c 2M, OREGON FRIDAY. MORNING, FEBRUAjRY.6,. 1S23 HI I! !! i CAUSE BOW i.nu Bill to Create Conservation - Commission, in Each "'' County Is Passed, ; A bitter fight was waged In the senate "yesterday over house bill 140, Introduced by the committee on 1 assessment and taxation, that provides for ;a tax supervising and conservation commission In every county "of the state, identical tit function with that in Multnomah county. It provides for the ap pointment of each commission by th governor. " "The bill passed. ' ; Zimmerman first assailed Tthe bill, declaring it would gire more power to "the governor : than", any one man ought to have. , .if- rTicioos, Says' Joseph v "! He Vwa followed "by Joseph, who declared the bill one of the i most fricious- he'eTer had seen in an Oregon legislature, j V . ' 1 ..'The bill," said Joseph, "gives control to a central commission at fhe slate capital. I. X. Day might be named on that commis sion, How -would you like to have I.. 'IT. Day get a strangle hold on you? He had it once and we partially , kicked ' him loose, then he was. tacked on again by Governor Olcott. - Thy, . such - a commission as this could strangle amy Municipality in the state."! '.TUtner supported the bill, sav ing tne Taxpayers' league of Uma tilla "county- wants It. J j ' Corbett declared, that Joseph was ' mistaken, and "that the till does "h6f ''provide, for ! a central commission. r j i - , . ' V- : Staples -Assails Joseph Staples likened , Joseph to a bull on' the farm where i he was raised. - - ' ' ..rThe builpr isaid Staples. "was a tame 'ereatnre until "some man no. day prodded him Srlth' a pitch fork. After that, 'whenever the bull , jsaw, ' that r man 'he wpuld ' make -a'' rush for anybody who .happened d be nearest him.- And when' Joseph 'sees I.JN. Cay any where 'fi$e 'starts in to gore who-' ever is nearest at hand. ; V tr Senator ' Dennis charged that Joseph, ; because of - personal en mity toward IiN. Day, would de feat for'the whole state '"what he admits ia good ' for Multnomah ' county "-' " . ' ' " , Joseph Cites Instance ' . - Joseph declared that; Day -had held up and-adjourned one meet in "of the 'Multnomah commission to prevent Walter M. Pierce, now gTeTfidTPTTrom Toting - on a" cer tain question.- "It was 'one of the" most " ' low-down, dastardly pricks I have- ever known of," said , tu 3 cIfaISj ri kr b w w : t Continued from, paga. !) entrance to the Straights of Juan de ca;"sawTagJ'e evidently - from a -steamer afire - - ' ? i s Coast GnkrO. Goes" Out Shortly after ; 3 o'clock j; this moming,f the Santa - Rita broke Into the aerial v conversation.7 1 "We will be there at 4 o'clock' said the Bata Kita'8 key. !.' An hour later and the " Santa Rita had" struck a . Vancouver Island Jedge,. and . vras ; ' herself calling 'for" help. . ' ' . 4" Another can came. s.. V "SOS Tttscon Prince ashore lat " the 'wireless failed. "We are breaking up fast, we are going down" said,,' a v second faint 'message , ' ' VSanta Itita1 off Tatoosh on rocks; sinking, receiver brdken: cannot hear anyone work.' Cap tain saya'ehewon't sink but the , water is rough. : Asks is anyone The wireless had picked up another call (for help.. , j ""VS coast guard cuttef Al pouquln off Columbia Tlver, at tempting rescue Tuscon Prince." All Are Sawed ' ''Santa Ritas receiver in com f mission again. 7 v. ' Commercial" messages filled the air again, and then eme the Sno- . ; homWh: '.-; -rVv-.?, t . ."Rescued total crew of 3 4 men ' from burnng NIka. " Now stand ing by wreck. .Will give f obstruc tion jeport later V ' ? Bad news came: from ; the Tac scn Prince. "Number lives prob ably lost whenf Tuscon Prince , vantaahora nearEtevan. -Uo-irg to vessel's aid' said a mes sage ;Xrom the Xlllicoi tug. 'Sea Monarch - which had . been stand fng-brrthe- Santa-Rita.; The lat ter veaset at that time was re ported ln no danger. f 1 SHRINERS TO GATHER , -j Continued from page.l) . be- used in the. services 'for the : The Eastern Star ladles are to , be " given special receptions by the 'local . hosts ' and' r hostesses, ' with, a delightful series of enter tat amenta that will make it ' real Eastern Star event.