THE OREGON. STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1923 k V i r I CITY NEVS IN BRIEF Hits Service Station Mrs. Agnes Jones of Gervais I while going south on the Port land road ; yesterday; ran into a Tilling1 station at 'Highland ave nue. Minor damages resulted to the car.- : ' J - Ex-SIstr Mary Angel ' - Will speak at WCTU hall Thursday, Feb. 22, 7:30 p. in. , Men only.- Adv. crowded of the highway and in-? to the ditch by a car which was going south. They did not stop to . glre assistance he stated. Crowded Off Highway D. Kanffman of route 2, while . going south on the highway be- tween Genrals and " Brook yes l terday reported . i that , he ,was SAVE S $ by buying your hardware and fumitore at The Capital Hard- Ware & Furniture Co., 285 No. Doiamercial St. Poiie 947, TOE GIFTS THAT LAST HARTT.IAN BROS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and SilTerware. Pfcoiie I 1255, Salem, i Oregon C&lexa Ambulance Service . , Day or Xlgbi - PLess 666 , . . 173.8. JUberty St. Balcm Ore. r Capital Junk Co. WANTS - AD kind of junk and lecond-hand goods, We pay full raise. v . 21S Center Street ' Ft on 3 i3 " EyeiisLt Mayi be neglected for a considerable time without permanent Injury to the eye, hut Just as eurely as you neglect ItHoo long you will lose that most precious of all nature's giftar the powef to see, - ' ! MORRIS OPTICAL CO. . . SO IS Oregon Bids. - Oregon Largest Optical : . Institution it.1 Phone 39 for Appointment' SAJLE3X,' OREGON. - - Speeder Arrfsted Iioice Graben Lorst of 1735 Fairmont was arrested by Offi cer Shelton yesterday and charg ed with speeding at the rate a! 28 miles per hour. He will probably be arraigned In the po lice court today, j Swift's Fertilisers. For easy torms, CV S. Bowne. phone 353. -Adv. . : ; Another Speeder Edmond B. 'Kinsman of 1312 Lincoln street. Eugene, was ar rested, by Officer Shelton yester day on a charge of speeding. He deposited a, check for $10 tor bis - appearance In police , court today. .. " i !' - -, Drive On. ; - The YWCA campaign for funds for the coming year was begun yesterday and will continue dur ing? the - next few days. The workers will report at noon at the association rooms" and close the . days work each day at this time. . ,v Many Chicks Shipped C. N. Needham, baby chick man, reports - that ho shipped 2100 chicks yesterday by parcel post alone,! - which is considered a record' for this season of the year. . A Classified AO Will bring, you a buyer. Adr. Patriotic Societies Invited ' The DAR have : issued a gen eral Invitation f to-all - local ; pat riotic, societies to attend the tin veiling of the memorial at Will son : ark, Thursday,; Feb. 22, which fa to be dedicated to the memories of pioneer - fathers. and mothers of Oregon. : The ser vices ; will 'take place at the boulder in "Willaon park at1!: 30. Governor Pierce will . talk . on George Washington. " On Thursday night of this week. he is to BDeak on "Emerson's 'Oversoul,' " The attendance ; is growing, and the , Informal pro grams - are. said to be very . en joyable , j , : - deliver - the' principal address -Washington." on PERSONAL R. Harr of 1367 North Twelfth street left for California on Moni day. Rev. W. T. Milken Resigns as 'Pastor of Local Church Dr. B. H. White, Osteopathic Physician and sajgeon. Diag nosis by electronic reactions of Abrams and osciltoclastlc treat ment. Adv. " ' ' Record Mfule . 1 A record of 536 books loaned out in -one day. last Saturday; is the report made by Miss Flora Case, city, librarian. This ' is said ' to be not only ' a record for this year but for last year as well. ; .' Aid Society Mefcta ---i The Ladies. Aid society of the West , Salem M.. E. church i will meet at the parsonage at 2 o'clock today. Mrs. C. ,D Ross who has recently been elected president "Will preside. Full at tendance desired and .visitors are welcome.' . " : I' Rev. William T. Mtlliken, for nearly three years pastor of the Salem First Baptist church, ,has tendered his resignation and will accept the position of. director of education for Oregon. Ills headquarters will - be In Port land. V iv- ; -; - The resignation will . take ef fect May . 