- TIIURSDAY MORNINCTEfiRUARV 8, Tl923 TIID OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON lit lil i I 1 ' 1 t i 5V 1 V i . .. mmm- l IK' I ciifssCTiiro APviOTisraaprra L' " 'Beie r MMi '4 V Pw lasertioa ' te Three Insertions Se Cm week (ei tneawiioaa) fcts month' coMrxL per me. l5e 12 months contra, per si. 12 Minimum for any edeertisemeat ?5e i NORWICa UNION - FH133 INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt. Jr. Ctsldent Agent 371 Stats St. 1 .MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate V T. K. FORD , (OTtrUdd A Buk Buk) "NEW TODAY LOTT RKD FOUNTAIN PES. FINDER P eaU 1651J. -j. . , FOR RENT 8-ROOM FURNISHED nairi epertaeat; l(l).Uiur, FOB SALE OR - EXCHANGE 500 ovr, eutover land-la Clearwater and .cie-twa bj l counties, jtinuwu. Vf . n . :. Flaak Bat. 8 Box. 45. Salem i FOR REST UNFURNISHED HOUSE. ' keeping rooms; 908 N. 17th. ( TOR SALE-HXALTBT WELL-ROOTED j : praaafarmor bleckeai tip. 815 per ItontM. Inquire as (Master. 4 mile jwni. m..a. im. t -- 2fJXI ES WANTED A FEW EX- , perleaeed sawmill Ban wanted. Good I board aad eceeauBodatioa. Writ at. ; Valsetss or phoae Independence. Cobb .. s jaiieoeii. j .i WASTED MONEY TO LEND. WE bara cheats desiring $2000 and 2500 on first elata aaearify, at 7. pei cent i . iBseresc aetni aaaaany. W. A. Liaton, agoBV 484. Oomrt atre4 J?t TJirB HOMES l FROM: $6500 TO I r iajiOix wa. aara. eontraeta a aaii toar "tisrwonl fnterert ym: Thpr nrt way , . UBde preaenr fcnIMInfrand- lot'ruts; . o to lo-rooma. . f iBKCKB vJb HESDR70K8 -'' i SOS A. BaBk.Bidgr AS ISStTRAKCX A03JTS ADVICE IS f more -yalaable before the fire or scci- : dent. . Consult khn today bent ynnr ? needs. Onr 9fUr' 1 SOUND PRO- TECTXON a MINIMUM Cost Stand- , ey m x oiar. Agra sna sin uiog. FDR SALE - CCTHBERT RED RA8P- ' Nraej, .yearlings, . , 84.50 f hoasaad. FOR SALE -n jGOOSEBERRY PLANTS, caaap,-. 4iMe i. tsoa lis, ataieaa. 'WASTED A fiOOD RANCH MAS. IS- l qatra I'nuiips, x. Ja. v. A. Er?rSTITCHlSg AND FANCY WORK av EUte-SSO Oreawi Bldr. Paeea ir'tr-WAST AX AUCTTOS SALE - - rnoBt on, -i; FOR SAXJi WK7TT5 .net. Psen)'128lW( H0O5LER CABI- TJIfeZIB -FIRMS RECOMMEND MIT.T tner kata . te-, erde er- remodeled ; 202 OLD MATTRESSES' MADE OVER Cr?tst City Bedding Co. Pbanl. IP YOU WAST AK AUCTION ;ALE ; i-aone TUfcodry. 511. . THAT STATE LOAN WE HAVE TWO extra fin bays In 5-room homes. Year :' t. Joatt wul . . beadle-. eUaov Beta cave cement Maement. raragee. etc. Prised 3M m4 4eA: jlt nov. : vBrCRW HENEtlTCKS v ' r 205 TJ. S. Baak BMg. .r FOTiTLASlV PROPERTY TUf GOOD COV- cition, well located, wilt trad for Sa i Imn propeWy yaloa 83600. s - , Fire-room . boose, laameatw stationary lao. nrepiace,! yaau; t.. . Fire-aer tract, trade for'honte and lot - Mt Salem. GEBTRTJTTE j. V,' PAGE " 4HS North' CotUge- - FOR REAL tTSET OA RBARGAISS GO t 7 Terth ConrmerHsl atreet. ;M3t- , ehells, Stndebskers,, Merwells. Or er istics., caerroieta. ; and . Bnseae. At prices that will . auroriae yon, , .-- - T. W. PETTYJOHN' CO. EUT-ROOM- KOU8B, SOUTH- HIGH i a tree,-large corner Jot,, payed and.,?-j neat wa.jt. rraeticaiiy medera eieept . eaaemeat. Excellent eenditioa. Wood shed and garage. Thia is aa exception al good hay e 83750. Term a eaa he j had. Arf'W. "Est ReaU Compaay, J5 urtgia ciaf , f Ms i i, I -HAVE SOME NEW CHEVROLET. Maxwell aad Stadebeker ring t-eors, eiaioae. axle rears end anider reara. n El tin body, nearly aew. , Open FriIEELAM ATJTO WRECKS -HOUSK nnnaay :3U tin S54 Ferry Street. Phone 819 ELDERLY COtrPLR CAPABLR aft ? coring for 12-ecre pUc and who aaderttand farming sad - frait. ' 'grewine wasted aa permanent ten : ante. Mast-hay ewat eqnipment- . . ... . - - - r- - A C.; BOHRS9TEDTt 'V .1. ; 40T"Maaonio Temnle. Salam. Oreron F A R il L O A :- T": ' AT 6 pTW CENT aad VI PER CENT ANDIBSON A RUPERT Oregoa Bldg Salem, Ore; COTTATJTS ABSOLUTKLY ALL OP THW i WHEAT VQ. gSAL PQS. rXCELS AS AN AID TO DIGESTION. 35twrP,T-rO- Gnrr-MOeT-IHfLKJIOUS CttTXDRTN ALL LOVX IT. f x 'A -"WHTtOMB JBAKty MTTPH. J'f OTHia LAXATIVE VECE88ARY. : WHE TA-LON FILLS THE BILL. ODT RTTTTF THREE HOUSES TO rent. 835 e 930.. Fnnjtere aad lease; ; : for eale; 8325wHl' heeidl. Good firs aserteage te trade for good yore, uwa-"..-or with fiae -bnsiaeae let wUl haild , small bnildine? for tenant, saitable pool . reom- ete. Hich class residence room- : ' lag tteaae for aale; eleae in, 2000 to ''needle. v- - - i BBCE8A TTENTtRTCKS ; r,r-TT r,TTY5 AND ' EYOHANGES S-aerea timber, elese ia, grarsled road. in cm- 11-4 lBstaaa. 1 etrawherrte: S- f. roomt hreaebiW7gree. hw- aed hf i house, 2H mile eat. azosu. SO aver 1 cherries. 3 attoles. 1-4 .red raspberries; 5-room bease, bars, ehlclr ' - ea-aad brooder hone aragei .l mile i ', from atation. ea road to he itaeed. a dandy good bey. 94000; 1000 eaab. Tei S-s-r hons sight, -alaetrl , Ueht i - line, 14 mil from Salem, mail rente, I must b sold together. Will ell alnrly ; at 81000..". Priee' S250, 1250 ah; balance tame. - . . , t soooTpgirr . : : t: .-. t'tu State St. ' IORD BARGAINS TROH AN AUTHOR- IZED FORD D BALER 1fl7 Tenrier. motor we. 41419205 1 ot7"Torla;; aiote No.