The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Unfavorable Reports and In
. definite- Postponements
Are Many.-
- "tlepresentatire Lotejoy of Mult
noinah, was in. poor, batting forin
yesterday!; and was sent to the
bench four times by the house.
II. B. 26 7-rr-To regulate adrer
tislng schemes, in connection with
fraternal societies and organizat
ions, was voted down on . third
reading. ' ' , , , , .
' On unfavorable - reports from
committees H. B, 2 66, to author
ize the loaning of sinking funds
of state and political subdivisions,
II. B. 272, relating to disposition
of certain money's with' the' state
treasurer by ': certain examining
boards; and H. B. 273, ' covering
tbe funds of certain additional' ex
amining boards, ' were all indefi
nitely postponed. Each was Intro
duced by Lovejoy. " '
Representative Miller withdrew
his bill Intended to license all
merchants in order to get a check
on the personal property of the
merchants for tax purposes- .
V The house Quietly and gently
put to sleep the Dr. Tom Ross fish
bill on an adverse report from the
committee on fisheries In which
Representative yh Watson' of Tilla
doofc,. who ' Introduced the bill.
Joined.:'. :rr -.- r ,'' ' '
.The. Ross bill would have closed
the Columbia: river to commercial
fishing, east of rthe iandy river.
Watson's severance tax bill al
so unfavorably reported wa indefinitely-
postponed - as were tbe
following, other- bills: , . ;
S. . B. 4. Taylor r Relating to
establishment oX school district
boundaries. - ,
. II. B. 243, Clatsop delegation
Increasing appropriation for ex
periment station.)
. ,'H. B. 264, Cramer For an ap
propiiation to combat white pin?
blister rust.
H. B. 271, Ioyejoy To appro
priate 14000 to combat earwigs.
fi mo a
c m use
Concrete Blocks' Are Strong
Enough to Withstand This
Great Weight. .
The above heading Is literally
true; and concrete' tile is of the
. same strength; , such concrete
blocks and concrete tile as are
being turned "out at the plant of
the J Oregon Gravel . Company,
down ba North '.'Front street, aj
lem. - ' : : . ... . - -. - - ;
, If ,a tornado could lift a 60-ton !
Pullman car and set it down with
out a '3ar on the walls of your
house, would' the building crash'
'down beneath the tremendous
weight?. . - "' .'"',.'-."" :
If the- load were equitably dl:
tributed and the walls built rights
it wouldn't. Standard tpecifica?
lions for concrete block demand
that each piece be strong; enough
I to withstand, a pressure greater
than the 120,000' pounds ' weight
of a Pullman car.. The block mad
at the present ; time in, first class
plants .wJH not. show even 6
much as a crack under twice that
. impost." . ,. v j '" j ';- '.,j,
Now manufacturer;; are mak
ing concrete tile that will with?
stand - the same'-; weight, without
crushing. A 1 4-pound . f piece of
tile, five Inches high and eight by
' twelve inches ;on its l'padk tearing
, surface, with 6ft per cent of that
36 square finches" hoUowrspacei
stands firm.' and true beneath the
weight of, a railroad carv' f ?
The tile and brick are treated in
pressure machines' that ,are capa
ble of bringing 200,000 to 300,,
... 000 pounds to bear 'upon the sam
pie. A laboratory expert, watches
for the sign' of failure. In one
such test,' a piece of tile, which ii
it3 mission in a two-etdry building
would not ibe expected to supporf
more than 2500 pounds at' the"
most, did not" crack until 160,009
nnnnla Via A hvff annltad. - An S.V4
erage for -three tests showed 131,
S3 4 pound3. . Thirty-eight square
inches of concrete supported thai
weight, an average of. more than,
3 0 0 9. pounds to" the square inchi
Concrete building products are
..." surer-tested for compression, 1m
act and stress. The ability to
support a load many times 'great
er than it; would be called upon
to bear, in actual use; is the goal.
These tests- are made to prove
v tether the product has attained
tLat goal. -
r.zv; i::co:.:e bill
(Cc:.t:acci from page 1) :
members an,d passed by the house
would be In1 the house Is problem
atical. 1 ' , ' ' i , - '
.: Within the past few days there
has grown up a feeling of resent
ment in the house to the alleged
disposition of the senate Ao med
dle with . the acts of the house.
If the house takes the position
that the senate, is slapping at the
grange bill, which is embodied tn
the house Income tax bill in a few
particulars it ia entirely? possible
that the substitute bill will go
down to defeat. . '. ::r " -j
: Many Give Advice . ';.:'
The substitute bill attempts to
follow the ,-..!, federal v. terminology
and exemptions as far as .possible,
it is claimed, but does not require
that duplicates of the federal re
port J5e filed with the state tax
commission. ; An '. affidavit - that
all Income reported . under the
federal act. is included in the state
report. Is . provided. . - V " . ";
Among those who appeared be
fore the committee; and the sub
stance of their advice to-the com
mittee were: . v
. C. S. Spence, 1 master : state
grange House ! bill Is 'a good
working basis. , Would be willing
to lift the tax from v - business
slightly. -i ' 1 .