1. While In Salem Rev. Mr. Milliken has , been ac tive ! In civic affairs and has de voted himself to YMCA work. His work as pastor of the local church has ; been . most apprecia tively commended by the local congregation. 1 u ;f ;, ; ' ' v 7 " Corot was a - prolific painter. During his lifetime he may have produced 800 canvases. Yet duty has been paid at the. New v York customahouse on more than 10,- 000 Corots. Thus is the American millionaire and near-millionaire spoiled by the . European art dealers. - :. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. idv. , - Unity Club Grows A growing interest Is report ed for the Thursday club of the Unitarian church, before which Rev. .'Martin Fereshetian - is- de livering a series f of lectures ?on spiritual and ' social -.phenomena. Card of Thanics - We wish to extend our sin cere thanks and appreciation for the friendly sympathy and; for the- floral ; offerings during i our recent bereavement. Mrs. Ber tha E. Manley and children ' and J. "W. Manley. Adv. YOU 'and only yon .ate the one who must be satisfied. Come in and Met us prove, to you that we have a line of drug and proper equipment to sat isfy . yonr most- .exacting wants.' ; i . . 1 :LER55 DRUG STORE '"157 a Commercial ' t ; ' 4 Phone S3 ; - "' LADD & BUSH, BANKERS ". EslaK!slid 18S8: ! :' ' ; '. t ', . . . . . , . . . Gcsersl EanUaj Bcslnesf . . Office JHocra f rest 10 a. rx. to 8 p. cu AUCTION -SALE - i U Of Reel Nice Furniture, Rugs, Piano and 150 Quarts Fruit . ; Friday, Feb. 23, at 755 North Summer St. ' 4 SALE STARTS AT 1 P. SL . . 1 ' ' . . . . - " . Come and see This Furniture, It Is Just the Same as New ; v. .. ', : '.. . -,; ': s. ' . , ?,i . . LEKOY IDEWLETT. Owner ' - O. 8ATTERLEE, AncUoneer 7' ' Phone 430; Office 180 N. ConunertUl Street 't He Didn"t Speak Rev. Martin .j. Fereshetian ; of Salem was scheduled as the prin cipal speaker at; , the Marion county federation meeting at Sil verton Tuesday- night. He ;had a red-hot speech - all ; laid 'out. and they'd have stood up on the benches and , hollered their; ap proval if they'd heard it;, for the genial . parson says , things that make people act . that way they go out and do things after hear ing hfs passionate appeals. : But by a mis-slip of " the overlooker, they failed to send for him, and so . he stayed home, with , a per fectly good speech on . hand ' and no place to deliver It. Anybody wanting a good-as-new speech. can get it reasonably. " ' Washington Banquet A Washington's Birthday ban is to be served Saturday night. at the-TTnitv -church narlors. for the members and a few .especial ly i invited friends of the" congre g&tlon. Justice. John L. , Rand of the state, supreme court Is to RELIANCE AUTO PAKmilGCO. . . 219 State St, Cor. Front St, Phone 937 "Sell Direct to You',' ggBaBBacaasBEgflaaaBBOBvai Plumbing fixtures at : Wholesale Price j 1 3 piece bathset.. 7, $05.00 30 gallon boiler-,,'.. ' 0.5O Closet combinations, 923 ' and up. ' rl? Lavatories, $8 and np. ;) : Sinks, 97 and up. Soil pipes and flttiQgs. : -' Malleable pipe and fit-' tings. All kinds of repair parts. f ' " . ! Portland.' Plumbing Supply Co. 103 first Street Portland Oregon Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass t s .Now is the time to paint and varnish the interior of the house.' AVe have a Bass Heuter product to meet your every need. - 2S3 N. Ccnmercial St. ? Pfetsrre 639 A'WtrjiWirtWTtrfV''-'''' One Nice Day Does Not Make a Spring So do not let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security from colds. ' Get a bottle of Cough Syrup or Lung Balsam. v ? Schaefer: Drug Store 1S3 North Commercial St. Phone 197 S 0 T GIVES DE SI Judge Calkins of Josephine's Decree Is Upheld by . . , State Court, ST BELIEF Governor, Although v Anxious to Help City, Believes Unconstitutional. Tha Astoria relief bill, to pro vide for the purchase of 1250, 000 Astoria municipal