The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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Avrc for Jnarr, 1V23:
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Daily ud Snaday 5570
Arf tor six mobUu adiac Draaibr
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- Uarlaa and Folk OoobUm
Naarly erarybody raada
The Oregon Statesman
-.-v., -: ,
Clause on Income Tax Will
Give People Opportunity
for Early Referendum if
Desirable. !
Governor Takes Hand When
Breach Puts Legislation
in Jeopardy !
To the Income tax , bill, H. B.
250. as amended by ' the senate
Committee on assessment and tax
ation, will be J added a clause
' authorizing the governor to call
a special election next November
;,ln event the referendum is ln-
. voked on the bill : by the people. J
Most of the members of the com
c mlttee believe tbe referendum
will be invoked, and the addition
of this clause, is at the request of
Governor Pierce.
This would hold up the effect
iveness of the bill should tbe peo
ple approve it, until 1924.
; Edward Is Minority
'"'The senate committee late yes
terday reported the. bill oat with
a divided report, the majority re
commending it favorably and Sen
ator 4 Edwards as a minority re
, commending that ; the so-called
, Tou rtelotte bill be substituted in
-Its place. This .was a formality
decided upon at a session of the
committee for the purpose of get
ting bill No. 350 i-eprinted in
amended form vand also for the
purpose of getting the Tonrtelotte
measure, which baa not yet been
f Introduced, printed and getting
"both before the legislature Chair
man SDennia ot the senate commit
tee ' admitted that the procedure
vcaa Awkward and Irregular, bt
said It was thiOfilPay
. mittee could a to get rapid ac-
. A..
One ef the question that is puxA
xllng tbe committee is, tbe effect
' the Ineasure will have on low
( interest municipal bond held by
'Individuals, and whether it shall
retroact on bonds now held. - Bill
No. 350 provides that tbe tax
shall be " levied on the Income
from sucb bonds, but there Is a
question whether the bonds shall
be. placed on the tax roll -and
thereby be subject to a double
tax.:. 'ai-rV''::v' ivr
Sth Tourtolette bin, rawn by
a public accountant of that name
. ta Portland, would provide for the
' state, in arriving at d basis for the
income tax to use all the facilities,
"used bir the government In as-
sessJtigA the federal income tax,
. and then taking a certain per
centage of the individual's or cor
poration'a federal tax for a state)
': ' tax. y : :, i'..-;- "'fV i f -. V Vj V v
5 Governor Steps In ,
i. Stepping into the breach pre
,'clpiuted between tbe senate and
house taxation committees over
- the .bouse income tax hill 350,
'' Ooternor Pierce" yesterday , per?
suaded the bouse committee to
accept the amendments of the sen-
ate committee with the result-that
the measure is now practically as
: sured of passage. i
Announcement that the amend
ments favored by a majority of
"the senate committee would be ac
. eeptable was made from the floor
; of the house by Representative
McMahan, Democrat, of Linn
county,' Who said the amended
house bill would be presented to
, day. Briefly the amendments are:
Vf 1. Elimination of the excise tax
: "on business. x, ; 'v.-,-'.;
v-2. Elimination of the feature
. providing, for Credits tor real pro
perty tax receipts. " ' .
3.r A graduated tix from 1 to 6
per cent for Individuals And cor
porations. And both i to ' have an
exemption jot $2000.
4. .Dividends' of corporations to
be deducted from returns whetl
uiainouieo. t t , ,. t i .....
5, Adoption of federal detlnl
'(Continued on page 3)
fair. .
.Tuesday generally
4- (Monday) ?
Maximum temperature, 44.
Minimum temperature, 35.
River 8.5 rbilng.
Rainfall. .29.
.Atmosphere, cloudy.
Wind, north.'": . - J
Protection Against Theft To
Be Inserted- Police Guard
7 To Stay All Summer ;
LUXOR. Egypt. Feb. 19 (By
The, 'Associated Press) TntenK
hnman'R dust will not be dis
turbed this season. By the end
of the week It Is most : probable
that the" Apeture? in the sealed
door of the -tomb will be screen
ed with jradding ; on a wooden
framework and .that the debris
of centuries .will be piled Into
the tomb shaft as the most ef
fective protection' against theft.
