The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1923, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 .
. ,,4-
i . - k
.. -
Atoi Society Clzbs; Gczsrcl . ,
' end! Classified -
price : five ciarra
Ay TQ M O E I LESs," '
r.Jizzlzn Soviet Views
Attributed to Senator
"V7AS3IXGTON, Feb. 1. Ex-v
trcme and- constructire adrocatea .
7cC farm credits legislation dashed
Uod:r la the senate duringrdia-1
CUSS105 oi me lenroot-Anaerson.
lA'faria credits bill on which a final
vote will ' bo taken under agree-,
ment tomorrow. .
Russian soviet views were, at
tributed to Senator Brookhart.
new Republican member from
: Iowa, by Senator Ienroot, Repub
lican, Wisconsin, co-author of the
pending bill, and drew a sharp
response from the Iowan in a
vivid hour's tilt, i '
Several .
Hand and Rebuilt
At Bargain Prices
Jayd. ,E. Ramsderi
387 Court St.
Ninety Percent of Auto Sales
Determined by the Fair
Sex is Assertion
' "One would never think that
these little accessories could so
-enhance the cars appearance and
add to the comfort of motoring,"
exclaimed Miss- Alberta Vaughn,
fair motor devotee, "and they ar
so easyto apply too.' added sister
Adamae, as they- appUed the fin-
Little progress was' made on the
bill,' which, assured of passage
tomorrow, will complete the sen
i I
::::;f GLlSSEi;i AUTO r,lECHAT.TICS for Car Owners
, Oirrqj C7cry Tuesday zind Thursday evening frcm seven to.niss.
, Ub:!;r t!:2 Snilh-Hshss act, any person over sixteen years of age can
cUszcil r.!:d; the govermtnt pays . half of the tsition. Ladies may also attend
Tho ccbrs consists5 cf herebj to operate a car properly and the doing
A cc'jrse-Ix Electric Isrition, Starting and Lighting will be given on
Cczfay Vc2$day:iad Friday niffhts. . . , v
llzzlizlzs as1 well as ciders are in vited to attend this course.'
. Thl vcrk is midly practical an ct students may bring their own cars
rsdrcp-ir fca cndcrfc supsrvisisaof ths isstrccters. . v
Stato School of Automotive Engineering
" Under Supervision of the State Board , of Vocational Education " - "
Fcr father piicuhn Flicns COS cr wite Room 102 State Capitol.
ILJ. r.Ii!;ca . ( Instructors L U. Eyerly
173 S. Liberty St, Salem
lshing , touches ' to their' new car
with fittings purchased from' the
Western Auto Supply company,
i Women aretahe deciding' factor-
in nearly 90 per cent of auto
mobile sales and these fair motor-.
Ists, too, are bringing the equip
ment and entire fittings for the
automobile to a higher standard.
i Adds Beauty Car.
: , Seeking distinction in her au
tomobile finds Madame carefully
selecting accessories that ' add
beauty . to her car and .' really
change it from the so-called "me
dium or low priced car" to that
of the "custom, built" class: '
; Her natural penchant' for beau
ty and convenience has been? re
flected in the growing popularity
of certain fitments she may add
to her ear. The luxury and com
for of the' enclosed car Is heigh
texted by flower vases, for partlc
uUrly is a bouquet of flowers at
tractive to the feminine eye. In
terior mirrors greatly enhance the
cars appearance as well as being a
means of keeping- a vigilant watch
on machines coming ' up ' in the
rear and milady, naturally, in
clined to the various uses of the
mirror- readily takes to this ac
cessory .
, " . -' Comfort Is -Factor
Comfort: and utility must also
be incorporated in the various
fitments she may choose, for her
car. With gear shifting, becoming
mare and- more frequent through
greater congestion, of traffic,
there has been a -long, felt, want
for some device to aid in this op
eration.. The gear shift lever that
is inconvenient for the operator
to reach, places her. at a disad
vantage at a time - when ease and
simplicity, of control ia most vital.
