The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    3 : TIE OnEGOlI STATESMAN. SAt3I. OMG02J " i . ' '. ? . ' . ' -SUNDAY MORNING. FEERUARY 18,
fc- ' I . . - I
- 11 1 ' -' 1 . .. 1 ' - I
0 "ill! FOB
Scvcnty-eisht Christian
to Meet in
Washington in 1925
NEW YORK. Feb.-i7.Con-crete
plans to muster tha united
ti'arts of the Christian churches
of the world for the restoration
rf world peace and tranquility
are behind v- the announcement
made today that, lit. Rev. James
De Wolf Perry, Bishop of IthoSe
Island, has accepted the chair
manship of the executire com
riittee of the Episcopal church
conralsskdi on the world confer
ence on Faith and order. He
tt ill tomorrow! establish - head
quarters in ProTidence,; Rhode
Is-land, to begin work on the de
tails of a conference qf ; church-
e ii representing - 78 Christian
. denominations " In the- United
Elates, Europe, Asia, Africa, Can
ada and Australia - which v will
meet la Washington In May 1$25,
rianned originally to restore un
ity, among tfca Christian churches
throughout the world,; It la the
earnest . belief of those behind
the moTement "that a supreme
duty confronts the church today
cf ' restoring peace and order
through a ' practftal application
of the - doctrine of Christian
Brotherhood., In a brief state
ment. Bishop Perry says: ',
' Church 'Leadership Needed
"For the uniting of a dirided
world, the leadership of an unit2
ed Christian church Is necessary
The world; -conference on - faith
and' order will bring Christen
dom toseiher lor the first1 time
ia many centuries .to consider
the differences which have stood
in the-way o,f unity; not. In the
spirit of controrersy, but' In' a
sympathetic desire on; the part
of every church concerned-io
understand the position of every
t tier. The leaders in this move,
i . :;t are convinced that; such
, lferences rill result lin a new
c:::;!iasls upon the most import
art natters of belief, and will
pci::t tha way to ultimate union.'
Actively associated with Bishop
Terry in the work Immediately
aL--cid win be the Rev. Floy
V.". Thompklns, Jr., of Pltts
tr.rsh, E3 secretary. Mr. Tomp-:
'kins will le in charge of the
headquarters : of- the conmlss-ion
at Providence, asj will give his
entire - time, to the work.
Set for 1023
TJhe plan for the "world confer
ence on faith and order originat
ed at the Episcopal general con
vention of 1910, and the Imme
diate result was the appointment
of a commission by that demos
ptratlcn of Which Bishop William
'7. T Tannins:, cf. New, York, 13 the
chairman. Through this com
m!?s'cn overtures were made; for
a conference of all Christian
ch arches, - to . consider questions
pertaining to faith' and order
Uh a ybw to ultimate unity.
A preliminary conference of
cLurch representatives was held
hi the'summer of 1920, at Gen
vi, Switzerland, when a con
tlji.untlon' commission' --'was -' ' 'ap
pointed ' to, take charge of the
movement , in its world-wide ' as
1 cta. There are now 78 com
missions similar -to that origin
ally a;; dated by. the fcpiscopal
church and representing nearly
ull the Important -Trinitarian
chnrche throughout tha world,
ertlcipiting in the . movement.
The objective . of, the eontinu
nticn committee Is -the - Worldf
Conference of all participating
' churches in Washington-In May,
19 23. In the meantime every
effort- will be made to bring
about concerted action by all
the participating churches la
plans for restoring world peace
and tranquility,. , -. .
Silver. J6a Services Given
Upton and Kubli by Mem
bers of Legislature.
To Senator : B. Lu Eddy of
Douglas coucty, opponent of Sen
ator Jay Upton, successful candi
date for prttiJeat of the present
state senate, was yesterday dele
gated the duty of expressing to
President Upton the appreciation
of the senate for Upton's work
a j presiding -officer, j ? 0' .'-
At the conclusion of a cleverly"
turned 'speech by Eddy, a silver
tea service wss pfeaented to
President VUpton. , . .. .- "'
-,"ct Senator Garland arose and
oa Lvilf cf the . S-panidh-'-- War
veterans presented to President
I'rtoa a gatclof walnut wood. It
uno from the home 'of Colonel
J. M. Poorpan of Woodburn, who
.was rreuicnt Upton's command
In; officer in the' Philippine 'Is tn.l 'who ii . now assistant
-li;orkiccr of , thr; " . naie.V Th
' j'r.r,t trce fro.. wbl.-'i the wood
taken was ilaatcd 40 years
1 at Woiwlliurn. ., 1 '
1 ,T ; Pt. .. .... , f , t -in's t
1 ' ' '- k .1
Eddy askedi the privilege of'the
floor on personal privllese.