A police guard i will remain
throughout the -'summer. , -
The crowds seeking admittance
to tbe fourth chamber Sunday
were oT such . proportions tbat
the Egyptian authorities this
morning forbade any further in
cursion.',. i" i I
Death List at Insane Hospital
?3 Patients and Two
Attendants. i
NEW YORK, ! Feb. 19. s (By
The Associated Press) Investi
gation into the ruins and cause of
the disastrous fire which yester
day wrecked a ward of the Man
hattan state hospital for the in
sane on Wards Island, killing 22
patients and three male attendants
was held today.' , r v ,
The death list was Increased to
26 today through the death o f
Peter Pottas, former newsboy,
who died of exposure after being
removed from ward 35 to 65 dur
ing the fire.
Out' of all the investigations
started by different agencies grew
expressions, of, beief that greater
care was needed to protect' the
madman's -isle only two . of
whose 75 structures are declared
by Superintendent Marcus B. Key-
man to be fireproof.
': Investigation Started
Coupled , with the assertion of
JDr. Heyman that .a fire much
more serious than that of yester
day threatens the island at any
time, came a statement from the
national board of fire underwrit
er which in '1920 surveyed the In
stitution, declaring "that the ter
rible .holocaust 1 senres . again to
emphasise the danger of . death
from fire that exists oln such In
stitutions tnrougbout , the i coun
try. : ;-.:7V;,r: r v-v ;
lThe caused of the blaze, the sec
pnd mysterious; fire In the. same
building ' within two weeks, was
studied by. fire marshals, medical
(Continued on page )
10 WITT Ji
Youth Would Go Home in
. Style Lack of License
, Gives Him Away.
An overwhelming desire to
reach Los Angeles,. Califs . in
style cost Russell D. S. Lind
say, aged 18, enronte from Seat
tle, "Wash., to his southern
home his - freedom yesterday.
When arraigned beore Judge' O.
E. Unruh In the Justice 'court
late in the j Afternoon. ' on a
charge of stealing an automo
bile, he pleaded guilty and there
by ; automatically ; extended an
otherwise brief : visit, to Salem.
I Young Lindsayr who . claimed
te r have been' working on a boat
operating out of Seattle arrived
in the city yesterday noon, bound
for the ; homej of. a j grandfather
In Los Angeles. ' - ( -1 - , - ' V '.V:
; Unfortunately, however, he
spied a- car 'belonging to. Paul
W. Morris which . caught his
fancy to event an extent that he
decided ; bo i must "appropriate
it, ' . '-tu ' ... r - v ;;
A "short time . later police" of
ificers ;. were s surprised to . aee a
young looking' individual operat
ing -a ar on the main.' thorough
fare. Curious they stopped him
and asked kirn tor.' hia ivireri
license. Thereupon lay his - downr
fall. VV-iV.vA..
The yoqthtnl thief was, placed
under ball of $500 which he f ail-
e d to i. t urnlslu: He waa : taken to
the county- jail - to 'await the : ac
tloa -of the.- grand . Jury. .
West Side Gravel Company
of Portland Gets Contract
for 9,600 Barrels All
Bids Same. I
Paving of South Winter
Street Comes UprLarge
Expense Is Seen.
South Winter streH may get
pavfng this 'year, though not
otherwise than oTer j : the ' dead
bodies of the street and alleys
committee, that Insists on see
ing In the municipal pocket $15,-
000 of $20,000 that
the corn-
mittee estimated I it
the city. There la
would cost
less than
for this
$4,000 in the fund
work at thia ttjne !and the com"
mittee wouldn't standi for any
more big spending : until the
money was provided
' However, , the council last
night,' after a long debate, voted
to smother wtth a chloroformed
pillow the committee's adverse
report and Instead ' ordered the
city engineer and the city at
torney and the street! committee
to figure out what It would cost.