-1 ff 874 . 1 art 1018 Toariar motor No. laio ln Tenrinri -meter- No 8d.1778 . 1-2.1 Tearing metor No. HlIiMIOfl 11 Toerior, tnotoe Ne. 2o lM elan, motor No. 475?S6.j...w 495 i'? edn. motor 'Ne. 842a7t ay to l 5'- T der. asetee Kei 49080efc a Truck, aew tires, motor Kt, 8a:180- ....-.:...;.w....:.a.....- 87 VALLEY MOTOR CO. . Z n X riga - - Phons 1995 - ' 3 NEWIiTODAY USED OARS AT A BARGAIN J91S Dodge Touring (1920 engine).. 265 1918 .Oakland Touring 8O6 J v VALLEY (MOTOR CO. 280 K. High Phoae 1995 " : i r; TERMS . PORV REST 71 ACRES, TOUR-ROOM nosu, nara, du acres nutter uuuitttim, 20 otm pasture, wood, mooing water. good toil. : Cpmpton Real Estate , 489 StAte St. TO TRADE 4 ROOM nOCSE,7 1 -LOT. Prieo 91200. Want S acres with build leg. aot too far oat. Wo' have -ay A-acre rhiekea farm well equipped and well 1 orated ; Das 7-roora toodera homo, ; barn aad rhirken booMt, 700 benti Will trada for Salem trooertr or clear in imororod trart. W kar a rood 7 -room plaatered adusa ad lot 831; wirh f loe dowa. Mianca like rent. HatMe for rent. 1 . : Thomason ' 33114 Stata Streot.1 f THE U. a VETERANS' BUREAU HAS the following phjrsieatir rehabilitated trained wen readr for work: Battery Meebaaica . 1 married, 27 yeart, at Portland. 1 married. 24 yeara. at Bead. Talegraphera 1 married, 1 eblid, 38 yeara toi4. ' 1 ainrlOk 8 yeara xperienee: Watchmaker , Married, 6 montga' free Traetor repairman,' demonstrator and alia nan, 26 years, aiaale. mother. Salesmaa Electric aappliea, 22 yoara. ainrle. tare deoendents. Tateaaiter. 95 years, married, 9 ehUdrea. Log1 scaler and tallyman, rortiaad ricin- iy. 28 years. .married. . Anto Mecaaaifa 1 repairman, 26, single, at MeMinnTHle , 1 electrieiaa,- 34, methar, mt- Salem. . 1 electrician, 27. none at Portland. 1 electrician, 34, , none, ; Portland. . 1 eleaaer, 90, married at Pertland. - 1 electrician, 30, marriel. at Portland. 1 'battery aad tira repairman, - single, at Portland. . 1 battery and tire repairman, single, at Medford. i Sao . Repairman ..a.:' v , 1 28 yesm. sinri. wantr loi. -1 I "23 years, 8 dependents, epea m anon. - -' Lens rriader. 0 year, single. - Hortiealtariat Pranea, peaeaoa; wants to Pipe organist. 27 yeara; married ,1 cbild iia acala. Stationary steam engineer, 23 yean eld. TJental mechanic, married. 28 years eld. Accountants and pookkeeeers 1 24 yeara. atngie at Heppner. il 84 rears, aingiej at Portland. 1 general office man, no years,-married, at Portland.! , . Electrical wireman and "firtaraman, 40 mm. married.. Portlaao. Redie operator, 3d elass, 2i grade. . . " i4gh1abor, watchman, etc 6 -men, - at i - Portland. . - For farther Information eommanieate Wit the U. a. veterans- mireaw, y ler Bldg., Ninth and Oak Sta. Phone "Brogdtray 7621. - EMPLOYMENT'-' A BtAXB WOOD CUTTERS WANTED TO CUT loo to aoo eoroa r ana oac. anruM, 215 Soatk Ceauneraial atreet. MALB AND FEMALE WASTED HEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper snosenpuoas. a gooa renoeition ' to the right people. Ad- drees the Paclfls Heenaataad. Suteamaa BVdg, Salem, Ore, -t l PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper pablUhed. Free for stamp. Cor- reapoaaaat. loteao. vbh 1 FOR SALE BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FOR SALE COLLIE PUPS E. Flake (Bird PU), 273 Stat. NEW SHIPMENT OF ST. AUDREAS- , hers RoUar. "The Canary with, a col- i lege edBcatioa.' E. B. Flake, Birds, Potted Plant. Pete, Et. FARM PAPEB LT YOtr WANT TO GET THE BEST farm naner. a end 15e te tae raciae Hosaeatead, Salem, Oregon, for three moot' trial amBeeriptieav, , jsaauea PIANOS FOR SALE ONE PIANO. GOOD AS aew. Giese Co., 378 Court St. ?S. - HT ?PJWP 125 $625. Very esay terms. H. L. Stiff .j Fnmitare Co.. : PSXQ CHTCKXBUKG QUA1TD, XM GOOD enape. v iu give seme aexas. a. u Stiff Faraltax Co. i FOB SALS GOOD USES MAHOGANY kerne left--ee ee - eeak- - Psiee faoo, rat, H. L. Stiff Faraitar Oe Ma- aic dpait at. - 825 PLAYER PIANO LIKE NEW, with roue eaa names, feoy; eiu oowb, tl fA Te week. jOodlfoOO ptane, 9 lit A snap. Don't eertsex . tana; wm, i.o per week. Taumoa Piano . store. o o. 12th SU i - WOOD FOR SALE NICE BIQ OLD YELLOW t fir. Phone 771. FOB DRY WOOD- FHONB QUERY, T m9-m .-, -.fs .-. - . in," . Best Grade Mill Wood Foot ft. aad 16-incai dry mill weed,-. Four ft. greea mill wood. Prompt delivery end reasonable pile. -Fred B. Walla, 805 8. Chare. Phone 1543.- : - ' 4 - ' - POULTRY MXS 8BXD EIGHT TWO- t eae ataeape- for eeeeUl three aaaetss' ; trial foe ke beet aed eldest Joereal ia the weak. The article eaa aareruse- enu are' of special interest te tae poultry breeder of the Morthweat, .Kerthweet Peedtry JoaraaL 211 Ooat ! aereial atreet.. ftalem. Oragoa. . 2CLaCBLLA2fEOtrr FURNITURE FOB SALB PHONE 595J. FOR BALE LARGE NORRI8 ' SAFE. Gieae Oo Furniture, 373 Court GOOD . USED PHONOGRAPH AND CAB. inet,-12 reeorda, Term f . per month... Hj L. Stiff, Fnrnitnre Co. FOR SALE SMALL- PIGS,- 2 INCUR A- tore, 120 and 40O aii. Phone OFlS. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 nts teeie. mreaieue espaitmaat. Oregoa Statesmaa, t i DOUBLE WEAR SHOES FACTORY TO . ureeeesv heaa-W. O, Causer., aaeva. I ; 14tw xaome ttanoaya. CALL, SEND OR PHONE FOR ESPRIT ' Amour - Toilet i reqmaites at the Plower-ia-the-Battle Perfume Shops' 115 . K. Liberty St. j. f ; .. . 7; i Beautiful Oregon Rose aad eleyea. they Oreem. eagB, together . with a fuse oueetiee or patriotic songs, sacred songs aadrmaay eld-time faror ,ltea. -:"v-'" , wxju zee i" . f Sneeial once ia-aaaatitr lata) .. Eapecially adaptable for acbooX coma na tty er homt aiagingi Sand for ; - WAfttPiri Nnrttretpr a w eare 11 vrv 1 1 w aw Tf pages, now : la Its third edit Jpa. . Published by .- OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY IIS B. Connsreisi fit. Balssa. Ore, FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR REST TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. 690 Union. APARTMENT FOR RENT, 891 NORTH Commercial. ' "''"'." FOR REST TWO 4 ROOM AND ONE 3-room apartment, partly - furrilabcd. cloa in. Phone 43 O. W. McLaren Realty Co., 180 N. Commercial HI. FLATS FOR REST UNFURNISHED MODERN fire-room flat at 686 Ferry St. 835 , moat a Call at Statesman bsaiaesa ' of flea, or phone 23. FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN . fire-room flat, at 664 Ferry St. ISO , a menta. Call 4 SUtejmaa baiiaets office, or phone 28. ; KOXTSEa MODERN ; FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM now eouse for rent. North Slat street near Center; 40 per month Call 997. MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE FOR .rent. Inquire Mr. Stiff at Stiff Fur niture Co. i MODERS "6-ROOM BUSOALOW FOR rent; 1185 Shipping St. See F. L. Wood. FOR, RENT ONE FIYR-ROOM FURS la hod hooao: one fira-room onfarniabed boose. J. H. Lentermaa, Hotel Argo, BOOMS FOR RENT HOUSEKCEP1NO ROOMS Phone 1054W or call at 1088 Cantor after 5 o clock p. to. FOR BENT FURNISHED ROOM. Mod em. -Airsi nry , aoy Aorta izta street. THREB HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS NO children. Call in afternoon; 715 Cea tar atreat. i . ; , .- - PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR REST 86 PER MO. a. It. Stiff rural tor Co. xmnm inaoBLLAjrxoTja n WE WTLL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH pric for used 'ptsnos. 1 aiiman fiano Store; 95 0. 2h St. Pbpsa 1659. WANTED FUaNTTURl, ;T00LS, ETC, (M 011, : ' - f i WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- ware end furaiture. : Beet prieee paid. - r- TBI CAjPITAli RaBDWAKS : ' ' '-' - FURNITURE CO. - - 5 ' ' 285 N. Oefajnereial St, , , Phone 947 WANTED TO' BUT HOU8EHOLD FUR aitnre. teois, miseeliaeeees arUelea. r.- Phoae 1448. : ?-.:;-. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA- eaiaery,! stock, etc WUl bey for eeefa er sell on eon mission. Phone 511. Woodry, the auotteaeer. BUSINESS CARDS ACXTYLENB WEXDZNG IRON STEEL, 1 BRASS, ALUMINUM , Bring the pieces. . Oxo-Gae Heating Co. - 837 Court. - - ' AUCTION 1 AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY. THE Ureatoesv faralture, real estate - aac tioneer. Phone All for sale data. .Res. 1610 N. Summer. - COL. 3. B. GABLE AUCTIONEER farm sad eity sales. 1 ISO B. Hich; Fheas 1440. r- Q. SATTERLEE, AUCTIONEER. PHONE 430-1211; ISO N. Oom'l St. Room 21. AUTO DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILE GOOD USED CARSGINGRICH tor Co 871 Court. MO- BERT L. JONES MOTOR CO., HUPMO bile dealer. State St. at Front. "The ear ef the American family." . AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS Cnrtains te order ; rices- reaaeaeble. Aaderson-Teed, 171 8. High AUT0M0B7XB PAZBTIVO AUTO OWNERS LOOK I ' TIME TO 1 have that ear repainted.- Game ia aad look over oar work. On secennt of th eaeeeea of our' Ford Special b. it will be. continued. Reliance Auto Painting Cow 219 State; eer. Front St, saesad floor. Phon 837. , BATTERV AND ELECTKXCIAH A CAMEL-IZED BATTERY NEVER needs drink. C. M. Csrlsoa, 349 N Commercial St Salem, Ore. 1 R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES. tartar and generator work. 171 8. UOi PRESTO-LITB BATTERY SERVICE BtatMB, - Expert battery aad electrical work. Farria . Broe. - Phoae 1803. 418 ? Court, - - . r it. :-,..- t AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROD - ble shooting. 238 JS High,. Pbpne 203. BICYCLES AND KEF AIRING LLOYD E. RAM STDEN DAYTON BICY else sad repairing. 887 Court. 1 CAB WASHING WHITNEY EMMONS CARS WASH- ed sad polished. Olesoa'a Ante x' change. Phone 666. .. , RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BOWES, ,made or repaired, J. C. Bai, 849 Ferr: STORAGB STORAGE. 3.50 MONTHLY. DEAD storage 93.00 monthly. Ferry. St. Gar age, 644 Ferry. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES ARMSTRONG TIRES THE RIND that, never ' wear out. ' Thempkiaa Heine, 219 N. OommerelaL USED PARTS 1-8 te 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto wrecking House. 424 Berth Commereiei. -Phone 6S.