"At the close of this 40 days
that you Jaave presided over this
senate," said Senator Eddy, "it
becomes my duty to remind yon
that you have wielded the : gavel
In such a way during these weeks
as to arouse a conspiracy: among
the members of this senate.
The members have agreed that
you have presided so fairly and
impartially that you are entitled
to some manifestation of our es
teem and appreciation."
Following a laudatory address
by Representative Car kin of Jack
ton county, Saturday afternoon,
Speaker Kubll . and Mrs. KubU
were-presented with a silver ser
vice by the members of the house.
Recovery Df $73,000 Worth
of Loot and Minor Ar- .
rests Build Evidence.
CINCINNATI, Ohio, Feb. 17.
Apprehension . of the six bandits
who last 'September held up and
robbed the Hamilton county bank
of thte city, and ,the arrest of
other members of a "syndicate"
of crooks who " dispose of stolen
securities, awaits : the gradual
building- up of evidence as a re
sult of the tecoYery,.of $73,000
worth of stolen 'bonds from the
Cincinnati bank, postal . authori
ties asserted, here today. . f. !
Postal ; authorities, ! who have
been ; work'.ng ' in ' collaboration
feith private andnsitv detectives
netted the bandits $265,000 and
the robbery of - $80,000 unused
federal, bank currency ' pt '-the
Denver; mint,' : safd - members of
the band were . known to them.
They refused, however, to- anake
known t their identity v or their
present .-'location. ,
v .Word has been received that
$75,000 worth of . bonds stolen
from the bank were discovered
In legitimate trade 'channels In
Oregon, their , .present holders
Deing without knowledge of their
source. SOme of the stolen lib
erty bonds have .been turned In
at. Washington - for 1 redemption.
It-; was ' said- '. - ' 4 : - -
Americans bought $3,500,000
worth o f diamond's in London last
year. . Probably caused by' the In
crease in the number of hotel
clerks 'In this" country '-"','; !-i.'"
JL NCW Id6Z lit ' ' T'sirithe musieaf V.eiementa,
i . - a -, i ' "' ' tluongh limited "Forms "com-
Piano InstnictzoTi .
; -music. Teaches everything you have dreamed about and longed to do. Ab
solutely covers the whole realm of "business" piano playing; .
Beginnbra' Caxi Loiirii' in, Tvelve Lessons
r ' O U All ANTLED ' .
Auvriiiccd Course for Fiayera
..I, ,-; . , - . ' s r . T . -
Lcam to Pctermine Chords, JIbdulate, Transpose, play from Lead Sheets,
Jass ' Uass, SpIit JJass, Trick Kndings, Blue Harmony, Space-fillers, Song
i .Writing, Clever Breaks Ear Playing and 247 other subjects. ' -
i "Why experiment blindly with songs! . Get a foundation for conscious
I Injprovision. Learn the principle "back of it all. " . . - v ' ,
Call at the studio for demonstration,' enroll for a dozen lessonsj then breatho
two words "at last." '
1 '
New Polo Coats and Sports
Coats. Fashioned Xf wool Vc-"
lour, camel's hair arid Eblivia
Wll especially appeal to wo
men with slender girlish fig
ures. 4 -
- .. t - v ' -
Dresses of taffetas, poirct
twill," Canton crepes, flat
Crepes" etc. - -
Cczts $14.75 Jto.
Dres:ss $10.75 to $20.50
i . -i
nil Fon
Marion County. Turns in
$4100 to-Date-Need
for Funds Urgent,;
Because If the , bad l weather,
that somehow freezes up the com
passionate public's pocketbook s
a poor widow's -meagre woodpile
shrinks in the face of a storm, the
campaign for the Oregon . Chil
dren's Home has languished dur
ing the past week. Marion county
has turned in onl $4100 thus far,
out of the $7500 that was appor
tioned.! The office at 228 Oregon
building is to be kept open all
the coming week however,: : and
subscriptions will .. be received
with some one always ready to
receipt for them. t
- . - , ."-'.
' No. solicitors were-out on, Sat
urday, but some good friends sent
in checks amounting to $100, for
the fund.,
The need for the home ia repre
vente das most urgent.- The num
ber of orphaned, , children, , both
boys and girls, who are committed
to Ihe boys, and girls reformatory
les or even - the ' feebleminded
schools, simply ' because there is
no other place to. care for -them,
would make the public heart
bleed, if it but knew. There are
said to be 2400 orphans In the
state who ought to be In such a
home, if they can; not have homes
jit their very own. - The home aa
it Is now planned, will take care
of 400 children, when it Is b uilt
up to Its normal capacity, and will
furnish home and be almost self
supporting for that number.
