The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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- '' " " - - " - ' ' ' ,;;
. Present Law Affecting Adju
- tanf Genera! amTGuard
f Is Held to Be Sound.''
;The military code of the state
" of Oretonr under :irhlch, the Ore
gon national -: guard exists ju a
part f the national : defense, is
not ' unconstitutional nor Is the
provision Jflvlnff officers, inelud
lnc start officers r tenure until
they .reach., the age of 64 years
- contrary to., the Oregon constttu-
. ," i -' i X ' '"- I
J tlon.-U. .:i--t!4-- "(.(.
" An' opinion tos this effect was
handed rdown yesterdajr by Attor
ney General Van Winkle to Rep-
A resentatlre 1 Hurlburt 'of Multno-
. man county, -who 1b the author of
a bill to change the codend place
the arbitrary right of removal in
the bands' of the governor.' Mr
Hurlburt 's bill, wblch Is aimed t
Adjutant General White, was pier
. sented on the theory that the pres
ent law gives the chief executive
; no, authority and also thai, such'
law is unconstitutional, v
ji HarlbnrtiaHTicc lis.apjintod;
, This 5 Is the i second . 1 opinion
which Mr. Hurlburt has requested
within 10 days In support of his
contention 'and both have held the Hurlburt ..argu-
menU In presenting the bill, -
' The first opinion," given by At
torney V,: General ; Van Winkle,
showed that the governor has the
right to bring any officer. Includ
ing the adjutant, general 'toJjfial
t orjany 4f raiise,:or .before :an ef fi
cieticy board when - the1 , interests
of the service require suchv-action;
It ,aUw rfevealed the facthat- tfie
governor I la ft the sobi reviewing
and i approving' authority J Oft J the
action' 1 f such t '..board. and p. that
-tf here there are not suitable -off 1
cers in the state f orcji a board.
7 tbe'royerhor can' apply to the sec-,
retary of war for a detail of army
officers:-.!'. ..- ;.T';
" , VPrln" plaborate- V
: -In the opinion. ' yesterday the
- stateTTind:.f ederal civil iTid mtlt-
. tary .-laws are' quoted and anal
yzed. lndetalljy Mr. . Van Winkle
who expresses the 'belief :. In 'his
conclusions that the present mili
tary code' 1Tlii noVways in ?c"oft
fllct frith the Oregon constitution
and . Jthat in fixing the tenure 'of
officers.1 including ? the adjutant-
general;; the lawas It now stands
uses' th yord of the national de
fense &Ct; under plain constitu-
tional dthorty ,
. .r . .ifa-blr!HeW-'
t Major JEugene' Llbby, ybi "Port
land president f the National
Guard association was1 In "Salem
o . discnse , the ;,rlburt bill? with
menibefsof "the '7 mUitary'axTalrf
committee preliminary to 'Its be
"wig" reported oufy said that. thVna
tlon artuard f la ,k tottlJn; xpppb1-
tio n, to'the, bill, feeling that ft was
agalnt"the besf inlerU of the
service. He said that the law was
first passedrftt;X9Q9 under 3kver
t'TOUKTi ni stood 'since
that -time -except for - the . three
years that the National guard was
, on the Mexican ; border or " in
. t Prance.-, ; V: r i ,:U
r ' ; (Continued trom page
bell join me in this expression. "
company to- retain its present con
trol of . the - Central 'pacific il
rpad'ip Icfimiitf. Jto ieUiiits
present control of the Centra! Pai
cific railroad bypwpejMppJX I
' Although the supreme court! in
192Z at-the end of ll year of
litlgatlop. over the existing merger
of. the 'roda held them , to -be a
combination In" restrain of compel
tltlon and. ordered them. separated,
the -commission with but one
. member dissenting 'declared
their' maintained, union waa nec
essary in the interesu of the west-
' , ernn states they traverse ; and the
country as a whole. .
