t. TTTR OREGON . STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON TIIURSBAT i ft i it I s! it. i 4 1 ; i -i . : 1 '. iv. I; . Ij. Ir'"K f"v-- it mm Oa4at V-,-' I BII.IBIII CLASSIFIED ADTKBTISEKKNTa - Rata per irrtli J Pa hssrtloa ,., -.L Thrss laaaruoat ., . . Oaa Nk (atx tasantoasj On moota , Ss . & . Ss 20a Bis Matki' eoatract. par do. 15a IS BaBt.a" coatraa, nr mi. ia Miai J- far aajr Ufliitonat ? ia J N0RWIC21 UNION I FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY i W. H. Burghardt. Jr. -Resident Agent - 371 8tate St. ;; MONEY TO LOAN V ; On Real Estate r T. K. FORD I ' (Over Ladd & Bash Bank) NEW TODAY , TOR SALE HEALTHY WELL-ROOTED . - plnarifarmar blackcap - tips, SIS 'per ' thoBta-d. Iaqair at Cla-tsr, 4 Bil uSrtk. Habr, RU 8. Salam, 1 FRCIT. KITt AND SHAIE TREES j. I Pary s 23" State. . -" . - ; KICK O&GAS good CONDITION. JUS: - tanas. Tallroatv Piaao Mtora, 393 R ArcnOH RALE, EXTRA GOOD RANGE he-tar, furniture, ruga, -rapariea, -te thia yridajr. Fab. 2, 1:30 p. m. at 1135 f Shipping atraat Mir S.f Siaatr 8 ' Sea' front page (mad aaetioa for par ; ticnlara. 2 X. Woodry, auction. ' J 1 - rOIJ.TK PUPS FOR SALE MRS. MAT f ro JitKinner. TMr. Ors. j , rV . .. ! FORD TOURING FOR SALE PRIVATE . osa laaa than two yaara. Phone 1141 J. , S. t MONEY TO JOAN ON GOOD SECCR i - ktjr. Soma good bays iaisoases also. ' i Baals fiaa trades for fsrms. Square : ' I J-al Co. Psoas 470; 202 U. S. Bask. J- Wit. -f.-r. . : V ! ,. - ) -MB a!" IB FOR SALE COLLIE PCPS E. B. t ; gtaks (Birda Pats). 73 State, j - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 5CS North. High. WANTED - OLD CARS, MAXWELLS, r -Charrslata and Fords. Micks Soder .5 Wrackiag Hoaas. 424 X.- Commercial. 4 VACANT NICE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW ?j with fait eeaxBti basement; (arsfe; 2 larre . lots with loads sf fruit. Faces , eawt, ' st 2177 South Co Its fa street. ! Will rent or sell. Rest S25. See m T. BECKE HENDRICKS 80S U. S. Baak Bsildnj.-, JT IS A SATISFACTION TO NOT HAVE , to ask rr aeigli bora for help is time -of disaster. Tha insorsare policy ia al ways ready to aid ia as emerfeaxy. i - Get yours today. . Standley Foley, Acta. -. - FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 ACRES IN Lincoln ronaty, 3 miles west of JCer t .'villa. Price 33000; Bos 88 Monmouth. ' Oresoa : - : - " FOR SALE-OB RENT 84 ACRES t-srdra Had at Suytos; family or k chard - and building-. A. T. Brewer. ' Fall Creek, Ortfos, owser. SUMMER STREET LOT CLOSE TO . , . stats houao 'and unirenity.- PaTinf, ,4 aa. aewer, water. Orer all 81050 .' w. .8on terms; , protoetiss reatrie , tioua. ' - ' ' ' BECKE A HENDRICKS ' 805 U S. Bank Building. . i FOR SALE HOME . OANKED FRUTT. j i sweetened, 25 cents .per quart; 520 S. ? j 18th St, near BelleTue. ' 4WANTED WOODCUTTER TO TAKE contract for 100 cords of osk. "E31" -. t btateamaa. .- " ' FOR BALE "MALE FOX TERRIER papa; site few cords of sawed oak wood. Phono 58P12. - H SEW , TRADE EVERY DAY 1 8pkaBO for Salem ISa-scrs ranch 20 miles aerth of Spokane. 40 acres in eultiratioa j , 1 0 . acres orchard ; 1 mi's lake front; fenced and. cross fenced fair' building-, 83000. Trade for Sa lem' property. :- ' 'v JL W. ESTES REALTY CO. . , . 838 Orcfon Building - COME TS AND BEAR THE NEW VTC . tor records. Moore's Muie House, 415 ' Court atreef, Fnoue 993. ' ' : TEE TEBRTABY VICTOR RECORDS . are 'OS sale today. Moore's MusJ House. 415. Court. Phone 983. FOR SALE OR RENTES ROOM HOUSE at 458 Mill street . Price 82800 Krueger Orjaa Building;. Psoas 2 17 . -J-, Wonderful Buy Strictly modern1 ana: well built bungalow. rooms; fuB -basement,-furnace, tlrf ' 1see, electricity; all he bullt-ins. ga "v rr. two lota; immediate possession, only 3 1900 -down: -price .84000 for , a mii-k deal. Seo ChJlds Bochtel. 540 -State street -- -. , . 4 TAIRMOUNT HILL LOT 1 A DANDY or SB25.-It!will aerer be less; par ...lag,-view-, treev --- - J- BECKE HENDRICKS- ; 805 XT. 8. Bank Building. . . . ;. FOR SALE A HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS ; with two bath rooms : east .- Salem. Pries 842SO: terms. t - 7 . Krueser ' -i OresoB Building Phono 217 -if.-. I nTe for sale s few sbsres of eholre- taittr srctr.ie at sho- . . Inoruiation couf identisl - and to - peros : ulyCll, Thursday, r Fridsy. 1 A C. Borhnstedt . t 407 Mssenie Temple Salem, Oregon NURSE GIVES BATH AND MAS saje In , patients homes. Foi v appointment . call. . 