TnETtEG0N"ATEiarAKri5ALE?.lj"bllEG0I FRIDAY-MORNING, FEBRUARY- ICV-IQS a...1" v?. .; tjA .r--- '4 'V: ! Si. i 8 8 aVmeaths contrae. per m. - 15 ffSta' eoawae. ! . - I' L ama-far dnisemat tS rj INSURANCE BOCIETT v 7W.-H. Burghardt. J giipnt Aot -7. State St, 7F v MONEY TO LOAN ; ; . On. Real Estate , ." ; , . ft, K. FORD ' v (Over' Ladd & Bash Bank) ;. NEW' TODAY IT.rEMAJ' STABLE,- 510 BASK OF ; sacra 3'dg- ..'--' "' .- i CCTION SALE OF USED CARS fcsturday eveaing. February 24. at T:30 : Dob's miea.tbt opportunity to get ' er t Tour a price. W expect to J ' kit r4 uwnaut to offer. . , : OLESOK AUTO EXCHANGE , v. 173 o. ierty WAJfTED MODEBX TWO OB THREE roem prtnient. by Monday. Feb. 10 . Pbbn -1500. . . .. . ' . T fOa.BEUT - FCRXISHBD HOUSE- i fcunin (Mat. I AlBO HV tWO-rOOUl 1630 Court "stret Friday after 4 or Saturday.: -',.. ' T ' j0 NTJT RJBK A LOSS -OF $5000 TO 910,000 through" aa' dto accident,; bo I . ineur with u today. Low cost and ' prompt 'payment ( - losses. 8tandley A Foley, Aft. Phono 84T.J : - . v 3 iWAXTED TO BUY FROM' OWifFR i v fltt r ait-room house,-or other deeir A U property. Can pay $1500 cash, i State price and location. Peter Paul t ; to a. Box 133, Salem, Oreroa. . . t V GET YOUR VrTASftNES BY EAT1XO ; i feeowood ' Cottage Cheese. It ia de ' lirered fresh daily to your grocer from a medera sanitary dairy. - , ror.D SEDAN FOR . SALE WIKE whM-la, good vphoUtery. motor in good .condition, ric $32.3. Boaioeaa Men' -' Abutment Company;' Haaonie Bid. IX -T 'TWO : PACKAGES" OF7MER- fhndi put into wrong ear . by mia t t..a.1ftarnto .Central Cigar Store. . r - KEW EHORTHAXD CLASS- STARTS ' xt Hoadey. . February. 19. Capital t Buinee Ceilege.V , , .;, ..? -1 j i ' i - ....... .WASTED-VTWO BOOM MEN AT COBS ft lutcfcell mili. Phone mill office. viaeu.vregon. Li. K isvESTOita i notice . t Owner wilt eell'cnea'p on eaey'terma. SO aeree 1 H - mile r eet of - Salem. ' V, Addreta lX O. Stateeman. : - i i . . . C res S.VLE or! that are 1. 3 oril looking'' U. ' Well .iarproTed i' tract; 'take dty. property ep to ? j I -&.-,-AnothetJon 34 aere. all c 'riXtd afid good land, fair baildtngi ! i'riee $a500i'w,t eity property; 1 1 paj iferen4, , Alao-,130 acres' lit .1 nook eotmty, highway -and ' rrea factory in beet dairy county i f i UU price. $1 tOO; trade. for Jiere- 1 . .t pay, caah. difference. 159 aerea ia 1 . i- ,ifcDakea 18-area in" Colorado Ijr-- property ire.'JIf yonhTo'y ' p-rperty to 'hanie'- why doBvt r" l Ch'?4 Jfc BethttV 540,8tt St. , ; iric?; 5oo jcll -ixahooant "piano. p .ia-eoa. rdbd tee and. Action, tlvSj 15 dwa,.$A),pr.weel(.. , . ,::)tly kaed pianev gaotd aw 6 week " - tI98; $3 dow,,$1.50perwekw m i 800 player piano with rolla and beo-b. eeld new ne year ago. Thia .bntfel pieae only 32S','i i real hoy;"' flO : ; dews. 2 .SO'.per Week.w - ' i : TAL! MA"' PIANO STORE rr . . , - -, M., S. jCom' l 8t. V . . ' .h :To Exchange!- Vatwell eaT or lot or email bona, north.. 8-rnom hea with. J4- ere id -Fila City Priced at. $1500; trad for jtmall hodxe in 6K:m. '. "f -j-'. Statue in -ftelei to trade- for. Dbl1a propv erlr. Wanted i-rtom , boue in- East h Seltm. Will "pay $300 . eaeh and $25 j per' month. -;t ; ' - " -ThomasQn - " tt31H- Stat. Street.. .- ' t AVoodslB.argains : ; Ten. aero "tract three milee out on good road, good Jbuildings; wrthnrd, and. ber- rie. runnlnj'Water, $3500; tnight-Uk .a home lo Sla part pay. 40 ncree n pared "highway, .,aU "under, plow.'amall . hoese. line' iew barn, orchard, running wair; wapA: n'hoeae in ;Salen.- Four room honae. $$00.' Set en-room modert house, ;$3300 Money to loan. f A 6rLSXTII TRADE IS PORTLAND . P-room bo tine. - hardwood floor ; fur; Mr for- bouse laud lot- in Salem. Corner lot and two buildiage for $1900. Corner, lot cloa la and two brflldinga for $300. . .; , ;,- Ag''- . .? Golden Bule Realtor,' -, i- (Golden Rule Realtor) . " " ' 492 'orth Coottage A SEAT I0DEBN."-5-ROOM BUNGA low. with baeement, $2750. 50 acre : with, goobuildiag and oqulpmeut, S , asUe out, pr'c $900O;' wiU tab city - property to $4000. 10 acrM. 7, plow land, baa m cood' apring, 3 mites out; 1 J 3 per acre; no buildings. $1000 to ? lean. , " ' . 5 J. A. Mills 33U; State Street. I 'BtST.BUVg AND EXCSAXOES '8 rnoaa modem bouae."- om paeot. block from Stat atreet, ctaee, f 330C; $500 -eaah. balance $25 monthly: 13 acre. , all ultiatedv ' 9 cres bearing iogana. .bonta. barn,, coop, '. en pared road, 1 mile ri Salem. $5000. eaay - tertiavy '." i .'') . '. "H - . 50 acres, it cleared. " timber.' I er Boyah Anno ? therriesv l-4 cr ; rsp l barriea, acres apples, 5 room kouae. v - bar., poultry ind -brooder ouo,--jw- rem. 5 miles. from Ladd Bosh bank; $400081000 ab- balaac 6 oer cent. This would'; make apleadid poultny ranch. 5 rr timberi $800 cash; SO ers tim Ter. $175p, raay-terms; 34 acre titp- "ber.,$3230. i The-34 acre. tract has bo a, bsra.