THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 15. 1923 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TJT , -4', - ...... BY LOUIS RICHARD ASTORIA BILL SQUIRE EDGEG ATE It's Awful Hard to Guess Who i.akes Up Bis Mind, Eh ? PISSES HOUSE 1 M easure Provides for ; Pur- fchase of $250,000 Bonds f w 'to Run Twenty Years. 1 let , - -i : ?uL- o I lJLy X T- row; J . I) he i -c- , Mn' H y-"?v' - ; F 1 With only the vote of Represent to5ftrre'KeeTiey,pl Lane county cast against It. tib substitute As . jrtarK;1rlief "bill passed th house Muring the closing hous of last . fc'nlght's : se-tsioo. r The bill provide that the state !Fhall buy $250,000 of Astoria'? municInaKbonds. to run' 20 years. ' shearing -4 oer ceat interest! ! It Is! ' a joint .ways anvl-mcans cotnmit .jtee Wn and now goes to the sen kate for final "action. . . ' . ; Mott Defend XMll , ? Representatives Mott and Hard o jfClateop, tpolve In defense of the bin Mott citd' the precedent es "Jtabiiahed i by lother etajea which granted immediate reliet by state appropriations, to strltken municl-t palitiesw Th' lionsft alan nassed the bill ' H introduced by jMrs. Simmons at the 5 request of "Dr. Owens-Ad air, calling f or phyatcaf examination of . "both men aad rwomen7 applicant A for marriage HcenaegJ This bill be aubmjtted to" ther People , at the next lection. V' A'proTisiotf. calling for a men i tat ' test pt ail ' applicants; was stricken from the bill in com mi t tee. ::: fA T M " ' ' '& Wlthont a fitttter of excitement Representative 5 Lewis bill which abolishes chaplains" aT'.he state penitentiary, and the boys training 4 school passed the house and was skidded across the hall to the sen f mta where ir Is destlned to recelYe ' 'esVr cburteotis treatment," if "re--;port are trne.' f.Other-Bflla Pamed , '.Other bills passed by the house -Jat night follows: , : , , .. H. B. 178 , by , Hanimond To tpen Willamette Tiver to commer. .yal fishing below bridge at . Ore- . tjttix City. i"i -. , ft. ; it B. 4 4$ by ; Mrs,- Simmons. " Prorldtng for, mental and physical' examination for persons desiring rnarriage ' licenses, and referring ftSme . to thpeop!. 7 C J H. "B. 11521 by Meindl : (byl re quest) rCr4,tlli te board of 1 -naturopathic" examiners and .de flning,iti datW. V'i-: It , B. 231 by( Committee on t . iVood; and. Dairy .Products Per f'-'ttlnlrig t'o'mannfacture and nam ".'Jlng ,of tdod products. 7 , V . . N & It 1 H by Jraham,-Cr sal ting a' maintenance afad betterment s account, from state highway funds ' ;and' segregating part, of gasoline aax( for that, purpose. ' . IL.BJSTC.tar Lewis Repealing laws relating to chaplains at state . Institutions." V C V, H. B. 2ft by, committee on ...fairs and exposItiorj-RclaUng,to X compensation and 'trareling ex .f penses of . members of' board of Cfetate fairdirectors. ,, '1 ItrjA'.-ZSZr Joint committee" on ways and means Authorizing V the Ftate treasurer to purchase .bondafOf city of Astoria In sum of -"S26r,Oo0. '. - ' ' 1 ' -k li. u. 3&rf isuosiuuie inr 11. x- r 226 by jptHulmerlch natinJi Swires. Senate l!i!3s . . - - : '. ."ST-, S. B, 144'by MagladryCby reT quest- 'Relating , to-.", reports pwblic eervice commission by rall 4 roads. '. .v. ' ;.,':.'. ?rt S. Bi'l48 by Kieppr .Relating -vte levy and. apportionment of tax " or county lairs. r:-tr S. B. 78 by Moser Relating to j. licenses' of ; cblropraetorsj . . -' ' T-"- S.,B. 120 by Hall and Smith - JiD'f'aIiifc? 