THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON " THURSDAY TMORNTNG, FEBRUARY 1, 1923 i : OREGON ( , Starting: today:' 'Agnes Ayres in "A Daughter of Luxury." - . . UBERTY Today:' Harry . Carey; in "Gocd Men 'and True." 1 Hart Yehlcles," baa dramatic and ! a hnofl line tnrv anil -thin irinnnt w-- for much of its success. The sup-, port is highly artistic. f. , GRAND Coming Saturday: "The Four Horremen of the Apocallypse." Special orchestra and popular prices. . '. : - , ntiGn l " .Hickman Bessey Co. presenting . ( ', "The Orphan Girl." "Wm. S. Hart in "The Whistle." The . last - showings of William tS, Hart's picture, "The Whistle," -will be had at the Bligh theater toda$. ' The photoplay, although radically different from the usual I "Trapped in the Air," the next attraction at the Bligh theater, tells a story of dramatic adven ture in Nature's own settings, the only true locale for genuine ro mance, j Filmed in the Sierras in nermost mountain fastnesses, it shows scenes of natural grandeur and beauty that hare never be fore been seen on the screen. True'" easily the greatest motion picture In which Harry Carey has ever appeared It Is the current attraction at the Liberty theater. The cast Includes such well known players as Vola Vale, Tully Mar shall. . Charles . Le Moyne, 4 Helen Gilmore and an army of super numeraries. The story was adap ted from a novel by Eugene Man love Rhodes.! 0 Hickman, Bessey Stock Co. Presents 1ft . the . ORPHAN . GIRL" B01 Hart in "The . The airplane has superceded the 1 galloping .broncho and the dashing racing car as the adven turer's - steed. Lester Cuneo's latest starring j, vehicle, "Trapped in the Air," shows him as a gal lant aeronaut, meeting dramatic adventures, overcoming tremen dous odds and winning the love of a wonderful girl. Agnes Ayres' new starring reat ure, "A Daughter of Luxury,'' was adapted from the well known play "The Imposter," by Leonard Ier rick and Michael Morton. Annie Russell was the star of the play, which was first presented In Xew York In 1910. The screen adap tation was made by Beulah Marie DIx, a well known, scenario writ er. ' The ip of swift action the hot low of romance, the choke of uspense, the Intrigue of blaek- uards and the final, irresistible riumph of courage and honor combine to make "Good Men and n vK X 7 'M Cf I V OF THE . S ""asaa.- i I ! TODAY AT THE , - ,T:.v ' j f. if. .! .! .-e " COMING HORSEMEN Of the APOCALYPSE mm k:iA nib 1 " First Return at POPULAR PRICES Starts Saturday SPECIAL ORCHESTRA 'At Sunday afternoon and all evening shows.. Special popu-j lar matinee Saturday 2 p.m. at 25c. Prices other shows 25c, and 35c. Shows start Saturday and 8. p.m. Sunday 2:30, 5:15 and 8 p,m , - s 7' GRAND COAL SUPPLY TO GERMANY IS CUT OFF : (Continued from page 1) and there is evidence that real military occupation ' is coming in the Ruhr. Stern measures,, Including- mar tial . law an early, curfew, sup pression of the use of automo biles and censorship of the news papers will be enforced; in a few days, after the last opportunity has been given the Germans by Qual d'Orsay to make a suitable reparation offer. These measures will come in to effect should, Berlin refuse to come to terms, and the reich has . been informed 0f them through diplomatic channels, General Degouttev allied com mander In chief in the occupa tional zone, told the Associated Press today. , l Iiesistance Maintained ! . Although Dn Guet2ner, presi dent of the Rhineland province, and the burgomasters of Dues seldorf and Essen have been made aware of the coming meas ures, they maintain their atti tude r of resistance. Immediately upon being, informed of the in tentions of the French, Dr. Guet mer J left for Cologne, where he went into conference with Card inal Schulte, while Dr. Luther, burgomaster of Essen, conferred v ith the coal barons, headed by Frit Thyssen. ' The French today began re