The bridge is the serious propo
sition and the entrance to the
city auto ' park is the principal
argument For the paving what
ever the cost, i ; j
Boys Rob Boxen
Tr;he conrtesy of the floor was
granted Captain Paul, to present
two matters for the council to
consider. One was the placing
of automatic newspaer sales
boxes with their coin receptacles
that were . temptations to ; boys
tc rob them. He said that there
had been many inch robberies,
and that It waa growing into a
regular business, i The : council
left the matter in the . hands or
the , police ' committee. He pre
sented " also the i matter of two
boys who had ( been arrested for
burglary, and it came to . light
that thejr had robbed to pay bills
at stores " where they had been
"trusted" individually by the
merchants, without the parents'
knowledge or consent j He tjrg
ed that some action be taken to
call the evil to the attention of
the merchants of Salem, t and
Mayor Glesy, ' on 1 motion, ap
pointed Aldermen Wenderpth,
Rosebraugh and Vandevort to
act. r' " -;' : ; ' I . v
Cement Contract ' 'Awarded
The real fight ojf the ewenlng
came up over the purchase of
9,600 barrels of Portland cement
for the .city street , work for the
coming season. Four bids were
put In, all alike In price, $3.81
per . barrel, with 10 cents apiace
for the returned sacks. " There
was some talk ' on the floor of
the council ; about 'jtrust." as
the bids all showed (the samft.
A recess was taken to allow the
committee to 'act on the bidsl
When they did report, they rei
commended that- the bid of the
West Side Gravel company be
accepted. ; . .". I , , ; i
Alderman Van Patten pointed
out that this was al cash i bid
and thai as the city did not have
the money on handj at would
have to " go out and : borrow the
money to pay; "whereas the
Spauldlng bid offered ' to carry
the city vouchers until the bonds
could be provided ; sifter the in-
(Continued on page 6)
to Say upton
To Jay Upton: Pick out five Senators and give them five
hours to whip the income tax bill into shape. Tell them to
forget personal interests ; forget there, is a lobby ; forget
they have friends or relatives. Tell them to remember only
that they are responsible to the people" of Oregon and their
higher interests; remember only that the people have been
promised, an income tax bill, and that this legislature has no
right to adjourn without giving them such a bill; the very
best bill they know how to make out of the one before them.
"--"v" -- . " v , "... " - - i i" ' : ' -' : ' " ' , . , . ; - , . ' j -
- - "' k" ; aaaaaaaBa , J
,To Kap. Kubli: Pick out five of the best qualified mem
bers, of the House and; give them five hours to whip into
shape the Carkin consolidation measure. You have excellent
material in ihe 60 members .of your branch of the Legisla
ture. v Let them "know the people expect a consolidation bill;
that they have been promised this nd the best consolida
tion JSjl they know howto get p. Let there be no interfer
ence from any one." Forget the million and one idea3 of the
lobby ; of all those who have selfish interests.
, Let these two bills be passed, and then let the Legisla
ture Rdjouriu Put pot before.
Indignant Residents Object to
"Follies Exhibition" Two
Are Fined $20 J
As the result of a "follies", ex
hibition put on by four Willam
ette university students nar the
campus yesterday morning, two
of the participants, hapless and
helpless victims of frenzied sopho
mores, were each fined $20 in the
police court yesterday afternoon
for Indecent exposure. '
According to1 indignant eye
witnesses tha .freshmen who
answer to the titles of Dick
Schaffer, 104 South Church street
and Ed Geyer, 171S Sojith High,
clad in cupid-like attire, were cast
iu a cold creek by second year
exponents of the '"dear old college
daze." Upon complaints of the
neighbors, complaints were drawn
against the youths by looal auth
orities. r
iThe sophomora students who
answer to Harold Isham and Stan
ley Emmell, were each charged
with "disorderly conduct.' The
case against Stanley Emmell Was
dismissed. Isham pleaded not
guilty. His trial has been set for
next Saturday at Z p. m.
