The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 16, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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t'VV rs .-t-u ' (:':''..--' :
'j-- Waiter Martin' is a Statesman
arrier who has earned for him
self a very enviable . reputation
as, an efficiency expert In j the
.delivery or the : Daily Oregon
Statesman. He. has delivered bl$
route. No. 5, . with . an average
of over i 00" papers a 'day for oyer
eight s months without a single
complaint for which he could be
held ' responsible In any tav. In
ether words, this boy; bwho is n
years ot age, has delivered over
20,000 1 papers in a manner en
tirely " satisfactory . to ' his sub-
ccribers. v : ; : i
This is a record that verw few
carriers have ever foeen able to
attain, and is one that this boy
ha a right , to be very proud of.
it ' Is a most exceptional v and
splendid "achievement, and he is
entitled to alii the praise that is
possible to bestow on him.
Walter lives with his mother
at 510 i S. a'ath street, and at
tends the senior high . school.
' k (Continued from page 3):
Whom the banking people of the
state want..' - c
Moser' called, the bill half-baked
and said in conclusion that if the
legislature "would consider all the
nf lis ;and& not- - allow the l
AMnatoVs to get behind closed
doors and work in secret, the leg
IMature might turn out a product
the state will be proud of and that what the governor wants.
, Momt Called "Sir. Hyde"
- ' Senator Garland, speaking In
'" conclusion , attacked Moser acri
moniously and compared him to
"Dr. Jekyll arid Mr. Hyde."
"Senator Moser. said Garland,
was reared in the dirty politics
ot, Portland -'and cannot shake off
the Influence of that ring. It is
not In the political nature of. Sen
ator Moser to be altruistic"
Moser interrupted by asking
Qirland why he did not support
the house bill which gives the
, governor more power than , bill
v 205. . :.y. -.r
' "Because," said Garland, "it
would wreck him, as you wantj to
wreck him. Ton would tie It about
Wa neck as a mill stone to drag
"him down." ' . V T
-: 'Garland declared that Moser
had quickly ; seen how the Hall
"tlll would wrecK the governor
when Hall unconsciously poisoned
his own measure by declaring it
would save H, 000, 000 biennially.
Zj Board of Control Intact
"Senator Moser talks about the
17 senators working behind closed
doors,"' said Garland. ' "It is the
. , devil: reproving sin. No man in
Oregon has oftener than Moser
been behind - closed doors "with
. wax In the keyhole hatching out
his nefarious schemes. The' Devil
a. saint is he!" ,
Senator Ritner said he was sup
porting bill '205 largely because
it kept the board of control in
tact.' He said it had been a mis
take t to- place the banking board
In the governor's hands. "ConsoK
Ida t ion," said Ritner, "Is mostly:
political bunk. But as we are go
. Ing : to; pass a consolidation bill
and in two years, we probably
will come back and repeal the
bill. ... , ,
. '-l"It is possible for- the governor
' and ; the other state officials to
; save money without' consolidation
as I found prior to the legislature
when serving on the budget com
mission." . , , '
Senator Corbett " spoke briefly
for bill 205.
1 Different From In wide
Senator Joseph quoted Govern
or Pierce : with having said with
reference to his tax reduction am-
tion: "Boys. It looks different on
the inside from the way it looked
without. '-:. ;,J.: ' , 5
Joseph ridiculed the Hall bill
because of the two advisory mem
bers It would have the governor
, appoint to :: serve with; the, com
, mission. . ;:-ii :;-'-.,-.
: :'He would appoint two non-sal--
aried chair warmers," said Jos
eph, "to meddle In the affairs of
the state. It isn't hard to Im
agine whom , they Iwould be.