175. .S.. ( 1 4 th. EMPLOYMENT MALE : WOOT CUTTERS- WANTED TO COT loo is 300 cords fir and oak. Abrams, 213. South Commercial street. . iFElf AlB ; WANTED P08mON BT IADT WITH - Mr. Call 1Q35R. MALE AND FEMALE WANTED HEX AND WOMEN Tt 1 take farm paper subscrlptiona. A goo proposition to the right people. Ad dreaa the Pacifie Homaa'lesd, dtstssms BWg, Baiem. Or. PERSONAL' i '- VOtTLD TOfT WRIT a xxrr 11 TUt t ratty girl I Stamped eaeopo ptoaac -lis fiproul, ClalaaL Ohio. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIM0NIAI paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo.- Ohio. - . .... . .-.. r FOR SALE ' FAJUI PAPEB IT TOTT W VT fn nra --' .P"P!r',rB1 the Paelflr f -iCrTw.". uretroa. for a thre Z??-2 -1 .subscription. Meatier ' tXVESTOCX ri!'BUTTER FAT? . .s-i.. s4wa Brown iinei Cinu of , ( Laa 5Jj. o. B. Cjigtick Motor family offer. Co. FOR SALE FIAKOS USED CHIUKERINO GRAND. IN OOI sbspo. Will giTS sums terms. U. L. Btitf Furniture Co. ; : rUR BALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left us to sell. Price ' 9200, terms. - H. L. Stiff Fsrsltsrs Co, Ms aie department ( POOLTET MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEY'S Some excellent tonts and hens for sale. P. E. Thomaaon, Turner. Ore. . - fUULTRY M Kit 8KNU EIGHT TWO eeat stamps for special three ssoaths trial for the beetf aad oldest journal ia the west. The articles and advertise ments srs of special iaterest . to the poultry breeders of ' the Northwest, iiorthwset Poultry Journal, 311 Oom mereial: atroet, Salem, Oregon. WOOD FOR DRY WOOD PHONE QUERY, 77121. . J. : , FOR SALE 16-INCH , BIG OLD -YEL h fir., Pbotfe 77F2. FOR SALE GOOD- PUT OLD FIR. Call 1382J. ? FOR SALE 10 INCH OLD FIR, 4 FT. dry, secuud growth. AIss oak. Phone FREE ABOUT 50 CORDS WOOD FOR the cutting .hear grayel road, 3 miles east of Brooks. G. P. Miller, Route , Salem : . ,. Best Grade Mill Wood Four ft. and 16-inch dry mill wood. Four ft. green mill wood. . . Prompt delirery and reasonable prices. : Fred E. Wells, 805 8. Church. Phoas 1&4X .aCaCBZXAKEOUS FOR SALE GE ASHE ART KNITTING machine; 2041 S.l Church. Phoas 1914M. : ! FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 eenie a aunois. viironisuoa sapartmank Oregon Stateamaa. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR A GOOD JTord car an slmost aew Underwood typewriter. Phoas j 1111 W; J. K. Sampson.. .. - ; FCfR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 595 North. 18th. i - - DOUBLE WEAR SHOES FACTORY TO wearer, cheap. W. G. CooTerse, 890 S. ,14th. Horns Sundays. FOR SALE WESTERN COAST 820- egg incubator. Phone 19F81. Beautiful Oregon Rose ? aad elTea other Oregon songs, together jwita a (laa coilectioa of patriotic eonga, aacred songs and many old-time favor . ' ALL FOB 85s " (Speeial prices in Quantity aits) Espociaily adaptable for school. ity or horns singing. Send for Western bongster ; 78 psgea, bow la its third editioau ' . Fabliahad by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY tIS R. CojBmr-il ft fUloaa. Ore. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT. Phono 8056J. APARTMENT FOR RENT, 891 X0RTH Commsreisl. - FXAT8) FOR BEST UNFURNISHED MODERN firs-room (1st at 666 H Ferry St. 935 a month Call st Statesman business . office, or phono 33. - .--1 - FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN' firs-room gist, st 664 "4 Ferry St. 350 month. Call st Statesman business flics, or phoas 23. , : , ; HOUSES FOR. RENT . 7-ROOM FURNISHED house; close ia. Phoao 1563M. FOR BENT FURNISHED HOUSE ON SUts street. Phoas 869J. . MODERN - FURNISHED HOCSE FOR rent. Inquire Mr. Stiff at Stiff Fur- aiture Co. " , : ' , ' , r.;.,"..L'"- FOR BENT ONE FIVE-ROOM FirB.I tsasa nsuso; one iiTe-roora aaturBisaea house H. Loatermon... Hotel Argo. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, (full basement, ' near street esr and paved street, 922.50 a month. ' M; J.Hunt . . Ladd Bush Building. . , SVOOMS FOB RENT - THREE FURNISHED ,-, housekeeping- rooms; 730 N. Front St. FOR RENT SUITE OF TWO ROOMS -. for k-tging Mot, water.' beat, bath tnb. .Ncs. 27 and-28 Breymsu. block. . , -OB RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Mod ern. - Mrs. Henry Rows, 580 North 12th ; street. ' ! THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; NO children. : Call ia afternoon; 715 Ceu ' tar streeik t PIANOS SEW PIANO FOR RENT 98 FEB MO. H. Jm Stiff Faralturs Co. LOST AND FOUND XrOST. IXST-dXCTORS'. BROWN LEArHER . bag. Reward for return to Dr. . A. Dowaa. ' ' .- WANTED lasczLLASxoua JF ANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS. ETC, Phone 511. .