4 registered j assistant nharmaclsis , a nd 1 exem ptlog - cer taln pharmacUls from payment of 'lljnse fees. ; . -. s Armour fire loss great . ' t Continued from page 1 ) Set his own '''home on ? fire. : He xwai" later taken to a hospital. j 5 number ' of other flreroen ibad narfow escapee. V . Tb buildings so far destroyed thoso used for ; hog killing, .dry salting and (for: storing ear 1 Jcasses'lard and sausages. v : ItSlB 'feared J that ? if ' the lard Refinery catches - fire the flames JwiH get beyond "control. ' , General ' Manager . Willis de- clared that the , loss,' was entirely t covered by insurance,; MrJ Wll ttiis inforrard the Associated Preas J tlat undoubtedly the work of re ' I building would begin' at once. Babe Ruth Says Stadium V f; Holds No Terrors for Him .. KEW. YORK Febi. .14.. Babe Ruth: Js salfsf led: that the new ' Yankee bitseball stadium holds no .effort?: tar; him f , lie swung his V favorltc, tat loutiihere for a few '.minutes' itoday. .fcuoctng) several t . i aim over tne-ontlleld stands. '. .f -r, 'Ho will. leave tomorrow for Hot -Springs. ArkJ nd win Join his x j j tfcaai March 7, at New Orleans for '- , ; , , , . , ' ; ; : : ' " t . ... .. . . i-. T" - 7; -k , 1 . .1- IS Derailment of Car Raises i Dust, Causing Combus ' tiorij Is Verdict. DAWSON. N." M.. Feb. 1 1. Derailment, of an outgoing "trip' mine car. knocking down timbers to which - the 1 trolley leed ' line was attached, raising . a quantity of dust which was IgnUed -by an electric arc; caused . the disas trous explosion in , Mine No. . 1. here : Thursday last, which cost the llres of 120 .' men .according to- the verdict returned : by the here - this after- coroner's noon. i Jury 1 .:. L. The arfr which set -off th coal dust was caused when the feed wire came, in contact with' one of the iron pit cars, t.he jury de clared. ' . ; " ; ' .-: Three more' todies .we're recbr-c-red from the demolished inter ior af the mine today, 'still leav ing 11 not? yet found amid the dabri:.-:.'-..:f-T--:j";; ' '' . A The ; verdict of "the coroner's jury represents f essentially -the sen t' men t .of n?rl all whd are familiar with the situation here, Daniel Harrington, supervising mining .engineer of ; the United States bureau of Denver, declar ed c tonight.1 following the an nouncement of the .verdict. Mr. Harrington has spent con siderable time examining the in terior of the ; wrecked mine since Saturday, when ;he arrived here In charge of two l United States bureau of mijsea rescue cars and crewg. - - '.r r , '.'.. : . stops coucras. AJa! COLDS y Neglected coughs and colds lead to influenza. : 14. grippe, asthma and bronchitis, and the old meth of "letting ; if run Its course is rapidly . giving - way. to reyeitive treatment, j Three generations -of users . have testified to ; the quick relief given by Foley's Honey and Tir, from roughs, colds.' I croup, -u- -7.7 v im ww Contains no opiates insred- ient printed, on the. wrapper. Re fuse imitations; ahd , substitutes. Sold everywhere. Adv.- l 1 ' Stanford (f lasketbail W r " Team Tastes " Defeat ' - BERK 7 LEY, Cali. Feb. 14 SUnford-i .University's basketball team, the only five in the Pacific Coat conference i that . had . not been beaten. tasted defeat to night wheii it was conquered 20 tc 23,-- by: the University.-of Cal ifornia In a furious contest that was ; in doubt until the final Whistle. lw ,. .''.-.iC ' About 2,009 persons witnessed the game. ) The jflrst of a series of . four. to decide which team will represent the southern divi sion against the north for the coast cheropion. , To win ' the right California has to take all three remaining games. Willamette University : Again Drubbed, 64 to 23 MOSCOW. Idaho, Feb. 1 4. The Unirersity of -Idaho basket ball team (drubbed that of Wil lamette university here tonight 64 to 23. i - --..; - y . The Idaho, Vandals did not de velop full ; , power at any time during the gam their superior offensive permitting them y to score at will." a Al Fox of Idaho was individual star 'of the-game, caging 11 field goals . and - con verting 16 of 19 free throws DAIRYMEN BlLLi ;t '" IS EASILY "FRAMED (Continued from page 1) , . jaer. Robertson, Staples, Strayer, Taylor, Toose,: Zlmmermam ' ITp- ton.;-?-.