,.,--:' -Tit ..; -t r - - " ' -. . ciacuLATioji --,. ( AiTf for January. 1823: j iiiay nly , .:.........S5rt ' Piilr and Sunday 5S70 IH TII3 CITY OF SALm and lawhr la Marion and folk OoaatUt Neatly Tsrybodj read a ' I '..I i ( i Amu tor ix luontha coding Pacctnbar' 31. 1922: Sumiar only . , , x btn Duly b1 Sunday ... 5472 The' Oregon Statesman THS 80 lug 'KETSTArc: CHVEOTY-SECOHD YDAI. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1923 -pr.iC2:nvr3.r:' v I I vl -T 1 - r tbi 1 11 - n n 1 TiMiMiBiiwTiwariiilaMai ' x. 1 h V . It FUODIOG PLiii! FORlBHIlil IS1L1PLETED President ! Harding to Get Draft Today Executive Approval is Desired v-bV Ccmmission. ' FIH ST fAYr.lEMT VILL' CALL FOR $23,000,000 Present Securities Are Sup erseded by British In-r y v rtcrnnl -Bonds -'t": WASHINOtON, Feb. 2, (By tia 1 Associated Press) -The plan for funding Great Britain's war time debt to the .United States was completed late today by final actlonlof the American debt fund I..Z commission In ; . Conference ' ;th Sir Auckland i Qddea.f the I rltisn . ambassador.: Annonnce nent was made - later, when de t:ra of the plan were made ..pub lic, that the firaft would be sent , to President Uardlng tomorrow with reeommendations . ,by the ccmznlttee; that It be iTen erec utlve approyal and transmitted to "in conformity with pretious an- r.2'incementa the ilan .contem ; . tta tlacl extlzsulshoent of the Czlt in 62 years with Interest rites fixed at tbree per cent for tte first ten yeara f rom , Decem ber l&i 1S22, and 3 1-2 per cent thereafter: together with a fixed schedule, of annual amortization payint r r'",Tfrati!,.5 an aver age of one half of one percent of ti.fi fr!;;c'; :" '- I - t- -3 ' :t are scheduled, to begia with a. pay ment of J23.000.000 this year but ta ErlUsh gQTernmeiit Js given the rUht to mafce the annual pay ee ats in three year periods in stead , of every 1 2 months; - The amount of the kenual payments will progressiyely increase until in the 62nd year the payment will be S175,000,00fr and the total of all the - payments will . aggregfa the total principal of the debt , Oreal Britain will begin retire neat of the debt with a casa pay meat of S4.128.0S5.74, ieavlng the principal of the debt at 4.- C 30,000,000, on which the - rate cf 3 per cent interest will apply rt troactiTe to' Decern! r .15 last. Interest payments will be due on June 15 and Decemt er 15 or(semli annually on the u. . aid balances hereafter. . . Internal tor ' The present . Lritlsh goterr United States ? substituted -urlties of. ,the t held by the ill be superseded I j British i-.mal bonds .which will be held i i the treasury. The rljht Is res : rveJ to Great Britain to retire y additional amounts of' the bor ter position permits, provided . lice of 90 days is gir ea the A .rican government. t : As a farther liberalizing provis- Joa ii i ' American ; government grazts toi Great Britain the rlgbt t; Cc' r payment of one half of t:e i rest payments during the I-'rst it w: t:r: CC". a years and to consolidate i (he principal, British in i bonds will ba issued to such deferred payments. y payments, of interest or :;.al may be made in United -1 government ; bonds of , Is- j since "April 6, 1917, or the rican war-time issues. This liional allows Great ' Britain enter the American -markets i purchase American govern :t bonds at the most opportune es, according to "an official , and will aid sot only in sua :-ing par of near par Quotations i the American, issues' of bonds d other ; treasury securities as ey may be issued, but will act as t 'stabilizer of exchange between reat ?; Britain - and the United . :ates.; ' 'C. fl.:. : '. . ; .The principal of the debt when a funding arrangement becomes . erative will be $4,604,128,085 (Continued on paa 2) THE WEATHER i OREGON: Saturday fair, ex-. ) cept increasing cloudiness ; near the coast. " LOCAL. WEATHER , 1 r (Friday) :xinum temperature, ,41. 