It says they must : be :' learned
. la the science of organization.
have, taken all they could from
the state and given back as little
. as possible?" i i '
- ; Joseph Hits Press
. .Joseph said he' understood the
governor at first believed he
. ' should be given full control of the
state institutions. , i
,i "But he has changed his mind
about that' . said , Joseph, and
now. says that since he became
economically, and excellently man
aged." ' : " : '- -.''Jr-tr." '; r -
"Why did: the Oregon I an sup
port' the Hall bill " asked Joseph
"Why wilai vast patronage onIrt
be" built up-to which the Oregon
Ian hoped j to succeed in four
years. Such damnable, dastardly
little tricks as those to which the
Oregon ian stoops can only be lev
led by a snake's belly. '
Hail Head lettr
"If anyone can justify," said
Senator Hall, "on the 39th day of
the session (spending a full-half
day in discussing a matter that is
already settled, I don't know who
It is. These senators tabled my
bill ' long ago and have kept it
there ever since. Since my bill
was tabled I have busied myself
with other ; legislation but find
that to eet It through requires
'more ingenuity than I have. Some
way a barrier has been built up
at this session against any legis
lation T want," .
Hall read a letter from Gover
nor Pierce received February 2 in
which he quoted the governor as
having said he favored the Hall
,' Compliment to Bill Seen
"Two days agoy" said Hall, ,"I
asked him if he was still of the
same mind and he said he was."
"One of the greatest compli
ments that has been paid my bill,
and it cbmefrom one of the 17
senators, is that it is a political
vehicle for ! myseir. Therefore it
must be a good bill. I am only
sorry the objection to the bill did
nnf ppntpr on ' the bill itself in
stead of on! the man who intro
duced it." -y
L , PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 14.
Portland and othe'r towns in Ore
gon spent most of the time today
digging themselves out from un
der a fall of snow which ranged In
depth from seven inches to seven
feet, according to location and
drift. I
The weafher bureau said the
end of the rold wave, or at least
a considerable moderation was in
Bight and predicted more snow.
turning tonight into rain. Neither
snow nor rain had appeared as
night : fell, f Storm warnings also
were ordered at the coast points
by the weather bureau. ( ;
- Traffic conditions on railroads
and car lines has resumed normal
for the most part tonight. The
street car company had a struggle
throughout j the early-part of the
day .to keep its lines open and
service was disorganized, but to
night cars were running with fair
regularity: I Extra ; crews i were at
work under municipal auspices re
moving snow from the downtown
streets arid carting it to the river
into which it was dumped.
IReported by Union Abstract .
; .! Company' v. '
O. D. Rennie and wife to Iottoe
M. Townsend and husband, lot 15
block 2, Mill add. to Salem, Ore
gon; 300, j , L
, John Laue and wife to Leroy H.
Bates and wife, lapd in Cla 19 and
30-S-3-W, Marion county, Oregon,
$10. - K j f
Alex Lichty and wife to John
Lichty. land in Cl. 5 1-7-1-w.- Mar
lon county,: Oregon, 10.
D. R. DeGross and wife to
Clyde L. Leedy and wife, part of
lot 22, Labish Logan Lands, Mar
ion county,' Oregon,. $10.
M. L. Ingram and wife to P. O.
Bowman and wife, lot 1, block H,
North Side Add. to Silverton, Mar
ion .county, Oregon, $300.
"Louis G. Freeman and- wife to
H. E". Herren and wife,, land in CI.
46-7-3-w, Marion county, Oregon,
$10. - 'i ?
Frank J, Schmitt and" wife to
George Jaeobsep and wife, lot! 7,
block 2, Cowings add', to Silver-
ton, Or., $1400.
E. A. Rhoten and wife to Marie
B. VIesko,! lot 11, block S, Nob
Hill Annex to Salem, Oregon.
$450. !::,,: : -
Andrew Carneglej Is dead, but
the gifts froh (his estate in eleven
years have reached s.5S,uuu.uui".
Such a man Is not dead. He lives
In the affections Qf those whom
ho befriends. 1
We wish to announce' to our friends and patrons that we
have moved our entire stock into the south side (store)
of the same building formerly occupied by us. We have
given up the corner and are now in better position to give
our patrons better goods, better service, lower prices, due
to our reduction in overhead expenses.
