The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 16, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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- ' . , , . -
England Disinclined to Grant
France Privilege of Bun-
; ning Cologne Trains;
Meet Adjourned. v I
Officers, of Essen Suspend
Wcrk and Schools Close;
City Hall Taken.
'. LONDON, Feb. 15. (By the
Associated Press.) When M. Le
Trdtquer, French minister, of
public works, and General Payot
of the French general staff came
to London relative to the Ruhr
.difficulties, they expected : to con-
rnd their business In a single
day And had arranged; to return
to Paris Immediately.
But. affairs are? not' going
smoothly. The negotiations be
tween - the " representatives of
France and. the British cabinet
-minister . being adjourned until
" tomorrow.
i It appears that the French are
not asking the cession of any ter-
rltory but desire the privilege of
. running trains on the main lines
in and out of Cologne; which the
British are disinclined to grant;
although, according ; to reports
current tonight. : Germany would
not object to such privilege, as
i she recognizes the delicate po
sition In which the British gov
ernment Is plaeed by - the French
.request. . .';"-- rV i'-
The British government's fear,
however, la .that such . powers
mlgtt lead to unpleasant inci
dents, necessitating the presence
of British troops : to keep order.
- - - -
PATHS,., Feb. 15. A loan of
400,000,000 francs to Poland was
"voted by the French parliament
today. It Is oftlclaUy described
as "for the purpose of improving
Poland's financial and- economic
'situation - so that it may resume
Its proper place in the European
-concert of nations ' and play , the
role to which its geographical po
sition and history entitles It.
The vote on the measure was
SIS to 68. Many of those who
voted against! it declared that the
loan, while destined ostensibly
for the organization of the Polish
army; against un warranted .at
tack ,from the east" wag really
put: through as "a means of ; co
ercioa against Germany, from the
ESSEN, Feb. 15, All the mu
nicipal officers of Essen decided
today -to suspend work" for 24
hours In a protest strike against
the arrest ; of Vice Lord Mayor
-Kchaerer. For the same reason
the schools closed their doors and
shops also deased business if or
several hours - - " ' '
A performance of "William
Ten" in the state opera house,
was turned into a patriotic cele
bration; the audience rising when
the, 'Vow of RutU" was spoken,
and repeating he words 'with the
actors. This dramatic action was
followed by the singing of
"Deutschlani' Uber Alles." The
singing of "William Tell" recent
ly was prohibited In the old oc
cupied area. ;
Rntll is the legendary scene of
the formation of the Swiss league
against Austria. .
company ot French infantry; with
machine guns occupied the Essen
city hall today simultaneously
with the declaration of a 24-hour
general strike against the recent
arrests. The street car and elec
trical plants continue to function.,
Trouble Is again brewing at Gal
zenkirchen, where feeling is run
ning high against the occupying
forces. ; ; , -
OREGON Friday rain west;
snow - flurries east portion;
Loral Weather
Maximum temperature' 34..
.Minimum temperature 21. ''
River 3.4. . . .
' Atmosphere, cloudy.
Wind, north. '
i S
Associated ! Charities Head
Sees Desperate Need of Aid
For City's Needy
Snow and cold weather have
brought acute suffering to many
a household in Salem, according
to Dr. Henry E, Morris, of the
Associated Charities.
More clothing, groceries, -wood,
Jobs for both man and women,
are urgently, j desperately needed;
actual suffering is reported for
the lack : of these necessities of
life. The demand has run the
Associated. Charities clear out of
funds and supplies and more
must come in at once if the as
sociation is to function properly.
Phone .1590, the Charities of
fice with .the Red Cross on State
street, with anything you have
to fojffer, that' will make some
poor home comfortable and safe.
Mrs. Young , will . take care of
every phone! call. Don't wait
till Christmas, or birthday, or
any holiday;' do it now, while
people need it most.
Under Cross Examination
Confessed Spy Forgets
His Name.
CHICAGO, t Feb. 15. The
memory " of Albert Bailin, . alias
Balanow, confessed spy and agent
provocateur which enabled : him
for; three days to tell a story of
crimes alleged to have been, com
mitted by the WJ. Burns and
Thiel detective agencies and oper
atives of the department of Jus
tice, failed him today.
