-v- I I i f " T.,.4k. CLASSIFIED AJJVXRTISXHXNTS S Thra InaartiAita . fio . 8a 20 1S .He On WMk (six insertions) fcU Matin' contract. pr mo. Minimum log any adtvi-tisemeat 2 5c NORWICH UNION FffiD INSURANCE SOCIBTT I Resident Agent -- 371' jate St. MONEY TO LOAN , On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd & Bush Bank) NEW TODAY FOR SALE WHITE LEGHORN COCK erels. From a good taring a train. Phone 177W6. . - - v V ,. I ... . for rent purnished hocsS keeping rooms. Also furnished 'two room bona, gas. Call 4620 Court St. BAWA CLEANERS AN DYERS Suit cleaned and ' pressed 91.50 I'rompt nd efficient , service. Phoas 18i ; : I - N ., .- - - "WASTED itOTOBOYCLE THAT' WILL pull side ear. Matt be cheap and bargain, ' Git 11 information first letter. "W'f ear Statesman. Km REST 25 ACRES 1-4 MILE north, ( 6 hair, 4 aeiw bearin nranes, 1 Vs acres kfsaa, a . acres cherries and . apples, balance of plac. seeded. An-; deraoa A Rupert. 400-7, Oregoa Bids. INDUSTRIOUS COLORED MAN WANTS bo-ia cleaning and odd Jobs. Phone 477. ' V f. . - , , ; : . FOR LEAS ACRES IMPROVED ear city. Call 1S8M between lO and 13 or a and 4 Sunday. . j FOR RENT 8-ROOM TTJRNJSHED heated apartment, 1040 Leslie St.' ' ' FOR RENT a ROOMS, DOWNSTAIRS apartment, furnished. Call 844 North front street. WE ARB PREPARHD TO WRITE windstorm insurance., A considers W damage f done srery 'winter - season, wj protection ia dirt aheap. Get -a T tiey today. SUadley- Foley, Attn. D0X.T FORGET TO REGISTER MON csy for the sew shorthand class at the Capital Business College. THS BEST AUTO BUT tS SALEM. Compelled to aelt it one a fine 6- c? Under CO model ear. New California 1 style plate glass top, and curtains . o-seninx wita doors, cnt down for camping; aew paint. Car easily worth ; twice what I ana asking; 8600 cash ttkes It. i Seeing ie belieTing. Call at " once. 441 N. High, fit. : ILSATi BARGAIN 5 ROOM .HOUSE, modern except hardwood' floors: datch k tchen, eement basement. Karaite: aear hue and one block to pa rem ant; v 42500, rood terms; 6-room house, bath. ! tc let. electricity, corner lot, graveled eSreet. 81450; 8300 cash. A. W. ESTE8 REALTY CO. :-)- -E2 3 Oregoa .Building. ,..-...,..,. Phona 975 - CHOOSE YE 1 CHOOSE YE Owner of that fine corner lot en Lefelle and 9. Commercial street writes me to sacrifice and sell it. Ill health de TirsaUa the sacrifice. If you don't' be lieve it, see men and I wilt satisfy yon. If yo do belter it, and can ne it. eeo me. and yen will bay it. William l ieming, 841 .c Bute 8t. ' CAN USS A FEW IMORB WOOD CHOP, pen. Good timber, lone Job; 228 Ore- jfoa BIU4.' ' ' SALESMAN WANTED FOR WILLAM rtf Valleir territory. Hirhest . class seilin; knows: rood commission. eolemiil opportanity for advancement. Call ilr. Stark at Terminal hotel r at S49 North Commercial street, any time thie week. REAL ANTIQUES IN OLD WAfJfUT farBiture: jnst reeeired a number of pieces. Giese Farnitare Co, 873 Court AUCTION SALE SATURDAT." 24TH AT 7:30 p. m. Oleooa' a An to Exchange. 173 . Liberty St. , CAN GST YOU A TjOAN ON GOOD ral r chattel security. John H. Scott, 223 OresoQ Bldg. TALLSfAN PIANO STORE PIAXO barramst 8500 piaso. S153; $5 down. i.50 pr week; 8800 player piano. . f 3 J5, tlO down. 83.50 per week; 8450 piano, lika new, $298. 8 down. 12.00 per weeks 895 8. 12th St. TENT JIOUSE FOR SALE OR BENT j ntj terms; desirable building lot. W, li. Trains. 823 North Commercial St. YICK BROTHERS USED . CAR BULLETIN :- -1D20 Ford Track with license and body -,- 1350 1319 Ford Track, Stake body and esb 1 . ' ,,, ' , . ,- 30Q lMO Ford Touring , ... , .250 191 S Fwl Tcwring . .... ia5 1920 ChTolet Touring 22.1 lft?-! Oreriand Roadster- 450 19 21 Orerisad-4 touring . ....... ...... '85 1919 Chevrolet DeHTerr ,u n. .f..' 191S fctadsbakT Touring ... 15Q Ao'l but others at attrartire prices 1 - YICK BROTHERS . , . ) IlisA' StreeV a't Trade. .. . -1 V t. . ' AVb snodera 6-room house on soldier tosa "p'an. . t - ' - " - t Wsnt $ iOoO loan on good raneh -eleso to baiem. . - 5- room ttense. 91250, . 1-4 easb. balance monthly. . 6- room honse 91600, 1-4 cash, balance monthly. ... honse. modern, garage, fruit. 83000. terms. . 15 a-crea. bearing prases, bearing eaerrie. 14. logs as. 11-8 pastare, " bonce, tarn, horse. 4 miles from ladd , Bosh bank. 98500. 93500 cash or - wui sell oa soldier loan and small easa payment, balaneo easr terms " i .eOCOLOFSKY M lr ; 841 Stota ROOM HOUSE SUiTABfa FOR FOUR apartments, modern, large lot and fine fruit, pared street, street car line; good iareotment for 98500. S18 Oregon, pid.,. '.., Pettyjc Mohn ct Mbuser SOME GOOD BUYS CLOSE IN SIX . roora house oa North Wiater street. 8i000 down; price 94000: also honse r 9 - rooms, tot lOOxlOO feet. 84500. . terms. Dandy modern bungalow. ' & room. S2800. Cosy cottars, two lots. one block off State etreet. 82400. half easn. C no ice lota oa pared streets. 175 and an. One acre good land and bandinES, 82500. Shan 70 aerea well improved. 