- ; - s ' - - - V ANTED TO BUT HOUSEHOLD FUB liturs, :. tools, aaisosUaaeona : articlea. Phoas 1446. . i- . :a J? ANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA, oalaery, stock, ste. - WU1 buy for eash - or sell on com miss ion. Phoas 511. Woodry. the aoctioaeer. :- ANTED ' EVERYTHING IN HARD wars aad furnHurs. Best prices paid. ' TUB CAPITAL HARDWARE ,, FURNITUBB 00. I -t V. ComTOereial Ht.' txno, S4T BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER UCTIONEER- F. . WOODRY, THr . Uvestock., fnraituro,- real estate sue tioaeer. Phone Ml for sals dates. Ree. 1610 N. 8umamer.. tUCTIONEER OF FARM AND FEB, sobbI property.- O. Satterlae, 180 K Comnvrcial room 31. ever People s Cash Storo. iResid.saos phons 1211-J. ;-. Office phoas 430. OU i. ,B. GAB LB AUCTIONEER, farm aad city sales. ISO sV. High. Phoas 1446. . - ' - ACETYl r WILDCTO IRON STEEL, BUhtt. .ALUMINUM . Bring tks pioroe Oso-Gas Heating Co. 837 Court. ; .'.-' Auto ;Directory AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO - tor Oo-, 371 Court. .. . - ' r BERT L. JONES MOTOR CO.-HUPMO-- bile dealer. State St. st Front. "Ths ' car of t-s Amsrieaa lamiiy. Auto Directory AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS - Curtains to order; prices reasonable. Anderson Teed. 171 S. High AUTOMOB7XB PAINTINQ ACTO OWNERS LOOK I - TIM B TO : have that ear repainted. Coaie ia and ' look over' our work. On account of the access of oar Ford Special job. it will : bo continued. Reliance Auto Painting Co.. 219 State, cor. Front St second floor. Phone 937. .- BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN A CAMEL-IZED BATTERY" NEVER , seeds a drink. C. M. Carlson, 349 N. Commercial tit., Salem,' Ore. , B. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work. 171 8 Commercial. PKESTO-LITK . BATTKKY SERVICE Htatioa. Expert battery aad t-leetrical : work. Farria Bros. Phons 1803. 4 in i OaMirt. l- -'...-;. , ; AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TBuU ; Ue shooting. 813 N. High. Phono SOS. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY clas sad repairing. 887 Court. : HARRY W. SCOTT. ''The Cycle Msn" Harley-DavidsoB and Bicyclea i - 147. B. Commercial. " fhone 68 T CAB WASHING WHITNEY EMMONS CARS WA8H ed and polishod. Olsaou'a Auto Ex change. Phono 666. RADIATOR ft FBKDEB RXPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, made or rap sired, J. C Bair, 849 Ferrv. . . : - S TOBAGB STORAGE, 93.50 MONTHLY. DEAD storage $3.00 monthly. Ferry St. Gar age, 644 Ferry.,- . s. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES TIRES. ACCESSORIES. ALEMITE SER vice, oils, greaaes of - quality, right prices . Tomgkina A Heine, 219 N. Commercial . - . :. i r USED PAKT8 1-3 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto i wrecking Hons. ' 434 North Commercial, Phono 628. : TRACTORS A. C HAAO Jk COJ 444 FERRY ST. Phone 210. Cletrss tractors, Oliver Im plements - i 'j USED OARS USED CARS BOUGHT or aold on commission storage. Oleosa' s Auto Exchange. ; FINE BUICK ROADSTER IN EXCEL , lent shape; 9400 buys it; essy terms if desired. O. B. Gingrich Motor Co. FOB SALE 1919 CHEVROLET PN fins mechanical condition aad good " rubber. Price 9225. easy terms. See esr st 849 J. Commercial St. -, v. GOOD USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES .v Ford Sedan ., ,., , , ,, .,9275 Ford Coupe .. .... 450 J'ord. Truck - zo Ford Tractor 250 1920 Ford Touring . 250 -1920 Ford Delivery . 250 1920 Chevrolet Touring 225 150 191S stuoebaker eix Dodxe Delivery, like new 450 -:" 'And many others of various makea - -"' VICK BROTHERS High Street at Trade : Phone 1841 GOOD BARGAINS FROM AN AUTHOR IZED FORD DEALER 1916 Ford Tourisa- -75 .163 . 190 . 200 1917 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Tearing 1919 Ford Touring 1920 Ford Touring 1920 Ford Touring 265 285 1920 Ford toups 1920 Ford Coupe 835 895 250 285 435 1919 Ford Roadster 1920 Ford Roadster 102O Ford Sedan 1920 Ford truck body and cab.. 800 19C0 Ford truck body aad cab 375 Ask about our Easy Payment Plan. VALLEY MOTOR CO. . 260 Nrttigh . ' - Phons 095 BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND FLUFF BUGS " NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC -WE NOW weave fluff rugs made out of old ear- : pets, any lea gin or width yoa deeire. We also -re-fit, re-sew sad aise rarpets : Feather renovating sad mattress steanj- - lag 'and re-making. Balsm Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rug Works. Phoas ' 1154 . - . ' ' r i -; CARPET AMD RUG WEAVINO RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING - CsU befors 9 a. m. 84F21. - CANDY SHOPS ACMK CHOCOLATE SnOP "JUST -Candy." Strictly homemade. ; 121 S. Commercial. . CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING FURNACE eloaning. F. Oouaeilman. P-ono 689 CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK '9 SPAN CLEANERS AND ; dysrs. Phono 195.. V i : i SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS , Suit, cleaned and pressed, 91.50 Suits sponged sad - pressed, 50e 1215 8. Com'L Phone 1869 - . i DRUG STOBES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT i ,Pbva- 184 ! I WM. N SIM EVER "JUST DRUGS. , 175 H. Oommerrial, phoas 167. ELECT BICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO MASONIC Building. Phoao 1900. ( ELECTRIO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phono 1934. 