The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    . . Iisaed Daily Except Monday by
315 8. Commercial
(Portland Of hce. 627 Board of, Trade Building. Phone Beacon 1193
, The Associated Press is exclusively enUtled to the use tor publi
cation of ail news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
la this paper and also the local news published herein. ;
R. J. Hendricks . . .... . . . . . .......
Stephen A. Stone . iy. . . .
Ralph Glover .....................
frank Jaskoaki
Business Office, SS
Circulation Department, ttl
Job Dwjartment, 583 !
Society Editor, 10 j
Catered at the Postoffice In Salem,
The members of the Senate were working faithfully yes
terday and last night the Carkin consolidation bill ; seeking
ing to come to an understanding concerning amendments to
that bill, or a substitute for it ; j i ! ".'
t With th hope that7 today, which is likely to be the last
day of the session, a consolidation measure may be passed
by the Legislature, redeeming the campaign pledges of the
members and the Goyernor, and responding to the wishes of
a great majority, of the people of Oregon, who expect this
consummation : " ; ! : :j '
And have a right to expect it. i ; " ; '
'i By this time, there should be an agreement, or at least
an accord sufficiently approaching an agreement, to bring
this thing to pass. There should be a consolidation measure
passed; the one that will be the result of the work of yester
day and last night. It may not be perfect. But pass it, and
get it to working, and if it has weak points they will appear in
the operation of the law, and
hence. - ; . - -
5 The income tax bill is a special order in the Senate at 11
o'clock this morning. This bill should be passed; passed up
to the people. It will no doubt be referred to them. If the
Legislature fails to pass this bill, a more drastic measure may
be initiated. There are great forces in Oregon who believe
this state should have an income tax.' They have been prom
ised an income tax bill.f The governor promised this in his
campaign. They expect it, and have a right to expect it. Now
that the time is at hand, the last day and the last hour, per
haps, there no thought of not passing this bilL
And this is written by one who does not believe there should
be a state income tax; not because he is not in accord with
thaprinciple, but because he thinks the federal income tax i3
enough. . - .""-:'' . ' '. ,- .
But a pledge is a pledge, a promises promise, 'and the
majority ought to rule. The people should be given what
they have been, promised and what they expect and have a
right to expect. If,they are denied this j they may .through
the initiative foist something upon the state that would be
much more drastic and injurious than I anything that has
been brought forward in the Legislature at this session.
The Statesman' rof tomorroTf
will contain some most valuable
; information for prune and logan
berry growers, to say nothing of
beekeepers. . ,, '
- Joet ' to show - that the United
States Is in favor of peace , and
plenty of it, the newest army bul
let has a range of two and a half
miles, shot - from an Infantry
rine.- '
i totTTtrht. 1CS3.- Aasoclatedf Edit
For Boys
How to Slake a Three-Plane Kite
The' three-plane kite it not
. hard to construct, especially If
' yon are a careful workman. It
Is a . very unusual design; but ,is
an excellent flyer and will go as
high as you have ;j string. In
1 addition, you - can I paint - it in
; Irilliant colors, or you can apply
, guilt, which-will make it glisten
. In the sunlight. t A .
The illustration shows a model
: 36 inches high, but this dimen-
si on can be changed. : "
Any sort of soft wood, as
! spruce, yellow pine,' orbasswood
; will do for, making this kite. Or
i you can use -bamboo. Buy one
4 or - two fishing-. poles. and1 you
have a supply of banboo. What-
ever wood" you . use, it. must be
; 3-8 of an Inch thick, and 3-4 of
an Inch wide.
, Make Jotnte Carefully -
1 , The "soft wood joints can be
notched with a knife and fasten
" ed . together with - string and
i small nails. ;
. The bamboo joints cannot - be
nailed, - and so require a' little
more . time, .but they are strong-
et, and for tnis particular type
of kUe, better suited. You do
not notch bamboo ' Instead,
bore small holes at each Joint,
and tie w'.th common - thread.
iufitoing"the ' thread 'through the
St.. Salem, t Oregon
. ... . .Manager
. .1. ........ Managing Editor
....... Cashier
r. -;. .Manager Job Dept.
Oregon,' as second elasa matter
i t
they can be corrected two years
The allies have asked Bulgaria
for that mere detail of $450,000,
000. ' Whyj not turn - In-on th
account some of the ' celebrated
Bulgarian , buttermilk? f '-.
