The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Vrhe' estate of Ffrank Kunclter
mas armitted to probate yester
day The appraised -value .was
placed at T $750. Heirs named
were: 1: Mrs. Alilietha , - Kunclter,
a daughter. Mary and two bom,
Willlaitt and Fraukf Kunclter. "
rani Althouse ? ' i
Will be at thp armoryyTties'
day. Feb. 20. Ccme In and hear
jja victor recordls. Moore's Ma
gic House. Advf j'
The following! men .were given
beds at the station ( yesterday
evening: ' E.C' McCard,: C Dow,
Ed: White, L. r B. , Blake, ? Albert
Anderson, liar McClaln and J.
which In ' many , cases date back
full two score years. Forty years
ago a group of .kindred spirits
met upon tho Willamette campus
and formed a society, which has
endured to the Present dar and
Is known as the Philidorian and
Philldosian literary societies. In
tbe afternoon i a general get-ac
quainted meeting will be held In
the halls, which everyone is In
vited to attendi At 6 o'clock an
informal supper . will be served
In the First Methodist church; at
o clock everyone will gather
once more at the hair where the
remainder of the evening will be
spent in a way befitting: the oc
casion. Anyone wjshiilgj Infor
mation la requested to call, Miss
Grace Brainerd at the Delta Phi
house, phone 12 8 4 J.
Cooked Food fial
Today at'GaldsaoiT; 135-North
XihertyJ.1 JEastc ra ;,istar. Adv.
trishinirtoi?5 si rles-
The children's stories at the
library today will be on George
. Washington Miss Florence Pet-
; tit will 4e in charge of the story
hour which will be at 10 o'clock.
f : - : Today at 1 p. m.. new and used
-1 furniture1 to completely .furnislh
several btomes. ' Stiffs Auqtioa
house, corner '. Liberty and Court
1 Rob ' Bo
Uv Mr. and MrC C. C. Ingersal of
I r 17S5 Fairmount avenue are re
. Jolcing over the birth of a son,1
rj. Kqssel Burton, February 14.
ll J ' :r-i: ;-,,-.
j Furniture Auction f Today :' ,
Panl Alt house :.?
Will be at the armory, Tues
day, Feb. 20. Come in' and hear
hiTyiptorJeeordse , Moore's Mu
sic v House. Adv. .- " : ; :
Drv B, If. White. Osteopathic
Physician and surgeon. Diag
nosis by electronic reactions of
Abrahams and oscilloclastic treat
ment. Adv
Tailoring Class Opens
f A class in! ladies tailoring for
the trade Is ( being organized in
Salem by the state board for vo
cational education.
show, before the American le
gion of Dallas7, March 9. They
present one program In the af
ternoon and the 'other in the eve
ning, a plan that they have fol
lowed at some other places with
notable success. They gave each
a showing over at Mt. Angel,
February 12, Monday night, also
tor. the American legion.
Paul Althous Victor s Artist ;
At the armory, Tuesday; Feb.
20. Hear his records. Moore's
Music House. Adv.
To Have Record
Through the courtesy of Sen
ator Charles McNary, the Salem
Chamber of Commerce is to have
the regular daily Congressional
Record, which will be kept on
file. It's easy to say that they
do nothing back there but talk;
and the voluminous record shows
that they do lots of it. But there
are some of the most thrilling
tables ' and speeches and indus
trial stories in that dry-looking
volume, that anybody ever read.
The new congress will be sitting.
on the 4th of March, and it. will
bring In a horde of newcomers.
who haven't yet settled down in
to the regular rut. The Record
should be fairly sizzling with
the work of these newcomers.
nlture. -uStifrs aucUon,..k house.
corner inercy ana court, r streets.
v. i Want ' JGabor HRfoney U ;; 'I
' C. E. Denhem tiled suit against
Gordon E.: Tower in ! the circuit
j i :' court yesterday for collection of
a bill - for services rendered
which he had performed between
: the 16th of May 1921 and Oct
' : 22, l?2ll J
1 The. ecmiplaint alleges that ser
vices to the value of, $225 were
penformed by the plaintiff and
1 that only$l50was paid on the
account." The plaintiff asks judg
ment tor the , remaining v
j T-r-: t j
Dreamland Rink -
1 sic by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Os
s ' wald'e Strollers. Adv. . -,
Taylor, the well known designer
and fitter of ladies' costumes, will
be in charge, ; The class -will. 'be
limited to 12 members and are
expected to have had trade train
ing' or experience as dressmakers
or seamstresses Women 1 who
have completed the classes In ad-
tanced sewing and dressmaking
In- other vocational classes in the
city will be eligible for this trade
course. Persons Interested should
consult Mrs. i Taylor at 3 3 1 .Ore
gon . building, who will give any
information desired concerning
the plans.' '
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. - Catalog on application.
adv. .-&v M '-;:.
