The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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'mm-. '
"1 V 1
j " V
4 . . I (: you ha ve not tried it,- be
; Mire t have Cherro Hot Cakes
. ' for your i S n n d a y " morning
breakfast. You are entitled. to
' the best at least on Sunday,
- . Lse . Chero Pancalre Flour
r.and youwill like tjieju; r ;
r At your Grocer.
1 ' '
: mmm
' If? a j3 IProtn feed that
- sells abouj; equal1 -to ...Milt 'Run,
u t , gives. smijdi Tbett, results,
l-ing a iOfe'JaJaned;( ration.
V Cherro Molasses, feed is. made
of Mill Run, Oat by-Draiduetsy
Cot'oannt M eal, Morasses - Sotr
li&n Mealrand Oil:Meal;- f )
k We have, sold niany Carload
recently and it is a very satis
. . factory feed.; ',". -iiSx ;"
It does not 'pay to feed Mill
r Ron as long as. we have Cherro
Molasses feed. -. - , ; ;
At mosteed dealers, and ; -
f- nrr
iff -''' :
- I
f I tl I". -
fc . ; You cannoUaff ord. to .take, .a
. chance M'ithyour,chicks.;.Thfere
; " is nothing that will help to save'
"the baby chicks, . more than
, ' clean, pure and wholesome
$ feeds. 4 !v';?V I
, Cherro Chick, feed and
- i Cherro Chick Mash are feeds
, that will put your chick over
s to pullets with the . snytUest
possible loss and you can save
a little nibriey besides.
- I. -At most eedmen and- '
4 mig- 4. w -
i v
: R
Adele jQarrUoa's New Phase of
"Will 'have carbon track in a
few days. Reserve your orders.
.Empire Landpl aster is fine and
uniformly milled, absolutey
guaranteed to be . free ' from
lumps, Gypsum - value 93.499&
Highest on market at . ,j
. .' : "'. - . " .: f .
- The Durkee home, like the one
ia whick we lived in JJarrin, la! a
rather ancient itructure.Vand i te-
mlnda one Irresistibly ot, Dickens'
Rlak House" in its unexpected
passages, its- steps h u p ; and down
into, odd Jlttlo rooms - ana lis
wings, thrown out? from the orig
inal, main. buiMiag,i
It was . throagh one oi . inese
dark passages "thatjre followed.
Edith Fairfax and; energea ac ;. v
rears oifWiw, nuw w no
where, m the eunin uays wnen
mr father made his t temporary
home here,, bis treacherous, orien
tal man-serva been joagea.
As I remember i the '.place-
when after the, man's departure
npon bis exposure byAlln Drake
we visited his quarters he a
ond story of the rear wing was
divided into, three tlay rooms. of
no particular-, beauty or utility,
by wooden oartitionsJ These -1
now saw had been taken down.
the .three rooms ; thrown Into oae
patently the original design of
the builder andu a skyiiht cut
Into the root- at. one end ? ; i if
I wThe result was a really com
modious studio apartment, lum
LHkAd with the deliahtTul!old ma-
hoKanv . which I remembered see
ing, the 8tudio apartmeat
which thai Fairfax sistera. bad
shared- in the city and to which
ihey haa . brought' the few rare
pieces of furniture and china sai-
vaeed from the financial wreck or
theif lathera home in Virginia, i ,
Some one. Edith, of course, had
arranged them Into a marvellous
ly close reproduction of the New
York studio home. . I . guessea
tha the. loving elder t sister had
planned this .room purposely, .so
that if Leila ever felt strange or
homesick In her. nefw life she
would have this refuge in "which
to pull herself together; again.
- i Mrs. Durkee evidently saw wnat
I ' did and . gave utterance tQ.her
vision In astonished accents 1
'' t i f - ' - -'' ' l
"She'll Probably Need It." fj
. 1 .!
Why. it's Just like your New
York studio! However did i you
do it?' I just turned the carpenf
ters over to her.r she said to as
apoipgeicayy:i4wAsorUusy n
th a otlwtr ! rooms. . and I had - BO
Jdek, .what.lBhe iwas tiring .up d
here. t It's wonderful what you've
accomplished, Edith. , She ; -can
come back here and forget ; she's
married.'' -fk:jtiijKA-,y , ?