A. number of local friends are
working assiduously to put over
the Salem subscription, to make
the lot of the unfortunate ' or
phaned boys and girls less pain
ful, less dangerous. The appalling
wave of juvenile crime, according
to statistics, finds many of its re
cruits r; in -the broken homes,
among neglected children whom
this home would rescue. . It. is un
derstood that boys are being held
even In jails over the state, .be
cause of no worse crime than that
of being orphans and out of jobs,
or too young to care for them
selves. It's a pretty hard alterna
tive for clean, capable .children to
face the jail, or the asylum, or the
reformatory, or starvation,- In a
state Jike . Oregon. ; just because
1 '
- - -
C: ':"
and. Court St,
their parents happened to die of
Quarrel. -. .'. . '.T-'---' r -'c
It is- urged that the friends of
childhood make this their own
personal affair, and bring or send
fn their money to help care for a
most worthy charity.
State Associated Press 1
Meet at Eugene in March
J :--' 'r ' '
Eugene, Feb. 17. (Special to
The Statesman.) A special state'
meeting of the members ,of. the
Associated Prsss will be held on
the campus of the university of
Oregon 1n connection with the
Oregon " Newspaper.;;; Conference,
scheduled for March 22, 23 and
2 4. ; Paul Cowles, superintendent
of ' the :- western - . division, San
Ftaheisco,: and Edward P. Nelson,
Portland correspondent of the As
socitated; Press, will attend the
meeting. ; ''.';- . .. ': 1
The program of the newspaper
conference will be announced next
week by Dean Eric W. Allen of
the University; of .Oregon; school
of journalism. The conference Is
held annually under auspices of
the school. , -
The t public 'speaking class
the? YMCA, that, meets regularly
on; k Friday nights,.,; is o ..take ; a
one, week racatlon because of
the -big iRotarian . birthday cele
bration r next ; Friday night.' A
number; -of, the budding orators
are members - of the ' clubs that
all be guests - at the -Rotary
event, and they asked to,, put
their; .own program , over for an
ether, week, f When they do meet
again they witl debate the ques
tion of V'Resolved that the Unit
ed States . should intervene - in
the Ruhr, controversy .' -They
have . -been having , various forms
of public appearances in their
course, which has "been running
for four - months. ; - The last as
signment - was an address to a
high school ; or college graduat
ing . class.' and thnv handt nut
enough .wisdom 1 to make those
youngsters good and pepped up
ioi me. .. .
The Hobo--I ain't never ad a
chance.-r No matter, where I go or
wot I works at, my unlucky sum
ber bobs up and does? me ln,"some-
The Householder What do you
mean? What's your unlucky nam
ber?, .
The . Hobo Thirteen,- lady
Twelve jurymen 'an a judge. -London
Mail. - . -- -" ' . s 4
Romeo and Juliet and Mer-
, chant of Venice Coming 5
February 27 and 28.;
After b'reaklng attendance rec-
ordi and upsetting New York
theatrical precedents by. playing
five weeks onvRroadway to. wfcat
the New York Sun estimates at
100,000 persons, Frita Lelber
comes to the" urana tneaier to
play an engagement of "Shake
speare" for two i performances-
Tuesday i and Wednesday, Febru
ary 27 and 28, .under the direc
tion of George Ford.; '. "
He will offer as his Initial play
bill, ; - "Romea and Juliet," . - in
Which he has made a startling
success and ' in which critics say
he surnases all other actors in
America today. . . "
The supporting company, pro
vided by - Mr. BiDer a manager.
George Pord, Includes Louis L.
Hall, John Burke, Robert Strauss,
Philip ? D. , Quin, Anthony Andre,
Harold Winston, . Richard Allen,
Leonard t Gordon, Waldron Smith,
Justin AdamsV Orive Oliver Vir
ginia Bronson, Carol Kohl, Alma'
LInd and Blanche Chapman, t ?
'The cast, aa well as the scenic
and lighting equipment, ? is Idern
tlcal with "that employed during
his Broadway success. His meth
od of -mounting and; lighting the
great plays is said not omy
something to marvel ' at because
of their' beauty.' but are so air
ranged . as : to provide quick ' dis
All Has Been
m m a
500 cars1 Celebrated
Sold to purchasers of 11.00
or more In Dry Goods, Cloth.
Ins and Shoe Departments.'
Limited to customer.
a Packages Skinner's EgfC Noodles, . C
Micaroni or. Soarhettl .......... XD
Ginger Snaps, balk ' I
They melt in your mouth .......
Wilson's Nut Margarine, per lb.
A good butter substitute. . ......
5-Poand Pail Lard ' ; ; ;
Waltes Pure Quality, special. . . . .
tOO Pounds Potatoe -----
Put In your supply at the price. . . ,
Arinour'H Dexter, Bacon, per lb.