Session to be. Held I , '
An . all-rinv sAsninn nf thn dir-
Mrs. Minnie J rectors of . the Capital City Co-
; A Oaaalfled Ad ; f . f -
. Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
' Association Meets '
. ' The regular monthly, session ,ot
- ,tho. Telephone yJPmployers!,, asso;
tiaUonljj5o5iftJl.eJ4tonight at
the Chamber of Commerce. They
t ' tiring their own music, their own
' tVeanuts , and caramels and other
.' literary j entertainment, and their
; : meetings are said' to. be about
r: the lives t events of the whole
V social catcfeory.
Society Iteunioi
1 This afternoon and tonight is
the date set for all wearers of the
Phi to gather on the Willamette
'campus ' and renew friendships.
by bayis jrour &ridwsre end
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 285 Na
Cozusercial St. Phone 947
i ' Diamonds, 'Watches,
v Jewelry and SilVerware.
i Phone 12i5, "SalenC bregon
Calea Ambulance Serric '
Day or Night ' -
Pfcons 666 '
178 8. liberty St.,
r Safcan ; ' Ore.'
Capital Junk
All kinds of jank and
tecond-hand1 goods. We
pay full ralae. .
215 Center Street '
- Then C23
peratlve Creamery of Salem la
to be held today at the Chamber
of Commerce. They are to meet
at 10 o clock . and hold - both
morning and afternoon sessions.
he organization recently ' closed
ts books for the, year, showing
flattering growth and profit
for the business' handled.
Custer Ross of , Sllverton, prom.
inent attorney of that point was
n the city on business yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county
school superintendent plans a vis
it to Evans Valley this evening.
Paul ? Althouse Victor Artist.
At the armory, Tuesday, Feb.
20. Hear his records. Moore's
Music House. Adv. v
One Accident Fatal
One fatal accident out of a
total of 457 industrial casualties
was reported to the " state Indus
trial ( accident commission for-the
week v ending February 15.' 'The
fatal case was that of Joe Eads,
laborer of The Dalles. Of,-the
total number : of cases reported
421 were subject to the prQyis-
ions of the workmen's compen
sation vact, andf 3 were- from
firms "and corporations' that' have
rejected' the provisions . of the
act. i ' , ; '
New S50O Dull
Mahogany piano, , plain case,
good tone and action, $155; $5
down ; and $1.50 a week, Slight
ly - used piano - sold v ' hew six
weeks ago ; for $450; i left with
us to sell for $298; $5 down and
$1.50 a week. $800 player piano
with rolls and bench, sold new
one year f ago. This piano only
$325; real buy. $10 down e-Qd
$2.50 a week. Tallman " Plane
Store, v 395 Sooth TweKth
street. Adv. '"-
To Giro Performanceo . "
Cooke Fatton and Frank Wag.
ar have contracted to give two.
performances of their mystery
Twenty Years
From Now
i' . - :
v You j will want t good
jsight twenty'" years from
now. . But if you are go
ing to -have it you must
not neglect your eyes now.
; ' 01-3 Oregon Bldg.
- Oregon's Irtu-geet Optical
: , '
: Phone 230 for appointment
Established 18C8 j;
General BanUns Easiness ' . -Office
Hocra froxa 10 a. . to 3 p, o.
vation Army hall on Ute street
at the Sunday services. Captain
Heisenger has for his life's work
the branch of . the Salvation Army
activities that pays special atten
tion to the uplift of fallen men.
The special branch of this de
partment, known as the anti
suicide bureau, has been not only
the means of preventing self-
murder but has played a large
part In bringing hope to the hope
Captain Heisenger will bring
word illustrations from practical
experience and will tell of mod
ern miracles from the "human
repair shops" that come under his
command. f
In times past the work of the
Salvation Army in the men's so
cial department was talked of
more of than it is today, but there
has never been a time when more
actual reconstruction in this line
was done. It is the slogan of the
Salvation Army that "a man may
be' down, but is never out."