; : "She'll -probably need it." Th?
caustic words leaped, I . knew,
without volition. frpm Edith Fair-
faxs lips, for the next, instant she
had camouflaged, Chem, with a
laugh: '"-J- .T-;4;l,--:. y
. . It was a sorry efforts however,;
and I saw little Mrs. Durkee .ruffle
no nka an offended bantam: There
.still remained, however the. start
led 'look in her -eyes .which bad
come -there 'at Edith's - behavior
when Che color scheme of Leila's
roomi was. made .known to her,
and I knew that the little woman
beneath . her surface- resentment
was .busily engaed .in con Jectu re
and in questioning her own wis
dom. ' '. . 1
i,i She. has one of the tenderest
hearts in the world, this oftlmes
proTOklna littler neigbbor ot mine,
and . it. can . be . counted upon to
sway her a.ctIons-1-trnIe8s her pos
itively, mulish obstinacy is. Arous
ed then there is no hope of stir
ring her: from the- path she -has
chosen,' SL f erventl j hoped there
would be no further speech whlch
might arouse her resentful obstln-
acyw: r-Si Vi J' -
, If was Lillian, again, who di
verted all our minds by pointing
a dramatic forefinger toward a
large and beautifully decorated
screen, which, stood in front of a
recess in the apartment. Evident
ly It was a closet, the partitions
of which had been torn down. , !,
A Real Kitchenette. -
"Don't ; tell 1 me, Edith,", she
eTied, "that you; actually have; a
kitchenette up ;here!"
Edith ; smiled no one "ould
have helped It at .Lillian's tone
and walked toward the screen.
"Come and see," she Invited.
We crowded around her, "and
exclaimed : in wondering admira
tion at the stationary washstand,
its porcelain spotlessly 'white, its
faucets shining,; the tiny, kitchen
table With electric cooking things
in orderly array ' upoa it, and a
small wall cupboard,, with 'all the
requirements tor exceedingly light
housekeeping. -1 ' . i f
"You know? little Mrs. . Dur
kee . announced, when she had
caught her breath., 'I believe this
house was a boarding house at
one time!. .The, woman. who kept
it fixed these rooms up either, for
herself or for th-j help she wad
obliged to keep. - At any rate.
there's a; fairly . good , bathroom,
through that; door" she pointed
to the rear of V the apartmeht
"and this washstand .was -in that
room. . But, as I told Edith,, she
might as well get the. good of it,
for. goodness kftows,there isn't a
chance in the world of our , ever
having' a'-maid. You and Lil
pet tishly ?'ha ve -. the only help
there is left in -the world,5 and.' to
tell you the truth, I-wouldn't have
either one-of m as a : gift' ; '.
, I guessed that Lillian . was mski
ingthe same (strenuous, effort to
control 'heTflsIbles at imT'. littT
neighbor's feline., thrust, thatj was
occu pying . my t own , , attention.
That Mrs. Durkee. though stead
fastly, refusing. to. be , '.'bothered'
with' a maid, has always 4een
childishly Jealous of Katie's de
rotlon to me, I have long known.
, Bnt'hH catty' little'; outburst
was a . distinctc rellef? to ; me. . I
knew that Jnto it-she had 'thrust
the . irritation which might other
wise have strengthened her ; ob
stinacy .concerning the $ decora
liona of Ledlaa room. , And. I was
rapidly ." develop.lns . what Dicky
palls ' my "fool . hunches"
concerning ner proDanie action in
that direction.; ' f
, " (To be continued.)
s r X '
!.I suppose; ther named the baby
after their wealthy aunt, hoping
she'll . leave something.' - : '
"No,, they named it after the
cookf hoping ahe wouldn't leave."
Boston Transcript, i1" ' . ..
' I
- t t ' ;
6 mm 1 1 4
I !
h ' 5 -Jr. i
hi . 1 if
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I t
It i
fe 1
II :
What Auto Industry Is' Doin
to the World's Supply
of Petroleum. .
V-fcirti8:Vi:iJ)rtf--iUf"- ij
- . . . . . . .. , i. .
