The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    oat ri nopnnM
Associated Charities Would
Help Deserving But Want
Carefut Spending
"If they'd only : learn how . to
spend tnd how to save money,"
a the substance of Harry. Levy's
estimate of the Associated Chari
ities proieges. ' ' '
' ' There ' are some cases pi genu
L ;lne hard luck that can't : he t-
seen, mac couian t oer aToiuea u.
. f it were foreseen. Sickness, death;
flood, tire, may come to adj one.
and pot a family .. tempbrarllyi
down and, on , so that the AsaocU'
ated . Charities must :: step In J iand
help. Some ' of 1 these ; eases are
pitiful enough," and they warrant
" everything that' the association
l' .can do. . T : ' xj ' f ; '
Victims of Selves
'' But tnere - are a good many
cases where 'their worst hard luck
4 Is the : victims ' themselves, who
. have not learned to budget' their
time and expenses, wages are
-: good enough during the-working
season,: to fairly ;well carry the
Average. family through the whole
year where there is .no exception-'
v ' ol itluktrrr Tn drt 'thiiB-however.
the money has to be carefully rMnoceros hide onl& stand some
" spent. A fair, allowance for fuel,
clothing, feodj and the other ne
cessary items . Of llYiiff could be
made out of most family incomes
wnere tnere, are iwo, or inree oi
age sufficient to work in the berry
fields, the canneries or other
summer jobs. ' ;
" "But they., haven't ever learned
how to make a dollar do Its de
cent duty' is A Mr. , Levy's com
ment.. After, a hungry . winter,
when here is little work and it's
pretty, poor i picking to keep . a
family together, ' the tendency to
plunge ' with the first Wages is
almost irresistable. Silk sox, jazz,
a hundred of the Innocent luxur
ies that appeal so' strongly to the
"kids" up to 80 f years of age.
flaunt "their, ..attractions in-; the
face of the poor little wage-earners,
and theyUfall. They have
earned the money; : it's honest,
and a legitimate' ambition to en
Joy some of the things they can
pay -for at tn moment, f
: Winter Brings AVolf
When winter : comes! and the
jobs are gone they'd, gladly work,
but there's noihing to do. It's
the Associated; Charities, or sick
ness and gea&frievpoverty and dis
tress. The tAisooiated Charities,
being decentJyrh,oman, and repre
seating people; "lrwho" themselveaj
enjoy, the 'good' things pt life, do
not always consider , It a crime
for a family of happy-go-luckies
to be spendthrifts and butterfly
like forgettersi they help tome of
these out-oflucks even after
knowing that some of the distress
might have been -avoided. !
There ' are very few on the
Charities '.books who are loafers
or professional paupers, and they
get short shrift.' The managers
aim to know definitely about the
habits of these fakers, and only a
of the, grilling that this class get
when they come i in for . help.
That's about r all they do get,- too
a grilling.t I ? 1 -
Tourists Kept Moving
The Associated . Charities has
,x --si . .t a -'
? i I
if' :-
1r fc--w
jf- x
A view or one of the near riots in iroht of the Kaiserhoff Hotel, Essenr? the headquarters of
the French military authorities.' shortly after the French troops occupied the city. A' Gerntan
.mounted policeman is shown dispersing the crowd. Civilians hooted the French officers, 1
aimed to make this strictly a lo
cal affair, i to look after the de
serving i unfortunate , of Salem.
Hut it happens sometimes that a
tourist who seems deserving may
be helped, provided-he keeps on
going. Single me,la .are some
times furnished to -these travel
ers, and they are directed to the
city hall, where the city has main
tained a sleeping, : room for its
guests. . It has been found that
a little humanity on the part of
the organized charities and of the
city has worked wonders in keep
ing down the class of crimes that
hungry men so often commit in
order to get free board. Salem is
believed to have been more free
from petty crimes, plate glass
window breaking and the general
run; of
such things that men do
Ma.tinee Only'
'Agries Ayrcs in;
UA Daushter "of
- i 'and ' ' : .
norma! talmadge
Together Again
( f "SkL Together Again v b
STARTS- K-K , el- - JfeF r
; ?f 111 lv ,;
"More radiant than ever in her beauty, rising to still higher i emotional heights, gowned
, more gorgeously than in any previous : production, Norma Talmadge is about to appear
in what, in bur opinion, 13! the most entertaing picture of her caeer'ITie Voice From
the Minaret," which also serves! to bring back Eugene O'Brien as her leading man"
i 7P.RL
in wahtonneps or reyenge, than
any. other ,like city In the; west.
