The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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:i Issued DaUy Except Monday by
V 215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 627 Hoard of Trade Building. Phone Beacon 1193
The Associated Press Is ezclnslrely entitled to the use for publi
cation of allews dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A- Stone
Ralph Glorer ...
FraxJc Jaakoskl . ,
Business Office. 23
Circulation Department, 583
Job Department, 583
Society Editor. 108
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem,
i Missouri claims to, have the largest penitentiary in the
United Stated, and lone of the finest, and it is entirely self
supporting k J r . .
And has a revolving fund of over $9,000,000.
Dr. G;. C. Bellinger, superintendent of the Oregon state
tuberculosis hospital, has jUst received & letter from E. S.
rtvit i- IV j i;t l t tr a i a. i a. a At r
gon school for the deaf, who
the Missouri scnool lor tne deal and the closing paragraph
of the letter refers to the Missouri state penitentiary. Think
ing Governor Pierce would be interested, Dr. Bellinger sent
the Governor this reference, which is as follows :
" 1 "Our Missouri penitentiary claims to be the largest
,and one of the very finest in the country. The new cell
houses, models of their kind, are lined entirely with
" glazed white tile brick, giving a wonderfully clean white ,
i light effect. This penitentiary with 2250 inmates is en- ;
-'"tirely self supporting and has a revolving fund of over
$9,000,000 , U ,
. The Missouri penitentiary is located at Jefferson City,
which has 12J500 population, a little more half "the size of
Salem, which has now around 22,000. 1 I
J:- The manufacturer in the Missouri I prison are binder
twine; brooms, shirts, overalls, coats, leather and shoes; and
the annual report says they do besides farm and road work.
:- ., t;fH;--;, i . n - , - ; ' '
, t, This is interesting, in view of the fact that the Oregon
penitentiary is now, by the action of the present Legislature,
about to enter upon a program calculated to make it a self
supporting institution, through its industries to be extended
and established.- ' j 1
The, next largest penitentiary revolving fund, of over
$4,000,000, that has come to the notice of the writer is that
of the Minnesota state prison at Stillwater, built up -almost
entirely on the prof its made on the manufacture of binder
twine; though annually thousands! of binders, mowers, rakes
and trucks for Minnesota farmers1 are made there. '
' The superintendent of the industries there, Mr. McMil
lan, writes that he thinks the Oregon penitentiary can make
.a .success of manufacturing twines from flax fiber and tow.
From the reports of other prisons, it is evident that the
spinning of twines is a line of manufacturing well adapted
tcr prison labor. No doubt the Oregon prison will find its
greatest profit here; and! that the profit, on flax twines will
oe found greater than on twines made from sisal and hemp,
-which are used in all the other prisons. But the manu
.f acturing . in the Oregon prison may - and no doubt will be
extended to other-lines when they are tried out and found
both practicable and profitable. ! 4V
There would no doubt be a dispute now as to which is
the finest penitentiary-in the. United States, and, therefore
in the whole world; between Minnesota and Missouri and
other states. But there is no! doubt that the Minnesota
Copyright, 1023, Associated Edit
For Boys
" PLAY N0.2
i ,
No. 12 Signal Plays
sons in basketball . by William C.
Grave of the University of Penn
sylvania, Intercollegiate I' , high
scorer for 1921.; Mr.' Grave was
captain of his team in 1921, and
'was named as All-Collegiate cen
ter in 1919. 1920 "and 1921. He
.olds the record of having play
?ed 90 basketball games, and los-
i i The simplest play from a tap
off, and yet one of , the most suc-
tcfcssf nt Is the ' play "forward to
lorward." The ball is tapped
?t o one forward, who tosses it to
the : other who - has cut for the
(basket. The (man receiving the
"tap should not appear over-anxious
nor make any starts, before
'the ball is tossed op. In fact,
'11 is a good Idea to feint toward
the basket as though you were
,to cut. This 'will draw yonr
irvard that', way, and you can
tlten dash toward the center and
ict-ure the tap, ;
Then toss the ball under
basket so that the other forward
will receive 1U Jast before ' he
rrach.ea the basket.- In this way
lie? can shoot as soon as he re
reives the 4mII and hU shot will
be taken ' from, an easy position,
'vghpuld yon pass to hlm directly
, under the basket.: be will be for'c-j
d; to. carry it under the basket
to the other side, and his shot
Will be from a difficult posltioni.