-aihd.ia all - fenced. Terms ' hhl( aal t . - . -: - ' - " y : socotoFsmr ';"4-i. ' 841 -St-nte''---"- i-.. EMPLOYMENT- WOOD CUTTERS, , "WANTED TO rut 1 to 500 rerdg I ir end eak. Abrama, , , tl South ComiiHercl! lret. .4 i ; : v ELnpRI.T- COtlPLE CAPABLE- OF earina; for lt-acre place aad wb ,1 i . growing wanted s permanent teu-L -; 1 at. ifagt, baeh own. eqaipTtfenV' ; i -,A. Til ftOnttNSTrfrT . - i(. llaaoaie; TeiDp4v Salem. 0reg ;" , WTEttXPcntKNhrllr STOMAS TO 5 Ed. KoiurVriiWrii M rfc .Theo- ' r ?' ten dVts, 0a FVkionl- fit- Prt WANTED MKN ANI WOMEN i-Tu t tolc farxa paper aahcHptMa. A fwMl '. prepositioB K tho rirbt IwopU. Ad tbo-inojaad. 4lttHWi . taeortma ' v &?Veofc U Insertions) - PERSONAL OCT MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL PPr published. Fro for stamp. Cor reapomdent. Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE ? BXXD8, ZXOWERS AND PETS JUST RECEIVED COLLIE PUPPIES, i hyrh elaaa stock, eery pretty females 3. mle $15. Flakes ,Ptlnd. 873 1 state. . i , FAJUg PAFEB ' TOO WANT TO GUT THE BES1 !? B "' -od 15 to. the Peciiic Home lead. Salem. Oregon, for a three ft" fmJ aubaertntioo. ; s Miaiiet hi od. i 3 - OULTttYMEN 8EHD EIGHT TWO . eent aumpa for apeeial thro moaths' trial for the beat and oldest journal ia the week". Tbe artielas aad odeortieo aaent or oi. apeeial iateroat to tb voujixy , brooder of - tb North woet nhw. Poults Jeeraal, tll Com reil vrt, aUlem, Oregon. . LIVESTOCK PIGS FOR BALK PHONE 105P11. PtASOS USED CHICKERIKQ G KAND, IN GOOD h"P- W omo torma. a L. Stiff . Fumltur Co. : . "TOR SALE GOOD U8ED MAHOGANY plan left ua to aIL Priop $300. term. . H. L. SUXf Fumltur Oo. Mu- '' -oopartm)? ; . - - wood Best Grade; Mill Wood Four .ft. and 1 Inch, dry miU 'wood. Four tC groea Mill wood. '- Prompt- deliver? aaf reasonable prioeo. Fred E. WeUa, 80S 8. Churak. Pboa 152. 1 , - i - KlgCBLXjurBOTja WANTEJJ-aONE OB TWO : CHILDREN " If iJ0 tM' Prit family. -Apply 195 " N. Front St, room .. ' , t APPLES 75e PER BOX: r FOR $8.00. Good potato, 75 sack, delivered. ; Ward K. Richardson. 8395 N. Front. Pbon 494. ? ? ; . r FOR SALEGOOD 1 BLACK DIRT. ORE ' gon Transfer 8trag Co, of at 17th and Court street. Salem. ' '.. ."..; FOB SALE 8-SPEED i INDIAN .U0TOR eyelo. Banger motorbike.' 22 repeating - rifle. -All -three ta tood'eondlttoiit for $100. A good bargain. - Win p. , .; aratv- CU 83F4.. g . FOR SALE CASH REOISTdtB, At most new lee (baa half prie; also large Norris af ehosp. Oiese Fulai tnra Co, 8S-T7 Court. , ; j . .. ; Beautiful . Oregon Rose . : aad eloroa otber Orvgoa aongu. togethef . with a fine eolleetioa of patriotl ooags ' cred soogs nd maay , old time faror ' It. ' . -. -" ' - -, - . J-- . ALL FOB 25 (Bpedal price ia quantity Ivta) especially adapt hi. 1 fer- aebooU euuu ity or homo, alagle- ftand for ; - Westerrt 'Songster ; . ti agos, now in It thira tdltJo.. Puhlisaed hy -j . ; OREGON TEAC HERS MONTHLY FOB SALE ' OLIJ KEWdPAMaVS, It ' cat a bend I. Clreulstlo departmiat ' 0no etateamas).: V-i"-i rt i . a : . - DOUBLE WEAR imotSACTORT TO t : wearer. ehap'. X W. Hi Cotvars,' $98; B, 0AI.L,. ISEND p PltflNB FOR ESPRIT 4V .Amoar Toilet- requiaites at the Fl9b-sr-itt-tharBotU perfume Shop-, lift ... K" liiberty Ev j- i .f t t ' '.. ; ; FOR 'RENT APARTMENT! APARTMENT FOB RENT, 891 NORTH ComahreiaL' X J ... . " i . I. t FOB RENT UNFURNISHED MODERK frre-roens flat at 846 V Ferry St. $35J ..ivi- n.n ti...--. k i .1 fXlee, or. phoao 33. . j . , " : FOB REST rCRhJISBED MODERN fiTa-roon IJat, at 64 Ferry St. $50 'a month. . Call at SUteamsa ouslaest ' ofiieor r phoa88. f i.- t HOUSES i t MODERN ; .FURNISHED " HOUSE FOB ' rent. Inquire Mr. Stiff : at SUM Fur- . altra Co.. . j . -. t ';,. . ' '. BOOMS WANTBDi-FOUR PEOPLE FOR MEALS Csll 8S Front Bty room ; .- ' FOR RENT LARGE tSLKEPIKOv ROOM in modern home, clos .in; gentiemaa only. Pboad 187TR. - ic ! FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Mod era. Mrs. Henry Rewe, $$0 North 12vh trt. i ' -r; :3. : ? THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: NO ehildr. Call ia sftoraooa; tl ' tar strC ' . . ' PIANOS ' NEW PIANO FOR RENT $8 FEB MO. . H. U Stiff Faraitar Oa. , r VYAffm) hascxmunsoui WANTED GEESE AT ONCE. Mrs, ML - Sawald. Root , 1. Independence. . Ore. ; OLD- MATTRESSES MADE OVER- f Capital City Bedding Co. pbon 19., , WANTED FUBNITURX.' TOOLS, ETC. . Ptma 511.1 ; : , - y : ' . - i f t WANTED ATVERTTHtNG ' fN HARD , wsr aad-furuttaro. Ba pi i'a paid , THB CAPITAL HAHDWAM m FPRNrTORE CO.. ,i. r v 18R N..Om'rrisl St.. ; (- Pba.847 .WANTED' TO BUT HOUSEHOLD FUR eltueOV, -oanioi-miseaJUaeou' - artiele WANTED-FURNITORRj TOOIA MAj ' chieery. -torh. etc. .Will buy for eae of dell . o 1 .eommisssea. . Pboa $1 1 : Woedry,, the auctieSee(. t BUSINESS CARDS tBON. 8TEEJU.BRAB81 ALUMINUM -BHeg 4ho, piece. Oao-Gae Heotiaa; 0 t aae Ourw if..-" ... - ' AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER , K. 'WpOpRT, THE - u-teeuxA. loraltar, real oetate aue. ;-,ieaeei.- 'Photo' Ml ' for bale date j Bk. JlB.y. Ijummr. . - ": .-- . .V t COlti J. i GABLE AUCTIONEER--v fm Ud it l i-l0 8. High f 1448. 1 t v: ".- . it O; N VTTCRLE. .AUCTlOKBfcB. P.HON i 38-tlllJ;ieo r. iwi iii.' woom at; UTOfQlRECTORY . i ii ii i . (.. i-i.i ,,. 7 111! Slt irviairu. vwoio l" look er our work. Oa aceonat fthe eueees of our Ford Spoeial b. it will be coutinned. iteliao-e , Aula fa hi tie g SIP -; rer-Frat 8 1 second floor. lha V37. AUTO DIRECTORY - AUTO TO AUTO TOPS Curtslns tAndersoa-Tod. 171 8. High BATTERY AND EXJCOTBICIAV A CAMEL-IZED BATTERY -NEVER eed drink. 0. M. Carlaoa, $49 K. . Commareial 8t, SaUm, Or. - B. D. BAKTON CXIDE BATTERIE8. starter aad generator work. ; 171 . 8 Commorsial. PBE8TO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris- Broe. Pboa 1808. 418 ' Courk . , ., AUTQ ELECTRICIAN ; . EXPERT TROU bl shooting. 838 M .High. Pbon 203, BICYCLES .AND. BXPAIRZNO LLOYD E. BAhlDEN DAYTON BICT 1 aad repairing. '887 Court. T CAB WASHING WHITNEY EMMONS CARS WASH . od and polished. Olssoa An to Ex ebaaco. . Pbon- Mta. ; . . . 4, BADIATOB 8t XXNDBB XXPAIBS RADIATORS FENDERS, BOWIES mad' or repaired. J. C Bair, 849 . Perry. . i ; TTJLB8 AND AOCB8SOBISS ARMSTRONG TIRES THE KIND that- never wear out. Thompkia Heina, 219 N. Commercial. USED PARTS H to l-t OFF. MIKE'S Auto wrecking Houae. 484 North , GraamarrteL Phona S88 I HAVE SOME NEW CHEVROLET. Maswoll and Stadebakar ring gears. piniona. asle gears had spider geara. Also an Elgin body, nearly aew. Opea Sunday 9:80 till 4.- -8CHEELAR8. AUTO WRECK' 0T HOUSE 854 Ferry Street. . Pboa 819 .TRACTORS A. Ci' HA AG A COi. 444 ' FERRY ST. Phon 810. Cletr tractor, Olirer tm pWmeata ... . .. . . i USED CARS- Used1, cars . bought or aold oa eommisslos4 storage. - Oiosoa'8 . Autd Exchangi." 4 t FOB:: 8ALE lyift CHEVROLET IN fine meobsaieel condition and good : rubbr..-,Priea $285, easy terms. Bo ar At 840 H. Commareial St. FOR., SALE 191$ CHEVROLET IN good running order, lots of traa, ' good tire,. 1923 Ueoaso; $175, terms . C. H. Caxlaon.. 849 N. Com'l St. SEE fBOSZ BARGAINS ia USED CAHS 1018 Dodge' Touring' 1920 motor) -$203 1920 Orerlaad Touring 85 1918 Oakland Touring .: ... 265 - VALLEY MOTOR CO 260. ;'. High , i Phoa 1995 ;':', r TERMS . ' REAL BARGAINS IN GOOD " - . USED CARS . I A On If 1 : Mitchell,- excellent eondl- ' .tion, first etsss paint job. This tsf'ts just like new .... ..$750 Oae Orermnd Chummy "85Q Ono 191 8 Briaeo. good.. , r : 2O0 One-1917 aeries Studebaker ,,. " 76 Oa 1914 Maxwell, rone good - 50 ; 4". -Gash, terms or trsda V,Y V-1' t-"-No-Brokeraf. - , " ' 5 TW. PETTYJOHN CO. 179. N. Commareial. 8t. : Phono 1200 4- A 1 VICKt BROTHERS USED CAR; ' - - BULLETIN . : - ? ChatiBers.S-pas, new paint ,, , $300 Scrips-Booth Roedater. 1919 ..... ..450 Ford (Track. 1019, body aad cab BOO 1919 Oakland Touring, aew paint. 850 1918 -Ford Touring ,,. 185 SSOrerUdA .Touring 100 8tudehakr. 1918.5 1 . 150 Buick. Touring .. ? 100 High 61 a Trade t - . Phonel84i FQ&D BARGAINS FROM AUTHOR IZED FORD DEALER 1 931-Coop, wir wheals, motor K.- i 4935302 . $325 11T" Touring. Motor No. 408754 205 I92I Delivery, motor No. 4997751 253 191T Tourisg. motor No. 1099374. 180 IfttS Touring, motor No. 2566495. 190 1920, Taurine, motor No. 4194194 . 253 1921 Toorinc motor No; 4 59 -i 840 290 1920 Sedan, motor No. 497325 - 425 1022 8HDAN. motor No. 5438871 . 475 1915 Roadster, motor No. 490804--j- 185 1920 Truck, aew .tires, motor N. -8M9128 X : : $75 . 'VALLEY MOTOR CO. : 280 High" ' r Phn1995 't;-.- TERMS, rv; - .: BUSINESS CARDS V ' ' CAJtPBT AND rXUFF EPOS - NOTICE TO' THE 'pifBLIC WE NOW weara fluf f run made oat of old ear . Aay 'leAgth or width yen desir W alao te-fit. r-aw and also rarn Feather reaerati a r and mat treaa ateayu tng aad. re-msking. Btem fJarp desaiag aad Fluff. Bug. Works. Pboa 1184 - . . ; . , CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAG. CARPET- AND RUG WEAVING Call bfor a. m. 84F21. " , ' CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIMNEY SWEEPING Y U R N A O E t cleaning. F. Councilman. Salem Hard- r-Cip...-.'.- - . .- ' -I DRUG STORES BREWER -DRUG CO. - 405 COURT ' Pham 184 - : V 7 i int.-- NEIMEYEB "JUSTv DBUOS.? r .175.81, Commercial, phone 187. CLEANERS AND DYERS i SPICK N' SPAN CLEANERS AND 'dyars. Phone 195. ; . I ; TAKE YOUR CLOTHES TO BE CI.EAN, jed and dyed to a master cltaner aad (dyer. Standard Cleaner and;. Dyera, t63 North' Commercial. : SALEM CLEANERS AND ' DYERS Suits ..cleaned... and ..presaed. .$1.50 ... Suita , a ponged sad pressed. 5e 1215 8. Com" I Pbea- 1S FZNAjrOlAA LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMRX1 plan, eua eeoey at aay time, withoel sir chars-. 