1 i
Complete lines of Dry Goods, Silks and Cotton
Goods, Ladies Coats, Suits, Presses and Mill in
j ery, Etc:
I ' Commercial and 'Court St
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hohsort
ar enjoying a visit from their,
daughter, 5 Mrs. R. C. Peery- of
Portland who has hOTi spenaing
the week end with them.
Frel Watters and Win Har
lan came dewn from the logging
camp near Detroit Monday, the
mow boing too deep for logging
work. The men say the snow
was between three and four tfeet
in dfpth when they left and still
snowing hard.
Dr. W. N. Pintler was among
thoso who attended the automo-
(bfie show in Portland last wpek.
Harold, the 16 months old
ton of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur For
ette died at the farm home one
mile west of Stay ton Saturday
morning after a few days illness
with pneumonia. The j funeral
was held from the Weddel un
dertaking parlors Sunday after
noon. Two other children in the
heme have been seriously ill, but
are now improving.
Funeral services for Mrs. Wil
liam " Humphreys, whose i sudden
death cast a gloom on the whole
community was held .from the
Christian church Friday morning.
Mrs. Humphrey was found dead
in her bed Thursday morning
of last week. She retired ; at
night in . her usual health, which
for years had not been1 very
good, and passed away some time
during the night. Her death was
not discovered until her husband
went to awaken her at the break
fast hour.
John Flick Who was accident
ally killed by the falling of a
heavy barn door-upon him, early
Friday n'ght, and whose body
was not discovered until Satur
day morning, was a well known
farmer who resided alone on his
place six miles south of Stayton,
near Mt. Pleasant. The body
was .brought here. Interment
took place Tuesday morning in
the Mt. Pleasant cemetery.
Howls and moans and groans
"n the vicinity of the city hall
kept the residents of that part of
town awake several hours early
Monday- morning. Later it was
discovered- to be erainating from
the city Jail where Marshal
Henry Smith had placed a ten
ant during the night, who evi
dently objected in loud terms to
the accommodation the place af
forded or for some other .reason.
Snow has been falling here al
most incessantly for three days,
but owing to the strong- south
wind, and moderate temperature.
it has melted almost as rapidly1
as it fell. At no time during
the storm has the ground been
covered to the depth of an Inch.
Th streets and walks, however,
fire In a remarkably slushy con
dition. -
Roll Harold and Adam Shep
herd, two prominent Linn county
men, passed through ; Stayton
Tuesday on their way to Salem
where they spent- the day.
. Lincoln's birthday was cele
brated with a : dancing party in
Peauchamp's hall Monday eve
ning. A good crowd was in at
tendance. H
Five New Victor Releases
19000) Bees Knees Fox Trot The Virginian. ;
75c ) Peggy Deart Fox Trot ' - t
The Great White Way Orchestra ?
19003) Ivy (Cling to Me) Fox Trot
75c ) I Gave You Upj Just Before
) You Threw Me Down
19006) Carolina in the Morning
75c )Toot, Toot, Tootsie Goodbye
19007) Parade of the
75c ) Hit. Gallagher
and Mr.
19011) Don't Be Too
Sure -Fox
75c ) After Every Party. Waltz
. Yesterday in Legislature
Representatives Hesse and Ad
ams yesterday introduced a bill
calling tor- tlm "appointment of one
highway commissioner at a sal
ary of $10,000 per year, to re
place the three highway commis
sioners who now serve without
In compliance with the sugges
tion of ex-flovernor Olcott in his
message to this legislature, the
house yesterday passed a joint
resolution calling Tor a constitu
tional amendment which would
limit the subject matter discus
sed at special sessions of the leg
islature to the matter named in
the governor's proclamation. The
resolution was introduced by Rep
resentative Bennett of Coos.
House Bills Signed
. i
The following additional house
bills have been signed by the
40, Buchanan Relating to
payment of tax on portion of
property assnssed as a whole.
96, Meindl Relating to filing
of bonds by warehousemen.
111, Lackey To make Islands
ir. navigable rivers separate
bridge districts, provide for is
suance of bonds and building of
112, Lovejoy To provide for
licensing of non-resident insur
ance brokers.
196, Lackey Prohibiting live
stock running at large ln Mal
heur county in certain cases.