'linusi temperature 80- fcr. 4.6, falling. - V : . In tall, none. , csphere, partly cloiiay. hd, north. : ASUS TiMT ) sir :. CAM I TTio reripral TiWir i tflViny a Viand !n f hi' vpnupst. nf the state school for the Jblind by the present legislature for construction of a fireproof xiosk hiitory at the institution. - - - f r The present frame building where the blind children are housed 'is'cortsldered. a dangerous fire liazard, and should a fire occur it is said the children would have difficulty in escaping front the building. . r Realizing this jrnany citizens have signed their nanies to petitiotts that will go before the ways and means committee asking that the appropriations be allowed. The -petitions have been placed in several Salem business houses and it. u said have been signed by several hundred persons. In 1921 an annronriatidh of $70,000 was asked for the purpose, but thestate' budget cbmmis3ionxut the amount in half prior!td the preseht session.' ES OPIillfll! CI J "JlTi'liREli.'. Attorney General Cites Law v' Pertaining to Adjutant Term of Office What was Openly termed by Representative' Cowgill of Med f ord, Thursday on "(be' floor , bf the legislature "a '; spite blir against the f adjutant ' general of the state, received a solar plexus from Attorney General Van Win kle in a seven-page formal opin ion handed down yesterday to the mllltsry affairs committee v pf ne house.", The".' contention of "the autl cr ot the1 bill that "the adjtf tar. t f ederal has a "life' tenure" and, is' liairtune asaiHstremoval for cause, was knocked Into f a legal cocked bat by 'ilr. Van Win kle's opinion,' whkh also -shows that the pr. .ent military laws are usual,, cfcrailete, and do not con ceal a:;y Jokers,"- as has been widely-enlarged. , "1 " The opinion was rendered at the .request of the military affairs committee following a : hearing last week on Representative Hurl-' buffs H. B. 29, which is aimed at the -i ad Ju tant f s general. r. Hurlburt 'had two fdrmer kdjii-; tant generals on hand to support him.-. -On of them, W. EL Finzer of Portland, was removed as adju tant general in 1915 k following public disclosure, of the tangled financial condition of the mili tary departments Including the tracing of public funds : to . Mr. Finzer private - accounts, , and which money he was compelled, to pay back tato the state treasury. The second, Conrad Stafxin of DaUas, held the place temporarily before the return -i of General White from the army in. France, where he went for active service under a leave of absencefrom the state. . ; At this hearing it ( was brought (Continued onpasa 3) aniw of pffilTS-EEO Clark's Bill Pertaining to School Census Reports, . Passed by Senate Senator Clark's bill providing that school census reports Include the nationality of Che children's parents and in the case of (hose of foreign birth whether or not they are naturalized, passed , the senate unanimously; yesterday. : f Senator Joseph's bill to 'elimin ate counting boards at elections was referred when it came up for third reading. Counting 'boards were established by tie legislature of 1921, enabling, the count of votes to proceed simultaneously with the voting. t . Senator Dennis nieaded for, a looser 'trial of the counting bqird kTStexh." He Bald. to ;pass the. bill xemiift be a step backward. t : Lloser sugsested that the bfll be amended so . the count would b?sin at 2 o'clock (n the afternoon Instead of 10 o'clock iff the morn ing. He also thought provWon should be made for guarding against fraud. Joseph moved that the bill -be rerff erred. " . . - Senator Kleppers bill to enable suits for foreclosure of delinquent tax certificate 3 to begin . any time, and nc-t only in January as- b. L pre seat," rassed -tie -ssat3. . .v 4: mm for an appropriation of $35,000 ' ' J ; r D. C. Minto Files Suit for $5000 Damages Against Salem Light Power Co. - '. Suit to recover .$5000 damages and to force the Salem '.Water, Light tc .