A good crowd Is looked for to
bear the messages that Staff Cap
tain Heisenger will bring, and
special music and singing will be
added to the services
DID Mil 0' WAR
"Little Jack Horner" Herald
: ed Coming Heavyweight
, Champ May Workout. "
Senate Passes Bill to Appro
priate $15,000 Annually
for Maintenance. -
v -:. ) ED COLDS ; f, , m;
Stop your cougns and colds be
fore they become serious. If neg
lected they lead to influenza, la
grippe, 'asthma and ; bronchitis.
Three generations- of users have
testified to the quick relief giv
en by Foley's Honey and Tar from
coughs, colds, ' croup, throat,
chest and bronchial trouble. Larg
est selling cough medicine in tht
world. Mrs. S. L. Hunt. Cincin
nati, Ohio, writes: Foley's Honey
and Tar cured me of a hacking
cough, wheezing and pains ln thf
chest. ' Refuse substitutes. Sold
everywhere. Adv. j -i 1
majority of the senate turn
ed its turret guns: loose yesterday
morning upon a minority of .the
ways and means, committee over
the question whether the bill to
apropriate $1,5000 annually to
guarantee maintenance, of the
battleship Oregon . in Portland
harbor should pass. 1 It passed
with only six senators Ellis,
Lc Follett, Smith, Strayer, Tay
lor and Zimmerman - voting
egainst it. '
Klepper, opened the battle, by
rutting a shot across the bows
of the opposers. Strayer. and
Taylor replied, speaking against
the bill. Garland and .Staples
cut loose to save the ship. Zim
merman ? fought the bill. Eddy
and Moser were fory it. Johnson
endeavored to have it re-retferred
with v instructions to amend 0
the state would merely guarantee
to make any deficit resulting
from failure of paid commissions
to nroduce the necessary fund
His motion failed.. La Follett
fired a broadside into the bill,
using powder of the "poor, over
burdened taxpayer.
Dennis talked - against,
Joseph for it.
Salvation Army Head
to Speak to Prisoners
On Sunday Staff Captain Heis
enger, district social oincer ror
the Washington and Oregon dis
trict ot; the Salvation! Army, .will
speak at the morning service at
the penitentiary 'and at the Sal-
s. WED "! .-.i'-V,
MARTIN Kittuvah Martin died
at her home, 460 North Thir
teenth street, February ; 16.
Mrs. Martin, who, was 44 years
of age, Is survived by her hus
band, H. L. Martin, three
daughters, Elizabeth and Char
- lotte Martin and Mrs. Freda
Folger. The body will be ship-
;ped to i Portland Sunday, and
services will be held Monday
noon at the Portland cremator-
. lam. Arrangement in charge of
Webb & Clough. ? - J i
YACH Clarence Yach ' ded at
;Prescott, Arizona, February H.
and. the body was shipped to
Salem for burial. Funeral ser
vices in charge of Webb &
Clough, will be conducted by
the American Legion ot .. this
city. "Time will be announced
later: Mr. Yach Is survived by
his mother, Mrs. Frank .Yack,
' one sister, Mrs.-R .R. Pool of
Alemeda, Cat., and one brother.
L. A. Yach of Cloverdale, Ore.
MANLEY At a local hospital.
Friday, February 16, Glenn A
Manley. age 23 "years, son of J
W. Manley and Mrs. Bertha E.
Manley of this city, brother of
- Mrs. Dell Potter and Mrs. Maud
Vincent of ; Salem, Mrs. Edith
Sperber of Oakland, Cal., ; and
Mrs. Mabel Perry of Hermit.
Cal. Announcement of funeral
will be made from the Rigdon
mortuary. ! ; ; J : - .r
JENSEN At ' a local hospital
Friday. February 16, W. C. Jen
sen. The body is at the Rigdon
mortuary. ;
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
'. '' ' '; '-
Expert Embalsaers
Some -talk is going the rounds
of impending Invasion of Salem by
"Little Jack i Horner." the man
mountain Oregon Giant of Port
land, who is being held up as the
man to beat j Jack Dempsey and
wear his heavyweight crown. The
officers of; Company F do not
know ot this pugilistic contract,
and; they're asking to .know what
it's all about. ,4 . Cf
The Oregon Giant at least seems
to be a fact, whether he cornea to
Salem or not. He is a Portland
school "boy,' only 21 years, old,
bat weighing 245 pounds, stand
ing six feet six Inches In height,
and having a reach of 89 Inches.