The members of the house woo
yesterday passed unanimously the
bill for the penitentiary revolv
ing fund, some of , them at least,
bullded wiser than they knew,
They helped start the Oregon
The Biggest Little
and Girls
holes of each peace. ; Theseli joints
are then varnished,, resulting In
a Job that no wind will be able
to break, i It is well to bind
the thread in straight,;! even
lines, as this makes at jneater
looking kite, and-tends to make
a better rflyer. "
-; ,The covering used is common
tissue paper, or cambric of any
color. However, when you use
a cloth covering,! you must .ex-
trcise care that the goods
is not
unequally , stretched, asi
would unbalance the kite.
Leave Space Betwetn' .Coverings
You will notice that the kite
Is not covered entirely, but has
three-Inch spaces between each
covering. It is not necessary
to' have wood partitions here.
Instead, strings can be stretched
and the , paper pasted on . the
string.,4"?: 1 p ;..i :- ,. ;
:A - good plan to follow i in the
construction of the threeplane
kite is to get each piece oT wood
completely ; one by one. As each
stick is finished, test It on your
kite blade to be certain lit bal
ances. Bore all "the holes need
ed when every piece f s complete,
then put them "together and -' var
n?sb. " Apply extra coats to the
Joints, allowing two : days for
each coat to dry. '., " In this' way
you ..make! a better kite, for it
you' Join each' piece as""T0u"'get
i t. -
prison on its career towards, ab
solute self support;' and to f tbe
point of becoming a model -prison,
according to modern and en'
lightened standards of penology:
Another thing: They put sure
foundations under the flax Indus-
try of Oregon, and that industry,
in all its. ramifications, is bound
to become: the greatest of all the
industries of this state, because
all the' natural conditions are
here for the growing of tbe very
best fiber flax the world can pro
duce, and the manufacturing of
this fiber, into various valuable
articles of commerce, Including
the finest linens and laces. , In
time, this will keep at home the
$30,000,000 annually . now sent
abroad far; manufactures of flax,
besides bringing here vast sums
for these articles sent to the mart
kets abroad. The sooner, this' in
dustry ' Is developed, the sooner
will iSalem become a big city.
And the flax industry at the peni
tentiary, that will now be on the
way to - conservative and consist
ent development, will be the
means of hurrying this consum
mation. The flax manufacturing
at the penitentiary will be only
a drop in the bucket; but It will
be the first drop, and therefore
the most important, showing the
way to tbe great things that may
be and will be accomplished in
this wonderfully rich field. (P.
S. The senate passed this bill at
its session of - last evening; also
without a dissenting vote.)
Ida Tarbell, the historian of
Lincoln; says women must up
root jealousy and greed In order
to end war. Quite a job to: fin
ish before .breakfast.
:. STITUTION ! . v
t - -
Editor Statesman:
If Senator Eddy knew the history-of
his country as well as he
plans to have the high school pu
pils .know It, he would realize that
in his arguments in behalf of sen
ate bill No. 23, he is taking refuge
behind the same shelter which so
long protected the southern slave
Feb. 28, Wednesday, Chil
dren's Health clinic at Cham
ber of Commerce rooms.
Mareh 1,12. and 3, Fly
ing Squadron, In interest of
Prohibition enforcement. :
Afternoon and evening meet
ings in Presbyterian church
March 3, Saturday, Prof.
E. S. Conklin talk on "Auto
suggestion. before Univers
ity's Women's club at Cham
ber of Commerce. i'i 4 i
. March 5, 6, Monday and
Tuesday, Lions minstrel show
show for Boy Scouts. I
Paper In the World
it ready, some will be unbalanc
ed.' and when you take the kite
out to fly it will not leave the
ground. - - ( -."
(Next week: "How to Make
a Boy Kite.) , '
"Hip! Hip! Hurray i l I'm toff
today! There, thatdoes show
that when you are excited
you're poetical. ' I read , that
somewhere,: Kbut , I don't beltete
It. Oh,. I jam; hardly wait unUl
my train leaves. - - I - leave Toron
to In two 1 hours now. I'm so
.thrilled! Dad is going as far
as Detroit With me to, make sure
that ; I get' on the right train.
I'm sure I could do It, but he
doesn't seem to think so. But
then : I'm off all p myself for
San Francisco! Oh, won't it .be
thrilling, to travel all alone. My
very first trip through the states,
too. t.-: ),:", i:' '; lr
. My, but I hare received a lot
of good advice for - this! trip.
