thc or.cnori statesman. RAT.nM. or.ncon THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 102 I 0 f i V li : i i . ' L - f I i- - ' i i OITY NEwsrm Woman's . Alllan The . Woman's Alliance ,ef the Unitarian church is to meet Prl day. from ,2:30 until :G:00. with Mrs.: llallle Hinges, of 507 Ceo tf street.' Mrs. E. . Anderson is to. be the .. principal - speaker on the subject; ''The Relation of th Church to the .Community.! " V.'atih Millenn r tr: 'Liberty Street window for Big Surprise. Adv. 7 V r -. :.- lli'Bdball-TropWea--.':CvV . In the windows or Hartman's jewelry, store are being exhibited the trophies won by D. W. Eyre and F. A. v Hansen the champion doubles team in the recent hand ball tournament. '. The' trophiee are of gold, showing a handball In desperate action on one of the ccurts, . and are fine little sou- tealrs of a . hard-fought, sports manlike, enjoyable -tournament, that attracted crowds of visitors V and no ' end of - vicarious enthu siasm, ,,-: - ; ' . . ' : - Attention JtoM ' ' . Big meeting at the Masonic Lodge rooms tonight, Feb 15th. Potentate Hal T. 'Hutchinson, Chief. Rabah ..George L. Baker and AsBis't.- Chief Raban Joe McAllister will - be there. Come and help boost for- 'Salem's big ceremonial. -Adv. ; i . Personal - . Dr. B. .II. .Vhrte' Is la Portland today attending the state conven tion of v. Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeonsj - -.. ' 1'on U ry-keepers-1- , 1 Ill-grade ehtcks, for less at Needhami, 568 State street. Or der arly.--Adv. ... Firemen's" .nay ' : "The Third ."Alarm.? a "what in big: firemen's story is to be f town at. the Grand,- starting ,Ei2:ra Antzlcs Csrrics Day or Nfcht FLcss COG. 173 8. Liberty St. r Zslezi . . Ore. To Ztzzzzd ia TLb V.Vrl J Yea Hurt. Net , : It you have 'imperfect '.vi rion and wear cheap, inferior glasses you cannot expect to compete with the man who' wears the best.' - :;LCpPfRIS', K OPTICVI CO. - ' C01-3 Oresfon'Bldfr , . ' . - i , , , Oregon's Ltargest Optical ..-.. Institution . Ilione So fur appointment ' sa1l::j,. oiutgox : n r . - v"asfc--4ia . LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Crhei 1ZZ3. ' ! r fjtztpmi na?v-3 Drr!r.f7i . . C:IIz3.Uzzt frca 10 a. tL ta 8 p. a C-. I 1804 J r You can do so by means of a Checking - Account.' Few bandits will take the 'trouble- to "go after" a man unless they w ? h are reasonably certain that he carries f V- - cash., ., 'v' L:,. i r;7;.7: -, j ;. " A a Knon" n vrn . nrnnim Vit rnniilgiinn V "il - of carrying your money iii Jhe" form of t cash,: you acquire a magnetism ' for r i -J bandit3'and burcrlars- - : u ' it : " j i . Dont carry cash ! - W cCornein-today ' andf ;f i r OENtA CHECKING ACCOUNTIvr f .: : ;-;u.vTLt" Eiri ThiV Carries X3sHt" c , v Member Federal Reserve System J ' -.-: ! v - :A Friday night, It la partly in col. laboralion with the f Salem fire department; ' a, series -of local pic tures were taken here, a few days agor to be shown with this great spectacular .film. Some of the proceeds of the seat sale will go to the firemen's . fund, as a rec ognition of their public services. The photoplay la one of tho most spectacular and thrilling movies ever staged. ' j J ; i-r; : i - , - ln. lleisley and Helsler i ?i ; Physical. Clinical, Laboratory practicing the Electronic Reacf tlons of Abrama and . Osteopathy, Silverton. Adv. :: : i t ,- . : . - ' ; N'ew Pastor Arrtvea . . ' . ' Rev. T. V. Kennan, who -was recently ordained In Portland, has arrived in Salem where he will be assistant pastor . of St. Joseph's1 church, i A ' .reception will be held "at the rectory Sun day night from 8 nntll 10 o'clock to which air are being invited lp order that they may become ac quainted with i Rov. Keeney. He was educated in " St; Patrick's seminary. Melrose Park. : His par. ents reside in Portland where he recently said his first mass.. St. Joseph's church ; has ' oeen with out an assistant pastor since Rev. Roach was i takem seriously -ill last . summer! I The5 Holy Name society and the Knights of Col ambus ; are sponsoring the re ception for Rev Kenney.. Sunday evening."'"' - ii. v"f Hogs at' Anctlon .'