bonds by the state, vras vetoed , by Gover- ror Pierce yesterday., . v , s ; In explanation of his - veto, Governor 1 Pierce stated that he was v extremely anxious to see some measure of relief afforded the stricken city but was forced to veto it because ; of its doubt ful ; constitutionality,; the- ques tionable legality of bonds Issued under its provisions, the faet that it would require an appro priation of 1250,000 from , the general fund to make the pur chase of the bonds with' a conse quent additional ; tax levyti and the fact that the deficit in the general fund - now amounting to $300,000 would be fncreasedTtQ $550,000. " ! :-f ' The governor strongly ' urged the passage otf an Increased gas oline tax bill which would per mit ' the state highway commis sion, under the terms of a gen era! act applicable to -all cities In subsequent similar situations, to " construct a highway through the city. W ': :K ': DIED f HICKS At i the residence, 355 South " Fourteenth street, , Feb. 19, Phillip T. Hicks.age ' years, husband of Mrs. Nettie Hicks, father,1 of Mrs.! Alma ; Fisher of Salem Mrs. Audrey Ewing ;of Brush College, Mor- , ton Hicks of -Arizona, Tero M Hicks, Avery M." Hicks . and Avis Hicks, all of Salem. Fu neral at 1:30 Thursday from residence, 355 North - Four teenth. .. The following opinions were handed down yesterday by the su preme court: xf ' State of Oregon ex rel, A. M, Crawford and others vs Almeda Consolidated Mines Co., and Paul Dormitzer petitioner and ap pellant. Appeal! from Josephine County. F. M. Calkins, judge. De cree of court, below affirmed. Chebot, respondent vs State In dustrial Accident Commission, ap pel lan t. Appeal from Multnomah county. 1 Judgment of the court below reversed and remanded. Opinion by Justice McCourt with Justices Burnett and McBrlde dis senting. .. '. . American Central. Insurance Co. appellant -vs E. R. Weller, respon dent. Appeal from ' Multnomah County. W. N. Qatens. Judge. Judgment of the court below af firmed.; Opinion by Justice Bean Action to recover a loss of $ 3 0 0 resulting from' thereon version of certain ; automobile. Judgment of the court below was entered in tavor or aeienaant and Is sus tained by. the opinion of Justice Bean with Justice Burnett "dis seating. ; " ' ' " T. R. Sheridan, respondent vs Pacific States Fire Insurance , Co., appellant. Appeal from Baker county.- Gustav Anderson,' judge. Judgment of the court below re versed and remanded.. Opinion, by Chief Justice McBrlde. This was an action to recover an an Insur ance policy ror property destroyed by fire In which the plaintiff re covered a judgment of $3100. On account; of c reversible errors the case is sent back to the lower court for a new trial. . ;t J. H. Cook, respondent vs Le- ona Mills Lumber Co.. resnon- dent' and Credit Service Co., ap pellant. Appeal from Multnomah County. G. W. Stapleton, ' judge. Judgment of the court, below Is reversed and the cause remanded with leave to the plaintiff to ap ply, to ine lower court ror per mission to file : an ' amended com plaint. , This ease was , appealed from. an. order refusing to vacate the oppointment of a receiver for the Leona Mills Lumber Co. The opinion is written i ' by Justice Brown.- ', ..-. j J. r C. Corbln company, respon dent vs B. H. Preston appellant. Appear from Multnomah county. W a alter H. Evans, judge. Motion to dismiss appeal denied. Opinion by Justice Bean. Chapman vs Cox. Appeal from Multnomah, county. Dismissed, on stipulation. Streby vs State Indus trial ' Accident commission and McDermott rn 1 State Industria Accident commission, both cases advanced , f Or hearing. George N. Fake admitted to the bar on cer tif icate from Missouri. WIEGLAND At the home, 6 miles south, : Liberty district,' February . -1 9, Herman Wieg- - land, age 82 years, husband ; of Mrs. Sophia Wiegland, fath er of Chas. H. Weigland of Salem. The remains will be shipped . Feb. 21, from . the i Rig , . don and Son ' Mortuary to : White Bear, Minn, for funeral ' services and interment. HUBBARD