238, Lee Providing a penalty
tor law enforcement officers who
appropriate, sell or give away
intoxicating liquors.
253, Cramer (by request)
Relating to sale of lime products.
255, Lane county delegation-
Relating to purchase of property
by University of Oregon.
304, Committee on forestry
and conservation Providing
safeguards in logging operations.
3" 17, tezell-Relating to fating
of school district boundaries.
99, Hammond Authorizing the
payment of a claim of the city
ojf Canby by the state industrial
p.ccident commission.
87,' Wheelr Relating to or
ganization of high school dis
tricts, 161, Miles Providing for erad
ication and control of bovine'
tuberculosis in Columbia- county.
98, Fletcher Relating" to
methods of voting by . absent
120, Balled To require county
assessors to list all Chinese and
Japanese who own, lease or Op
erate real property In Oregon.
160, Bennett Relating to sal
aries of Coos county officers.
197, Committee on insurance
tby request) Relating to princl-
I areaoon "nipped in the bud"
' without "dosing by use t
Paul Whiteman
American Quartette
Murray and Small
Soldiers Fox Trot
Paul Whiteman Orchestra
Shean Fox Trot
The Great White Way Orchestra
The Troubadoures
pal place of business af certain
corporations. - I J
236,r Cary and McPhillipa-
Creating! office of herd inspectoi1
la' Yamhill county. : . . ,?
2T.9. Miller (by request) Pro
viding for licensing of nursery
men, if d
2 7 T, Reynolds To fix stan
uards for horticultural, vificul
tural arid , agricultural proilucfs
nnil frfnl.iInRr therfor.
ham w m . A -J 4
3(M, Airs. Simmons iiimjiuiik
tc disposition of .moneys of ih-
mates of state Institutions.- i .
3iV Carey Relating to the
sale of dairy bulls. j
127, Lackey A nttiorl zing
school districts in counties bor
deringvon Oregon state lines not
having high schools to enter in
to contracts with school districts
having, high schools outside of
the state. .
178, Graham Providing for re
funding of school district bonds.
256, Bailey Relating- to boun
daries of Benton, Lincoln and
Iane counties. I
45. Ezeir Relating to the
building of county courthouses
and requiring lcounty courts and
commissioners to conform to ; a
majority vote of the people.
62, Wheeler To provide, for
county high school funds, which
may be adopted by the district
boundary board in each county.
,263, Cramer (by request)
Providing for eradication at
black urrants and barberries, i
320,: Joint committee on Mili
tary affairs Relating to opera
tion of world war veterans state
aid commission. j
Chairman Charged With ? i
Blocking Ford , Action
Chairman Campbell of the rules
committee was charged today In
the house with blocking j action
n legislation proposing accept
ance of Henry Ford's offer for
Muscle Shoals. Representative
Garrett of Tennessee., the Demo
cratic leader, declared that the
rules committee at its last meet
ing would have- adopted a reso-
And Help
Leather Gloves
Were to 76e. With and. with
out gauntlets, of good stock
leather and good quality.
Flannel Shirts
1.19 ,
Regular $1.75 Men's gray and
khaki flannel shirts, nearly all
sizes. Well made.
50 Wool Unions
Were regularly $3.50, in white
and gray, practically every slae.
A splendid offering .
NEW ARRIVALS Just in Just Unpacked
Now On Sale
New Sport Coats and Dresses
- c ' - . . -
The coats come in plain and in new plaid materials. The
dresses are of lovely taffeta and of new
Canio'n Crepe. The modes and colorful
designs are very pleasing.
What You Can Buy for 89c
In Our Economy Basement
Men's Hats 89c
Fine lot of odds and ends': in
men's felt hats. j
Men's Unions 89c j
Winter weight, nearly all siaes.
Regular $1.49 sellers. -j
Ladies' Unions 89c
Were $1.49, in fleece lined ind
heavy ribbed. V , -?