Fred 4 Faulkner, wool growers
association Bill is too' compli
cated, but I do not oppose an in
come tax. - 1 I '',;" '
' Earl C. Bronaugn, Portland at
torney -Have -serious doubts as to
whether time Is ripe for an in
come tax in Oregon. ; ;; " " r:S' '
. -William McMasters, Portland
Opposed to any income tax on for
eign " corporations, i particularly
foreign loan companies. '
0 ,
i n i
Fortify the system
against Colds, Grip
and - Influenza ; by
taxing .
i - -
S talMs y
wtich destroy germs,' act u a
tonic laxative, and keep the. sys
tem In condition to throw off
attack of Colds, Grip and 1n
fiuehza.,'; Be sure you get
The genuine bears thisalgnatufa
' James' Sayre, representing ' the
building owners of Portland Ma
jority of my clients oppose, income
tax. . .' ' I .-'': m iv. -'r -i!
, Charles Starr, representing the
lumber t Interests Those of my
clients t with whom I have v talked
appear to , be ready ; for income
tax, but the schedule; aa now
drawn appears objectionable, i
, Ben F. Dey, Portland attorney
Speaking simply for myself.
the time has arrived for an in
come tax. Start slowly, and with
moderate rates. 4 ?
U I. N. Day. chairman of state tax
investigation committee Keep
the rates low. ' - (;" ,1 !
W, L." - Thompson, Portland
banker- Keep the entire tax : low.
The people 1 represent are willing
and ready to pay an Income tax;
and they believe that I corpora
tions should, not be exempt en-
iprely, but they should be 'ex
empt up to six per cent. i , .
James B. Kerr Avoid the pos
sibility of lowering . the ' property
tax' through the operation of an
income tax which cannot' possibly
reach public utilities which have
no- net income, but pay. a large
property tax.
" And Harold Lloyd is to marry
one of the moving picture stars.
Well, that's off our chest. GIddan!
Los Angeles Times. v ' 1
Salem Gets Only Small
" Fraction of . Cold Spell
According fo all reports,' Salem
and the southern end of the Wilr
lam ette valley had only a! Bmall
traction of the rough weather that
has fallen ; to the lot . of Portland
this week. The. snow that In
Portland stopped! the street cars
and wrecked traffic, was here only
an annoyance, and down as far
as Eugene they hardly tr had " a
touch of snow. Thurjday night,
Portland had a bitter blizzard, re
ported - to be almost like , one of
the ' terrific storms that -swe.ep
over the Dakota and Nebraska
plains, only; not quite so cold ;
here in Salem there was nothing
to even suggest, a storm, and far
ther south it was still milder. On
Friday the snow, melted consider
ably so - that ' the roads are practi
cally clear everywhere.
SILVERTON,; Or., (Feb. 16.
(Special to The Statesman.) A
few Silvertonians have been busy
tbe past few days tapping maple
trees for sap., E. L. Smith and L.
Whitlock have been, most succss
fuL - Mr.. Smith just . has a few
large maple trees on hb lawn
whlch he taps.. Mr. Whitlock has
tapped more than 60 gallons of
sap this season. ' ' v
hollow building tile
VHich . is . especially
; adapted to the construction
of beautiful, durable, fire
i v , proof, n damp-proof, - fuel- i
tivviz buildiagi with the ' "
greatest economy X - - ;
;i , . A.A. ;"' I-;;'
' Now you can experience ;
the satisfaction of building
for permanence. !
It would be worlh your
: while to come in and e us. . -
Qregpn Grayel .Company
1405 tf. Front Phone 180
Father Time uses r.ULESTONE; why don't you?
A'-' ' ' v - T .T' J -' ' T' ' - ' ' ' ' " : ' ' :
I s-4 1-: .- . . i ---J- -1 Z
IP I a:
r ::. -4 1- -'.
r All Gihero on J
... rl 1 X
We Are Selling Home Furnishing prices : vyzicr arel j
l absolutely below today's wholesale price '
o Ve are able to offer you these unusual values, because we belonsr to the V
V biggest Furniture buying corporation on the Pacific Coast, and buying'ln
enormous quantities can sell you furnishings for less money. This, coupled
V witK our low rental and small overhead means furniture bargains for you.
. - ....
' ?;.i";.ri f '; :".;:
v j.
be kept low,- that capital I be not
drives frora the state by the 1m-rositioa-cf
a heavy tax on capital
investments, , that the .danger fof
a double taxation on members of
a co-partnsrship be eliminated,
and tat nothing be, done, to place
si -aiiltlonal-;- burden , oa ;ral
r-rcpertyf.' . 1 . ;-'' ;.;
V.'hg't. thoWate of. a biU-'spon-j
it 1 by th3 aenate-" committee,
- r stir; many'of the" "features
. t:. '. :i dr-a by tt'i-lo
All Hardwood Dresser .
J.' . - ' - '
, In three coat ivory enamel .-finish; 24x23 inch
plate glass mirror, regular $30.00 Value; special $17.00
Only 35 on this sale .;'
Ve reserve the right to limit quantity and sell no dealers.
