The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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con I
v firman Police Fail to Co-
V crcratsHotels and Mer-
i cheats nefusescryiea to
rib.iittiwii . ;
1 ' ; n ;f r
Tr Set FirD to Invades
ts Current Shut
, Cff at Kdccrftof. ' "
- r.ZSEN, Feb. .14. (By The As
ec -'.itei Press,)- The boycott
- bu !& between the ..FTanco-Bal-
l: giaz; c:cupational forces and the
acute In the Ruhr, particularly
an. . "The most uotleeable
tec.::e3 are; tta failure of eo-
i nit:
' " r
.loa ty , the German police
-rcfal'. of .hotels and
nts tor serve1 ihe French
'ifi'i ..-. i.
r ILati:,-.the alltea seized
ft-- ' ! ' th 1 r-st .hotels In'.Es
i se a ; -t tiila was met, by farther
14 '' t:. V etneaitioa tor the Germans.
' - YciiTday the. Germans - servered
y':tfc;5 tlaetrlc current' supplying the
j K::.. .:hof betel, where the allied
er; erins coami33ioa -was
1 red. 'I ' French' counter
ed v.'ih an iI&tum'that unless
U?: I'Sits -wcra tester?!: tj
r "o'tl last vre.z3nz ta. entire
i -UiL :s tTbUm of the city "would
Ye. t. fin-?,. .iMvu r.-mr tie
lit! ;bc!v,2s sUU without elec-"-'trk:.
tut ' tts City :"-V.3"coa-
.'tinteJ to t!-.3 ortX' : The Ger-
-msL3 sail ILit a ci.n cf trocr
W3 i:;t t3 tie nzz :I;at liht-
J las i".J.r.t to cat the rower bat
t ' Conn d the doer a were tarred.
:rtcr Cchaefsr
wl3 trrz i tils 'ticrairsr
fa Cjnectica isith t'-a Iscidert.
-I ...area" c.'i ' thb child popula
te a iilii sjpjly of Easen
r.ts zz.wiz.zzl ia Gsrman aar-
ter ia s.tsiattiatlca- of . the
da . .1 tTia- o?;2jatloa Is
ear . c '.strc x ; The eitjr.
ace. t-, t!:t- 'f'irtm.3. his
. 22,. cI.Xia under "two years
- ot arprcxln&teljr 45.0CIT
Cer tlx years and 82,000" chil
drr n of school a9. The dally
. Dil.:; Erly thus far this tnoata
r-' 'n .5. 'JO. to 7,000 liters.
ai - r. i !ta 35,000 "liters
,' for-i i.ue period in Jaauary
, "a:..' 1 li:y' LJsf - year:r I''i
!. pel- l out, ic-erer, that these
. . tnc j crl!-ily are ..bad .for
pre aaUi. .
f 3 pre3rt sapply permits
ate t one q a arte r tf ft liter" for
I ea'i child unrtft two rears; ana
' , ; it I , eserted that many of ,their
ct: ;.ca are bcUig fciren esar
en.., water instead of milk.
Jf i.g::D0K. Fei. X4. Two po
j ca of Daeaseacorf 'were ar-
J; u. 1 thsre today charged with
-. . 6ft i fire to a" barn, the hillet
I cf . rtnch troops, says , a Renter
Al: itc! frcsj miesf-eUorf. Ona
T ; ot t pclLcmen waa woaaded In
tij j to ctade arrest.
't -;ral Do Oontte. the French
1' ec. binder, tha -di?ritcb adds.
J ha , Crclded to disirtitha achutzj
pt'.' ::a and gradual; tr2r.cJorm'
th; t Into nuniclpal police, -.
A neuter dispatch from Essen
says that the pteIdeat of .tn
hot .weepers . union. has beea ar
re; .1. The bargoiaaater, . ; also
?- ha;:r zrrtnK Vili te heli;; re
aps: s:id for cattln oft the-elee-
trif current In the Kaiserbot ho
7 te? and will vts courtmartiaTed
. unl;;a the eurreat ts restored.'