: For your -breakfast dish ..
Velvet Biaioking Tobacco, per t'an
Why pay more our price .....
Bull Iui1iam, 4 packascs
The famous roll your own kind. .. .
U-iiUli) Ci II '
- tt' -
- 0
patch, thus eliminating; toe, ieai-
ous waits so often me Ciane oi
Shakespearian i productions. ' ' "
The repejrtoire hjere wiU be
Romeo ; and . Juliet and) the
"Merchant of Venice." . , ; . :
Mr. ; and Mrs. J- Perry enter-
Ulned tha Friday Night ; card
club at their home on-Tb-nrsday,
February 8. it being their eighth
wedding, anniversary.:'. Everyone
had a good -time playing 'cards..
Lunch was served ; ' at an . early
hour: --. '':'-':":-J
. Mrs. Otmar Gilsdorf passed
away at the Willamette- aanttar
lum Friday February 9. Funeral
services were heldlnr the ;Cathr
ollc ' phnrch, conducted ; by Rev.
F. Hi Scherblng. "Interment was
in the cemetery; at , Shaw. Mrs.
Gilsdorf lefa a widower and ten
children. : ; 4 4 ;
Joseph Gilsdorf of ' Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert JIallett
and : family of jGervals were here
to attend the" funeral "of their
mother. '- 'J
V. Ji - McAllister and family
spent Wednesday afternoon and
evenlns with" C. L. McAllister.- .
The Waldo Hill club met at the
home of Mrs. W. Elliott on Feb
ruary. 8. - t - , . i f "
Mr. and Mrs. . C. L. McAllister
and M. Wells drove to Oalem on
Wednesday. .. " ";--'; ' .- ''"'"'- "-;- : '
Miss Hildar Schneider, who : la
working - in Salem, spent Sunday
with her parents. ; . ; ; 5 ; ;';
Miss :Elibeth; , Gilsdorf has
has come home from Portland , to
keep house for-her: father.-
Miss Francis Hoffman ; la as
sisting 'Mrs.: B.' D.- Wells ;wlth
housework." ; . V
Mr. and Mrs. p. Fieber and son
I Fred,' also C. A. ; Fieber drove to
saiem saiuraay . , . - v -,
Sai'd and all Has
;-V: . . -- - .
of ' r - 9
At a price marked to half of their
. - -. value - - ' - . -
75 c
I i'j 0 I
u - hi1
I . I IT I
1 ": .inerai '
- -JR. ifflBTi i '
Automobile Company -Would
Sponsor Movement , to
to Own Omnibus.
LONDON, Feb. 17. An lnno-
tation In the intricate omnlbut.
system of London" soon will be
inaugurated in the form of mak
ing it possible for ambitious driv
ers to become the absolute own
ers (4 their buses, if certain plans
now under consideration material-
ize.- . .. - - r . - , "'--'-: . -
' Today most of - these buses,
which crawl through the narrow
streets of London "like- a continu
ous procession of elephantsare
owned mostly by one company,
but a movement has been started,
recently to give adequate reward
to good drivers. It is sponsored
by, a gasoline and . accessories
company, which., hopes to make
Its money by. supplying th ese com
modities to the wner-d rivers.
The ; plan briefly . Is: this: ; The
holder - f a-, one-ponnd ; sterling
share ; In the company ..Days a
weekly snbscrlption of ten? shil
lings. '-."; When sufficient v funds
have been, collected the subscrfh
ers will draw lots,, and the lucky
driver .will be given an omnibus.
He will be allowed also to choose
hla route . through .tEe . city..' He
will then pay two' pounds sterling
a week, on the purchase price of
the omnibus until the conveyance
has been "completely paid for.
: The plan makes it possible also
for drivers and conductors to own
an omnibus.; jointly. - The owner
Been Done to llca Taiz ?.lp
Success .
' TW aw hlj
taentl - " tit
Kr- tror of
sprinx to - thefla
lovely luDahiii
Th coats torn.
Ia plaio and ia
u.W - plaid
t r i 1 ; Th
dresce . ara f
ltr UfeU
aad t new Can
ton Crepe.' Th
inodcti' aati color
ful dcaUna - t
. verr pleainjt.
r (
, " ..... L 2 v . . .
ship cf an c..:;: is cars,
a-lucrative scarce cf I-c: ;
It '-Is .estimate J t'at c:.t czz
on a- gci r ut; , c t::j r;
mately tea-pounds erl.c a
This' eardr; r-'-fr
fairly equal' tLr. tc-'t tti
bMansa the raili v
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don; permit r,;"-
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App'-y it to At
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" . i
. Anyea rnptnr- , v
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ppiksstioa lor
Hmm -, ... ., i
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