Kvery one tells me what I should
do and should not do. If 1
tiled to remember it 'all; if would
ruin my trip, but I'm not going
to. , I'm going to have a good
time, the very best time of my
Later: Well, here I am on
my way to Chicago. , I had no
time to write ' between . Toronto
and Detroit.: .'Father was so busy
telling .me what to do and what
not, to- do. I musn't talk to peo
ple, I musn't read too much on
the train, I musn't lose ' my
ticket- . '
0-h-h-h-hr The -most terrible
thing has ; happentid. i .-, Here " 1
looked to make sure my. ticket
from Chicago on to San Francis
co was where; Dad said he had
put It and It: ish't" there! : He
-forgot ' to give it . t me. He
still has It in his pocket! un,
what shan I do? What can I do?
Here comes the conductor, now.
Ill ask him., ; - r
1: Later : still: : Here" I -am in a
little station. I don't even know
the name of the place. Waiting
for a train to take me tback
home. 'The conductor 'said there
was -nothing -else to do. We had
holders in tbeir fight against lib
erty. To them as to the. senator
the Infallible compendium of Am
erican ideals was the constitution;
The constitution was the .supreme
and final expresion of the spirit
of our government; to its sacred
wordS j nothing could be added,
from them nothing could be, taken
away. The document had the fin
ality and authority of a divine
revelation; it was not merely an
administrative formula, but also
a moral law. Consequently, since
the constitution mentioned slav
ery, and seemed to tolerate Its
existence, slavery could not be
wrong; more than that, those who
attacked it were guilty of laying
Impious, hands- upon- the corner
stone of otfr liberties. Tp'root
out this pernicious fetish-worship
of. the constitution as superior to
man's innate) sense of Justice and
equality required four years of
fratricidal war, and the proved
imperfection of the constitution
was corrected by three amend
ments, of which the south has not
even yet fully accepted the spirit.
True Americanism, if it is to
be made effective, must not be
sought exclusively in any form of
words or, written document. One:
might know the , constitution by
heart, and still lack that faith In
popular government which ani
mated its authors. A study 1 of
the debates- n the constitutional
convention would be more profit
able' than a study of the consti
tution itself, if we are to under
stand . the principles which ani
mate the document. But to teach
our children that the constitution
is the supreme expression1 of the
American spirit, and that any
criticism of it is unpatriotic and
impious, is to return to the hard
and iniquitous literalism of Cal
houn and Jefferson Davis. ,( ;
The senator seems to take the
ground that anything approach
ing crjticism of our institutions
and government is necessarily un
patriotic. This implies that, in
his way. of , thinking, .'the estab
lished ; order is so nearly perfect
that., no Improvement Is possible,
and all that is left for us to do is
to maintain it as we find it. r Had
this been, the spirit of our fore
fathers, we should still be under
the British crown, and slavery
would still be the "peculiar in
stitution" of the south. The fath
ers of the republic had the cour
age to protest against the exist
ing order whenever it violated
their instinct of Justice, no maU
ter by what written documents t
was supported. The mere , fact
that the maintenance of the ex
isting order happens to suit bur
lawmakers personally or the so-'
cial class to whlqtfi they belong,
is not the final test of Its fitness
to survive. If there is injustice
anywhere,, if any class fails to
enjoy that full equality of oppor-.
tunlty that , is . the birthright of
Edited by John H. Millar
nc idea where pad was, and of
course he couldn't get in touch
with me. Oh, what an awful
hiess it all is!
Later: Home agatn. Mother
fainted when I walked in on her.
Dad isn't home! yet. Oh, dear
my wonderful, i wonderful , trip
ended like this! A telegram
from Dad in Chicago! He is
frantic because he can't find me
there. Imagine looking for me
pll over Chicago.
i I'm oj!f again Dad has made
new reservations .for me and is
going to start toe off from 'Chi
cago this time. With not so much
good advice but more ticket this
time, he says.
; ; :
- i
; i ,
ia kaad.' I
every American; we gain nothing
by trying to cover up the fact.
Nothing can be -so dangerous to
ihe stability of our government as
the suppression of criticism. John
Morley has said: "Where a so
ciety is not able to .resist an as
sault upon itsl fundamental con
ditions, ' we may be tolerably sure
that, the time has arrived when
either these conditions must . be
dispersed, or else the society must
fall into rapid dissolution." Bet
ter an occasional outburst, of
"radicalism'' than a stifling of
that privilege of free thought and
free speech which is the corner
stone of our republic. John Brown
was a "radical," and a decidedly
dangerous one In his day; but
did his execution help the cause
of the slave holders in the end?