quisitioning ; automobiles in. the Duesburg-Ruhrort-Hambom I : re- wig " I i iV r- : - ' " "Off ' MIL n,S I Scene from "Good Men and True', starring Harry Carey at The Liberty j j , GRAND WEDNESDAY, Feb. 7th ONE NIGHT ONLY I Mail Orders Xowf" ? Prices $2.75, $220, $1.63 SEASONtS UPREME UCCESS HENRY W1SAVAGE An Esludy ticv beducbon o& Famous . Maxim V Beauties Incomparable Cast and Jos. Urban production SPECIAL ORCHESTRA gion. The coal magnates and in dustrial leaders who haVe been racing through the Ruhr in high powered cars were halted and the machines confiscated and sent to French garages. An c4'ficlal at Frtfnch head quarters in commenting upon this commencement of the appli cation of sterner measures, said: "The fact that a German owns an automobile," he continued, "does not make him Immune fiom the present difficulties of tiaveling in the Ruhr for which the Germans are responsible. It the magnates desire to visit neighboring cities they must start the trains again or walk." ' Food Is Scarce u On the way from Duesseldorf to Duisburg this afternoon the correspondent 'passed many cars which had managed to escape from Duisburg and were speed ing for Duesseldorf, where the requisition measures are not yet in tforce. Waving frantically at the cor respondent's chauffeur they warned him not to enter Duis burg, "or you lose your car." : Soldiers stand at I bridges and cross roads demand passes, as In real war days and anyone with' out authority from the requlsl" tion office was halted and forced to alight. Many leather coated and goggled automobile parties were met dejectedly . wending their way back to Duisburg sifoot cr waiting for trams. There is much unemployment around v the 5 Duisburg steel plants. The heavy pall of black smoke normally hanging over the city., now Is much, thinned. Ruhrort, once the busiest Rhine port, is completely idle. Food is getting scarce In Dues seldorf and meat was selling to night for from 6,000 to 7,000 marks a pound. , , 0 The Franco-Belgian grip online Ruhr is tightening. The occu pational authorities have seized the entire customs of the Ruhr valley and have shut off all ship ments of coal to ' unoccupied Germany. ; : A serious situation has arisen at the mines. Only about half the normal - output- Is -being brought to the surface and the supply of cars is fast diminish ing. -- Though tha output is small, coal is accumulating at the pit heads and the French, admit that this may cause a suspension of operations within a few days. 'The German railwaymen who wont on strike are displaying the determined front; they re fuve to work and traffic is tied up. ' , ; - Food Getting Scarce ; The scarcity- of food through out tha Ruhr region is becoming more acute . Herr Stinnes has discontinued German deliveries for, 'the. de v&sted area of France. Gold raarkB to the amount of five hundred million' due on the re parations account have not been paid by Germany. Therefore, un less Germany makes a satisfac tory", response to the latest no tification' of France and Belgium, these powers have decided to take still more rigorous meas ures j than i have yet been put into j effect.; , -Essen has been shut off by reason af I the severing of tel egraph and telephone communi cation. ' it FOMBflSEffl" IS COIl HERE Salem People to See Famous Picture, on Saturday at Popular Prices s STARTS TODAY f Matinee at 2 p. mi Evening at 7 and 9 p. JTt- ' ' ' m WHEN a. pet ted aaugnter pi iux-.