223 N. Liberty. .'' KALIK'8 ' ELECTRIO SHOP ELEO trieat machine repairing, eoatraesiag. 837 Court. Phjae 488. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN - f louse -wiring by hoar or eoutmct. , Estimates furniahed. Phoas 980. 414 ...... .Court 8t . - , r - FTKANCIAl, LOANSON THE EASY PAYMENT plan, eaa repay at taay time without extra charge. 417 Ore cod Bldg. MARION-POLK COONTY FARM IX) AN aaeociatioB has money to loan at 64 W. D Smith, seeretary-trsasaroc 808 Sal am Bank of Coma ores, t - FLORISTS : CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECEA Delivery - O. F. . Breithsapt, florist. 13 North "Liberty street. - Pkeno 880 FURNACES 8EAGROVB FOB FURNACES - PIPE and p!petss;-298 S. 12th St. Phone 885W. . FUaUCtTUBB STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leas moasy. 878 Ooart Phoas 464 .. . - ; - . PEOPLE'S FURN1TUBE STORE NEW snd second band furaiture, 271 N. ' Commercial. i-s-: Ladies' Wearing Apparel , ,1 ' DKESSMAKXNQ SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dresimakiag. Carrie Fisher. McCor :. Back BWx. , Ladies' Wearing Apparel HRESSMAKIXa W ANTED - DRESSMAKING; 809 N. '; Cottage. . ' HEMSTTTCHINa SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. P'estinv bn'tons. stsmpinv and peedle work-. 329 Oregon Bldg. Phono 379. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. - atampiug buttoaa. - Room 10, over Mil ler a store. : Phono 117. 1 "MILLERS" GOOD GOODS HEM atitehing and fancy work parlors; guar antee good work aad quick service. 1H- rect over Miller's store, to the right of main stairway. f ; LADIES TAILORING WW. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING; long coats, and salt. Roeom 7, McCor aiwk Bldr. Phooe una. BUSINESS CARDS ';.- - HOTELS - CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER, STATE aad Commercial. Phone 030 ARLINGTON HOTKL 60 up. 4a Stale. CLEAN. COSY: LAUNDRIES SAI.RM LAUNDRY COMPNY. Liberty street. Phoas 25. Old-st lara-aet beat. Etltiho I Suit : OAP1TA1 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality urt, iirompt service 1364 Broadway. Phm.a lt5 MEDIOAI "T MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phons 517-W. MEN'S 8TOBB ED. CHASTAIN CLOTHING CO. SUITS and overcoats. Uss say stairs: It pays. 805 Stats Si. MACHINB SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIO ELECTRIC Steam boilers, volcanisers and tabs plates. Parry O. Campbell, 817 N. Liberty. H. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY URIND ers and welder. Automotive service. 490 Ferry. Phons 804. WECHTER Jk' SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Hssld cylinder grinding service. Phoss 562-845 Fer .ry. MUSIOAI. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AU braaches taught, diplomas granted. John R. Sitea. director. 1287 Court Phone 626. A. COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO . playing. Popular syncopated standard music Semi-classics aad ballads; 12 lessons. Wstermsn Piano School, Me Cornack Bldg. , . MUSIO STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, a wing machines, sheet mualo. aad piano studies. Repairing phone ' graphs sad sewing - machine. 482 State. Salem. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING SAUL JANZ EXPERT REPAIRMAN ON . all makea of talkine ' machine. . band ; aad string instruments. Call, write or phono 983, Moore's Musis House. 415 Court St. Satisfaction guaranteed- PIANO TUNERS EDWABD WELP EXPERIENCED i piano tuner. Lsavs srders Will's I Mosis 8 tors - - JACK CLEMENT SALEM'S OLD piano toner, is bark. Call, write or phone 1774, the Song Bhop, oppoaite ' s the Court Hons a. - h PIANO-1 TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A aew Victor or Brunswick. EL L., Btill Fur aiture Go- Musio Dept. SHERMAN. CAY eV CO, PIANOS ! P-'e'Tiwe"-!. Duo-Set and ottieva IfOOTS't ; Musis House. 413 Court street. NURSERT STOCK FRUIT, NUT. SHADE. TREES - PFAR cy's, 237 Stste. , FOB SALE WALNUT TREES, 1721 Chemeketa. COMPLETE LINK THICK SMALI f r-di ts. ornamentals. Capital City Nur : aery Co- 426 Oresro Bide .phone 73 FRUIT TREES AND 8HRUBBERT . Grafted walnut, 'cherry . and Italian , pruaetrses. E A. Beanett Nursery Co 2233 Fairgrounds road. Phono 1280. CHOICE SMALL FRUIT PLANTS s Strawberry, blackberry, blackcap, j berry, r currant, grape, loganberry, red ' raspberry. Also asparagus, rhubarb. etc. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 No. Front.- Phono 494. , : FAFSBHAKGISa AMD PAUtT-NG 1 ' PHONE. GLENN ADAMS FOR' HOUSE ; decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman.- - '' TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTI j ful colors: 91 does a room. Max 0. Buren, 178 N Com'L PLTTMBINO GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND , heating; general repairs. Phoas 550. f 141 8.' Liberty. PLUMBING REPATRING AND COIL , work. Phoas 1397-J. Shop. 127 - Union a treat. A. L. Godfrr. RESTAURANTS QUICK LUNCH 20 FERRY; UNDER . .. new management Meals 25c op. Corns ' l J ui. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND ; sells seeond-hsnd furniture. Tools snd junk. 320 N. Commercial. Phoao 492. WANTED EVERYTHING i IN CLOTH : lag aad shoes. Beet prices paid. Cap ; Ital Exchange. 842 : N. CommoroioL l Phoas 1868-W . . SCAVENGE RS SALEM SCAVENGERS ' GARBAGE. refuse of all kinds removed. Cesspools J sleaaod. Phoao 167 or 1595 W HOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (PUO ,. eessor to Nsal Scavenger) Garbage aad - refuse of all kinds removed by the , month. Reasonable rates. - Paoaear V Office 629. roaideaco 3053. ' . TRANSPORTATION ;. :t PARKER'S 8TAGE LINES 3. W. Parker. General Manager Central 8 tare Terminal Salem, Oregoa , SALEM-SILVEBTON DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: It tn- 11 a. m., S p. ta . Loaves 8ilvertoa, News Stand: 8 s. at, 1 p. tn- 6 p. m. Salesa-Iadepoadeaee-Moaiaooth IXv-rioBt Loaves Salem Central Stage Terminal t - 7 a. wu, 9 a. m. , 11 a. -u, 8 p. m . I B.B. Leaves Moamoutb. Monmouth Hotel t ' . 8:15 a. as- 1 p. bu. 6:15 p. au Leaves Independence, Beaver HolcL 8:80 a. m 10 a m- 1:13 p. am. 6 p. as 6:80. Ws make eounoetiona at Salem to all - parts of too, volley. Extra trips bj ; appoiatment. 1 U J. W. PARKER. General Maaage. STOVES AND STOVB BEFAIBZBG STOVFS REBUILT AND REPAIRED : 40 -years' axperiaaee. Depot Natkmal : fence, siaes 26 to 38 laches high. ? Paints, ila and varnishes, ste fctgaa t berry sad hop bosks. .. Salem feaee aad Btovs Works. 850 Court fU-eot. Paeae M4 BUSINESS CARDS TRANSFER flAOLING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Slate St. Phooe 938. Distribatiag. forwarding aad. storage ou epecialty. Get ost rat-a i . wk move, stork and ship house- hold goods. Our specMlty is pisao and furniture moving We also make auBtry trips. . W handle the beat coal and wood, i Call on oa for price. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Traaefer Co. Phoas 930. .. . VAJUtXTY STORES SALEM VARIETY . STORE CHINA ware, giaeaware, bsya, aotMas, aad mil- linery. ..r ! . WATER 8ALEM WATER, LIGHT POTR CO. Off ico. SOI South OommerciBl St. Tea per eeni diaeount on domeatle fiat , rates , paid ii advaace. Mo dedacttona for.aLseace or any cause aateae water ta off your premia-e. WOOD 8 A Wist U WOOD. HAVV'INO. ; Sproed. ; i PltONK 1131. ED. LODGE DIRtCTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VKTEKANS Camp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays profession; ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A J3TRUBLE. SIC Commerce Bldg. BANK OF AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phono 666; 173 S. Liberty j , CHIROPODISTS DR. ' S. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA r tional University ' Scienaea. . Chieago. Mason ie Temple. Phono 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUSES, - ingrown nails; all foot troubles. Price Shoo Co. Phone 616. I . CHIROPRACTORS DR. S. H. SMITH, CHICROPRACTOR. 322 Oregon B lug. Phooe 664. DR. LKNA A. BOOXE. CHIROPRACTOR, 475 S. Commercial. Hours 10 to 13: 1 to 5. Pbons 1415. j DRS.. 8C0TT SCOFIELD, IP. v 8. C Chiropractors. 414-19 Ui I. Bank Bldg. : Phono 87; res. 828-K. CHXKE8B PHYSICIAN DR. H. U HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 High St.; phono 283 DRUQLES3 PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEAIING DK. A. U Franu. Acute and chronic diseases. Phoao 780. 25-28 Breymaa Brack. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIBEO tors. 210 C nter. Phons 1656. ; OPTTCIAHS I ' MnwRm oPTtosi. oo. surra soi. 804 Oregoa Building. . ! GLA8SES FITTED BY THE BOW OP--, tical Oo 825 Stats street, oppoaite Ladd A Bush Bank. '.'Uss Quality t Prsvea 8hur-oaa." , 1 : MATUBOPATHIO PHYSICIANS V DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND i chronic -diaessss. - 415 Oragoa Bldg. t Phoas 110. OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DBS. ' WHITE AND. MARSHALL SOS ; U. S. Bant Bldg. R. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phones 76v 202 4-J. v ' - - pR. W. L.' MERCER OSTEOPATHIO physician and surgeon. Kirksvilie ' graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bide Phoac, office 919: roa. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC : Physician aad Burgeon, 403-404 Ore goa Bldg.' Phonos, office 1894; res 68-F5. DR, O.' H. KENT. OSTEOPATHIO PHT ( sieiaa ; snd .surgeon 408-9 Msaonio j Templs. Pbones: offics 16; rstideaes 1 644M. . 'y ' - ' BROKEN -ARCHES AND OTHER DE- - formitiea of the feet corrected without - loss of time from year oerupatioa. ' Dr. White A Marshall, U. 8. Bank ' Bldg. -r REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MY 16-ROOM HOME AT ' 1030 Chemeketa street. Well adapted ' for rooming. Phone 1280. Wood's Bargains , Nine-room house close in, 91500. Six ! room house, bearing fruit trees, good i- location, 91700. Want a good car as ' payment oa- bungalow and two acres. Want s good house "ss paymrut oa a cuoice au-acro urm cioae , to oaten F. L. Wood, 841 State 8t. Trading: Specialty Portland income snd residence property in ' exchange for farms, .orchards and - landa in the Valley. oCme and sea as. we may do you a service. I The Fleming Realty Co. . 841 State St. . FOR SALE APARTMENT nOUSE ALL , furnished throughout, 9I3.5O0. Apsrt . ment hoase partly furniahed, 96500. Apartment house all furnished. 93500. ; Double house,. 94250. Another double house, 9450O. Modern up to dots fist, 98000. 6-room house for rent; apsrt , meat for rent. - - Golden Rule Realty Co. - , V. 492 N. Cottage FOB EXCHANGE 5 ACRES WITH bouse, legana, strawberries; for house , in Salem. Comptoa Real Estate, 469 State street. - ' ' f ( 5-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. MODERN eonvan iences, finished ia old-ivory, ga rage, 32800. 7-reom bonce oa Union street in two apartmenta. modern eonveniencea, one aide well furnished, 92750. " Pettyjohn dc Mouser ' 316 Oregon Bldg , Fhoae534 Best Buys and Exchanges" 10 acres, walnuts and prunes, 10 years ; old, ia 'good conditions, crop last sea- bob 2500 lbs., walnuts and 3000 lbs. dried prune. Price 96500, i 93500 caah, balance mortgage back. , 5 acres bearing walnuts, 91750 eash, 240 acres,' all cultivated, well Improved. . Will take Salem or Portland inoome . or residence property for all or part. - price 924.000. Socoiofsky 341 Stats; : . ANDERSON RUPERT .40-7 Oregoa Bldg. : - V FARM LOANS. - - INSURANCE :: SURETY B0ND8 r ; BEAlt EST ATX " f -' Special To rent, 63-acre dairy farm, has good modern buildings ; 14 good cows, aH machinery snd feed. Will trade lesss snd stock for house ia town. We have, a bargain in a small bouse sad . two lots for 9850. ; ' 1 - Thomason 1 831 H Ststs Stisst.. , REAL RETIRING WOULD 'TRADE'' WELL improved 176 acre l.inn couuty farm for modern home. Wf C Denton, Leb anon. HOTEL FOR SALE CAStl. GOOD business. Sell on account of age. .. C. Baker, Box 263, Turner. FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM BCX ga'ow with baaement; on paved street, eight blocks north of postoffiee; in ii restricted district. Price $4000. Krueger Oregon Building. TO EXCHANGE 9. ACRE CHICKEN farm, well equipped, ' rood building ; stock and tool and 700 laying hen. This place ia well located., only two blocks from high school. Price $0500. Will trade for Salem property or small tract near Nalem. Thomason 331 i State Street. FOR TRADE 50 ACRES, 6 ; MILES nut; 45 plow land; good 5-room house with 'basement, good - barn, well and springs. Equipment ges with it. Will take a property in town tip toftOOO. See J. A,1 Mills Stats St. Good Buys Fins modern bungalow-with basement and f-rnac on S. Commercial SU Price 84200. . 6-room home close in on N. Commercial St. Price 9500O; immediate possessioa. Fine east front on 8. Commercial fa Price 9850; size 50x144, near Lincoln '- atreet. i One half ! aers tracts aesr Englewood sehooL Price 9000, easy terms. 