417 Orecoa Bldg. FA B M IO A N 8 AT 8 PER CENT, and -6Vb PER CENT -ANDERSON as RUPERT Orogoa Bldg., Salem, Ore. dARtO.foPOLH- COONTT FARM LOAh eeoeiatioB haa atoaar so losa at 8 W. D Smith. i-tarr-traauror. 808 RalMus Bsak of Commerce. . ELECTRICIANS AAI-SM -I ELE0TRI0 CO MASONIC . i BaUdiag. Phoa .18M. f , CLECTRtO FIXTURE ASD SUPPLY Co.- Pboa 1934. 828 N. Lib-rty.-- 4 it ' i. i.i i i . i . i " i ' " ' HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP EL EC5 r tries), njachina. r0iairig, Heoatramiag ; -$$7 Court.. Pbeas 48$.. -V: , j A BOH US p-bEENER, : ELECTRICIAN ' le - wtrtwr -.boair. p .. mmum--; 'Eetimes furnished. ' pboa. 880, 414 Court 8t rL0BIST8.n S -'i.. .'- CT; FLOWERS ""AND FlJOBAli PIECES. . Je1leyit C. -F -Bretthaantt - Oorint. 4 -Nprt Uberty?' street. . Faeao 880. FURNACXS t 1ST VI ,SU 6EAGBOVK.F0B FURNACES PIPE ood-fipeieas; 198 - 8. 13th 8b - lBaa 885W. BUSINESS CARDS. FURNITURB STORES GIESB FURNITURB CO. QUALITY furniture for lea asoaay. 878 Court r Phoa 484. t;. PEOPLE'S FURNITURB STORE NEW aad second hand furaitara. S71 N. i Cnnrmereiel. Ladies' Wearing Apparel X.RESSMAKIN0 SPENCER CORSETS TO OSDER : Dreeemakiag. ' Carrie Fihoc- MeCot eak Bldg. .. HEMSTITCH IN 0) 8 A L E M ELITE HEMSTTTCHIKO. pleat inc. button, stampinr sad eodl work. 82$. Oregoa Bldg. Phono. 819 "MILLERS' GOOD GOODS -T"hKM stitching, and fancy work parlors) guar antee good work and quick service. Di rect over Miller's stor. to tb right of - stairway." ' - ". MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. - stamping buttons. Room. 10. over Mil ler's store.- Pbon 117. - MXLLINEES THREE FIRMS RECOMMEND MILL ' ner bats to order or remodeled; 203 Masoaie Bldg. LADIES TAILORING W. . MAYER IADIES' TAILORING: : Vodg coats, aad suit. Rorom 7, McCor aack Bldg. Phone 601. BUSINESS CARDS UOTZSLS ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COSY; AOe.ap. . 462 State.. ' " EAUNDBIEa : r YALE LAUNDRY IS AGAIN IS A Po sition to render you the tarn efficient service as before the fir wbieh destroyed- our old building. All klad of lauadry work, alao cleaning and press ing. ..Phone your waats to 185 aaeV we will call ; 1 -A SALEM LAUNDBY COMPANY. $! 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best.- Establlshsd 1889. CAPITAL CITY - 8TEAM LAUNDRY . ' Quality work, prompt servioa. 1364 Broadway. Phoa 165 . - MEDICAI MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phoao 517-w, .' -: KEN'S STO&B ED. ' OH AST A IN CLOTHING CO.- RUIT8 -and ovareoata. Use my'etalr: It pay. SOS State St.. . . MACHINE SHOP' THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC 6tam boilers, vnlcanisers and tube plavea. Parry O. Campbell, 817 . N. LfWt. . ' '., " '.. H. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND rs sad welders., Automotlv servie. 490 Frry. Phoa 864. , . WECHTER A MMITH MACHINISTS. OBfiaeere. - wotdara. ; Haald ' erlinder Tiadiag aervio. Pboae 66184 Per ryv - . . f . MU8ICAI. ) 8ALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC -All branches, taught, diplomas granted. Joha R. Sitae. director. 1287 Oourt- Pboae 828 , ." ' - . . A COURSE 'IN BUSINESS PIANO ; playing. Popular syacopated standard music Semi-elaaiies aad. ballade; 13 ISasohs. Waterman Piaae School, Me- , Cpraaek Bldg. , - MUSI0 STORES GEO. C WILL PIANOS. PHONO . graph. ewing mehia. sheet sauslei. : and piano studies. Repeiriag phono ; graphs aad sewing " maehines. 482 State, Salem. FAINTING CONTRACTORS - L. D. BRANDON. GENERAL PAINTING contractor. Paiaiing ia all Ua branches : ---865 N. High Su Phone 1597.' ' PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING SAUL,JAXZ EXPERT REPAIRMAN ON : all makes of" talking " machines. ' band and string tnatnunenta. Call, writ or ; pnme 98, Monro's Mu.ic House. 415 Court St. Satisfaction gusrauteed ; , PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner.- , Leave ardor Will ii Muaie 8tor. , . - . . JACK OI.EMENT 8AI.EM'8. OIJ piano tuber, is bck. Call, writs- or ; phoa 1774, tb' Song Shop, opposite the Court Honss. r ' PIANO ft TRADE TOUB OLD PIANO FOB A . new Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff 'I Furniture Co Musi Dept. 8HERMAN. C.Y CO, "PIANOS Hta'uweve. Duo-Art and ethers Mor't - Musi House. 415 Court aUt. . I NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINK TREES SMALL " fruit, ornamentals! Capital City Nur aery Cow 426 Oreaa Bide. Pboae 7A FRUIT, NUT AND SHAPE TREES Paarcy Bros.. 237 Btat. FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBBERY Grafted walaat, cherry end Italia pruaetr. K A. Bennett Nursery Co4 228$. Fairgrouade road. - Phoaa 1280 . CHOICE SMALL FRUIT PLANTS Strawberry. blackberry, blackcap, berry, currant, grape, loganberry, red raspberry. Also asparagus, rhubarb, etc. Word. K. Richardson, 2395 No. Front, r Phone 4,94. i , i - PAPERHANGUia-AITD PAOmNO PHONE .GLESS .ADAMS FOR. HOUSE d'corating. paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman.. . ; TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTt f ul colore : ft drtes a room. Mas Q. Burea. 