Legislature of Washington
Would Give Credit for
Bible Study.
OLYiMPIA. Wash., Feb. 19.
House bill 29, to limit the. total
tax levy to, 40 mills and to estab
lish a three fold Income tax was
defeated 58 to 38 on final, reading
in the lower chamber of the
Washington legislature today. J
j An apparent majority com
manded by the bill Saturday,
when it J was on- second reading?
melted away today, seemingly , to
the surprise ef everybody. Debate
lasted a little more than an hour.
The only member, absent on roll
call was . Representative W. P.
Totten of Seattle, who was ill.
r Bill Foaglit
; Representative Thomas F. Mor
phine, King, attacked the measure
as drawn, but declared himself la
sympathy with the principle of
the bill. He served notice on the
bouse that he would make A mo
tion that the - revenue , and taxa
tion comtnitiee draft a measure
for a 50-mill limitation and an In
come tax in conformity with, that
of the federal government, citi
zens to render to the state one
fifth' of the amount paid to the
United States.
' M. M. Moulton. v Benton, . and
Charles Roth. Whatcom, fought
hard to save the measure, declar
ing It was the only possible solu
tion in relieving the tax burden
on real property.;
. . Encourage Bible Study
A constitutional amendment
submitted by Senators Davis,
Grass, Phipps and Cox to all credit
In the schools of the state for
Bible study taken outside, was
passed by the upper' house today
29 to 21. Opposition came from
Senator Charles E Meyers, Lin
coln, who declared x for sharp
cleavage between religious ;i and
secular education and said ; that
the measure .Would be "the enter
ing wedge to allow reading of the
Bible in the cnools."
The authors . of the . measure
spoke for it arguing that such a
law would encourage the study of
(Continued on page 6)
aKd kap kubli
President P. L. Campbell
Welcomes Oregon Mer- .
chants to Eujene '.
EUGENE, On, Feb. 19. The
annual convention of the Oregon
State Retail Merchants' associa
tion met In Eugene today for a
two-day -session. The opening ses
sion was held at the Chamber of
Commerce this morning but all
other meetings are being held at
the school' of business administra
tion of the University of Oregon.
David M. Graham, In behalf of
the Lane County Credit associa
tion, delivered the address of wel
come and President P. L. Canip
bell formally Invited the merch
antsv to . the , university. - L. L.
Thomas of Marshfleld. president
of the! association. In his annual
message, advocated more rapid
transportation - between Oregon
and the east and middle .west.
LFast freight! trains were held to
be a great need.
Tonight the visiting merchants
were entertained by a lecture by
Frank Branch Riley of Portland
on "The Great Northwest."
Judiciary Committee Decides
to Report Unfavorably
Then Changes Mind.
. Within five minutes after , a
majority ; of j, the house judiciary
committee I had decided last
night to report unfavorably on
the Brown-Zimmerman oleomar
gin bill, that august body re-assembled
and voted .".to-; recom
mend that . the bil be re-referred
to the committee . on food .and
dairy -.pcoduetsv- S f- -
The committee also decided to
report Without recommendation
as a substitute for H. B. "350 by
MePhlllips, a motion picture tax
bill j prepared by the attorney
i . i
(Continued on page 6)
mm gam :
Income Assessment Liked by
Bennett Makes Ex
i tended Investigation.
Ton .Bennett, born in Coos
county and now a legislator, be
lieves in an Income tax. He
wants the whole world to know It,
and he told 'em about jit at the
Chamber of Commerce luncheon
Monday noon. v ,
He said that the state raises
$41,000,000 in taxes annually but
90 per cent of the state income Is
not taxed. There is about $208.
000,000 "Income" in Oregon; but
real estate bears 85 'per cent of
the taxes.
An Investigation by the OAC
showed that 133 farms, of an
average sale value of- $25,000,
had a rental value of $19,000.
The net returns; not Including
taxes, were $766 per farm; the
taxes averaged $303, or 39.5 per
cent Of the total net receipts.