Bungalow Aprons 89c
Fine, fast color' percale, neatly
'trimmed bungalow aprons.
iutlon to give) tlfts. legislation
right of way had Mr; Campbell
not declined to lay. tho. TUle .be
fore the committee for action. "
Renresentative Feld. Ken
tucky,. Democrat, also charged
that the steel interests were op
posed to the nroDosition as were
the American automobile manu
facturer "because of the well
known fact that Henry Ford con
trols the automobile market." ".
Kven at Last
A well dressed man stopped
beside a house painter and said :
"You are not doing- that job as
I would do It. You should , take
longer strokes.' i '
"Say, look here," said the man
with the brush, ("are you a house
painter? .'
no ' - -
"Then what dp, you mean by
telling mo how to (db my work?"
"Ob, I'm the manager of a ball
team and I notice you in the
bleachers occasionally handing me
unsolicited advice. :
Clogged Air Passage Open at
Once- Nose ami. Throat Clear
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head stuffed bedause of ca
tarrh' or a cold, get Ely's Cream
Ralm at any drug- store. Apply a
little of this pure, antiseptic,
.germ destroying cream ihtp your
nostrils and let it penetrate
through every air passage of your
head and membranes. Instant re
lief. -: - --I: '
How good itr feels. Your hea
Is clear. Your nostrils are, open.
You breathe freely. , No yore
hawking or snuffling. Head cold?
and 'catarrh yield j-like -magic;
Don't stay stuffed up, choked up
and misserable. Relief is sure.--Adv:
' ;- -" -., "'-''
Yourself to
Tissue GinsJiams ,:
49c Yard
New arrivals of the very new
est in tissue ginghams.' At
traciive plaid designs.
; 36 Inch Ratine
- 89c
The newest and most popular
shades now in vogue- Specially
Heather Hose
Regularly to 85c, B u r 8 p n
Heather hose with and without
clock. Air sizes.
Feather Pillows 89c
A regular size feather pillow,
fancy ticking. .
Aluminum 89c
Pails, double boilers, perculat
ors, etc. j
Flannel Shirts 89c
Regular $1.29 men's fine shirts,s
in small sizes only.
Cups and Saucers 89c
A set of 6 each, cup and saucer
and painted. I
Fine' Rubber
Hip Boob
- - . . , ' ' - - ' .:. I . '-'-(
A dairy feed that contains the following?
ingredients, mill run, shorts, ground oats,
ground barley, ground corn, cocoanut meal,
soy bean meal, oil meal and salt.
Protein 18?
V Fat 5
Cherro Cow Chow is composed of pure
clean products guaranteed to Be free frcia cat
hulls .and screenings.' Cherro Cow Chow is a
perfect balanced ration. In feeding this feed
it will keep the herd in good condition smd
produce high percentage of milk and butter
fat. " , i
' ' You can make a profit with Cherro Ccv
Chow if a profit is possible. Carried by most
feed men.
Manufatured by
Cherry City Miffing Co.
Oh boy! Say they are tine;,
nozning to worry aoout
breakf ast, just add cold wa
ter to Cherro Pan cak e
Flour; Don't use 'milk, but
have the griddle hot.
If you you want some real
Hot cakes that have the flav
or and that nice golden
brown color just say to your
grocer, I want one bag of the
PouiliiiFy Feeo!
Are pure, wholesome feed largely mads cf
grainy and products grown and prcdisced b
the vicinity of Salem. Practically all the
freight charges and jobbers eliminated. Dcn't
you think you get better feed for your racnsy
when an article that you use comes direct
from your manufacturer, through your dsalfr
and eliminated jobbers and all freight charg
es? Have you; ever thought the $3.00 to '
$4.00 you are paying on some feed surely
makes your hens lay ? Do you think the mcn
ey you send away will do you more good than
if it was cft in your own community for dis
tribution? Sevenfy-five per cent of the Salcn
people are using Cherro Poultry feeds. They
know they are getting the best feed that is
made and for less. Every article that carries
the Uierrd trade mark is guaranteed to give
satisfaction or your money refunded by the
Manufacturers of Cherro Products
Ash 6
Fiber 8
; governor he has investigated and
louua that they hare been most