The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    I i.
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T hi
Medical Meeting
: The Pplk-Tam hill-Marion Medi
cal society will meet at the Mar
ion hotel; Salem. Tuesday, Febru
ary 20. Supper will bo serv ed at
6:30 followed by the business and
scientific session. First paper by
Dr .y?. It. .Watson, r Portland on
"Pleurisy. Discussion opened by
Dr. " G. , C. JtDelllnger. Dr. L. F.,
Griffith win talk on "Hysteria."
f A' Good Time to Buy
" v Next Christmas gifts at
Trover's Gift Shop.' Adv.
Two Seyr Arrival- 5
Mr and LMrs. Reed Chambers
are rejoicing over the birth of a
son', Frederick, February 1 16 -at
the Court Street Maternity (home.
Mr. and Mrs.,. J. P. Prestdn of
Portland are , receiving the con
gratulations' 'of their friends on
the birth of daughter, Bertha
Vinson, February 13 at the Court
.Street Maternity home. ; r
LiaCorona Cigar, 10 Cents -T
Superior to pre-war quality.
Adv. .,- -'.,-.- .""i
- Federation jfct-Silvertoi
The February ;.meetni of the
Marioa County Community Feder-
! aflon will be held At Sllyerton on
; Tuesday .evening. February -20. at
the community club rooms. Rev.
' Martin Fereahetian, pastor of the
Sajem Unitarlua "church; will de-
liver the -main formal' address.
Important, business and plans for
the year" will be, discussed; also.
the appcL-itmeat of. standing com
,r mittees will W annouhcei. Every
. body is a sieraper of .t'ais flne get-
. - together association, which, has
General Office Practice
j Cancers Treated :
Office, Tylert Drug Store -157
8. Commercial Street 4
162S4 CoxaT.wSt: Phone 297.
Merchants'; Lunch -.-..;-; . . .23e
Koodles ... ; v . . . ' ZSe
American Dishes Chinese Dishes
. Open1 11 a. m. to 2 p. "m :
Music. dancing: 9 p.m. ''to 12. m
V) '4 .wtr belie CRAXOI.KNE Trill
(in ur cue of csem or other skin
disie. Com i nd let tU 70a
boot HJ- Us n- Jtr, ni if yo are
aiMtUfid. your money will be refunded.
Trie 11.00. v 1
-SAVE S S ?y
K- by boyins roar tirdvraxo end
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 235 No.
Dcrmcrcial Et. Phcne 847.
Diamonds, "Watches,
Jewelry and Silrerwartt. '
Phone 12Z5, Salem, A Oregon
Zslsn 'iJsbzl aiice, Csxrlce '
-Day or Klsnt.V.. u",
i 173 8. Liberty St. r
Cc: Junk
AH Lladj cf junk ar4
icccr.J-hand gecia, X7e
pay fell raluc - j , - . r,J:
21S Center Street
Phone SS3 -
r ' :r - Established 1868 - . f
Genera Uanking Bcstncsi
i Office Hours froza 10 a. in. to 3 p, ro,
A Bass Heuter Paint for every need."
, Spend a few of . those spare minutes in
painting up the house. You'll be surprised
at the
for its sole membership require-!
ment a public spirit and a desire
to help somebody somehow; Sec
retary, A. N. Fulkerson is urging
a large attendance from Salem
and vicinity, t
I-iCoroita. Cigar, lO Cents
Superior to pre-war quality.-
Adv, - i
Sleepers .
The following were given beds
at the station yesterday evening
Walter Keegan, R. Keller. Walter
Brain berg, Claud Hudson, Joe
Linse and Louis Blake.
Ileal Antiques I
In old walnut furniture: lust
received a number of pieces. Giese
rurn. Co., 373 Court St. Adv.
new viwmu - . i .
Registration! for 'the next class
es in sewing and advanced millin-
ery wills be held on Wednesday
forenoon, February 2 8, at, Salem
Heights. . All ( wishing to enter
please be on hand or see Mrs. P.
