The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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(Continued "from rage- 2.)
lag asa of the coupons' given with
the ticttlsl Miss dinger is . a
gr inate of "the Tannd "school here
at- taa often: appeared on pro-gr&x-i
asOn concert work In Sa
lerC her home town.
1 : -v4? "v
I ! Xil 3 nima.Weller presented 20
pt; 113 is recital at her ; studio
Tne-IT. ' Juai6rX piano", pupils"
WdlI tl a first" clas;,: Jn Dunning
jtttit 2 Were "among 'those pre
sent?;'' The' worltVc3 "well done,
oi.3 'it the! pupHs ! having only
taken three" -m en tusv work : ':
I ills Treller wiH present' other
Wlils recitaCtehr.iWPn . !
i Tbft' : - lis;: taking - part were:
Werr'r rr own," Marie Statesman,
jota 1 -rker," Karllne Rice. Mar
ker Mcr.aynolds, DOrothy' Quack
enhiflt, cradys Robertson, Ruth
Mn Florence" HInkle, Kather-
. . Gc ul-T. Mabel Cuppery Arthur
Honenfcerg, TSlalne Brown',7, Ger
trude r:rattba; JeanTWllson. Elis
abeth 'Lewis, Gwendolyn Jarmah,
Dorothy LiTesley', .James: Falr
chlli. Jvai Kafoury and Helen
ICatoury. .
,4 r . - , ,!
Twee..7-our. members' ot" the
Cal'ein Ul'r'a School" chorus un
der the direction off their' leader,
Lena i:"a" Tartar, broadcasted
a program Tuesday evening from
the Salesi' Electric" company ra
dio 'station'. This group oILaiag
rrs ha3 the ' hc'a or of being 'the
first 'hiih Bcidor chorus la t)re
BonL' to part!-?aie in.." singing' for ;
the rado'.rarticular ; mention
has beei taa'Se In -reports from
outllsff Stations .of - the .solo
work' fcy Kuta Tucker; soprano,
and Lol" 3 Flndley, planotst.
. r "j . . ? program:- .
rol'.aw t 5 Wilson
Y.Tten l5 L :..J nays. , . .,(nson
Cliorus . ' - - v '
from "Pinafore"..
Ear i clla from 'Tales of Hoff
man . ... ...... .Offenbach
. - Chorus..' 'i AS'
To .' Y.'ll 1", Rose . . . .MacDowell
!,. . : '...Lwilz 3 Flnky'V --v-':- ;
Vilhr cr Laughter. . .Sanderson
V Rath Tucker '
Ejirlngtlre" (Blue Danube)..
.......... ' .v Strauss
-"- Choiur - - ;
Babe . ... . .i. .Geibel
Hec :anal ... V ... . D Koven"
Chorus ".:r:'r.
I .Goodeve
CciT.' lS'wiera;:' the ' Lilies " Blooia,- f.
1 , .......... . . . Thompson
""lu-I;?-? 'Fiadley played the ae
:or.-.panlaents JJor the chorus..-.
t , : ' --'"'
I.D.'.LLAC' Or., re' . r (Spe
to'; The ;' States iaaa;) -?.Irs'.
.1...' 3 Laws' cf r.lclreall tzi pu
1 Elt' for divorce , in tha Polk
- inty circuit court against her
ban3, Frank Law?. Ias the
;.i:!afeii. tLe' :' plilitllf"
i -.1 and Inhuman treatment -ra'ad
11. -s tSat oer husband itre
ue&tly'beat and. cho'tel ter and
.. : namher " of,'- tlic ; ertualiy
lt Is :f evident that Stanley
.!. !In. chancellor. 'of , the En-
VU excecquer, to Jed,: a by his
. 1:t. i of the ; settlement , of. the
-t, qtlestion, ate somethlng.that
:i bot Cfree with, him when In
dlpicrican X7oman?7ins Honors j
From Fame usTaris University
Tter?a Bonpey U ta winner; cf a double, distinction
; Llta.Lcr.LL. D. at tLo tizoi Parl3 unlTeialty. 'Sh
. r , .