Under 'cross examination by O.
L. - Smith, assistant attorney gen
eral of Michigan, Balanow, who
made his deposition here for
Frank P. Walsh; attorney for 2 2
defendants In the Michigan com
munist vase, xorgot nis age, ow
of his birth, the day of his birth
day, the name of, the ship on
which he came to America, the
town where i he was born and
many; other facts about himself.
He refused to tell the names ot
his brothers and sisters in this
country who might supply the in
formation and after accusing At
torney General -smith of trying
either, to make a fool out ot the
witness' or Stimaelf, refused, on
advice of counsel to tell where
in America ! he landed or. any
other facts about his coming to
this-country.'; ' .
Allen O. Myers, assistant gene
ral manager of the Burns agency
who could not be found, by sub
poena servers when Mr. Walsh
attempted to question him in Phil
adelphia, New York and Wash
ington, appeared today and vol
unteered to make a deposition.
TKH Ill BILLS i .:
i r .
Measures to Eliminate Con
tract Hospital and Doctor
System Slain.
Senator Hall's bill to eliminate
the contract doctor system which
employers are allowed under the
workmen's compensation act was
indefinitely postponed oy the sen
ate yesterday by the adoption of a
majority report of the committee
on labor and Industries which
recommended - that' the bill not
pass. Senator Halt returned a mi
nority' report, recommending' that
the 'bill pass, but wasv unable to
.have It substituted for. the major
ity report.
Senate bill 142," also by Hall,
and a companion bill to 141 was
also killed by-indefinite postpone
ment. It would eliminate the hos
pital contract system. Hall de
clared the measures would be in
itiated. i
Senate hill 87, by Klepper, pro
Tiding, for the' election of mem
ibers of party : state .central com
mittees was also Indefinitely post
poned. - Senator Klepper charged
that a man not a member of the
senate had been. on the floor j all
day- - endeavoring to , have the
measure killed by indefinite post
ponement, c . : ;
, . ! i '
Friends of Major General
Cronkhite Demand Inves
tigation of Enforced
' Leave of Army.
Senators May Block Confir
mation of General's Sue-,
cessor to Office. f
t By The : Associated Press. ) A
congressional investigation ' of tlie
recent enforced retirement from
the-army of Major General Adel
bert Cronkhite, Eightieth division
commander of Frane, was re
quested, today by Jennings- i C
Wtee. who 'served as a lieuten
ant colonel in the division and
who says that 56.000 o! his for
mer comrades in arms under
General Cronkhite "were deter
mined to stand .by their old com
mander." .;
The request was contained ' in
a letter sent to . Senator, Reed,
Republican, Pennsylvania, sin
which Colonel Wise revealed that
be was one of (.hose who helped
prepare a pamphlet recently cir
culated among members of con
gress setting forth the views of
General Cronkhite's friends re
garding his retirement.
To Block Confirmation '
; Senator Reed was . not ; ready
to announce whether he : wouq
comply with the "request !thathe
introduce a. resolution of inquiry.
Other senators, however,, includ
ing Senator Glass,-Virginia, with
in whose state the Eightieth div
ision was trained, made known
their intention to block conflrma.