F. Stolzheise, route 4, Salem, on
or- oeiore mat aaie. xne new
classes will begin in the' forenoon
on March 13 and 14.
For Ten Dars
Will redeem coupons by aj
polntment. Trover'a Studio, 165
N, Liberty st. AdT. t
Speeder Arrested
: . Howard R. Macy of Eugene was l
arrested by Officer Parrent yes
terday for speeding at the rale of
27 mites per i hour along North
Summer street between D street
aand Union. He deposited a $10
bond for his appearance: February I
19th at 2 p. m.
- Fitted at Tyler' Drug Store by
an expert in the buslnesi
Files Sultt ::- , '; "
Suit was filed by I. R. Smith
in the justice court yesterday
against Virgil Cook; " Goods to the
value of $12.90, were sold to the
defendant in March, 1922, accord
ing to the complaint, no part of
which was paid. - ifillTiJ
LaCorona Cigar, lO Cents
"Superior to pre-war quality.
Adv. , .
George C. M,ilrfr of Albany was
arrested by Officer ; Parrent for
speeding yesterday at, the rate of
30 miles per hour along the Fair
grounds, road between Summer
and the -packing plant. lie: will
appear before- Judge Poulsen 'at? 2
p .m.' February 1 9th:.
Dm. 'llelsley and Ilelsley
Physical, Clinical, Laboratory
practicing the , Electronic Reac
tions of Abrams and Osteopathy, I
Silverton:. Adv. i r
The Danger
-. The better care you give
your eyes, the better service
they will give you. ,
' When they : pain you or
feel strained it's sign that
.' something i-wrong tItb.
301-3 Oregon Bldg," .
Oregon's Largest Optical
' r : -, : Institution. :
Phone 230 f or appointment
change. , .
286 North
Ccr,r.crcial direct
II -V,C .11
Boys W31 Banquet
A dinner is to be given Monday
night, by the Day Junior boys of
the YMCA, to the Night Juniors
as their, guests. The spread Is to
be at the YMCA at 6 o'clock. It
is the date for the regular month
ly meeting- of tb.e -1 Day Juniors,
and they are having in their night
class pals as their company. :
Swinging Frames for
Photos at unheard of prices.
Mrs. Trover's Art and Gift Shop.
-Adv. : - -. ;, 1
Bllnus SiNMlometri
J. W., Parker was arrested yes-.
terday for running a stage with;
out proper equipment. ; The com
plaint stated that the stage was
operated without a speedometer
capable of. registering the speed.
He was given until Monday in
which to fix a speedometer.
Poultry-keepers ; 1 K
Hi-rrade cnicKa tor lest ai
Needhams, 658 State street. Or
der arly Adv. " ; f A : V ::
New House Projecteid
" Plans, are being prepared for a
small seven-room colonials resi
dence for Dr. Carl F. Miller, to J
be built at itz soutn mgn
street. Freeman & Struble : are
drawing the plans;
Brockmueller died at her home
at 2265 State street, Feb. 17,
1923 at; 4:30 la. m. f Mra
; Brockmueller. who was 79
years old, Is survived by her
husband, Mr. Wm. Brockmuel
ler. and eight i children,' Rer.
Frank, of Fargo, N. D., WIl-
f Ham of Freeman, S. D. Mrs.
John Burgi of Yankton, S. D..
Henry and '.Carl of Yankton,. S-
- D. Mrs. Dorothy Stftempges, of
Scotland, S. D- John Brock-
.mueller of Marsh Held, Oregon,
and Mrs. Mina Steingrube of
Salem, Oregon. JBody at Webb
ib'CIoughs, and fuaerat an
. nouncements later. -Ly: . i
MARTIN Mrs. Kitturah MarUn
died at her home at 460 Norftat
Thirteenth street, Feb. 16, 1923,
at 5:30 p. m. Mrs, Martin Was
44 years old, and is survived by
her husband. H. L. Martin and
three' daughters, 'Elizabeth, and
Charlotte Martin of Salem, and
Mrs. Freda Folgpr. Funeral
services will be held 'Monday
noon at the Portlana crema-1
torium. The remains will, be
.shipped to Portland' by Webb
&. Clough Portland papers
please copy.