Humanity; Wot-lf
Curiosity, Rensoir
:- Jury tiuiy Sought
"The women of Oregon want
the : woman's jury: law. v for ("h'o
manttarlanreasbns and1) not ' be
cause' they 'want to serve on jur
ies as a curiosltyi' saldt Mra:
C B. Simmons, repfeaentative
from Mnitnomah 7 county- In ad
dressing1 the AAUW yesterday, i
: ."I asked a man la the legis
lature today how he ' would-11 he
to havehis daughter 'brought; in
as; an ' innocent party Into 'a ".court
among' a large group of men
many of whom perhaps 'would ; be
glad ' ttf . have nor involve " herself
ln! such ' a' way as ; to - be Implicat
ed, He said" he r( had never
thought of V Itf that light: -Married
women many times sit back
ahd Say Oh but there are aach
disagreeable -cases; brought up
but is It many times worse for
them to endure it than a young
girl who Is dragged before the
COUrfT ' : ; t -
"Four counties' III OregoSi did
not draw on' the jury 'panel this
year and r when asked wiiy'-' wb
men's names' w'erfe not' . drawn
they said the court houses were
too dirty for women; I tDld
them if . they had a Xew women
perhaps they would-helpthem
clean house. , : L : :
r '.'Why don't the 'men; want the
woman's "JUTy billf Because the
lawyers as a rule do not - want
women. 'TheyJ can not' tell how4 a
woman will vote or what - will
appeal to her.
T v hava - been told - that the
women ' from the ,'eoun(y do not
Want to, serve because they, do
n6t-are to sit with women from
town-" dressed In j silk; ; I served
during; the ' m6ntb,Ao)t ' June? In
Portland' and on : the rsSrhe" Jury'
were- V two saleswomen c from a
large department -store and j we
got , along fine. I : enjoyed lit
more' than . anything' I ever did,
except being ; in the e legislature.
That the poor showing' made
by .some cbunties. 4uriug the ,last
-ear was in -many cases caused
by the' manipulation of5 the lists
of those In charge, was theV claim
of Mrs. Simmons.' -Those?;, who
did . not want to' - serve were'' In
tha lists put in while I those .who
desired ". to' jgerver "were u l.ef t ,." ont.
' Urs. Simmons" gave 'the figures'
for Multnomah and Marlon coon
tjea in " the matter of Jury ser
vice.; VnMe'-; iw'l men ' 5 j were
drawn in Mnltnomah-, connty only
413 served,- Women-drawn .num
bered; 1033and - of these ,306
served on Juries. . tJn . hfartem
ccunty J'qf the f4 $.4 women drawn
for tjiurV service.,21 servei while
68 were- .excused for Causet' i t
Mrs.- Simmons' spoke brieriy
on the needs for" a different law
governing- the. decent-of property.
She explained . for v those5 who
know and think there ; is! a way
butit Is "for those who do' not
think , that most1 laws are need
ed" according- to the speaker.
She briefly . outlined a . proposed
law which "would; while not be
ing a community property law.
give the widow more than mere
ly a dower right which In some
cases may be worse1 than value
less as In . the case of forest
land. . i . i
All women and girls are" in
vited to, the TWTCA rodms Sunday,
afternoon from f: 30 to 5; 30 for
a Vesper sociar hour in front of
the fine. This hour is filled with
Ifriglng, special musical numbers,
i 4
I 4
Vpr fr V 1v
b'" v-.. iriUi. -
- I I J . .III- . ! I I I . .1 II - - ' , . -
devotional exercises, and a friend
ly time, tfith refreshments.. ; .
i Mlsk'.Esihr 'rSaymi.. national;
secretary of tilrl Reserve, whose J
office Is' In -Sah-Frhhclsco, will
be" a TisitdFa'r Ihe' ( Safieifi alsocl-1
atlofn-Tuesday; and Wednesday of
net week: 1 1 Ttfesday . afternoon at
4 o'clocktMissDaymanilJimwt
the grade school Girl Reserves at
the ; Wa8hingtpn ; schooL. , The
glrU; frornithf othericlnbsiare in
vited to join with the Washington
girls. On Wednesday,-afternoon
Miss Dayman will talk to the high
achoor glHsatV the ; TrWCA r' on
PeTonal suiidards - of. Girls,"
and after -the-meeOnglthd conn,
cil, glrlswith ; the advisors' and
special gnests. irlU Jiold , a. dinner
for, her at The Spa. . The Girl Re
serves., comraUte will ineet at
230 Wednesday afternoon at the
YWCA. Miss' Dayman' has' been
in Salem before 1 and has met
many'' of the! gfrl and1, advisers,
arid ' It' is' hoped' that' those" Inter
ested In .the- Girl Reserve work
will have the opportunity to meet
her . while she Is visiting here." .