-Power company . f 0., re move their equipment and cease their-operations on Mlnto's Island was filed by D. CM In to in Tthe circuit court yesterday :altern66n. According 'io "the 'complaint .a HceffSe as f ranted -15" the Salem Vater;'comp"any In 1897 to .erect certain ' structures below the sur face of the-island.t That company was later succeeded by the present company, which the. complaint al leges, obtained a Judgment from a jury to appropriate the island on. the ground that filtration of the water in that Vicinity ; was necessary tor the protection ofl their customers. -The Jury''- in structed the com piny to pay to the present plaintiff , the sum of 218,000, the adjudged -.worth of the land. , .The .company, It la claimed, refused to - pay the. sura but appropriated the land since that time have been'cutting "down the brush and trees and making excavations which are said to have stopped the gravel deposits which year f by' year - have been 'making the land more valuable. : . : .The plaintiff asks for $5000 damages and In addition demands that the "company Vemove ' t , its equipment and cease operations on the island. . - : V .v mvortCE ittcoRD high : WALLA WALLA. Jeb. 2 The percentage dt divorces In Walla Walla county is 26.8 according to a report . being prepared by County Clerk Walter ' Kimmeriy, for the "United States bureau of census. During the -year; 1922, 429 couples applied for marriage licensee. , . DiTorces totalled 1 1 in the same. period . ' PETITIO; FOB ., : : P.ll L.J l!ClED Want Cement for Three Sa .lem Blocks Total Close to Seventy Now Petitions are . being circulated for the paving pf three blocks on Kuril ' avenue ia South Calem, le- tween Winter ; ahd JEllgh streets; sdfl'o for paving Cburch street, one block, between Rural and Electric avenues. The . petltldns , will be presented to ithe city council at the meeting JJonday night.- : XV These are not all the peUtlons, hbweter; already petitions ire in asking foip the pating or more than ,70 blocks,! In Various parts of the city. This afternoon, tne streets and alleys committea plans todrlve but' over ' Ihe city. and make Tiote ot; all these places,! to be ready to tn&'aO a'report 6n the probable" necessity .of , thei. Ins proyements asked, for. As the city paves the ? street Intersections,, and sometimei also has o carry the cost of delinquent property besides, there 1? a limit to the amount of paving that ? the city can do.. It is understood that al ready applications are in to cover afl the mocty the city .can possi- tlr raise fcr.ttis year: and some tf tha ar;lIcaUcns are likely to TlTZ-'- f-7 fj. . sits m TO BE'iiCiiTED Ambitious Revenue Officer ; Who Changes Disrjuise Often Responsible for-All Big Catches. . WOMAN SELLS B00ZE H ' Ifi NURSING BOTTLES Craved Drink :F6uhd Secret ed in ;Wal!s, .Pianos and Chicken Coops , WASHINGTON, Teb. 2. -J. L. Asher, a revenue, agent from the Kentucky mountains who came to Washington three weeks ago and has put in his time since in guises ranging from W ash carr drive to a Kentucky colonel at a fashion able ball, . today directed : more than.' 60 capital- ret ehhe agents and police In liquor raids on ' 60 places, netting the arrest3 Of about ' 90 ; persons', including ; 1 2 women, and the 'cohflscation of more than -300 gallons of Intoxi cants. 75'- v:f'"' :'" " 'V'; Onoin Disappointed ' r . Evidence for the raids, which were begun In five police precincts at 11 o'clock this, morning rand were not completed until late in the nay the moit aiMticluslte cam paign conducted in the city since the advent of ; pr6hIbiii6n,'Vas ob tained ' almost. enlirelyUy "Asher? In: Ofiiy "one Instance were; the raiders disappointed by failure to find the goods described by. the Kentuckian. - .. V' ' "- -. '. 'Asher first drove into the un derworld In quest of the bootleg gers' rendezvous aboard an ice wagon as a helper. He th6n switched to an ash cart and quick ly caught the trail , of victims a he picked lup the "empUeaIn a"! curnera oi ine ciiy. 