- The . plan is jfor ' the visitors ' to "stay over 'night and spend Sunday, May 6." as their own un cificlal "Blossom dayVin the or. rhards tributary to Salem." . ' ' At the meeting last night Jus tices Bean, Burnett and Harris . of the state supreme court ' and - George Brown, grand' commander of Ue Oregoa grina? lodge? Were local guests and spakerB. Com mittees ; to'-carry oat -lavish clan ' for; the biz ; feremoniaff Srd to be named atid' to feet 'to orfc a. aqfttir as possible One - prelim Snary Is a- big Shrine dace. at Ine rarmory, April : 7. ! to -assist in raising funds for the great show. BITS FOR BREAKFAST Looks like a hold over- Either this, or the longest Sat urday in the history of Oregon. The members of the legislature will receive no salary after today; their munificent salaries of $3 a day, will stop automatically. But the 15 and 10 and 120 a day obs of the clerks and .officers will go on as long 'as the session, lasts.-" 1 i .-. -. j . " " The penitentiary was well man aged under the superintendenCy of Jim Lewis; in the' matter of good" disciplined in keeping the men in order "and the premises Clean and sanitary, and all that. : v But when Superintendent fSmitb took ' charge he wiped the slate. He made everything start as Of that date. Bygones ' were ' made bygones, with .the inmates. " This order released one man from the bull pen," where be had been kept In solitary confinement for months and 'months "on ' end ; the Bits for Breakfast "man does not remember how many months. This man was considered a most dan gerous criminal." He was. His record showed It. His conduct at the prison proved It. .,' But the wiping of the slate released this man; about as near a human skel eton as one would want to or as most of us would not, want to see. Well; that dangerous man; that human hyena and mad monster is- now working in one ol the shops, and he has given no trouble whatever, lie is as tract able as a child. This informa tion ' does nOt t come" ;' from Mr. Smith: Iterhaps 'he would not want It given out. It does not come from any. one ' employed at the prison: It comes from' a rank outsider, but: it comes In such a manner that the Bits for Break fast man knows; It is accurate absolutely. And he does not In tend to tell how. he got the in formation. 'The spirit, that now prevails at the Oregon penitenti ary, 'given means and power and authority to ; work . itself out, as the legislature Is now on the point of doing, will make that In stitution not only self supporting; it will make it a ; model "prison; a prison in which there will be rib human hyenas held in . "bull pens" ahd In slothful and'.rotting and festering idleness, gathering the gangrene of hate and revenger it wui give ' every man work to do, and a small daily wage 'for his' work, in order - that he may keep his home together on ' the outside;' may blnnt ;, the edge of disgrace for the innocent ..victim's of his misfortune; may return the man to society a law abiding and useful citi2en in "at least 85 per cent of the oases, as is the rule in the prison at ' Stillwater, : Minne sota, 1 which has this system that wilt, now be Inaugurated in the Oregon prison. 4 r .Governor GIff Pinchbtt o J Penn sylvanla has cut his salary from 118,000 V tear lo $l(T.00O. How ever, as Gift has a big fortune from his grandfather, he doesfr t need the money.