcropositiinB to the "'Tiht " people. Ad drees the Pacifle HomMtead, dtstssmsn . Ma4 Sstem. Ore. ,. . . SAXESaCE WAtfTED ALUSmN WAKTED rOH WILLAM stts Tallet territory. Ulsbset eiaai , Benin- known: toed ' eommlsslons, ' eVoSKiid -ortBlty -for-sdaieomnt. - Call Mr. Stark at Terminal hotol or st 848 KoVOr Commardal 'etrreU, ny : tims Ui weak. . ..-- - '" . PERSONAL. GET .MARRIED-BESf MATRIMONIAL popes wablisbed. .Pros tor stamp. Cot respondeat.' Toledo. Pbi, . - ; FOR.SALE- 4 - BIRDS. IXOWERa AJTQ PETS , ' ' ' FLAKE'S PBTLAND, -8T8 STATE. OF- . fere Ooliis .Pttpe, $5 to. $11 on a male CoUis 11 months old. very good : j Toy . i tsrrior. S : Toy Silk Pwodle, 81$ : tame t - monkey, $3i. Caries. 81 eseh. ' PAAMPAPSB ' F" IP TOO WAXT TO Oirr TH BE81 .' firm paper, aead 15e to the Paeiflr QosMUasd, Salem, Oregoaw fey a throe . months' trial ssbssriptioav j - Maatis .' efcia o4. ? t fU-,-.---r POULTRTJJIS 8END EIGHT TWO seat stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oJdact josrasl is the 'west. Tbo articles and sdesrtias j aaoats-Ats of apoeisi . lateroet to th " poultry bteeders. of the Korthwaet : Korthwost' Posltry. Josraat. t,lt Oom ' moretsl street, Slam, Orogoa. - - t' t.yPtAJtOS -; D8E0 CHICKXRIKQ O RAND.. IX GOOD : ohapo. Wll , giro poms .esxmsv ' L C StHI Jpurojtdre 'Csv; i f -. . - - rB SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piea ft si to r soil. ' Pries $800. I hrni S. L.' BOW FsTsitsrs Os. Ms --. ate .dopsressest , ,1 , . . w . .. - ' wooa. i ,f - - Be5ttGrad&" Mill Wood Psur'tt.t aad.ld-lnek dry mill wood. V Fosr ,fw frsea mlU wood.- j Prompt delirery sad ressossbta prieea. Prod E. Welia. ,805, 8.. Charoh, Phone tilX.i - - . , .-i , i .. ,i , i ; . i f - t , i BnSCSIAAJTEOTJS : lOft SALE NEW . AXD REBUILT KA tionai cash registers. Fully guaranteed, , easy, psymesta. . Bsx 134. Salem. Ore FOB SALE COMPt.ETKs SAWING OCT f irt ; hp - 8torer 1 etiitiue. 8 circular saws,, all Donnted on iron (rme nid " tht wprk: "ia i . first class condition, 81'i.V C. M..Carlpop..840..hCom'l St. rhpus Sl... ' . .. ....... . -Beautiful Oregon-Rose sad etevei , other Oroeon ' snots. togbet with tse eotleHinaof patflotle so.ne eagres aeuita sad ouny, oia-Umo iaor iu II J. IV) 9Hm - . - fPpeeVsl prjres io rnBllty lie . F.peially, sderAbl foe- sofcsoU r sua as ttp" s aiagiaA -, Send J ';. . : '. ' f bega. es it third SdlLiem. , OKrt)t 'TRACH r.RS- MONTHLT v ota at rsl'lH.(.i .TT7V a.i rw r)B SAljR oLr FWS PIPERS. 18 ta s bsadlo. Cireslstids department. Ortos Ktateemea. i- sCALL, SEND OR PHONE FOR EXPB1T d'. Amour . Toilet . requisites si the Flowor-ia-ths-BoUls Perfume Shop: Hi K.. tibtrtr. St. j ' , : : . .. : , FOR RENT AjAETJoarrr APARTMENT FOK, RENT, 81 NORTH Commercial. , FOB RENT 3 BOOMS. DOWN8TA1R8 apartment, furnished. Call 844 .North Front street. : t run FOR RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM flat at 666 1 Ferry, street. 835 a month, partly t furnished r will furnish . further if desired, t Call st Sutesmsa business office, or phono 83. , FOR RENT COMPLETELY - FURNISH ed modern' fie-room, flat at 864 Vs "Ferry street. $90 a month. Immediate possession. Apply at Statesman busi ness office, or phono ,83. ' BOOSES FOR RENT t MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottare with largs- alsepiac porch, st 635 North 16th street.- Partly fum iahsd. 885 a mouth. Apply st States man buaineee office. , os phono 23. BOOMS FOR RENT PURN9HED ROOM. Mod V era. Mrs. Henry 'Rows. 880 North 12th ' streot. i !- . ,i . i-i.. . v . c BOARD AND ROOM FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD. . Keasonable. ; Gentlemen-.. , preferred. : Phono 2050M. : .1 . i PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR- RENT 0 PER MO. . . H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. .WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD - MATTRES8ES MADE OVER w Capital City Bedding Os. Phono 19. WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS. ETC. Phons 811'. i ' . - V. - . ' WANTED EVERYTHING fK HARD wsro and furuitura. B-et pries paid. THS CAPITAL HARD WARS ' PURNITURB CO. - - 885 N. Oommerriai St, . Phone 84T WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR siture.1 tools, ; mlacoiianeous srtielos. Pbon 1448. ' WANTED FURNITUEE. TOOLS. MA ehlnery, stock, etc.