. '. This, dif'ic.jJc- Tsas. , i,rcn :vpr
come,, however, ; and. fair motor
devotees may now shift gears in
ease thanks to a gear shift ex
tention that, fastens to .the .lever
and extends upward and toward
the driver, to the natural position
of her lowered hand, causing her
to i perform this, operation, with
perfect ease.! -;'
Safety and beauty -go -hand in
hand whe step plates- are con
sidered. Thisl popuiaf - addition
l '''' "
Wtfe tfiandlabfe improved Mbtor
Gardner fiT-trln( craslu -r
tt, a f tur fjaad la no
cw.!r mk of t atyUadt. -
motor mt mar prica. ' - -
The new ami finer Gardner for 1923 Is here worthy successor to the
car that placed the Gardner Motor Company amonjr the eight largest
exclusive manufacturers of four-cylinder automobile in 1922.
Designed to give unusual performance with relation to price, they 1923.
Gardner assures in service the economy found in Fours alone, combined
with the smoothness, and flexibility: of a greater number of cylinders.
' The secret is in the five-hearing crankshaft of. the improved Gardner
. motor a feature found in no: other four-cylinder engine- which has
made possible greater power and greater speed without a discoverable
vibration point. t .
The unusually generous equipment includes 32 X 4 cord tires; 18-inch
hard-rubber steering-, wheel ;; motometer with bar: radiator cap; drum
,type lamps; channeled, aluminum body moulding; genuine leather
upholstery..- ' ' .' '."" ' '
Thn Wanceraue ia the- reason for the full ce-y ear voritt en guarantee
that, accompanies every Gardner, sold . Let. us demonstrate the car; its
story is best told upon the road. , j ,"-".-
when fastened to - tho ! running
board of the car adds 'very t ma
terially to the appearance :of her
car., They have neat aluminum
frames and the rubber mats serve
as a foot scraper; "Kick 'plates,"
too,; beautify the car's appearance
and also keep the apron of the
car from being ? scratched upon
entering.1 , '
t. Sun Protector. VkIuabIo
Bcautitul in appearance and
design Is the ' new: monogram ed
locking; radiator cap- and woircn
motorists are quick to grasp the
ri:j6'''.o':'taiS accessor'.! It ij a
combination cap and lock in it
self and1 when equipped with a
motormeter topped off ; with a
graceful speed nymph or diving
girl, ;. greatly enhances the car's
appearance. ...
Possibly the most popular re
cent Innovation in equipment is
l the Pyralin' sun and rain visor
which protects .- the driver from
the glaring rays of the sun and
keeps the rain from obscuring her
V.i Among her: personal i driving
effects, driving gloves and gaunt
lets are rapidly gaining favor.
Driving; gloves offer protection to
the hands ' as . well as against the
la ot Own Building
: Other accessoriesthat she may
add to her car, adding to comfort
and I utility, are such Items as
bumpers, - spotlights, tire covers,
seat1 cushions, .silk curtains, etc.,
and. from the activities in' these
various departments at the West
ern ! Auto ; Supply company the
"dolling up" process 1 has by f no
means reached Us limit.
"'Truly, "day s by day, in every
way milady's so-called "low" or
"medium "prtced" car is rapidly be
coming a "custom built" of her
own" building..
: If you have no. especial use
for 36 It is now. possible to buy
1,000,600 marks, what would
one do; with the marks? That is
something -else again.
Car is Most Discussed on
Market; Leader in Low -Priced
ville and Oakland, thus , giving
Chevrolet the largest high-grade
closed car capacity In the world.
The most discussed automobile
on the market is Chevrolet which
in less than a year's time jump
ed ffom seventh to. second place
in current registrations and yet
promises still more ' sensational
developments in 1923.
This car has been on the mar
ket about seven years but not
until the, Fall of 1921 was It re
garded at all seriously as a con
tender for 'leadership in the low
priced field.
At that time a new line ot
models was brought out embody
ing important engineering Im
pi ovements, high-grade bodies - on
all closed models and prices
ranging from S 5 2 5 for the. Tour
ing car to $875 for the 5-pes-Btnger
Sedan (later reduced - to
, The Chevrolet motor had al
ways enjoyed an excellent repu
tation and the, added improve
ment caused - & rapid 'increase; - in
demand that rsulted in a short
age of supply that persisted all
during 1922 in r' spite of double
shifts and plant ' enlargements.-
The new models announced in
October , Included marked v Im
provement in design and - some
added equipment at no advance
in price.