97600 and 42 acres en How- e 1 Prairie at 9125 per acres 34 seers plow land, fair buildings, 83500. trade for eky. . l&O-aere atock ranch. Tilla . snook county, 91600; trade for acreaze. will pay difference. List your bargains . wuo. Cauda BeehtsL 540 State St. ' For Exchange T f T-t 1 ft-im fama- t. : - miles east, for city -i property ; te'dia wasnn ana maeatnery on.. Place. Anderson & Rupert Oregon Bldg. rt"- 8-Pooni modern bonso," compleielv forn- 1 1... L 1 . L , . . . . nu, vm mni erreei ana car line. 11 .swM ia next few days owner will take ; Thjomason StM-i Stale Stref - . ; trie nest buy in baiem " rnrnn strtrtlv asodera bome ia East Sa I - 1. besatiful grounds aad everr fes t yo would ask for ia a pn-to Pettviohn & Mouser ' Crtfrn Z:i. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON EMPLOYMENT UALB MEN WANTED r FOR DETECTIVE 'work. - xperienee paneceMary. Write J. Ganor, former goTtrnment detectire. be. Xionis. RAIliWAY MAIL CLERKS START ' 9183 -month: railroad pass : expenses paid. Speeimea questions free. Colum bus Institute, Columbus. Ohio. 9100 - TO 9300 A WEEK MEN WITH slight knowledge Of motors who can reach ear owners can earn 9300 week ., ly without making a single sale. If , they can also make sales-profits may reach. 825,000 yearly. Only proposition of its kind ever offered. Phillips. 22 J . West 23ta 8U N. Yv ' SHIRT MANUFACTURER WANTS . agenta to sell shirts direct to wearer. Earn big money. Be your own boss. No , experience or capital required. Write for. free samples. Madison Mills, S07 Broadway, New York. 1 s WOOD CUTTERS WANTED TO COT 100 to 500 cords fir aad oak. Abrama, -' 315 Swath Commercial etreet. EN 18 TO 85 BECOME RAILWAY mail . clerks. ' Commence 91600 year. Common edncatioa sufficient. Speei mea examination -questions free. vVrito immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 859T, Rochester, NJ Y. FEMALE WB NEED IMMEDIATELY ! LOCAL saleswoman and district managers. Permanent connection.' Extraordinary opportunity. Splendid earnings.4 Intel ligence surpasses experience. Wsshing- . toa Co., 614Y Rust Bldg.. Taeoma. Wn. WANTED WOM1TN TO DO FANCY work at home. Good pay. Materials ' furnished. Setf-addresswd stamped en - Telopes brings particnlars. Florence ; Art Goods Co., Cambridge. Ohio. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO .', sell Edana Hosiery. Write Mrs. Theo desia Coaaer, 1089 .Fremont St Port-- laad, Oregon. - - 1 V ; MALE AND FEMALE TYPISTS EARN 825-9100 WEEKLY, . spare, time, copying anthors' nisnu ; cripts. Write R. J. Carnes. anthora' agent, Tallapoosa, Ga for particulars. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE eaa furnish yon with stenographers, ' payroll clerks. bookkeepers. bank ' clerks, accountants, and all clerical assistants. Write, phono or wire us. '..815 .Wilcox, Bldr-. Fortlsnd. . Oreroa. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO - take farm paper' subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Ad ores the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bid., Salem, Or. ; 1' " AGENTS WANTED AGENTS THE LEADER" 83.95 Tarnooat. Erery won bnya. Commla aions . adranced. We deliver and col lect: 930 daily profit easy. Globs Raincoat, 1315 So. Oaktey. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED 918-925 DAILY TAKING ORDERS FOR . nationally knowa . 93.98 high . grade raincoats from our. factory. Cbmmis- ' sions advanced. Outfit free; promot de liveries.! Eastern Raincoat Co.. manu facturers, . 813-921 ; Roosevelt Rosd. Chicago. . ' . A WHOLESALE HOUSE DOING A NA- tional business will place a salesman in . Oregoa. This - opentnr offers 1 an A-l man a permanent and most profitable connection aa the five leading retail trades ia every town are onr prospects and . customers. Address The Mile r. Bixler Co.. . Dept. 843 1924 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland, O. " "-r: SALESMEN t EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR- : tunity; bustler earnings big. Write McClcery Calendar Factory, Wasaing too, Iowa. .r ' , . 1 PERSONAL worn a you i write j a wealthy. pretty girl! "stamped envelope please. Lois JSproal, Cleveland, Ohio. THB LEADING MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Best. largest: established 19 years. Thousands wealthy members wish, mar riage. Confidential description free. t Only honorabje. -sjneero people of both sexes need -write: 1 The Old . Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble. Box 26. Oakland, California. - : ; : ? MARRY IF LOXELY MOST SCCCESS- snll "Horn Maker;", hundreds rich; strictly confidential, reliable: years ex- perience; descriptions free. "The Sne ' cessful Club," Mrs. Nash. Box 559 Oakland, California. GET MARRIED BEST; MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for atamp. Cor respondent, Toledo. Ohio. . CATHOLICS, WISHING TO MARRY. . Booklet free. . Address Horn Uknb, T-.-Box 23. Grand Rapids. Mica. "(W0 WIDOWS 43 AND 50. OWN fine farms ia Oregon and Washington. Worth 915,000 or 820,000 each, want husbands. Gents writs enclosing stamp. Clnb Box 8125V (2521), Portland, Ore. MARRY MEMBERS WORTH 9 1000 -TO 950,000 waiting. Satisfaction gusrsn ' teed. . Send stamp for information. Smith, Box 8125V, Portland, Ore. MARRY FOB WEALTH. HAPPINESS Hundreds rich, attractive, congenial. wuung so vn. rsoios urt; iv jm 'Shim Bldg., Loa Angeles, CaL - VP YOU WISH A WEALTHY YOUNG wife write ma enclosing stamped en velope. Violet Kays. Uenniaon, Uhio, aC FOR SALE BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND.- 275 STATE. OF fers Collie paps, 95 to 915; one male , Colli H months old, very good; Toy terrier, 95; Toy Silk Poodle, 915; tame monkey, 925. Gavieav 81 each. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific - Homestead, Salem,' Oregoa, for a three . months trial subscription. . Mention POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO seat stamp for special thro months' trial for the beat aad oldest journal ia the west. The articles and advertise ments arc of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, til Oom- mereial street, Salem, Oregon. - ' LIVESTOCK FIGS FOR SALE PHONE 105F11. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GET DIRECT CONNECTION WITH MAN . at the mines and benefit, accordingly. V Writs today giving details business ex perience. C. M. Garrison, Bayard. New PIANOS USED CH1CKERINO GRAND. IN GOOD shape. Will give soma terms. H. L. Stilf rnrniturs Co. s FOB SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left as -to sell. Price 8 ZOO terms. U. L. Stiff Furaitars Co., Ma ;' ate department,, , - . . r . ' POULTRY BUY YOUR BABY CHICKS FROM TTIE White Hatchery, member of the Sono ia County Farm Bnrcsa Accredited Hatcheries. Alt flocks approved .by iarm Bureaa Inspector. Wo handlt, a credited "A" grade chirks, and "A"A" grade for the poultryman who wants . something better.- Write at oae for '.. lalormatioa, prices, etc Wlut Hatch j cry. PetaJuma, OiUif, . t . - WOOD Best Grade Mill Wood ; Pour ft. 1 le iocii dry alU twL - wt'ttl-s tma t;il om4 , . - , . . i - w fk VCIS SS11I S WW " Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. '",'! . "SV,U' u5 8. Chare. Phone FOR SALE MTSCELLANEOUa WANTED ONE OR TWO CHILDREN to cars for; private family. Apply 195 N. Front St, room 4. f GET YOUR YTT AMINES BY EATING Greenwood Cottage Cheese.. I is de livered fresh daily to your groqer. from a modern sanitary dairy. - j APPLES 75e PER BOX; 3 FOR 83.00 fAAlf fUlt,UM ' 75A MKCIT. M AllVrl Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Ni Front. Phono 44. FOR SALE GOOD BLACK DIRT. ORE goa Transfer A Storage Co.. or at 17th and Court streets, Salem, ; j - Beautiful Oregon ' Rose and eleven other Oregon song, together with a fin collection ox patriotic songs, sacred songs and many old-time favor itaa. - 1 ALL FOB 25s ; (Special prices ia Quantity lota) . Especially adaptable for school, - eommaa- ity or bom singing. Send for 1 Western. Songster 78 pages, now in its third edition. Pnblished by .. j OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY IB S. Oomioereial Sa. . Salem, Ore, FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Circulation department. Oregoa Statesman. Lxi CALL, SEND OR PHONE FOR ESPRIT cr Amour Toilet, requisite aw tne Flower-in-the-Bottle Perfume Shop; 115 N. Liberty St. s - I r FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT, 891 NORTH Commercial. FLATS FOR RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM flat at 666 K Ferry street, 835 a month, partly furnished; will: furnish further, if desired. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 23.) 1 FOR RENT COMPLETELY , FURNISH- ed modern five-room flat at 6644 Ferry street, 950 a month. Immediate possession. Apply at statesman busi ness ot nee, or phone 23. HOUSES FOR RENT-1 ONE OF NICEST) HOMES in city. -. Also wanted, good drag ssw. Inquire, Fitshngh, 1483 D street. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage with large sleeping porch, at 635 North 16th street. Partly furn ished, 935 a month. Apply at States man business office, or phen 23.: xooua WANTED FOUR PEOPLE FOR MEALS Call 195, N. Front St room d. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Mod ern, Mrs. Henry Rows, 580 North 12th street. ' . j THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; NO cmidren. uall ia afternoon; ,715-Cea-ter street, ' PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR RENT 98 jPER MO. tx. ij. etui jraraiture uo. .WAimp MISCELLANEOUS OLD . MATTRESSES MADE ) OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phono 19. - WANTED rFURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC, "aon 511. ; , , WANTED MODERN TWO OR THREE- room yapartment by Monday, Feb. 19. Phone 1500. - f v WANTED EVERYTHING! IN HARD- vare and farnitor. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE i A FURNITURE CO. S8S N. Oommareial St. , . I Phono 647. WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR- niture, tools. miscellaneous articles- Phone 1440. . . ; - ' ; WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA- cninery. atocic. etc. wiu pay for eaaa or aell on commission. i Piiona 511. Woo dry, the auctioneer. ' BUSINESS CARDS ACETYLENE WELDING IRON STEEL, BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gas Heatiag Co. bst Mart. AUCTIONEER . AUCTIONEER F. N. WO0DRY, THE livestock, furniture, real estate auc tioneer. Phone 511 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. COL. J. B. GABLE - AUCTIONEER farm and city sales. 