tion of General Cronkhite's suc
cessor,' Brigadier-General Hanson
E. Ely, of the army service
school at' Fort Levlnworth,. Kas.,
until the if acts can - be established
In correspondence with the war
department published In the
pamphlet. General . Cronkhite at
tributed.' his retirement to his
activity ' in . seeking to' bring justice-
to those he held responsible
for the' death of his son. Major
Alexander P. Cronkhite, who was
mysteriously shot and killed I in
1918 at Camp Lewis, Wash. V
. Colonel Wise's formal request
for a congressional i inquiry was
addressed to Senator Reed, he
explained -because of the head
quarters , of the Eightieth divis
ion association 1 located in Pittcu
bnrgh, the senator's home town;
He 'explained in his letter that
those who prepared the : pamph
let, dealing with the case had' no
desire to conceal their Identity,
although they- did- not regard- it'
as material to the inquiry, and
''Our purpose all along has
simply been, upon a statement of
the case as known to. ns, to have,
it possible, a resolution Introduc
ed in the-senate calling upon the
senate military affaire commit
tee to report to; the j senate the
Lfacls of General Cronkhite's re
tirement- and such a resolution
wo sincerely trust your Judgment
wil) permit you to introduce. :
"It has: never, been our" idea
that this action would be In the
nature of an attack upon the
president or the secretary of war
for whom we have the ' highest
respect and In whom we have the
utmost confidence' '
"What we do not . understand
is the failum ot the war' depart
ment to take any action-looking
to the determination of the ' tacts
in the case ' nf Mainr Cronkhite,
even after the accused murderer
confessed and after a grand Jury
had brought In an Indictment
against persons alleged : to have
murdered an officer ot the army
while on duty- Does the war de
partment owe no obligation to
the army and to its officers in
such a case?" , i '
FRESNO, Cal.. Feb. IS. A
jury of 12 men was empaneled to
day in the second trial of George
Harlow, charged with the mur
der of his wife. Mathew Conley,
special prosecutor,, employed by
F. Lw Orr, Grants Pass, Or.; fath
er of Mrs. - Harlow, - asisted - Dis
trict Attorney- Bailey, .
Upton Recommends That Leg
islature Hold Over Through
Early First of Next Week
President Upton of the sen
ate, just before adjournment late
yesterday, declared that in his
opinion the legislature would be
unable to complete its work Sat
urday night without too great
haste and recommended that no
("fort be made to do so.
"I believe it would be. better
to return and finish up early
next week than to work all Sat
urday night and part of Sun
day," said Senator , Upton. )
sires- to
M o n s t e r Ceremonial in
Salem" Planned by Masonic
Order for May Fifth.
The biggest Masonic activity
In the history of Oregon, accept
ing only the national Shriners'
convention tat , Portland 1 four
years ago, is to be staged in . Sa
lem May 5, following" the-defiH;
ite plans laid last night at the
Salem Shrine club.
Following the call of Presi
dent William Bell, of the Shrine
club, 175 Shriners gathered!" to
talk over the big ceremonial
that is to .be presented here In
the name of Oregon Masonry.
Mayor George L. Baker ' of Port-
lHnd,,Chief Rabban, and Hal T.
Hutchinson, Illustrous Ppteniate
of Al Kader Shrine, were among
the guests. They-; predicted an
attendance of from 4000 to 6000
Shriners from all over the state
if the weather ;favors. They are
promised from as far off as Bend,
Roseburg and all Along the wst
coast. Portland alone . will -send
down 200' candidates for initia
tion Eugene will send 20, Mc
Minnville 25; and others will
come from more than half the
state, from a total of 35 to 40
towns. . ' -.
Twenty Tracks. Coming '
T enty truckloads of. parapher
nalia will be sent" down from
Portland to stage the 'grea't cere
monial. Portland is reputed to
put on the finest service ot this
kind: anywhere in the . United
States. Lodges from - as far - as
Maine and Florida and every
where write in for advice as how
to put on a really big initiation
ot this kind. Portland is to
bring its whole gorgeous . equip
ment and stage the ceremonial
In all its splendor. The Grand
theatro and the armory will both
(Continued on page S)
Opponents of Measure See
Success When Agreement'
for Vote Reached.
Passage or. the British debt fund
ing bill by the senate was con
ceded tonight by opponents of the
measure; 1 after agreement had
been reached for a vote before ad
journment tomorrow. r
The -agreement provided for
limiting debate by each senator to
ten minutes after f 2 o'clock to
morrow, the senate to remain in
continuous - session until the JH1
Is disposed of. The agreement
camel unexpectedly today after
previous proposals to that effect
had failed. It was offered by Sen
ator Robinson, Democrat. Arkan
sas with Senator Smoot.i Republi
can, Utah, in charge of the bill,
Insisting on a vote tomorrow.
Among:' the' Democrats partici
pating in today's debate, Senators
Robinson, Glass, Virginia,' former
secretary of the treasury; Pomer
eae, Ohio, a member or the for
eign relations committee and
Owen ot Oklahoma, a , former
banking chairman, spoke' in: be
half, of the bill. The opposition
speeches Included those of Sena
tor Reed and Senators McKellar.