'. A sew and exclusive portra if
Mr. Stanislas Wojclechowski. the
new President of the Republic Of
Poland, who succeeded Dr. Gab ell
Narutowlez who was assassinated
'' Salem, car users had., a .rare
privilege Friday. iin- hear! ngf arid
seeing". R. F . Overlook, oil . expert,
in a lecture and stereoptlcon show
at the Bligh theater. He travels
partly under?; governmental aus
pices, and rshows a : government
film ta- depicting the gas -and
lubrication -business j The auto
motive .engineering school dls
missed and. attended in a I body;
and garage men and. car owners
made up a good audience, , ,
; n r.;Oils From Three Bases .' i 1
Lubricating oils, said . this .oil
expert, are classed, under three
heads: . from paraffin base crude,
from mixed base crude, and from
asphalt crude. Oil of the first
class is : found "'in Pennsylvania,
western New York, eastern Ohio,
West 'Virginia, Kentucky and
Tennessee. . Oil from a mixed
base Is found in :A western Ohio,
Iowa, Illinois, , Oklahoma, north
ern Texas,. . northern Louisiana
aqd Wyoming. ?i t ,
Oils . from the . strictly . asphalt
baser come from .lower Texas and
Louisiana. . Arkansas, Kansas, Cal
if orala and MxRco..- Total , pit
production for . the', United, States
in 121 "was 7T6 'million 'barrets
or three-fourths ef the world's
output o5 petroleum" ln addition
90 million ' barrels were fm ported
from 9 Mexico.; Figures; on t the
amount exported are uot at bnd
but.tbe demand equals production
at present. . '
More Oil Needed "'- ' 1
.Men of forethought are almost
unanimous in tfie opinion that in
!he future we will either have to
Import' more crude oil or turn to
developing our shale rock resour
ces,. of Which we have- many mil
lions tof, tons. This' shale': Is an
on-bearing jrockj , which . - occurs
chiefly ia Colorado and Wyom
ing, , The oil,, situation.' is '. one of
national. Importance, ,f or . every
piece of machinery 'depends- upon
lubrication., far .its efficiency -and
this is truly a mechanical age.. '
One 4f the- causes-of Germany's
downfall In - the WorJd : war ;vas
her ,h industrial u breakdown, . to
whlcbner laek ot, lubricating: oil
for locomotives and machinery
was- j; .centributlng .ause.rt pisf
pute f over, the .possession .off cer
tain oil, regions An. the Near East
Is ; one . of the difficulties Europe
is ' trying to settle at . presents 'I A.
getieral impression seems, to pre
vail that Pennsylvania does: not
Orbdlira -Annnrh inf i ih : nunffln
base, oil, but in the Appalachian
range, there, is enough of this type
of crude oil to supply, the, demand.
At the present time Scotland .de
pends uppn,-its shale rocjr for the
production pfj ctude'-olLV ,
- . :. - -f.i
a Through the processes, of refin
ing the gasoline used in, motors Is
produced. .There -are three gene
ral (classes; easing . headrf igas,
which is made frem the gas from
the oil . well and Is used for blend
ing; purposes only; straight -mn
gas, the old fashioned or true gas
oline, ' and cracked blend - gas;
which is a mixture lot all - three
kinds, i The ..cracked, blend ' gas is
made f ronii fuel oil "wblch is brok
en , up by heat and pressure into
hydro carbon. , Its chemical .for
mula is close to that ot true-gas-
This 'cracking process" led J"to rthe
increased production of gas and
is used by some of the larger com
panics who can af ford 'to get the
expensive equipment; ." T ' ";a ' 1
, -T"he gasoline now- sold contains
about ".one-third of what, used to
bet called s kerosene ."Before the
advent of the automobile gaaoljne
was " that 'portion of - crude oil
which 'boiled," - under ,300 decrees
FJi- Nowadays it is that portion
which boils under 450 degrees F.
and, la va ' much jleaderi gas - than
then former. v., Lpwexii(g pf-g tfto
quality of ; gas. has made:4remep
dous -.demands on the- carburetor
engineer, who has - had. to .work
overtime .designing, .equipment to
handle that .type of f ueL
I':'.' : f ."
. :SILVERTON Or.. Feb. 17.
(Special 4 to""' The Statesman.)