.Managing Editor
......... .Manager Job Dept.
Oregon, as second class matter
; - v :
is now the superintendent of
The Biggest Little
and Girls
Forward Datdics tOjlJaket
The forward who is to receive
the pass under the basket should
feint up the floor. Then af quick
dash toward the basket will
catch the guard unawares 'and a
score can be made.
j. Another good play is the "for
ward to guard." n this play the
tap Is received -by theorward,
Who tosses; it backward 'over his
head so that the ball lands 'near
the spot at which the forward
stood before the ball was tossed
tip. This should be a gentle toss
about eght feet high, so that the
ball will hit the floor and bounce
easily straight upward. . i
The guard on the same side as
the forward receiving the; tap
starts up the floor along? the
boundary line as soon as net sees
the referee toss up the ball. He
should time his run so that he
reaches the ball just tas It
bounces upward Then a smple
dribble and shot Is used, and a
Goal is scored, because the ; for
ward will never follow the guard,
and the defensive guard will bo
drawn into the center by tho forward.----
Center to Forward t
A third play that could be used
If ihe center can easily out-tap
his; opponent is a direct ; tap
under the' basket Either for
ward, according to the; signal,
cuts for the basket,",- grab the
ball, and snooU ,This play can
not be used very, often , in one
- ' i -: - : ' '- A f
- . I ;" ' . .i
prison stands at the head of the list iif percentagtf of reform
ations. It is 85 per cent, ? and thel system that brings; this
about is the payment of a daily wage to the inmates ; to every
one of them who does any kind of work; even the cooks and
barbers and scrubbers of floors and washers of dishes, etc.
Bt the writer predicts that the Oregon penitentiary
will now enter upon a successful race to become the finest
penitentiary in the world; that it will be able to make the
largest per capita profits of any prison, being located where
the best fiber flax grown is and can be produced in unlimited
quantities thu3 enabling our prison to make several profits,
from the treating of the straw to the spinning of the fibers
and the weaving of rugs and towels and on up through the
various branches of the flax and linen industries, as far as
it may be found practicable to go with this sort of labor,
which is more or les3 temporary and more or less unskilled.
Our prison is off now, or will be within a few days, in
the long fight for the highest place; for the distinction of
being called the finest penitentiary in the world; the model
prison for the whole earth-
And, aside from the present revolving fund that is being
created, there will not likely ever be necessary another cent
of money contributed by the taxpayers of Oregon; nor for
more than four years more, and perhaps not for more than
two years more, any tax money necessary for the mainten
ance of the institution, or for the erection or repair ot build
ings, or for the purchase of a single thing needed in or about
or for the institution. ' ' .
Both Republicans and Demo
crats at Washington are trying
to work out a plan of party unity
at Washington. Whoever strikes
It first has promised to loan it
to the 'other fellow as a sample
of how it can be done.
Senate bill 39, defeated in the
senate yesterday, ought to be re
considered and passed. There is
not a single valid reason against
this bill. It merely proposes to
allow, backward districts to help
themselves; to connect with the
markets without which there can
be no great development.
Tennessee has taken the place
of Ohio as the leader in the num
ber of associate justices on the
United States supreme bench.
That state now has two members.
Justices Sanford and McReynolds,
while Ohio has jbut one, , Chief
Justice Taft. But in avordupois
he is, equal to about three of his
The practical usefulness of the
army in time of peace probably
accounts In large measure for the
small amount of antagonism to
ward the military branch of the
government service in y this coun
try. While, of course, the pri
vates in the ranks of the army
are not engaged in productive
work, they are .a constant - insur
ance of public peace and safety.
March I, 2, and 3, Fly-
trig Squadron, in interest of
Prohibition enforcement.
Afternoon and evening meet-'
ings in Presbyterian churchy
: : -
Paper in the World
game, but; It is a good one to
work If a quick basket is needed.
Forwards should always ; be
careful that - they" do not give
this play away by starting too
soon. Rather. feint in the op
posite direction so as to confuse
the other , team. , i
So fond of his chickens was' Bn,
He couldn't keep them in a pen;
He knew them by name - ,
When he called them they
came; .:'':.!::' ; i
He prlied every rooster and hen.