Tennessee and Walsh,; Montana.
Congressional Body Gets
Proposed Reorganization
of Departments Harding
Education and Welfare Bu
reaus Would Be Estab
lished Under Plan.
tails of the proposed reorganiza
tion of the government depart
ments as worked out by Walter
Brown of Ohio, ex-offlcio chair
man of the joint" congressional
committee appointed to consider
the subject, in consultation with
some cabinet members and other
officials and recently approved by
President Harding, .were forward-;
ed t the joint committee today.
The committee is expected to take
up the proposals tomorrow and at
least use them as a basis for fur
ther study. :
Outstanding among recommen
dations is the proposal' to consoli
date the war and navy depart
ments into a department of na
tional defense and to establish a
'department of education and wel
fare. Other proposals included:
: The transfer of all non-military
functions from the war and navy
departments to civilian depart
ments chiefly interior and commerce.-
Many Transfers Planned '
: The elimination of ail non-fiscal'
functions from the treasury de
partment. - Changing-the name of the post
office "department to department
of communications, which would
be expected to develop and extend
telegraph and telephone communi
cations, including wireless for the
public benefit.
The transfer of the bureau of
.insular affairs f rom tthe war to
the state department. i
The inclusion of the general ac
counting office, now independent,
with the treasury department.
Numerous transfers of bureaus
would be brought about under
the plan, which seeks to attach to
ach department all of its depart
ment establishments except those
performing quasi jodicial func
tlons or acting as service agencies
for all departments. ! ' 4; id
Control of the 'forest landsj
which. It is understood, has' rM
suited Jn conflicting views within
the cabinet, would ; remain in the
department ot agriculture. The
question' of transferring the for-:
estry bureau to the department of
interior Is said to have been a
stumbling block in the committee'
consideration of reorganization
paus and to have led to delay In
completing its work.
r . President Harding ,In a letter
accompanying the plan, said :
"I hand you herewith a chart
which exhibits in detail the pres
ent organization of the govern
ment departments and the changes
suggested after numerous! confer
ences with the various heads of
the executive branch of I the gov
ernment. The changes, with few
exceptions,1 notably that of co-ordinating
all agencies of the na
tional defense, have the sanction
of the cabinet, ; , ,
'"In a few Instances, which I
believe are ot minor importance,
the principle of major purpose has
not been followed to the letter, in
order to avoid controversy, which
might jeopardize reorganisation
as a whole."
Man Who'Hid Liguor in
Hay Mow Is Fined $500
When deputy sheriffs .Walter
Barber and Bert ' Smith - inspect
ed, a hay mow on the ranch of
W. 'W. Osburn, on Brown's Is
land yesterday, they found three
gallons of moonshine liquor hid
den in the hay.
Osbdrn was placed under ar
rest and. arraigned in the Jus
tice court before Judge W.; M.
Bushey. He pleaded - guilty - to a
charge ot -" possessing liquor,
waived time and: waa fined $500.
Letter: Comes For Deceased
Ex-head of Willamette
! Dr. Hoyt Gets One Too
' People live long in Oregon:
but' he must be' a peculiarly an
cient specimen who - remembers
wheh Rev. Jason Lee was . presi
dent of the Willamette Univer
sity, and addresses a letter to
him here in Salem. Such a let
ter came to thai university and
was dated from a town In Ore
gon. As Mr. Lee died - back in
1845, It Is assumed that the In
quirer with the prodigious mem
ory might have a beard about
fevon feet long.
: Another inquiry came this
week . directed, to "President
Francis Hoyt,, Willamette Univer
sity." . Dr.-i Hoyt, according to
what has passed . for authentic
history, vhaa ' been dead for SO
years. The university that he
fo ably superintended remembers
himi only as a fragrant" memory.1
But as; for being- president, ready
to vrelcome' ar studeht of today,
it Is somewhat exaggerated. The
Pennsylvania prospect writes that
he's been " hearing: a lot . about
President Hoyt and his frontier
school; and he's' about ready iff
sign on;, for a course. Dr. Hoyt's
presidency in the-- pioneer , days
was ' a' splendid testimony to ai
living . faith" but someone else
had to answer his letter, since
he himself is so .long gone. .
i The letters emphasize the won.
derfu'l story of Willamette that
It had a good name and an auth
entic history before, most other
colleges ot America were ' even
di earned or; and the revered
presidents of the early days left
a mark on educational history
that the years do not efface.