-C ' Today at the fair grounds, 30 head big type ' Poland " China sows ' and gilts bred to winning boars : also a few selected . boars. Sale ? starts at 1 o'clock. C. ' K, Loe, : Owner; Satterlee " Auction eer. Adv.' ; -r Married! Tuesday- . :j-i.r. Miss .Edith Shepherd and Leo fa.don .were married .-Monday if-! ternoon at St. Joseph's rectory. Rev. ,J. -R Buck officiated. They jll live at .Prattum. . ;i -. : v , LfCl Blaitki . . , . Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog ea application. idr. California. Girl fkr&d , J Miss Rhoda Hodges' of Los An geles, died on Sunday, February 11, of what is said to , be some form of poisoning'., -ptomaine- or otherwise, afte ran: lllne3s of rtwo days. The exact cause has no yet been determined. The mother of the deceased girl.- - Mrs. , Stella Hodges, was 'the Cousin of "Murray Wade? of Salem, cartoonist, artist ahd tuaswjne ? pubsbar,1 and daughter . of the late Senator Al- Onr.o Gesner. a f Satemj)!0": Capital Junk Co. ' - - WAms. AH Ida da of Junk and , icccnd-hand goods. We pay f raise. 215 Center Stmt - - Pbcae SC3 , Ua4r U. sV 0vmaat fjyrrtata 4 'i.'.. i -. PutThe"Ban" On'tha Bandits j -Carry; a bankbook! :'-" - i - v : ' BRIEF The young lady was a harpist, of renown. ; Her father was at one time mayor of -Boise;' Idaho, where he was in business. The family mpved to Los Angeles a few years ago, especially to give the young lady musical advantages . Dr. B. H. ' White, Osteopatlilc i' Physician and surgeon. Diag nosis by electronic ; reactions : of Abrahams and oscilloclastlc treat ment. Adv. . " ' i - 1 ' GAIl KntertaJned "' I, ; . The oflricers of the ,WRC en tertained" with a Valentine party for the members of tho GAR and WRC. - Games and the. singing of ' patriotic songs - occupied the afternoon hours and ' lunch was served to ' more than ; 60 guests. The ' heart shaped cookies iwre presented by the Cherry : i City Bakery ; company. , A Valentine box In which were valentines for all, was a feature of the enter tainment. ' i . : 'f ; ; ' :': Watch Blillem , ' ? Liberty. Street window for Big Surprise. Adv. Program Saturday ' , The GAR and the WRC will sponsor - a'-- Lincoln-Washington program at the McCornack hall. Governor WJalter M. Pierce will deliver the address . and . special music will be provided. The pub lic U being invited. ? - V-t. . ? v. Caiicer Removed '-1" '" , ' Yesterday by. the use of medi cine Dr. 4 8. C. Stone removed a csncer from the face of ; Mr. unaries - isner. Adv. - i . . . - ..." -. i ' v.- . The following were gtven beds at' the station yesterday evening'; Frank : Gannon, ; Itlin .Dow, D Christensen, Harry Johnson, 1 N. Tennant, II. ?McClaIn - and M. , 4. -I Leaves Package F." IT. Jofys 6t 1 6 9 5 South Cot ta ge left his packages In a ear parked In front of the Central Cigar- store .yesterday ,;by i mis take. " ' . ... lack's Cafe - -113 S. Com. St. A good place to eat. Tables and counter. Adv. Will Bring In Tracto: . Arch'e .Elliott, one 'of the 1 gen eral ,waitersat the .White-House restaurant has-taken- a two-days lay-off to go out to the -W. !. P. George ranch one - mile west . of Liberty and - bring in a tractor It's a, new 'business ifor, him . and he t carried widely varied as aortment of equipment to: use in case the; temperamental gas-horse should have a notion to act up. ' . i t Mawdfled Ad ; Will brlnr 70Q buyers Adv. Suit FiTed . Suit was filed by t the Credit Service- company, against 'Mark and Ada Bklff in the.. ; circuit court yesterday. ' 'According " to the 'complaint : Lang & Co. sold DEED BECK Maud . Myrtle Beck "at a local hospital February 14, at .7:30 a: m., aged 29. Survived by parents, Mr- and. Mrs. A. S. Beclc of Grants Pass, Or. Body at Webb & dough. Funeral announcements later. , MCCARTHY Seeley B. McCar i thy of Portland died at a lo cal hospital yesterday. He was a Civil', War veteran and member of. Summer post He was 76 years ; old. ; Remains will be forwarded to Portland this afternoon by; Terwllleger ."one.; . -7 LATHROP In. this city 4: y e s f; terday, Fefb. ,14. Frank W. : Lathrop. ' a - resident of f the i ; Aumsville' ; district, at the ' age of. SO years.