"Oh, Ben, aren't you ready, f or
church yet?" Mrs. Clark looked
into her json's room and , frowned
io see him still in his old clothes.
"Don't you know it's yetting
late?" ; ;' . i ;
"I'll be ready In a min'ite,
mother," he said. "I just have
to change my clothes, ond-wash
'.nd comb my hair. Oh, yes, and
I have to catch the chickens,
too. They g;ot out last night and
are running all around.
"Well, do burry. Th' first
rang ever so l3ng;ago. It oughtn't
fto take you leng to catch the
chickens. TI137 are such pnts.V
X "They're mtshty fine chick
ens,". Ben adruitted. -'rrtd you
ever notice th way they follow
me around? Just like a dog,"
he added prondiy. ; i
"There's the bell now," cried
his mother, in unting i his clean '
collar at him. "What did I tell
you! : I'm goag on over. . You
C3U come as soon as you get
ready I doa'i like to be late
every single time. Now do hur
ry, please! D.n't bother t lock
up the chlcksis. They can t do
any harm thu time of-y sir"
"AH right," Bfi mumbtc . hs
collar button between bis teeth.
"I'll be there in a minute." ;
He hurried as fast as he could.
In a little less than five minutes
he was all ready and i running
across the vacant lot J to the
church. Mother! would .; be sur
prised to see him' there so soon.
Why, he w hardly: late at all.
Mother made such a fuss about
little things, lie did wish; they
didn't , ait 011 the , front .eat.
Army officers are more than that.
A great many of them. In time of
peace, are engaged in work that
promotes the industrial and com
mercial welfare of the nation. It
is well known that the' war de
partment has charge of river and
harbor improvements; that it has
established peaceful governments
in the half-civilized island posses
sions that . have come under our
supervision, and that it is taking
the lead in aviation, which is now
developing into commercial im
portance. Speaking of the past
record of the war department in
constructive work in time of
peace, Secretary of War Weeks
said in a recent address:
"The great Lewis and Clarke
expedition which opened up the
northwest was conducted by the
army. The army conducted near
ly all preliminary explorations in
the early days ot the country. It
constructed the early roads. It
built bridges and canals. It alone
was able to conduct the early sur
veys and make the maps which
are so essential in the' opening
up of a new region. Army en
gineers initiated most of the ac
curate methods which " are now
employed in the geodetic, topo
graphic and hydrographlc sur
veys of .our possessions. The
army was virtually the pioneer of
the pioneers. As , our citizens
moved west over the prairies and
through the forests they traveled
routes which were surveyed "by
army engineers, constructed - by
the army, and protected by mili
tary posts. They settled on lo
cations which had been surveyed
by the army, and their titles werq
established" and valid only be
cause of the surveys. In develop
ing the land the settlers were
protected , against Indians by
Edited by John H. Millar
though. It looked such a-long
way clear down, the middle aisle
to their pew.
His head high, he sailed down
the aisle, proud to think he was
not 'really late; after all. But
what was the .matter? People
were looking, at him and laugh
ing. He wondered if his face
wasn't clean. What could be
the matter lie strained his ears
and heard giggles and stifled
laughs behind him, and then he
heard a strangely familiar sound,
but one he had never before
beard in church.
Quickly Ben stopped short and
looked back over his shoulder.
There following him down the
aisle were his six nice at' chick
ens. '
, ; -
Answer TMlerHay't : PimflnwT'r. vBua-
troops of the army- Finally, when
the time came to link these out
posts to ; our eastern civilization.
It was the army that located and
constructed the railroads.- Only
after the railroads had developed
engineers of their own and the
country had become safer for
travel, did the army relinquish
its tasks and turn elsewhere for
its missions. The troops of the
line remained on the frontiers.
"Up to 1855 there was scarce
ly a railroad in this country that,
was not projected, built, and op
erated in large part by the army.
Army engineers - located, con
structed and' managed' such ' well
known roads as the Baltimore &
Ohio, the Northern Central, the
Erie, the Boston j& Providence,
the New York, New Haven &
Hartford, and the Boston & Al
bany. Practically all of the trans
continental railroads were '"(pro
jected by the army. An army of
ficer built the best lomomotive
of bis time, after his own design.