Mrs.'. Adolph, ;Torgerson has . re
ceived a shipment, of White .Leg
horncockerels ifrom the Briggs
Poultry Farm' at Walker. Ore-
Lgon. Mrs. Torgerson is a daugh
ter I of .'Mr. Briggs - and .before
coming -to SJlverton she ' managed
the . i- incubating la and ' : brooder
rooms of ' the t Briggs ..Poultry
Farm. 'j Mrs.; Torgerson says she
expects to start: a strong compe
tition jwitlv her .father. ,, v,. f v
Osteopathic' Board Is
Approved by Senators
" -- - " ' "-
The senate " Saturday . passed
Senator-; Robertson's' bill - to -ere-ale
a state, .board . of ; osteopathic
physicians which previously had
been gabled.. Senator . Robertson
contended, that . under the mixed
board system no wt in vogue there
Is -discrimination? against osteo
paths; ' Senator Smith -declared
that to pass the bill meant the
lJcensJng of. "incompetents. ,
Senator Tooze. withdrew. .,h i s
bill which, proposed ,to prohibit
th' use of seines, traps or- fish
wheels -for " catching salmon in
the waters of Oregon or waters
over wliPch the state has i con
current. Jurisdiction, j it
Statesman Advertising-
Man Is Honored
Thomas ,D . Pot win, a member
of the --staff 'of the" Statesman,
was elected as an honorary imem.
ber of Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic . ;r trater
nity, at the meeting Wednesday.
3tlr.-.Potwin Is . vice. ; president . ot
the ' Oregon State editorial asso
ciation and a .former, editor ot
tl.e Albany- Evening. Herald. - :;
Iinp ortant To All Yr - -; .1
'Rentiers of 71 j V. :r
Thousands .upon., thousands . of
women have kidney or bladder
trouble and "never suspect St. " "
.Women's complaints often rrora nothing, "else .but ' rry
trouble,';' er the ? result of kidnVy
or bladder disease. :s
If the . kidneys . are : not in a
healthy, condi tlon, they
the other organs to become dis
eased. - '"-
You may suffer pain. In, the'
back, headache ' and loss of am
bition. ' ' - - -
f . Poor - health : makes y ou n e rv
ous, irritable and may be des
pondent; .it" makes any one so. .
-. But hundreds of women - c'ifri
that Dr Kilmer's .Swamp-PvOot. 1 y
restoring vhealth . to the .kidney s,
proved .to, be.sthej rer!y
needed to overcome such conai
Uons. j ;.;:iV-J -' ---'Many
send for a sample bottle
tol see J what Swamp-Hoot, ' t- d
great iJdney. . liver : ani II2 " r
medicine, will) do ; fpr rttera, .; Jy
enclosing ,10 cents to; Dr Kilmer
& Co.,' BinghamptjOn. N. Y yc 1
mayreceive sample size bottle L;
parcel,' post. ; . You can pure '.
medium, and.large size bottles at
all -drug-stores.--Adv.-" -
intte to UrA awl M tauicS
Boaa.- Mtcd ttk Rlu H.lln,. '
Tk Mhr. Py 4f Tm r W
rt. AiV tat I il nVswTER H
Patrbriiie 'Home Indust
- f- T y ,
k7 :.
i ;
-f't -j-:
' h :I i
- ' 4
1 . .
i .i.
Get a
At Factory Prices ;
Made in Salem
'803 "If. "Liberty Street
' Phone 1048-M r
The' only complete stock carried in .Salem, includ
ing Garden Fertilizer, Berry Fertilizer, Fruit Tree Fer-.
tilizer. Onion Fertilizer, Corn' Fertilizer,' LaW Fertilizer,
Nitrate of. Soda, Muriate - of Potash, Acid . Phosphate,'
Sheep Guano, Tankage,' Sulphate Of Ammonia, lime Fer-
tilizer, Plant Fertilizer, etc. 7 Baying .'in large lots, you
will find our prices are right and the quality the best:
on ine marKeu ; . :
. Eond iPHaolteir ,
r JA large' car load now in and can fill any sized order.
Price lower than last year and ' quality the 1 very best.
glad to advise you. what kind will give you the best re-suits-
on different land on the different crops. .
;tCall and talk-it over 'with us.
; v . ; 1 , , ... . . .t,. ... . .
Q. A. "JE5JTE &
Phone 160
261 State St.
-s. vp--J 1 t 5 4 rp-r I - : --t. Jirr 'r f f 1 tr? 'V' -
t - -.. ,, ,:,... . ,....,. .,....... j .. ... : . . .-. ..... '.-.:'. !'' f- ', .
Thousands of shoe buyers haw
heard :ot:pnces to ell oes t thts u
crowii r toribrfow;
1 .1 Florsheim Men's SKoes i
. "VVe will place'the liigh "shoes in
this famous line?on?sale for just
10 days. You can select any pair
of brown, tan, black kid and-kan- '
garoo, in all the new styles, regular
$10 grades at -
, . J , Men s Dresi Shoes ;:: -
Black and brown, all lasts, brok
en i lines, . 8, ; $9 - and $10 grades,
10-day close-put at.