- Deceased is sur 7 yived 'by two sons,' Earl it., of l Portland i and - George ',1 HJ . of Aumsville; two -Tflaughters, Mina C. and Erma E. Lathrop, : both of-Aumsville; three broth : era. Kasper: J. of Salem, Chris 7 and P. M. Lathrop of North 7. Dakota, and two sisters, Mrs. ' ' Louise Cohn of California 'and r Mrs. Sam Garrett, now living in Canada. Funeral . services 7 be, held Friday. Feb. 16. at T 2. o'clock from the Rlgdon mortuary-' Interment will be In the City Vlew cemetery, . OSWALD--Body ot E. J. Oswald who died at a local hospital, Feb. 11. will be shipped to 7 Eugene for burial. . Airange - ments in .charge "of. Salem Jklortuary. ' ; ' Webb&Cloush Dircctsn v y ' r Expert EctiLstrf 'Rigdon '& Son's lIOHTUAnY; r Uneqcaled Scrriea . ta the defendants on May 6, 1932 goods to the. value of $251.73 of which $200 was - paid, i Judge ment for the remaining $51.73 Is asked.' f" i 7 i ' AttenUon Nobl v Big meeting . at ; the ; Masonic Lodge rooms - tonight, Feb.- 1 5th. Potentate Hal ' Ti Hutchinson. Chief Raban George L. Baker and Assis't,. Chiefs Raban ! Joe McAllister will be there. Come and., help . boost for . Salem's ' big ceremonial. -Adv. ! . ' - , Speeder Flned--. . ' -'It; .Lucas of. 1642 Saginaw street v was arrested by 7 oficer Shelton yesterday - for speeding. He was released -on . $ 0 , bail land was, later, flned $5 by I,1 Judge Mark ; Poulsen. ? ; . v V '' Vagrancy Charged V-7 7 ' " V. 7 Ireland .wis arrested for vagrancy, 4y V the 'police ; y ester Assault . Case Dismlsaca U ' . The assault and 1 battery case filed against Roy Walker In' the Justice court by Frank S. Tyrer was.: dismissed yesterday. . Walk er was :- accused of asaulting . Ty rer on February 5. Case Continued. The case' of Fox vs. Fox for divorce I and ; desertion waa.' con tinued yesterday unti Saturday when' final arrangements will - be heard. . Taking of testimony was completed -yesterday r morn- Inr ' ' ' . 7 ' - 7 TORTURED 1HANV ITEArtS BY .';7, ' ; -i KIDXIStS V7: : "1 have had kidney' trouble for twelve years, writes H. P. Plnk ney. West Jackson, Miss. "Pains in back, Joints.' catches in the hips, run ' down and - getting up too much during . the night, But since taking Foley Kidney Pills, my suffering Is over, and-1 feel like a new ' man. " Backache rheumatic pains, kidney and blad der, trouble quickly . relieved ' with Foley Kidney Pills. Refuse sub stitutes. ! Insist , upon Foley's Honey and. Tar. Sold everywhere. AdV. - . 7 ' . , : .. -.u Dozen Senate Bills; -: :Pass Third Reading '.The following s'enafe. bills pass ed "the senate ivesterdav; . . . " S. B. 197, Klepper Relating to the; quallficaflohs - and 7 appoint ment' of guardians of minors. '. . ' S. B. 19t, Klepper Relating to organisation of state board of aeronautics. - - - 7 - ' S. B. 2 0 6, Klepper Relating to registration-of aircraft. ; S.'B. 1203, Moser Remedial bill relating to adoption law.1 . S. B. 201, par land To define. prohibit and provide penalties, for certain wrongful and criminal acts la the circulation 7 Certification and filing "' of initiative, referen dum and recall petitions. B.-46,' Senator Ellis and Rep- resenfatlve i Lackey To . repeal section . 9294, ', Oregon Laws, , re lating to levying of tax for. pay ment, of bounty on certain .wild animals. ? f S. B. 214. (substitute for S. B. 68), .committee on Judiciary Au thorizing - and directing the state land' oard to select indemnity lands. - . .