THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 7, 1923 ' Issued Daily Except Monday by TUB STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY : 215 S. Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon (Portland Office. 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Beacon 1193 friend as he Vi a sfato wnoit,ia V M f! A. 'a An their sacrificincr and one ought to wish a HUJUiiaw u.iu - - ,- - w . J I, i ' v . . . - i 1 i nanna . mm a anna uuniunii ' MEMBER OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS . The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks . . .Manager Stephen A. Stone I . .Managing Editor Ralph Glover ........... ..... . . ........ ... . il . ....... .Cashier . Fra&k Jaakoski ............. .... .......... U .Manager Job Dept. TELEPHONES: T Business, Of flee, tt Circulation Department, 68$ Job Department, 68$ , , Society Editor, 101 Entered at the Poetofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter i . '- I, i LET THEM BUILD, OF COURSE The senate should kill house bill 76. The state of Oregon must not lose its balance. : ? Thirty-five years ago the total deposits in United States Jbanks were $27,000,000,000. Today they amount tof $38,000,000,000. The Increase is in spite of the fact that in the meantime we have had a war that cost about as much as the latter figure. Yet some peo ple think our form of goyernment Is no good, and are working to oTerthrow It and substitute some radical experiment of their own; ' Senate Bill 39 has for its purpose the creating of mu nicipal 'districts for building transportation lines Proposing an enabling act authorizing isolated commun ities desiring transportation to cooperate in providing it By building railroads of any! kind or description, run by whatever power they may. find nost practicable. Such districts would under; this proposed act be allowed to issue bonds, up to $25,000 a mile of track, after examina tion and approval by the public service commission. It would take a 60 per cent vote to organize. The state I. nUUlU llWfc JJU.AAVw tOAG fcVJ aaj v vuiu a-rv ux vviiva municipal bonds. It would be presumed that the projects would pay interest on the bonds with operating revenues; and finally retire the bonds. i - - .- The idea is to provide isolated communities .with power I to build cheap lines to main lines or toirivers, in order to -reach markets. . , J. pj Newell, a prominent rcSway engineer of Portland, f ays an auto rail system with trailers can be constructed in - Eastern and Central. Oregon for $4,000 or less a mile About half the "cost of graveling an existing highway under average conditions. Wiierexer tnere are isolated communities wnose people want to avail themselves of such powers, they should be granted the powers. Why not? They would make feeders ' for main lines. They would build up the country. They would increase the taxable property. There can be no valid argument against granting such powers. Let such communities have the powers. Let them build, of course, - '.'; saa. ; ! iiin KILL THIS BILL ; House bill No. 76 has the laudable purpose of increasing the revenues of the state. It seeks to do so by placing cer tain forms of tax-exempt property on the rolls. The ma as it yesterday passed the house is so drawn as to include for future taxation the property of hospitals, Y. M. C. A.V$nde- penaent colleges, etc r I . - - AH institutions - which jmake' a charge for service ren , dered. ' L ,, " ; v" ". '''' '.This is- a destructive bill. . It fails to recognize that these institutions are making contribution to citizenship be yond "money value, and it is short sighted policy on the part of the state miserly to seek a few dollars at the vast expense of crippling them. - fcThe state-is not ready to take over the work now being done by'such institutions. Should they not continue their t orki ; Is it not good? Is it not necessary ?, ';. v . For example, it is a mighty poor return for what Wil Iamette University has done and is' doing for Oreiron to de mand that its budget shall annually include a tax payment to . the state it is serving every year. It costs the state over 300 a yearlfor every student at the tax supported univer sity and college. Willamette trains equally well over five hundred ' students, saving the state each year more than $150,000. All that Oregon has ever done for Willamette U I ! .... .. . m. o exemnt its property from taxes and to receive the capitol " is. however, twice as appro- taxes . -- - ;Djxn 1 Iprlate as ever oeiore, wnicu win vv. , grounds as a gift from the institution. A- I JL , iOMtt. t tharae me $44 tax on the i ' l a. i wi n ia si w a nnm r-i riiii ifiri i n s ua vtcub a,uM war . , i ' wxner iiiuihi. on earth old $ 100 Maxwell? will see Has the Oregon Legislature lost its balance? Kill this bill. , . If any eastern Oregon district, or any other district in this state. far from a main line of rollroad or a river, wants to bond itself to builcl a railroad to reach the markets, let it. ' Under proper., re- strictions, of course as provided in senate bill 39. The-state jhas np right to deny such a privilege, any more than it should deny the right of a drainage or an irriga tion or a port district to bond It self. . Cotton and cotton cloth exports from the United States for the month of December. 