Report Crews of Other Ships
in Distress Off Pacific
Coast Saved.
! SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. K. '
(By The Associated Press)
The fate and even" the position of
the Steamship Tuscan Prince
whose wireless early . yesterday
flashed out the news that she was1
sinking was shrouded In mystery
tonight, ; '
The north jPacific's "graveyard
of ship", claimed four more ves
sels as victim today in a furious
Eale t that swept . the, ocean Off
the Washington add British Col
ombia -coast lines.
;The vessels known to have
been lost were the steamer Nika,
burned to1 the " water's edge near
Umatilla Reef, the freighter San.
ta: Rita,-lodged high oh a rock
Udg near Clo-Oose', Vancouver
Island and 'the motorshlp Cool
cha, pounded by huge waves as
she lay on an exposed reef at
Albert Head, near Victoria, B. C,
and the British freighter Tuscon
I The crews of the vessels were
saved.' .
':' Word by word the messages of
ten halted or broken, the ".wire
leas brought the Btory of the
storms into Seattle during the
night' and today.
Many Calls-Come In
f First, late yesterday, came
word from the coast guard cut
ter Snohomish, Captain R. R.
"We are going to aid - steamer
NIkaf reported, lost rudder, dan
gerous position off v Umatilla
Reef." '
v The Snohomish was at Port
Angeles, eight hours run; from
the disabled vessel.- . :
A little later another message,
from Victoria, said the Coolcha
had been abandoned and her
crew taken; off by the salvage
steamer Algerine.
Then word came that a station
t Walla- Walla,. Wash., ' had
herd the Nlka's : call for aid.
The Snohomish reported she
would reach the"., disabled craft
at midnight. ' The regular rou
tine of the air began again.
i Once more out ' ' of the west
came' an SOS faintly and a call:
"Ve are. on fire. Help." Ther
was no signature.;
- The steamer Kewanee, off the
(Continued on pageX
Debate of Five Hours is Eloquent and Acrimcnicus
Six Senators Send Written Exphnsti ens to Dc:!:
Eight Join Affirmatives to Approval cf Spcnscrs
Carkin Plan Taken Back to House.
With eight senators in addition to the 17;who sponsorci
the measure voting in the affirmative, the compromise ccr
tolidation bill, S. B. 205,. passed the senate late yesterd.
after a debate lasting about five hours.
The additional eight senators were Farrell, Fisk, John
fcon, Kinney, Klepper, Magladry; Stray er and Zimmerman.
4 The .measure attracted more public attention than any
6ther that has been argued in the senate this session and tha
gallery was packed. The debate waxed eloquent. and acii
monious at times. " - -.
While the debate' was pending Representative" Carl:!::,
Whose consolidation bill was passed in the house Wednc: .1: ;
had the measure recalled from the senate. At first it t,
believed he contemplated getting it amended and that I. a
would attempt to have it passed in the house in amende 1
form in' preference to the compromise bill, but it has devel
oped that the intention "is to amend the compromise bill, in
the house, so that it. will leave the industrial accident corn
mission, 'the banking department and; the public service com
mission as they how are; and pass it in that amended fcr: i
in the house. The compromise bill as-it now stands wou! I
place the banking department under control of the goverr.-.
with J power to - remove the ? superintendent of banks ; i :
J.i. il : J . X . . . ; , , .1 " 1. ...
wuiuu rvuuce tne acciuent commxssion irom inree iiic... i
to one measure; and it would make the public service cc:..
mission appointive instead of elective. -- - .
: ' Before the debate on the i::i
Debate Is tfery on Stand
America Should Take;
France Gets Sympathy.
cupation of the Ruhr was attack
ed and defended today in the
Representative Knutson of Min
nesota, the Republican whip, de
clared France .was. seeking1 to dis
member the Oerman republic and
that , the time had come; tor Am
erica to break" its "long' silence'
with reference to the occupation. :
s Representative Butler, Pennsyl
vania, chairman of the naval com
mittee, who had' yielded Mr.
