D lb; 1L E if; m i . r - .3 Y ITT" IT 13 s 3 A LB M STEKT; 6 Per. Cent Interest Ipreentlr,- Portland Joint tock Lud Bfik 407 aaonJc Temple Exleni, Oregon . ':' '.'- ' ' i. ... ..... t. I' J .( ' " ' ' ' 1 ' Guaranteed tat to, Le&k Prices ffcri $1 cp f. . . . ' Brewer Drug Co . 4. Z3 Court Et, Phone 134 Our KitUl: TXr BmI Only" CocprUo Ct;:ld Cfo, -C:-:;:n:li7oCr:tr:iy irafifietvrtn ef Battwvss- Batfst It' yow St' ' 1ST S. Cal Ct. I A li-.li1 SY - . fc I IIM BO SEEDilBlTf.:EllT.l'JITII , . OIE SllllLli.uTE DESCR1DEI II.:: :::t:riil Is Here Effect Z:zS.i Co Used in Prefer Experts Who Know by T -(rc.;iowir-3 i3 iri full Circular IS J cf IL3 Crerroa Agricultural 'czWtz, tf author being M. B. I'.wlliy, iiijoc'.ata plant patbolo- - ' : . . r. .cit wcrk ca potato seed tr -tn-.-fEt t-4 Experiment Sta 'tL..a cf'UUj e:.J -Wisconsin has f ..rtcr " d;:.ic-stratcd tne effec t:,u ..T Eni r-.::'utH!ty of corro-&U&- s-t::.:iat-j - (ciercurie chlo riie) . tor diaeasa' controL : This ir.aUsr;al U-nore effectiTe than fc:L::.iyJ a .asi't-cuIJ fcd'esed iq rrteaee to It. . ' General rirectiona Treat seed wfcila Irniar.t if possible and -at last t;a days cr two weeks be fore i'.adU::. ' la" all cases sort cat ar.J reject every scatty, part ly 'rc:te.Vfor 'rousb. tuber. Dry tru-c;i lriiueJIteJy . alter- treat j.ient.'' If 'drying conditions are f;cr rlasa tabera. ia clean water cn tetr.ovf-J.froRi tbe eolation. ri;'."3 .up wet taters leais ta la Jury. Do net expose tubers, to hot -:i t3 Hack heart. will -be pro-dac1:.!.- Treat eicks ja a separate ei';i;a cf fitter corrosive . aub l:r.:ata cr fcrr.aldehyde and dry .It'ztd r::2c!ii;:?. " r! r.Ics Taku 4 , ounces of ccrrv..:s eutliaiata . crystals or trj vj r to every 30 gallons of wat r. 1 :;---:lva in about, a' gallon or t: t water ia !ass" jars,, stone cr;cl.3 rr a wooden ; bucket be tors "This r-iakes a' l to 1?CJ t::.'Ai It decreases in strerca itu cse.' To'orrect tt ', aid 1-2 bz. of Chemical- fcfr every 4 tnshsla or potatoes treat el f 2 tura. If & shorter treat- ne-t fj used, reduce tho siriount cf c. .:zzl added proporticTaate ly. Tor. Instance, If. treated 1-1-2 l-'-3 aid '3-8 oz.: If 1 hour, add 1-4 cz. . Time and - bother are savsi if th chemical added is EE EPIC OF THE LO S The Bible does not mention po totoes." . " - - , - , , " Julius Caesar never saw a po tato. ' ;' " Ml 1 ... ,.. , Probably Georga "Washlngtoa cever ate one. ' Abraham Lincoln no. doubt ate potatoes; but they were In .his lime only emerging , .Into great popular ii39 as an esculent from their lowly - estate, as . feed for hos3 and'cattle. " '" - " Johnson's Cycloredia says the potato U'a native nf the elevated tropical valleys of ""Teiico, Chili and Peru. ' , -', Tt -- -were brouglit to ..Spain ?. i Peru In tbe ICth century; ' tho-y had teea grown there. In t"".3 wonderful- ancient gardens tfiat would by- comparison have ;inai3 the bansiag gardens of Babylon lock like 30-cents; be fore tta Incas to:. 2 to power. - -Potatoes were lctrcluced l(ito V-f'.aia from Florida by Spanish ....explorers, and into Great , Britain, f -ri Virginia, by Eir John Ilawk : In 1365, though credit . Is ally assigned to ir Walter -a, who was never lnVIr- They were brought to New Bsglana from -Ireland la tbe 18th century hence the "IrishT pota Dates of Slogans in Da3y Sktccman Ia TwIce-a-WccIc Statesman FcIloTrirs Day) . Loganberries, Oct. B. Prunes.Oct.il. Dairying, Oct. It. Flax, Oct, 25, . Filberts, Not. .J. , , t Walnuts, Nor. S. . Strawberries, Not. IS. Apples, Not. IS. - Raspberries, Nor. SO . Hint, December 7. " Great cows, cts Dee. ll Elaclberrlas, Deo. SS. ' Cherries, Dee. 29. Pears, Jan. 4, 1921. 