YACH Funeral . services i for
. Clarence Yach will be held at
the First Christian church,
Feb. 19, 1923 at 10:30 a. m.
The service will be conducted
by Rev.' j; J. Erans;- with The
American Legion in charge
. Mr. Yach is survived , by his
. mother, Mrs. Frank Yaeh, one
4 sister, Mrs. R. R. Pool of Al
meda, Cal., and one brother, .1.
- A. Yach of Cloverdale, Oregon.
All : arrangements are ? being
made by "Webb & Clough. - - '
DEVOE -At the residence, 1586
Chemeketa street, Saturday.
Feb. 17, Fuller DeVoe, age 69
years, husband " of ' Mrs. Eva-
lena DeVoe, iatner or Amman
DeVoe of Salem and-Archie De
Voe of Portland lAlso survived
by none 'grandchildren' and ?
' great-grandchildren He was a
resident of' Salera for
Funeral services ; will
' be held
Monday, Feb. 19, at 3:30 p. in.
from the Rigdon mortuary. In-1
terment City View cemetery, i
SIMMONS at the home near Wa-
conda, Friday, Feb. 16, George
, D. Simmons, age 60 years; hus-
. band of MrsJ George D. Sim-
: mons and father of Mrs. Delia
Kephart. Funeral services will
be held: Tuesday, Feb. 20. at 2
, p. m. from " Bigdon's mortuary,
interment : I. O. Ol F. cemetery.
MANLEY At a local hospital.
Friday, Feb. 16, Glenn A. Man-
ley, age 23 years, son of J. W.
Manley and Mrs.. Bertha ' '-E
Manley ,of, this city, brother, of
' Mrs. Dell Potter and Mrs. Maud
Vincent of Salem, - Mrs. Edict-
: Spcrber of Oakland, Cal.. and
Mrs.Mabel Perry" ot Hermit,
' Cal- Funeral services . will be
held Monday Feb. 19, at 2 p.
m. f rom the Rigdon & Son mor
- tuary. Concluding services will
be held at the I. O. O. F. cem-
i etery. . : . . ;
JENSEN At a local hospital, Fri
day, February 16, W. C. (Jen
sen. The body is at the Rigdon
mortuary. t '
Webb & Clough
: Leadins Fcsenl
Expert Exnbaknert ;
Rigdon & Son's
MORTUARY -Uncqualed
Scrvlca V
Coats Lost-4 : ..-f.''-
W. F. Ilickey of 453 Commer
cial found, two brown coats which
someone placed in his truck , by
mistake. ' They were taken to the
police station.
LuCorona- Cigar, lO Cents-
Superior to pre-war quality.
Fined $100 - ' ,
Ed Taylor of Nehama was fined
II 0 0 in the j ustice ' court " yester
day for unlawful possession of
deerhide. The comnlalnt " alleeed 1
that two defendant possessed one I
green dear hide during the closed I
season. lie pleaded guilty to ihe I
Swift's Fertilisers. For : easy
terms, C. S. Bowne, phone 353.
Legal Bbuks ' '
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on
appllcatloil. i
Gets Speeder . ?
Claud Carson was arrested Friday
night by Officer Shelton on a
charge of speeding 34 miles per
hour.5 He was released' on $10
bond and order to appear at a
later date before Judge Poulsen.
LaCorona:' Cigar, lO Cents v ' :
Superior to pre-war quality.