'men as. a coal wagon driver he got. Into the homes again, assisting , In "storing away the coal and modestly ac cepting pint .bottle rewards.?; Ha1 later, appeared as "a ' pjano tuner Winn Conffdeare - Before long Asher had won the: confidence of the principal boot leggers in various" Beckons and by aiding to store away the goods in his capacity as a wagon driver and helper, gained knowledge of' nnm erous and clever hiding places for the goods.1 With this evidence in hand the. raiders went quickly to the secVet caches, these included holes in the wall, baby i cribai pianos, phonographs - and thicken coops. - In one . home ' mbre 'than ten gallons of liquor - was found tucked away .'behind Nihe "wall mouldings in various rooms. One woman was reported by Asher to be selling liquor in baby milk nursing bottles and police confiscated ' more than a doxen such receptacles, well filled, from her home. ,, - " ;'j As, a , retired Kentucky Colonel at a recent bair, Asher was? intro duced to several alleged bootleg gers as an agent preparing to ship considerable whiskey here frofh Kentucky The bootleggers were7f Ahk Quongf, a ; Chinaman, when arrested today. So complete was the , agents' disguise thai while returning to police headquarters one day dress ed as a tramp with several quart bottles bulging from his pockets he was arrested by his Immediate superior before the officer dlscov ered his identity. Lions Club Musical for I - a Benefit of Boy Scouts At their rehearsal last night, the Lions Clnb musical directors were to select the voices for the big Lions' minstrel, to be given for two, -nights during the latter part of February. The Lions have adopted the Salem Boy Scouts as their especial charge and the mla strel show is a benefit perform ance for. this worthy cause. - ; A tine program of . choruses, s-.:c s. special :"acks. and novelties to make it a . high class, evening. Is being v arranged. At the , Lions' Club luncheon,- Friday, It was vot ed " to-: make : this' such .aa o'ent that the Salem- social calendar should take this as the basis for time -so many "years or w?eks or days berore or after the "big show."v " ' VIBRATION 1NTENSK . WALLA WALLA, Wttsh., Feb. 2. -;V ibration' from' Frank Moore's" radio concert here ' last night tuned ; In. on a v local -re ceiving set was so -intense that for few minutes articles la. a , rcora were visibly shaken, .. - SCHOOL HEAD, , HE BELIEVES ! IN ECONOMY. Lowden Iligh Principal Hailed Into Court For failing To ' Pay Board Bill WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb 2. W..G. Smith, principal of the Lowden- high school, near here has ; been summoned . to appear1 before Miss Mary Gilliam, county superintendent tomorrow morn ing to explain why he should not be let .out ..on, a -charge of mis conduct and Violation qt his con tract with the . county. Smith was recently hailed. Into' Justice eCurt and, orderod to pay. $83 board bill. H Is understood that another non-paid U bail 7 may be placed before the conrfs also. . Fraternity -! Brothers -Insist - Death Accidental When Shotgun is Cleaned CHICAGO. Feb. 2. A letter in a woman s handwriting -was the only clew today to the mystOTy surrounding the death of ; Joan Minahan, 2 l-yea)r-old Unirerslty of Chicago . freshman,! , who , was found today seated In a chair and leaning over a shotgun In his room In" the Alpha Tau Omga fraternity house.: Fraternity brothers, 25 of whom Were. sleeping? in Mhe bouse, in sisted (bat the shooting was acci dental.. Mlnahan. they said, had arisen early .o clean his shotgun ia preparation for a hunting trip foXew Mexico. .Hyde Park po lice;" however,: expresced the , be lief that young Mlnahan had shot himself because of " despondency over' Th la health, ,,.,-TliItd. Family. Tragedy Pending. an: inquest- to be held tOmorroar, the police held. the let ter addressed ito Mlnahan from a Chicago hotel hich arrived after the tragedy, .in the. hope .that, it might reveal Tamotive. . Minaban'sndeathrcame Just ,af-. ter (be announcement ,hat hts. falber, ".Dr. . John , Mlnahan, a noted .Wisconsin . physician, had saved a - girl from threatened tu berculosis and probable death by a spectacular operation by remov ing attack front her left lung, In the course of Vhich he was forced to, stop (he girl hearts move it to .one side and then start ft again.' .'"'