So widespread was his fame that
when the czar of. Russia desired
to build a railroad from St. . Pe
tersburg to Moscow he chose the
American officer for the task. The
officer. Lieut. G. W. Whistler,
died before completing the work,
but he passed it to. another army
officer to -finish. Americans are
proud of their railroads. They
owe their early development to
the army.
"The army' built the Chesa
peake & Ohio canal and the Erie
canal.. The most effective influ
ence in opening up the middle
west was the old Cumberland
Pike, running from Cumberland,
Md., to St. Louis, Mo. This 'was
built by the army. Practically
every boundary of the United
States, and most of the state
boundaries, were surveyed and
marked by the army."
(By Harry Bowling.)
Are not the peace advocates
who rely on the influence of wo
man to end the reign of war reck
oning without one of the oldest
biological facts? . r
1 In which sex did nature implant
the stronger fighting instinct
the mals or the female? Which
is the fiercer, father-love or mother-love?
. Look into the pages of history.
Remember Catherine de Medici;,
how, when the Austrians threat
ened to kill her captive children
unless she surrendered the castle,
she replied scornfully, defiantly,
she could bring forth more child
ren to go on fighting them.
What group so terrible as the
Paris viragos of '89, seated at
the foot of the guillotine,' making
a knot in their knitting for every
head, that fell into the blood
stained basket? ' -
In the gladitorial shows of the
Colosseum ask Juvenal who
were . always the first to point
their thumbs downward? Not
the men it was the fair young
daughters of Rome who set the
fatal signal.
Let the allied prisoners taken
through German cfties when the
war hatred had been fanned to
the fiercest-. tell you from whom
they received the harshest evi
dence of that hatred. Not from
the. men, but from the women.
So among the Irish Irregulars
today the spirit of rebellion is
fostered and the passion of re
venge inflamed more by the
daughters than by the sons of
Erin. It is tne women of Ireland'
who swear they will never forget,
never forgive.
' But it isn't necessary to go
back into history to, find out
which Is the fighting sex. Any
man can prove it In his own city,
his own neighborhood, possibly in
his own home.
Who start -90 per cent of the
neighborhood rows that from
backyard sarcasm finish at spite
fences, slaughtered poultry, slap-1.
ped children, masculine fisticuffs
and actions for damages?
Afler the scrap is once on, it
Is true, man does the active part
of the' fighting, but" who, as a
rule, does the starting? Is it
, This being so, why look so con
fidently to the influence of wo
man to end war
"We must not again obtain the
services of such . , good, looking
schoolma'ams," declared a mem
ber of the Huntington Park board
of education when it transpired
that four teachers there had just
been married, three of whom were
employed In the same Bchool.
Presumably teachers are going
to. have to pass an entirely new
sort of examination in Hunting
ton Park hereafter. The exam
iner probably will be some former
assistant casting director from
Los Angeles, but the system of
grading will be exactly the re
verse. . An applicant doubtlcss
will score about ten points
against herself by exhibiting
pretty teeth, will be penalized at
least five points each for dimples.
will Jose about, forty, point, more
It she has a bewttcning rigure ana
will be scored as a total loss If
she also has alluring eyes. Every
examination for teachers may, in
fact, become a sort of reverse
Englieh beauty contest and the
pictures of the losera may be
widely published in the newspa
pers. ; ; ; ' :
It may even become ths. proud
est boast of some Huntington
Park girls that they have been re
jected by the local school board.
-Los Angeles Times.
The school boards up this way
have the same troubles; but there
is no way to cure them. The
school ma'ams up here in Oregon
are all good looking. .
The Washington legislature has
before ft a measure which pro
poses to standardize the dress of
the school girls of the state, to
a certain extent. It is asserted
to be in the Interest of economy,
as-it calls for simple and Inex
pensive materials. It Is provided
that skirts shall not be higher
than . 14 inches from the. ground,
nor waists lower than two inches
below the collar bone.' The
sleeves shall cover the elbows,
and the whole garb shall be1 with
a minimum of frills and trim
ming. Whether the girls will
consent hedged about by
legal enactment is another ques
tion. Any legislation of this
character . usually comes to
naught. If itrtsu't silly it will
be made to seem so. It is merely
a part of the national passion for
regulation. ' (
i Now they are using the films
in large educational-institutions
and manufacturing industries in
order to make out how the stud
ents are studying: or the men
working. A motion picture cam
era Is set up and perhaps a whole
day's operations recorded. Then
the efficiency experts can review
the film In a projection roomand
see what defects there are. After
looking the thing over a few times
they may be able to suggest some
thing that would materially speed
up the program. The cinema Is
being used In myriads of new
The police of Des Moines. Ia.,
are going to photograph intoxi
cated persons and make ' them
look at their portraits taken In
inebriety when they sober up.