. ',- Competition'. Xecesaary
Further, the majority declared,
thelforaer policy of the nation 7
demanding maintenance of compel
tltios .above :all other thing in
txa'napoTtatmn" service had been
reverte4ynhe eongreesWnaTen
actment of hetrtfisporffilon act
of lSlQ.pexmltUiig' general' con
alrdathmr ot'rallroadsUiider 'gov
erhmfeut;r;stiirvIsIpn.V"T.On this
ground the- iaintenanc of "the
merger of the two. roadae notwith
standing the i court's decree, was
. declared to be legally' authorized,
and advisable in rVlewiof public
'neeeaaties:': j "-
Courts Review "'(Cae-f
The opinion pointed out, how
ever, that the conclusions of the
commisBlon-"wouldbe 'subject to
i review by the court before they
could become effective., i ;.
' Commttsfoner McChord.ln com
plete dissent from the view of his
associates, 'declared the' "find In rs
of the majority icon traiy to the
wjll ' of congress as expressed in
the legislative act which conferred
the powers invoked In this case."
With Commissioner Campbell who
"entered ? sv:. partially : concurring
opinion, be concluded that the
. Cea tral;; J?acifliit .company, by 1U
granted t today? In , fun Mlpie:. de
cision Dl iie.'Iiitprstat;w)imneree
nature & a' corporation, could not
legally lease (ta. lines to.the South
ern Paclf icC without special f ed
erak If gjslatlon -i ' . ' -
Chairman "leyer !ahd.CommIs
sibhere!AUchfsorir and ' Campbell
also suggested that in . considera
tion jof yeeelvincthe aq thorlty, o
hold the Central rpacific,' the
Southern 'Pacific should be speci
fically required to construct Uhe
Natron ' cutoff, a ;cor Ated
new line of railroad in Oregon, x .
1 ObJecUoM jEntmtnaf(l' '. !
Traffic arrangements reached
between the ; Union . .PaciXie and
Southern Pacific systems, and be?
tween the Western Pacific and
Southern r Pacific, ; allowing - reci
procal rights ' f or v maintenance of
traffic serviee over the : Getral
Pacific lines, the majority, of the
commission held, have eliminated
nearly all the objections which
the western shippers, states and
communities : hare hitherto ; ad
vanced to the merger 'of the two
roaas Ut-ff . tiff j-t 'H-
The agreements in question, all
of , which are ' aimed at . maintain
ing full transcontinental, service
over ' the Central pac!te.rraute:
which runs north via Ogden and
competes wlth 'the Southern Pa
cific's own tranar-contlnental route
running via El PasO, having satis
fied all ; interests in the territory
concerned, the" decision said.! the
present unity of the Central-South
ern combination should not be dis
turbed. - - - ( i
Would Avoid Disruption. .
- "The record Justifies the eon
clusion that separate operation of
the Central Pacific lines will dis
rupt existing routes' and services
In ' California and between7 that
state and adjacent states, and" ex
cept to the extent that the ruptnre
may. be mitigated', will Ven
der Impossible, the continuance of
nt n ch- 1 valuable ' transportation
service now conducted Z over the
Central Pacifie and Southern pa
cific lines without regard to or
porate ownerehip the commission
held." :r Such 'separation will ' re
sult to an,' Indeterminate expnt ' In
the Increased cost of operation and
duplication "of capltaf Investment
In Railroad facilities and increased
cosfof 'operation. u
'VMorjjy'e4 It is doubtful wheth
er for . timeat laatheiCerral
Pacific, If operated aa-an inde
pendent carrier would 4 have ' the
earning capacity,1" credit . and fi
nancial stability to -sustain;: the
heavy burden of Its- fixed charges
and provide the ' new capital for
lt equipment 'and improvement
necessary in; the ' future . to meet
the requlrementsof; public" sery-
f ;'
unsi oi nouse diiis
Are j Passed by Seriate
The following housed bUliMs
ed the senate yesterday: :r, '
ITFjtiSlttok Miles ProTidins
for eradication i of bovlite tuber
culosis! far. CodumbU, Mtxcd: ?. I
H. B. 16 0, BennettProviding
penses of ;Cooa county i-4ommir
sioners. ; ..-!...