In size he is almost a twin for
Jess Willard, though he has touch
better reach. He has been wait
ing for a trainload of heavies to
come and .work with him at Port
land, and the way. he has been
aying out the tiny 200- and 225
pound "heavies" is said to be
more like the battle of the Ar-
gonne than like a training quar
ters. " 1 ; I ' j
The Idea seems to bring him
down to Salem and give him a
good work-out against Jack Bren-
nan, ex-marine, nimseir a iair
sized heavy, six feet two inches, in
height and weighing 200 pounds
The Portland blubs want him, but
after he has been tried somewhere
else; he looks too good to be true,
they say. j
If such 8 match could be staged
here, it would probably draw the
biggest boxing house that Salem
ever dreamed.: The Oregon Giant
is, just enough of a mystery to
pack the bouse. If he should
prove to be the one to deprive the
big-purse Dempsey pt his lazy: but
million-dollar crown, they'd give
Company F half the state in ap
prpriations for starting the win
ner on his road.
In Portland, tonight, they are to
have several heavyweight events.
in one of which Bill Hunt ot
Salem is appearing. When they
called for, "heavies" to come in
and sign up for a, tournament,, they
got 36 of them" in one drag-net.
Most of them have been working
In one-minute " relays with the
Giant, y , i
i and
Flovd McOuinn Accused of
Contributing to Uelin-'
r hi v
: quency ot minor.
Floyd McQuinn, an employe of
a local hardware store, was ar
rested Monday , on the charge of
contributing to the delinquency
of a minor, was turned over to
the Polk county authorities last
night. Details of the crime, said
to have been committeed ' in West
Salem Sunday, night are being
withheld. '
McQuinn claimed that he was
in Portland at the Lime and until
a local garage man 'identified him
(McQuinn), as having purchased
gas between 4:30 and 5:30 Sun
day, the case was not made pub
lic. .
The little girl, the six year old
daughter of a West Salem man
who is. employed In Salem, was
said to have been offered a 'ride
by McQuinn. She entered the ma
chine with him thinking he was
a neighbor. The crime was com
mitted soon after she entered the
Bail was fixed at $1000 which
McQuinn was unable: to raise. He
was transferred to the Polk count
ty jail in Dallas last night. The
complaint was sworn to by J. N.
Heixerson. district attorney in
Polk county. '
McQuinn was held, in the city
Jail last night pending evidence
which wll establish a case against
'him. ' ' Vi',
made to recommit Una MIL. This
was fought by Eddy and Joseph,
the latter declaring lobbyists from
a Portland bonding house had ap
peared with the result that an at
tempt was being made to recom
mit the bill and klll it. The mo
tion to .re-refer was lost.
Moser fought against: the bill
bitterly, declaring - it would i put
Morris Brothers out of business
and buft their stockholders. Eddy
asked Moser -why Morris Brothers
should be exempt from Jurisdic
tion of the corporation depart
ment it they are doing an honest
business.:,,:'.:;-:;., v :r.-;!. - .
; Ellis asked Moser Just how U
would put Morris Brothers out
of business. - , ' -f ' .
"Because there Is a provision,"
said Moser, "that if a company
has ever been - in any trouble a
permit shall not be issued to it."
"But the present firm of Mor
ris Brothers is a new corpora
tion, and has never been In trou
ble,, so your argument will not
apply." declared Eddy.
"Don't you know, Senator
Eddy," Moser said. , "that the one
purpose of this bill is to put Mor
ris Brothers out, of business."
"I know that It is not," replied
Eddy. . ' ' ; :
! ; Ellis moved that the bill be
tabled, and this carried.'
He Joins Ranks'of the Select
i Golfing Lists Down at
... Oakland, California.
Hall Consolidation Bill 1
Slain by' Indefinite Post
: ponement.
evening that is, next to tL aa
noUn eiPrl th at ' "D in ner i 3 r e a i 7."
He gave an --eloquent; helpful ad
dress. Cook Pa! ton aud F.anlc
Wagar ; put. on some delightful
mystery work, from i their , stage
program of magic About 1 50
members and guests were present.