-. - . ' .. . S. B. 118, Brown To' prevent fraud in milk. products. i:7 --. S. B. 207, Committee on roads and highways Relating to prose cution of violators of act to regu late transportation for compensa tion. .. ..' . . . ' ' ' .;s. 6. J B.' 208." committee on. roads and highways Providing "for ac quisition J tit rights of way by county courts for; public high ways by condemnation, and de-f curing an emergency. ; S. B. 121, Staples (by request) Defining Industrial loan com panies ana nroviame for tneu in corporation, powers and supervis ion.;; '- -. ; ' 7 - r , S." B. 127,' Joseph To .reauire persons In employ of the state or county who perform .marriage ceremonies during office hours to pay'' to the . county treasurer the emoluments received. . " 7 Important Changes Made in ' Projection Machines Some radical changes are being made this week. In. the projection machines In ' two of the Salem movie theaters. The Oregon has Just installed two of the very lat est, large Motlographs DeLuxe projectors: they were Installed over Sunday, and" were ' given their first run on "QUincy Adams Sawyer." The pictures are won derfully well ' brought out; thejf are , calculated to receive at leas$ 25 per cent better Illumination than even the other Simplex ma chines that were installed there only a short time ago. The Sim plex machine? from the Oregon, which 'are still almost new and next to the Motiographs, the very best -there Is In the market. -are being insUIIed In the; Liberty, in place of the .: - older ones ot- the same model! The Liberty . was 4afk last niht for the change-V s ; .The Oregon is to have a Mary TJekfbTd picture,? "Tess ot fthe Storm Ponntry..k,on Friday "night, one of a 'Beiies of three' especial big pictures that are to be shown soon; "Quincy " Adams Sawyer" j being the f$f it of this series. "Peg o My Heart," an Irish play. Is to Te shown on St. Patrick's day; f i' i 1 i. " . ... . ... .'. . t ' ... - .-. , -: . I f GfliJS OLITOJ BILL PASSED Compromise Measure Gets by Representatives With : One Dissenting Vote. The.Carkln consolidation bill, a compromise between the Hall and the. Johnson-Carkln 7 bill, passed the house yesterday with only one dlssentinc vote.- A4 h '::-v7- 1 Passage of this bill, which pro vides a cabinet 7 form of govern ment, transfers the scene, of con troversy- over consolidation from the house to the senate; and com plicates to an additional degree the strained . situation existlne over this problem. ; Consolidation mils will be a special order today in the senate. I'lS-77 7 : h ;7 The effect On the position of Governor Pierce of the passage of tnis Dill is problematical. Pierre Gives SuDoort Two weeks ago; Carkln, ; after a conference with, those close to the governor.: introduced the bill which passed yesterday and at mat time announced that the bin oore the endorsement ot the. gov ernor . : . 77- i : ; In a conference with the 1 7 senators who have indorsed the senate consolidation hill. Govern or Pierce Tuesday lnslated tain ; amendments and after their inclusion, grare his Indorsement to the senate, consolidation bill. Governor Pierce . has not .with drawn hia , support from Carkin compromise 7- bill, and daring the. past two weexs Has been dictating tne tactics of Representative .Car kin in delaying; advancing hnd holding the Carkin bill nn'.th house calendar, ..with the result mat the 'question ' ndw heard' nn every side, 4s, "To which bill will Orovernor Pierce now lend his sup- sort in tne senate?"' r Creates . Fire DMartnMnt - Briefly, the Carkin bill creates live .aepartments, as ' foltdws : -y;l A department of agrlcul llIM . '". - . - . E . 1.'. -" 2 A' department of. ' business control. . V 2-r-A 'department , of. labor; A department of public wel fare.' . 