Men s Brown Calf 16-mch Boots:
.We have a few pairs covering all
sizes of mens boots that are fine"
for farm wear,,: or "boys school
wear, regularly sold up to $12. Take
your: choice while ,they last at "
Ladies' High Top Boots
We have broken lines of,, high;
boots, for girls and women,; after 1
our heavy -winter selling, priced up ,
to' $10. Close out at , t ;
$5.95 and $7.95
! i Ladies' House Slippers ; ; -
", We have 1 ladies house slippers in ,
; both the soft soles and hard soles ;
with heels, all colors, all sizes, over
500 pairs to select from.;? Regular
. $2 and $2.50 quality to close out
Ladies New Pumps and Oxfords;
We" are going t to make; one big
lot .of : Ladie3 ? 'patent and kid ;
pumps, oxfords in brown .calf pat-'
. ; ent, also brown and black kid,
ranging in jprice from. $7 to $10..
. These are not old styles or broken .
lines. - A long line of lew heeled
oxfords in. alii. leathers for young,
ladies. . This entire lot goes at
psck!(ilf :SlweV
' Ai real close-out in boys shoes,
$4 values, all sizes, from If to 6V?
while they last; go at :
;vr:'i-fXaadwn'siles ":zV0
We have one 'of jthe largest stocks :
of children's shoes in the city and?
every f pair ' is ' guaranteed to give
full value in wear for every cent
invested. 'We can not quote.price3
here but ' are giving large reduc
tions on all shoes. Prices range:
from"5' 'T :';:h''' : - -.. " .
$1:95! to$4i05
Ladies' Wide; Toe Shoes -
We have an extra good "wearing
.wMe plain-toed low heeled shoe for
old ladies with, rubber, heels, an 5
extra good $4 value. in this sale at-
Women's Dress SKoes
i All i sizes- cloth tops, in - grades
up to $12. These are high grade
shoes, well made but not the new
est, style. These shoes will be
closed out at 4 . . '"...-'".
Women's tiress Shoes
, ,Blackf and "brown kid, also calf,
in "most sizes anl a number of , different-
styles - to select f rom, go' in
this ten-day close-out, up to $10
grades at - - ?
La'dies' Brown Calf Shoes
ir'fiie. calf (shoejwith low rub
ber heels. There ares all sizes in
this lot, but? only a -' ; few dozen
pairs ; a fine $6 shoe, ten-day close-
out at - ; - , .
yJladles'Tniiclc'lud- Fiin?
5 -Wenave 'alafgene of tvro
"strap jpLum'ps in a very cornfortal! j
last, a belting solemedium toe, en
extra $5 value goes' at ' . -
!LaSes'llcusyySt::3 ; ,
We have an easy black kid she 2,
rubber heels. A very neat shoe
made up with a tip andcxib!2
.turn sole, This is solid comfort in
every ,way ; $5 , value, close-out ,
price .
Boys' Browa iDoySccutLccs
This is : the,j shoe, the boys
and will wear just one-half longer
than .aiiy other : shoes f or $ 5 ; f o
close out in this sale
TSoys'UlaclslIress SLccs
. We have a higTi grade calf,
iiim wide toe, lace, Blucher Excel
sior shoes, the best $5 shoes c!d
- in Salem. We - Will close i all
sizes in this style for
Boys' Heavy Everyday She es
Heavy shoes in. black calf with :
-doubleoles; a winter, shoe sold at
$5. Only a few sizes to close out
while they last. Sizes from 1 to
6, goat " ' '
Children's House Slippers
: We have all- colors all patterns,
all sizes in children'3 felt slippers,
sold regularly at ;$1.75 to $2.00,
our close-out price v
95 c
Dr. WilKam
. Dr. Williams expert ;
foot specialist, CJonsul-
tation free. Consult him
about your feet. He re !
moves corns, , treats i bun- ''
ions and - fits arch) j sup
ports. All foot troubles -f
scientifically, treated., . ?
- t)j """ST"
AI; "Repair
The "beat repair wcrk
. In the . city. We I lizvo
put in new machinery
and have the bert ma in
the city- Try us ence.
If it is not tl:3.-tcst-re-:
pair work, ycu ever. fcd
we .will, not .ask,, anctLcr.
chance. - - - -
lian she turned to ; jne a; .bit