1922, totaled $86,000,000 in value, i compared with $67,000,000 In December. 1921, adding one more argument contrary to the oft ' repeated as sertion of the Democrats that a protective tariff reduces 'exports. The rabid free traders, who made wen dire predictions as to the effect of the Pordney-McCumbcr law. are completely nonplussed and flabbergasted and knocked silly at this turn of affairs. called upon, instead, to pay the price of . defeat." . The potentialities of the soviet government, with its fanatical ideas of communism, were vividly suggested when Harbord said: "Within the last four months two important cities of the world have changed hands In obedience to more or less direct pressure from the soviet government of Russia, displacing Great Britain ,in the one case and Japan in the other. These cities are Constantinople and Vladivostok cities at the op posite ends of the' great continent of Asia and nearly 8,000 miles apart. Please consider this change of sovereignty in connection with the fact that the red government of Russia is maintaining today by tar the. largest army in the world, If, with all her disorganization and her status as a virtual out cast among the nations, her Influ ence is felt so strongly at such distances, the world may . well speculate as to possible combina tions to which Russia, may be a party, whife Germany In the bit terness of defeat and economic distress is seeking a friend, if not an ally." . General Harbord concluded with his characteristically rugged ora tory when' he saidc ."Gentlemen, this matter, of national defense is I hope our governor the mistake he madev Now, here is the kind of change I would like to see: ; : First Put a 4-cent tax on gas oline. That would pay the Inter est on the bonds and maybe keep Every day the earnest seekers J up the highway repairs. after such knowledge discover secona -lieaie me ire3uv some new way of dying or going Hicenses as they are. blind as part of the price they ,Third-Por all .licenses coUect. oar for a drink. When one thinks c,ea of how long a drink lasts, as com is a quick and pleasant - deatn. for so often the resulting demise Is attended by so much torture ana writning. pared, to bow long one stays dead. it seems a rather high price, but eager volunteers sua rusn ior- ward to pay it. The latest discovery is that 'canned; heat" furnishes a sure means of death with a sort of alcoholic taste in one's mouth,. If taken internally. And prob ably this discovery will, stimulate the demand for "canned heat." The pure-souledlaw breakers who still make and sell whiskey are hard pressed to get alcohol, and welcome any kind they can find use that money to finish the high way program. - Fourth -Leave all license mon- ey outside the cities to the road districts where collected. ; More to the point: In our dis trict we are paying about $803 licenses. Is It honest and iust to take every cent of that $800 away from us. leave nus in the mud and put that' money, in the Joy-ride boulevard,' when we farmers 15 miles east of Salem have to vote a 9.2 mills tax to keep out of the mud? -i : I would like to ask Governor Pierce and our legislature to study my propositions. I have - m There are 140 different farm- to say them nay, wnere iney t lag problems now being studied i cooperatively by the United States ; department of agriculture. Tne farmers of- the Salem district could give them five times that many, right out of their heads, right oft the reel. A man's standing Us rated by what he dSoea a woman's -by where ahe goes. b Some of the isolated communi ties in eastern and central Oregon want to bond .themselves' and build cheap railroads to the main lines, . to get to markets and . de velop their V sections. " . Why shouldn't they? Who has a right HARBORD OX NATIONAL DEFENSE In a speech delivered before the National Republican club of New York cty recently. Major General James G. Harbord, who has' just voluntarily retired after 35 years secvice in the army, presented some' views' which gite' eause tor serious reflection ' and