- 1 TRACTORS A CHAAG CO, 444 FERRY ST. Phoae 210. Cletrao traetor. OUyar im plemeata --; , USED CARS USED CARS BOUGHT or aold ea commistioa '( storage. :t Olesoa's -Auto Mim.wmm f -i ' FOR SALE 1 A BCICK FOUR ' SEDAN. j New Last April. Bxcellen condition. Bargain. Phone 2006J. FOR SALE 1919 CHEVROLET IN fine) aneeneniee! - rendition - and- coed rubber.,. Price 8225, eaay tame. , See at serciai St. FOR BALE 191S CHEVROLET IN good runnlsg order, lots of extras, good -tires,-1923 license ; 175, terms a M. Carlson, 249 N- Oom'l St. . . 191 OAKLAND : TOURING CAR. ALL '; good cord tires, good top aad cnrtains. 'Price 300, will give good terms oa this ear; 888 N. Com' 1 St. Otto T. Wilson, phone 220. t- i. -t VICK BROTHERS USED CAR ' . BULLETIN 1 J J , V 1919 Ford Truck ,,,, ; . ,. frn 1919 Cheyrolet TmehvH:'.. ,,,, , 450 Fordsoa Trsctor 200 400 175 250 150 1919 Velle Tenrinr . lsia jrora Tearing urant l-ton track 1918 Btudebaker Touring .VICK. BttUTHEKS -.tw.w. raoas 1341 BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AMD FLUFF RUQS KOTICB TO THE ; PUBLIC WS NOW wear fluff rugs made out of old er- i pats, any length or width, yoa desire. W also re-fit. re-sew aad sua carpets. Faather renorating and mattreaa-steam- : inr and re-makmg. Salem Carpet : Cleaning and Fluff Rng Works. Thoa 1154 ! CARPET aUfD Roa rsAvzwa RAO CARPET AND RUG WEAVIStf -Call before 9 a. u. 84F21. CHTJCNET SWEEPS CHIMNET SVEEPING-F U R S A C E I - cleaning.! V. Couaclhaacw. Saiam Hard- I i war to. CtXANEES AND STCR3 SPICK N SPAN djrara. Pbona 195. CLEANERS AND 8ALKM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits leaued and? preaaed, J J0 ' Suits"- aponged and' preased, - 60e t Phone 1809 DRUO STORES BREWER41 DRUG ; Poena 184. , COi 05 COURT WM. NEIMKYER "3TJ8T 'DKUGV 175 N. Comniereial. phone 167. ELECTRICIANS : SAI.EM ERECTRld CO MASONIC Building. Phone 1200. ELEOTRIO ; FIXTURE ' AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1834. 222 K. Ubcrty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC . trical machine repairing, contracting. I 37 Court. Phjne 48. , 1 , ... T ii I i -. i. ARCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House winner by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. 1 if. r a rXNANOLftX LOANS ON- THS .BABY PAYMENT 1 plan, eaa repay at any time without extra eaarge. ei7 uregen eiag. MARIOS-POLR CO0NTY FARM LOAN eeseeiatiea ha manor ! A i iW. D Smith, secretary-treaaurer. .03 . : 8alens Bank of Coatmerca. r FXORZSTa CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. , Delirery. O. F. Breithavpt. florist. ..122 rtA Liberty street. Pasa 380., , FURNACES 8EAGROVS FOB FURNACES PIPE end Bipateset 198 8 lith St, Phoae 885W. FtJRNrrURjS STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leas "money. 1 B7B (Jonrt Phone 48A PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW j sad ema a and niraJture, . 37 , I fjoamsreiau : - - I Ladies' Wearing jApparel DRE S SMAEXNG 8PENCEB CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Carrie Fiaaer. Mecor- aaeg tsaag. . ' HEMSTITCHING 8 A L B M ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleetiar. battoas. stampinr aad aeedie- work. 329 oregoa tfidg. rnone a 7 a. MRS. 0. E.: MILLER HEMSTITCHING. stamping buttons. Boom 10. ever aiu- lec'e store. Phone 117. -T" "MILLERS" GOOD' GOODS HEM ! stitching and faaey work parlors; guar antee good work and quick eerriee. Di rect aver Miller's store, te th right of mala stairway. j- 'LADIZS TATLORXNG W. J. MAYER LADIES TAILORING; long coats, aad. salt. Roeom 7, MeCor-I naek Bldg. Phon 692, - . BUSINESS CARDS BOTBZJI CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER. V STATE i aad Commercial. Paone eso. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COSY; . boo ap. 482 state. : : LAONDBLTia SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest- : largest best. Xatabliahed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ; Quality work, prompt service. 1264 ' Broadway. Phone 163. MEDICAX MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY : Pbone 517-W. , MEN'S 8TORB XD. CHASTAIN CLOTHING 00. SuTTS and. evereeats. Us say steirst ft pays. so Btat aa. SfACHINB SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC , Steam boilers, yaleanisers aad tube platea. Perry 0. Campbell. 317 N. uoerty. H. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND i era and weldera. Automotive service. 480 Ferry. Phoae 804. WECHTEB SMITH MACHINISTS, - engineer, wslders, Heald . cylinder : enndutg servic. jraen sezS4o aea ry. MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MU810 All branches taught, divlosnaa arantad. John R, Sites, director. 1387Coarti JThOB ozo. . t , COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music. Semi-classics aad ballade; 12 lesson. Watermaa Piano School, lie ceraack Bldg. afUBXO STORES GEO. C- WILL- PIANOS. PHONO. i graph, eewtug maehinee, aheet muaie. ; end paae studies. Kepairiug phewo- . tjpepaaanei sewiue aaacainae. eaa tetate. Beieia. " PAINTING CONTRACTORS U D. BRANDON. GENERAL PAINTING I contractor. Painting in all ita braeehea 305 U. High St. Phoae 1597. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING SAUL JANZ EXPERT REPAIRMAN ON (all make of . talking machines, band land atring instruments. Cell, write or Muri ot. pctuiiKiiva srnaranteeu.- . PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED plane) tuner. Lve erder Will's - Maais 8 lor. JACK CLEMENT SALEM'S OLD i. piaaa tuner, ia back; ; Call, writ er 1 phone 1774, th ftong Shop, f pposite I tta conn iieaa. 1 PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A : aew Victor or Brunswick. H. L, Buff IFaraitara Cbw atuste Dept. SHERMAN. C AY A CO. PIANOS , BU'swsTi, Due-Art aad ether. Moore's !tnai lions a. 415 Court atreet. KTJESERY STOCK FOR SALE TWO-YEAR-OLD , LOGAN- berry tips Phoae 6B4J. COMPLETE LINE TREES BMALL fruita, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co, 426 Orsgoa Bldg. Phone T5. i BUSINESS! CARDS yuRSBRY sTopar FRUIT. NUT 'AND " SHADE TREES Fasrey 4oa., .z3T jstvat. . ! t i ! CHOICE SMALL FRUIT PLANTS J ada property A See ns, 180 N, Coromer Strawberry, blactberry. blackcap, T eial street. Boom : 21. Tiioak 430. O. berry, currant, grape, loganberry, red ratpberry. Also asparagnt, rnuDaro, . etc. Ward K. Rieberdson, 2395 No. V Frost. Phoae 494.. . FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBBERY Grafted walnut, cherry and Italian praaetreea. E A. Bennett Nursery Co. 2223 Fairground road. Phone 1280. PAPEBHANQDeq AMP' PAINTING i PHONE OLENTt ADAMS FOR. HOUSE deeratr. paper bajjgina, tinting, ate. Keljiable workman.' TEN i CENT XALHOMINE IN BEAUTI- ful' colors; fl -does a room. 'Mmx. U. Buren. 179 N. Com 1. 1 j. t PLUMBING mi 1 in" I .il iii 1 ii G RARER BROS. PLUMBING AND hcetiug; gtaerI repairs. Phone A50, 141 s.,i.Uierty. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND' COIL work. Phone 1307-J, . Shop, 137 Uniea street. A. U Godfrey. ,. SECOND. HAND GOODS. SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND ! sells seeeod-band furniture., Tools aad Junk. 320 A. Commercial. Phone 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- , lee; and eboaet .JBeet prieee paid. Cap ital .Exchange. . 34 It, Commercial. rasas ie-w, t SCAVXNOERa SALEM i SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinds removed. (Vs spools cleaaaa. i-noae 107 or 1Jo-vy.- 8003 SCAVENGER SERVICE (SUC- rstsor to Seal Seynger) Garbage sad , - , 11 ; 1 . j , - : iwats si sw. since remoyea ey tee month. Reasonable ratea. Phones : . ' Offiee 5S, residence 205eV " , -- TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINSB W. Parker. General Maaaeev 1 Central Stage Termiaal Salem, Oregon . DALiEat-Ditj V IKTDlf Leeeee Seiem, Central Stag Terminals 7 a. m 11 a. m s o. ro. Learea ftilyertoa. Newa Stand: - i a V' 0. h. - iitissu-isrtpeaAteejceatonaeain Utrision; Leaeea Salem Ceatrai btag TenaiaaJ::, 7 a. nv. a. as. 11 a. m., 8 p. an. ' e.m i r - is ,. ; liearee Monmootb, Mbnmouta Hetel; a:io a. m- 1 p. au e:is p. zav Leeyaa .ladependeace, .Bearer ILxeV 8:80 a. m, 10 a m.. 1:15 p. m. 4 p. e:89v .4.. .. Wa make eoanectfoaa at Salesa te ell parts of the yotley. Eatra trips by ppoiatmeat, - 1, ? i J. w. riiiMSK, oenerai jesaager. - STOVES AND 8TOVB REPAIRING BT0YFB iRCBUILT' AND REPAIRED - 4 years'. sxperuaes. Depot National fence, siaes aa to za inceet high, l Paint. tlead earaiaheev ete- logaa; 'berry and hen- hooks. Salens t eace aa.11 Bteee Work,- 250- Court street. Phoae I24v - ) 4- TBARSFEB HAUUNG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phoae 933. . Distributing, forwarding and atersg ooT - apeeialty. wet our rate i -.v WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE-1 held f goods. - Oar specialty is piano sad furaitare sooring. We also make -eon n try trips. we aauoie tae oeet seat end wood. Call ea as for" prieee. We aire good measure, good, quality 1 and good service. Larmer Tranafer Oa. Phoae 930. v i VARIETY STORES 1 SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA- ware, glasiwars, toys, aotioas, aad mil- nery.- : - - . - - - :v.v:v - ; '. WATER ' V' :. SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office. 801 South Commercial St. Tea per cent dltconnt oa domestic flat retee paid ia advance. Ns dedaetloaa for absence or any cause aniens water la shut off your premises. WOOD SAWINQ WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1131. ED. Bpreed. LODGE 01 RhCTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5, Armory, First, third Moadaye. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS FREEMAN BTRUBLE, 610 BANS OF uomasaree Bldg. ASCBTJIJUrOB 8BBVT.CB SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phoae 666; 173 8. Liberty. CHIROPODISTS ; DR. 8. ; F. SCOTT. GRADUATE KA- tieaat University Seieasea, . Chieago. axaaoate Temple. Pkame 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUSES, ingrowa Bans; all foot traubies. Price Shoe Co.; Phone 616. . 'l i chiropractors' DR. 8. IB, SMITH, CHICROPBACTOE. 829 Oregoa Bldg. Phoae 664. DR. LENA A. BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR, 47 e. commercial. Hours lO to 12: 1 to 5. Phone 1415. DRS. SCOTT SCOFIELD. P. S. C. Chiropractors. 41410 U. 8. Baak Bldg. paene ; res. so-k. i ii i CHUTE SB PHTaiOIAJ DR. H. L. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 158 High 8k phone 283. DRUG LESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. L, I Frants. Acute aad ehroaie disease. Phone 780. 25-28 Breymaa Block. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL SXREO tore, 2lu Center. rhon 1650. OPTICIANa MORRIS OPTTCAL CO. SUITE SOL tut uregoa unuamg. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co.. 825 State street, eppoeite A Bush Bank. "Usa Oaalitr I proves Boar-ons. NATUROPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND ehroaie dieeea. 41S Orexon Bide. 08TE0PATHI0 PHY8ICIANS , DRS. WHTTE AND MARSHALL -206 U. 8. Bank Bldg. . .- - DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phones 75, 2024-J. - DR. W. L. MEBCKR OSTEOPATHIO pnysleisn and ' surgeon. Kirksville graduate, 404-405 U. 8. Natioaol Bank Bldg. Phone, off see 919; res. 814. DR. JOHN I, LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Surgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bids. Phone, elfiea 1294 1 re. oe-eo. , i DR. O. H. KENT. OSTEOPATHIC PHY siciaa and Blirreon. 408-9 Maaanie I Temple. Phones r office 16; residence I 644 m. t . " ... "I BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DaVlJV- TJ. . . -- farm i ties ef the, feet corrected withoati i-ir&A&JEg v?mfiESAl riog, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MT I6-ROOM? HOME AT I V1030 Chemeket street. Well adapted for rooming. Pbone 128u FOR TRADE FARM. CITY AND CAN- Sattetlee. Wood's Bargains ; Poar-roobx baacalow end aim lots, 1650. Good six room house, bearing fruit trees,-A170OJ New bungalow, 2650, take etr part pay. Choice lot on pavement, 550. Fine lot near state bouse, price right. Want a home in Salem. s payment on 50-aere farm. 3 20-acre farm for aale at 963 per acre.' ' 200-acre farm, to trade for au bur baa borne. Money to loan, 20O0, 10OO, 8.00. Two lots to trade for team. F. L. Wood, 841 State St. Two Bargains One 5- ami one 6-rooua bungalow, prae tteally; new, and some bargain. Neces sity compels sacrifice to your benefit. Orer 10O other house o sen. see ' The Fleming Realty Co. . 841 State St.-' ' ... FOR SALE . , 50 down n 10 per month bays that line k-eere i tot .loeaiea at canine, pared road, electric lights, city , water. dark soil. Price -. interest oye - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. , 275 State Street. - A Wasco County Section Cheap Will take a medium prieed house Salem. Port Ian, or Tbetween. icming Realty Co., 341 State Sr. . 0 ROOM HOUSE SUITABLE FOR FOUR apartments; modern large lot aad fine fruit,- pared' atreet, ea - atreet ear line ; good investment lor 3.'uu. . . v Pettyjohn & Mouser .216 Oregon Building . ANDERSON -It RUPERT 06-7 Oregoa Bldg... i FARM LOANS ...'...: INSURANCE . SURETY BONDS REAL ESTATE : : FOR SALE - ' 80 down and 8 lOiSter month, bays .90 er an acre located south close to car liae ead peeed highway; greeel atreet. -Priee 900 W. H. GRABENHORST CO. -' . , 275 Stete-Street. - FOB SALE A t MODERN HOME IN eeery detail ; ease front, , garage a4 two lota. 5600. A 6-roesn house, all one floor, 6800 A 5-rooot . boose, i fall cement Abasement ; fireplace. 2600. , A 7 -room bouse, corner lot, 1900. GOLDEN RULE REALTY CO. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492-N Cottage St. WANTED TO BUY FROM . OWNER - house and lot, for cash. Moat be elosar ia end reasonable. Address IW. Statesmaa. . - 8OMB FINE BUILDING LOTS IN Oaks Additaos; 419; 444, 469; 519, 555, f 594, 655, 769, 870, 905, 955, 970, 1005, 1170, 1270. ..- j v- - 1 " - j; A.- Mills 331 t, State Street. IMPROVEO 40-ACRE FARM, 6 MILES aeata er vaiemt - 2a aersa pranea; cr of cherries, sppleSa sralauts aad hogans; 9000. ( M.J, Hunt . Ladd Busk Bldg. v FOR SALE TWO FINE LOTS CLOSE ia ; fine 7-room ;plastered " house, lot 160x187 On S.. Com'l, 4300. Five acres on pavement, mostly all ia fruit, good buildings, 3500. Trade for city property -32 acre close in oa pared road with fine atedm bungalow, 8O0O. See this. Twe good bouses in N. Saleni te trod for improved acreage close ia. W. McLaren Realty Co 180 N Com'l St. - Phoae 430. SALE OB EXCHANGE FIFTY-ACRE ranch near Crsawell, 20 aere ia bear ing apples; -about 100 peaeb trees ; summer bouse; well, spring, no debt; fenced.: Ww rt aeoept Salens property with amall acreage. Write owner. E. K. Barnes, Cres well. Ore. GOOD BUYS' 7-room xaodera buagalew, f aralabed, lo cated on Fairraeant HU- Priee 86200. 9-roora modern borne, with ' large corner lot ea Court Bt. Price 88400. 9-room modern' heme complete in every way, close ia on Center St, 7500. 6-room modern home with hardwood floors, in Oak additioa. 87875. term. 5-room modern bungalow, east front oa 8. Com'l. 4200. Immediate poseessioa. 5-room bnagaiow on Richmond areaae. 2750, easy terms. This place is aew. Real .Estate and tire Insurance. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State Street ,. , ' TO EXCHANGE ONE ACRE. MOST all ia fruit. ; with. 4 -roots plastered aouae ana garage, . eaa aaocE front ear line. Price 32550. Want email beuse in town or awed ear. .t - ' Two-room bouse and' two' ale lota for 8850. - ... We bare two good' homes ia ; Salem to trade for farm.' ' ' Meaey to kaa. if. Thomason 331 State Street. . FOR SALE 1 v v 100 down end 10 per month, buys that fine 5 acres et dark arsirio soil located on pared' road just south' ef Swegle senoot ea uardea rood, price gisoo. Interest 6. W. H. GRABENHORST h CO. . 