Till VEATHIin i
CT.ZaCN - Thnrsday rain
-t, rafa o snow east por
t; a. Vzt eo " eold .eorthwest
i-rtioa.'. . ' 1 - ' ' V' '
Temperature, maxlcum . 48.1
T. peratnre, minlnium 23.
I ' 1 i t'-1-"' ' -
2r$cf::tatlca, .18. -
A:r:::-irev ctoady. - - - -
Triza, north.
Senate bill 118, introduced by
designed to prevent fraud in
teration by the use of manufactured "ingredients," passed the I
senate yesterday;" The "debate was heated.. , ;
Zimmerman ' made a strong - plea if or i.the bill, declaring
the present competition of the . factories is deadly' to the
dairymeh and farmers and that it is such a condition that
produces I. W.1W. and radicals. .
, juaue succumo,
" Staples supported the bill,
takes the place of 10,000 cows and puts them out of -business.
He read advertisements of the factories which he averred
were fraudulent statements. "" ; -.! ' . : J-
' Senator Johnson, as the biggest dairyman m the senate,
supported the bill: but predicted the dairymen would not get
from 'it all they expect. '' He declared' that at present prices
all consumers cannot afford to eat butter and that not ' en
otigh gutter is being produced to feed all the people. ,' "
. Imports Too Xarge ;
: are importing more butterr" aid Johnson,, "than we
are exporting." V " - ' '' v ' - ' '
Johnson said he could see no objection to people eating
butter substitutes if they cannot :afford to-. eat1 butter,7 but
i J il 1 - - 1.!! 1.' !l. '!':
woma vote xor ine utu uecause
Chamber of Commerce at
Open Session Endorses
. School Building Law.
, fy nnanlmous rote of the.largft
atL r. dance, at the Chamber of,
Cc' imerce open tornm session last
ni-t the ' $500,000 . school - hpnd
prcsram.ot .the' Salem school
Izirl . was glreri an" eathttSiaetia
ersrseraeat. ' r'"" v " r l$
. . Tie" members are, to do more
tiaat say yes."-" They expect '6
put the slogan into their AdTfr?
tiding, into their ' store signs ftri
cciTersation, into erery sort,, of
p .tlicity that they can adopt, and
help actively in patting the pro?
gram across. , --:'f'.
f 'the fall progress of the school
program, which was initiated! liy
the pahlicity committee" from ;th
C-awber oft Commerce, was rfe
v:awed to date by Chairman Elmo
S: .White and Col.E. If. Hofer.
It was shown that ia iavesy gating
the 'school popniation growth 'th
committee foaad that there !a
pareatly r was no possible escape
from the fact that at least 'the
Lole' lS00;00O Wbrta of building
mcst --b don i before the yei
1? ' 0. whether done in small nn its
of bonds,' or in. one larger author
ixation. - vt
Itegistratlon Increases . J "
The program calls for oalr per
manent nnjts 'of brick construc
tion, and no more "moTeatieT
school consideration. It connfs
on using all the old buildings un
til the new ones are fully react
to replace them, bat to reduce
(Contlaued on page-4)
Kama is
Three Merger Measures Be
fore Legislature Up at 11:
;Cyc!pck Today,. . .
All consolidation - bills, will - be
a special order .bt business In .the
senate at 11 o'clock Hbdiy. Thfs
was Voted by the senate when the
bill, sponsored by 17 members ot
the senate, : came up or third
reading. V ' -
This bill, the : Hall bill and .the
Caxiin bill that' passed the house
yesterday will be those? consid
ered. " . : , " 8
The following Benate bills were
Introduced yesterday: 1 . v
. S. T3: 51,' Enia--Relatlng tojtha
filing of foreign articles 'of incor
poration. - M 1 -;
S.'B. 220, Joseph Relating to
th defense of -usury Ira actions
and suits against corporations.
S. B. 221. Mnltabmaa delega
tion Excepting Oswego lake from
wafers of state described as carl-'
gable and subject to use in log
''tm' T"""1! '''" "
cets syppom
r, -. . "i
Brown and Zimmerman, and
inilk products and their adul
ays staples
declaring . that one . factory
fua .vuiisutuenis want it. 1
i Senator Moser tongbt- the bill.
1 ?I realise,!' be said.-"that the
skids - are greased and that this
bill .win pass by a substantial ma
jority. Tint I cannot, sit'stul and
nbt protest at class legislation
that' Is 'directly against the inter-
estft of the working man : and the
man wha cannot afford to buy
high priced butter."