Ny B. 217," ReynoldsProvid
ing.' for appointment - Of ' deputy
county horticultural inspectors.'
HifI0 B.: 87, WheelerProviding
for election of ; one member of
union . high school boards annu
ally. -r 7 . ; y ( . j-; ; ; . M
: H. B. 12 0, Bailey Requiring
county assessors' to list. all . Chin
ese and Japahese who own prdp
erty;? -ri f; r . ;;-; -r;'if : .
-B. ' B. 4, Kay -Providing Hexl-
blllty of .educational aid fund for
soldiers, ' sailora '.airdX "marines' . so
appropriation ofj full amount al
lowed by law 'fill "nor beT neces
sary. -; - - ; . i ;
H. B. 280, committee on Insur
ance To license any regularly
appointed and licensed insurance
Uehl2 4' ' ' iff -i""t" '"tf
It. B. 197, committee on insur-
anee.Relating to f Vinclpal 'place
of . busineaav of certain corpora
tions. . ; K '??'- -oi- i . A.
.' tl. B. 112, Xbvejoy To provide
Iprl licensing of non-resident in
surance - agents. . tV'ff :''.':
H. zB. 21 9i Joint lpsurapce
committee " ' Providing - fhsit in
demnity bonds shall : be - placed
through atate agentsrf - V-.?
Forced to Work During t
Married Life, Wants Divorce
Charging her husband wltn ne
glect, a roving disposition and
cruel and .'. Inhuman: ' treatment.
v "omeladprf filed enliLfor.dl
vqrce n he ' jlrcnifcourt. yester-
aay irom jawara-. womesiaon.
According to the complaint Mrs.
Wolmsdorf has 4een forced to
work" since they T were "married:
Her husband, khe states Is posses
sed of a roving: naUre afid "disap
pears f or weeks at time, leaving
her to support herself and the. two
children. In addition he freonent
ly' gambles. his money away! and
has repeatedly lost needed funds
through the -purchase v of ' Cars
which he has been forced to sur
render. At one time she states,
he struck her1, called her profane
names. ; Since January 20, 1923
they have been living apart. Mrs.
Womeiidortr asks : a . divorce, suit
costs and suffieieant to care for
the two minor Children.
. They were ; married in Tilla
mook,. Ore., December 25, 1912.
BntUN, Feb. 10. President
Ebert and several, members of the
cabinet .are ; proceeding i to Karls-
rnhe.Mqr'a iscussitm on Sunday
with the Baden government on the
cps;.;ejic oiil .
Lovejoy Will Move to RecOri-:sider--f
Kay's" Bid Indefln-;
' , itely Postponed.
By a , decisive vote the house
yesterday voted down Represent
tative: Love joy's bill to. create a
state board of cosmetic therapy
examiners.' Lovejoy voted against
the bill in order that he may later
move to , reconsider the vote. ' -:
By indefinite postponement the
house Killed Representative Kay's
11. B. 6, to repeal the present law
permitting change of venue upon
the filing of a statement of 'preju
dice; H. 11, 230, Melndl, regulat
ing operation1-of ' motor vehicles
and "requiring, colored lights5 to
Indicate violations of the t speed
lawsi H. B.srRandall and Go-
!n,. providing tor a 3-cent tax on
gasoline, which' Is covered In an
other bill; H. B. 296, Lovejoy (by
request), to prohibit signs and
advertisements within limits of
county roads and state high
ways. : . ,,. ; :' , j ..
The following bllls'were passed
Jlooae Bills ryf4': t
H. B.. 330 (substitute for H. B.
320) by.. Overturf Relating to
salaries of county officers in De
schutes county. ' -
H. B. 335, Ezell (substitute for
H. B. 137) Relating to division
of school districts into rones.