'Gooseberries, Jan. IX. ,; torn JaxCllV V , Celery. Jan. 25. Spinach, etc., Ten, 1. Onions, etc., Feb. S. Potatoes, etc., Feb. 15. Bees, Feb.' 22. ; Poultry and pet 'stock. Mar. 1. , Goats, March 8. Beans, etc', "March 15, Pared highways,, March 22. Broccoli, etc March, 2 9. ' llos, etc.; April 5. -v- Legumes, April 12. ' Asparagus, etc., April 19. ' Grapes, etc., April 26. PACKING CO. g ive Than Formaldehyde and encs to the Latter, Say the rials., , handled in a stock solution, 1 os. dissolved in '2 qts of water. Keep water up to original voolume. So lution can be used as Ions as It remains clear, usually for" ' not more than seven or eight batches. Wettine the notatoes for 12 to 24 hourB before - treatment helps to remove dirt, i 1 softens ithe , black scarf rhizoctonla,1 and makes disinfection mora effective. . ' Container-orrosiv sublimate corrodes metals andTOUSTbeused id wooden Barrels or tubs; asphal- turn: Tainted . Iron, cement or wood tanks. We refcommend' bar rels or tanks of - either wood or cement. A tank 8 Teet long, 18 Inches deep, and 30 inches wide will "handle 16 bushels and ' 120 gallons of solution. Make one end slanting so that potatoes , can be readily scooped or raked out.' Time -1. Dormant ( unsprout ed) seed, small amount of rhlzoc tonia or scab, select best,' and soak 30 minutes to 2 hours; about 1 1-2 hours Is recommended. v - 2.: Dormant seed, large amount of rhlzoctonia or scab, select best, and soak 2 hours. ' 3hT Sprouted seed, small amount of rhlzoctonia or scab, soak 3 0 minutes. . ' - 4.- Sprouted seed, large amount of rhlzoctonia or scab, discard and obtain healthy - dormant .;. seed, preferably certified or other, high igrada.seecL , . " : ' . - Caution's Corrosive sublimate Is a deadly poison if taken Inter nally, therefore, bo very careful to keep It away from children and all farm stock. The solution - Is colorless, tasteless, and odorless and Is likely ,to be mistaken. for water if exposed., Potatoes should not be used for; food! after this treatment. .: '". . : V to. The .'Complete Gardiner," a work published In, America. In 1719, did not mention potatoes. In 1771 only two varieties, were mentioned in the most important English work on . gardening, and they were considered chiefly '. as food for swine and cattle. - . - There are hundreds of varieties there might easily be thousands for. a single seed ball may pro duce many varieties and a, par ticular variety may only be propa gated from the tubers... ,..;ar. The potato (Solanum tuberos um) is allied to several powerful narcotics, such as tobacco, hen bane and belladonna, as well as to other esculents, such as tomato, egg plant and capsicum. . . ..." ' . ' The English- people use pota toes In more ways, perhaps, than the Americans -though they do not in this respect, Quite approach the Italians In their use .of corn for Charles A. Dana 'said tbe cooks of Rome knew 1000 1 dif ferent ways to - cook - and, serve corn.- The' English" raise 'potatoes ia lot Twus3sr extensively, and contrive to have them' fresh'' all the year through. '- ....... ': The gold cf the Indies was the attraction that v led Cclumbus to sail westward, 'that carried Cor tez to .Mexico tl riz-rr to Pe Drug garden, Hay S. Sugar beets , sorghum, ate . Hay 10. - , - Water poTrers. Hay 17. . ' f Irrlsatloa, Hay 24. . JJInlng. Hay . SI. Land, irrigation, etc., June 7, Denrdratlon, June 14. , Hops, cabbac stc,. Jane 21. , Wbcaesallsx - and J ob b in s Jn&e 21. Caeunbcrs, ts4 Jvly I,' ' xxosi, jiy' i j. r " ' i --p CSty beantltal, etc.. July It. Bcnools, ete4 July 21. Ebeep, Aug. 2. National adrertislnx, Anx. t. Eeeds, etc., Ans. 18. LtTestock, Ans. 22. AutomotlTe Industry, Aug. 10. Grain and grain, products, Sept. 6. ; ,"'- Manulacturlng, Sept. 13. Woodworking, etc, Sept. 204 ' Paper rmllls, etc, Sept. 27. (Back' copies of tbe Thursday editions ;f-the- Dally, Oregon Statesman are on hand. Tbey are for sale at 10 cents each, mailed to any address. . Current cop ies, 5c.) , S. Inspected ru. ; The incas had large stores of the . precious metal, represent ing, no doubt, the accumulations of many centuries. The capture of such a ' booty resounded throughout Europe. Spain ; be came for a time the wealthiest nation of Europe, and this was ascribed to the gold of Pern. But Peru held another 'i treas ure much more valuable for the nations of