The remains of the " late Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbard, age 62 , years, wife of S. " N. . Hubbard of this city and sis ter of Mrs. Margaret White of The Dalles, who died ' here - Sunday, Feb. 18, will be ship ped from the Rigdon and Son . Mortuary Thursday, Feb, 22, to The Dalles where funeral and Interment services will be .;. held. : , , , , J ; : : FUNERALS Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Brockmueller will" be held ;Feb. 22, at 2 p. m. at the Webb & Clough funeral, parlors, corner of Church and f Ferry streets, t yrlth Rev. Lienlng r officiating. Inter ment will be In ; the Lee . Mission cemetery. f Mrs. ' Brockmuellerw who was 79 years Old, is survived by her widower, William Brock- mueller. and eight children. Webb & Clough ; Leading Fcstral Dxrectcrs ; ;! Expert Embakfere '. Rigdon & Son's . MORTUARY j l 5 Un equaled Service ed that the bill pass with certain amendments. ' . Tile minority recommended that It pass with the Increase eliminated. v Senator Clark, speaking for the minority, , declared the additional tax would be . burdensome to au tomobile owners because there has been, no legislation to reduce automobile license 'fees. 1 Senator Eddy, speaking for the majority, declared the additional tax necessary to maintenance; of highways which now amounts to about $ 1,000,000 a year. The committee ' was agreed f on the provision of the bill exempt ing the tax on gasoline in inter state commerce, v Jrt f : 1:t'V V- Senators Eddy and Hall' pointed to the legal - and 1 constitutional difficulties in the, way of making a difference in the tax on old and new cars. i- The senate turned down the minority report and the bill goes to third . reading . with the . pro posed increase included. P EH RESIDENT CALLED BEYOHD Philip T. Hicks -Dies 'After - Several! Months z .-' Illness.; r Philip T. Hicks, civjl war vet eran and pioneer resident of Ore gon, died Monday, at the family home, 355 South Fourteenth street. . Mr. Hicks, who was 78 years old; has been In poor health for several years. He crossed the plains In 187$ and settled In Marion county, lo cating 12 years ago in SILverton. He moved six years ago to Salens He was a member bt the George H ' Thomas post of the G. A. R at Silverton. During the Civil war he was member of the 45th Iowa Infantry and was on frontier duty most vt the time. a i ' , The surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. Nettle Hicks, three daughters. Mrs. 'Alma Fisher and Miss Avis Hicks, both of Salem and Mrs. Audrey Ewing of Brush College; and three sons. Morton Hicks of Arizona, Tero M. Hicks and Avery Hicks, all of Salem.- GASOLINE TAX ! UP TO SENATE pill Would Increase Gasoline Tax One Cent, Makings v 3 Cent Total. Whether the tax' on gasoline under the law of 1921, is to be increased "one cent making a total of Jcents .gallon, came to an Issue in the senate yesterday on consideration of majority and mi nority reports on Carkin's house bill' 313, an administrative mea sure. - V - , . A. majority of. the roads and highways committee ; recommend- lib TALKS AT .,.,. . . ... KillS DIN1ES Senator From J Marshffeld ; Speaks on Change iri Spirit ot uregon. Consolidation Bill to Come Out as Amended The Carkin . consolidation bill, passed .by . the house and now in the hands of the senate for final action today, probably twill be re ported out with amendments early in the day. The. senate committee on county and state offices work ed until a late hour on the bill last night and heard various pro posed amendments These in cluded an appeal from , the State Federation of Labor. . and ; also from some of the house members to eliminate the "state industrial accident commission : from, the scheme, 'and, the labor people also wished the state department of la bor to be left as It Is. GOLDS of bead or chest ars moreeaafly - treated externally with O RUQ t treated externally wo Vapi attendance they could pull through winners, .nosed ihe: cut on the very. last day. Past President Roy Sh'el-: reported briefly on the conven tion of .district trustees at Seat tle : that he attended last week, vhere 26 of the 34 clubs in tba northwest' 4 district were repres ented." .The district covers Ida ho, 'Washington- Orecoa and BritlBh Columbia.. State Senator Charles Hall, of Marsh field was Introduced' L to give a bripf talk! at ..the Kiwan nians' dinner yesterday. r' He ras presented by Harry, Love, who had known him from back jbe yond the - first trousers stage. Senator; Hall spoke, feelingly of the ehanfe In the Oregon Spirit, from- the provincialism, of a . 