160 8. High. Phoas 1448., -.,--.-? : 1 - G. 6ATTERLEE, AUCTIONEER, PHONE 4SO-1211J; ISO N. Com'l St, Room 21. AUTO. DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO- . tr Co, 871 Coyrt. 1 BERT L. JONES MOTOR COJ HUPMO- oile dealer. State St. at Front. "The ear of ta American family. V AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AUTO OWNERS LOOK I TIMS TO bars that ear repainted. Coaie ia and look over our work. Oa aecopnt ot the success of onr Ford Special Job. it will bo continued. Reliance Auto Painting Co, 219 Stat, cor. Front St.. second noor. rnoae 37. . AUTO TOtS AUTO TOPS Curtains to order', srirm rltmaniiKhla Anderson Teed, 171 S. High BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN A CAMEL-IZED BATTERY j NEVER aeads a drink. O. M. Carlson, 949 N. , Commercial St.. 8alem. Ore. . : R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work, j 171 S. Commercial. j . i : PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work." Ferris Bros.- Phone 1 80 3 418 AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROtT ; bis snooting. 838 N High, Phone 203. -1- BICYCLE3 AND REP AIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BIOY cles aad repairing. 887 Court. ' $ CAB 'WASHING WHITNEY EMMONS C. WASH- . ed aad polished. Olesoa Auto Lx Chang. Phone 666. RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES. ' mad or 'repaired. J..CJ Bair, 849 .- a erry. -" TIRE 3 AND ACCX8S0RIX1 t ARMSTRONG TIRES THM KIND i that aever wear out. ' Thompkias ' Heine, 219 N. CommereialJ USED PARTS 1-3 to 1-3 OFF. MIKE'S Auto wrecking House, -t 424 North . Commercial. Phone 523. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES -i'.- I HAVE SOME NEW CHEVROLET, anaaweii ana dtancnatsr ring goars. TlintAH . I , tmm-wm ' . . J.. ..... Also aa Elgin body, nearly ,aew. Open PfMIKKLARS A17TO WRECK'T TTOTtSR 5 t'urj L.Utet, ' Fhvm fil AUTO -DIRECTORY TRACTORS l. O. HAAG A "CO.. 444 FERRY ST. Phoas 8 10. Cletrae tractors, Oliver im 1 plemeata .' ... USED CARS 1 USED CARS BOUGHT Jffi or aoits on toiubiimivji Exchange. ' FOR SALE 1919 CHEVROLET IN : fine mechanical condition . and good rubber. Pric 8225, eaay term. See - ear at 849 N. Commercial St. , FORD SEDAN FOR SALE WIRE wheels, good upholstery, motor in good condition. Price 9325. Business Men's ! Adjustment Company, Masonic Bldg. FOR SAIJE 1918 CHEVROLET IN good running order, lots of extras, good tirea, 1923 license; 8175, terms O. M. Carlson, 849 N. Com'l St. AUCTION SALE OF USED CARS , Saturday evening, February 24, at 7 :S0 ' -Don't mis this opportunity to get a esr at your own price. We expect to have a good assortment to offer. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE r 173 8. Liberty SEE THOSE BARGAINS ia USED CARS 1918 Dodge Touring (1920 motor)9265 1920 Overland Touring : 865 1918 Oakland Touring ,. 265 VALLEY MOTOR CO 260 No. High Phone 1995 i TERMS FORD BARGAINS FROM AUTHOR IZED FORD DEALER 1921 Coupe, wire wheels, motor No. 4935302 8525 1917 Touring, Motor No. 463754 1 SOS 1921 Delivery, : motor No. 49?7751 255 1917 Touriag, motor No. -1099374 180 191 8, Touring, motor No. 2566406.... 190 1920 Touring, motor No. 4194196.. 255 1921 Touring, motor No. 4595840-.. 290 1920 Sedan, motor No. 4975256 425 1S22 SEDAN? motor No. 5428871 475 191TS Roadster, motor No. 490804 . 185 1920 Truck.- new tires, motor No. 3929128 : , 875 1916 Touring 100 1917 Touring ., 180 185 175 1917 Touring 1918 Touring 1918 .Touring 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1921 Touring 1!0 255 2T5 200 1822 Touring (1923 bodyU 425 1921 Coupe , . , 5 193 1 Sedaa . ; 450 1932 fiedan , . . 475 1920 Roadster j 265 1920 Truck, new tires 375 VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 N. High. Phonel995 TERMS BUSINESS CARDS CARPET, AND FLUFF BUGS NOTICE "TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff rugs made oot of old car pets, any length or width yon desire. Wo also re-fit, re-sew and ise carpets. Feather renovating and mattress steam ing and re-making. Salem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rue Works. Phone 1164 " i CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING CU before 9 a. m. 84F21. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY. SWEEPING F U R N A C E cleaning. F. Councilman. Salem Hard wars Co. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 , COURT Pbsra 184. ' W2C. NEIMEYER 'JUST DRUGS, 175 V Commercial, phone 167. CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK N' SPAN CLEANERS AND dyers. Phone 193, SALE1T CLEANERS AND DYERS : - Suits clesned and pressed, 91-50 BU 1215 Suit sponged and " pressed. 50c 15 ST Com'L . Phone, 1363 FINANCIAL HAVE I000 TO LOAN AT 7 INTER est. Address -E-34. care Statesman. LOANS ON THE -EASY PAYMENT plan, can repay at any time Without extra charge. 417 Oregoa Bldg. MONEY FOR FARM LOANS KQ COMMISSIONS . 83 YEARS TIME 'QUICK, SERVICE . A, C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonio Temple Salem, Ore. T FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and 64 PER CENT "ANDERSON k RUPERT Oregoa Bldg., Salem, Ore. MARION-POLS. COUNTY FARM LOAN , association has money to loan at 6 W. D Smith, secretary-treasurer. 