170 V. Com'l. , ; , PLUM BIN 0 GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND beating; ' general repairs. .Phoao 550. 141 8. Liberty. f PLUMBING REPAIRING AND C0II work. ' Phoa 1397 J. Shea. 127 I'bmb street. A.- Lv Godfrey. SECOND RAJTD OOOOS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND ell second hsn-i furniture. Tools and Jusk. 320 K. Commercial. Phone 4SJ WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH tag an shoes. Bast prinee Pai4. Cap Ital Exihanre. 842 N. Commereia' ' Phoa 1868-W i i SCAVENGERS A j SALEM SCAVENGERS- GARBAGE. rfe of lt kiod remeved. CeefpooU eleoaed. Phoao 167 or. 105 W : OOS 80AVESOBB SERVICE (PUC; eer to Nsal Scaveager) Garbage aad refese of all' hinds rsmovsd by the , maata. Keaaeiahio ratee. . Paoaeei Offiro 639., reeMem-e g054? ' .,, t STOVES A9DTTOVBXETIBlBa BTOyfS REfiVlhT AND-REPJM BED' 40 'ysr' .ejireeieace. Jepot-Natita feao."-ia,21 to 3S'Athe thbxa. raietSi' oil au varUhew-eU logaav ; berry: and bop hooka. Baleai fee ad I A8 iWerfcAV ;5a Court traac. Pboae T0NSOEIAL O. K. 'BARBER SUOP LET US BC year barber, Yen, - will bo- plesaoel J. 0. bchweahd, 835 citato tit. BUSINESS CARDS TKAN&POBTATIOM PARKER'S STAGE I INES J. W. Parker. Geaeral Maaager Central Stag Terminal Sslem. Oregoa 8ALKM.8ILVk.RTON DIVISION . Leave 8alm. Cutral Stage Terminal; 7 a. m, 11a. m-, 5 p.. m , Leaves SiWerton. News Stand: - 8 a. au, lf.n.1 p. m. Salem-IadepoBdeaee-Meaatouth ' D'v'eioa: Leee Sal-m Onlral Stage Terminal: 7 a. re., 0 a. m. , 11 a. m, 8 p. m : $ p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Menmoath Hotel: ' 8U5 a. m., 1 p. m.. 8:15 p. m. Leaves, Indepeadeace, Beaver Htl. 6:80 a. m, io a a. 1:11 y. an. 4 p. as. 6:80. i ... We make eeaaeetion at Sslem to all parte of the volley. Extra tripe b appoiatmeu. . J W . PARKER. General Manager . TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 326 Stat St. Phono 3. Diatribntiag. forwarding aad a to rage our apoeialty. G oar rate WE MOVE. 8TORE AND BlllP HOUSE hold good.' Our apecaalty l piaae ' and furniture moving. . - We alao make aouatry tripe. . Wi hahdle the boat coal, and wood. Call oa aa for pricoe. W give good meaaur. good quality aad good service. Lrmr Traasfer Co Pbon 910 VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, aotioas. aad mil liner. WATEB SALEM WATER. LIGHT 8) POUTS CO. Offk-a. 801 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount oa domeetie flat rates paid ia advaaee. N deduction for absence or aay cause aaiea water ts shut off your premtaea. - WOOD SAWING . . WOOD SAWING. " PHONE 1131. ED. fpmed. ' - EDUCATtONAL WIRELESS .TELEGRAPHY' ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEARNING lead or wiroieee telegraphy, writ 'V. D. Carlson, 1133. Court St., Salem. . , LODGE 01 RbCTORY M UNITED SPANISH WAR Camp ft. Armory, First, third Mondays. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A 8TRUBLE. 510 BANK OF Commerce Bldg. - AMBULANCE SERVICE - 8 A LBM " AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone .666: 178 8. Liberty. ,' ., -CHIROPODIST DR. 8. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tioaal Univeraity- Beit ases, Chleago. Masonic Temple. Phoa 640. . - DR. Wl LU AHS CORNS, CALLOUSES, . Ingrown nsilt; all foot troubles. Prir 8he Co. Phon 618. , . . CHXSOPRAOTOBA pR. :8. B. SMITH. CHICBOPRACTOR. h 382 Oregoa. Bldg., Phone 664. - r pvt. LENA A. BOOSE; CHIROPRACTOR. ; 475 B. Commercial. Hour .10 to 12: I 1 to 5. Pboae 1415. ; PRS. 8COTT A. SCOFIELD. P 8. O ? Chiropractors, 414-19 U. S. Baak Bldg. ? Phoa 87S re. 828-R. J , CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR H. L. HUM . CURES ANY KNOWN & dieeeaa. 158 High St.; pboae 2 IT DRUOLESS PHYSICIANS . MAGNETIC HEA1 1X0 DR. A.' L. ? Pre It, A out aad . chronic diseases. Pboae 780. 25-28 Breymaa Block. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO -f tors, 210 Outer. Phono . 1836. OPTICIAN! r ORRIS OPT'C41 X. SUITB 801. 304 Oregoa Building. fcI.Atsr.S PITTED BY THE BOW 0P- ? tie! Co, 825 Stat " Street, eppostt Ladd A Bush Baak.- "Us Quality Prevaa Shur-oas," - NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS -, DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE . AND ehroaie diosases. 415 .Oregoa Bldg. Pbon 110. - - k OSTEOPATHIC PKYaUCIANS DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phone. 766. 8024-J. ; v . DR. W. U MERCEB OSTEOPATHIC ' phyaieiaa aad aurgeoa. Kirkaville ' graduato. 404-405 U. 8. Natwaal Bsak Bldg. Phone, office 918: res. 14. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa and Surgosa, 408-40 Ore goa Bldg. Phones, offie 1894; re. 58-FS. . - DR. O. H. KENT. OSTEOPATHIC PHT aiciaa and ' aurgeoa.