It has cost' not one-tenth or one
hundredth part as much as the
costs of prosecutions and - board,
it has saved the Initial loss from
some of these crimes, and it has
carried the Oolden Rule Into
places where some wouldn't be
lieve it would go, or - work. It
has worked to the fabulous profit
of the city in its effect, on the
winter unemployment problem.
Care for Many Cases
The Associated Charities has
found no more demands for its
help this year than last year, and
it has been far easier to do the
work, because of the careful or
ganization. . If there is . anybody
in, Salem who is honestly in want.
the association is anxious to help
and it has already cared for
most of the possible cases.
conclusions "that, under the sec
tions of law quoted, the goveirndi'
has .anthortty ,to convene .an efficiency-board
to inquire into the
character, - capacity and general
fitness of an adjutant general.
and if the "findings' of such board
be unfavorable to ; such .'officer
and be approved by the. governor,
the adjutant general shall be dis
"You will observe ; that two
methods are provided i for - vacat
ing the commission of the adju
tant general:
"(a) Discharge upon recom
mendation of an efficiency board.
"(b) Dismissal pursuant to
sentence of a general court-martial."
Late Thursday, . before the- at
torney general's opinion had been
delivered, Hurlburt attempted to
force houeebill 29 out tof commit.
tee for a vote. . . .
: 'Why, .Mr. Hurlburt isn't even
the author -or tne onl." shouted
Chairman "Cowgill Of the mnitary
affairs "commlftee. "This bill Is
fathered by .personal venom and
Intrigue and our committee in
going to get to the bottom of it.
It was merely handed to Mr.
Hurlburt to bring In .here by
enemies of the service."
Hurlburt's motion wos . voted
down by a roar,.of "noes."
Improvements , Slated .
. for North Salem Plant
. i ... . i .
Some material Improvements
are to be made in the Producers'
Canning and Packing association
plant '.hear North. Salem this
year;'. some of the .Work Is .al
ready In progress.
A large' additional warehouse
for the storage of goods, is one
of the necessities. After the great
increase in the canning capacity
last year, the old . warehouse
room' was not nearly adequate.
The hew storage room : will be
convenient for access, and will be
of permanent construction.
Some changes1 in the arrange
ment of the machinery in the
plant,- is also in prospect, to in-,
crease the output and to dimin
ish the friction of . handling. The
ctnnery... was ..rebuilt .last year,
and proved vastly more effective
than it had been .before; but
some additions and changes -are
expected to 'add. materially ! to its
output . this year. ,
The company has - "plugged
a Ion gf quietly, handling Its own
business and making no public
demonstration,, but its figures
have-". been gratifying .enough to
its cooperative T owners "that they
are ready" to expand.
IV 1 ot bdjich rob th Torehel
i malt and inhale th vapors
Over 7 Million Jan Uci Yea: In
I A -QMlt ana lnnai vam wm.p
; vapoRu
dictions' by customs officials that
tariff duties collected in January
would exceed .146,800,000 have
been borne out by finaL computa
tion of collections for the month
made public today at .the,, treas
ury. ,
Collections for the month total
46,345,991, an Increase over
December of about J7,00O,.60O.
.'!',"- : . SIONEY . V''.:
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5e "and mail it j to , Foley & . Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your . name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's" Honej' and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup;. Fo,
ley, Kidney Pills for. pains in sides
and back; rheumatism, backache.
kidney- and bladder ailments ; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation bilKras
ness, headaches and sluggish bow
els.; Sold . everywhere.-rAdv.i
For Valentine's Day
Red Heart Bdxes
FUIed with the best .
Assortment Of
; High Grade Chocolates
75c to.32.50 ;
' -IJoxei packel T?Iy for
Accidental Shooting .