908 Salem Bank of Commerce. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELFCTRIC CO MASONIC Buildieg. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELE0 trical machine repairing, contracting. 837 Court. Pbjoe 438. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract.' Estimates furnished. Phone 980. 414 Court Si. -. FLORISTS , CUT FLOWERS AND FIORAL PIECES. Delivery. ' O. -F.- Breithaupt, florist, . 123 North Liberty street. Phoae 880. FURNACES SEA GROVE FOB FURNACES PIPE and plpeiesa; 103 S. 12th 8t. Phone ' 885W. FURNITUBB STORES OIESB FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 878 Court Phone 4A PEOPLE'S TURN I TURK STORE NEW - aad second band furniture. 871 N. CommerciaL" - - , - . Ladies' Wearing Apparel i DRESSMAKING ! SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmnkinc Oarris Fisher. McCor i naek Bldg. HEMSTITCHING . SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, - pleating, bottons, stampinr and needle work. 329 Orefoa Bldg. Phoas 879. - "MILLERS ' GOOD GOODS HEM i stitching and fancy work parlors ; guar--; antes good work and quick service. Di- reet over Miller's store, to the right of mats atatrway. - - MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, stamping buttons. Room 10. ver llil- t lor s store. lTiooe 117. . MTLLINEE3 THREE FIRMS RECOMMEND MILL. 1 Tver Hats to-order or remodeled; 202 - naaonio Drag. - , - LADIES TAILORING V. 3. MAYER LADIES TAILORING; long costs, and suit. Koooa 7, AlcCor fiik fcldg. Phone 62a, BUSINESS CARDS HOTELS ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY; 60s up. 482 State. LAUNDRIES YALE LAUNDRY 'IS AGAIN IN A PO aitioa to render you the same efficient service as before i the fire which de stroyed onr old building. All kinds of v laundry work, also' cleaning and press ing. Phono your wants to 195 and we ; will calL -' SALEM LAUNDRY i COMPANY, 818 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. OId largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1204 Broasway. Phone, 165 MEDICAS MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY- Phona 517-W. j , MEN'S jBTORB ' ED. OH A STAIN CLtrrHIKG CO. SUITS Snd overcoats. Use my stairs: It pays. 05 Stats St. ! MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIO ELECTRIC Steam boilers, volcanisers and tube plates. Perry 0. Campbell, 817 N. Liberty. I H. AND ML CO. SPECIALTY GRIND- ers and welders, j Automotive service. 490 Ferry. Phona 8C4. WECHTER A SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Heald cylinder grinding service. Phone 562-845 Fer ry. ! MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted. John R. Sites! .director. 1237 Court, Phone 628. - i A COURSE IN j BUSINESS PIANO playiag. Popular syncopated standard music Semi-classics and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School,' Mo Cornack Bldg. j MUSIC I STORES GEO. O. WILL ( PIANO& PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music. a$d piano studies. 'Repairing phono- f raphe and sewing machine. 432 tate. Salem. t PAINTING CONTRACTORS L. D. BRANDON. GENERAL PAINTING contractor. Painting in all its branches 365 N. High St. Phone 1597. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING SAUL JANZ- EXPERT REPAIRMAN ON all make of taBcing machines, "band and string instruments. Call, write or phono 983, Moore's Music House. 415 Court St. Satisfaction guaranteed. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD 'WELP EXPERIENCED pisno . tuner. - Leave orders Will's Musis Store 1 , JACK CLEMENT! SALEM'S OLD piano tuaer, : is bark.. Call, write or phono 1774. the (Song Shop, opposite the Court House.) PIANOtt TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO '-FOR A new Victor or Brunswick, H. L. Stiff ' Farnitare Co.,, Alas ie Dent. . SHERMAN. C W! CO.. PIANOS fteinwave, Duo-Art an others. Moore's ' Mnsio House. 415 Court street. NURSEEY STOCK COMPLETE LINK TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nor. '.eery 'Cow 426 Orea Bldg. Phone 75. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros., 237 Stats. FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBBERY : Grafted walnut, : cherry and Italian prunetrees. E A. Bennett Nursery Co, 2233 Fair grounds road.' Phone; 1280. CHOICE SMALL " FRUIT PLANTS Strawberry, blackberry, blackcap, . berry, currant, . grape, loganberry, red raspberry. Also aspsrsgui, rhubarb, etc Ward K. Richardson, 2395 No. ' Front. Phono 494. s FRUJTLAND NURSERY -r- MAZZARD J cherry seedlings, grafted walnuts, mostly all kinds. Leading variety nur sery stock can be seen at Cherry City Feed Barn, 544 Ferry street. Phone 1140M or 199. PAPERHANGrSG' AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman, . TEN CENT KALS0MINE IN BEACTI fnl colors; 81 does a room. Max O. Buren. 170 N. Com'k ( PLUMBING . GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND . heating; general repairs. Phoae 550. 141 a Liberty. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOIt work. Phone ! I897-J. : Shop. 12?, Union street. A. L. Godfrey. SECOND: HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND , sells, second haad furniture.' Tools and Jun,k. 320 N.; Commercial. Phone 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH . tog and shoes, i Best prices paid. Gap ital - Exchange.1 - : 112 N. Oommereial Phone 1368-W. , SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned, Phona 167 or 1595-W. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE - ( Suc cessor to Nasi Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. - Phoaes; ' Office 529." residence 2058. , STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED , 40 years experience. Depot National fence, siseg 26 to 28 Inches .high, "Paints, oils and varnishes, etc., logan . berry and hop hooks. Salem fence aad Stove Works.: 250 Court street. PhonS '124, TONS0BIAL 0. K. BARBER ' SHOP LET US BE . your barber, i You will ' be pleased. J. C. Schweake. 835 State St. TRANSPORTATION PARKER 3 STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. -General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem. Oregoa SALEM-S1LYEBTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Ceatral Stage Terminal; 7 a. m, 11 a.m., 5 p. m. Leaves Silvertaa, News Stand: '. 8 a. m., 1 p. m 6 p. m. Salem-Independence-Monmoatb Divteloa: Leaves Salem Central Stsge Terminal: 7 a. m 9 a. m. , 11 .- m, 3 p. m. 5 p. m. - Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: - 8:15 a. m., 1 p. m, 0:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver IXoteL 8:30 a. m, 10 a m. 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m. : 6:30. . We BKike eoneecUoas at Salem to all parts af the volley. Extra trips b appoiatment, J. W. PARKER, General Msasgor. t TRANSFER HAULING - CAPITAL CrTYf TBANSFEW CO. 226 State St. : Phono 933. Distributing. , forwarding aad storage oar specialty. '."Gat-onr ratrS - WB. MOVE. STORK AND Snip HOUSB- hold roods. : Oar specialty is pianr and furniture tnovrag. We also make - country trips. We handle the beet enl and wood. Csll oa us for urieea, We give. good mesiure, good noslitr , snd rnod service. Laratst Traasfef Vo, l hont 99, . -. . - r SUNDAY HORNING, FEBRUARY. 18; 1923 BUSINESS CARDS VARIETY STORES SALEM . VARIETY STORE CHINA - ware, glassware, toys, notions, aad mil - linery. - WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. : Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tea per cent 'discount oa domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cause unless water ' Is shut off your premises WOOD SAWING ' WOOD . SAWING. Sproed. PHONE 1131. ED. LODfiE DIRECTORY , UNITED ' SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A 8TRUBLE, 510 BANK OF Commerce Bldg. - AMBULANCE SERVICE , SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phono 666; 173 S. Liberty. CHIROPODISTS DR. S. , F, ' SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional: University Scit nses, - Chicago. ; Masonic Temple, t Phono 640. , DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALTjOUSES. ingrown nails ; all foot troubles. Price Shoo Co. Phons 616. - CHIROPRACTORS DR. 8. R, SMITH, CHTCROPRACTOR. - 822 Oregoa Bld. Phone 664. DR. LENA A. BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR, 475 8. Commercial. Hours 10 to 12; . 1 to 5. Phone 1415. I DRS. SCOTT A SCOFIELD, P. : 8. ; C. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 87; res. 828 R. CHINESB PHYSICIAN DR. H. L. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaeaae. 153. High St,; phone 283. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEAUNO DR. A. L. ' Frantr. Acute and - chronic diseases. Phono 780. 25-29 Breyman Block,' FUNERAL DIRECTORS' SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tors, 210 Center. Pboos 1658. . OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITS 801. 804 Oregon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY THB BOW 0P tieal Os 825 State street.- opposite : Ladd A Busb Bank, ."Use QaaUty Proven Shur-ons." . NATUR0PATHZ0 PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diaeasea. 41S Oregoa Bldg. Phone 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Pboaes 750. 2024-J. DR. W. L. MERCER 0STEOPATHI0 physician and surgeon. Kirk grille . graduate-, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office 919: res. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394; res. 58-F5. . . . ', - DR. O. H. KENT, OSTEOPATHIC PHY sician and surgeon, 408-9 Masonie Temple. Phones: office 16; residence 644M. .- i REAL ESTATE FOR BALE MY 1 6-ROOM HOME AT 1030 dfcemeketa street. Well adapted for rooming. Phoae 1280. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON STATE street, 92500. -5-room modern house on Union street; 82500. B-room modern bouse on S. 19th street: 82200. Want listing oa city property thet is for . sale. i r . M. J. Hunt " Ladd ft Bush Bldg. ..-.. ' .1 i .GOOD BUYS: 7 -room modern bungalow, furnished, lo cated on Fairmouat Hill. Price 96200.' 9-roona modern homo with largo corner lot on Court St. Price 98400. 9-rootsf modern i home complete in every wy; close ia oa Center St, 97500. 6-room modern home with bard wood floors, in Oaks addition, 97875, terms. S-room modern bungalow, east 'front on S. Com'l, 94200. Immediate possession. 