- Wilt buy fo Cash j or sell os eoamisiies. Psoas 811. Woodry, fhe ssetioseer. BUSINESS -CARDS ' ACETYLENE WEXDIXG IRON STEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM Bring ths piece. , Oao-Gss Hestiag Os. 887 Cwsrt. AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. X.' WOODRY.. THIS Hoostock. f arniturs, rest - seta to sae 'stoaeer. Phono: ll for sals da tea. Re. 1610 X. Suaus'r. . . COL. J. B. OABLE AUCTIONEER -farm and eity sales. , 180 8.. High. Phons 1448. ....... G. SATTERLEE. AUCTIONEER.. PHONE dSO-lSHJt 180 X. Com't St. Room SI. r: AUTO DIRECTORY ATXTOMOBTXES. GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO . tf Co, 87 Court. , -- BERT L. JONES MOTOR CO.. HUPMO . bile dealer. Stats St. at Frpht. "Ths car at ta Amerieaa fsmlly." - - AUTOMOBILB PAIXTINO AUTO 5 -OWNERS LOOK! ''TIME TO , - bseo, that esr. repainted. Coma in sad look wrer etrwortr Ot setomir of- thm success of our Ford Special iob. it. will " os-Cdhtfnuod. i Relianre Auo Pslftttng Co.. 818 .Stats.; cor. Front St .' saWead floor. phono -87ii , ... -' ; . ; " ' It II l 'i IT H i J l if ' ,'AOttr. tows AUTO -Tor's ' Ourtaihs jt ta order, prices reasooshle . -iMr- Anderson Teed, 171 S IJigh BATTERY' AJtD RLEOTRIOLAV A" CAMEL-IZED - RATTERT NEVER seeds a drink.. O M. Carlsoa. 848 N. CommsTcisl-St Salem, Ors. , R.D. BARTON EX IDE- BATTERIES. atarter shd renarater .work. 171 8 :SL ; - j . - - . - PBESTO-WTB r-BATTERY- SERVICE " StatioS. Expert battery and rleetrieaf work.. Yarria Bros. Pkoas 1803. 41 CaarVU-;-l.-i;A'";;,..'"-:iA AUTO ELECTRICIAN j EXPERT TROU Us shooting. 2 X High. Phons V03. . BIOYCZXS AND RZPAIRXXO LLOYD El RAMSDKN OAYTOX BIOT eies sad repatriag. S8T Court. ! , cas washing - WHITNEY EMMONS GARS WASH sd -sad, polished: Oleson'a Asia Ea ebaags. Phoso ftft&. fs . RADIATOR ft YRXDEB RXPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES , made sr rspstrsd. ' - 4. C BsLv 848 - Perry. 4 . . n ; , TIRES AXD ACCESSORIES ARMSTRONG TIRES THE KIND that aeror wear oat. Thompkias Helns, 819 X. OommsreiaL - - , USED PARTS I S to 13 OFF. MIKE'S ' Auto wrecking Hoses. 424 North Commercial. - Psoas 83$. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES I HAVE SOMB XEW CHEVROLET. Maxwsll . sad Studebsker ring gears, pinions, sxlo gears and spider gears. Also an Elgin body, nearly sew. Opes Sunday 8:8 till d. SCHEELARS AUTO WRECK'GF HOUSE 854 Ferry Stress. - , Phons 818 TRACTORS K. C HA AG A CO.. 444 FERRY, ST. r Phono 31,0. Cletrse tractors, Olirar lav - plesaenis- j '. 1 USED CARS USE V OARS BOUGHT or sold., os sommieaioa storsgs. Olesos'e Auto Exchange. 1 AUCTIOX SALE SATURDAY. 24TH AT 7:30 ' p. ;nv Oleaoa's Auto Ezchangs, 173 S. Liberty 6L FORD SEDAN i FOR SALE WIRE wheels, good aphoUtery, motor is good condition. Price $325. Basinees Men's Adjustment Company, Masosio B)d. ( , FOR '; SALE 18 IS' CH EVROLET " IN good running, order, lota of xtttt, good tirsa, 1838 llceaie; $175, terms O Hi Carleon. 848 X. Com! St. SEE THOSR BARGAINS is USED CARS 1916 Dbdgo Todring (1920 motor) -$265 i.V we nan a xounnr ...... . po. 101$ Oakland Touring ' ii VALLEY MOTOR CO sea 860 ;No High .- Pboas 1895 1019 Pbrd .Truck. Suks body-and IP30 tord .Toorlnsr.H ltS Pbrd Tourmg. 1920 flhsrrolet 'Tosrisa- T-.4 ,1V5 -. r . - ft!! A 1P38 Orerlssd Roadater : 4SO 1931 Orertand-4 touring ... 850 181V Chevrolet' Delivery S." 1918 Studebak-r Toerins . . 150 ass amsay wtKere st sttraetUs pricve VICE BROTHERS High eirset at Trade. waWSpLna J.'YIC BR-rf(.R USED-CAR : '. ,RULlJr:TIN. ', IPSO rd"."Tfirk with" license ssd.? AUTO' DIRECTORY USED AUTOS FORD BARGAINS FROM AUTHOR- . 1ZD FORD DEALER t i 1921 Ooups, wire wheals, motor No. 4935303 . . $523 1917 Tonriag, Motor No. 468754. 205 1921 Delivery, motor No. 4977751.. 255 1917 Tearing, motor No. 1099374 180 1918 Touring, motor No. 2566406. 194 1920 Touring, motor No. 4I94196. 253 1931 Touring, motor No. 4595848-. 890 1920 Sedan, motor No. 4975256 425 1923 SEDAN, motor No. 5428871 475 1915 Roadster, motor No, s90804 183 irzu 1 roes, new - tires, motor Xs. SW3MIZS 875 100 180 185 175 190 255 2ff5 290 425 523 450 475 8A.1 375 1918 Touring 1917 Touring 1917 Touring 181 8 Touring 1918 Toariag ,1930 Totfriag 1930 Tonriag 1931 Tour in 1923 Tonriag (192$ body). iv i l uoaps 1931 Sedan . 1928 Sedan 1020 Roadster 1920 Track, sew tire - . . viM.rr ntfVPrtT rn , S60 V. lxigh 1 Pbonolfi93 . TERMS ' BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND TtAJTT EUOi NOTIOK TO THE PUBLIO WE NOW . wears fluff ruys made out of eld ear pots, say Isngth or width you dee Ire Wo also re-fit. re-sew sad aits carpets Feather renovstiag sad tnattreas steam i, lag sad . rs-mskiag. ' Svlam Carpet Olesaiag sad Fluff Rag Works. Psoas H54. t . . CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAG CARPET ANp RUG WEAVING Call bsfors V a. m. 84F21. - t CHIMNEY fEYs 8WEEPB SWEXPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F V R X A C E . elsaalngi.r. Ooaaeilmsa. Salem Hard wars) :Co.' 1 ---i - . . i - DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 403 COURT ' P1wb 184 - - ' WM. XEIMEYEB "JUST . DRUGS. ITS X OsmmemisL phono 167. CLEASXU AND DYERS SPICK 'N' SPAN CLEANERS AND -dyers. : Pboas 195. , SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suit ' cleaned , and " prsesed. $1.50 i Suits apoagod 1 1 and. pressed. 