Social gueft's I of the - evening
fvera members of. Boy Scout irooy
So..l which is postered by. the
charchi : Sixteen , members of the
troop were present besides , the
scoutmaster Glenn Nilea. The
troop rendered several camp
.songs lis their part ot the enter-
tainmeat of the evening. Scout
.Executive F. H. Zinser gave , a
brief talk on Sooutlng. Reviewing
The last killing blow was ad
ministered to the Hall consolida
tion bill byth e senate ye-stcrd ay
when by a vote of ?19 to 11 the
Hall measure was indefinitely its program of character building
postponed, it was an echo of the and citizenship training.
fight Thursday when tho compro
mise bill 'was nassed. -. " v .
- . - . r i 11 . . . '
The Hall bill was up for third,- - -ut uuik uauuas crua
reading. Senator Moved that .it j the ater must have been drink
be indefinitely :pstponfld.'-HalinR:..yiV)njhIim There is no other
moved that it be laid on the tnblpj' wtty 'lo-a'ccoimt for tbelr antics. '
until the compromise bill' ts final-1 -r - ,' ! ' ,.
ly acted upon. Jlall's motion lott, j
r On' the Eddy motion to post
pone the Hall bill indefinitely tbe
vote was as follows: L
Ayes JBrown; Corbett, Dennis,
Dunn,. Eddy, Edwards, Garland,
Hare, Johnson, Joseph, Kinney,
LaFclIett, Nichelson, Ritner, Rob
ertson,' Smith,' Staples, Taylor,
Tooze. ..- ; ' V'' .'' ''.fr ::-; ' ''
Noes Clark, Ellis; Farrel, Fisk,
Hall, Klepper, Magledry, Moser,
Strayer, Zimmerman. Upton. '
Senator! Johnson then withdrew
his consolidation bill No. 27.
Mrs. Simmons'! Bill Would
Protect ' Heirs in Estate ;!
. . : u Distribution, :,i
A bill. Introduced by Mrs. Sim
mons of Multnomah, intended to
protect the interests of widows
and children In the distribution of
estates was passed by the house
yesterday. "
In brief, the bill provides that
the dower Interest in , real property
is extended to Include personal
property; notwithstanding any at
tempt to ttt off a spouse by will,
the other may take as a compul
sory inheritance portion one-half
as mucbr!of the'personal-property
as would be provided In the event
of death without a will ; if, for
example, a husband has attempted
to evade this law by giving away
his personal property in anticlpa
tion of death, the widow is given
the right to have such gifts
brought into court and counted as
part of the estate and to recover
what portion is necessary to make
up her share; the bill applies only
to those who have been married
at least five years before death;; a
widow worth $100,000 in her own
name is barred from participation
In this act and a widow, is prohib
ited from reducing Ahe share of a
child below one-half of what the
child would have taken if there
had been no will.
"This bill is looked upon by Mrs.
Simmons and those who have been
active In its support, as one of the
most decided advances in legisla
tion affecting women, since the
granting of suffrage in this state,
;" Everybody. : In ' or around Sa
lem who lived here in the six
ties, seventies, eighties, nineties,
and for a part of the present
century, knew or" knows .Claud
Patch, for so ; long connected
with the1 Ladd & Bush bank.
After moving away irom Salem,
Mr. Gatchwas for a time United
States bank examiner, then was
for a , while' one of the directors
of the- Federal Reserve bank in
Pan Francisco. , . All of his old
friends in tthese parts will be
pleased to read, the following
from the Oakland, Cal., Tribune
showing that Claud is still well
and going strong:,
"Claud Gatch, well-knowr
member of tho Claremonfc Coun
try club and connected with the
Central National bank o,! . thi
city, ', is ; on the roll of honor o
the Hole-In-One' dub. This un
usual feat of, golfing was accom
plished - Sunday morning on th
links of 'the Sequoyah ' whll'M
playing in company , with Merno
Peck, prominent Sequoyah player.
"Mr. Gatch modestly.: admitted
that he is not one of the, start
of the local golfing colony, claim-1
icg that his usual card is 98 to)
the course. In proqf .of his con
tention that the accomplishment
was but one of the breaks of the
game Mr.; Gatch pointed! to hlf
score of . 1 1 on the preceding hol
and 9. of. the hole following.. But
the , record stands . and V Claud
Gatch .. is today the envy i of r his
golfing associates, many who
have 1 played many- more i years
without turning the trick."