5 room bungsiow n Icichmond avenuev ' 92T50, essy terms. This place ia new. Real Estate and Fire Insurance. W.; H . :G rabenho rst & Co. j 275 State Street i Woods Bargains Ten acre tract three 'miles out on " good redd, good buildings, orchard and ber- ' ries, ranniag water, 83500; might tako a borne ia Salem part pay. 40 acres on paved highway, all under plow, . small bouse, fine new bsrn, orchard, running water; want a. borne in Salem. Four room house $80O. , Seven-room modern house, 93300 Money to loan. FIRST CLASS PROPERTY FOR SALE and exchange. Six'houseS, mostly mod- . era, to trade in on improved acreage ; 8a acres with fins 6-room modern bun- ' galow, close in on Paved road,- a splen did buy at 98000. Wanted well im proved ranches to exchange for choice ' improved Canadian wheat farms. Three room bouse, small lot, 9575. 3 choice lots, close in, cheap. 11-room rooming bouse, 94500vwill pay 15 per cent on investment. W. McLaren Realty Co., 180 NT Com'l St. Phoas 480. To Exchange Maxwell ear for lot or small bouse, Ortb. 8-room bouse with acres in Falls City Priced at 91500; trade for small hovse in Salem. '- House ia Salem to trade .for Dallas prop erty. Wanted 5-room honse in East Salem.. Will pay 9300 cash and 925 per month. f Thomason Stat Street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 500 acres cutover land ia Clearwater and Beltrami counties, 'Minnesota. G. W. Plank. Boats 8. Box 45. Salem. 25-ACRE LOGANBERRY TRACT! FOR trade for property ia town. Phone 2oxo. ." - ; ;: INVESTORS NOTICE i Owner will sell cheap on easy terms, 20 aeres 1 miles oast of Salem. Address D. D., Statosmsn. - CALIFORNIA FOR OREGON RANCH OR - inroad. Beantiful 21-srre bearing or- " ge and ' lemon grove. . mode rn - six- room l bungalow with every city eon ; venience, close to San Bernardino and Riverside, fronting on paved boulevard. , Price. 928.000 (not inflated . G. 0. ' Ragan (owner), Bioomington. Cal Box 33. " WASTED TO BUY IltOM ; OWNEIS -.V'fiv or six-room houses or other desir- .'- able property. Can pay 91500 rash. . State price and location. Peter Paul son. Box 132, Salem, Oregon. 923C) BUYS .A PLASTERED FOUR room bnncnlow with bath, on ear line: $80O rath, balance 20 a .month and , interest. . : W. G: Krueer Ortfion CWs, UrJ rhom Zt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE; ACRE WITH d-ROOM . 4 . ft . A a SB? a flilil e bouse; good water, muo on, t 930O cash, baL 9250 each year at 6. Compton Real Estate 469 Sta,te St, A WflsnocCountv Section Cheap Will take a medium priced bouse n . , . i , . . - sl ii ii 1 Baiem, rgruins, or niwna. Realty Oo., 341 Suto Bt i A NEAT MODERN , 5 RtX)M , BTJNGA low with basement, 93750. 50 acres with -good buildings and equipment, 5 miles out, price 89000; will take city property to 94000. 10 acres, 1 plow land, has a good spring. 8 mile out ; 3125 per sere; ao buildings. 91000 to J. A.' Mills 331 8tU Street. -' . - LARGE HOUSE AND IiARGE LOT, North Winter 6t 94S0O. ' A splendid borne, fireplace. - east front. N. Wiater St, 0O0. . T i 17 n rills, fid. Golden Rule Realty Co. v VW.we.K9J OW ,.r:. Sner.ial ; ' -' . MVSMP.lot. with fruU altd berriex; ,tV ' trfe and car line; pavement paia; nre ' North 5th street. Pries 93100. with 9300 cash. . i ;. Thomason B31t4 State St. Total Sales Largest of. Any r Half Holiday In Recent Months, fieport.. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Opera tions for the rise which have been conaucted with great vigor for the last two weeks were again interrupted today by heavy profit taking sales, giving the stock market an " irregular appearance. Total sales, however, were the largest of any halt nolWay ses sion in recent months. . " One of the most signlf icant de velopments of the day was the establishment of a new high rec ord for sterling exchange, since the' "pegged rate", of $3.75 was reached by the , British govern-' meat in March, 1919. ' Demand bills sold today for $4.69 or c above the previous high,' which was established last De cember, and duplicated twice dur ing the past week. "The par, rate of sterling Is $4.86. When for-i elgn exchange rates collapsed so disastrously in the spring of 1920 the rate fell to $3.18, the lowest ever recorded. Domestic developments " contin ue to dominate the course of stock prices, little or no attention be ing paid to the foreign situation. Sales ot copper at 15 cents a pound, the highest since 1920 and another increase of 10 cents . a barrel for mid-continent crude, furnished speculators for the. ad vance with additional., ammunition In their campaign to boost prices. Reports of an early advance in tire prices 'also were circulated around we financial district dur ing the day. : Coppers were In great demand in the final dealings. Rails showed mixed changes, mostly upward. The ' clearing house statement showed increases of $5,135,000 in loans,, discounts and - investments and $9,881,600' in the reserve of member .banks in the federad . re serve 'bank. -Net. demand depos its decreased $30,250,000, and time deposits dropped $ 7,1 9 5,0 0 0. Aggregate i reserve totaled $548, 7 8 1,0 0 0, leaving excess reserve of $19,383,050, an - increase of $60,343,490 over last week. MISCELLANEOUS PORTLAND, Feb; 17. Butter: Prints extras, 48c; cubes extras, 45 s; prime firsts, - 4 4c. Butter fat Portland", -"delivery: No.