- 408-9 Masonic Temple. Pboaes : office 16; resideace 644M. ;.:.. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MY 16 ROOM HOME AT 1030 Chemeketa street. . Well sdspted ' for. rooming. Phoa 120. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON STATE - street. $2500. 5 -room modern house en Union Atreet; ' $2500. , ! - 5-room modern house oa S. 19th Street; $2200. i Want listing oa city property that is for sale. . M. J. Hunt ' Ladd1 A Bush Bldg. - . , PORTLAND PROPERTY IN GOOD CON dition, well located, will trade for Sa lem property, value $3600. Five-room houae, basement, ststionsry tuba, fireplace. $2500. Five-acre tract, trad for house ad lot ia 'Salem. Gertrude M. Page 1 482 North Cottage - Two Bargains One 6- and on 6 room bungalow, prac , tically aew, nd com bargaia. Neces sity compels a sacrifice to your benefit. Over 10O ether house to sell. See I The Fleming Realty Co. , 841 8tato St . HANDSOME 6 ROOM MODERN HOME ' on State street; Urge corner lot. gs ' rage, fruit. 85750. Will tak good car aa part payment. i Pettyjohn & Mouser 216 Oregon Bldg FOR BALE OR RENT LARGE HOUSE, : good condition, fall cement basement. garage, pared street, all kinds of fruit. ' nice piece - tor chickens. ' School three ' block. 'Immuliate . tosessioa. . Apply 800 8. 14th.i Pfton 1992K.- . GOOD BUYS - 7 -room' angler bungalowj fetalshed. To. eased on fair mount Hill.- Prtee 8620O. 9-roe w tnndern. homo with". Urge eorjtct lot on Court. St, Prieu 88400. 9-rom -irtoderh home enipplete iu eterf wx,f'elwiB''oa Cewter t, $7500, . 6 roos'- pmdera hrw . with hardwood floors, in Oaks addition, $7873, terete. S Wki ..modern " baaaalow. east fsout- ea " 8. Cem'V $4100. :inmedlat pntseain. 6-roow bungalow - on' Richmond arenue, ' f 2150, easy terms. This plac ts aw. Beat Estat) aad Fir Inturaaee. . W. H.-GrabenJiorst &.Co.. 375 8UU Street REAL ESTATE A Wasco County Section Cheap Will tak a medium priced house Salem, Portia d, or between. Fleming 4ealty Co.. 341 State St. FOR i SALE OR EXCHANGE 500 aerea caterer land ia Clearwater and Beltrami counties, Minnesota. G. W. Plank, -Rout 3. Bex 43, Salem. FOR' SALE ONE ACRE WITH 4 ROOM houae; good water. 1 mile oM; $10OO; $300 vaah, bat. $250 each year at t. Compton Real Estate 409 Stat 8t. 82300 BUYS A PLASTERED FOUR room bungalow with bath, oa ear line: $SOO cash, balaac $'40 a month aad interest. - W. G, Krueser Oregoa Bldg. Phone 217 187 ACRES -3 V MILES FROM FALLS . City, about 40 acres in cultivation, 9 aerea 3 and 8-year-old prunes, fsmily orchard, two sets buildings, running water; well fenced.- Other business occupies my time; must sell; easy terms. O. J. Bruce, Fall City, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE HOTEL AND ' 4V4 aerea la live email town ia Will amett valley; . doing good business. Will sell for leas thaa trn vslje or trad for. large house in 8alem suitable for roomers and boardera Address Owner, care Statesman . FIRST C7ASS PROPERTY FOR SALE aad exchange. 8ix houses, mostly mod ern, to trade In oa improved acreage; - 83 acres with fin 6-room modern bun galow, cloa in oa Paved road, a splen did buy nt $8000. Wented well im- ?i roved ranches to exchange for ehoic mproved Canadian wheat faruis. Three room house, small lot, $575. 3 choice lots, close In, cheap. 11-room reomieg house. $4500. will. par 15 per eent oa Investment. W. MeTrea Realty Co 180 N. Com'l 81, Phoaa 480. Adete Oarriaosi'a New, Pha of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 2137 .- . .'-'" ' W H A T HER FLUFFINESa PLANNED FOR THE RE TURNING BRIDE. Little Mro. Durkee aod Marion greeted Lillian and lme rand the boobona with joy. - Edith Fair fax was nowhere to be seen,-and in a answer to our involuntary look of inquiry plir' hostess ex- plAioed" her absence jsettishly. . "She's the-flor Ist's. to see about flowers for Ijrlln'a room .whfn she and Alf red come : back. 1 Aa if -1 coaldn't attend- to - those things! T . I A tell you, g'rls, I can see the begin ning othe end. Vra. Just, going to be .nobody ,in my own house after, thoso. girls get to Tunning thisgs their way." . The tears, which are always near the eyes of Her Fluffiness, began to course down her cheeks. L'ilian gave Marion a signal, and the, child, with - one distressed glance . at, Mrs.. .Durkee,; , went quietly and obediently out of the room. "A .-A A :,; ; -. . -a "Is A EdHh ; going to live fcere, tod?" : Ullan asked, when the child was out of earshot. fAll for Alfred.' I listened eagerly for Mrs. Dur kce's reply, although I had, learn ed of this arrangement before. "Oh, o" course.!" Mrs. Durkee replied ' wearily. ""vArere. going to - be a complete happy family.' , 1 "Wherever are you going to stow them all away?r - Lillian Erked. I stole a furtive look ! of astonishment at her, for she Is never in the least Inquisitive, be fore, I fathomed the. purpose of her- question. She knew that if she could get Mrs, Durkee's mind switched ta her household regime our little hostess would forget her grievnees in tthe delight of exhibiting', her new arrangements to' us..