- t Take Salts 'to Wash Kidneys If "Back I Pains Yon or ." Bladder Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also lake salts j occasionally, says a noted authority, who tells us that too much rich food f orms acids which almost . paralyze the kid neys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They .become sluggish f and J weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the, kidney region, sharp pains in tfce bs fck or sick headache, diizi ness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the weather is bad you "have . rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy. full of sediment, ' ' the channels often get sore and irritated, obllg iflg you to seek "relief two or three times during the night. To help i neutralize these irri tating acids, to help cleanse the kidney's and 'flush of the body's urinous waste, get' four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful in a glass of Vater before breakfast for a few daysj and your kidneys may then ' act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid 'ot grapes and lemon juice, combined vUb lithla, and has . been used foj years to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also to" neutral ize the acids In the system ao they no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder, weakness. . ' Jad Balls Is ' inexpensive; can not injure and makes a delightful effervescent lithla-water drink. Byall mean have your physician examine your kidneys at .least twice a year. Aflt. HAVE KIDrJEYS ' 'EMfJIlIO ffl YOUR DOCTOR FLAG ETIOUETTE THIS IS OFFICIAL Points to Be Observed Care fully Whenever the Ameri can Flag Is Used. (The ioliowing, I which is offi cial, is given to The Statesman by a friend and subscriber, witn the roquest to publish:) Sunrise is the proper time for raising the flag, though It may bet raised at any time of the day. Sunset Is the proper time to lower the flag. It should leyer be left out at night except; when it is under an enemy's fire. ' When the flag ; Is lowered. It me - KTOUna. UUl suum ue ceived in Che arms and f careful ly folded. The flag is hung at haM-mast when some public " servant dies or on- Memorial day. To fly 'the flag at half-mast first run it to the peak of the staff and then lower it a distance equal to its breadth. In returning the Hag. first run it back to the peak be fore lowering it to the ground.' On Memorial day the flag Is kept at half-mast 'only from sun riso to noon; during the 'after noon and until sunset the flag is flown from the1 peak; When the f lag is carried past in parade, if you are walking, stop, and in any case stand with your hat off. When the "Star-Spengled Ban.; ner" is playeM or -sung, always rise and remain; standing until it is (finished. Do not talk while the music H- befrig played. The flag should not be made a part of" a costume', in whole or in part. , It may be worn as a badge, and then it should be car. riedron the ieJt breast over the heart. " It is the rule and a rule of ten broken- that the flag when used as a decoration should never be ' f eetooned or draped. but should always be hung flat. This Is because "the normal po sition, of a flag is flying from a pole, -and the aim in decoration' should be to copy that position as nearly as possible. If hung against the wall with the stripes horizontal, the union should be in the "left upper cor ner.. If the flag is hung against the wall perpendicularly, the rnion should -be In -the right up per corner. ' ' ; : -: If the nag -is ' suspended over a street running east and west, the union should be to the east; and to the north, if the street rung north and seuth. s f The only case when the (flag may be flown reversed is to sum mon help at sea. . - ROSTEIM GREEWBAUrJl Higher Prices Will SbowBe With ts Take Advantage of the Situation i ; , and Buy Now 1 ; t Nashua Best Woolnap Blankets. Pretty PlaiaV li Heavy Weights, all first grades. Beware of seconds 60x80 Pair $3.50 C6x80 Pair $4.50 All Wool Plaid Blankets 66x80, pair $7.50 w S,amless Sheets lx90 $1.25 Seamless Sheets' 81x99 $1.35 Bed' Spreads, plain or scalloped and Cut Corners 4 j Iiirge Sizes ;. 