which suggest the dangers of too much pacifism in the matter of the na tional defense. (General Harbord Is a cousin of Mrs. Dan J. Fry of Salem, and: he is favorably known as a brave and big and wise man to many people of Oregon.) "If there be any who are inclined to doubt this," said Citizen Harbord, In speaking of the necessity of maintaining our position in the world, "I invite attention to the manner in which the people ' of this country, during the past: three years have demurred; at paying the colt of victory, and I ask you to consider seriously what might have happened' If they had been they can 'kick" to beverages, so what do they care for consequences? And, no matter where one buys his booze, he is not secure against such concoctions. By use of such things as electric needles even "bottled-ln-bond" , goods can be removed from bottles without breaking the seal and made-ln-a- minute goods substituted. The long list of men who paid high prices for their drinks, who now not a Political issue as some are marble comforters. Is evidence of inclined to make It. It Is not a I - i . .. . ' it - T A. k k anywhere. With such useful and stuaiea so xar au m9 hnfii.fa1 thlnim an ftnnrl heat" bills proposed, ana noming vum Imnart th ravfid paS Wltn my Dill, wnea ucuuh. to being fair and just, and giving the farmers a square deal. Very truly yours. " - ' -Henry Jaquet - Route No. S , Silverton. ; business propositions? ' They i. asking the legislature to sh them this ; power. It should'' t granted, without a diasentic vote. r " V We hear a great deal about th immense bonded debts of Oregoe Is there a single bonded debt 1 Oregon that has ever yet cost tt people of the etate a cent trot direct taxation? Is there one tfca ever will ? I f there Is such i bonded debt, which one Is it? Th richest districts in the wide worl are the ones having tne highes bonded debts. The test Is. whs is done or. has been done with tfc money? :'- Is it well Invested? hlTS FOR BREAKFAST malter that the political profi teer or the synthetic statesman should be permitted to exploit in his own selfish interest. It is not a question of whether this party or that shall be enabled to !go be fore the country with a record for economy falsely made by barter ing our security. It is wholly a question of whether or not: this country, shall be placed in a po sition to endure, with or without So the least we can wish our friends who .will persist In buy ing unlawful hooch is a quick death and a jhappy one.'- But the chances', are heavily against the 'happy" part. - THE SPECULATORS It is speeding m V ; The legislature Is getting - Its working' clothes on. i W W The Turks saw their bluff was going to be called; and of course they turned tall and did the Tur- ; key trot in the other direction in approved style. - t -- t THIS PURE CHEAM D IDS H COLDS James Middleton Cox, the gen tleman who thought he was run- nlnr fnr nroolfloTi t In ISffl ita. lue, urui Wl ine refcl OI ine Clares that if Andrew! Jackson Apply in Nostrils -It Opens Air Passages Instantly . world No small part of the "cost of Cjolds and catarrh yield like magic to soothing, healing antl- were alive ., today the ; United States would be a f ull-fledeed victory" referred to by the speak- J member of the League of Nations. Ptic cream that penetrates er arose out of the unprepared-f That Is an easy assertion to make, through every air passage and re- ness of 1917. the campaign of nor can lt successfully refut- iieTe8 vmUen' . I"... T! 1916 having been waged by the ed. Neither can It be oroved. ;m-n " , he kfDt ns out of war" hnat Im. . ' . ClOJgwi nosinw uyeuiyjui ouu ne aepi us oui or war noax,The same statement has been I . i ,u,-v(n. which, to render effective, neces- made as to George Washington La mff nr .tn. i Don't stav stifling anything 'that land is equally important. One atnffi nn and minerable'. smacked of defensive preparation. I mieht eo still farther. ' If Cbris. I V n small bottle of Ely's In short, party security cam 'first I topher Columbun. Cant. Kidd and 1 Cream Balm from your druggist. and national safety was gambled rjd Van Winkle were alive todavlApply a little in the nostrils and Minions en- tor with.l That was a risk which we j can never again afford to under take. t known more than fifty years. Ad. i IOST-VOLSTEAD TOAST - A long. Hie and a merry one. a quick, death and a happy one" used to be a favorite toast! back in pre-VoIstead - days. But i in these times only;. the latter half of the sentiment is appropriate. America would be in, the big 1 et, n8tnt reuei. ia-TiA tV. ri.m.. A i.franxi I dorse this remedy wBw m m. m. mwusmiv wav?aovaf . were In our midst he would be seated at the 4 world's council ta ble. If Charlemagne, were alive our national game would be pino chle. If not. why .not? "Doctor, why don't more people realize that?" f ( . "Because the great majority of them haven't been told" how' " simple and easy it is to correct tooth trouble if taken hold of '; at the start. People simply do not know what misery and ' bother they can avoid by going' regularly to a good dst;jt " at least every six months. Here, let me show yott, paitt!s ! -chart:'.'