-: ...... . , ' ' ."Come upstairs and 'I'll show you" Her FIu8Tin$ss , responded promptly, drying, her tears hur riedly: and becoming cheerful im mediately. "You won't know the rooms. I've been busy as a bee getting them ready,- and yet I'll bet there'll be something, she'll want to change." I reflected as I followed her upsta'rs that Leila would be an uncsual bride if she did not wish to have some arrangement of her own choosing in the rooms In which so much of her life would be spent. But I saw- when" little Mrs. Durkee proudly throw open the doors of the rooms she had set apart for" them that, he had arranged every last detail, '. even to I the shades covering the elec tric torches .which simulated can dles in the wall sconces. :; "Wasn't it lucky that we never furnished, this room adjoining Alt s? Mrs. Durkee asked, when we had 'finished exclaiming over the "beauty and daintiness of the appointments of . the room intend ed for the bride. Her Fluffiness is a housekeeper par excellence, and she had evidently put her whole heart Into tha . furnishing and arrangement of the - rooms. "You see." she went on. "this room has an alcove, so I could put the" dressing table and chif fonier in there out o the. way. And by getting a day bed in stead of a, regular one, .Leila and All red Jean .use this room for a little sitting room. Alf has af tfays wanted an upstairs sitting room. Abut I never .got -around to lix.f hra ope before.". ... : ; . : ': '..!'. ' ' -"'-''r . '-s " Perfunctory Admiration.- .i- ! .. ' . 1 - ..-.h , .i -". ;, : The real beauty "of the 'room faded -for hie at' her' words. There was not a thought in it for the pcntle, tieautiful girl whose home it was henceforth to be. Alfred wag ' to have the' upstairs' sitting WIG HUSBAND SPECIALTIES ARE BID! Speculators Are Hampered by Large Volume of Pro-fit-taking, However. " v - - - -1 NEW YORK, Feb. 15.-S pecu lators for. the advance succeeded in bidding up prices' in today's stock market' but they were ham pered by a large volume of rlrofit taking induced by the higher call money rates, which opened Jat 5, advanced to 5 1-2 and then six and fell back to. 5 points again at the close. Fresh buying power centered largely in the indepen dent steel, oil and copper company shares, but a. number of special ties were bid up sharply for indi vidual reasons. . c "A.:, A Foreign ' . news developments were largely ignored but the new year's high for sterling had a cheerful effect on sentiment Higher prices for crude oil, zinc and copper, the latter being quoted at new high record of 15.1-2 cents a pound, stimulated the buying of shares in those groups. The ; apparently chaotic condition of the .Cuban raw fu tures and refined sugar (markets imparted an Irregular trend to the sUgar company issues. - t - j Pool operations were conduct ed with Increased vigor in all parts of the list. California petro leum was the leader of the oil group. . f: V':" . a;:, '-A--; ;;'a . The hardening tendency of steel prices, noted in the weekly trade reviews, combined with., reports that manufacturers were offering premiums to independent com panies for prompt.. ' shipments, drew attention to the steel shares, Trading in rail - shares contin ued in lethargic fashion, although the main tendency was upward. Time; money was offered at .6 per cent for 60 days with brokers taking some for 90 days and long er,, but bidding only 4 3-4 for the later maturities. Commercial pa per continued moderately active with the bulk of the prime names commanding 4 1-2 per, cent. For eign exchanges were. firm, pe mand sterling reached a new year's high at . 4.68 S-4 -. and French francs stiffened to above six cent3. German marks . touched .0051:1-2 or more than 150 pel cent above the extreme low, the recent . rise being attributed to German " government - manipula tions. -..:';: . . ' room he had always wanted, and his bride was" to - have her be longings shunted; Into out-of-the way corners in-order, to accom plish. that object. I . : "How do you like -the color cheme?"