- 1 sour Tcream, 49c. ' - ; . Potatoes: Buying price locals, 50c; selling price, 65 at 75c. . MURDERED WITH - WIFE. ::K'? -;!' Ai 'liii-.:v-'-X ,'i .-...ii..:'ix::is?iii.Si ..z ':'': -. ' : .. : a !?l'Sfr''-i-'-!';l :-:' I ...T,:.;..'? - . S ''': vW- flU"4l :"". : t: Fratief McLeish and his wife were brutally ,? murdered and their home fired ivy an un known assailant, McLeish was employed as gardener . by Mr. and , Mrs. Paul Fitisimons on their Newport s estate, McjLeish was awakened by the assailant: as he felled his wife with a sin gle bIow,r.RusihragLat.the mur- derer- he received a Wow ht 'crushed his own skulL " Seoeei e hi in aI I s t I ' v ;'? . r . ' . ' J E British War. Debt Settlement at Washington Has Sta bilizing tttect. ' CHICAGO, Feb. 17 Wleat averaged a Httle higher In price , today with buying based partly on the British war. debt settlement at Washington , and on asserted cheapness s of ; "wheat compared with the general , commodity list The, market- closed, unsettled at c decline to c. advance. May, $1.19 to $1.20 and July. $115 to $1.15. Corn gained to i to c net. Oats finished c off to cs up, and provisions Taried froms 2 - cents setback to a rise of 10 cents. An upward slant shown by. the wheatUmarket; at the outset, was taken in some ; quarters as due . chiefly to, . senate ' action dispos ing -of I any doubt which i might have remained . in . regard to the -plans , for funding . Great Britain's financial obligations to the. United States. A little upturn in wheat values at LJterpool tended somewhat- to emphasize ' this view. Bulls were, also encouraged, ow ing, to early absence' of any ex tensive selling movement. V On the upturns in the wheat market, some renewals of liquida tion for . eastern interests, how ever, became' . apparent . and the May delivery . - showed consider able' weakness at times. Meager ness of-export dealings was used as a bear factor, but cold weatSer expected to last several days long er in the domestic winter wheat territory acted something of an offset. .---'' Speculative .buying gave inde pendent strength to the corn mar ket and- helped to sustain eats. Exporters were, after ' corn 7 and there were, signs' of Jbetter eastern and southern demand for oats. Despite weakness otf - hog val ues, provisions, were firmer with grain and in line with cottonseed oil. . FRUIT ' -A- . NEW YORK, Feb. 17-rEvap-orated. apples, quiet; prunes, un settled; apricots, firm; peaches steady. , , WHEAT LIVERPOOL, Feb. 17. Close Wheat, half d higher; March, is, 9r; May, 9s,;9Ud. , Buenos Aires CIorp. vhf March, l,21, up He; May, $1.23. - " Receipt of Success John D. Rockefeller Jr., said in a YMCA success , talk In Kew TOrk: ' ";.'; . "Brilliance without energy is no good. Ability. without action is no good." ' Mr. Rockefeller , thumped the table with his fist, " tt "It Is not enough." he cried. 'fr a' man to know a ood thing when he see3 If. He must also selte.: -" -' No. .2 It At ? Itt beat. .sacked, 91.07. - Cheet bay. 820. .7 . " Oat hay 8206622. Closer bay. baled,' 921 92. - ggs, wholesale, 25c. Cremry butter. 48 tasoe. SK'oswl 486i52e ; " I---. POTJXTRY Leghorns, Springers, UQ 15c. Broilers, 15c. J Hens, light, 18e, liens, beary. 18e. ' PORK. MTJTTON AND BEET Hogs, top, 14Me. .Lire hogs, 9s. , , Henry rongh, 10 lie. - pressed hogs. lil9ie. - Top real, dressed, 9c :,v, Top steers, 136 e. Cows, lOo, ' '.., rBTJZTS Bananas He. ' -cs Lemons 97O9.S0 Nsrel oranges, 93.504.75. P lor id a grapefruit. 9707.50,' Dates, 9.75 &3.1S. BUNCH VEGETABLES. Bests, carrots, turnins. 91 per do. ' " -J". " HUTS - Walnutav 90s lb. - Filberts, 20e lb. Almonds. 90s lb. ; . Brasil. 15s lb.- POnTLAIID LIARKETS BUTTERFAT Tim vl. HIGHER lil C 49s T. s. b. Portland; vadcrgzadss, woSI' !KBer. " Carrent reeoints. 3830ej whit lienneries. B0ri)S2o light, I516c; springs, 1416s; old I7018e; dressed ducks, aOQSle; lor! 15W16c: do dressed. 20c - DRESSED MEATS Pirm. (Loss commission) Choice light bgs. l;l& 13 Ve4 ,nieX7"5'1' iOOtSe; top grsdes lit & ? 5 aadergrades, 11 (9 .Plm fDeliTered Portland) Valley timothy. 83 1 88 ton: Esstera Oregoa timsthjr, 924 ton; alfalfa. 88t 23 ton: cloyer, 920 ton; straw, $10 11 w r rirm- Bii Prie i I car rots) Wheat options. 81.221.28: Baa it of bloestem. nominal; cash, clnb, 81.W9Q 1.30; cotts, 885; Eist era. yellow corn, 82.7538.00 barley, asmlnsl: millrun. 923 25.75. FRO IT Steady Apples. K0e91.5O ( according to variety and pack): pears, d'Aniou. 81 lo bet. VKGETABLKS -Plentifnl Oreria Potatoes, COo cwt: Ore Ron cabbsg. lVVa lb.; parsaips, 75(f8Se sank: carrots. 75e sack: ostons, 91.601.75 ewt. - WOOL Steadr. Half blood sn-f fine. 53(40e: ' three eishta blond. 82t(35c: cfoarterblcd. 30tase; low quarter sad brs)d. 25(&2T; matted or clotted wool. NQTE-Eastera Orero-a, Wsinistfeis snd Idaho ranch clips bring 3 to 9 cfr'i less than -rslley Wftot. HOl'H f-far'y. JpaJ Cpcp, Cx!.dj aew. crop, o lb,