.' . ' , . The student's death tras the third, tragedy In his family. Five years ago his mother, Vras killed under, the wheels of a, train while walking along on ( the rlsht-of- way. His aUnt was drowned when the " Titanic sank In mid- Atlantic a bo lit li yearsagou; : 'IxrflAJr CONVtCTEl CARSON crry, ' Nev.; Feb. Gs Bra. a Piute Indian,- was convicted fof .second degree -murder, here .today "tor the slaying Qhofig rs said to have refused to sell ; the Indian " narcotics.; Sen tence will .be Imposed tomorrow; Cffl'T OE I3LIED : I FIST C iluL Electricity s .Sent; :' Through Man's Body.Fai!s.to;Kill , Him First Time LITTLE ROCK, Jtrk., Feb. Zl After a heavy i charge of elec tricity , had . been sent through his body-and he bad 'remained strapped in the chair 4 for five minutes. It t was discovered that F. GL Bullen, 50 years old, -one o. the four men- executed at- the Arkansas - penitentiary " today, still showed signs of life and it was necessary to " reapply the current before he tras pronounc ed dead.'. ' 4 ! ' ,' When the "undertaker began' to prepare , Bullen s body for burial he detected a slight movement of the body and -notified the death chamber : attendants.! A second ''execution" was' carried out. , The four- men walked . to their deaths colmly. Th ; execution marks the largest toll exacted by Justice, In a, single day in Arkan ;; sas history. .'- . . ': V . " ' COLLEGE mi FOUND DEAD RAIL STg GALLED flFF Tie-up in Mayence Continues y Because of Refusal of French to Release Rail- waymen. - COAL DIGGERS STILL . " IDLE IN ALL MINES Embargo is Placed on Ben " zol, Tar and Other of , Coal By-Products (By The Associated Press) The strike- ' of the rallwaymen in the Rhineland and a large por tion ' of the. Ruhr; has ended and a resumption of train services has begun. In. the Ruhr basin, where strikers :have hot i returned : to their Jobs, the French ,are operat ing trains. jThe -tieup at -Mayence continues because of a refusal by the French to release rallwaymen nndef arrest on charges of sabo tage. -: .. '. . .; ' ' ' In the 'mines, however, the coal diggers are ; practically Idle and 'Friday's output was virtually nil. s;":";:v:'v::V . . . . .. .... The French customs -cordon, which was' set upf .'to block the transportation of "coal and other reparations goods front "occupied into unoccupied Germany is being maintained rigidly. In addition to coal and coke? an embargo also has been placed by the French on Bensoi, tar and other coal by products. . ; "',.; S' PopnUtioii Being Fed . , . Along the canals and the. Rhine and in the portions of the Ruhr where the rail; strike continues, the French have taken charge of the feeding of the civilian, popu lation and furnishing coal to Industries.- ,;-'-' - ' : Announcement is. made .that the French in tew- days will be able ; 'to -. transport coal into France.' - '" 'jy'X ; Major General Allen the Amer ican unofficial observer, has with drawn ''from the Rhineland . com mission. ,. - " '' ' v - .' No ; disturbances have beeii Re ported "from any of the affected regions."; - . DUESSE'lDORF. Feb. 2. (By The 'Associated Press) The call' Hhg off of the railroad strike by the Jerman" authorities ;hd bbe dtence by. the rallwaymen ' to a request of the authorities that they resume vrork on 'all lines Hbere they would' not come In contact with, armed French, sol diers were the outstanding devel opments today in the events of a day that was regarded by observ ers aa having brought forth, a great improvement in the French Vosit'on in the ?' Ruhr jand Ihe Rhtneland.w A majority of ; the railroad, workers in both regions adopted the suggestion of the au thorities that they resume their Jobs. . ; ' ::!, - , Complete" stoppage .' of all ex ports Of coa and coke into the in terior of Germany during the last 48 hours together with the exten sion today of similar restrictions on shipments of - benzol," lar .and all other mine 'by-products were "other ; developments considered fit r advantage to the French.' ncoal Production Stopped - - ; . aken over the handling of food trains consigned ' to the regions traversed fay the railroads where strikes still are in effect and also directed the transportation by barges on the . canals . and '. the Rhine of sufficient coal for ,the needs of: locil populations and industries.