- Mrs. Durkee ' v asked. Uh all. the confidence of a child who knows' that ' it A has done something clever, and '. only waits fcr the praise. , . , . A .r "It's lovely!" Lillian said heart ily. "I " suppose It la I-eila's fa vorite t Color?' "A ...... . For a fleeting second little Mrs.4 Durkee" looked .'embarrassed. a second in which 1 wondered if Lillian knew, as I did, that the room, exqu'site as it was, in pale corn color and gold with just a touch of olive, or contrast, was jet directly; opposed A to Leila's pessiobate . admiration for .', any thing pink. ;- - . . A ! The ' colors of the roses, from the lightest to the darkest tints I well knew her love of them, and f yet her husband's mother had furnished her, room with' a color background against which even Leila's favorite blossoms." pink " sweet peas, and 'Killarney roses, .would, jar. ' .A" , : "It ought to be if It Isn't." Mrs. Durkeei 'answered Lillian's question - with an obstinate set ting of her, pretty Hps. j'Sbe's Just, the coloring to look well against that background. And, bes'des, T didn't want to do over All's room; he fixed it all up in his '. favorite browns, "not very long- ago and this harmonizes wonderfully with it. See " She threw open the connecting doors between the bedrooms, and we saw that the color scheme of one d'd, indeed, blend charming ly with that pf the other. VYou 'certainly have accom plf shed wonders." Lillian said. There was only perfunctory ad miration ; In her tone, and I knew that she resented with me the A t e 1 f i s h ness unconscious though v it undoubtedly was which had led little Mrs. Durkee to, prepare her daughter-in-law's room with5 no thought for the girl's tastes or comfort". (To Be Continued.) ' WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 15, Wheat: Cash No. 1 northern 1.19 5-8 'Ci 1.28 G-8; May 1.20 5-8 and July 1.19 3-4. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 15. Clone Wheat, March 9c lOd; May s, 9 l-2d. ' . - : BUENOS AIUFX. Feb. IS. Opphing: Wheat. March 1,20 l-t up l-4c; May 1.22 3-4. up 1-1. FRUIT NEW YORK. Feb 15. Evapo rate apples dull; prunes slow; apricots more active; peaches quiet. SHARPLY SLIBIiJ KBKET IEC01ED Waves of Wheat Selling To- . .tallin.o: Milbons Brm rr to . Prices Down. CHICAGO, Feb.. 15. Waives of selling that totalled' well info., mil lions of bushels brought about sudden fall of values in the wheat market today. The bulk t the selling Awaa ' ascribed s- to eastern interests which until today had clung to hopes, of the enactment of export credit bill at Washing ton. APrlces closed weak, 2 to 4 l-8c net lower with May $1.19 3-4 , to .1.20 1 and - July 1.14 3-4 to 1.15 Cqnl lost 7-8 to 1 l-2c; :oats. 5-8 to 7-8 and pro visions! to 12 cents. At first the wheat market -showed apparent strength with a moderate amount of buying based on continued cold weather In the winter crop belt and higher quo tations at Liverpool. Upturns in price, .however, went no - higher than one cent and lasted' only about an hour. From that 6tago. onward, the selling came in such volume, 'tiiat except ' for brief in tervals te descent of prices was practjcallx u'ncnofked and the fin ish was at the s' lowest , level reached.?.;:,;..';''. -'A" A All of the gains otthe, last week, or ten ; -days in the -.wheat market were wiped out by A the drastic setback today.; Rumor that .there, had been a settlement made privately, between eastern longs and .western short brought forth prompt denials.; May -wheat led the decline and it was this de livery in -particular - which i win affected chiefly, by selling order from the east. According to cur rent . gossip, the - greater part of the : holdings liquidated - - today were closed out at a profit, .. A Corn and '.oats' were governed by the action of wheat. Rains in Argentina had some- bearish cf fect.i;;; ;':; '-aA:,'- , i-,.-. -:'.. la the provisibnmarket the in fluence bf higher price jon-hogs Was more than - counterbalanced by tbe-weakneits of grains. ' , M1SCELLAXIX1LS A ; PORTLAND," Ore., Feb: 15. Butter:-. Prlnti extras 48e; cubes extra845c; prime firsts. 4 4c. Butterfat, Portland delivery: No. l sour cream 49 c. . ; Potatoes.: , Buying price locals, 50c; selling price 60 075c." , SALEM MARKETS 4 T 4 Prices quoted are wholesale and a" prices received by .farmers. No retail price ero-xivea exeept s noted. Na. 1 wheat $1. to. No. Z wheat 81.08. No. 8 Kd wheat, sacked. $1.07. ' 4 'beet hay, $30. Oat hay $20fe22. ' Clover bay. baled. $3122. E0O8, BUTTER AUTO BUTTEKFAT Kgcs. wholeeale. 2c. C'reamerr batter. SSW-tOe. - Bnttrfst. delivered, 4$ (it, .-e. Milk. $2.45 cwt POULTEY . leghorns. Springers, 13 64 15c. Broilers. 15c. Hens, light. 12c. liens, heaey. 1", PORK. MUTTON KSD BEEF . Hogs, top. 14 Vie.,' hogs, 0c. Heavy rough. 10fl) 11. -Hressed hogv. 12li:e. Top vest, drew.ed, 9e. Top eteara, lglir: t - , - - ; Cows, 10c. , . . ' ' FXTJIT8 . It ananas ll.- t .- ' -v. lemons $7$.50 ... Navel orange. $.t..'.nr 75. - Florida aratWiWit. 7At?.50i latea. 2.7SW..1.7'"., T ' BUNCH VEOETAKI.ES . Beets, carrots, t"rt,n, 8t per dos. :'' . NUTS .-' . WetiiMls. 80s lb. Filberts, 20c lb. -Almonds. 20o lb. " firaail. l.s lb. , . ($t'hv ?. j;;r J1' Xtyv , i ( youllilrid A oeJusliTig!itf I brand in 7 ft coffee illi Golden Wesl - V- A '