. .Moser read statistics showing
that. two years, ago when a. simi
lar measure was defeated by the
people,. Benton. ' .Folk, Yamhill
and Marioa counties, whose; sena
tors, ate supporting the b'U, gate
substantial' majorities against it.
.i ' 'Farm .Uleo. rfrd !
x.- Moser charged that, many of
the enafcors wr-- piedgeji to the
bill because .they were atraidl or
the farta-bloc.r- J ' ; -
p Ytr ' farmers, you- leader .bt
the farm . bloc'," Closer shouted fat
Senator Brown, "yoa come ;in
here with a bill that' your own
people do not want and log-roll
tlrrough legislation that la direct
ly, against the poor man and the
man who can scarcely .pay bis
taxes."1 " u - ; " : ? ,'
Seaator Tooze declared the
makers of tUled milk threaten 'to
pnt the' dairies out of business,
and denied that the bill is class
legislation. " t . ' ' '
Pictnre Exhibited
Senator Magladry exhibited pic
tures of rats; chickens, dogs; pigs
and babies fed on dairy foods and
their substitutes,, much to the ad
vantage of those fed on the pore
foodff.' - ' : r.-
Senator Dennis, supporting the
bill; opposed allowing ,"the South
American riegro-wbd picks coebk
nuts to compete with the Oregda
farmer whose cows 'bare kept
many a bank from, going broken"
Ellis said he would vote agalckt
the bill because there are so nit
people who . at certain ' times 'of
year cannot; afford ;to eat butter.
Senator Klepper, opposing the
bill, read from Dr: E. V. McCol-
Inm. "who made th experiments
exhibited by ' Senator ,iIagiadrron
the 1 other "aide.1" ; ' f ,
f The McCollum quotation was
declared by Klepper to. oppose
legislation stich. I aji . proposed In
the bilL Klepper declared ; the
bill would. pn bki of business 6rie
Industry in Portland that alone
will this year pay $T,G0O In taifa
into the ;Oregon-treasury. ;
T Brown Hits Hard '
. Senator Brown, closing Jhe ar;
gument, said the bill waa almbet
ideatlc&l with one, already passed
by the legislature .-.
"This WU isa't going to put the
oleo people obt" of business," said
Brown, "and it Is foolish-to say
it will. , Those who say ao kfe
either Ignorant or are deliberately
misrepresenting' matters.'.?' , .V
k Brown '1 flayed' the ' Portland
Chamber of Commerce which, ? fie
sal J, U owned by a $52,000,000
corporation f in i Chicago. : " Statbi-
tics. furnished by the chamber bad
previously-' been read by 'Clark.
Brown walked more than half
way acros3 the senate chamber la
assailing Klepper,. demanding to
know it he farored. "some South
American tnlKgehv dressed : olaly
with . a ring In his nose ' and a
brass' ring around 'Us neck, ore'r
the country tabtes cf Oregon." :
The vote waa: 4 ...
Ayes Brown. Dennis. Dunn.
Eddy; ;E4war:3- Fi;.:c. garland,
Hall, Hare, Johnsca, Kiaaey,La
FollettTfl?dry5tickelson, XLIt-
Strange Actions of Birds Laid
to Too Heavy Drinking '
of Corn Whiskey
JOPI.1N, Mo., Feb. 14. Par
taking too freely of corn whiskey
mash. Is In the opinion of Charles
Williams. United States deputy
game warden." of - Arkansas -City.
Kansas, the reason for strange ac
tions "of thousands of. wild ducks
In the- last few days near River-
ton. " - . . -, , ...
' The birds apparently "Intoxl-.
cated." Williams stated in report?
ing the result' ; of ;hls Inrestiga
tion k '
Williams said he. found' a
large quantity of mash, on a small
island two milos above Rlrerton,
Kansas.".- ' ' : ' ;
4 . . . . . f I if 1A 1 i
V.- HP,
- f ft
Spectacular Packing House
: Ctaie in .Ornaha Causesr "
!. OMAHA. Neb., Feb 1 4. A-
ter.aa .18 hours fight ' In zro
weather with the tire, at -""the
plant of Armoar Sc. co.." It .was
reported at. 10:30 . oelock: "to
night . that the flames ! were at
tacking the larjl " reflnerlea and.
threatening, to spread - ta other
buildings: The majority Ml Oma
ha's lire fighting forces is ' op
posing the- .blaze. ;-,--'."The
estimated, loss, waa placed
atf cloclc tonight, at 11,500,?