3f.r B.. 339," committee,jonroads
and s highways Authorizing' the
highway commission to. construct
snow fences and - otherwise - pre
tee ; bljghways.;.fU.;.J.'t . :;-" ; ;
H. B.- 340, ' by committee on
roads and high ways- Authorizing
highway' commission Undesignate
highway jroutes" through,'lncprpbr
ated'toTvns. ' " ; V" : " .-
IL B. 341.: by committee -on
roads and" highways -Authorizing
highway commission, to pay cer
tain claims resulting from 'injur
ies . sustained in, highway ! con
struction. , : ' f h
H. B. 219, by Reynolds (by re
quest) To rejgulate manufacture
and sale of plant Insecticides.
Senate BIHs .
S. B. lO' Uddy ' Relating to
construction and repair of bridg
es by counties 1 1 :
S. B. 91, Edwards Regulating
the . taking ; of jalmon and . crabs
from Alsea bay and river, i V - r
S.- B. 107, committee on agri
culture, arid forestry Relating to
rrain insnectlon. " ; - vi '-f ''it
" S.'Bl 1 7 lT committee on-ednca
tlon Relajting to qualifications of
nigh school teachers. . j-':- f
; ,S. B. 117, Clark Relating to
tuition. tVansportat ton and : board
'of .jmpils' in- other districts rrhile
school is. suspended.
State Bonus Extension i
a Is Proposed in Measure
. . .. . . . ;
- Extension of the 'provisions of
the state bonus and 'loan law to
include women who served in the
signal corps of Mthe AEF tb.un-
marnea wiaow, aepenaenc iauer
or mother of a deceased ; veteran
who would have .been eligible to
the prorlBioriaof the act, and to
regular army, navy and marine
corps men . T vrho t enlisted ' subse
quent, to June 3, 1915, would, be
authorized under' a1 joint, resolu
tion introduced by the committee
on 'military, affairs. The resolu
tion 'provides that the necessary
constitutional amendment be sub
mittied to the . voters at . the 'next
state election. v.. ; ' ' ' ;
House bill 29, storm center of
the. state's. military forces,' will
be reported out by the house com
mittee on rnilltary affairs7 Mon
day and probably will be on third
reading Tuesday, t This bill 'alms
to' change the regulations sur
rounding the tenure of office of
the. adjutant general. . 'Ll.
:m...: ."v r ; , .;-t- s-.?
jr SENATE BILLS 1 r j j
S.;B.' 200, committee on re
vision of laws Relating to, sur
render Of warehouse receipts and
damages for failure to deliver
commodity thereby covered.' ' .;
S. B. 201, Garland To define,
prohibit and provide penalties for
certain wrongful , and criminal
acts, in the circulation, certifica
tion and filing of initiative, refesp
endnm and recall petitions.) ' . 5 :
; S. B. 202, Strayer Exempting
teachers in . districts of first class
from attendance at annual 1 instK
tutes. ; . r -f;-.
jS.7B-203,4MoseT To amend
law- relating to adoptions. 4
?rs.' Br204, committee on previa-'
Ion of laws To amend ' laV re
lating to exempt wages.
205, Corbett and 1 other
senators Consolidation' bill.1 '
- S. B. 206, Klepper Relating
to registration of aircraft, dlspo
aitlon of license fees, and provide
lng for enforcement.
', S. B. 207.-committee on roads
and highways Giving Justices of
the peace concurrent Jurisdiction
with circuit courts-in enforcement
of certain laws.' : I "!
: S. B. 208, committee on roads
and highways Amending law
relating to acquisition of rights
of way.
. National thrift r week: is over,
and we can begin: to 'run up our
charge , cigar '.accounts againl
" i '1 - t 'S i '. . '
"Beaets, Mf i and . Goda-Jhe
thrilling adrentures. of .the au
thor In his escape- from Liberia
in 1 920fc by Ferdlnand.Ofsendowi
ski. .Of special . interest fs.' tbf
narrative of hls mysterious : ex
periences in mysterious, supersti
tious Mongolia, where , the ancan
niness baffled his scientific 'mind.