Dr. B. H. White, 0ipUiic-
Physician and surgeon. . Diag
nosis by electronic reactions of
Abrams and oscilloclastic treat
ment. Adv. -' , "'-
Came to Visit Reporter v
. Zell Frances Frxneh : came to
Salem ; yesterday no visit, vthe
statesman reporie.. wno , .jniro-1 per cent. It is the general situa- j by .Klepper, ' providing compen
duced her to the world last No-1 Uon in all' of ; the 27 that makes sation -for sheriffs and deputy
vember. zell Frances is the baDyi
ieit last iovemoer on tne porcni
of Mrs. L. N. French, 1545 South
Cottage street.'. She was then 11
months old. J. O .French is a son
of the lady on whose porch Zell
Frances wis deposited, and he
Uvea at old Grand Ronde, Polk
county, where Phil Sheridan as1 a I
young United States army of fleer
was stationed in the early 'days,
and. where he built a block house
for use in case of trouble with the
Indians a ltd there ' was. some
trouble there, as Oregon history
relates. Mr..' and Mrs. J. O.
French brought ' Zell Frances te
Salem yesterday, to show her tOr
tn reporter of The Statesman
who last November told about her
advent Into general notice by way
of the porch of. the good lady on
bouthsCotUge street. Zell Fran -
I cesv could not tell the name of the!
reporter; out sne attracted , lav -
I orable attention from the wh6ltgfam2 is io attend and exnlaJn the
down-irs otHce;foree
I nas grown o oe a very Drignt
fine looking girl since she has
been & resident of Polk county;.
and she wilt no doubt grow up to
be a good and famous woman -
living next door to old Yamhill,
the mother of Oregon great .men;
or so held in the long, ago.'
Quitting Business -., -""-
Goods at big reduction.
Trover's Art and Gift Shop,
LaCorona Cigar, IO Cent
Superior to pre-war ouality.
I Adv.
Mrs. Cecile Wiegand of Gervais
was a visitor in the city Tester -
day. - -
D. S. Keefer of Kelser district,
was in the city on buslnoes yester-
day'-j ; . - , .
.jars. Minnie u liarr leaves ron
i - j. --m
"r ot general agent for the Cal-
Perfume Co., San Fran
Governor fierce Reprimands
UUicial, but Kebuke
Not Needed, -
Governor Pierce yesterday , ad
dressed a letter to W. E. Crews,
itate corporation commitsioner,
jtating that he had r"ecclved in
formation that since Crews went
into' office he had increased, the i
salaries of certain members of. his
staff. and demanding that he Im
mediately lower them to the point
they were when he took office:
The governor based his letter
on his policy of economy sounded.
during his campaign.
Crews immediately replied, giv
ing ' a detailed statement of his
payroll. This showed that : his
clerk, Mrs. Nell Bell Rowan,, who
Is remaining only - this month,' Is
belnjr paid 650 additional for
month in compensation for
breaking In"; jsome of the new
help, and that another clerk, Mrs.
Ethel Thomas Gittlns had been
granted an increase from 125 to
$150 a month.' In one position in
the office. where the clerk has
been changed, the salary has been
decreased S10 a month. . -v"
The monthly payroll now, which
Crews says Is temporary, is $1125
against $1060 prior to Mr. Crews
appointment. . .. -
In his reply Crews says .he, will
conform strictly to the governor's
Increase of .More Than Mi-
lion Dollars, State Not
- : Responsible. "
' While the neonle of the state
have sent their senators and rep-
resentatives to the legislature un
der. the admonition to reduce tax-
i ation, the ; people , themselves are
not trying to reduce taxes, but on
the other: hand have increased
them over last year by' more than
$600,000, according to figures? in I
the office of the state tax com-
mission This is on the basis - of
27 out ' of the 36 counties that
have reported In. I ?
".The ? 7 counties that have re
ported show a total of $36, 605,-
497.37 In: direct taxes levied on
f holi i . nrnnrtv fnrr tnla nir
against : $35,871.239 83 in the
same counties' last year, an in
crease this year of .$634,25T.54.
This really means an . increase
in these counties of over $1,000,-
000, because the counties, in ad
dition ' to ' going ahead of their
direct taxes of last rear by over
$600,000 have taken ap a decrease
cf more. than $500,000 which the
state has j contrived 1 to cut this
year as compared with last year.