-' . -j.-.u.i c ; That black dot lettered A is a speck of decay, the very start. It's smaller than a pin head. If that person visits his dentist regularly, the dentist wEH detect this speck cf decay, remove it and fill the tiny cavity in a few minutes, thus saving the tooth from further damage. "Otherwise, that speck of decay will spread until cither it .-: has mined the tooth or makes necessary a large filling, an inlay or crown." .' - -. Dentisu practicing under the E. R. Parker System have made, good dentistry possible" for everyone at reasonable prices, because of the experiences and economies resulting from a large and busy practice. And they have taken the fear out of dentistry by doing it painlessly. Yon are cordially invited to call at any Parker System oEce and look into Parker method. A free examination of your ' teeth is included in this invitation. 1 5 v ' -."i . .' ; " " Licensed Dentists using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM (PAINLESS PARKER DENTIST) ' fn: 8rnth aai WUlsaatu St. - - - " - " FortUaSr 880 V Wtnt fit 8lam: StaU snd Idbsny fits. . 8TUTTT fO&Tl HtTMOB PTAT WORK CopyrighW 1623, Associated Edit ors The Biggest Little Paper la the World Edited by John H. Millar EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Automobile Taxes For Boys and Girls FIRST STEPS IN ACTING How to Rehearse a Flay (M. Frank Craven, who plays the feadns part in the successful ,.comedy "The First Year," give's some valuable hints In this article on bow to - rehearse an amateur .performance successfully.) r:jJf you are putting on a play, the best way to select the actors, or what is! termed the "cast" for a play. Is by popular vote, the . way your father votes lor a new president. ( 1 ' 1 . . Have-the boys and girls -who 'are to be the actors and actresses .read the leading parts aloud in ". .S i ! A front of the, others. Some will, of , course, be better fitted for the im portant parts because of size and general appearance. After' every .one has had his turn in reading, the vote Is taken, which gives the leading parts to the ones decided bs general popular choice as most suited The other parts are then ead and ' assigned in the Same way." . " , :3,Yqu are now ready for rehear sals. Find out now, as nearly as you can, the time in the afternoon tr. early evening, when your friends can all meet. This will be rehearsal time. . Ten rehearsals spread! over three or four weeks Will, as a rule, be enough to make your play perfect. , - - Kead Parts Aload' t At the first rehearsal each reads his part, giving also his idea of the way it should be acted. At th)n first rehearsal every one should watch closely how the words are pronounced, tor if you begin correctly you will, end that way. ' Do not fall Into the sing song habit, and be sure to speak each word clearly. The second rehearsal Is much like the first except that every one must promise. to have 'his part "letter-perfect for the third. That is,' he i must be able to re peat the lines without looking at the book.; Every one knowing his part. you are ndw ; ready to begin act Ing. Whatever properties, such as chairs, trees, or boxes, yol use in the play, be sure they are in place for the rehearsals. As, for ex ample, if a "chair is supposed to be In one corner of the stage, be certain it Is in its same place at every rehearsal, so that the actor will not be at a loss when he comes to the part where he needs lhat particular ''property. 1 Learn your "cue-lines" care fully. These are the last word? spoken by the actor who speaks Just before you. These "cue lines' should be written down when you copy off your part, and should be learned along with your speeches. Then you will not have any doubt as to when it is your -lit turn to speak. If you get your cues quickly at your rehearsals, you won't have any trouble -when the play comes; off.