The eighth grade elnn'of Girl
Reserves- of t Washlngtri' sch6oi;
CherlWaniken corps, met ; for- a
pot-luck supper and initiation ser
vice at the YWCA : Tuesday eve
ning. Eighteen 'girls were pres
ent, r JTrsu Kenneth Jones, the
new adviser of the corns, and two
orthe girls were Initiated. At the
same time the ninth grade corps,
Sihalo; met for a' pot-luck sujjpef
and business meeting. Sixteen
glrla"attendedl" - ; '
.The Howehee corps of the Girl
Reserve met for' their,, regular
1000 Salem people who are expectin&to lfa&aui
tomobites this year to sd -the ;
: r -' Parte
vAi tTi
OurcombleteUne of cars will bethereiwiih new
models and surprises. You will
meeting January- 3 0 ;at the Grant
school.." i.Tne V"' following Ywere
chosen to take'part!ia the; one-act
play, jjlne Burglar,' which; Is to
be ! glveht?-sod"n: f Peggy;- fDorbihy'
Smith ; VarelIa,V Thelmh Hewitt X
M!abel,BavrryWygant: - Freida;
Jefan Brlckelle; iEdlttt; t VJrginia
Billings. ? ?jf ' kf ' J'-Ut mx
JM-A.' candy pale rwill be held at.thej
YWCA Saturday February -1 0,;thel
proceeds going, towards buying an
electric . plate for" the'Girl Reserves
Of Salem7to "use; when" the? hive
suppers at' the PWCA.' f All corps
will contribute1 toHb'e fund.l '
New Books it the .library :
, "Mysterious Japan,". by Julian
Street.;:;,;; ::. . -
4 "Short History of he World.f
ifgeneral':vieW;of history put into
popular form',' by- Hi Q.- "Wells.
The author suggests that-lhl vol
urae be read before his "Outline
pf Hlstdor ,J . 4
l 'Steel.'tha Diary of a Furnace
"Worker.f , a story, of personal ad
venture among men and1 machines
ai Bouton.' PerinV, . just before .the
greaf steel ' strike ' by : Charles
Riimford Walker. It' is, an ' In
tensely interesting story as . well
as a study of conditions as one
man "saw" them: " r-'!? ' ; - '
"The" Hound of Heaven, the
poem by Charles Thompson, with
essay on the author and onhis
work, by Francis LeBuffe.
. Bill Johnston's " Joy Book! , a
collection of funny stories, edited
by William T. Johnston.1
J "The Honour of the Clintons,".
one of the older; of Archibald
Marshall novels of the - Clinton
, "Doctor, Claudius," by F. Mar
ion. Crawford.' . ' . ,
. , ........ : . .
- ; - ---.. V - v , '
lan'tf- Jv
Febi3rd to lOthl
Pbttiand:it6mobile dhow
every one of the five
22)iivU'''Il.L -
Quality Cars
High Street at Trcub
$y Randall Parrisbv . ! ' ; s? t
i Sdrishlne Sketches' of a'liittle'
Town.' another cbnectlojf ?of psi-
pers -by.Stephen; LeacoJk. T- -
."Wanderer; in Wasteland'by
Zane. Oreyj:;-4fti?';: - t3r'.: ;
, "The Mercy? of Allah.-by H11-
iaryfBelloc.: ?.i4'.'-3?-'; 'veJirv
i "The iFair Harbor. ; the -f . new J
hoveU of Joseph Xlhcolhl , '
- t-: f -
' ,M ' K'
. ;Dear - FftendtHTne?;
lantl-Crlme league'.' Inclis charlr
-table, beheVoTent5, ind' is1 dedlcat
ed to the protection of women and
'children fby. 1 th'e prevention of
crime. and pays rewards for the
conviction ', bootleggers and
other" crlmlnalsT To assist' the
league to carry; the work all over
the . P filted States,' ;I J am , asking
yon to help by sending" 11 or more
to thti' league atT Houston, Texas,
and'aik some' of onr .friends- to
do likewise.' Thev league .will ac
knowledge : your.A remittance by
sending ; your membership . card
and particulars of the league. ; .