Y p
4 tj
A. --
4 . - '
no irrrRRFST
Giese Furniturei' "Co."
vv nerc i cur reoic is viooa ;
i -I
464-77 Court St.
'i 1 -' ' M M ' V ' mVM M Vw M M W )( i
Back Agai. Saturday to Help Up-' Unload
; yl Truy Remarkable Event The Prices Say So!
, " Merchandise Makes It So
7hile Quality
Plaid Dress Goods .
A wonderfui value regular at 49c per yard.
Special "at 19c? good selection."" .
45c Value Ladies' Bloomers
Pink and white, with elastic" knee and
waist band.'' x '- 1 '
Imported Grades
" :Jap Crepe
The - entire springs line,
per yard, special 13c. : '
. Babisi' foibcr Pels
3 5c. value, fine grade tissue rubber.
In all slaes targe, medium, small.
.11 cA.; ,
. 1 1 . t i
Regularly 32clper yard," bur advice: "Bay
plenty at this price." ;
6 Yards House Lining
. 19c !
! Regular 7c per yard. , Six
'. yards at the above price.
... Two 19c Huck i j
-. Towel 19c
: 38d value for both ; good
firm weave:; ; '
.36 Inch Flanelette
-.' " 19c ::'.'- :..
,t29c value per yard, spec-,
ial at 19c. ;
. Turkish Bath
Towels 19c
35c values, ; large size,
. heavy grade ; : special at
Toweling Values
to 35c 19c
Choice of huc'rash,'
turkish and linen' finish
crash toweling. v
. ' 1
Spring Ginghams
- 19c ;
Values in the lot at 35c
per," yard, special at 19c.
35c Value Ladies'
T Brassieres 19c
Flesh color, in -various
brassiere materiaL
Big Assortment
Values to 35c per yard;
many, patterns to,select.
4' Men's linen
20c each, this 80c value ;
special at 19c. -
2 pairs of Men's
Dress Sox 19c
25c value per pair; 2 pairs
special 19c.
' . - , - -''. " j - - 1
' ' 49c Mercerized
Dress Sox 19c
; Special per pair, 19c. ' -
i Men's Leather
Vorlf . Gloves 19c
39c value, special pair 19c.
Good heavy leather, v
Mised'ycol Vcr!;
Regular 39c per pair,
special' at 19c.
2 pairs Chnirca
25c I v. 2 '
This 50c value, special at
i9c. : . ; ' 4.
-- .. ' "." -.' .
Ladicis' Fir. -i Drc:s
; Hois Kz v
35c values in the lot. Your
opportunity coraes Satur-
Regular 39c to 50 values,
extra-good grades.
to 10 m..
$1.25 Wool Caps
' . - - s
For men and boys;
Special at
Men's Dept.
-11 to 12 a. m.-,
": Size 64x76 . .
Regular $15,'; special
1 to 2 p.m. .
Ladies' $1.25
Aprons '
Kitchen and bungalow
styles, speqal at.-': , " "7
-Basement Store
,3 to ip. ir.
Jj.,,' 798c Only ;":
Including flannel and
percale dress' "J shirts,,
fcizes toU6 nly. Special
iL:rr - .... '
Men's Dept.
;HowSpeciw;Giyen Who Buy Q3 or Mere
in Any Department
9 to 10 a. m.
' 500 lbs. ,
Good size, ' per - lb. to
customer . .' ' .
Grocery Dept.
11 to 12 a.m.
. .. , . ' .
.,15 Sacks
. :Best Valley
: Flour
One sack to the cus
tomer, special at : - -
. - -f
: " 'l grocery Dept.
Hour Specials
o!d during the hours
pecified as ' lorisr, asi
. quantity lasts.
1 to 2 p. ra.
Fonr Pound Packages
Cane Sajar
4 lbs. to a , customer,
special at ,
-Grocery Dept.
tot ot 700 bars
7 bars to the customer,,
special at '
' .19 :
Grocery Dept.
r 5 bars Toilet 8oapT..10c
S cans Orange Jelly, ! (f
v . 1 lb. each .. . . . .'.10c - U
t t pkgs. Post Toastle or
-.- i. Kellogg's Cora' Flakes
i vat ...... lc.
! 3 os. bottle imitation'
" 1 : Vanilla Extract . .10
! 5 boxes Matches . .."10c
' 2 cans Standard Corn 10c
i 4 bars Crystal White :
Soap . ........... 10c
. 3 cans Light House ,
- Cleanser '. . . . . . . . 10c
dS i l':l?f71uniri
Ceylon Grated Cocoanut.
per lb. ......... .10c
2 pkgs. Jello . . . . .. ,10c
5 roIls.Toilet Paper . ,10a
Fancy Bacon Squares,
" per lb. . . . . i lOo
2 Grape Fruit . . . . . .lCc
Fresh Roasted Cojf ee,
ground ......... .10c
H Cold durir-j tha hcur3
specified a3 lor. 7 C3
': quantity li.:t3. .