000; ": Accotdldg' to 0."C; Willis,
general ' manager.,', of ::"the ' plant,
more than 800 men ire' thrown
out of employment: . ---
Hydrant Frozen
sthe iflr is said., to .one of the
meat spectacular" in the city's his.
tbr'y.-; .v
Starting early this morning in
a nine-story t ouiiding 'T known as
N.,' 19; from" a defeetlre eleva
tor 'motor, acebrdlng" to General
Manager Willis, 'the blase spread
rapidly1 to bandings Kofi." IS' and
IT, 'r containing .'huge: stores" of
lard.-: ' ! -
,V. When ' firemen who ' responded
to the ffrst alarm reached the
sre'u,' they .found, . all ' hydrants
frbsea f and water preesure eo
poor that tfiey ! could not 'throw
streams 'past' the s sixth story.'"
.,The. alarm , Was turned itf just
as.lhe peak ox the Cold wave
hit ; the . city. ;;Th'e ;.tiremen be
catne ' lceinerusted ' In. a few.' min
utes, and. n4ny '.literally . &oxe to
the Pipes.'. Dense smoke, and fell
ing .walls added . to the dangers
of jtlie firemen.!
' Flames' May Spread ,
-Assisunt Flrei ' Chief ' M. F.
raneen was blown eight feet In-
id the air' late lh ther afternoon
wnen an explosion, thought to
-.A . - . .v i . : -r.-.i- . - t-
Lavo, t been caused tby ' ammonia,
occurred. Although ' painfully
bruised, ha stuck to "his post,r not
eyen deserting it when sparks
, (Continued on page -2
l-U,.i fUl
House Measure to Prevent
Ownership or Mase .of.
i' Lands Is Approved. 1
- The argument that was. expect
in' te senate yesterday on the
Bailey-Huston, house, bill designed
to. prohibit the, acquirement of
land by ownership or ' lease by
aliens not eligible for citizenship,
failed . to materialize .' and " the
measure passed with a unanimous
vote. , ,
; The measure is directed main
ly at Japanese. Xt was the sub
ject, of a spirited public hearing
a few nights ago. : It is spon
sored! Ay -the American , legion
aadwas opposed, by. the Portland
Chamber of Commerce and the
business Interest pf the state.
When the measure was report
ed out by the judiciary committee
Tuesday Senator 'Farrell brought
oiif a minority 'report recommend
ing that the measure not become
effective- until; January 1, 1924,
tst thja.allsd of -sohstlUiUcx'
i nr
Vote Is. Expected by Next
..Friday Acceptapce of
Amendment Smooths
Way for Easy Sailing.
fiight Session Is Postponed
.PecdUse of Strong Dem
"l ocratic Opposition.
.WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. -The
seriate -failed today to " reach ' a
vote ' oa the JBrltish debt funding
tin, as had1 been hoped by ad
ministration . leaders," and also
called off the proposed night ' ses
sion, but negotiations, for a. final
vote nest .'Friday made headway.
i" Formal ' proposals 'for a " vote
Friday were brought ' before the
senate late' in 'the day but ' a " de
cisloa went over" until tomorrow;
Democratic "opposition ' compelled;
the .Republican leaders to cancel
tonight's " proposed session, but
Sena tor'. Robinson, Democrat, Ar
kansas,, told the senate there was
eery prospect" for an agreement
Id -vote on Friday., -
.Way Lh Smoothed
. ' Acceptance. today by Jtepubli
can leader', off the Robinson am
endment to limit the debt fund
ing amendment I to agreement
with. Great' Britain and provide
for. acceptance of funding with
ether debtor, nations by congresn
instead of the- president as pro
vided In ; the measure as passed
by 'the house, smoothed (the-way
for the scheduled " passage) of the
bill r on ' Friday. ' In ' today's de
bate, speeches were .made. by. both
party leaders, Senators Lodge $f
Masskchusetta and Underwood -t
Aianama, . strongly urging aaop
tion lot the. 'British debt agree
ment. Senator Underwood, how
ever, made his support of the
bill cohtingent upon addition ot
the Republican, amendment.