The attempt to dictate to the ris
ing generation what they shall be
lieve, about their government; in
stead of inspiring thsm with a
determination to know the truth
at whatever cost, has found a
tragic illustration in Germany.
The avowed object of the "patri
otism" taught in the - German
schools was the glorification of
the German kaiser and the in
stinct of world conquest. It was
"my country, right or wrong";
and! we know now -that it was
wrong. If our government la
founded on a sound basis of equal
ity and justice to all, It need fear
no-criticism; but whenever tbe at
tempt is made to color or sup
press facts in . the interest of a
supposed "patriotism," we are en
tering upon the path that led
Germany to the brink of tha
abyss. ;' ',
The senator's furious attack on
the teaching of sociology indicates
that' to him education, instead of
freeing the mind from prejudice
and error, and training it to seek
out the truth with an undaunted
faith in the ultimate triumph of
the right, has as its chief function
the putting on of "blinders" and
the muzzling of the spirit of free
enquiry. Pupils trained under his
course of study would make ad
mirable clerks In the offices of
others, ready at ail times to think
as their employers direct; but is
the ideal of a free people to be
sought among those who have
never been taught to think for
themselves? It would be very
convenient for ; those whom the
caprice of (he moment has thrust
into the position of law makers,
to have the publie so well trained
that it would humbly and admir
ingly accept whatever legislation
they may see fit to- promulgate;
but the cause of human freedom
would hardly be strengthened
thereby. The greatest danger to
out schools la that they shall be
made the medium of propaganda
of any sort, radical or conserva
tive, instead of remaining an In
strument for the liberation of the
human spirit from bigotry and
error. , William Tell may not have
understood bookkeeping and con
stitutional law, but he stands for
all time as a .type of the spirit
that brooks not the slightest sug-vl
gestion of tyranny; - and if the
schools can develop this same in
stinctive repugnance .to all at
tacks on the right of each man
to form his own judgment on all
questions of the public welfare,
the millennium' will indeed have
arrived. t -
Salem, Or., Feb. 19 1923.
Few people l today recall the
famous speech! made by Senator
Morgan of Alabama In 1897 when
the question of building an isth
mian waterway from the Pacifie
to the Atlantic was before con
gress. It wag a masterly presen
tation of the case in favor of the
Nicaragua route..
Later on engineering' experts
decided in favor of the Panama
canal, at the same time admitting
that a waterway via Lake Nicar
agua was still, on the tapis.
: Present conditions demonstrat
ing the . increasing pressure on
the carrying capacity of the Pan
ama canal have -revived interest
in the old Nicaragua project.'
This project is again under seri-
Colds and catarrh yield like
magic to soothing, healing an
tiseptic cream that penetrates
through every air passage and
relieves swollen, -inflamed mem
branes of nose and throat. Your
clogged nostrils open right up
and you " can breathe freely.
Hawking and snuffling stop.
Don't stay stuffed up and miser
able. :- ' --;l'"v.- i'
, Get a small bottle of Ely's
Cream ; Balm from your druggist.
Apply 'ar little in : the nostrils
and get 'instant relief. Millions
endorse "this remedy known for
more " than tifty years.--Adv. .
ous discussion; President Hard
ing's administration, ; indeed, fa
vors a second Isthmian waterway
and naval officers ,strongly in
dorse the. suggestion.' ; ; .
Traffic through! be. Panama
canal is growing enormously.
January's toll ' receipts exceeded
$1,500,000. Every new com
mercial development along our
Pacific coast--and : these develop
ments are the feature of the pres
ent decade -means further over
crowding of the' Gatun locks. In
a few years time, at the present
rate of progress, the limit will
be reached. t.
' Many business men are there
fore asking why ! not take time
by the forelock ; and institute
.measures looking to building a
supplementary canal through Nic
aragua, to be financed from the
Panama tolls?