275 State Street. The Best EluvJn-Salem 7-room strictly modern borne ia East Sa lem, beantifnl grounds and every tea tar yo would ask for ia aa ap-to-date acme; suou. - ( . Pettyjohn & Mouser 216 Oregon Buildiag FOR EX CHARGE ' 31S aeres la "Pueblo eeeaty, . - Oolerade, atae amooth lead, good grammar erase. Valae 810 per aere. Will pay differ ence or easume mortgage for lead aeer Halem 10-aere traet highly Improve five miles eest of Salem. Valae f 450O. To ex change tor residence in Portland. Tire-acre tract close to Salem Value 82600 Will pay aome eesh difference for good residence ia N, Salem close to car line. 8ee CHILD 8 BECHTEL 640 State St, , FOB SALE CLASSIEST SEVEN. ROOM . bungalow in Salem for the price. Mod ern ia every way; garage. W. G. Kreu&er 208-209 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 217 MI.SCKLLAKTCOU9 PORTLAND, Feb, 7. Butter: Prints extras, 48c; cubes extras. 45c; prime firsts, 44c. Butterfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream. 49c. . Potatoes, v buying price locals. 50c;. selling price 60 75c. ' . V- ' " ' ': - Lenin works three hours a day BTit than bin u-ffa nmoa Vo.d wt .. , him away. no matter what men or claim nBl me Kin a or Wile to have. ,hT8 ?at even ln a commQne tuctcj is utts uuoiiuauon oi a BKirt. PROFIT TIIkS i : STOPS MICE Speculative Irrdystrials and Short Selling impede' au ; - vance ofMarket, NEW YORK, Fob. 7. Heavy profit taking sales and torn pro- fossional. snort spiiiag, psrucu- larly in the "iwcttlatlTe; Induttrl- als, Impededjtheaipwar more- nient of i prices; In today'a-i stock market, but bttUIsb- trperatlons In selected shares, based en faror able Individual influences, headed the list .and averag of prices showed " bat com paratlrety little change. - r " ' - The rapidity of the refenfiad ance had left certain - sections of the market In a,vraKend tecnnl- cal position which Invited profes- sional operations on ' thd short side. The reaction, however, was held Vlthln : narrow limits. ? Speculators for the advance were again assisted by another se- rles of constrnctlve domestic de - velopmenta, including lower call money rates.' Sdgar, machinery , chemical and -farm Implement shares were in fairly good demand throughout the day. r " V Call money opened at 4 per cent but eased Off to in' the early afternoon and closed- a t tha,L tig- ureTbA 'xnirATl, cai ued quiet with a few loans ar- ranged At per , cent fe.r f the longer maturities. Commercial (connection with President Hard paper was active with the bulk Ing'a message was apparently as- of the - prime- names-, still com- mandlna; 4A per eent. i' ; Forelgn exchange business was unusually quiet, except for a mod. erate offering ef franca at the opening 'whlctr carried the ratejrevival of export baBinesa. Fall- downi 15. points: to .j.6.25 cents, Other changes were nominal, de- mana sterrrag selling just -anove $4.67. --".. STAYTOM t Mr. adn Mrs. Jeff Montgom - ery who havej been visiting at the nome or Airs. u. a. mus, ien Thursday- of - last week , for - their home in' Ken newlck. Wash., arter a month spent here. Mrs.t Mont - gomery Is a daughter of Mrs; Titus., Dr. H. A. Beauchamn' : and wife, Mri and Mrs. C. A. Beau champ and Mr. and Mrs: 13 D Crabtree drove to Portland Sun day, where they attended the automobile show for a few days. T. J. Smith;" overseer of the Saleni Ditch company's i work here, has been suffering . from neartp trouDie lately, , and was .kU . . r' ' ne is in a nospuai taaing treat- " t j - - ., ueorge jpniaeraon wno nas con ducted a chicken ranch Just out side the city limits, put on a sale Saturday, disposing, of their large flock of chickens, and some . fine stock, and expect to go to Port land to reside. - W. H., Hobson went to Salem Thursday, where he attended the funeral service of the late Alea ander Potter. Mrs, Mattie Bruce was in Sa lem one day last week on a &I1 (II1T11 II K TflTl r j . ; . ,1 " .'.::'" Jnbn floblon if. . SUU W 141(3 VI IUO Gehlen Bros, store was transact- tng business in Salem oa Thurs-1 aay of last week. , .t Ed. Swallow cama nn frAm Portlartrl Satnet9v - vi. ....t.. v uu uia x cAuiaj week end visit with home folks, Special meetings which have! been underway at the M. E. cnurcn ror the past three weeks,!. night Much Interest was shown J r a . - - I aunng me entire meeting. 