Senator - Randell, ' Democrat
Louisa na, alao urged ' passage ' ot
the bilL. - , -
' Speeches criticising the agree
ment were made by Senators
Borah, Republican. Idaho; Reed;
Democrat;-Missouri , and Xadd
Non-partisan Republican, North
Dakota. - 'Senator , Borah,' - how
ever, indicated - he rould -vote
tor, the bill and Senator Ladd
was non-commital while a char
acteristic attack upon the fund
Ing plan was made by Senator
Reed; who wUl resume bis - ad-
drees tomorrow. 4
no Mmm
in m. coffip
Myth That ,. Russian Crown
. Jewels Were Buried With
'"v Sailor. Exploded,
NEW. YORK, JFOb. - 14. Fiffy
fully-armed soldiers, high mili
tary officers and heads of various
government departments today ex
ploded the . myth that Russian
crown; jewels worth $4,000,000
were concealed in the- grave ' of
Seaman James Jones in -. the . Cy
press Hills cemetery. yv
? While "a cordon of troops sur
rounded the. burial ground, bar
tin admittance to any one but
government "officials, the body
was exhumed1 and the casket and
Its contents were carefully exam
ined : under, the direction of - treaa
ury department agents. ; No gems
being found, the body was ;re-
placed In the coffin and again 'In
-The exhumation was conducted
under orders' from' the war de
partment to. establish whether the
jewels.1 once, belonging ' to Czar
Nicholas, hadfj been stolen) and
concealed In the coffin of Jones.
who died at Gibraltar In 1920 on
the. transport Edeilyn. The order
was made on request of William
WnUams. special agenf of the
treasury . department who had " In
vestigated the reports and thought
them- authentic enough to Justify
Spaniard Would Only Battle
With EqualsEngage
ment Broken Forcibly
NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Miss
Lucille Whltehurst tot Amerlcus,
Ga.. who says she is the niece of
a former United States senator,
told - Magistrate : Oberwager in
court today that Mariano VidaL
Spanish vice consul in this city.
had been challenged by a Mexi
can to fight a duel for' love of
her, but had declined.
The magistrate, who had been
listening' quietly to. a story of
frenzied love-making and, violent
Jealousy, 'brought : Into court be
cause Miss Whltehurst had charg
ed Vidal with knocking her down
and , taking back an engagement
ring,1 showed marked ; interest
when the affair - ot honor was
mentioned. ' , - -
7'A dueli'he exclaimed, "A
duel In New, York city?"
"YeV: replied Miss Whltehurst
calmly, "a duel.
The Mexican, Enrico' Mendoza,
of whom Vidal - had become jeal
ous, "wanted ' to se : blood ' flow,
but Vidal would not fight because
he said the Mexican was of alow
er station to' life and he ould
only 'fight his equals."
Snowfall Further South Is
Light Weather Bureau r
' Sees End of Cold. 'V:
; '.Wednesday's. ,C h l n b ak, . that
started early In .the. forenoon, had
cleared off most.' of the snow on
the streets .by the time people
went home to supper In the eve
ning. It was about the meltin'est
brees that has1 blown in the .Wil
lamette valley tor many moons.
Some anxiety was expressed out
through, the lowlands' of the val
ley as. to the coming of another
flood, as a 'result of : this, rapid
thaw. .This is beieved to be a
groundless 'fear, as the snowfall
farther south Is lighter than- It is
in , Salem., and 7 it la lighter here
than In. Portland and the lower
part of the Willamette valley, .The
temperature - has not been ; low
enough to harm the tendefest
buds, according to good fruit
judges, so the damage from the
coming of the sform is estimated
at practically nothing at all save
to those who' caught could through
leaky boots, of na umbrellas. '
..,-; ? -. . - . 1',. -
Senate Kills Zimmerman' Bill
Proposing Cut in Pay of 1
By a big majority the Zimmer
man bill providing, for a rut in
the salary of the adjutant gene
ral of Oregon '"-was. indefinitely
postponed when It came up in the
aenate yesterday on an adverse
report ot the committee on; mili
tary affairs' which was unani
mous. - ,
The ' vote : oh r indefinite post
ponement was: r "t
Ayes Brown, Clark, Corbett
Dennis,' Dunn, Eddy, . Edwards,
Ellia. Flak. Garland, Johnson,
Joseph, Klepper, La FHett, Ma
gladry, ;Moaer," RItner, .Robertson,
Staples,' Upton. ;J 1 .