-. urv is left suddenly with noth ing in the world but the gorgeous go Wn which adorns her charming back it's time for quick action. Maybe she'll act J rashly, unconven tionally, as Agnes Ayres does in this i sparkling romance and plunge pell-mell into a turbulent tangle of, adventure and love... Came and see! There will also be . the usual ... : ; good Comedy - 1 see For the first time, Salem is to The Four Horsemen" at pop ular prices, and the presentation will not be stinted in the least but will be presented in "road show" style that is, 'with full orchestra and everything just as though the production were ' be ing shown for the' first, time at fancy prices. Starting Saturday at 2 p.m. at an admission of 26 cents, the first performance will be for children. At this matinee the full orchestra will not be pres ent but will be composed of four members. .At all other perform ances .excepting the 5:15 show Sunday the' complete new Grand orchestra will play1 and the ad mission prices will be but 35 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. , Showing a big picture with an orchestra, at popular prices, seems unusual and. is unusuaj, but the Grand management is again going to- try it out' even in the face of two failures from the viewpoint of a lack of attendance on the part of the Salem public, tha first be ing "Dr. Jack." and the second "Monte Cristq." While a great many people saw these produc tions, not enough came to insure an orchestra as a permanent ad junct to all Grand picture produc tions. The orchestra is composed entirely of : Salem musicians. First and obligato violins are ;E. Gal gano and Mary Talmadge Head rick; cello, J.- D. Bee be s piano Mrs. E. Galgano; cornet,; Charles Pabst; trombone, Oscar Steelham mer, and drums, George Beck. The score is especially arranged for "The Four Horsemen" and is exactly the same as has been used in every large city from! New. York to. San Francisco. "The Four Horsemen" was di rected by Rex Ingram and the leading players are Alice Terry, Rodolpb Valentino and Joseph Swickard although practically the entire east of. 32 could be classed as 'leading players." There will be but two shows daily, with the exception of Sunday. The Saturday matinee begins at two p.m. and evening at! 8 o'clock. On Sunday the' first show is at 2:30, the second 5:15 and the night show at 8 p.m. If attend ance warrants there will be even ing j shows only on Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. The feature starts 30 minutes after, the hours given above. A. C. Raleigh, manager of the Grand, hopes thai the public will respond to his efforts in putting Salem on the map as a first cIsfs picture town, for he believes the people of sale are as appreciative of the better things in- pictures as those who dwell in-, the larger cities. . . ': - , . TORTURED MAXV YEARS UY KIDiXKYS "I have had kidney trouble for twelve years." writes H. P. Pink ney. West Jackson', Miss. "Pains in back,- joints, catches in the hips, run down and getting up too much during the nlghtv But since taking Foley Kidney "Pills, my suffering is ovrr and I feel like a new man." Backache, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder-trouble quickly relieved with Foley Kidney Pills. ' Refuse substitutes.- Insist upon Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold everywhere. IfET i3 BECOMES FIERY Staples Has Istrong Charges Concerning Overtime Granted Stenog. i . ! - ; Fireworks developed .' at the first ' meeting if . the senate com mittee appointed to Investigate charges - of extravagance In the employment ofr pages, clerks and attaches of tjhe senate, when two members of the committee got together ' late yesterday. By virtue, ovf ; the , fact that he proposed the investigation. Sena tor Staples was named chairman of the commtttee.' and Senators Moser and Smith were named by President Upton as the , balance of the committee. Moser did not attend the call ed meeting and . Staples and Smith failed to agree on what should be covered by the inves tigation. " l : . During the controversy Staples charged that r4n the 1921 , ses sion, the per diehv committee al lowed Smith's stenographer about 35 days t overtime and that Bruce ; Dennis stenographer . had also" been paid for overtime amounting " to - considerable - sum, Staples is not dismayed how ever and has ' called - another meeting of - the committee-- for o'clock this morning.