1 Ar C. Thomas has been, doing things latelv: abnnr bolMnv tins he sold his Interests in th. hnt ; - l er. business , to Sestak Bros: a I little later sold his home and lot to A. Speer and this week closed! the deal with Joe Pieser for. his storebnslness building, now ac- cupled by Pieser Bros.' pool hall, cntcsen thieves have been do- ing a thieving business - here abouts lately, Sunday night Ted Gehlen's chicken house was' rob bed, 26 of his 28 chickens -were taken. In the surrounding coun try some of X the . farmers - have recently - lost aa hich aa 208 chickens In a alnsle nlaht. - A tiny baby, girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- i 11am : Harlan Thursday morning. This is the first baby girl In the family of boys, makina her ad vent Into the .world doubly wel come, t TWO ACRE HOMElSITES ..These sites are on macadam road, mall route and electric light line 1 miles from Salem limits and are all good soil that wm grow anything. The keeping of bees, poultry and cow are ideal side lines for city employed: people who prefer to live outride of the limit of high taxes only 6 minutes ride from their work. We can sell yon 10 such sites as above described for only $5,250; $1,250 cash, the balance to suit at . See us at one;; Socolofsky. 341 Bute. Ton can sell these sites at $1,000 each and double your Investment. DULLS IS Sai OflSTOffifiiBET Prospects of War! Between n Britain and Turkey Send V:k: Wheat Upwards : CHICAGO. Feb. 7, Renewed j it ospects7 of war between Turkey. land Great; Britain: together wits aa Increase of buying based oa. President-Harding's rnenRaee to' congress regarding- aettlement of t8e British war debt to the United' j States had k decided bullish ef- feet today on the wheat market' I n Closing prices were firm. 1 t j z Mc Bat higher, with Jtfay 1.70 to $1.20, and 'July $1.14 u t - l $.H. ; Corn gained to lTie I act; oats finished IL oft to ,51Cit T, cup, and provisions at an ad. Ivance of 2' to 57c: 1 - ; Despite a setback fn Liverpool Iqaotations the wheat market h I bagan : tb move upward almost I from the ontaet, and Pronounced Jstrengthla, the final hoar of trad.: 1 tag. The buying, which was chiefly front ' commission house and fromt shorts, expanded with each successive department point ipg to greater chances "of en act. U8l outbreak of hostilities in th I Near East. Mean-while aneb hd a tendency to restrict selling and. thus lift valae8r tha close be; tng srAbout tfie day's.lop figures, the highest livel yet in 1923. " Some of the wheat barlne in soctated with., go&slji ucrnl that Ithe settlement with Great Brittfn: J would have far reaching affecta tin other European; countries and I would tend to promote a cenera.1 ling off In primary recelnta'torfav J especially in tire north west, count- ea also as a strengthening factor, 1 notwithstanding that for th f irR lour days Minneapolis wheat stocks showed an Increase of 475. two. Dosneia. - i Argentine crop daman renorta gave .Independent atraneth ta th 1 corn market. AH dellverfms bn I reached a new high price- record i for the season. Oata averared j higher rith- corn. I Provisions . at first" reflected 1 downturns in the big markata bat later were governed chiefly by the action of grain. . Buenos Alre8-Whe8t.- Marrh. $1.174, Mc lower; May, $1.20, c tower. Liverpool Close wheat, d (lower. I , . FRUIT NEW YORK, Feb. 7. nvano. raiel aPPiea, duU; prunes better: snot demand aprlcou. firm; aai i yescneg quiet. PORTLAIID UAInjZA BUTTERFAT e LOWER ?.? f hurning eream, 49o A a. Porttaadf andergredee, 4c. UNSETTLED' Current reeeinta. ltoiiu, -.vc i. .ZLrZZ Zr1 1 , MU1Tf; pulleta, S5ej lannrsssrsl Bfttiiraal LIVE POULTRY SLUGGISH ILees eemmisainntTT v ... ma 21e lb,; do lighe, l; springs. I5016e, old roeetere. lOat a,l - .. d.i lirm 1(1,.. 1. j - "i. I .Mfvw, amna. xiut. '. DEESSED VfElTs rip'f I T , . ' - lacrd.lr Tr1- 4-i-ai8 l-Sej eedargradaa, 12 . Biv itrr, nw.yW I S HAY imw I (Delivered Portland) ValW thnatbv. i aM-IAva; . x ' . ius; meMrSlSer' ? 810 1 1 tea; grain aay. gratw blow-weak a prices (track PorUand ia ear l-30 1.30 ; oataaominal; EsateraTtN 1 - - a . a .. 9 . T . v rJT' ri"T noeamai; mm ran 23.50, r - FRUIT FRUIT STEADY jPlfir 0!1'" ?rIr va. Twjr saa paars d'Aajoa, $1,250 X&o box. VEGETABLE a VTVn Waj h w w re ,.m b a ' Orecea tmaeteee. aoaTii ZZL . rw.M. 1H ib.; parsaipe, 785e !!?5 ''VulltTJYll bops w , 7 .jyry 568 Bt. WOOIj etc WOOL FIRM ' Half btsd- ad-fin. a5a4Qe skaaa. eighth blood. 32i5; e,uarter blood, 3032e; tow quarter aad braid. 25J 27e; matted or eletted wool. 2225e. f NOTE Kaatara Oreeon. Waah end Idaho ranch elm brine 1 to I r.nu lea than valley wool.) SAIU UARISTS Priee aaoted - are whlaaala J prieee received by farmer. Ne retail prfee are riven except as noted. ' we. 1 wheat 81.1. 3 Ne. 2 wheat $1.08. 8 Red wbea sackeJ, 1.07. Cheat hay, 20. , y Oat bay 20622, Clorer hay, baled, 21 7 2. EGGS, BUTTER AMD BUTTERFAT Eggs, wholesale, 33. Creamery butter, 48 yS0e ; Butter fat, eeliyered, 48 Sta, -MUk, 2.dS eet - V POOXTBT Leghorns, Springers, ISO 15 -Broiler. 15. . V Haas, ligbs, 12. . 5 i r Haas, heavy, 18 " ' P0EX, MUTTON AND E " Bogs, top, 144. Lire begs, -9. ' ? Hoary rough, 6 (6 He. Dressed hogs, 1212e. " - Top real, dressed. 12 til Se. " Top steers, 13.. . . " . Cows, s9e. .- - nvrtu Baaaaas lie. -r - - Iemoaa 708.50. Navel eraage 83.50Cs4.7S ' Florider rrapefrait, 7Q?jE0. - . .. V Dates, f9.7SfrS.78. , : BUNCH VEGKTAELE3 - Beebst earrota, ternips, fi per 'do.. ' NUTS .. ... .. Walacts 20e lb. " " Filbert 20e lb. . -", 5', Almond 20e lb. Crtsil, l5o lb, .jj ?