6 A department works. .',' of f 'public .The head of. each department is w oe appointed., by. the. governor and each Is to bear the title ot secretary i.. of " vi - Tansrmn These secretaries' shall " receive bucu eaiaxies as xne executive may fix, and the 'secretaries -in. tnra shall .fix the compensation of. the" various bureau beads over .which they exercise jurisdiction. ' The executive,- however, cannot xix the salaries above maximum set out in the bill. . Under the Secretary of aericul ture is placed the dairy' and food commissioner and state veterin arian, and provision Is made that the: present food and dairy com- missioner than serve until the ex piration of his term. ; Under the secretary of business control fa .placed ; ..the superintendent bf banks, corporation "commissioner, Insurance commissioner and the public service commission. ' .Provision is ' made 5 that the present public service commission ers shall serve out their .terms, after, which the. commission is ap pointive by the secretary of. busi ness. control. Under the commis sioner of labor; is placed the In austrial accident commission, pro? vision being 'made it shall hm wl -diiced to a. single - commissioner, ana aiso tne . labor commissioner; ? -Under l.he - secretary of public welfare are placed the state health activities. ? 7 f'l-iiQ'j L,x. Under Ihe secretary o ;pu'bic works is Placed the highway ddm mission, provision being made, it shall be reduced to a' single com missioner. Under this department is -also placed the state forester and state engineer. ' " Bitter Mght Expected In view, of the far-reaching'ef-fecf of 'this measure, the politicaj controversies involved, the con flict of interests between those af fected adversely By "coiisolidation and. 'those who expect beneficial results - from such a' move, it is certain that the most bitter fight that .has been : waged' to; the sen ate in the present session will be provoked Jby the . debate on 1 con solidation.7 -7 ' ; t . , The chief arguments ' ad vanced, by Representative CarVln In support of the bill were that nearly a dozen states have already adopted some consolidated form of state government, that nearly that number of states now hale under consideration similar bills, that thla "corporate" form of ad ministration has proved ' success ful in the growth of business -corporations, 'that he consolidation form of government will af ford a less, chance ofbuildlng a political machine that the present system of 'appointing to fill these 100 or more boards and that In view of he ."playing of politics" with the consolida tlou bill in , the ; senate the house might not. get another ahce to; saUify 'the -folks: at homeby .casting fa : vote for con Jidationv.::.' f,- f.f .'I i ' : fAratnl -Atiep."!!'''...-' n ;tJarkln Jmade - It plain that he had ino . intention to make cx ira.vj.gant claims about ' ' the amount ' of money that could be saved under such a consolidation plan,? but gave? It' as his opinion that-Vsome" governors" could 6avei 1200,000 a year, while "some gov ernors" coould not save so much. Objection to the Hall hill was found by Carkin 7 for .the reason that it Interferes :wlth .constitu tionally created ofrics; 7 " . 4 Efforts of members to secure amendments which would 'exempt the labor commissioner;' the state industrial: accident commissioner and .the food and dairy commis sioner failed to materialize be cause it was pointed out - that amendments would undoubtedly be made in the . senate and that ample opportunity wpuld be given for consideration . of these pro posals In the upper house. . 1 . -- UtigatTon Avoided . . - In answer to 'questions pat ' to him by Speaker ; Kubll. Carkin stated that the possibilities of ad ditional litigation;,?' a referendum to the people with the consequent special election and also the pos sibility, ot the governor .being forced to call a special session to take care of appropriations made at this, session, had all feeen care fully considered and avoided in the-bill. ;; ' r ' , 7 When . Representative - Wood ward suggested 4hat the members bear in mind that a consolidation bill was' part of the governor's program and Implied, that it was the duty -of the house to past such a bill. Tlepresentatlves Gra ham and Kirkwood made it deal that as far as they were concern ed the. governor's wishes In the matter made little difference' to them- as. long as it was beneficial legislation. ' ' ' " "7 - ? . Mrs.; Simmons pointed out that If -"attention' was paid to the "re quests ot all the commissions and boards affected, there. would be no consolidation and