-: ..s Noes Clark. Corbett. Ellis . Farrell, Joseph. Itlepper, MoseT.j ttnith. Hi on SftLEM TO PLAY M'MINNVILtE Game at Armory Tonight is "Jinx" Game for Local j Aggregation. ,;? Salem high school plays its an- riual "Jinx" game here at the'ar-; mory tonight ' ' when the locals' meet the McMiniivllle team. Me-. Minnville has resolutely kept out of the slate championship clas3, and , Salem bag as regularly brok en, in; but McMinnville has been scalping the locals almost ; as regularly as the clock strikes. Last year they did it twice, by a one-score margin in each game; this year they did it again, in the first game the Salem boys had played for the season. ; They are not expected to do it again tonight. If the locals do not pile up enough of a margin to avenge ail these other microscopically-lost games there's noth ing in signs. -- The locals have what roust "oo fairly class as an extraordinary high school team if the visitors can keep within xlht .of them' they are good ; indeed. The way the local boys have been cleaning up everything excepting this McMlnnville jinx, is an im pressive lesson to all comers of how basketball ought; to be played. . "A . The return game, with! Corval lis high was originally ' scheduled for Friday night, but by agree ment it has been postponed until next week, when fhey can play in the OAC gym with Its full-size floor. The , locals believe, from what they, saw in the. game with Corvallis here in Salem last week, that on the bigger floor they can make an even bigger score against the Corvallis shooters than on the smaller floor. The Corvallis style of guarding and charging seems built to order for a limited floor space; on the really big floor the locals expect to show some long range speed that ought to look" good to anybody. Bill HunL Salem Boxer, on Portland Program Bill Hunt of Saleni. who 'was to start in a four-round bout with Bill Bletch at the Portland 4VV Ing arena Tuesday night, didn't appear un the program, for there wasnt any program at all. Tfiey called it all off because of- the heavy snow practically destroying" the street car service. The en gagement holds good, however, and Hunt is to go on when the weather clears up, possibly Sat urday night. Hunt got Off to a bad start in Portland recently when he niet a big "ringer" fight er from Akron, Ohio; but ha is game to show them that it was a fluke, and that he has the stuff in his big mitt. The Portland boxing commission liked him well enough to offer him a second and better match. ; A Coming Saturday H1ARY PICKFORD In Her New "Te of the Storm Country" Watch i For Further Interesting Announce . ments OREGON LATEST PHOTO OF JOHN D. ON THE LINKS. . , f ' fc WSMij(JlUlJHai HWMSMaw,',-: A i 'sail ' i Yi ivr'rr iiiiifi ifrtw - 1 1 ti r mm n N L"n if' f - It is a coincidence of the news that with the arrival of this photo graph from LFlorida. showing John D. Rockefeller playing golf at the Ormond Beach Golf Club, should come the report that the venerable philanthropist is suffering from a slight cold and has had to forego his . daily round at the ancient Scottish game, j Despite; his 83 years, the oil magnate la extremely agile and Is said to show a surprisingly good rrnk with the driver and masMe. Big Wrestling Program at Indian School Today Six wrestling - bouts are to be staged thia afternoon at the Sa lem Indian school, between the wrestling team of the Salem high school and the Chemewa Indians, Last year the Indians almost, an nihilated tho high school boys in a match in the high school gym. This year they have had steady coaching by Ellis White, former captain of the high school, team, and they are said to have, im proved wonderfully with this careful training.- There are tome oif thb same wreBtlers in both teams, that appeared last' year. Two" ' short : exhibition boxing bouts are to be staged between Cbemawa boys to vary the pro Profit by- Reduced Fares to ' Califbrhia The saving in Reund-Trip.Farcg " the train comforts while you ' Journey, and spring-like days in the . i Funny Southland aro good reasons for going now. Fare3 from Salem' to: , Santa Barbara $63.00 Los Angeles'$70.25 Sale dates dsllx to March 31. Liralt6d April 30. , 4 SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS af ford frequent and . convenient service. ' 'For further particulars ask your local ticket ageift.