- If the committee cannot agree Staples will file . a minority report to the senate. , charging that a large portion , of the . cost v of pages, niessengers assistant sergeant at arms, and similar:: attaches can be Tdlspensed . with. I CANNOT EXIST fn Aa hamin hody It jou. will at Trunk' Prearription ; in fact, it is thane tx mutter vith iaflmmtory. mut rutar, sciatic or biijt form of rummat iwi. Trunk's Prescription DOES KOT deprei tha heart, it DOES NOT- rnin the stiom aeh. Kat all the meat and Rood food yoo Vish. It does not roouin any harmful drua or narcotic . but positively orer routes rheumatism and a-oat. WHAT VORE DO YO WANT t Thero is noth iag better. It is also an excellent Liver Medicine sad the rroatent Uric Acid aol rent1 knows. Trunk's Prescription sells for SI. 75 or 8 for only S5.00 at Perry's Drag Store. . the Rexall' drufffflst. Salem, Ore. LADIES' PLAID SIC1RTS ' In all wool Plaids and Prunella Stripes. ; Csli- ful assortment of color combinations. Navy, broirn7 and black combinations, aee wmaow cxspiay EACH t . f Mm Commercial and Court Street GALE CO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $ Y v sAbV ' A Read Service at Your Dispdjal The Busick Store affords the people of Salem an opportunity to save real money on their grocer ies. Ypu find it is a pleasure i&save pnce you have started a savings account. Our prices are marked plainly for your convenience Use our service. " . ' - ; I Sugar, 13 lbs ...... Sugar, per .sack .. Crisco, 3 lbs. ...... Crisco, 6 lbs. ...... Crisco. 9 lbs. ...... 4 lbs. Snowdrift1... 8 lbs. Snowdrift... ..$1.00 -$79 ....:67c $1.27 .$1.87 -.79c ..$1.49 $i.iir; ...G5c HAR1S, BACON and LARD Sugar Cured Bacon Backs, lb. 24c Sugar Cured Picnics, lb. ..16c- Sugar Cured Hams, or whole lb. I..... . ,..28c Simon Pure Leaf Lard, 5 lbs. ' ' net ... . t .. . . . ... $1.05 Pure LardPure Lard (Cascade)1 I 5 lbs. net .. ..95c CANNED MILK' , Alpine Milk, 3 for ..1............25c This is the time this brand of milk has been sold at this price since 1914. Dari Gold Milk, 10 for ..... . 95c FLOUR Crown Flour ..........J. ........$1.85 Vim Flour .... .$1.85 Save 20c per sack. Buy now Diamond C Flour $1.45 . BREAKFAST FOODS ; Kellogg's Corn Flakes ..10c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 29c Post Toasties 10c Post Toasties, 3 for ...L: 29c Cream of Wheat L..;...20c Kernels of Wheat . 18c Large pkg. Albers Oats ....... .27c 10 lb. sack Albers' Oats ..... ...45c Pearls of Wheat .. .... .. ... ...27c Flap Jack Flour ........27c Peacock Buckwheat .. , -.I.w27c : : ; SYRUP 1 gaL Tea. Garden ....... Vs gzL Tea Garden ..... 10 lb. White Karo .... .. S lb; White Karo 5 lbs. Amber Karo: L......:3 Cc 10 lbs. Amber Karo ...L..:...55c 10 lb. Crystal White Penick?s 65c 5 Ib Crystal White Penicks 35c 10 lb. Golden Penick's ... ..;..:59c; 5 lb. Golden Penick's.. ..13Cc 1 gaL Obertr BeUt: .... .. $1.25r Vi gaL Liberty, Bell 65c SOAP . Sno lite Floating Laundry, Soap 26 barsr .Ji.$l.Ca This price on Sno Lite is CH2 cf the beslibuys on high dais kzsdry soap ever offered in Salenu Citrus Wash Powder I... ....23r Sea Foam ...i . . .2Zz 10 Pels lNtha';.:.J69c P. & G. White Naptha Soao ... 5c Creme Oil Soap, 3 for ............ 19c Palm Olive, 3 for .. MATCHES 6 Boxes Good Matches 6 Large Boxes Beans Rice Blue Rose Rice, fancy, 4 ' lb. 25c Fancy Small White Beans, 4 lb. ' - . .: ..... .I , - :1 v 25c CANNED VEGETABLES ' No. 2 Vli Solid Pack Tomatoes 15c No. 2V2 Standard Tomatoes 2 for ......J.... .. 25c Fancy Iowa Corn' ...........L .13c Fancy Maryland Corn .i..........lOc Del Monte Crospy Corn ......15c Royal Club Fancy Maine 15c Del Monte Peas :..15c Utanah Peas, 2 f or ;.25c ! ......20c .25c .40c Free DeliyerySJO or o ; '4 s - V - 4 4 ' : 4 v 4 : 4 - I 4 -1 4f X 4 I 4k I 4 z z 4 I X 4 X 4 X 4 y 4 4 Y y y y y y y y y y y Y y y 4 X y y y y o X y v 4 4 X 4 444X 'I