Chamber of Commerce :
Feed Heralded as Good
Rigdon & Son's
Unequ&Ied Sexrice
Those who fed and almost foun
dered themselves at the Chamber
of Commerce dinner last Monday,
had better put a string around
their - finger next time to remind
them to. not eat so much, or else
a ring around their necks as the
Chinese fishermen ! do around
their fishing cormorants necks to
keep them from swallowing their
'catch. The dinncrihat is being
plotted out for next Monday is go-i
ing to make a dyspeptic a raving
maniac because the .doctor won't
let him eat all of it. They are
still in doubt just whom they can
get for the speaking end of: the
program: but with a kitchenful ot
good eats they expect to interest
the crowd until they scare a sure
enough spell-binder,' -
Proposal to Place B o n d
Houses under uorpora-.
tion Off icq Fought.
The .senate yesterday tabled.
after; a scrappy debate of almost
an hour, house bill No. 215, in
troduced by the committee on re
vision of laws, which would put
bond houses dealing in .municipal
securities under' the jurisdiction
of ' the corporation commissioner.
It was up for third reading. Sen
atorf Moser declared ;it was de
signed for the express purpose of
putting Morris Brothers out ot
business. , . . . , . ,
At the outset an effort was
Men of Congregation to
Build New Sunday School
v -:. . , - '
Monday morning, about 20 men
of the Presbyterian congregation
are to take a vacation from their
regular business labors, and start
in early to build a Sunday school
home for the Presbyterian church.
A building 60x16 feet is to be con
structed, at the -rear of the pre
sent church structure. It will be
divided into six small class rooms,
each 10x16 feet, all opening along
the . one side so that they can be
served by ' one walk. The church
and Sunday school, have outgrown
their normal seating capacity, but
the big hew church that is planned
for some time In the future will
not be undertaken just at this
time. , . -1
The' ladies of the church under
the command -of Mrs. A. F. Mar
cus, president of the Ladies' Aid,
are to serve chicken dinner to the
hard-working near-carpenters who
are to do the actual building. The
building Itself ' Is being . superin
tended by A. F. - Marcus, IC E
Barrett and C. A. Kells. '
Last night, the regular monthly
meeting of the Men's Brotherhood
of the Presbyterian church was
held, in the form of a Father-and-
Son banquet. . Judg George
Brown of the. state supreme court
was the principal speaker -of tht)
"I have had kidney trouble for
twelve years," writes H. P.-Plnk-ney,
West Jackson. Miss. "Pains
in back, Joints, catches in, the
hips, run down and getting up
too much during the night.' But
since taking Foley Kidney Pills,
my suffering Is over, and 1 feel
like a new1 man." Backache,
rheumatic pains, kidney and blad
der trouble quickly relieved with
Foley Kidney Pills. Refuse sub
stitutes. Insist upon Foley's
Honey and Tar. Sold everywhere.
Second Number
'Artist Series
l Presenting
Paul Althouse
Leading Tenor
' Metropolitan Opera
- Feb. 20
Seats $2.00 and $1.50
Plus Tax 107o -Mail
Orders Now '
Albert H. Gille, Treasurer.'
1252 Center Street
Box office seat sale, '
J Armory. -
Tues-i Feb. 20, 1) a. m.
Tickets for - this concert
and Albert Salvi, World's
greatest Harpist, March
,13 $3.50 including tax.
D pniiwn
THIS ii not eotiim.
' .W ra.marcly atat
inc what eMrina ha
prored to bs troa. Ihm
ek-ctrical - baine ia
oar buainesa. and a
inoderatand it from A to
Z Yar money bay a v.
pert aerrica here.
Th Eiit for the Money
Fleencr Elcctiisj .
- Ccrnpsny -
jtrehla Flnet ' .
lactrteia '
4X4 Coxirt St. rboaa
Kwong Fook & Co.
Closing Out Sale. AH Good3 Will Be Sold Frcm
v r 10 to 50 Per Cent on the Dollar ! . , :
. Dry goods, .furnibhlns goods, Chinese and Japanese fancy
goods, silk waists, kimonos, house' dre&ies. bath roHes, under
wear, silk hose, geutiemen's and ladies' f irnishing goods, china
ware, baskets and table covers, etr. .
scotts ideal
" corsets :'
Front and back lace. Colors arc of flesh or
white with a range of sizes from 20 to 35.
Prices froni 98c to ?3.98. . .. . ;
or ' 1 .
.These Corsets include 4hc newr .Wraivarouodi
and semi-elastic models in the small and inc.
diuin sizes. ! , . . .
The heavy bound. I0113 skirted aKdom?ral stip-
ported models in .Udlr Jiiyh. and i;iodiuni
Medium and large iikea. ' ' " '
? Shipley's'' '