"We need Indirect taxes," ' he
said. "Tax the ability to pay.
The Income tax is based on the
ability to pay. It is not a fixed
tax, like that on tangible prop
erty, which must pay whether the
property pays or not; the income
tax is not confiscatory, for as the
income disappears, so does the
tax." , . . . ' : -
He showed that the. cost of col
lecting the income tax in Wiscon
sin, one of the 13 states that bare
such a. system, is less than 1 per
cent. . He ahowed that whereas
there might be a 4 per cent tax
on corporate incomes, the . actual
taxation is only about one-third
of 1 per cent on the actual prop
erty value; this, he said, disposed
of the claim that it would drive
capital out of the state by taking
all its profits. -
Mrs. Alice Dodd, speaking for
the YWCA; presented the case of
the financial campaign that is be
ing put on this week. She gave a
short, to-the-point appeal, and
urged the I public support of the
most worthy cause. The Salens,
YWCA had 85,009 visitors last
year, 'a social' showing that has
almost no counterpart in the list
of helpful city institutions.
Action Takes Form of Three
Hour Speech on, Opera
tions of League of Na
;a :va 1 . vv '
Jones Says Will Hold Session
1 All Night Cots Are
1 Ordered.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 9. Ef
forts . of opponents of the admin
istration shipping bill to -kill t
through a filibuster were active
ly1 begun tonight in the senate
fend brought from Senator Jones,
Republican, Washington,' , In ;
charge of the measure, a notice
that he would endeavor to hold
tbe' senate in session all night
and tomorrow.
The filibuster as started to
night and ship bill v opponents
made no effort to - have it de
scribed as other than a filibuster
took the form of an. address
of three hours and a half by
Senator Sheppard, Democrat,
Texas, on the operations of the
league of nations since. its organ
ization. " r
' Force : Night Session "
. Confronted with an effort to
displace their measure senate
proponents of the administration
shipping bill forced a night ses
sion tonight in waging the final-
stage of the fight ' to obtain
enactment of, the legislation be
fore adjournment o congress.
Opponents of the bill attempt
ed j to bring, about; an adjourn
ment at the snnal hour, but were
voted down, 45 to 33. Earlier
in the day-they united with sup
porters of ' the ""filled milk bill
in an endeavor to take up that
measure and lay -aside the ship
ping legislation.
ak ' Blli Used
Senator Jones, Republican,
Washington, In charge of .the
ship ' bill, met the move with a
motion to ; lay on the table the
proposal to - take up the filled
milk bill,4 which was made by
Senator Ladd, Republican, North
Dakota. T The motion was de
feated, 44 to 42 and the Ladd
proposal was left, pending before
the senate. '
Four Democrats: Senators
Ransdel and Broussard of Louis
iana, Dial of South Carolina ana
Underwood off . Alabama, lined up
with 38 Republicans in favor of
tabling the Ladd motion The
two Louisiana senators have sup
ported the bill throughout. Sen
ator Dial is one of the leading
opponents of the "filled ' milk''
bill and Senator Underwood al
ter; the votei, explained he was
opposed to the shipping bill, but
at the same time could not be a
party to its defeat indiectioh.
, j; Vote Is Surprise
; Leaders among the forces sup.
porting the shipping bill con
ceded that the vote to table the
motion was a surprise and point
ed out that several Republicans
who' are considered as favorable
to the shipping bill such as Sen
ators McCormlck, Illinois; Nich
olson,. Colorado; Sterling, South
Dakota ; Sutherland, West Vir
ginia; McNary, Oregon; Camer
on, Arizona; Gooding, Idaho and
Stanfield. Oregon, voted against
tabling the Ladd motion.
The vote on the motion to
table was followed by . extended
debate during which the ship
ping bill, was attacked And the
"filled .milk" bill was both at
tacked and. defended.
V Recess Takeh
The Texas senator still was
gcing strong when Senator Cur
tis of Kansas, the Republican
whip, shortly , v after 10 o'clock
moved that the senate go into
executive session. This was fol
lowed by V b's recess ' until 11
o'clock tomorrow when ship , bill
opponents promise-' ' to resume
their tactics. . .