60e 1 1215 S. Com'L , v phone 1$61 FTXAXCIAI. LOANS OX THE EASY PAYMENT piss, eon repay at any time without sstrs ehsrg. 417 Oregon Bldg. ere MONKYTPR FARM LOANS NO OOMMIBSfONS 83 -YEARS TTMR . i QUICK SSRVICB : , ; . A, C. Bohrnstedt:; - 407 Maioais Tempi . Salem. .Ore. t. , . r A S M L O A N S ; . , . " AT . PER CENT aad . . -r . $H PER CENT" ANDERSON ft RUPERT Orsgos Sldg Salem, Or. MARION-POLK COD NTT PARM UOAN deeotnatioa has mosey to loaa st W. D Smith, t ecre ta ry -tressurer . $0$ .8alsat Bank of Co a marcs . ELECTRICIANS BAIJCX,. ELEOTRIO OO , . BuBdlsg. , Pboas 1200. MASONIO El.ECTRTOj FIXTURE . AND SUPPLY Co. Psoas 1934. j 833 N. Ubmy. MALIK'S .ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO- rleal msohtnov repairing, soatrastiag. ' T- Coart. PHjas 488. . RrHIR' FLECKER.' ! ELECTRICIAN . Houas airing by -bour - or eoatraeW Eatiiaates turaishsd. Phoaa 080. 414 Dourt S . PLORISTI CtTT FLOWERS AND F1X)RAL PIECES; Delivery. 0. F. Breithsapt, florist, '128 Nsrtlt Ubsrty street. Phons 880- rURXACSS. 8EAGROV8J -FOR -FURNACES PIPE . and pipstsss; 188 6. 12th St. Pboas 885W.' . 1 'j, - rURNITUER STORES GIESB rURNITURR CO. QUALITY furniture for less atoaey. 878 Court Phdoe 484 -. 4'-: i . I . '1 i PEOPLE,' 8 FURNITURE STORE NEW sad second hand faraitara. , 371 X; .' Commercial. , - Ladies' Wearing Apparel sREssMAszxo "SPENCEH CORSETS TO ORDEB DresenMkisg. - Carrie Fiebsr. McCor - sack Bldg. BXMSTXTCBXXG 8ALBM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. tOaotiaev bona. stampis- and aeodls work. $28 Oregea Bldg. Pboa $79. 'MILLERS' GOOD GOODS " MEM stitohiag aad tsaey work parlors; guar aatsa good work sad quick eerrico. Di rect orer Miller's stars, to Us right of maia stairway MRS. a Er-MILLER HEMSTrrCHING. : stsmpiag buttons. , Room 10. orer Mii " ler's store. . Pband 117. 1 MILLINESa THREE PIRMS RECOMMEND MILL. f aer Kate to order or remodeled; 202 Maaoaio- Bldg. 1 LADIES, TAXLORXXG W. J. MAYER J.AD.1ES .TAILORING; ' long eeata. ssd suit. Ronom T. MoOor ' iters-Bldg. PhOBf 3 ; BUSINESS CARDS hoybtji ARLINGTON HOTEL; CLEAN. COSY; 0e a. 462 8Uts. . lAOXDRESS YALE LAUNDRY IS AGAIN IN A PO sitioa to render you ths asms efficient sereics as befors ths firs which do- - etroyed our aid building. All kinds of lauadry work, also cleaning and preee- - ing. Phono your waats to 195 sad we will Call. . . - tiALEM -LAUNDKf : COMPANY. 818 8 , - Ubsrty street. Psoas. 85.. Old-et ' Urgwt HmI.. XalabKshiNl 18SO - - - CAPITAL rciTY 8TEAM LAUNDRY Quality work'. . prompt - aorrioe. 1384 Brosdwsy. Phoos 165 - . . -' .K" . HEX'S STORB , : ED. -f H A STA.t V nTHtfca OO. SUITS TSd beoreoeta tits my atarrr: It pays . 38tst $1, J.'-, - i MACHINE; SHOP THft; jCROSS- AbfTOMATlO- EUCCTRIC 'Stwlua boil ircaBsr-' Ssd 'tab .-.piaysr.-; Ptrry,;. Campboll . X. - Li oorty. ,r 4. ". .-- j r ti.V AN' M. W.SPEOIALTY GRIND era and weHra Automatles ' sereica. : 490 Ferry.- Phsas 864. WECHTER ft, SMITH MACHINISTS. ssgiaeora. - weldsra. Hssld , eyliadsr griadiag rries. Pbsas 663 845 Per BUSINESS CARDS MEDICAS MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phoaa 417-W MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All brsachee taught, diplomas granted. ' Joha R. Sitsa. director. 1387 Coart Pboae 828- - . - - A t COURSE , IX BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated etaadard masie. Setni-cLaasics sad ballads; 12 lessons. Wstermsa Piano School, Mc Coraaek Bldg. 1 KUSIO 8TORES GEO. C WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, shaot maele. aad piano studies.- Ropsirlag phono graphs and aewiag bis chines. 433 Suts. Salsa. PAINTING CONTRACTORS L. D. BRANDON,! GENERAL, PAINTING contractor. Painting in all its breaches 365 X. High St. Pboas 1597. . PHONOGRAPH XXPAIBING SAUL ANZ EXPERT REPAIRMAN ON sll makes of talking machines, band snd string instruments. Call, write or 'phons 983, Moore'a Music House, 415 Court St. Satisfaction guaranteed PXAXO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Lssrs ardors - Will's Maais Stars - JACK CI.EMENT SALEM'S OIJ) piano tuner, ia back. Call, write at pbsoe 1774, ths Soag Shop, apposite the Court Honse. PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A aew Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furuitura Oe.. Masie Dept. SHERMAN, C AY ft CO PIANOS fite'ewara, Duo-Arf sad sthora. Moors' Maais House, 415 Court street. , NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Xar aery Go- 426 Ore Bldg. Phone 75 FRUIT. NUT, AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros., 237 8tats. FRUIT TREES -AND SHRUBBERY . Grafted walnut, ; cherry aad . Italiaa ' prusetrees.' - E A. Bsaaett Nursery Co., 8238. Fairgrounds road. Phone 1280. CHOICE SMALL FRUTT PLANTS' Strswbsrry, . blackberry, . blaekesp, berry, eurraat, (raps, loganberry, red raspberry. : Also saparagat, rhubarb, etc Ward K. Richardson, 239S v No. Frost, rhons 494. FRUIT LAND NURSERY MAZZARD . cherry seedlings, grafted walnuts, ; mostly all kinds. Leading variety nur sery stock can bo aeon at Cherry City Feed Barn, 544 Ferry street. Phone 1140M or 199. - - P AT BRHAXGZX O ASD PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE droorating, paper hsnging, tiatiag, ate. Reliable workman. ; ' TEN CENT BTALBOMINE IN BEADTI ful eolers: $1 dees s room.' Mas. O. Bursa, 179 N. Com'l.' t . PLUMBING GRABER " BROS. PLUMBING AND heating;- general - repairs. Phono 450, 141 8. Liberty. .... PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phsas 1S97-J. Bssp. 187 Caiea street. A. L. Godfrsr. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM-BARGAIN HOUSE, BUYS AND ells second hand furniture. Tools sad Junk: 820 N. . CommsrciaL, Phons 49A. WANTED EVERYTHING IX CLOTHs lag snd shoes. -. Best priros psld. . Cap ital Exrbsuge. 343 N. CpnimsrsiaL Pboas 1868.W SCAVEXOEBS 8ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinds removed. Cesspools steaaod. Pboas 187 or 1595 W , SOOS s SCAVENGER SERVICE I SCO seesor ta Naal Sesrsagsr) "Garbage, sad refuse of all kinds - removed by ths month. Reesonabie rates. . Paoaee : Offics 539. rssideacs 8058. . ; STOVES AXD STOVB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' exnorienes. Depot National .. feaea. sise 20 to 38 inches high. Paint, oils aad' varnishes, etc i togas - berry snd hop books. Haloes f -ace ead Btovs Work - 350 Court street. Phone is. : ' . I ' TONSORIAL O. K. BARBER SHOP LET US BB your barber. You will be pleased.; 3. O. Schwenke. 835 Suto 8t. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES ' Jf. . W. Parker, General' Manager -Osatral -Stsgo Terminal ' 8alem, Orsgos SALEM-81LVKRTON DIVISION : Loaves Salem, Osatral 8 tags Terminal: '-7 a m 11 s. m4 5 p. m v. ' Loaves SilvervoB, Newa Stand; 8 a. m 1 p. m 6 p. m. Salem-Iadopeadeaea-Meaiasetb DJveioB : Leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: '7 a. bs, 9 a. m. , 11 a. au $ p. as a p. as. i Losves Mosmouth. Moamontb Hotel: 8:15 a. m 1 p. m 0:1$ p. m. Lesvss ' Indepesdeace, Besver Hotel. 8:80 p. ax. .10 a 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m ."S :80; Wa make sonaeetioaa at Salem- is 'all parts sf ths rollsy. Extra trips b appointment.. 4' . . : . .r 1. W. PARKER. Genera Mas agar. . TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Stats St. Phono 938, Distributing forwarding and storage our spocislty " Oel est nt'i . -- '. : t '" WE MOVE. STOKE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Oar specUlty is plan and furniture moving. W also make . soantry trips. Ws handle the beet eosi and wood." Call oa u's for prices Ws give good messure. good -esslrt? sad good service. . Larmss Traasf et On. Pboae 930. ; . .. ' ' VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glssswsrs, ssys. aotioas, aad mil. "' Kaory, t , . . WATEB SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER OO Offiea. 801 South Oommerriai St. Tea per ceat diaoouat oa domes tie flat ratoe paid ia adrsace. No deduction' for absence or say eeass aalaas wstei - ia abat off year premis-a. WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING. Sproed. PUONE 1131. ED LODGE DIRtCTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANf , Camp 8. Armory. First, third Moadaye - ;: PROFESSIONAL ; ; ' ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft ST RUBLE. 810 BANK OF fc-dJoemmoroa Bldg. ; , i AMBULANCE SBRVIOR 8 'Alt K M 4Mh01ANCE SERVIC8 . Phwaa IT rV MbVty.i - ; 3 'CHTROPODIBTS. DR.'- 8. T. ' SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional llnireraity - Seieaaes, Chicago; Maaoaie Temple. Phono 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUSES. Ingrown aaila; all fool troubles.' Pries She Co. 1'hoa 616 PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS t DR. 8 R, SMITH. CHICKOPBACTOR. 822 OrogOB Bldg. Phone 644. DR. LENA A. BOON'U, CHIROPRACTOR, 475 8. Commercial. Hours 10 ta 13: 1 to 5. Pbone .1415. DRS. SCOTT ft SCOFIELD, P. 8. O. Chiropratora, 414-19 U. 8. Bsak Bldg. Phoso 87J re. 828-R. " CHINESB PBYSIC1AX OH. H. U HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 High St.; pboae 288 . DEUGLES3 PHYSICIANS I MAGNET1Q - HE At ING DR. A. .' L. Fraau: Acute and chronic diteeaea. Phooo 7SO. 25-28 Breymaa Block. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tors. 210 Crater. Phono 1656. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITR 801. 804 Orego Building. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Cw.. 825 Ststo street, oppoaita Ladd ft Bush Beak. "Cos QaaUtj Provoa Shur-oas." 1 NATU10PAIHIO PHTSICIAXS OR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseaaoa. 41$ Oragoa Bldg, Pboas HO., ; -' . : OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIOZABS DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phones 756, 3024-J. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC . physician snd surgeon. Kirfcavills graduate 404-405 U. 8. Natioaal Bask Bldg. Phone, office 919; res. I4. DR. JOHN , L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Surgsoa, 408-404 Ore goa Bldg. Paoaea. af.fieo 1894; res. . 58-F5. REAL ESTATE WANT SALEM OB . NEARBY PROPER, ty for 171 screa Northern California timber land; assessed valuation 31365. . Will taks $2000 and pay cash differ ence of 3500 to $1000 on an exchange, A. W. Estes Reslty Co.. Psttoa Bldg. BUSINESS f OPPORTUNITIES CHOICE ...me,, comtr, wan xwo-atory build ing;, confectionery, cirar and . tobacco aad restaurant business; stock and fix tures; also' furnishings of 10 rooms. Prico $9000; soms -terms. This is; a psying . proposition and offered at a sacrifice. See Child ft Becbtel. 40 Btsts street FOR SALsl MY 18-ROOM HOME AT 1030 Cbemeksta street. Wall adsptsd - for rooming. Phons 1280. ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON STATE strsst, $2500. - , . 8 riTm.-mooern , house on Uaioa street: $3500. o rpom modcra bouse oa 8. 19th strsst: $2aoo. t Wsat Ustiag on eity property that -ii for rM. J. Hunt Lsdd ft.Btrbb Bldg. . " 6Q0D BUYS T-room modera bungalow, , furnished, lo cated on Fsirmount Hill. Price $6200. 9-room taodera home with largo corner let on, Court St. Price $8400, 9-room modera borne complete ia every way, closs ia oa Ceater St., $7500. -room modera home with hardwood floors, ia Oske addition, $7875. terms. 5-room modera 'bungalow, sast front ba 8. Com'L $4300. Immediate possession. 5-room bungalow i oa Richmond svsnue, 2750. saay .Urms. This plscs is asw. '. Rest Estat sad Fir Intnrsnoe. Vy, H. Grabenhorst & Co, 1 375 SUts Strsst.' ; ' ' " ? 4 Woods . Bargains ; Ten acre tract tirrss mile out op good - rosd. good buildings, orchsrd end ber ries, running; water. $3500; might take a boms ia Salem pert pay. 40 acres on paved highway, sll under plow, smsll hsnss, fine new barn, orchard, running waler; wsnr a borne in Salem. Four room house $800;- Seven-robm modern bouse, $3300 Money to loaa. - FIRST CLASS 'PROPERTY FOR SALE and exchange. Six houses, mostly mod era, to trsdo in oa improved acreage; $2 acres with fins 6-room modera bun galow, closs ia pa Paved read, a splen did bay at $8000. Wanted well im- ' proved reaches to sxehangs for ehoic improved Canadian wheat faruis. Throe ' room house, small lot, $575.. $ choice lots, 1 closs ' ia, cheap. 11-room roomie g hoaaa. $4500. will, par 15 per oaat oa investment. W. MrLarea ResHy Co 180 N. Cwm,l St. Phoaa 40. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 500 acres caterer lead in Clearwater and Beltrami' counties, Minnesota. G, W, Plank. . Route 3, Box 45. Salsm. CALIFORNIA FOR OREGON RANCH OR income. Beautiful 21-scrs bearing .or angs snd, lemon grove, modera six room bungslow wKh every-- eity con venience, does to Ssa Bernardino sad Riverside, fronting oa paved boulevard. Pries $28,000 fnot inflated. G. C. Ragaa (owner), Btoominston, Cal :" Box 33. " Choose Yel'Choose Yel. Owner of that fins corner lot on Lefelle aad 4. Commercial streets writes , sn to s serines ano sen it. xu aesita ae . . 'mends ths sacrifice. If you don't bo lies e it, sss mee aad I will satisfy yon. If you do believe it, and can use it. see me, aad you will ouy It. William Fleming- 1 ..,!- 841. Stats St. "i-V 9-ROOM HOUSE SUTTABI FOR FOUR i apartmeata, modern, large lot and fine iruit, pavea sirees, on strre car una good investment for $3500. t , ' 816 Oregoa Bldg. Pettyjohn & Mo user COZY, BUNGALOW. 4 ROOMS. 32000 - half' cash, close in: plastered 6-roem. li'nine, electric Iigbt, bath. Price $1800; spme term. Cbilds ft Becbtel, 540 8tate street. , 1 3 1 -The Best Buy in Salem 7-room strictlv modern noma in East Ss . lem, beautiful ground and every- fea ture rou would ask for ia an uo to dats boms; $5000. s t Pettyjohn & Mouser , 216 Oregoa Bid. ' I Bargain. , 5-roem plastered house;- electric light, rit.v. water and toilet. ' 1 is 50x130: 8 blonks to srbooL 4 blorVs to nr. Price $1300: $350 down, balance $'J5 per month. See - , J. A, Mills 331 State St. LARGE HOUSE AND TARGE LOT, North Winter SU 84500. A splendid home, fireplaro, salt 4 front. X. Winter St, $4000. Good houses tor trade in Portland. Golden Rule Realty Co. 492 N. CoUage St. - : . Bst Buys Want mdera 5-room honse on soldier toa plsn. Want 85000' loan on good ranch close to Salem. . . - -S-rnoiw boustf. $1350, 14 cesb,' balance ' anontbty. .' 