72-inch Mercerized x Table Cloth Good Grade, Windsor Washanrede Crepes Pretty Patterns, Special, Yard 1 Goods, Yard 85c 35c Millinery Department now opened in rear room. Early Spring Hats, Straw Braids and Hat Trimmings Turkish Towels, Large . Double Texture 25c $1.00 Brassieres 50c Brassieres 25c Artificial Flowers; Big Display, quality and ; Price Right 24(3i"246 North Commercial Street 'The national flag'shoUld never be 'fastened to the! same 'halyard with another' flag, buti iit they are "hung from1 the same pole, each should have Its ' own "halyard.-. - ' r: : ' ' When tha flag has been, used to cover a statute or monument, after the unveiling the flag should not be allowed to fall to the ground, but should t be swung up aloft, flying, there for the rest of the ceremony. ', . If the flag is placed over a casket, the blue field should be placed at the head. If it Is used to cover an altar, ' the union should be at the right as one faces the altar, and nothing but the Bible should be allowed to rest on the flag. .. . The'.flag should never be plac ed below a person sitting, i If carried in parade5 with other flags, the national . flag should always be on.the right This rule applies also when the national, flag la. used with other No-other flag should be flown above the American f lag. - The only exception to this rule I3 the church flag, which is hung "above the national flag while religious services are being conducted. There are severe laws against the mutilating erf the flag, defac ing it, . or placing upon it - any advertisement or any words ' or designs whatever. These- , laws also protect the flags of foreign countries. Xo Comparisons, Please , . A few years ago a case came before a recently elevated judge in which the accused, was in ex tremely poor health. - In fact, the defending lawyer saw fit to call the attention of the .jury to the condition of the prisoner. "And, gentlemen of the jury he' . wenti on,'a8 I : stand at this bar today in -behalf of a prisoner whose health is such that at any moment he may. bo called before a greater Judge than the judge of this court, I " f " . . 1 Hep, rap, rap, went the gavel. The lawyer stopped and" looked questionlngly at the man on the bench. "The gentleman said the court with dignity, "will; please confine himself to the case before the jury and not permit himself to indulgej in invidious compari sons Judge. JL Hill' Handy. Stop Colds in 24 hours v-rim ro a aavs. btaoaara remeer fbr two generations. No bad 'after effects. Safe and depen dabM. xjemand red box bearing Jdr. Hill's portrait and At AJlDrvgeiatd30 Cenfs-- 72x84 Fair $5.00 tied .Blankets l'air $1.95 ' Feather ' Pillows . 31.45 and $1.25 Comforters f 100 New Carded Cotton Agatha Percales Best oil the Market, Yard 25c Regnlar Percales 19c Ladies Outing Flannel Petticoats 50c Gowns . $1.00 Japanese Crepe Beautiful Colors, Yard 25c 36-inch Outing Flannel, i Good i Quality, Yard 25c iisir. TUBERCULOSIS IS mil BERLIN. Feb. 13. Tubercu losis has i made such heavy in roads on Germany's .population recently that cries for additional financial aid are going up re peatedly from the official and un official relief agencies. A short, time ago more funds were demanded for the state in surance department -which minis ters to the tubercular. Its aid ex tends this winter to 50,000. fami? lies. One bf the department's regulations : requires that, before a family can claim ls benefits, at least one. member must hold a state insurance, policy. Now a plea- for - further public subscriptions has been raised by a relief agency -which confines its activities to- members of the mid dle classes and operates largely through public funds to aid per sons not covered by Insurance. i Among the agency's beneficiar ies at present are 1654 federal, state and municipal officials; 119 proressors, ministers, attorneys, doctors and students; 153, teach er; 88 Journalists and actors; 133 widows and orphans; 562 in- aepenaent : hand-workers and tradesmen; 1,364 employed sales men and clerks, and 789 mer chants. HOUSE ARGUES SEIZURE ivsununuea irom page 1)-, her." . i , f.i Sees Reds Applauding Representative Vinson. J Dam& crat, Georgia, made- a liken- um.i;mt:iu, uecxaring ne Cada