1 ew yqars ; ago, to ;: the , broad, booat everybody - tolerance and helpful ness of; today. . . ; He said that " when he f rst came; to Salem as a member of the 'legislature 'some years ago the rest . .of the state couldn't hold its temper when it thought of jt : , foreign . district like ;he coast country, getting roads or anything from the : state. r But now they are working together like brothers, the' coast, the val ley, the mountain -country , and the eastern plains. He ascribed much of the change to the din ner and fraternal' clubs, like $Ci wahls. Rotary, and the Liokis. "If we can keep the legisla ture from . meeting" too often, Oregon has a good chance," was bis 'last remark; ."they gave him every hand in the house on : the pronuciamento. '- , , . U. - o. Holt r drew the atten dance; prize, a charming little mantel clock, given" ; by ' ; Dr. Lynch. - - : - ' .: . j ; The Kiwanians 'voted to chal lenge the Rotarians to an attend ance contest as was done : last year; and beat "em, as they did not do In their first set-to. .The Kiwanians were even up to - the last meeting; when the Rotarians " t7 Mdlhnfan Used Ytadg Beelng that by a 100 per cent Hesse Bi!b S:2z:JL ' II. B. 270 -Joint committee cu Insurance Providing that indem- nity , bonds shall be placed through etat,e agents. : B. 280 Joint committee ca insurance To license any reiu larlyj appointed and! license i in surance agent, f H.: B. : 306 Umatilla county delegation Appropriating 1 0 000 for investigation of hydroelec tric and reclamation projects. ; H. B. 47, Hurlburt Requiriz all appointive officers and putlJs employes in the state to be Ameri can citizens and providing penal ties f or . violation. H. B. 292, . Woodward Regu lating hours of service ia luraber industries. H. B. , 140--Committee on s seasment. and taxation Relatlr to county tax supervising and con servation commissions.' H. B. 217, Reyholdsv ProvUIr for appointment Of deputy courty horticultural Inspectors. . " H. B. 246. Mrs. Elcunqts To appropriate $S5,000 for construc tion and , equipment . of Ore state training schooL - ' . - Lincoln ' occupies that exalte 1 position where the eulogy tciicrj only him who utters it. nniCHESTEr 1 li t-IA ... v my) At. rJ Jf lit ....'.!- I - fit im K.4 it Mid ' III .... . ... 'it BUSTE .Main Floor Items of Interest in' Men's . and Women's Shoes. ' Womeu a oxfords in Brown,. Kid,. Goodyear Welt Soles; Medium High Cuban Heels for -. . - . Street Wear. . , . . ' Priced $5.50 ' r-Main floor. Women's black . kid lace Shoes.- medium weight welt soles, military heels' with rubber top lift. Priced $5.50 Main Floors Men's Brown Calf Shoes, built for serviceable street wear. ' , Priced $5.50 -Main Floor side mm 'Second Floor Offers Footwear for Eoj3 ..'1 and Girls at moderate cost. Children's Brown Calf Button Shoes, medium weight soles built 100 leather; sizes'up to 11 'Priced $2.85' "-Second Floor sizes. up to 2, 'Misses', Brown Button and Black Lace Shoe. very serviceable for every day $2.95 wear, moderately priced. -"Second Floor - - vf . Q T.i Men's Double Sole Army Last Shoes, built tor ' i - service. 100 leather. ! Priced $5.50 Main Floor - One lot of growing girls' Brown Lace Shoes, sizes to 7. These formerly sold up to IT.50;: while they last. $3.85 1 Second Floor.,- Many items attractively priced to tie and girls on the second floor. boys Atrprits Onvx Hosierv for Women and Children BiuisiteF B irowia s i : I lids .,... .-. 1 - 1