THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 3, 1923 Wt kQoii statesman v - Issued 'Dally Except Monday by TUB STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY , . 21 & S. Commercial St., .Salem, Oregon (Portland Office, 627 Hoard of Trade Building. Phone Beacon 1193 It , MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tb Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. K. J. Hendricks ......... Stephen A. Stone ......... Ralph Glover Frank Ja koskl ... . ... . . . . . Manager ..Managing Editor Cashier .Manager Job Dept TELEPHONES: Business Office, 28 Circulation Department, 68S Job Department, 58 J . Society Editor, 108 Entered at the Postoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter THE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS If the Legislature is disposed to do anything towards ' providing more room or a better arrangement for the state industrial school for boys, it should appropriate money for ; the construction of a cottage, or for two cottages; Somewhere on the present farm for that institution And the law passed at the session of two years ago mak ing a large appropriation for 17 or .more new buildings ought to be repealed. i ' The construction of one new cottage should accoirimodate 40 to 50 of the smaller boy3. Two new cottages would ac ; commodate! 80 to 100 of the boys, leaving the larger, boys in . the present main building. r i Provision for one new cottage would make a very fair beginning towards the. "cottage system," about which a great deal ha been said. Provision for two new cottages t would carry this idea into as complete execution as economi , cal business judgment would dictate for: the present For there are only some 150 boys in all' at the institu tion, and it .will be some, time, perhaps, before there ars a ? great many more, i ; ( There has been a great deal of gush dispensed to the i "J unknowing in regard to the segregation of the "bad boys from the "good" boys at this institution; sob stuff; tearful 'propaganda. :f-y r.'-l i. - The average person, his or her feelings worked upon with this sob stuff, gets the idea that the boys at the state , industrial school are allowed to run at will over the 400 acre 1 farm; the "bad", boys allowed to contaminate the "good ' boys at will, id genus omme. There s nothing to this. The f- boys are kept in "families;" always have been. That is, the large boys are kept together; the intermediate boys kept to gether, and the smaller boys kept together and all of them at all times under the watchful eyes of faithful officers, day and night and Sundays and holidays. M . f If there is contamination now, it is on account of un ; faithful officers and there is little or no such- unfaithful- ness. L :. "i.""-'" 1 ' ' J i The "cottage system," however, is the ideal system for such an institution; arid it should have been betted provided . .-for from the beginning, with separate buildings; "cottages. Tod much money was put into the main buildings ; en . . ough for that institution 50 or 100 years from now with say 500 to 1000 boys. But the buildings are of stone and I concrete and brick, and they will last for 1000 years and . many more 1 and the only loss is to the taxpayers of the . nineties for they were paid for then. (That was before Oregon had issued any bonds.) . b state industrial school makes up a good average of the land is of the "red hills" type; volcanic ash; like that of the Liberty and Rosedale fruit districts. Such land is fine for both tree and bush fruits and strawoerries. u is good grain land; good garden land. Any reader of these lines can have a healthy scrap oft his hands by saying in the presence of any one of the thousands of prosperous fruit growers south of Salem that his land i3 poor and worthless. The industrial school land will produce a great many more tons annually of loganberries than the boys of the in stitution can pick; more strawberries; more gooseberries; more prunes and pears and apples and evergreen blackber ries; and more poultry and pigs and calves and cows than they can raise and attend and milk. Besides, this is an "industrial" school, and these boys olght to be learning trades. They should be learning to be tailors, shoemakers, printers, carpenters, and what not. And they might be taught to make rugs and toweling and other things from flax twine spun! at the penitentiary f; And be made helpful in self support of 4he institution, and self support and independence in after life. Another thing: When 3qme sob sister (male or female) tells you that the industrial school ought to1 be some where else, because the boys can look down on the penitentiary (six miles away), or because they are near the tuberculosis institution or the cottage farm of the asylum for the insane, give him or her the horse laugh. There is nothing in it. Not a living thing. There is no more contamination than there would be with an Eastern Oregon penitentiary; or than there is now with the Eastern Oregon insane asylum at Pendleton. farm. Most "America's duty ix NEAR, EAST. "How 1 ho United States I'ouiU End J an international Problem That Has Convnlwed Europe for CenturleS and Could Benefit the- World by Assuming a Man date for the