I iLttjrJfi A Close Out of All Odds and Ends at Prices Far Grade of Footwear. Ladies' Brown Calf Shoes A fine calf shoe with low rubber heels. There are all sizes in this lot, hut only a few dozen pairs ; a fine'$6 shoe, ten-day .a Ladies' Black Kid Pumps We have a large line comfortable last, a extra $5 value goes Boys' Black Calf -onoes A real close-out m boys' shoes, $4 values, sizes from! to 6, wjiile they last, go at ; ' fBB B$i.95 Children's Shoes We have one of the largest stocks of children's shoes in the city and every pair is guaranteed to give full ' value in wear for every; cent invested. We can not quote prices here but are giving large reductions on all shoes. Prices range from Dr. WilKsims Dr. Williams, expert foot specialist. Consul tation free. Consult him about your feet. He re moves corns, treats bun ions and fits arch sup ports. All foot troubles scientifically treated. V s brother whose ,bIo6dT was .spilled on the battlefield "of France."' "X am for - France- and - always1 will be for France, said he. Replying later .to Representa tive Knutson, Representative Bul- winkle, Democrat North Carolina, ALBERS' - PREMIUM CHICK FEED , i . .. . - ' . . . I , 1h CUiarautced to Contain j " Minimum of '10M Protein ; ;';vMtoimliii.:o -.S'.OO Fat . Maximum of 3.00' Fibre " -. . Maximum of 2.00 Ash " - ' ' : Ingredients J Cracked Wheat. Cracked Corn, Cracked -i. ' Oat -Croats, Cracked Hulled BarleyT - :;"lri-T,Z; racked Green Peas. - When the'little chicks arc'sveii days oid they -need a combined-ration' as shown above, just Nature's demand supplied with supreme quality, packed in" sanitary sacks, in accordance with the teaching of Mrt J. JB. Layton; Ask for Feeding SchedulesThey Are Free Charles R. ArcKerd Implemesii 210 STATE STREET 10 DAY !(- -') " BUY NOW WHILE SELECTIONS ME GOOD. close-out at $3.95 of two-strap pumps in a very belting sole, medium toe, an at - - 1- : $2.95 ; all Maa Shots ft ?mfg , 326 tateSL - XT who ' served fn" the;' "WbrrtfT war7 told the house that "Grover Cleve land Bergdoll and all the other of that whiteiyeredJyeUow streaked race'" will a pplaud and say Jthe American ; congress is "In favor of ua." . , . ' ; ..' .... Manufactured by ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. .: Pacific Coast Millers Compa . 1 f SALE IE SHOES ;:.'r''. .'i ". '.. vs : . Below What You WoulrJ Expect trPay For lliis r arid Oxfords We are going to make one big lot of ladies' pat ent and kid pumps, oxfords in brown calf patent, also brown and black kid," ranging in price ircb $7 to $10. These are not old styles cr brclien lines. A long line of low heeled oxferds in all leathers for young ladies. This entire lot goes kts $4.95 Florsheim Men's Shoes v We will pla.ee the high; shoes in this famous line on sale for just 10 days.' You: can select any pair of brown; tan, black, kid and kangaroo, fn all lha "hew styles,. regular $10 grades at.f v $8:95 Men's Dress Shoe Black and brown, all lasts, broken lines, $8, $9 and $ 1 0 grades, 1 0-day close-out at $5.95 Women's Dress She All sizes, cloth tops, in. grades up to $12. These are high grade shoes, well niadebut not the new est "style". These shoes will be closed out at ierfSuntodls M5dBoof - McxllDUMsiA Representative Llnebarger, . pufelicknr Ca lifor nlalscr a TJ" . .war1 VeferanT "declared Mnr-Ilz sorT; hadl;'.v','runTturlecl,afthe Cert imperial standard on the floor c the house of-.representatives. . ALBERS' PREMIUM CHICK TilASH , Is Guaranteed to Contain Minimum of 15.00 Protein Minimum of 5.00 , Fat " Maximum of 5.00 Fibre - . Maximum of "8.00 Ash " " , ;-".. : Ingredients ' Ground Oats :. "Groats. - Wheat MIHrun,' Ground Corn,' Ground r,,Hulled. Barley;; Meat .Meal, Linseed OU' Meal, Bone Meal, ' SALEM, OCEGOir - s Oft Oft Rep; airs The best repair work m the T city. We have put in new machinery and have the best man in "the city, ' Try us T once. 'If -'it is not the best re pair work you ever had we -will not ask another chance.