5-acre tracts east oa Asylum, road. Pries 91500; easy terms. Real Eat ate snd Fire Insurance - W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Ststs St. U. S. Bsnk Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to-wit: One fox hound, white and tanl color. One large, black cockerel spaniel, with brown feet. One fox ter rier, bobtail, white and tan spot ted. One large collie dog, with collar; long bushy hair. The above described dogs will be kill ed if not redeemed by owners, on or before February 3, 1923, as provided In said Ordinance. WT. S. LOW, - Street Commissioner. IN STOCK MARKET News That -Britain Accepts American Debt Terms v Aids Quotations . .i. NEW YORK. Jain. 31. The re actionary tendency of prices in to day's stock market which reflect ed speculative ' disappointment over the quarter report of the United States Steel corporation, was abruptly halted by the an nouncement of the British cabi net's acceptance of the American debt refunding J commission's terms. This announcement gener ally regarded as one of the most constructive developments that the, market has witnessed in re cent weeks, brought about rallies in the stock and bond foreign stock markets.' In the stock market a number of issues rallied one to two points but trading slackened perceptibly when call money was marked up from 4 1-2 to 5 per cent. Prices however, held steady until Just before the close' when . a further break In fisher , body and heavy selling of Chandler Motors caused further unsettlement in the gen eral list. Failure of the debt commission to bring about a greater response undoubtedly influenced the re sumption of bear pressure and re alizing sales. Early selling pressure against the steel shares carried. United States Steel common down to 104 the lowest price this year. It closed at 104 1-2 here it was off 1-1-8 on the day. v Most of the. rails turned heavy with the industrials, but iosst were generally 1 limited to frac tions. . .1' f Foreign exchanges . recovered sharply on the debt news. Demand sterling opened at 4.64 1-4, drop ped to 4.63 5-8 ' and rallied to 4.65 3-16. French francs, sold as low as' 5.77; only 7 points above their extreme low of November 1920, and then jumped to 5.97. German marks sold as low as .0Q2 cents and then rallied to .0026. I The time money market was quiet, a few short term loans be ing arranged at 4 1-2 and the longer maturities at 4 3-4. Com mercial paper held steady with the bulk of the prime names com manding 4 1-2 cents. - WHEAT UVERPOOL, Jan. 31. Close: March 9s, 7 l-4d; May 9s 5 7-8d. ; BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 31. -Opening, wheat ) March 1.171-4, down 1 1-4; , May 1.19 1-4. down, 11-4. J MINNEAPOLIsl Jan, 31. Wheat, cash: Jo. 1 northern, 1.15 01.25; May 1.17; July 1.16 1-2. V K ' FRtlT' J NEW YORK, Jan. - 31. - Evap orated apples dull; prunes heavy; apricots firm; peaches steady, RALLIES WHEAT QUOTATIOiiS RECEIVE SETBACK Expected: .arge Shipments To Europe from Argen tine Influences y CHICAGO, Jan. 31. Expecled large shipments to Europe from Argentine and other cotnpcti-ig commies had. a good deal Ki do today with bringing about n et back hero in the price of wheat. Closing quotations were unsettled, 1-4 to 1-2 net lower with May 1.16 7-8 to 1.17 and Juiyi 1.11 7-8 to 1.12. : Corn finished unchitngd td 1-4 higher; oats at l-4e de cline to 1-8 il-4c advance and provisions exactly the same as ysterday?8 close. Lower quotations at Liverpool gave particular emphasis to im ports Of, prospective heayy world shipments of wheat and to asser tions that Argentine especially was offering wheat much cheaper than the grain was being ' ten dered from the United States. Be sides, the decline at - Liverpool was directly in the face of a ma terial advance', here yesterday. With no signs-apparent of an im portant export business develop ing in this country, and with rains visiting most of the domestic win ter crop belt, commission houses were free sellers at times and the market fell to the lowest level of the daw before. . f V : 'Something of a recovery which took place in wheat values during the last half of the day appeared to be due chieflyUo closing out of spreads buying here) against sales at Winnipeg. British accep tance of the tentative terms of th-3 United States regarding payments of war debts by Great Britain was inspiring a little also a factor more confidence on the bull sid of the market. In addition, ship pers here said that milling in quiry for wheat was better. Up turns in price, however, failed to hold well at the finish, i T - Scantiness of receipts here and continued need of rain in Argen tina gave strength to the corn market. Oats followed corn. Slackening of export I demand offset in the provision market the effect of higher quotations - on hogs. ' aUSCELLAXEOUS PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 31 Butter: Prints extras 8c; cube3 extras 45c; prima firsts, 44c. ' Butterfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 49 c. Potatoes-: Buying price, locals, 50 60c. Selling price 65 75c. BRITISH ACCEPT " AMERICAN PLAN 'Continued on para 3) nectlon the official view appear ed to be that in' Teaching an agreement with ; th's country's principal debtor nation,; a long step ha,d ' been , taken tbward