Europe than the gold en booty of PIzarro. Carrying the potato to Europe was an event of much more pro found significance in relation." to the subsequent : history of the world than sending the Inca gold to the coffers of Spain. . But . nobody understood - the value of the potato, and its Peru vian origin was generally forgot ten before the plant became well known. , - . . Instead of Peruvian potatoes, we call them Irish potatoes. , .The potatoes -was the basis ot the ancient Peruvian nation and has - attained almost tbe same Im portance in other parts ot the world within the-last hundred .years. ., t -: - : ' . , . , Vs. The.. Instinctive prejudice against new seed plants prevented , any general utilization of the po ,tato in Europe for over two"" cen turies, ana it aia not oegm to Te grown as a crop until the period of ; the French revolution. . Even then it had to be forced on the public by persistent efforts of the French philanthropist," Parmen tier: who demonstrated Its food possibilities by establishing a large number of soup kitchens for the poor in Paris. : Potato soup still - bears the name of , Parmentier -a homely memorial, but one that might not be ungrateful to a philanthropist. The. Parmentier family is a prom inent one in France at this time; keeping up the good name of the forefather who . was a practical philanthropist. , '. Historically speaking, the. gen eral , utilization of the potato is still relatively recent. -, Less than a century ago it was still consid ered something - of a novelty among the farmers of the United States. Thus, in 1856, we find in the American Agriculturist fhe following statement: . ' "I have worked a tarm over 50 years, and have . cultivated pota toes more or less every year. Fifty years ago little was thought of this root. A row or two were planted on the ' outside ot corn fields, or in some, corner of a. lot unfit for anything else. Ten to 15 bushels was an ample supply for a family. There Is a great difference between then and now as regards this crop, tor potatoes are now! one of the most Import ant branches of agriculture.' ' In 1916 about 400,000.000 bushels ' of potatoes were : being produced annually ia the United States, and the "world's crop of potatoes ' was estimated at more than. 6,000,000,000 bushels which : means that if the potato crop ot the- world had been divid ed equally, there ' would have been enough to give each inhabl tantjof the earth about four bush els of potatoes.," By the same ilgn the annual, crop Is now armnd 8,000,000, 000 bushels. - " The value o tnA potato crop exceeds that of all the gold that the conquerors took: from the Incas. , So much for thej romance of the potato; or shall we call It tbe epic of the lowly spud? ' , . Mrs. Harding bias, so car recov ered her health that she wili make a trip .with the. President to Florida when. Congress ad journs.. ' . , A GREAT POTATO INDUSTRY . , 4 'r- . , .'-- ; ; T Sclent district can groa qzdity pota toes y: , :r : j-.i. r; ' ; The finest produced in the vsorlir' And in doing this csr producers ccninore than iczble their tennsze cf potatoes, cn the tne acreage. , ' ' ' ' V, : a Thy dadS''crci9'h2''tzdpctots'tGr the districts of Calif crrJa, Ycshingtcn and Idaho that do not prcdzce their czsn seed in tzfficient qzzn tities. ... l. Quality; standardization; certified stock; "college bred potatoes"--- 'H ' These are the rr.ziks tzt for oar growers that ivill mean immense added tsealth to this district Salem can be the tsorld potato center. It will pay. 1. : v':'-: ' ' ' CASCADE BRAND HATIS BACON AND LARD tiie i:eed of otiiizjitio; iii 1BI II li , E. Uangis Says the Consumer Vants the Burbank Type, That is the Long White Varieties, and the Wetted Gem and Burbank Are th el Best of These :i Buyes Have Mo Choice; They Must Fill the Popular Demand, and Growers Must Act Accordingly. Editor Statesman : . ; ; '. There is an old saying,-, "Have something' that the world wants and though you,' mar dwell In the heart of the forest