. VThe Northward Course of the
Empire", VUhjalmur StefansRon's
optimistic 'picture of the possibil
ities of ' development of the .Are
te TegIons..The author's "Friend
ly Arctic" has won him Interest
ed rreaders. -
"Longer Plays 1 by Hodern -Au-thora";'
compiled and edited1 by
Helen Louise '.Cohen. The col
lection fa . A" American plays,
"The So-Called Jlu man r Race",
a collection of humorous writings
cf a Journalist Bert Leston Tay
lor. " v:' :
" "New' YorkTImes Current His
tory, 'Europeon war. Index." .The
library has the 19 volumes which
constittute the most complete his
tory of jthe war on its shelves,
It is in reality a bound set -of
the Current History magazine for
the years . covering the war per
iod w. ' The index volume permits
quick reference to the' material
in the previous volumes. v
"Judith of the Godless Valley"
a novel by Honore Wfllsle.
."Man-size' by ' William Mac
leod RalneJ ' ' ' ' !
'December Love", by Robert
Hichens. - .
Chjldrens Books
Library "children will find 'a
large bunch of ; new books await
ing . them', now. 'Some are . new
titles . but .many are ' new copies
bfbooks that' have ?'been Jworn
out by the boys and girls who
have devoured them. ,4 '.;U,".
kl. . .leoA' lonsS2h T '
. "EasCo- "the"Sun and ,lWeet vb'
the Moon,' Asbpornsen. 1 ;
' " ''Jo's .Boys," Louisa May Al-
cott." , '" "' ' ? '
"'Old Granny Fox," . Thornton
Burgess.;,: 1 . ' "
"Little Women," Louisa May
Alcott. ' J :
"Rose In Bloom," Louisa May
Alcott.- " ' r
"Eight Cousins," . Louisa May
Alcotr. . v., .
.".ChIco,, The storv of a hom
ing pigeon, Mrs. Lucy Blanchard.
"Adventures of Danny Meadow
Mouse," Thornton " Burgess. '
f Adventures of Prickly Porky"
Thornton Burgess. .
"Adventuree csf Sammy; Jay,"
Thornton Burgess " "
r "Mother West Wind's Nelkh-
bfers," Thornton Rurgess. ,
""Mother West Wind's Animal
Friends," -Thornton Burgess.--' -
"Adventures of . Jerry Musk-
rat." Thornton Burgess."
" 'Pon a ; Time Tales." Richard
Clarke.- ''-'f''h. - '
"Al Christmas . Carol " Charles
'That '! Tear at e Lincoln' High."
Joseph- Gollomb. " - -
"The Flag." Homer Green., j
"Cinderella,"; Andrew Lang. I
"Little Red, Riding Hood." An-
drew Lanjf. ' ' -; .' -i', .
"Dick ' Whlttington." " Andrew
Langr ':-"' , -.v ... ?
Sleeping Beauty." Andrew
Lang." ' ' : :
"Peter and Polly in' Summer,"
Rose Lucia. ; v - '
Eskimo' ; Twins,"' Lucy Fitch
Perkins ;--' ;
"Cornelia." Lucy Pitch Per
kins.. . - ' t
"Black Beauty." Anna Sewell.
The World of Animals, Is a
new picture -book of "an especial
interest, it was made for the
boys and girls of Cxeckho Slova
kia. Our children may .not be
able to read the words, but they
will jfind much pleasure in read
ing the ' pictures; ir seems"; that
the - children in ithat Jar-away
country must "have 'the same "likes
and dislikes even though " they
look and, act Tso differently . from
O - r'
- f ":-.- " .
One-Strap Bump Made r
': Oi Sot Suede Leather
A medium French ' heel that Is low enough
to be comfortable and yet very dressy. :
In Black or Grey
415 State St.
Eight-Hour Bill Is
. . . . Defeated ,f in Jdaho
BOISE, Iaho, Feb. ) 6. The
Taylor eight-hour bill, e which has
been fought 'over more than aXjr
btjier measure , before the' legis
lature; was Indefinitely postponed
this afternoon on' motion' of Mrs.