Here, indeed, -Is an appeal from
a Phillip drunk' to a Phillip so
ber that should produce good re
sults. .jfc;.r!WCv ;-'-,.--'-
I - ' ' ' '' : '" 7 ' : " ' ; . " : ' ' ' ' " '7,
If t ! it
Every person tin Salem should attend church
services some place tomorrow. At . every
Methodist church here-there will be . j -
. - .- i . , , . ' . . .. ;. . -i;
...... . ! ft
These Revival Meetings
week ahd are a cixlmnation
Don't miss these Sunday services; both morning and evening. Special
music that will delight you, preaching that will inspire and uplift
you, and a personal welcome that will warm you. Special evange
listic services at all of the following churches .
State and Church St.
? Jefferson Ave. and ,
1 Winter St.
West Salem . ,
Sunday morning at 11 ;
' : r
They are still with us
. " . v , :
The legislature Is still here-xr
VS. V ..
- And the members are working
for nothing and paying their own
board; Working as hard as any
man with a $75,000 salary, too. j
There is too much pride of au
thorship in the legislature. For
get it. .There Is no time leftror
trimmings of any kind.
f V "W m - : :.;."t;'T'
' senate bill 39 was defeated in
the "- senate yesterday. But it
should not .'be left' at that. It
ought to be reconsidered and
passed. It would be a great help
in the 'development of the far
away districts. Of course, it must
be remembered that there are
some men who do not want the
backward districts developed. It
would Interfere with their
schemes. , '
Aectioe Sale'
A Big Lot of Goods For Saturday
1 overstuffed davenport, 3 rockers, 1 library
table, 5" room sized rugs, 1 bookcase, 3 startd
tables, 4 pictures, 1 Morris chair, 3 exten
sion tables, 2 sets diners, 1 organ,-1 buffet, sew
:ing table, 3 heaters, 3 Congoleum rugs, 2 ranges,
2 magazine racks, 2.kitcheri cabiuets, 3 kitchen
tables, several remnants Jlrioleura,' 5 iron beds,
5 sanitary, springs, 2 coil springs, 4 mattresses,
2 dressers, 3 commodes, 2 cots, 3 bedroom rugs,
wash bowls and pitchers, 2 clocks,' dishes, trten-"
site, '.'.tools,1 musical instruments, 1 settee, baby . .
carriages and thousands of articles too mimer-
' ous to mention. K
AUCTIONEER'S NOTE Lodging house proprietors,
hotelkeepers, logging camps, and new comers, will find
these sales an economical way to purchase furniture. Don't
miss one.
New furniture as
Court and Liberty
ReyaypB Sepyuce
Evangelistic Crusaden.
no to be a
Y :
Sunday night at 7 :50. Also every night next week
Except Saturday ,
L Ji the,, farncr . .coming bac
,Ble38 your soul, he is the only f
low who ; hasn't been away.
Omaha Bee. '
: Europe's great trouble Is to ,
much preparation for the nex;
war and not enough leparatL
for the last.
. '
'The ' Statesman noted a feu,
days ago the death of Ilenr
Clews, the Wall street authority.
James B. Clews carries on tt
business. He is a son. In the cur
rent weekly financial letter, th
following is a head line: ''Conf:
dent feeling regarding buslno
prevails." The letter gives mac.
particulars supporting this.
- '" .. '
I. Never criticise a movie star ti
you figure out the kind of an r
you would be if you had that kin '
of a salary. Exchange.
r The Reptile society - has Just
had its annual "banquet in New
York. Great snakes!
well as used.
running for a
of - tKe Great
Bug lH)dv
South Commercial and
'. Myprs .
Fifteenth and Mill
Street ; ;
Center and 13th St.
(Services Sunday and
Thursday night only.)