Troubled Lands That Border on the IloKphorus. Egypt, but a, Jim the presidency. Cox boom for Thev have found about every- I porarily Invoked, bring better re thing while excavating at Luxor, I suits in constructive legislation. than may be expected from . the present session, judging from re sults and the outlook so far. But the ghosts of the old bosses can not be called back. The "good old days' of their dominance are gone forever. , i Looks like there can never be a reform of the abuses of the' leg islature In employing more oftl cers and clerks than are needed; but only a lot of talk about It, re peated session after session. : NEBRASKA SPEED If the representatives of the people in the legislature will not give Governor Pierce the tools he needs to work with, they cannot reasonably blame him for scant performance of his campaign pledges. He must act within his limitations. If a vote of the peo ple of Oregon could be had in this matter, it would be over whelmingly in favor of giving Governor Pierce all he asks for, and, then holding him responsible for results. The Nebraska legislature Is considering a bill which forbids the use of any motor car that has a capacity1 for running faster than 30 miles an hour. Even the Fords would have to be cut down to fit the Nebraska specif ication. There is to be no hurrying in Ne braska. Possibly that is why Bryan left the state. Maybe he can run faster in Florida. NOTHING TO BRAQ. ABOUT A Salem friend says he agrees with the writer in The Statesman of yesterday morning who assert ed that "Oregon never had a more able or a more earnest body of men (and women) in her legisla ture than she has in the present session, taken as a whole."- But this friend declares that this may be a fault;, that better results might be accomplished If there were a greater proportion of fol lowers and not i so many leaders. The fact Is, this friend adds fur therein this respect perhaps the old boss system, with all its faults, might,, if It ou!d be tenw Senator Borah says that human life is now safe In soviet Russia We are not sure, but what of it? The average white man would rather be dodging pitchforks in Hades than living "safe" in so viet Russia. . HEARTS COURAGEOUS TITE William Jennings Bryan want to know how courageous we are in the use of the ballot;-He shonid be the last to ask the question. There were quite a bunch of hardy souls who voted three times lor Bryan for president. . . . ' m fill ' J f A... IamA V Q Vr9 M SVT1- 9A Tfl I no UIHI I1T Kl I I f?1 III- laiiu U L bXil r - , j WM , SOHOOU 8TUTTT 8POKT4 - KUMOH PLAT WORK Copyright, 1023, Associated Edit on The Bigjeat "Little Paper in the World Edited by John H. Millar For Boys and Girls " - . " ... ... - s -5 He he glanced round said, as about, '" "I'nk goixtft'totake care. " Of my shadow beware-i-111, get ;to stayrnp; there's doubt." i . - v - : i not BASKETBALL LESSONS No. 10. : Tricks of , the Game (This is the tenth of twelve lea. rons in basketball by William C. Grave of the University of Penn sylvania, intercollegiate high scorer for 1821. Mr. Grave was captain of his team in 1921, and was named as all-Collegiate cen ) ter in 1919, 1920, and 1921. fie holds the' record! of having played 9 0 . basketball games and losing only five.) . i J - " , Trick i No. U If you have ad vanced the ball until you are within 20 feet of the basket and find an opponent between you and the goal, make a ielnt as though to shoot, i The opponent will rush In to prevent the shot and you can: then dribble around him. as shown in the illustration, tor a shot from; under the bas ket..:' y : : . r-'- Trick No. II: It you arte tired and find yon cannot keep up with your man, stand just the other side of center toward your goal and wait for him.; Then when he tries to cut by you, step in his way and make him, bump Into you.. It ; will prevent him ffom cutting, and he will be forced to go back to try again. After do ing this three or four times' syon will hate rested and will be able to run with him. , Trick No. in: It you are Jump-J lng against a man much taller than you , and you wish ; to r pre vent, him from tapping the ball, jump slightly against him so that you interfere with his Jumping. .Don't crash into him,' or. the ref eree will call a foul. If you find this does not work. Jump with him, but' instead of trying to tap the ball hit his arm; Trick No. IV: Suppose you have made an nnsuccesswul cu for the basket and are on your way back to try again. You see before yon a teammate guarded by an op ponent who Is standing between him and; the goal. Signal your fellow player, and as he cuts for the basket you step in the way of his opponent, thereby preventing him from; following your team mate, who reaches the goal alone. Trick No. V: "Picking off can be used as an Out-of-bounds play from-, under , y6ur. , basket. Place a forward to one side of the court. .His man will go and rtand beside him so that he can watch both his man and the ball. Then have a guard . run np and yell for the ball. As he yells he steps in f the path of the man guarding the forward and the forward cuts around for the ba; ket with no one to guard him. The forward should never cut un til the guard has started the play. Practice