One . item entering, into the. in
crease In direct taxes' in the coun
ties la a special school tax in Mult-
nomah county amounting to 91,-i
000,000. : Som of the coubties
have succeeded in cutting last
year's levy ? some as muclr as 30
the increase. i
-1 The taxes entering Into the cal-
eulation are state, county, school,
roads, cities and towns, irrigation,
drainage and port taxes. ;
I am somewhat , surorised at
these figures,' said Earl Fisher,
state tax commissioner, "because
I believed the, people were Inf. a
I fax saving mood.
These figures
do not show it
Parent-Teachers Talk
on New School Bonds
A Parent-Teacher f meeting f is
called for 7:30 Tuesday evening
I at the Ifincoln schoolhduse. to
j talk over the coming school bond
I election. - f Elmo S. White, chair-
I man of the Chamber of -Commerce
1 committee that first made bublic
the " need and the outlined plan !
1 for the oiic , school buildinz nro-
and its legal,
I property and civic significance
and method of handling. Prof. J.
S. Nelson, of the same high school
is . to present the school needs
as they are seen in the work of
the school executives. . : j
.. A special invitation is extended
to everybody, especially those who
may be doubtful or. even opposed
to the. big building program,! to
attend and hear the iase as it
I Willi be- explained "'. by.fthose who
have madeschool matters a close
studiT Oppdrt'ufnlty will be given
for speaking, or questions on any
point, of; the proposed building
program.! -v ' i
Gbod Eats and Talks
at Chamber of Commerce
1 : ,: - f . ' - t
l .t Tqm Beflnett, of Marshfield, is
I to be the speaker at Monday's
luncheon j at; the Chamber of Com
I merce. , Incidentally he is a mem
ber of the -ibresent state lecisla-
but fenopoay holds that
hnat Mm- he has been a bank-
htm; he has been' a bank
er, and JTtttUclan and a business
man ; andJjB., orator for so long j
that theyfdon't look' after his oth
er handles they all call him
"Tom", or "Tommy,'and follow j
him around watching for things to
happen; which they do.
Two weeks from Monday, ; the
meeting is to be turned over to the
Salem school bond campaign,: to
give the matter a full discussion
Just; before the election; but at
i ? Complete Line
. of late
and '
Overhauled and
Fully Guaranteed
Sent anywhere for
' Examination
Terms : $5 monthly if de
sired.. All models rented
3 months $7.50. t
Remington Agenf s
this time the . assembly Is to dis
cuss ' only frivolous things, like
legislatures, or whatever,. Tom
Bennett wants to say.
The dinner : is to be built . es
pecially" for men with fender teeth?
The bill of fare has-these Items;
Baked Salmon t with ' ; '
. Cream Dressing ,
Candled Sweet Potatoes , . .
Cream Peas ;
" Shrimp Salad
Peach Marmalade Hot Rolls
Pie . . Whole Wheat Bread
Sugar Wafers . Coffee :
, Mixed Nuts and Raisins
Prlrlu'c !rJinnl Rill I
""J -.OWIUUI Dll
May be tieCOnSiaerea
Determined efforts, are toeing
made to muster strength enough
in the house to reconsider the J
vote by.; which Senator Eddy's I
courses ot study, was defeated I
The -bill Dassed the senate at-
ter a prolonged debate, was re-1
pcrted out of the house commit-1
tee on education with a divided I
Vort' and after; tb minority
report In favor of the bill had
been substituted for the major
ity ; report against v it. the bill
was voted ; down ' by 28 votes
aga'nst 26 with ' six absent.
Relief for Widow of
Sheriff Appropriated
The senate yesterday passed!
Senator Garland's bill to appro
priate money for the relief of
Mrs. C. M. Kendell, widow of !
Sheriff Kendell ot Linn county.
The amount is $3000.
I H Sheriff Kendell was killed by !
la v moonshiner. i .
I ' The senata defeated S, B. 101,
sheriffs injured in the line ol
' The senate killed by . Indefin-
its postponement II. B. 118, by
I Meindl, to provide for liens up-
I nn - livestock for feeding , or
I watering.