... Noes-i-Farrell, Hare, Kinney,
Nichelseni 1 Strayer, Taylor, Tooee
and Zimmerman. ; -s
AbsentHall, Smith, i "
Another - bill that was killed by
indefinite postponement in the
senate yesterday was S. " B. 193,
by Corbett, providing for the cre
ation of a , restoration fund for
state institutions. f
House bill 298,! introduced . by
Wheeler, was reconsidered In the
senate yesterday and again failed
to pass. It provided' for an! in
spection of public school buildings
by; inspectors of; the labor depart
nest cf tho Et&te. -'
. : t v m
Iil!jiiuUklli il UL'i. L'.,
Discredited by Speaker Kiibli; whoso name v c:.'
scathing attack by several members, the sufcctltut I
with 45 affirmative votes and only. 14 airst it. I: , . .
tative Campbell was absent. '" '
The bill is. a combination individual and ccrrcr: 1! : i.
come tax measure,, it provides a progressive ,tas: cn i
ual incomes and a flat tax on corporations end pro : ! i
emptions for individuals of $1,0C0 for sinsrb person-, ;
for married persons and $400; for each dcpcr.clcr.t.
Although Many Members on
Sick List, Audience Ap-
' " : preciates Program ;
Despite the -handicap of sing
ing with JO of their members i ab
sent on kick ' leave; the Apollo
club members . delighted ; the j uri
nsnally , large i audience "which
greeted them, last night tor a the
second, concert of the season.
Singing, some of the old favor
ites, together with ' new songs
which became favorites after they
were" sung, the club made many
new friend3. ''The ( Old Road"
was one of. the- favorites, and , in
response to the Irish tent demand
they sang ; "Where My Caravan
Has. Rested.!-..-- -' :-. i
, Miss Ethelynde Smith, Who was
soloist .for the' evening, sang sev
eral groups of songs. " She opened
her. program with' several. French
songs which were given with., good
enunciation, and diction; 'She was
generous with her encores..; and
sang several' popular songs which,
were well received.' . ' p
Program - Well Balanced j
Miss ESmftbs elnglng. While
lacking in" warmth ' and depth,
was" under good control, and bet
handling of her theme was. most
capably done. She displayed, con
siderable 'dramatic ability even in
the numbers which did not; de
pend tor their charm on such
ability. " Her ;, 'encores included
"Rough' and Tumble," "IDs First
Hair Cut," and the "Big Brown
Bear.- - ; " 1 ' V
" "Go 'Long, Mule, Go Long,"
was sung by the club and most
heartily appreciated by the large
audience. "Smilln' Through"
brought '. forth- such a persistent,
demand for' more that .the' club
sang the ; humorous "Musical
Toot.": and later "The Bells ; bt
StT Mary'i."'' v r ' ''
-. Miss Smith, sang "Omnipotence"
with the dub, and this' too j was
well t received by' the audience.
The elub closed the evening's
program with Charles Denaee's
"For Flag and America" I"
... I ,.i,'?.;f,:-.,,J.'s,,t.,...: - .
s - Audience Appreciative - J
Dr. John R. Sites 'directed the
Chorus In hie usual capable man
ner. ' During, the Intermission he
announced the" beginning ' of re
hearsals for the .May festival and
the' coming concert of the Salem
Symphony' orchestra. t - i
Miss Ruth Bedford who is ac
companist for the 'Apollo club tor
the second year In succession,; dis
played her . usual : fine technique
in her accompaniments fori the
club and for the soloist, - Miss
Smith, who showed her appreci
ation of the work of the young
musician by sharing the applause
with, her.'-- V " -" : !" 1
" The' audience last night was
one of the largest which 'has at
tended an Apollo club ,cfbncert,
and it was withal a ;most appre
ciative audience:" At 'the sugges
tion of Dr." Sites the audience saag
the- first verse ot America" at the
close ot the evening's program
Fire-which broke out at 1:30
this morning practically, destroyesd
a vacant house at South, Commer
cial and Lincoln streets, owned toy
Moss Irvin of 22 60 South Liberty
street. The cause of the fire la
unknown. ""--". ,
: "Windows -'. were broken In -the
property : adjoining
1 1
i). i
4 , 4.