! . Your Friend, ,
p This' letter; la: "being Oread and
sigiied by, ; laV - abodlng people.
who represent ' : practically every j
church; fraternal ?, orders,-. socie-?l
ties,- clubs and nationalities in
.the United States.' tt is an invita
tion to you to, help, by contribu
ting to the' cause. Send in your
money, mkil retter, arid have loi
-cal papers copy; and reprint this
item. Adr.' " , - -
". :i
.. - , -
rbe proudyoii
- .TT?.ra)
- Ai
Rcpcrtfd by.XJnlsa jSUirscti
?'St Martinet College f tobhh
Lepplkt and-wife, -.lots. 79 : and
S 0, Ewalds Fruit . Farms; Mar
ion i ounty;t flQO :
NHyland to : Mary C. Hy
Iandj' part of lot? i 8,r bloikH37v
Gervals, Of5"-? $ I Or ff ' f
J. f C. DawBorr, to i D7. E.c Geise"r,
lot 2i block- 2Pter WjGeiser's
afldltioni tO'iSIlyerton; ,Of., $10.
C-i S. ,Weller f ada wif e to -B. 1
Steeves and - wife, lots .1 -and s2.
Chamberlains addition, to Salem,
F. ' E. Turner to C." P. - B6ise
and , wife, lot' 1. block' 3,, South
Vest ; addition to Salem, " 1 1 0; -
viamar xooze ana wo 10 uaas,
S. Huft and . wifq, 'lot '5, Graeg-
son addltlbn to." Salem, - $l&0ff.
T Jessie M. Gray et al.'to Ai F
Haullg and wife to lot ' 4, lbock
61, North- Salem,' $1.60 0. ,
John Schwab and wife to Carl
Schaffer and wVe, land 'in- claim
3-6-iWi-- $1200., : -, -::'.. :
r" ru i 1 1. ) r: . I i- - i - v
X I " m a--' - . ill I . j' I l - - - X - :. A m'
xj Confe in arid inspect lour line ot ' UsQdCqri7c::d
' ;. r
1920 Stadcbslicr
1920 Stu-cbdicr
1923 Diby OterhnrJ;5 passenger tourias'...:
191 8 J.DucLf Fbty '
I92ffDcil;Fccr; 5
1920- Docfci Fcur,
Ttcie crid $evcrd ether good bays in cse'd auicnc!;I!:s arc
wcrtlr of ycar ccsritTeratisa. . , r ; ' ; v
4 a
2 :
GIf-;0lCJp .anjl We: Will' BsvGbcl
4 v .
H. L; Stiff Furniture" Co,
. Opens New Store; Many
Change Hands
- SILVERTON.V; Or... Feb, 3.
(Special to?; "The-' Statesman.)
Several" changes have -. recently
been madev in Silver ton' business
houses and; property " wnich re
turning Silvertons who har? been
absent , from" .town '-lor" 'a i short
time would be apt ' to : notice.
Among - these perhaps the mcst
conspicuous Is " the removal of
the charred remains of the old
SUverton hotel1 whlch' was :burn
ed several';' months ago.' T.hi1
is now one fo the most centrally
located lots ; at SI1 vertott and it
is surmised, it ' will' not long re
main vacant. ' , '-
IL L. Stiff CO; have mbved
tbeir furniture into the' store
building which they recently
purchased " on Main . abd - Hfst
streets., . The ulldtng has'' ieen
completely remodelled.' It now
has plate glass fronts facing both
Main : , and ..First streets.- T h e
entrance has been .moved to the
dorner, , ; :;;.,V -- . -J , '
t IT' E.' Inman . has moved his
pluniblngbuslhe&fil from the" JBaEi-
mari Btos., bnildlng'on West Main
to thev Robenalt building. V Dast
man Bros; will ; nsev; the spice
vacated - f brt tha building of' mbre
aioioco iumaces. . , . a
The Eilvertor1 telephone" icnta-
pany Is- now-'settled In i its? netr
quarters on-West Main streetfand
the telephone system around; Sll-
yenon . nas again resumed: its
aormatpatKtwIth". the exemption
that we "now have a" rural andi
a city operatortand a bell .that
is -supposed to rTln'-'antomafjciif--
l Hi -S.Hendrickson hWleasVd
the Eastman warehoue bnlidlng
on-;Fik-; street r and will I tu& Hi
aa - an pi f Ice "and carpenter shop?