A Practical" Course j
If you eould have a practical
business training at an aver
age of $3.00 a year, you'd
lose no time in getting it. .
would you? - Yet. - that is
; about' what it will average -when
you figure you will use
it dally ill your life. .
This will be repaid to yoa
teany times in business mat
ters that may arise.". ,You
heed our practical course f or:
ievery-day use, on the farm..--In
the store, or wherever you
may work.
Let us tell you-about our
courses. ,' T-
Capital Business
CoUege '
High Ferry
".; s a,-o;;.;. ' : ."v;v..
Cough Syrup-and
Lung .3alsam. The
kind that cures you
; quick. .'
1 ' . , ' ' ... i .
Drug Store
133 Xorth Commercial St. .
: ' ;
" llione 107
-Note Tickets for this
" " . .
rr - - -, 1
From an. Institution Employee
Editor Statesman;.. . v
The' legislature has seen fit to
cut the salaries of pedple employ
ed lu Btate , institutions whose av
erage wage, amounts to $ 5 j a
month. '-; ,1 feel sure the vost ma
jority of ' these employes (the
writer included j wouidmeei sucn,
obligations cheerfully if there was
anything to be gained by the
much, deserving, and overburden-
ed taxpayer, but. Mr, Editor, the
JemploFeK taxpayer or voter is not
go blind 'and Ignorant as to be-
hPVa that conditions can be lm-
proyed by cutting', the wage.
wounding the; pride, and insult
ing the determination and perse
verance., of the toller and produc-
er wnne our fleeted repreaenta
-'.ir'Ath ttr nfflc-
ials whose -salaries range " from
$200 a month to $10,000 a year
Just as" they are.
The fair state of Oregon has
r " You can da so by means of a Checking
Account. Few bandits will take tha
' trouble to "go after" a man unless they
, are- reasonably certain that he 1 carries c .
1 .' "As soon as you. acquire the .reputation .
of -carrying your money in the form cf .
cash, ypu acquire a . "magnetism" for
r bandits' and burglars. . ; ' . ;
Don't carry cash! Carry a bankbook!'
t puts, the "ban" on bandits.
Come irr today. and . " " . -T
XJnitecIStates National Bail!:;
. . . . f Tha Bank That Cervica Builf i. V
, - -Jlember Federal Beaervi System ' .
the difference
:,- .. v
between success and failure,
.. .you know the feeling, , 5
'. . is the difference between a
y-x . permanent' Home, - t ire-proof,
T'.. . l: fuel savin, cosafcrtable, beau
-and a hnvse.- .
: . ; " It is a' step"
tion, when
hollow building tile
... i -
, rilaybe we can be of service to
- ; , ycu on plans, coma in and see.
1405 N. Front
Salem Artist Series
i . Presents .
j Foremost American Tenor
; : and -1 f
Noted Pianist
iQ -R TJ1. S) n
: t r . ,
Tuesday Evening, Feb. 20
Seats $1.50 and $2.00, plus tax, JMail Orders Now
AL13ERT U. ii ILLE, Treas.
' r, . 1252 Center Street ; V . .
Oo'x Office Seat Sale Armory, Tues., Feb. 20, 0 a. ra.
concert and Alberto Sal vi, world's greatest harpist,
Marcir Ut, &S.50. including tas. '
been subject to catlon-wiie crltl-
cfem thrc;ugh its racial and re
ligious bigotry in recent months,
but nothing ever equaled in . sel
fishness or approached in mean
ness this abominable; act of our
legislators who are still in ses
sion. .
They ' had better reconsider
their decision or come out in tho
open and tell people Oregon is
a good place to get out of and to
stay away froml r,:.
-The Odd .llan.
Is the F2c2
XTader TT.""B. fe(vrtssta' tspTU'.ii
'a -:l ?
On' the Band it z
in -the right direc-
you build with , v
Gravel Co.
Phone ISO
'.'".-'-''.-;' i ------- " .. -
policy of economy. . -