Senator Sheppard began speak
ing before 7 o'clock, making a
prepared - address - containing V a
digest pt every, action taken by
the league of nations througn
its assembly, its council and its
various commissions since it - be
gan functioning. He made ; no
announcement at the outset of
bis address as to the length of
time he was ' prepared to - speak
' (Continued on page S).
Darling's Jolly Lassie .... Pro
duces 1111.29 Pounds
Butterfat .
Darling's Jolly Lassie, junior
four-year-old Jersey owned by
Pickard Broa. of Marion, baa won
the ; world'a utter fat production
record, according . to word receiv
ed by Pickard Bros, last night
from the American Jersy Cattle
club. V:, s v i VV"
Darling's. Jolly Lassie produced
1141.29 pounds of butter fat In
the 12 months ending last Satur
day nighf. This exceeds Tail .Jer
sey records. . Lad's Iota of Inde
pendence, has held the record un
til succeeded -, by Darling's Jolly
Lassie. Jolly Lassie Is of the Gol
den Glow Chief strain.
The new record Just made la
surpassed by only one cow In the
world, a Holsteln, May Walker
Ollie Homestead with 1218.59
poupds of butter fat. She is own
ed at Austin, Minn.
. Viva La France, also of the
Pickard Bros, herd, formerly the
champion Jersey , cow, has just
completed ; the world's long dis
tance record over air breeds com
pleting a test over a period of six
years- with a record of 5331.95
pounds of butter fat, an average
of 888.C6 for each year of the test
according to figures of the Ameri
can Jersey Cattle club.
Decision of Oregon United
States District Court
Considerable enlightenment 'was
thrown by the supreme, court-In
a decision today upon the meaning
of the words !free white persons'
as used in the naturalization laws.
The decision waa in 'a case
brought by Bhagat Singh Thind, a
Hindu of high caste of full In
dian blood, born in Punjab, India,
who was granted a certificate of
citizenship by. the United States
district court for Oregon, over the
protest of the government. . The
court today denied his right to
citizenship. . . .... -. -
Having decided in the . Ozawa
case, that a -Japanese' was not en
titled , to naturalization because
the term "free white persona" was
synoraous , with Caucasian, the
court indicated today that it had
intended to leave the question to
be dealt with in doubtful and dif
ferent cases, by the "process of
Judicial Inclusion and exclusion,
the mere fact that an applicant
could establish a line of descent
from Caucasian' ancestor was not
necessarily conclusive it was ex
plained5 ' !; : ' ' ' ' -
Popular Definition Taken
j "Caucasian is a1 conventional
word of much - flexibility," the
court stated, "as. a study of the
literature dealing 4 with racial
(Continued on page 6)
Four Men Accepted for Serv-
1 ice on becond Hemn
Mine Trial. , '
MARION, 111., Feb. 19. (By
The Associated Press). The first
panel of four Jurors in the second
Herrin mine riot trial was com
pleted 'today when the defense.
with little discussion, accepted , a
panel by the state. The panel Is
composed of two farmers, a paint
er and, a chauffeur.
The Jurors definitely agreed
upon Thomas Cox, 50 years old, a
farmer; Rollie Edwards, 36, a,
painter; Charles Clark, 23, chauf
feur and student and John Caugh-
lin, farmer. It will ' be the first
Jury service for Caughlin, Ed
wards' and Clark, they said.
All the jurors asserted they had
formed no opinions as to the guilt
or innocence of the men on trial,
although several : said they - had
read the evidence in the firt trll
In which five men were found not
guilty.-;-';- '''r'vV
. Examination of 9 S veniremen
preceded selection : of the ' panel,
leaving nine veniremen t being
questioned . today. The state has
11 peremptory challenges and the
defense 10.
Coroner's Jury Charges EKa
Wolfe With Reckless z:vi
: Incompetent Driving cf
Death Car.