About this time . it was an
nounced that new assembly
plants '-were being built ' at Buf
falo, "Cincinnatf and 4 Janesville,
Wis..- also new body 'plants ad
joining the automobile manu
facturing plants at' Buffalo. Cin
cinnati, Flint, st. Louis, janes-
Divorce Case Settled.,
in Dallas by Judge Belt
DALLAS, Or., Feb. 3. (Spe
cial to : The Statesman:) The
divorce- case of Hugh . Gutry
against his wife, Clara Gutry. has
been settled by Judge H. T. Belt
after a whole, day was consumed
in hearing both sides of the mat
ter. The casei was settled' conditionally-
providd Gutry pays his
wijJe the sum of $3000, hospital
fees and makes provisions for the
care of an - unborn child, of the
couple. The ' complaint , of the
plaintiff alleged cruel and in
human treatment during - ' their
married lijfe. The couple resided
on a farm in the vicinity of Sheridan.
A L L ,'i S
Stock. Concern Will be Or
ganized by Polk County -Farmers
DALLAS, Or.. Feb. 2. (Spe
cial to " The - tSatesman.)--That
Dallas ma v aeain have a cream
ery and in th near future, is the
nlan of the committee on manu
facturing of the Dallas commer
cial club composed ' of C. B.
Sundberg, . II. A. ; Joslin and - B.
H." Fritch. These gentlemen
have been In communication with
a ' creamery man of about 35
year's Experience, rdurfng the past
fewr davs and the question of
establishing- such a concern , In
this city has been thoroughly
gone) over. ' ' "
It was decided at a meeting
-j . . , ,., ' , - ' - '
' : ... . . .. if
--y " oeaasBioa Tnmepoetmtiom
.. i . ' ' .: . . 1 "... .: ' ' . !..:..,:.'"" ';" ,!
( ; !-,.'.,... i " .T.v r. .
Professional and Business Uses
: $377 -V.:r.''--: -v
This Coupe was designed especially to
meet the r.seds of those engaged in
professions! or commercial pursuits,
desiring higher grade, yet Economical
' Transportation with increased facil
ities for carrying luggage, sample cases,
instruments oxynerchandise of any kind.
Its slhgld seat is deep, wide and uphol
'stered for driving ccrnfort as well as for
refined appearance and long wear. .
Ample space and leg-room for two
passengers. Rear compartment will hold
a 36 inch steamer trunk and then be
half empty: Capacity about 14 cubic ft.
This car has artistic lines, and in finish,
body construction and appointments is
strictly first class. - . '
It is ideal for salesmen representing
high-grade concerns that appreciate
the value of transportation facilities
reflecting the character of the house.
of the committee that the time
Is now ripe for the - locating cZ
such." a plant in Dallas &3 thcr
laj a large amount- ol' creari
shipped daily from this city and
vicinity to outside concerns
which could be diverted to a lo
cal plant. ; It is estimated - tt-.t
there are 1000 milch cows In tta
vicinity,- bt Dallas and about 225
in and near r Falls City i from
which place the local plant would
also -draw ; trade. " The products
from these cows ar now shipped
to Salem, Monmouth: and Inde
pendence, "j
It is planned to- make th
creamery a stock concern, inter
esting: both ' the - local business
men and the farmers. The es
tablishment of a crenmerw would
fill a long feltwant in this city
as it could not. only make butter
but, alsot manufacture Ice and i;i
cream., These commodities urn
now all ' shipped into the' city
from outside points. t '
pr n
s 1 1 J f
ii I W 1
256 Skta Zl
m m 1
Why;ts2'the trcu-1
ble to send your bat-
toy questions in to ths
automobile editor endj
then wait, a wec!r fcri
your answer?
: Our automobile p33j
isn't printed. It's
f ''talked". 1 And iycu ,
gk' the arOTcr--thoj'
right answer just about
as soon as'you've fin-1
. ished aslring the cr;
ticn. . , . .
- And we're even bet
ter . at repairing bat
teries all kinds and
keeping them ia shzpo,
than at answering qutc-
tions. Bring your bet-
tery in and well provo
.it..--' .'-,. -
r m 1
238 High Stre;t
1'hone 203
Representing the
Other Models
Superior Roadster .9 642
Superior Touring. 603
Superior Sedan .-. ..... .$1065
' Superior Sedanette . . '. 1055
Salem delivery
Salem Automobile Co.
151 N HIGH
B, 6. EOFF
4 .'