The. tax. on. individual lr.- :.
begins with 1 per cent oa tlC'
Increases by l.per ec-.t n c
additional $1000 -up to i -1 i
eluding .!)000 and .ric i a t
of 10 per cent on all net in
In excess of ?3C 10. ...
A flat tax of? 4 pr crt i'';
posed Ir.ccmni cf h"
in exeeg of ICCO.
., Corporations dclr.g t'- '
outside of this ts are t . :
fected. by the . act, - e; - : t -f
applies to-the, net Irro-, ui
operations within..' the . '".t-.
Those voting against t!.a I
sage of the' till," wll-V-bcra r.
name of Ti'epresacUil.ei 'I '
ban of LInnE.i:.stt," cf C
WhecUr - of" Lafca," J Ci : i -
Jackson, ! were! ''-'Aluz :. I
ell, ' BUrdick, " Cramer.' r: ..
Gordon, Graham, Kirk's c .
is,' Mann, Watson, -Wilso, ",.o
ward and'ICutn. :
: " New Kill rt f; . nj
Pending the ultimata f.-
house bill -250, enctber t
new Income taj;' b?II la L-!-
rled about the' Icty I? a
of Portland at!orse?3 f I
ers. . "" . -
The -bill I i: "rt-. I t) .'
the recommendations 1 1 f
KublLYaa veil as t? '. f. ..
and bankers rtiferrel to. "
.. ' jrn"""thls '.jr ropbse'J t III V. . '
emptlons, are'.tlJCO' f?r -persons,''
11400' farlmrri
sons and $2C0 each f .r c .
ents.-. .'- ,v ; ': -' 4
"Corporations are ex-rrt
to 6 per cent return c. i't' ;
vested capital, .and it 1j rt
that the bill r"l , '
erty tax .payments; Ii
words,.' if an icor. 3 t t t:
is" paid by an' Ir. riril -I r
property tax", of ?1C0, t:.i , k
property, tax 1$ to ' la i' "
from' he ncone' tix.'
"'. -Would lTIttrr.'v
Before the dtbata. c
Siteaker KubU took it r - - - - :
explained that altfcc V i
appeared on t-e.tUl, ,J: -that
unanimous consent I i
was permitted by" tLa ho-.
In explanation," K&Lli tili li it
certain j?rovisIoai la - w L! ,
was Interest eJJ were iacor. J
in the bill at his request, t.t V t
the final draft of the tUl I:. . 1
some provisions with .w l.:.";i ' la
could not agree. ' i
" He J further explained t! '-t t'.
exemptions which he site: t-
Include' In this mfe' u, j 1 :t
all that he" expected tzzi ii I
and "that "other " pro:-:.-., i .
more " than he expecttj C. :
be. -., ' ". '
In. support of, the t!!l E.:;.
sentatlve Bennett expl&int 1 t"
the 7 desire" of - these wt'o "t. -:
the compromise measure Vkj
make an Income tax bss?l 01 t
ablllty'to pay. Further, 1.3 .
it 'Is an effort to RiUt tie I .;
of taxatloa ' to -the
those more capable of - teir::
burden. ;'
Granted that anesin:;::'3 1
be made in 'the . ti::.
ti Continued -on r-' ' -
. Vat to Btnr c. ?rxo " " I
a pokUicn r vast ta 1- i
ploy help !
Wt to rnt m oui er .1
7 our . )imf , . I
- If to, U:2 t:.3 s ,
. ,3TA?e gi: a::
rt gIj-ts r.::. uL'i
EelW Is one of the ran i
AC ' cn Td lay's CIslz:M: I I
to a. F.vr.E . cae.;t :
"ter, i;nn nw - I i
hlf pr-i; !" lr .
Ci ! S .'l-' 7 Court.
: i