this a few times and 7orx will find it will score many points. Some referees know this play and .may call a foul. -.If they do, stop ! working it. (Next week: "Tap to Guard. ITHE SHORT. STORY, JR.1 GEORG1E J, GROUNDHOG'S SHADOW When Georgle. - came- out,! the groundhogt "The .seconds gjof February ' sighed . Georgle ' Groundhog, his eyes and mouth both popping wide open in a big yawn. "Groundhog Day! Hip, Hip. Hurray! At last I can get up." v .Georgle crawled out of his hole and strutted down the street. He was j very careful to look only straight ahead of him, .for he did not want to see his shadow,. Georgle knew well, as all ground hogs do, that If he saw bis shad4 cv on. Groundhog Day he would have to go back to bed tor six more long weeks. - "I wonder who made up that silly rule, anyway.'l thought Georgle as he stalked along. "I don't like it." Heyf Georgle!"-' teome ; one called. It was little Herbert Groundhog, Georgie's ' cousin. "Better come on back to bed. See your shadow-. There'll be six more weeks of winter." Georgia never once looked back to see his cousin. If he had, he might have seen his shadow, too. "No, I won't," he fhouted. "I haven't seen my 'shadow yet." j Mybut it was a nice day! So bright and shining! To go back in his stuffy hole on such a day as this, he guessed not! He kept his eyes rigidly fixed, looking straight ahead.; He had walked miles before it dawned on ' him that he was getting very far away from home. But' what could he do? He couldn't tutn around and go back without seeing his sbafi-i ow, and he ! couldn't stand ull without getting, too cold,' He sat down to think for Just a minute. Now Georgle was a yery smart little groundhog, and all of a sud den he had the most wonderful Idea. He had l learned at, school that the world was round. in stead of flat. He decided that he would walk clear around it and get home that way, but he would have to hurry to get around be fore dark. He started out at a brisk run to make up for the time he had wasted. He was running alone Just as fast as he could. when suddenly he caught sight" of something dark on the ground in front of him. It was his shadow! But how did it ever get there? Sad to say, Georgle had missed school the day they had studied about the sun and how it travels across the sky. " " He nearly cried with disap pointment, but there : wasn't any thing for him to do now but to gp back to bed for six weeks. He turned his back on his shadow .and, started home. It was a long, long . way, and he was very tired and cold and hungry. Little flur ries of snow blinded him. The world became darker and darkeri Georgle was never so glad In his life as he was when he finally found his little hole and crawled into it for six weeks more of sleep. ' .'.- '.'' L , (Under the. above heading. In the World'h Work for February, Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard university, writes as follows: ) It has become obvious within the last three montns tnat me thinking part of the American people, Republicans or Democrats, professional men or business men. reiigious people or the unchurch ed, are inclined to abandon the attitude of isolation and with drawnness which they assumed in 1919j and to resume effective ac tion in restoring Europe and the Near East, and in building up an International community capable of preventing International war and of promoting cooperative ac tion in favor of free institutions. mutually advantageous ' trade, and staunch friendliness. It is also obvious that the Am erican government has .recently been looking for good means or opportunities to modify! its policy of declining to assume obligations or responsibilities concerning Eu ropean or Asiatic quarrels and strifes. The government seems to be wishing for a good chance to abandon Its policy of non-inter- vention and to give the American people' Its legitimate Influence in making the earth A better place for mankind to live on. ' ; The re-admission of the Turk to Europe In consequence of di vided interest and action" by Great Britain and France suggests strongly that the opportunity which the American people and the American government have been looking for has arrived, i The coming back of the Turk into Constantinople, the Dardan elles, and Thrace Is the . greatest calamity which has befallen civil ization since the armistice. It means the cancellation of a large part of the good done by the vic tory of the allies over Germany. It means the revival of the , centuries-old purpose of the Turk to rule in eastern Europe., It means the loss of ground won by the Balkan states against the Turks in a long series of- sanguinary wars.' It opens a long vista of future struggles between the bar-- barous and cruel Turks and the Christian peoples In the Near East which know by bitter experience the effects of Turkish misgovern- ment. It means the chronic ap prehension, 30 sickening to the democracies and constitutional monarchies, that Germany, " Rus sia and Turkey, feeling strong again, will make a secret ar rangement to settle old score; and new ones with the allied and as sociated powers at the first good opportunity. Whence another great war, even cruder and more destructive than the last. Into this