6 room house $1600. 14. essh. balance monthly.' , ' . -.. - Y-rnom honse. - modern, garage, fruit, - 83000. terms. j.-v i " ' 15. seres. 6 bearing prune. 6 Itearisg enerrtea.Mtt Ingsas. 1 1-3 - pastor-. bonne, barn, horre. 4mi'e front Ladd ft Bush bank. $6500. $35O0 eish or - will sell oa- soldier btaa snd small twsa - paymast. balance esv ens. - - Socolofsky ' l '- - $U Stat .t . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 ACRES. HOUSE. BARN. .. . t . . , 4 Kra" (wnM. i sera strawocr. ries, family orchard. Two miles esat, $2230. . Compton Real Estate 469 State St. ' . For Exchange Twenty-flve-sers farm, psrtly in fruit. 9 miles sast. for city property ; fm wsgoa and machinery on place. Anderson & Rupert . Oregoa Bldg. rOR BENT FARMS FOR RENT 25 ACRES 1-4 MILE aortb of Shaw.: 4 acre bearing prunes. 1 Vb aeres logsns. 2 seres cherries srd - apples, balance of place needed. An- : derson ft Rupert. 406-7 Oregon Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO CliKDlTORS , Notice Is hereby Riven that the County Court of Marlon county, Oregon, has appointed' the under signed administrator of the estate of Nancy E. Hagey, deceased, Alt persons having claims against said estate Are hereby notified to pre sent same in writing, duly veri fied,1 to the undersigned at the office of Cochran & Eberhard, 13 La Grande National Bank build ing, L Grande, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. , : pated and first': published this 7th day o'f February, 1923.. J. B. HAGEY, Administrator of the Estate of Nancey E. Hagey. -Dec'd. Adele GftprtsoB's New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 241 THE HELPFUL. PLAN LILLIAN SUGGESTED Little Mrs. Durkee rushed to Lillian's side and sank on a has sock at her- feet. . "I'll tell "the world I'm all ears," sire said, with the . slangy playfulness - which does . not seem affected in her as it so often does in other women of her years. -' Lillian' smiled down at the eag er little woman, and I saw that her genuine affection . for Her Fluff iness was' fast obliterating the anger I knew she had felt at my neighbor's selfish shortsight edness' in the. matter of Leila's room decorations. , "The plan is a. very simple one for me," she said ' deprecatingly. "You see, in my profession, I know more or less Intimately, a num ber of clever women who are In terior decorators.. There are many occasions when we help each oth er out of difficulties. I'll tele phone .the best, of them tonight, tell her what we want, and ar range, to meet her at 9 o'clock In the morning.'- You must give me every measurement . ' tonight, and descriptions of everything In here you want duplicated In the rose shades.' - I'll be back with the things on the Boon train, j! Have your luncheon before I come, ,jus leave a cup "," of tea and a quick bite for me, and have your sewing machines and yourselves all ready for work. ' Jim will be home Sy that time, you say, Madge,' then he can mofa jour machine over here. We four . ought to have everything In here finished long before the bride arrives. What do you say T" "Say! IV little Mrs. Durkee ejac ulated. "Say ; if I cculd talk all that I'm thinking, and if every word were a dollar, you'd never have to do another tap of work in your life! But , I never could express -myself," she added, with a doleful air-that set Lillian and me into peals of laughter, for Her Fluffiness is almost I a record holder, in the line of sustained and lengthy chatter. . . " "Wiping our streaming eyesf we pity you,'" Lillian quoted at last. , A Keen Command: . Our handkerchiefs were really in use. for our little neighbor's naivete had suddenly loosened the tension under which we had been laboring,-' and ' we - had actually laurrhed until we cried.' ' "Don't you quote that stuff at me," Mrs: Durkee threatened, "or I won't give 'you one bit of din ner. C Alf ' thinks Lewis Carroll made the world and then died. I'm sum V don't see anything . so funny in him. ' -.. "You'll see nothing ' funny in life," Lillian retorted dryly, "un less you get. busy on these rooms. Isn't there something, we can da to help you with them? How about your room? Is it ready to put these draperies up?" , Little Mrs. Durkee . jumped. : to her feet with a movement like a startled rabbit. j ' "Goodness, no!" she cried. "I'll just run down to see that noth ing's burning, arid -then we'll get busy taking down' curtains In my room. One good- thing it's pas sably clean." - - ! - I took hold of. her shoulders and swung her , around facing us. "Something's the matter with her ego' I said gravely to Lil lian.' "She's getting conceited in her old age. That is the first time I ever heard her ? acknowl edge tirat any room In her house was fit to cuter." - Lillian laughed - merrily, for she also had heard Mrs. -Durkee, HOLDING A Kim most fastidious of housekeepers, claim fussily that her rooms look ed "a sight." My little neighbor wrenched herself free indignant ly. I 'You think you're just too eun ning for anything, don't you?," she asked scathingly. - But there was a gratified twin-. kle in her eyes as she hurried to ward the stairs that told me she was not. offended by my refer ence to her careful housekeep ing.' : ' ( -.'