-or write . . ..-..'. , i . , JOHN ,M. SCOTT j General Passenger Agent i Portland, Oregon . "J i " gram; but all the wrestling bouts are for a decision, to the; winner on points at the end of eight minutes, or to the winner of falls, two out of three. The Indian wrestlers are: Eli, 110 pounds; Edwards, 125; Don nelly, 130'; Pettelin, 135; Scott, 145; and Hawk, 158. The high school has promised to match alt these weights A small admls ion fee is to be charged. , YOUNGSTER SOLD, ; SEATTLE-, Feb. 14. George Brovold, a youngster who blew up after a, brilliant start last sea son with the Seattle ball club of the Pacific eoast league, has been sold, Nick Williams, scout, ' an nounced today, to the Moline club of the Three-1 league. !-. ' in f msi J MANY SKEPTICAL ON B LEAGUE - :' .: Air of Mystery Surrounds Formation of Inted- -allied B'all Circuit. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Baseball's chief topic of discus sion ! today the proposed con tinental or inter-allfed league, reported to be In I process of or ganization in e'ght eastern cities of the United States and Canada and to ' have major league ap proval, f not actual basking developed a diversity of opinion in diamond circles here and through the country. j An air of mystery cloaked th actual organizers of the project end a majority of baseball men were skeptical in their views ol o new league's feasibility. On a or two significant 'developments, however, lent somo further col or to the proposition. Chief among these develop ments was an informal confer ence held by John , A. Heydler, t-rosidont cr the National League with most ;of the club owners of -, the senior circuit, who re mained in the city after yester day's schedule meeting. , Mr. Heydler declined t to di vulge details of the ' meeting, but it was said treat Barney treyfuss. president of the Pitts-: Here Are Suit Made to Measure $25 to $49 Extra Pants FREE Made from the same all wool fabric as the suit, which will give you fulljr double the wear you would , Kt from a suit with only olic pair. We make these clothes to your special order and guarantee complete satis faction. Scotch Woolen Mills 426 State Street ' Real Bargains burgh' club, said : that he had been approached by sponsors for the new league and asked to join Montreal interests. In backing a franchise "in that Canadian city. That similar interests also had made overtures to, club owners to Washington and Brooklyn, two other -cities' mentioned as part of the new circuit; also was -indicated but their identity remainl cd unrevealed. . ; - i Colonel T. L. Huston, part owner of the New York Yankees expressed general approval of plans ifor a new league .. which would . afford an outlet for .major league' material, but otherwise there was little official comment. The. majority of. club owners1 de clined flatly to 'express, their vfews. ' - . ( v ' As revealed last n'ght . from apparently : aUthoratlve ! sources, it was planned to put clubs in the new circuit in .. Montreal, Washlherton. ' .. Brooklvn. ! Provi dence. ' Toronto, Baltimore", , Buf falo and Newark. 'The latter four cities already hold J interna tional' league (franchises. . ( The (Paper. $5.95 GOOD STORE TODAY . ONLY :-:v::' .::i: -: -:;.'--. : We Have a ' "i ; at $270 Do Not Miss This Every day is , The Marion Auto Co. Sec Ackerman ' . Marion Automobile Company Ehone 3G2 'Vttl ywylliwyt llffllllT GIANT STAR CiET8 OFFER DECATUR. Ill- Feb. 14. Jof. "Iron Man" McGlnnlty, former Giant star and professional mas ager has received an offer tu coach the Princeton 1923 baseba!; team. His work will be with tl pitchers. ' - It'o toasted. Th!3 ono extra process gives a dellah'Jul quality that csn not be duplicated GOOD: k: Buick Four i.OO 1 1 One. Terms Given bargain day at -- Open All The! Time II1M tw t f tf rt 1T1 - t T-'. .- - - .