j, there will be a beaten path to your -door." Unfortunately this ye ar on' ac count of a surplus of nearly 4 ol 000,000 bushels and the fact that Idaho, and Colorado have,.enough to .aupplyr all .T ot oyr; , southern trade and can sell cheaper than we can, the world does. not, want our potatoes, and If Oregon is go ing to continue to compete with the Irrigated districts, something must be done to standardize our product. - - . i Today the greatest problem facing this industry, In OregoaT is that of marketing, and standard! zation is acknowledged to.pe .one of ,the most . Important phases of that problem and while standard ization Is generally taken to mean the establishment of suitable stan dards of quality which v will in clude such regulations concerning the digging, handling, ' sorting, sizing, and picking as will insure s uniform standard, productive Of high quality, it ia equally impor tant, however, that It be applied to the production of this crop'. - The , diversity in varieties and shapes and the -. difference , be tween the early and late crop must be recognized, ' but an en deavor should b made to plant only varieties for which there is a demand, and then to plant only seed true to type and of varieties which have proven best for' your locality and soil. f . The result of such method Is to standardize these few varieties of pufe strain and eventually make IS L He Gives His Experiences and Offers Some Advice on Potato Industry. Editor Statesman: In response to your letter of February 9 In regard to potato growing; I planted . last . year eight acres pf the Burbank vari ety. . I still , believe and hold to that old variety, after . having tried a good many other, kinds. I planted about a fourth ot an acre the last part of March. The. yield was not large, but of good grade, 25 sacks. They were ready for" market by July 1st. They were" then In splendid demand, and at a good price. ; . , Then I planted two acre May 1st. They yielded about one hun dred and ten sacks per acre of very choice grade, and were ready to dig by September 1st. There was then also a good demand in small lots to hotels and stores at a fairly good price. The balance were planted from . the - 15th to the 30th of May on clover sod. The yield . was immense; - the ground was simply full of them, MM e 1 MM SALEM, OREGON IS URGEJJT the 'section widely known as pro ducing certain varieties to a high degree of perfection, and In large quantities then " you will have the buyers coming; to you, "and you will never lack a market. . Today Oregon is producing 20 or 30 different varieties, when the, demand Is for only five or six. .- Vnr ttihln Tinrnoae th a demand f ij'for the Burbank, type: .that U, the long .white varieties. The Nett ed Gem. and Burbank are the two best. of these, but you must be sure, to get. pure seed, otherwise Iff is useless to try to sell them. For seed -purposes the. demand is for Garnets. Red Rose, White 'Rose or" British" Queen and Am erican Wonders. , round varfeties," such as - Oold Coin, Rural8r Bliss, .Irish, Cob blers, etcv and : iti Is a waste of time "'and'moneyY to produce them.- It is far better and you will be money Ahead If you feed what you have on hand or dump them out In the spring and buy other reed. - ' If can not be said that the mar- In 11 , - f kef demands are unreasonable. It is the buyers' business to study the markets, and he knows what the customer wants and ' he ' asks only for4 a grade of potatoes which' la 'sound,' free from culls or waste' stock, and of good average size, and "when this is realized It will give the buyer and seller foundation on which to deal with a better 'understanding and mu tual confidence, ... p. E. MANOIS. Of Mangls Bros Salem, Or.; Feb. 14, 1923. but, on account of the late rains, there were a great many culls and knobby ones, only about fifty per cent being fit for market. Should Grade for Market -; Farmers should .grade their po tatoes, and only put on the mar ket the very best. In that way