A treaty with ; Nicaragua al
ready confers on the United
States full rights to construct this
waterway The preliminary sur
vey work was carried out :- by
United States -government engi
neers in the year 1900 and the
route completely mapped. " '
Its : length,' of course, exceeds
that of the Panama canal, but the
greater part of it is occupied by
the. great Nicaraguan lake, .con
nected with the Atlantic port at
Greytown by ' the navigable San
Juan river. (
- On 1 the Pacific side 11 miles
of artificial excavation would bs
necessary , from the lake to the
ocean. The estimated cost Is con
siderably less than that of the
Panama canal. Sv The issue has
been raised find it is one of vast
importance to the people of this
coast. : :":,'" '' -;: .'-s;-
The government has seized one
of the big brewing properties in
San. Francisco. It was said to be
turning out a beer carrying 7 or
8 per cent of alcohol. ; This is
about right for' the San Francls-
coi palate, but is heavily frowned
upon by the Volstead act. In one
way or another the government
Is accumulating quite a collection
Of breweries.' If It ever decides
to go rlnto the " business it could
get away to a wonderful start.
Professor Cone is returning to
his native land. He says the Am
erican people .were, disappointed
in him because he did not perform
miracles. And h never said that
he could.. AH ho announced was
that they were getting better and
better every, day and it was up
to thm to prove it. -
now the
ttM And Telegraph (jbrnp
Probably . sine die day.
riVT,-,- v -w
A good deal of water may pass
under J the legislative wheel to
day. ,
The .eleventh hour may bring
both, consolidation and the! In
come tax.' --
. V s
Every prune man will -want to
read The Statesman of tomorrow,
And every beekeeper, too.
Thq .flax growers . who "have
pioneered the - Industry will L de
serve a monument; to say noth
ing of the benefits of better
prices and better markets. They
are going to discover themselves,
after a while, the corner stone
people of the greatest industry in1
Oregon. '
After all has ! been said and
done, the Bits for Breakfast man
still insists that this is on the
whole i the ablest and , hardest
workinz legislature Oregon ever
had. There are a lot of big and
brainy men among those ninety
workers under the bronze dome.
- There will be just one revolv
ing fund at the DenitentlaryJ un
der the new law. It will take in
all the industries. . It will
the superintendent of the peni
tentiary and the governor all
kinds of authority, and ample
funds, for enlarging the Indus-
A Million
A M6NTHincome, would not justi
fy you in being careless about dental
work and dental prices. ' r- ;
At a Parker office you get the pro
tection of t hirty years of organized
dental experience.-;'; - j"; " ;.,,,!' ;
Durable dentistry at a price 'you can
pay.'. ' -
anteed. ,
tofent: '7th and Wulamttts SU. .
' Portland: 326 Wnahinrton 8t. ' '
SalMt: Stat and UlxrtT Sts.
j i i 1 1 1
"liong Distance
Every Bell telephone is a long distance
station from which it is possible to talk
with any one of over a million telephones
in California, Nevada, Oregon and jWash
ington. In . fact, not the boundaries of
these states but those of the nation ark
boundaries of the service.
The service is' prompt ' and 1 efficient
The operators are courteous". , The charges
are reasonable. It can be made al time
and money-saving aid in business ja con
and satisfaction in social rela
For detailed information as to rates
service available cons lilt
directory, or call the
operator. -
... . 1 n i i ,,- "
. . ,ca
Pacific Telephone
tries' there and for establishing
new ones. They will proceed
cautiously. They will make the
fewest possible mistakes. Hut
thev will get busy and make a
sincere attempt to lift the burden
of the support of the prison from
the shoulders of the taxpayers:
forever and a day.' The Bits fcr
Breakfast man says they will
succeed. They will go far in the
current two years. They win
likely go the whole way In the
next biennium afterthls.
"Truth m Fabric" Bill
. Killed by Large Vote
- The senate yesterday defeated
Senator Zimmerman's 4ruth-in-
fabrlc' bill. The measure would
require the labeling of goods as
to the amount of pure virgin, wool
contained therein. ,
! , After Zimmerman had defend
ed the hill Staples and Corbett
fought IL The latter called it
"poppycock" and said it was "try
ing to lift ourselves by our boot
straps.". . s
Tooze supported the measure
and Joseph calling It
a "fool bill."
The vote was: ,
Ayes -Kinney, Itltner, Strayer,
Taylor, Tobze, Zimmerman, Up
ton.' .; - , ''
Noes Brown, Clark, Corbett,
Dennis, Dunn, Eddy, Edwards,
Ellis, Farrell, Fisk, Garland. Hall,
Hare, Johnson, Klepper, La Fol
lett, Magladry, Moser, Kickelsen,
Robertson, Smith. Staples. -
Absent -Joseph. 1 ,
free. All work guar
tint- -s,
and '
Tv . irr All
: P
: pi! m-
t -