Knutsoh time In which to make
his address, - told the , house that
he In. no' way concurred m what
the Minnesota member had said..
"My sympathy is with France,"
he declared, "and I hope she can
collect every dollar that - Is due
(Continued on page 6)
Vine CasesiJp for Consider
ation One Case Settled ,
Out of Court. .
Of the. nine default divorce
caBes which came up for con
sideration in the circuit ' court
yesterday six divorces were
granted, one case was taken un
der advisement, one continued
and one was settled out of court.
The day was set aside by Circuit
Judge - George Bingham as "de
fault1 divorce day" and was given
over exclusively to the consider
aiion of. default divorce' cases. .
Divorces- granted were . as fol
lows: -Stapleton vs Stapleton,
Cook vs. Cook, Douglas rs Doug
las. Hammon.vs Hammon,- Chase
vs Chase and Wheeler" rs ' Wheel
er. Of the six. divorces . granted
four charged desertion- and two
cruel and inhuman treatment. In
one case alimony of $100. per
month until further notice of the
court, was granted.
The case of Harold Withrow
vs Leola Withrow. charging- de
sertion was continued. Martin
vs Martin, in which cruel and in
human treatment was ' charged
was settled put of court and dis
missed. The. case' of Oakes rs
Oakes was taken under advise
chent by Judge Bingham.
1KB BY !?'
started Senator Eddy anncunc ;
these amendments to the meas
ure: . ' ; "
Amendments Stat n1
It .would continue the' lr,J.
trial welfare' commission anl t: i
state board of conciliation as thif
now are, but put them under tLa
proposed department or i.utLf
welfare. It would hot Inclcdd 'tis
Btate department ot forestry 1 1
the" consolidation scheme, aai 11
would continue as at' present tLa
state board, for vocational educa
tion. ' '
As the' vote was being taken zlz
senators sent to the desk, written
explanation of their rotes, anl
several others explained th-.;
rotes on the floor. .
No Sarijttg S.eeh
Senator ... ElUs, ..who votel
against-the bill, la a written ex
planation,, declare the ibill: was
palpably a political coiapromiss
and-would ot effect a savins.
Senator Flak said he would vote
for it because the Hall bill ap
peared impossible of passage. Sen
ator' Hall .refusing tb .vote for the
compromise toill, sent in a "Ions
atatement the aubstance of whlci
was an ansertion that the opposi
tion was more out of enmity to
ward him" than dissatisfaction
wltlTthe bill. Senator Strayer's
written statement said that the
bill wan not in accord with his
Ideas, but tha he voted for It so
that something to produce greater
efficiency in, government and
some financial saving might Ci
done if possible. ; Senator Zi mmer
maifr statemfent explained tt at
he'roted'v for the compromise
measure because the Hall bill ap
peared to be blocked. President
Upton prepared a statement for
the record declaring that the com
promise measure wilt not gire it 3
people the relief they are Io-ikir t
for. "I want to see Governor
Pierce helped, not hog-tied," t3
said. "Jle asked for bread at I
yon give him a stone."
How. They Voted
Ayes Brown, Corbett Dennl t,
Dunn, Eddy, Edwards. Farre::,
Fisk; Garland, Hare, Johnsc. ,
Joseph, Kinney, Klepper, La Fci
lett. Magladry, Nickelsen, RItner,
Robertson Smith, Staples, Straj--er,
Taylor. Tooze, Zimmermban.
Noes Clark", Ellis, Hall, Hcser,
Upton.: , ,. . - v . s
. Senator Garland opened the d?
bate Just before noon. He drer
a picture of. Governor Pierc,
"torn this way and torn that way
uniu i wonaer tnat he dbea net
break under the strain.'
Pierce Compliment!
"No nobler patriot ever breal li
ed than our governor," said Gar
land, "and he is seeking sincere
to bring about' consolidation l -Isration
that will be ot value to
the Btate. But Just now he has
hanging over him a domestic cal
amity in the serious illness of h'm
wire. He is torn, this way and
that way by agencies that seok t-
dictate to him on state polictr ...
If I were in This place 1 think I
would kick every man out or j.;;-
(Continued on pa3 S)