tangle, so ull of dan- ger and dread,, the American gov ernment, administration and con gresa together, can now step with immediate effectiveness, and with considerable sums of rjoaey, but nothing like what; postponement of the pacification and fctabiliza tion pf Europe and the Near East will cost it from year to year, and nothing, like what another war, either in Europe or in the Near Eatt, will cost the United States. The American navy is going to be maintained in a high state of efficiency anyway; and it would be unnecessary to send from America any military land force, because the nearby nations which are eager to keep the Turks out of Europe would be glad, to supply all the. garrisons, patrols. and police' needed In disturbed areas. :- Abstentatlon from going to the help of Europe during the past four years has cost the United States something much more prec ious than money or goods, namely. a serious i impairment of self-respect, a relapse into selfishness after a glowing outburst of un selfishness, and of real for liberty and Justice among men. and a miserable J period of discontent with itself, mankind, and the world. . To recover Its natural dis position to take risks, make sacri fices, and buffer hardships in- the cause of political, Industrial and social. liberty for mankind, would be worth .to the American people many fold jthe cost, both material and spiritiial,. of the acceptance of this mandate. TrE-NEW HOME The newj Palmer; House In Chi cago will be 23 stories high, have 2000 rooms, and cost $12,000,000 to build.'. Looks as if Mrs. Palmer would need some help in the cook ing. j . - , PICTURE PUZZLE WHAT 10 03JECT5 BEGINNING WITH THE SAME. LETTER ARE PICTURED ABOVE-?"- SENATE IS SCENE OF HOT FIGHT (Continued from page 1) said, "thai the names of Moser or Smith appear upon all of the per diem committees from 1915 on, and now both of them have been appointed on this investigation committee and I am sandwiched in between them. The per diem committee1 of 1921 was Moser Up ton and Eberhard. and Eberhard didn't come back." j -He accased Moser with having boasted that if he couldn't, be president jof the senate he would control it anyway. : ?' r Doorkeeper Well Paid Referring to H. T. Bruce, 'door keeper at this session and also in 1921, Staples said that Bruce Uas surprised,' at the conclusion of last session when he was handed $100 for overtime that he did not ex pect, j J-'Y-: . "Moser's tentacles are spread all over jthe state," Staples charg ed, "because of these Jobs he con trols. kicked about it in 1921, but I belonged to the organization and thef squelched me. Men elect ed to office are supposed to rep resent their 'constituents honor ably, bat there are some damned rascals Who are .not doing it, and some of them won't come back. We hear of whisky being passed about and of one senator treating others. . We are here to make laws not break them." Moser seemed to take this as a personal fling at himself, and de clared h&'hadri't seen a drink of whisky since the session opened. "You used to bo In-" that class yourse-ir," he accused Staples. "I don't deny it," answered Staples. ;." -; Chargo is Denied - , "I have seen you so drunk yoor didn't know what you were do ing," Moser averred.' "That's . riot true." Staples. "You are on the water , wagon aren't you,' he. continued sarcas tically. . - ;- - .. ""I .-am," Moser answered .? I "Since the first of. the year?" Jibed Staples. 1 "I take a drink once in a while, but I am not doing It now," Moser returned. , ... "You are a lawbreaker." Sta pies charged. This ended the fracas between the two. - It is expected to be con tinued -Monday. , Upton Gives Version When the two senators - had subsided," President Upton gave his version of the affair involving Doorkeeper Bruce. , ' " "There was complaint against Bruce last, session he said, be cause he wasn't doing .his work. His assistant had to do it. I voted against Bruce this session f or that reason and it was because of hi? record last session that I thought an. assistant would be necessary this session I . know nothing abou t the overtime . he received. : Upton scored Staples for hav ing introduced a resolution pro viding for a Junket, trip to Seattle to meet members of the Washing ton legislature today at state ex pense. Aa one of the members of this committee he said he would rtftise to go and turn-in a big ex pense account.' -The;-, committee referred to is , to ;confer with a -committee from Olympia relative to the Columbia.: - river " fishing problem." v . ' ' - .' Staples, replied tp this by say ing that the resolution was writ ten by Senator . Smith .and handed to 'him to introduce, with the ex planation that he 'should intro duce it -as chairman of the fish ing industries committee. . . Woman Takes Hand . j JJrs. klnneyi senator from Clat-sop;-arose and said she had been told that these trips usually were booze parties, - but that, she pre suraed the; remark was facetious. "But if the trip brings no more good In results than thosV- of other sessions.' she said, "I think the committee may as well stay at jhome.', ; .j.'--'; f: 'Vfifif.