said that "con solidation ' could; only. c6me with consolidation.'" .7 : .. .' - ';. v; Wth Representatives Bolton, Campbell, ' Hunter of Unlonl arid Wallowa, McMahan of Marion and SchUlmerich; absent, every vote east except that of v Representa tive Bennett of Coos,, was cast for the bill. : .".7 f 7-i? Dr. J..M, Valters Soeaks on Ethics and Being in Lbye , '5 v 11 1 (.11 o JVUI - T ,7 Dr.' J..M.' Walters', pastor of a church in Eugene.' was the prin cl pal; speaker a.t the Rotary club meeting; -Wednesday ' noon. He chosen Rotary ethics, as : his topic, and spoken at length and with splendid effect on' the importance' of being interested in and in, love with one's Job. To be at work fbf the money there is in the job, is something;.. 'to ' work "because ' the boss is looking, Is something; but to work because one's work is on's own contribution to all, human kind, is the whole thing ot life, as he presented the Rotary creed. 1 "It's a great thing to get aboard and 7m6ve with it, in stead of getting off it and having it run! past; you," said the speak er. He hasn't. very much use for the plain or fancy - hollerer who does nothing much but yell and make a noise. Some, of them even are In the' legislature, he said: there!, and -elsewhere, there are loud raucous-voiced men who do practically; nothing else but hol ler, they don't know what for.v : 'The . strength of a nation Is not In Its- numbers, or in its armies. but In1 the breed of its people," was . the : speaker's conclndlne thought. "It is our Job to Improve our breed, 780 that .. wqmen and cmiaren and Everybody shall be safer tand better cared for, be of what we have done fox sbcietr at large." - ; ' 7 Several visitors were present. who wre 1 introduced by ' their sponsors. Dr. It. C. dinger pre sented the matter of the great Tacoma ' Rotary .- reunion: for for which a number of local Ro tarians pledged their, attendance. Claim Death of Libby r r 3 uue to Own Negligence That death was due entirely to the carelessness and negligence of A C. Libby. who coUided with a Southern Pacific train January 8, 1922, and 'who died in: February of the same year, is contained In an answer to, the complaint of Grace Libbr. administratrix of the estate, filed by the Southern Paelfic mopnay . in circuit "court yesterday. -: , The "defendants state that the engineer who was ' approaching Jefferson, saw the oncoming au tomobile but expected , that it would slor upV When It failed to do so. the engineer stated that be applled.: his brakes but not in time to avoid a collision: . The ehgineer stated that the automobile driver 'gave no heed to the ; blowing of the engine whistle. ' Dismissal -of the suit and. costs are asked; by the (com paay." 7,7 . 1 -v ' - -' Si P1XE 1IKAD ELECTED . t ' - ,-'- ' . v i ' " SPOKANE. Feb. 14.r-runUng- tpu-Taylor7of;Couer d'Alene.' Ida ho, r was elected president; of the Western Pine Manufacturers as. sociation here this afternoon. R. E. Slaughter of. Yakima was elect ed vice president. Leon Stodard of Baker, Or:, was elected treasurer. OF . bo;:us FAVORED Legislature Would Extend Benefits -to. First Men to ; Enter Service. House; joint, resolution 1 No. 7, which would refer to the people the question of amending the con stitution so' the benefits i of the bonus and loan act would be open to Oregon soldiers who, anticipat ing the war went Into the army prior to those now benefitted by the act, and also opening it to sig nal service women,' who - hereto fore have 'been 'held to have been civilian employe's was adopted by the senate yesterday. It is said that about 200 men and only' five or;ixwomen-would be affected by the amendment.;.; The senate adopted house con current resolution No. 5, . which provides ; that a' commission be named to conf er with a like com mission from the state of Wash ington to investigate Into the feasibility ot building an Interstate bridge on the Lower Columbia river. . , : . . -' WORLD FAIR BILL GIVEN ' APPROVAL Spirited Argument Precedes yote Taken in Senate Yes- terday Afternoon. ; Representative Gordon's! con current resolution having as its purpose the ; authorization for a corporation ' to be formed to put on a . World fair in ; Portland In 1927 - was adopted in the senate yesterday. '? i-''.