-,: 'c' '-rx.-rv vv" ;': 'K. The complete cessation of. coal production- at the mines and the inability of the French to send by rail, into Franca any coal for the reparations Jaccdunt were the de velopments In the situation favor ing Germany ; in her policy of re sistance, j. ; -a., .'? ;,;'r v-v '.j ; In assuming charge of feeding of the civil population In the Ruhr where-1 . the railway - strike persists, tbei French moved three trains Into! '. the ' region today manned . by ' French crew, - cop signed to Essen,' -Dortmund and I Gelsenkirchen. French fags bcKan tne, hauling pi coal through Ruhr ort and ; down the Rhine td Dues seldorf to supply the needs of ci vilians and Industries. ' Reach Lowest Level ' The resumption of work on the railroads Is complete at Cologne, Coblent, 1 Treves . and Liidwlg shaf en and partially complete on the -Ruhr lines, excepting those encircling :the industrial basin. " " f (Cp-tliued ca yi;3 2) : - FARTJBLOC FOOLED ON ADJOURNMENT House Stops Woifc Till Ten A. M. Monday. Amid Storm of Pfotesta Members of 'the farm bloc are still scratching their heads. trying to figure but by just what pro cess . the house adjourned yester day . afternoon to meet again on Monday at ltf o'cloclu ' : Representative; Brownell moved to adjourn to 10 a.m. Monday and Representative. Kay, acting as tem porary speaker at the request of Speaker Kubli, j understood . .the motion as 10 ajn. today. Several. motions to amend were put ; before the original motion was put and . when Kay was - in formed of the correct motion and put this, the farm bloc members let their golden opportunity' si;p ::-i- r :--:-:u. :'-': The . 'motion was carried and a storm of "protests went ' up froni the floor , but the house 'iad ad journed. - 7 - ' ' r" sons SliT IIEOOES Four Thousand Near East Orphans Saved by Pie as ing Whim of Powers Chicago, Feb. 2. -' (By the Associated Press) One gaudy silk shirt and one pair of scissors was the price paid by H. B. Mc Afee of Chicago to save the lives of 4000 Near East orphans con demned, by native officials. The story was told iponarrival; here today of Laird Areher, Near East relief Investigator. ' ; . Thechildren were at an Interior village where officials refused thera passage to the coast . and safety:-1 McAfee went . to the ri)-; lage, greeting the stubborn gov- emor ,ina spirit of camaraderie. Joking this official about his torn shirt he promised to send him th'a brightest silkt snlrt .availably. Thereupon ,'the - governor 1 thawed and 'told him to see the chief of police. r-: :;' ' ..;1"."; .... ! - There McAfee changed a cold reception ln.to Joy by producing a IContiaued on page 2) FUEL TI TOIL ISfflESU I.I Figures Covering Whole of : Year - Are Submitted by. Secretary of State - i Taxes on" motor t vehicle uel ptoduced for' the state a total revenue of 1,182,357.66 during 1922, says -a . statement Issued yesterday by Sam A. Koser, sec retary Tot state, Of this amount $584,695.15 . was 'under the gas oline . and distillate tax act of 1919 and I597j.662.50 under the gasoline . tax act of 1921. The amounts' of Jfuel on. which the taxes were paid were 57,172,775 gallons of gasoline and 2,593,475 gallons of distillate. ,.;.VTae;l922;-.;'dIstrlbtIUon said Mr.5 Kozer. ' "represents an - In crease Of. approximately. 12 per cent over the sales of N 1921, and JtiearJy; 26 per cent over the sales of.'iazo.