--t Declaring "that '' the senate is " getting away from' the sweet gen tleness that Jesusita'ught because pf the personalities that are in dulged in," and that such a con dition is Utterly inconsistent with the prayers heard in the senate each morning, Senator Ellis early yesterday moved that the prayers be dispensed with , during;' the coming week. The Senator said he believed this would bring the senators to a realization that the not appreciated and its meaning not understood. Newspapers Accnsed Ellis accused the Capitol Jour nal of Salem and the Portland News with making untrue state ments about the senate, particu larly with reference to the investi gation Into charges that the legis lature Is overburdened with em-( ployes. , - Senator La Follelt wanted to know if ElUs was referring also to the newspapermen. "If he is," said La Follett, "I am against his motion. Let the truth be told." The motion died for want of t second. - - ' Ellis said he did not expect the motion to carry but made it as a protest against a condition thar has arisen. .- Staples Resolution Introduced This was followed by a resolu tion introduced by Senator Sta ples, chairman of the investiga tion committee calling for the dismissal of 10 senate employes. These were designated as on page, two clerks of the enrolled bills committee. One clerk of the engrossed bills committee, one. I clerk on revision of the calendar,, I one clerk of the taxation commit- I tee and three assistants of the bill clerk J The resolution also asked that LInn'Nesmith, assistant ser-geant-at-arms be dismissed anJ that J. M.. Poorman, assistant door keeper, take his place and that no assistant : door keeper W ForrJs to Be Scarce ' This Year is Report Fords are going to be harder to get than dollars this sprin?, according to the Valley Motor company figures. The governmerf can make dollars out of paper, tr silver, or anything, and most anj body can make money In - soir.B kind of industry; but there is a limit to the number of Fords thit can be made, and the orders a!, ready in the factory indicate the: many customers will have to wai . There-are enough orders on tla waiting list to practically bridg? over the peak of . production: there will be no "peak" thh year, but a steady run np to pos sible production. Manager Phllll; of the Valley Motor company an ticipates the same conditions fci most of the atandard cars enough demand to keep, their fac tories up to their utmost produc tion. Only,- . none of .then-otberi will make as many, as Henry. IXt LKVS AA JPKOM - .NEGLECT " ED COLDS Stop your coughs and colds te-s fore they become serious. If neg lected they lead to influenza, la grippe aathma and ; bronchitis. Three generations of. users haye testified to the' Quick2 relief civ en by Foley's Honey and Tar trch coughs," "elds, wcrqup, ' throat, chest and bronchial trouble. Larf est selling ;ceugh medicine in tt t worldl . Mrs.S.L. Hunt, Clnck;. nati, Ohio, writes? Foley's Honc and Tr cured me of a hacklr; cough wheexln and pains In chest." Refuse substitutes. SC morning religious observance is 1 every where. AdT. Aiuver to yetUjr' : Bareuvlew cordial welcome trom all the par. ties concerned, except those Ger mans of unknown number- who are hot for revenge, the-anarchis tic Russians, and the leading class in Turkey. Reversing her earlier action concerning Armenia, let America now say, "I will accept a mandate for Armenia, Constan tinople, the Black Sea, the Bos phorus, the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmora, and their shores. Aa mandatory I will give my financial resources, and my industrial ca pacity forthwith, and a large part of my fleet within four weeks." Great Britain would welcome America to this mandate, because it would relieve her from anxiety with regard to her own relation to the numerous 1 Mohammedan populations witttin the new Brit ish commonwealth, extend com mon action, by the English' speak peoples, and renew the cooper ation between Great Britain and France which is indispensable to the security and peace of western Europe. France would be. glad to be quit of the unnatural support which the has given, to the Turks against the Armenians, ' Syrians, and Greeks; for she has now be come convinced that she can ex ercise control over no portion of Asia Minor or Syria without large expenditures .for the maintenance in those countries of a1 consider able French army, and she can not afford those expenditures. The Turks themselves are likely to yield to American Influence as noon ; as they are convinced that force can and will be used in sup port of that. Influence. They will modify their present (December 17, 1922) belligerent attitude at Constantinople and Lausanne, and return to the safer and more wholesome state of mind which characterized them In 1919: " The 'assumption of .this man date 1 will cost the United States : JwjwnC- sutfHPWAirrta. Want Ado VJorlt VJhiBe 'You Steep Want Ads are tireless servants.' They are always on the job " ' . .- for you Yon can sell your used car, old books, pictures, furniture, etc, with their help - ? You can get roomers to add to your monthly income -j Want Ads will help you land a good job or get competent help for you Just telephone 23 and a pleasant-voiced ad-taker will help you Wbt (Oregon Statesman is the paper of interested readers