! J Bill Tastes Defeat
; " The house ' yesterday ; - voted
down Rerpresentatlve, lIxvejoy8
bill 'to i make accidental . t the
n-nnndtnir or killine if a hunter!
by another hunter, f. "
One of, the chleC objections to
the bUl was . that it . would repeal
by Implication, the section Ot the
code -which now , makes such , an
accidental --kllUnBroansladghter.
TIfe biU" wa3 ' modified ' on the
Maine law. 1 . '
' Senate wbiU 41,. by Smith, chang
ing k the 'method of registering for
elections, was also defeated.
Oregon ; Football Players . 1
Are Awarded "0". Sweaters
;;.' ' : . v--v
,ltUGENE k)r.,: Feb. 2. At a
'.'college night, celebration at the
University . of, Oregon j tonight 1 ?
of this, season's football players
were - awarded the official "O"
sweaters. Coach Shy iluntington
making- the; -presentation. r Those
hoiiored are:
'Captain Archie Shields, George
King. Prince Calffson, -Rud
nrown,: "Hunk" Latham. Harold
Cfrapman. ' Karl Von der Ahe,
tVard ' Johnson, "Floyd. 'Shields,
"Chnck" 'Parsons,. "Dutch" Gram,
Terry Johnson,1 Bill Spears Hor
ace Byler, Dick Reed, ' 'Cogs"
Campbell, and Hay ' McKeoWn.-
( Continued' from. page ,
out that the, present Jaw, making
the adjutant general, ; removable
oniy for cause Or inefficiency ,was
passed back Jn 1969 When Finser
was adjutant general and Oswald
West was governor and therefore
was not the work of . the present
National guard organization, as ,
had been charged. 'Chairman
Cowgill stated that the old law
affecting the tenure of the Guard
commander had been merely re
affirmed by the 1921 legislature
in a new code that had been Writ
ten to coordinate the state laws
with the national laws, under -the
new scheme of national defense
adopted by congress In 1920.
After several hours Of discus
sion at the hearing the ; Whole
committee j decided - to .pass '.the
matter along to the state's legal
department and thus end .any fur
ther question as to the meaning
of the laws concerned. ,
The Conclusions
After quoting and analyzing the
state and .federal -statutes con
cerned, Mr. Van TVinlTe, InThls
decision, holds that the present
law provides the governor with an
adpquate procedure, should he
desire to use it. After exhaust
ing the subject of the court martial-
the attorney ; iceneral discus-'
ses the legality of still another
method ot j procedure, the effici
ency board 'as "used pot-only in
the regular army, but In the Na
tional G uard, and which r Is ' fre-f
quently used in., cases of Ineffici
ency. In discussing this he In
vites attenUon to the little known
fact that where ' there Is any Con
flict between tho state and fede
ral military laws, the national de
tence act would" control. - . '
"It is clear," says the.; opinion,;
in summing Jp Mr. Van Winkle's
.- , T. '.'.-..'-4" r--'p '"'' .,. ' '-.;' -'.;''''- -
Ofii n tw q rr
Such values are indeed a revelation in 'modern -merchandisinsf.
Thousands Botigltt xmd
Bought Freely ; ;
The Reason Is
36 inch
9c Yd.
Many val
ues to
"$G.50 '
black and -j
brown, go
v $289
; 0 W
Values to $2,00
Gingham and Percale
r' - '
In very desirable styles. , All sizes and many iwtteras.
To be unloaded at ...y..
Extra Lkjri Size;45
Heavy . weave, made by
celebrated .famous mills. .
'.Regular 50d each, on sale
at ; -
i -
'' ' j , SSnaw "mi it hi in imt'' J
i-jJi Shoes.:
Values to
suw, go a
Pride of ihe West
The flaest-x valley, flour
packed. 40 pounds to the
! sack.. Special at
70x80 Colored Plaid
Regular values $4.50 per pr.
Unloading price at -.
32 Inch
- Regular 25c per yard. .
Many patterns go at per yd.
Men's 79c Grade
Work Shirts
Sale Price All Sizes
- 43c
. -The largest size tr
-Special at v j ? .
sv bar - ,
lO bars to st customer
' LI