-,' 7 It' came on the door with a dl4 vided report. Ritner, Moser and Magladry, a. majority of the reso lutions committee, , recommended that the resolution , be . adopted with amendments providing that neither ? the legislature nor . the state - be obligated to make any appropriation. Dennis and Cor bett. signed a. minority report rec ommending' that? the: resolution be not adopted-, - 7 . ' The .resolution would make the governor;; the secretary of - state and' the . state treasurer , members of. Che corporation'. . The resolution was debated at considerable length.;, Senator Sta ples" said that 75 "per cent of the business men of Portland want a fair, -' ' . ' Senator Moser said the resolu tion authorized the three state of ficials to enter the corporation but could not compel them to., The adverse, minority- report was beaten by. a vote of 20 to lo when a: .roll call 7 was demanded. On the majority favorable report the vote wasu , Ayes Clark, 7 Eddy, Farrell, Garland Hall, Hare, Johnson, 'Jo seph, Kinney. '.Klepper, LaFolIetf. Magladry, Moser, Nlckelsen, Rit ner, .Robertson,; Staples, : ;. Tooze, Upton.. ' - ;'- - " 77froes--Brown, Corbett, - Dennis, Dunn. : Edwards. .- Ellis, Fisk, Smith,. Strayer,' Taylor; Zimmer man. - ' ..;--.; . . . , New Fire Pumper Is Given Exhaustive Test 7' An exhaustive test of the new gasoline - pumper . for the Salem fire department was given " Wed nesday afternoon, from the canal on North Church street. The big machine was received a few days ago,' and has been given good once-over- to learn 3ust what its habits are likely-to, be. The. water pressure -was aepi up to zuv pounds per square Inch, and 500 gallons , per ' minute was run through one nozzle, at. that pres sure. .The stream woul d d o h y draullc mining or house-wrecking at that pressure; it would, rip a board! house almost to pieces, and would throw water to the 'top of the", tallest, buldlng in town, in a fire-drowning i volume that looks like, a great Investment for the city.' '7 ' - Good Position Secured . . - .... i A business man In this town had two applicants -for. a worthwhile place in-his of- ; iice.; rr;-'''":. 1 , His advice to them was to attend our school and better prepare themselves for busi ness. One of them enrolled the next day; the other thought he could do without . training.' " -. ;. ;, ; - r :- - 7- -' .; " '7. J . 7 In three months - the man, iwho had kept ia touch, with the "first, boy's ; work - gave . him tho desired place, lie is now; conipletmg his , school . V at-night, 1 . . . , r . Which of these boys are you guiug to-emulate? - . ' - - - - 7 . . : ' Capital Business i lllgh & Terry VL3 AITEAL WALLA WALLA, Feb. 14. Cary Fox, found guilty of Ille 1 poserolon , of : liquor in the Just; : court here" year ago, wo 3 his appeal to the superior court tLis afternoon. . The Jury reversed the previous decision.. Fox wtj fined 250 and costs on his Hr-t trial; that "ItH" rcz2y is hurr. after all, end doss er.jc good crokins. ; For years ths hs seen L: mbther take down a can 1 Crescent Bakir 3 Pov, and has known that zz thing good was in th3 rr.t ing. . , . " ' ,' ' So her first erociry cr starts with "Crcrr.t I"' ing Powder, pleas r,' H ed -by years of rjiti:f,:,c.l: ia homes cf the Ve:t No Bitter Tcsln l ZGSCG. Powder E li Crescent 7 : Manufacturng J Seattle, Wash. .; i3iw v . 1 B Is the ripe tins to- just" what you v.zzl i eatables - and wcsrrJL! We- A vtjemendous surplus stock '.of goods to do 0 we have . , . '...'' . - . . , n 7-7 t, . - .11. And so deeply that in . . ... -. 1 many instances there is no resemblance of a pro fit. I n fact we have o. " Sacrifzos Our entire surplus stock so . that it , will ; move promptly. ' so COME Read iho Classified 1 ff "J C . :,,.-'. EU i 0 1 Him - -