Lucy" Beardmore, woman member
from IS'orth Idaho, 'who' consistent
ly' opposed the measure from the
time of its Introduction.
; The senate' today passed r the
Dlbney bill extending privileges
of . absentee voters to physically
unable. '
Education Commissioner
May Be Ousted in Idaho
BOISE. Idaho, Feb. 10. Six
teen members of the Idaho house
of representatives' joined late this
afternoon In . Introducing a bill
which would in effect dismiss; Dr.
E. A. Bryan, commissioner ot edu
cation from state service. - -
Amending the present statute
providing for the board of "Edu
cation and' board of regents and
calling for the appointment of
four new members - of the board
by -the1 governor on or before
April 1, 1923, the bill would make
the 'state superintendent: of In
struction the executive officer of
the bbard.
Woodburn's Hoop Team
Wins From Staytdii Team
- 1
STAYTOtf, Or., Feb. 10.
(Special to The Statesman.)
Wood burn won trom ' ', Stayton
high scfhool basketball team Fri
day night by a score . of 11 to
1 2. This marked. ; : Woodburn's
first 1 game of .the , season.:; The
first half ended. 10' to 7 in favor
of Woodburn. 7 Stayton '.scored
one "point on, a foul. .while Wood
burn1 won two polntap yon " ree
(browed.; .i ' r !' :-'."J-'-'i'--.i
It is hoped to arrange a return
game on February 23. Stavton
will meet the Turner basketball
team February 16. It is thought
this ' will be an unusually stlft
game since Turner has made
a good record so far.
; Stayton girls-play a tie . game
with Woddburn as a "preliminary
to j the "Stayton-Woodburn. game
Saturday. This leaves .both teams
without' a defeat ' ' '
Training School Bill
Is1 Passed, by Senate
t The house has ' : passed .-Mrs.
Simmons' bill to permit' the di
version of 155.000 from t: the
328,000 fund Tor the boys train
ing.; school - to .be used.; for ;. the
purchase - of a ; site-." " The .argu-
uents against using the .present
ite are that the bulding- would
be too close to the state' peniten
tiary. ' 1 Jtr"
- . ..--i ' . . - .f
iSilverton AWiil .Have
Concert Company Soon
?' SltR-roN. " Or., , FeB; X0
( Special to The Statesmaitt.) Tfi0
laliowelt Concert company of
Chicago will appear in concert at
Sllverton ..February .21,' The 'pro
gram is being sponsored by the
Home lodge No. 35, Knights of
Pythias, and will be held in the
new lodge hall. The concert com
pany will entertain from 8 o'clock
until 9, after which there Will be
orchestra ; music . furnished for
those who wish to dance.
, LONDON, Feb". 10. A ,Con
stantinople dispatch to the Ex -change
t Telegraph ' company says
the Turks have, extinguished'-all
the light houses in the Gulf" ot
Ihmid, aceks to which is forbid-,
den at night. v:
:. tmt-ii '.
,$7 J 5
114 Liberty St.
Emil Coue Sails Home, . . .
r Jokes With Photographers
, NEW TORK.'J'eb.f, 19. Em tie
Coue, the ;r.Nancy pharmaclstJ
whose' demonstration' of' bis auto
suggestion "treatments has "creatj
ed. wfde Interest; sailed, for home
today. ' " ' ) '
. Photographers on ; the deck
laughed when ,he' assured them
''that day by day. they were get
ting betterf and better."
'I am very , pleased with the
results i'-of my American visit,"
ho said. '.'"-. , .
i CHICAGO, Feb. . 10. Mrs.
Georgia' Rohrer. ; widow of Jake
L. Harmon.; slain Oklahoma poli
tlcial leader, and X husband, Wil
liam 1 1.' Rohrer, Chicago capital
ist, ; have become .reconciled," It
was reported tonight. .- ; - j ,
She What Is . tbis dark hair
doing on. your coat? ': " ".
T' He That1 is", the suit I wore
last "year: I expect ' the " hair
has been on it " ever " since . you
were" a v brunette, dearest. -Judge.