we could all; receive a fair price. Cujls make splendid feed for live stock, ' Knobby potatoes should never be put on the market. If farmers, were .properly or ganized to market by a system of supplying the market as needed, and feeding the surplus an their own farms, our consumers would BUY AN OVERLAND AND 0 Realize the N Difference VICKBROS. i QUALITY CARS ; Hl;h Bt at trade . Mly' Motor Ch SCO Ncrth Iliih Stmt . Bccst Thla Ccnuslty by AdTcrtisIss cn ths CIcrS DID YOU KNOW that Salem is the market and manufac turing center of a great potato; industry; that we can grow here at a big profit the seed stock fcr neighboring states; that, with proper seed selection, planting, cultivation, grad ing and packing, we can compete with any market in the United States; that part of the surplus may be taken for dehydration here, and we will get starch and potato flour factories; that no farmer can make a mistake in growing in this territory the right kind of potatoes? . be satirised as to quality and would not seek to Import. '' ; ' Some Potato Problems - r It Is i said the United States consumes three i hundred million Dushels; per . year, and . that the 1972 yield was three hundred and seventy-five million - bushels, v It la easily seen that with a proper system of marketing the returns to the grower should not be less than S20 -per ton, with present wages. .- We farmers In this valley cer tainly can grow potatoes to per fection, but we must either de crease our acreage or plant only for early market or else form a strong association to take care of our, products. A good many po tatoes were -imported from Idaho and other places to Salem and other towns in the valley. ' This is wrong. Grocers, hotels and the public In Salem should -toe loyal to the farmers adjacent to Salem, but should insist ott a good arti cle. It can be done, and should be' done, . . i s, , - - - Respectfully. - - ARTHUR GIROD. Salem, Ore., R; 8, Box 18 S, Feb. 10, 1923.4 - t , . - Letter Two Years Old.., v For the Slogan, number of The Statesman of two years ago, in the issue of February 17, 192-1, Mr. Girod wrote the following: "I have, raised potatoes for market for many years, and as a rule hve ,been , lucky; it. has always been a paying, crop for me. In the year 1920 I had eleven acres.' all Burbank variety. Some I planted about April 1. The yield was about 100 bushels per acre.. I had a good stand, but on account of the severe frost, they only made a little 'over 100 bushels per acre, (Continued on page 4) : Tested Seeds Quality the best, Price3 . the lowest. Send for : ; price list '. . . D. A. THITC & SOUS Salem, Oregon , - s Insist on Berter-Yet Bread- , - - - - . -. t. . ... ITS BETTER OWPCO Broom handles, mop han dies, paper plugs,7 tent . tog- gles, all kinds of hardwood handles, manufactured by Oregon Wood Products Co. : West Salem j Auto Oectric Work ; E.D.BAETOIT 171 S. CJommercial St. , Bass, Cults Cases, Puttee! HARNESS F. E. Shofcr v Phone 411 ' 170 S. Coral 1 Salem, Ore. ' "Uhezc Tho Crowds Always Shop" .Ji.eoioiis c fee SALEII, OHEGON OREGON PULP 6 PAPH, llanufactcrers cf . SUBJECT IS M : ;: - . '( A Licensed Lady Embalmer to care for - women and children is a necessity in all funeral homes. We are the only ones furnishing such service. 'Terwilliger Funeral Home .770 Caemeketa fit. Phone 724 Salem, Oresoa Salem has the chance tab seem f7: crr..':r v gigantic and prcfiizlle pzizio izdzzlry. urn . deserve ths support of everyone who wishes ' ' to Inculcate high pria- : . ciples of manbood Into ' the youth of our land. ' , -'- - " This space paid for by Thiielsn & IU-Ln BOYJCOUTS .... .r- i " f -mvp .m m "S - - .' i 0 !. . r "-. w 124 C. Ccral Ct. I ! 3 t 1 S JL dSvX Cw GALi:::,cr.::r: Th3 L-rc::t r Complete . He" Orcjcn Cut ' " L. 1121 g. m-'j Lz4 : dried '.'fnliz-cl : tHxi .--ii , Theq.ll. Z - : ' '1- . j " .. 164 S. Centner:!: 1 C i cj r i,.,.,,, 7L'l Give f : " - - 1-U- : - 4 f H f P" " " " -' cc:::v:.: ' 42S Orer':i r ..' " " ric--, it:: Additional C il. : '