es tablishing a basis from which to work- with the other , debtor na tions. . The- British settlement, it was said, probably would serve as a guiding line for both the Unitd ; States 5 and " ' Great Britain in treating with.' their eommon debtor - nations. ' , The British debt, as of last May 15, aggregated $4,074,814, 358 principal and $611,044,201 interest. Since that t-irie, $100, 000.000 has been paid on the in terest charges accruing; subse quently, although the ttotal of these charges - has never .been made public. Treasury statisticians j unoffi cially computed the total; (figure at more than 1 0 billion! dollars, which Great Britain i will have paid at the end of the! 62 year period, if the ratc made public are contained in the final apr proval by the British cabinet. To get a license to run an auto one Las to have had some experi ence, but in marriage the experi ence comes after the license. (Arkansaw Thomas Cat.) ncintor I Io. 25 Queen Incubator, 600 egg Capacity, slightly used, regular price. $108.50 Special at $50.00 1 No. 3 Queen Incubator, 180 Egg Capacity, new. Regu lar price $4700 V Special at $35:00 - If you need incubators here are two good bargains. Also handle Master Incubators and sell at Portland prices D. A. WHITE & Phone 160, Salem, REALTY EXCltAMJIs f Reported by Union Abstract prJx ? Coxapanj- - Joseph G. Fonta'ne to F. i-. Branche, part 4f lot 4, blot-k 3, Salem, $5000. . ' M. P.: Sletten and husband to J. A. Stailman . and - wile, lot 0, block 4, Losanvilley $SOO. John .K-ntt and ; wife to Ed. Meier and wife, parts of lots I and 2, blorrk 21. Sublimity, Or.. $10. A. Goldade and wife to Joseph J. Keber and wVe, land In sec tion . 4-6-1 W; Marion county. Ore.. $1. D. D. Miller and wifo to P. Neuswanger and wife, laud in section 9-7-1 W; Marlon comity. Oi., $1500. ' J.' E. Bakke and wife to Thfl Merchants Nat'onal Bank of le- iaU i . JJilill - Ull Ul rr Minn., land in sections! lu 15. 8-2 W; Marlon county. troit. and Or., $1. . Annie Linderlood ami husband to Olirc- L. Boysell, pan ot lo.s 2 and 3. block 9, Capital Parit add'tlon - to Salem, $1. J. D. Burtoft and wife to A. II. Moore, part , o. lot 3, blocs 22, Salem, $10.j ' Right j Reverend Walter Taylor Samner, -Bishop of tht Protest r.nt Episcopal church in and for the . Diocese of Oregon, to Rec tor, Wardens, and Vestry of St. Paul's Protestant - ;EpIscopal church of Salem, lot 1, block , Salem,. $1. ; : Guy C. Doan and wffe to O. Trapp and wf-e. lot 11, blocfc 1, Queen Ann addition to Sa lem, $2600. - Alex Scharbach and wife to R . D. Gray, land in claim K3-S-. 2W; 'rMarIon county. Or.. $1. .A. - B. Mineker and ' wife to Peter Chr'stensen and wife,: land in claim 3 6-5-1 W; Marion coun ty. Or., $2200. .Gregor Fesor, to Joseph Feser, land in claim 61-6-1W; Marion county.- Or.. $1. : I Joseph Feser and wife to G. fiialy and - .wife, land In claim 31-6-1W; Marlon county, . Ore gon,' $3300. r 1 -, George R. Led ford and wire to Arch' Rose, land in claim 64 5T2W; ( Marlon county, Or., $10. Lydia H. Bowerman, : to S. E. Purvlne-and wife,, parti of lot 7. block 6,-. University Addition to Saleat, $150. ' i ' Win. R. Tapscott and wife, to F. M. Fresh, part of lots 4, 5, 6,! block 6, . O. Luttich addition to Mt. Angel, $130. J .T. E, Freston and wife, to C. Harwood. lots 7 and 8. block 4 , Davenport's addition "to Silverton, $75Q..i;:."i' )' .".".r. : , : Wm. Perlich and wife, to S. E Davis, lot 5, Orchard Park addi tion to Salem, $10. r r 4 ; M. C. Ftndley and wife, t o F. M. Haberman and wife, part ol block-3, Roberts addition to Sa lem, $10. r J. S. Baker, to Ida Baker, land In 8-2-W, MarionN County, $2. : Rose W. . Chamberlin. to Chas. S. Weller. lots 1 and 2, Chamber lin addition to Salem, $10. D. H. Minkler and. wife, to Wm. W. Hutton, land in CI 52-7-3 V. $10. . ' S. A. Mulkey, et al, to IL Saal feld and wife, lots 5 and 6, b'ock 1. Palmer's addition to Mt. Angel, $10. ' '. " Jos. Faulhaber . and - wife, to Hafenbredl and wife, land in CI 59-6-1 W, $4500. " v ' S. B. Layman ana witc. to II. Mallow and wife, land in CI LS-5-1 w, $1000.; G. O. Brown, et al, to L,dd & Bush, part of lot 5. block 32, $10. Now a woman Is suing her -divorced husband for breach of prom ise. It Is claimed that the coupla had a reconciliation and an un derstanding; to remarry and tho husband now falls to carry out his part of the program. ;. He is beg ging for a little more freedom. This-'has caused the former wire great mental distress and incid entally damaged ; her . $20,000 worth financially. By this time the man iff either sorry he ever met the lady or did not marry her twice. v w .261 State St. Oregon . sons