"' " "".'"":;' ;' '
I s
; Harry Why do you always
wear clocks on your; stockings!
-Mary (simpering)-To keep
my - feet awakei.
Harry (musingly) Seems , to
me ' they'd make good hat trim
mings. .";4'4 . ? -: !:y; J''-.
Ten Senate Measures
v Safe 4 on" Final ; Passage
The following senate - bills
passed the senate yesterday:
j- - 1(f ' nm m If t aa in It.-
dfciary Relating to payment, of
the premium on bond of the Mult
nomah "county treasurer.
s. B.18y,- committee on agri
culture ind .forestry. Authoriz
ing the-governor to appoint "a
committee to. Investigate compul
sory grading and marketing- of
potatoes. ; .. '. , V-
'"S."B." 155, Dennis Relatine to
and regulating the Issuing of car
riers of bills of!' lading and livestock-
contracts. 7 f ; '
S. B. 150, Taylor To maloe the
state printing department" "parti
ally Beir-sustalning. .'.
' S. "B. 16S ''Rnhprfqnnfalrln
It unlawful to fish or hunt upon
out. first ; jbbtajlnlng' permission
from the occupant or owner. ;
iv B- 3, Hall To permit the
fishing for ah catching-
in" Coos " bay' "and ' Coquille river
ana their tributaries. . between
April 1 and June 30 each year.
S. B--185, committee on judic
iary -RemovInE'rednireTiiPTif tha
Ihf certain" court s cases Involving
0 ue. jurors must, be
womeiu77.; ( .f.i, .,;., '
S. B. 1 1 3; - Tooze-Estabrishing
7C , -ff
I 1
3 . . . 1 ; 1 I - 1 1 i i 1 i .
n - - . ill, 1
Wd ybu want a job? Do you want an employee?
'iDd you want to buy; sell or hnd something?.
so, telephone our "Classiiied Ad" editor about
r i
it just watch
7-"ij.' ':;
a ganue refuge In northern Clack
amas buntyr - ---'
Sj'B.- 1 8 7,i ad icfary coiumitfee
Prov Id In g f or, fu les jof , e Id e ti ce
Whereby aliens may "establish- In
, - . ..- . . v ' . . " " -
tlat; wpirls.a whole
without a wrirjger
"H E . Laun - Dry- Ette is a : six sRect
capacity washing machirie. It vvash
. -. cs'by thef Vacuum cud Droeessf?eh-
eraljy conceded to r be the most", efficient,' '
thoroiigh and easy 6a the clothes.' " :r' l
..... ......... -. W - . .. . .--: , . .. . ' j ' . ,
. After wlshiho;,lns it(doffeedihp;avrinjy- r
eryousiinply press a pedal Jiat raises the
i dryer, turn a svitch and irt 'oliexninu tetjie
, clothes arcvhirje
tons smashed &&na wet clothes to handle.
. Come and see itjnd ypii will appreciate
. thatlwe',fhieie
'we tell you that you can do ia. whole wasH :
with the ;Laun- Dry;-Ette without once
being ' compelled to . put your - hands in to
the water. ' :
' , . . . - " " ... ' '...f ' t f
Wpujd you like p. demonstration ? :,Re
member the JIuhDrpt
the work but it costs you no more. '7 " .
yyeicn aiecmc .to. : ; ?
r , j i 7 7' Phil BrxiwRelCMgrw r c-j I ; ,
7 379 State
. "If it hot a jrriagrr it
electric waialiina. machine
U in n At
ofOur Lairg
the results.
heritance right a ,to j ri r
Oregon. . 7.7
: S. :B. 198.,' committee on "t-,
culture and7 forestry Rf -'atln?-
pure bred 'bulls running at'k;
Ceriirlfi-2al Forto
makes wrincf
; uimectsiZTj '
. -Mm
l7 3
. I '
l .. -..4 ,. 4. .
i77 7; Phone 953 ;
1,. vv"T
tin t a Uwu-DryEtt,
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