Mr. , HendrIcksonr is ,a bnildlnff
eon tractor. . . . v 'V -. . ;
I G.'.'I.: Earr'has" begTin. theeiFcc
tlon of his new building on Jer
ior h'j j farm r implements t Mr.
sey street', which5 Is "to' bV.' nse'd
Barr-' sometime - ago " pu'rchaseA'
the' Richardson Implement etdr
f A. .L. Larsorf who hasJ for
somef tlm"0: ,past been ' managing
the Breston , Electric .shoprv has
opened a Jewelry ;- repair' sh'on n
fbie Gem theatre building In . the
Store room recently - vacated-, by
L-P. Evenson. . -
, Some fellow yoid make' a lot of
jmoqety- by J contriving' a machine1
that wbuhl .jeHeva the: situation
rwhen a fellow e estcratkers liT
.Ded, s.-,.-t. r ".- .... -x-t f
value for your money- v
Special, 6 cyl, 5paiscnscr tsurbl:!:.:V;CC:C.C3
Ci Six, 7 pjjeager tcoriaj .....:....:.....51CC3.CD
5 pajjenger tonriasr
paiscsser. touring
5 . passenger tccrisj . .
to Demdiibtrate to
Mb. V
The followisg: Oregoo" co rri
have' flledraTticls of inci,
tlon: . - . - v.;.- " -
. Portland "Peppermint Oil coci-
pany, Portland; incorpor iters,
E. Beemtn, O. E.! Reynolds, I.
C. Powell S. B.; Hall, J. O. LK
rod; capitalization. $ 12.0 J o.
Perkins Motor company,, i L:i
Grande; incorporators, XJ. C. Per
kins, R. C. Frlsbie.' O. M. pt Tk i5?, ..
A. M: Grisble ; capitalization, ),
000. ;.
- Heryford- Building t-omrir :r,
Lak'eview; Incorporators, 7. 1.
HeTyford,- J. D. Hefytoid, Irf
Reynoldsf capitalization, $ 2 0,C 0 D.
v Guyer .&j Rloc-k-Inc. I.!ir
fields, Incorporators W I!. Gujur, .
E. M. Guyer, P,,il. Blocjc. O. c.
Block ; ' , capitalization,, . $ 1 o,f o ;
atttomobliesy-i';,, . 'i.v.;. ,t', j - .- -
Mulin6mabCDeveiopmfint com
pany, Portland; Incorporators. El
UY'J. Bragg, Ttlaraie E." Cole, Julia
Page Dolan;; "capitalization f50,- '
000; mining.' '
Max Schuli domiAIssloi- cc...
pany,' North Portland; Inccr, ora
tors, - Max" - Schultz;, M: V.;.t.:,
George ArthuT Brown; capltall '.
fation; : $ )0,00 0 ; , llreat ickv realty,
persorf il rrerty. - ' . " . ."
I -,r-
? ".a". IlJ:. uC 1.--. .
" .
Cof di-'
$' 8.5 O"1
14.31? I
17.85 i
-22. 00"
- 23.504
m 24.50
. 29160'
' 30x8 Vi 4
32x3 4 -
3Sx4" -.
"32X4i 3
-3 3x41'..;
34x4 Vm
.3nx4'. . -,
' SSxS'
$; C.7T,
e . "
ic... " .
- ip"
1 lr?!?.-
"21. Oil
31.25 ; 35x5
35.00 37x5
j . No-betted-tinj to:.r"r
chase .irea a3. tl;ey aro so
ing; higher. .. lli.Lber r.r..'.
Fabrics' ha Vo r.d J.-
I -ft ',
4 Cotrunerrfal & --Court f '
V SALOI' ... .c..:., .
....... y323C 3
i- Ai-airaa w recuTe tne ce;re3-and'tharrot:rtawo-
i t, ! : :i li
' .- i'. j
. it H