- - ' . - ., v-. -. ; "The December . sales declined 692,005' gallons of gasoline Xrom the November sales,: and distil late sales dropped 91,185 gallons. Of the December tax $40,918.10 was, produced by' the law of 1919 which provides for a rate of one cent Oar'-gallon on gasoline and one-half cent- a' gallon on distil late. - The; additional "tax law of 1921 providing (for a uniform rate of; one cent a gallon on alt kinds of motor vehicle fuels-- re turned the sum of $41,179.45. ' ."To 'date,", the operation of tne motor vehicle fuels tax laws, has brought to the state treasury the total sum of $2,993,782.37. Of this amount resulting from the- law of 1921 there had ben returned up to December 31 the sum of,.' $41480.63 ' to operators f -tfarm : tractors, motor boats, commercial cleaning ' establish ments, etc., pursuant to that pro- vl.log . authorising ' refunds of taxes on such liquid fuels as are used-jfor -purposes authorizing re funds of taxes on such . liquid fuels v. as are used for purposes other than in the operation of motor vehicles upon "the public highways.'. IStlJllltiiliD,: '-a d ia.il 1 w f'oser ancf Sic-: C::r . Other Publicly With V. ;ety of Offen:::. LIQUOR FLOW, 13 . CHARGE V.l Z?EZ: Fracas Isn't Ended rr.J Be Resumed cn Fi:: , ''V.zxtU.zr.Cyj " After startles with nutu .l legations of misstate :.-r- ; cerning the numtor of t employes in the senate, a row t arose between --.Sen a tors '::: and Moser of the llultnc ' egatlon 'yesterday. Tur:i :. ed sensationally, with tl j t -vu cusing each other -vith 1 drinking men. A--crowded gallery !:. : . the fight which occtiif 1 tl ; part of the'afttrnosn fe; : .. - , -.'CjomiBitice iit 1.jtf . Staples is coalman cf t clal; " Committee r , ; ' President Upton .to i newspaper char; s t:. .t t - . lature s overL jrder 1 i . ployea, and Llcr t;j : Smith, are the ctl tr f--. ' were appointed f.:io : -tioh of a rcdo!jL':n I .t: Staples that an inv. : made,; I.Ioser anJ : taken a stand ar i r : the probe with tLa rc : t relations between l," s t: other two are excte 11.1 i erect. ;.;.,'.'" " TLa ttoubla yc -y when Moser arc -e c a. personal rr It r.c.-3 t r statement 1 y r . ; ' tLa d-f wl...i I ?.;' ; ; . a resolution cr.;..t l sal of : 10 ecijloye s vL: .1 ; leged '' were ,'surp 1 u 3. v ISIoscr Qii. s T: -rt.-? . In his reply :.Ic . r that, fhe employes in t' ; are nine less than tv : reading a list of the ; cupied. and '.the nu:.I r sons employed in each r. .- t sessions, iioser d .Ixn l : some of tho newspaj via l told .the -truth coacernlss tl. - -restl - ition. lie did not i t !he names cf tte papers. II: . eded that the work c:i i: he 'commltteeii ta j l a during the early part cf f sfon and that bills to crc ita ' had been slow to come i 1, t : c this was 'a condition f t not -be foreseen when tLa were employed. Froi now r , said, the work will Is 1. ivy every employe' nece r :ry t) f dite the; business of t!. t ' -''Xi&rAs 'pec-.'o to I"eay this, for tbs jrc- ," Moner,'"ar.i be f-.-c,: r : state. 'tnay; know tLa truth." ' Staples asked permission ta : ply, which was granted. "The rotUEcl stiiflfnrn rs t furnish ho excuse for a i -. - say he has stolen one hen s t: year because he stole tvo year." said Stajles. "I ; this' for the benefit of r Moser, that he has alwaj3 : hold Of the teat one wray or ; other." Staples was Inter rupted ty l rapping of tho presidential civ ana iTesiaent JJpton warned L to refrain, from personally -i. "All right," responded Ct2-' "I realize that 1 am just a in ordinary 'jeweler, and net Clever of speech as sone cf ." lawyers, and I also rcx'ua t there are some "senatori! here prefer that I not ineution r names." . '- ' ' Session llecords Rcjia MkMicj a caiA liiO JCtVJlA I. i t vious sessions relative t:- t shonrlng that the number cf ployes had constaaly . Incrr.-,. buf thatjao overtime 1.2 i 1 lowed until .the', session -cf 1C when overtime allowe 1 t : 336 day and cost the Etaia $1C Individual cases of ovtrth. stated as follows: Twenty tlav $4 a -day;, 20 days at $1; 2S at $5; ,15 days at IT; i-o cays $5; 15 days at L ' days at 45 days at $5; 20 days at 5;. 10 ' 1 days at $5; . 10 t days at $5; iO 1 ; t days at $5; 5 days H C Z; at $5; and 45 days tt Z. .-'-"Oae dark 'on 'e'zi::. days at thicir. i.v d n "It Ij very r-:!; DFliO P