- '. , - I THE SHORT STORY, JR. DUNCAN TRIES SIUUESTIOXS skating," grumbled Bill. "Yes, and we'll get back in our class -work and never be able to make it up," sighed Jennie.. "And I'll not be able to finish the season in basketball," 'put In Duncan. ; - ; "And I'll have tof leave Fluff," wailed "little Bess, hug ging her kitten. . . ; Their, father had - told - them that morning that (they were all going south for a month, and the yOung Brewsters were having a meeting about it. "Say, I have an Idea.'V: said Duncan, i "You remember that story about how some students made a profe-or think ho was sick 'Just i Iwauo they All told h ia Low bad hv Hooked.' lUh tiy II on Dad, a.n-1 get him out ol the noilon of travei'.ir. It's ca.'. 3d the powr of suggeion. Our teacher was teHing us about it in school the other day, and It works, too." "Weli.Mt won't hurt to try," urged Bill, who thought anything his older brother auggested was just about risht. . .. . . .. That evening when their' fath er came home the children all looked serious.- Each one. had been Instructed Just what to do and say by1 Duncan. "Say, Dad yon don't look well Duncan. cx claimed In concern." "What's the matter?" "Nonsense, never felt better. in my life," retorted his father. . 1 "But do you think you are well enough to go on such a long trip?" asked Bill. "Yes, yes," his father exclaimed Impatiently. 'I'm all right, but I am awfully tired. I guess we'd better start sooner. Can you kids be .ready day, after tomorrow? I never knew I was so tired and run down until you noticed it: I guess it's about time I called a halt." ' .'!:: J' " . Duncan and Bill sighed. ."Shall we tell him.-It's a joke?? they whispered to Jennie. "No, wo shan't." replied Jennie. "He does need a vacation, and we've just boon too elfish to see it." Aloud she said "We can be ready Ho go tomorrow, if you want us to." 5 . '. "Could you really?" asked her father. "Well, that's a good sug gestion." ' ' . ! I PICTURE PUZZLE I WHAT2 BOOKS h UXJ5A KALC0TT ARE HERE PICTURED ? "We'll miss all the bobsled rides and. all the good - coasting and . Just then Jennie came - in. "Why, Daddyhow pale you are!! she: cried. "Aren't you feeling well?" . . , . i . - Her father' looked at his ruddy face in the glass. "I gues you're right. ,1 am pale.' 'But I'll be all right when 1 get to' Florida." , Auvcr in yesterdajr : 1.- MMtrttI, 2 WiaaipFg, Z. KdmuatuB, 4. Victoria. Editor Statesman: In one of the last Capital Jour-' nals I notice where Governor Pierce made (he remark: 'l should rather see . the legislature double the license fee onautomo biles," he declared, "than to put a property tax upon them." The governor said he would not be surprised if the license fee on light cars is placed ot $30 In stead of the present $15, and fees on the heavier1 cars ralsejd pro portionately. I J I am living In road district Na. o3. near Victor Point. t It. Is a fine farming . country, about 1 5 miles east of Salem, For the last 10 years we have been voting a special road tax in order to get out of the mud. Last year It was 9.2 mills. At the last road meet ing the .question came up, how many mills are we going to Vote? I. made the . motion, 10 mills. Some ot the farmers who have the road graveled to their front gates said It was 'abput time to cut the taxes down. Finally we persuad ed them that it was nothing but fair and just to help us who are in the mud yet. The vote was 27 in favor ot a 10 mill tax and only two against. ' ; : If the present legislature at Sa lem would have the same spirit as those ' farmers of Victor Point had they surely would accomplish something to relieve the burdens of the farmers. . ' ; ; Governor .Pierce said he favor ed doubling the tax on automo bile's rather than to put a prop erty tax on them.' .During the last campaign I heard Governor Pierce make J the remark that lie has made mistakes like : the rest ot lis. Now. if Mr. Pierce ever made a mistake it was surely when he, was talking about doubling the taxes on an old Maxwell like mine. ; This Is the sixth year that my car is in use. . It I would try to sell the old Maxwell. $100 i all I could get. I jurt paid a $22 license. In 1903 the taxes on ray stock , ranch was $24.76. Just $2.76 more than the-tax on the old $100 Maxwell. Today the New Spring Coats and Suits Daily Arriving You'll Find These Fashions Quite Right and Pleasing Hew All Wool Sweaters For Girls Sizes 32 and 3 398 Wmn 98 Sizes I . 3Sto41t'r There's no end of comfort for you in one of these lovely ' all wool Tuxedo Sweaters." These sweaters fill a want in every girl's or woman's wardrobe fort spring . days. Colors are; brown 1 ; and tan and copen and tan. Women's Hew Taffeta Dresses Dark and Light Colors $19.75 and $24.75 Really good looking dresses, suitable for street, afternoon, din ner and evening wear. Some Can ton Crepes among them. The sea son's most favored styles in thi3 : collection. The prevailing low prices make them remarkable values. ' Salem Store .466..State St. Portland Silk Shop 383 Alder St. .. t 1 1 m