. As the door closed behind her I rushed oyer to Lillian and hug ged her. ... "You wizard!" I cried. ':"' ' , Perhaps" "The work's all to do yet," she reminded me. . "And don't you think it would, be advisable to give Edith a tip as to Mrs, Dur kee's change of heart? ' She was decidedly resentful,, don't ..you think, and we can't have her spill ing the beans with Her Fluffiness by being offish.". "Nrj of course," I assented, slowly"but I wish you'd speak to , her. . I'll be sure to make a mess of it.", Li'lian looked at . me keenly. , "Yes, you are so tactless1," she retorted mockingly. ''But I'll be the; goat. ' Only you must come with me." Her look' told me Dlalnlv whv she wished me to be present at her little colloquy with! Edith Fairfax, although she would never have put the thought into words. But I knew that she did not wish the girl to think that I had any reason to avoid her, any reluct ance to see her. I We hurried to the, back! of the house; ? where we - found 1 Edith striding hurriedly up and down the, studio, her fingers clenched in her palms. She was evidently trying to walk oft the anger that was consuming her. . j ... .- ... -. . - t She started as she saw us, but Lillian gave her no time for eith er resentment or embarrassment!. "I don't blame you for fighting the atmosphere, she said ,qulte brusquely, '.'but. I've news for you. Mrs. Durkee ' saw the light j a ' few minutes ago, and we're to have a husy time tomorrow changing Leila's room over into a bower of her favorite rose color.- And we're counting on your help, so don't be sore at Her .Fluffiness. It. was merely thoughtlessness, I'm sure." "Perhaps," Edith Fairfax re turned dryly, then she looked with warm affection., at Lillian. ! "But I knew whose thoughtf ulness it was,!" she said. . (To be continued) PRICE NIMH - IS Hii Mnui I rn A rrf CTrnrvi AmAnn Favorite Stocks Picked ; i' Profit Taking Heavy, . NEW jYORK, Feb. 20. Specu lators for the advance continued to mark, up prices in today's'stock market, choosing new . leaders from among . the -railroad motoi accessory and chemical shares when their operations in standard industrials were hindered by profit taking , sales, which ..were again heavy In . volume. While trading was on a slightly reduced. scale it was the" eleventh consecutive full session- in which total sales had exceeded the million mark. 'Averages Of 26 industrial shares and 20 railroad shares each stood at new high levels, for the year at the close -of - the session. The in dustrial average today stood :af 103.56 Rs against the high mark of 103.43 for last year, established in October. Today's railroad aver age of 90.17 was still well below the high-mark "of 93.99 last year. Switching of professional specu lative interest from the industrials to the rails was predicted on the belief that the January earning statements soon to be published would be unusually favorable. Industrials were taken in hand again, in the late dealings, - Maintenance of the 16 cents a pound rate for , copper and an nounCements of higher prices foi gasoline and automobile tire3 were the principal items of trade news Establishment of a: new , high record for sterling. withln"15 cents of parity and nearly 3 H cents below the "pegged rate" of 4.75 maintained by thb British government during the war, had a cheerful effect on sentiment. - Money opened at 3 3-4 per cent advanced to five during the noon hour and to' 5Vg just a few -min utes before the close. Time monej was quiet with funds available foi all maturities at 6 per cent. . The commercial market held firm. . The features of the foreign ex change market were the continued strength of sterling and the re newed weakness of German marks, which dropped to .0041 cents as against the recent high of .hO'iZ and the extreme low of .0020 tablished last month. FKUIT . NEW YOHk, Feb. 20. Evapor a ted apples dull; prunes more ac tive; apricots firm; peaches quiet. One endures abuse easier than raillery. Who would not; rather appear wicked thaa ridicuou? D VIIIEIT TiHiET - FAVDnS SELLEnS Statement T hat World's Carry-over; May Be Largo Afects Prices. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Sellers had the advantage In the jvheat market the greater .part of the.j time today, owing" largely to a statement issued by a conspicuous authority that the world's prob-' ably carry-over July. 1 would equal the prewar average. . Offerings. however,-became scarce during the last part of the day and the mar ket' rallied. Closing prices were unsettled at the same as-yesterday's finish to lower. May 1.20 l-8 ;to 1.20 1-4 and July 1.15 3 to 1.15 5-8. Corn closed at a shade net decline to 1-4 to. 3-Sc advance, oats off a shade, 1-8 to 1-4 and provisions showing a giiir of 2 to 7c advance.- According to the statement dealing with the predicted big carry-over of wheat, the United States and Canada iro i piling iip supplies and maintaining ' prices when stocks should be rap idly decreasing.' -.'.' Meanwhile, European needs, re duced to a minimum by dlsordar and ' financial distress-, are being m'et'by the European po'tato crop. the statement says, and by wheat bought at concessionary prices from Argentina and Australia. - With world " takings much less than had been expected. the. July 1 carry-over was estimated at 225,000,00.0 to 250,000,000 busli els. practically the same as when Russia was contributing to the world supply. Renewal of eastern selling bad a further , depressing effect ou wheat values in the first half of the day and' so: too,' did better weather for the winter wheat. As on numerous . occasions of late, however. , declines encountered stubborn resistance when the mar ket touched 1.19 for May delivery. Then, with the volume of serine; diminished . throughout the re mainder of the. day, the market reacted, helped somewhat by up turns in sterling exchange ralnj offsetting lower, quotations 'oa wheat at Liverpool. . -: Scantiness of r rural '""Offering kept corn and oats relatively steady. . ' Provisions reflected strength in hog values. MISCELLuVNEOUS '- - PORTLAND, Feb. 26.4Jutter: Prints extras. 48c,- cubes extras, 45cr prrme firsts.' 44e. ' . I Butterfat. Portland delivery; No. 1 sour cream, 4 9c Potatoes Buying price locals, COc; sellinj price, 65 O 75c. . WHEAT LIVERPOOL, Feb. 2 0 Clos. wheat. May 9a. 7 7-8. . BUENOS AIRES, . Feb. 20. Opening, wheat 3-4 to 1 lower. MINNEAOPLIS. Minn., Feb, 20. Wheat, cash: No. l nortberri, 1-20 45H.29; May 1,21: July, 120 1-8. . . V SALEF.1 UARZETS 1 i-fi6 BB-?d are wholessls sad se prices received by fanners, t No retail prices srs given sacept aa noted. No. 1 wheat 81-10. 1 wh, 1 08. No. 8 Red wheat. Backed, tl.07. ' ' . Chest bay, $20. Oat bay 820023. ' . - - Clorer hay, bal3. 321 (!22. ' EOOS, BUTTER AXD BO"TTErAT Kggs, wholsssls, 25c. Cresmsrr butter. 48J50e. f,",tP",- Hraa. 484i52e. Milk. $2.45 cwt. i POULTBT Legboras. Springers. 1315e. . - Broilers. 15c. '" ' Hens, light. 12e. . Bene, besry, 18e. PORK. ACUTTOX ANO ZZZT Hogs. top. 14 e. .. LiTsaogs.es. . - i Heavy rough. 10 lie. pressed bogs. 1213e. Top rsal, dressed. 9s. ' Top steers, 13 M. Cowa, 10a. rRtriTs r Bsnsnss lie. Lemons $7 8.50 . , ? Naval oranges, 83.504.75. Florida grsprfrait. 8707.50. : Dates. 8a.75.8.75. BONCH VEGETABLES Bseta.. carrsta. tmiis. 31 war dos. . - . NUTS - Walaata, 20a lb. Filbert. 20e lb. Almonds. 20 lb. ; BrsaiL 15s lb. r PORTLAND MARKETS .it ; BUTTERFAT Firm. No. 1 chrarnio ereana. 49o I. o. b. Portland; aadergradet. rggs Firm, higher. Current recent. 28 S0c: white eiennorie. 80tr;2. 4 liv. ered: pallets, 27 28e; etorsgs. nominal. LIVB POULTRY Firm (r. com mission) Heavy baas, 2123 lb; do light. 15316c: spriors. 1 4 fi? 1 tc: old iwwters, lOe; dneke. whits Pekio. ton sc. 17lSe; dressed decks. ZOQilr: tnr keys. No. 1 dressed. 31W33e; (tese, live. 15lBcr do dmsed, 20e DRESSED MEATS Firm. commission Choice tfrht hog. I3f 13se: andergrades. 1012e: Uo grsties veal. 15 1216 12c; aadorgrades. VI (cQ I4e. ' HAT Firm C Delivered Pwt!and Valley timothy. $21 22 too: Eter Orsgoa, timetby, 324 toa; alfalfa. S21 23 ton: clever. 320 ton : straw, 310011 ton: grain bay. 321 "22 ton. GRAIN Firm, Bid Prices ftrark Portland In r " lot) Wheat or"i. fl.22S91.28r Bssrt of blaeKtem. worn ins'; .cash club. 81-291.-10; oat. 8)5; Et ern yellow tors. $32.75ti83.0O bsrl-r. aeminal:- mlltmn. 325625.73. - FRUIT Steady Apples. f0e 81.59 fsccordiag to variety ssd peek): peart. d'Axion. at.2Sesl.50 hot. t r VEGETABLES Plentifal Orma potstoee, 50o cwt.; Oregoa rahhc. l'ie IH.: parsnips. T5.e prk; carrots. t3e Sack; iio. 81 "0 C 1 .75 ewt. 1 4 , WOOL tedr. . Half blood and fine, 53(W4c: thre--igM blood. 82C?35c: nnarter Wood. gOCjiiaci bw ortr d braid. 2j27; matted or c!ot(.ed wool, 83r25e. ' NOTE Eaatera Oregea. "- Wahitn and Idaho ranch flip bring 1 In i reels esse than valley wool. , .. f. '. HOPS Htady. 1921 crop, aoutiial; aew won. 6(384 lb ... . -. .