Both Occupants of CciipD
Held in City Jail Ar
raignment Expected. ;
V Ella Wolfe, 18 year old Faleni
girt, of T925 Union street, driver
f the death car which last Satur:
day ran into and killed Mrs. lniza
beth Hubbard or ,863 Broadway,
was last night held directly re
sponsible for the death, acccri
ing to a1 verdict returned by tha
coroner's i jury at an lilquest heii
at Rigdon's undertaking parlors.
, . rield la iail "
The verdict returned by the tlx
jurors stated that death had been
due to ,Ma fracture of the skuU.
caused . by being struck - down by
an automobile on the afternoon cS
February 17,. 1923. said auto r?u
bile being operated, by one 12 11 a
Wolfe in, a. reckless and lncomra
tent manner." Roth Miss T.'c'j
and Tfferesa 2ackery, who v :i
riding with, the former at the tin: 3
of the accident, wereheld in tl
city Jail last ' night. The .1st--will
probably be. freed of a i.. .
slaughter charge, athough el j
may be held by local authotltl i
on'a chargelof driving withoat .3
operatorsllcense. Althoni!i f-
tare action was not definitely so
nOunced last night, It is"?rowa- 1
thatormal charges will te fl! :
against Ella Wolfe by District At
torney' -John 'L. Carsoa. toiay, la
which event the arraignment v .7
be expected soon In the Ju'stica
court r!i' -tt'V- - m " '
-;-." - Stiver 6ald Epeedias'' - .
Principal testifiers at t!.j i ;
quest ?ast night were Mrs. I.Iarj
White of The Dlles. sister of til
deceased, i Bert Chambers, ' w. H.
Birdwell. Mrs. Frances W. Sattca,
Charles Wilson, J. II. Ttrnt.!,
Theresa Zackery and Dr. C. U.
Testimony, of witnesses was al
most unanimous that the body cf
Mrs, Hubbard had been hu: :..,
dragged and rolled for a distance
of from 2 5 to 30 feet by tt 3
coupe. Although it was net to .
sible for testifiers to estimate ex
actly the speed at which the car
waa going at the time of the acci
dent, -most of them agreed that it
was in the neighborhood of 25
miles per hour. . .
According to the ; testimony cf
Miss Zachery the sudden swerve
to the left waa made In order to
avoid fitting four chool girls,
who, Bhe said, were cross ics tha
street on Commercial at the tlsa.
According . to the tjstimoay cf
other witnesses there were r 5
girls crossing the street at tl j
time. Miss Zackery estimated tta
speed of the car to be between 1 a
and 15 miles per hour at ' tta
.time. V
I Miss Zachery admitted that i La
had driven the car a part of ti 3
time, although at tbe time of tta
accident Miss Wolfe was drivin;.
It Is on this admission that Eta
may be held liable for non-possea-sion
of a drivers' license.
The coroner's Jury consisted of
O. H. Moaer, C. B. O'Neill, E. Rcs
tein, Harry Wels, Paul Johnsca
and Louis Cohen.
Committee Appointed to
Investigate Irrigaticn
-Under tbe provisions of hous3
joint resolution No. 8, intrbduc
ed by Representative BnrdicS
and Senator Ritner, and provid
ing for the appointment of a
committee to investigate Irriga
tion ' conditions, finances a.z.d
bonds, , the members ot the cora-
uiiven .were aypoiniea yesieraaj.
Governor Pierce named Jeffersoa
Myers of-Portland, President Ur
ton of the senate named Harcli
Baldwin of Prineville and Speak
er Kubli of the house appolntel
VV. B. D. Dodson . of Portland.
Bank to Be Paid for
Coupons That Were Lc:t
Senator ' Robertson yesterday
introduced S. B. 229, the only
bill Introduced in the senate Cut.
Ing the day, providing that tta
First National Bank of Ltnntcn.
be reimbursed in ; the sun ct
85 for coupons that were lost
while being transferred from tt 1
state treasurer's office to U
Linnton bank.
"X -