J-1 , Issued Daily THE STATKSJklAN PCBLLSHJNG COMPANY j; 215 S. Commercial SU. Salem. Oregon i5 r , Portland Office, 627 Board of r UEMBEB OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ; ... . Tha Associated Press is exclusively enUtied,ta the use tor publi cation ot all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la this paper and also the local news published herein. . Stephen A. Stone . . . . . Ralph Glover . .V . Frank Jaskoskl . . . . . .. . i. Business Office 23 Circulation Department, 5tt I Job Department, 681 Society Editor. 10 S Entered at the Postof flee in Salem, Oregon as second class matter ' A GIGANTIC SPINACH . " One concern is asking for of spinach to be supplied, by Salem district growers the com- ing season- -. r v; ''M::1 ' tvrB - -j ''-"v. -- . Thi3 for dehydration at the Salem plants T i -And the King's 'Food Products Company managers say they have never yet had enough spinach; that it has been sold out every year within 60 days after the price was au i nounced. : -;V' -: V:':; w; v- -'r ; ' -r" "f-H' There is no telling how far, this thing may go. It may ; extend to gigantic proportions- And, because better quality du to become the world center of a great spinach industry For the iron in it, and for the vitamines and other " requisites in dietary schemes, spinach is coming into more ; and more general use riot only in the hospitals but also in the homes of this country; of the whole world. 'i-; -There should be no question whatever of the supplying here by our growers of all the spinadi that the manufacturers end packers will take, and pay for. 1$ is one of bur best crops, taking into account tht it may be followed by another profitable .vegetable crop; or, even a third, on the same land the same year. -'',. ; It is no longer necessary to say to the majority of the readers of The Statesman that the eating of spinach freely is a very? important requisite for health Every kitchen or tome garden should have some spinach, and two crops should te raised, and iome of it should be canned at home, or the commercially canned or dehydrated article should be used when it cannot be had in the fresh form. 'r ; - Spinach is nearly as important in the dietary a3, milk; race cannot be sustained without, milk, nor healthy children raised; nor old people kept in proper condition. "v -.;' One of the creatcst arguments in favor of spinach grow ing commercially, in the Salem district is the fact that the soring crop furnishes a cash return early in the season when rr.oney i3 needed for the cultivation of, other crops. And, in the same way, it add3 materially to the net returns from any given number of acres of land under cultivation.;; J ,. The story of the $50,000 strawberry plant, published in Thev Statesman thb morning, is an interesting one. : : It is of especial interest in this great strawberry center. W. H. Weeks and Lester I. Pearmine (Weeks & Pearmine); the big straw berry plant growers 6f Eoute 8, Salem, have been making in quiry, and they find that no plants of the $50,000 Strawberry will be available for the present season. But these enterprising plant growers are up on their toes in expectancy, and they v. ill get the .very first plants of the new wonder .berry that can be1 had. There are hundreds of anxious strawberry growers in the Sal$m district who wiH be ready tq, try out the new "king of kings," as soon as they can get sup plies of plants.' , : 1 - -: ' f-:4 v : " RADIO i3TD -I103IAXCE . If thW yoans Lochlnvar should cor.9 q'ut of.tbe.west tomorrow ani steal. somebody else's bride ri'-it off th altar steps he prob4 EPOiiXJ fc ryrt-it, 1D23, Associated Edit For Boys r OTHER ' Jupiter, the Great World f - , . i This is tie seventh of twelve stories about tha mysteries of the skies by Dr.4 H, ' W. Hurt, Na tional' Field Commissioner of , the Boy Scouts, and WTiter of two of their handbooks. Dr. Hurt has" studied the stars tor many arfl, and at-ono tliaewas - in cLa-ge of the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, wtero .Jae ; largest i telescope la thej jwo.rld. '.is '-.located.) ''".; ' L;ToTr.woald-yon like a 10-hour da;.; instead t ,a.?24?.;3 This ta4 iv l t you would '"have ; If you lH:i on Jupiter, our largest pla net five . hours a day and fiv hours of night. Its year, hn'iever; Is 12 limes as lon as our- own..':'v;;-;v.-,''':.v l It we could somehow run an aeFoplane to Jnpiter at 100 trlTe an". hour. It would ba 44 4 ycttrs ; before-we arrived. 'If we itsched there at night, w- would hava .a : Cine time enjoying .the mou. light, because Jupiter has eight moons, and several; of these are always shining". The largest of these - eight moons . was dis covered by Galileo , away back In 1 810,' when 1 he ' proved" that our earth was not the ceater of th- "universe.. ; . . Jnpiter Very Cold uplter ia so -Jar. away from th- sun 4S3 ninim miles) that If ; on held your taad out in Its su- '.'sht you would receive only or twenty-seventh as much heat r you would on. the earth. .In i" it ha$ teen I'zred out vyivty J A -:JL . Except Monday by Trade Building.- Phone Beacon 3193 i f p w . .Cashier ....Manager Job Dept. INDUSTRY ? POSSIBLE Contracts for 500 or jnore tons ably (would be stopped by radio within ,20 minutes and. Instead ot becoming a hero of song, would be lucky if he escaped facing; a Mann act charge.' ' ;' V1 If Leander. were tp start one ora .The Biggest Little andlGirls , WORLDS that the 'normal - temperature there would be 144 degrees . be low Treecing (centigrade.) .'. We , are practically certain, however that Jupiter has below and within his heavy blanket of air" some source ;(of, heat. Its clouds and atmosphere I seemto be; very. - hot' and in constant motion almost4 like -our sun.' For this reason we have coma tobe Iieve that ; life, ; such as ; wo have on our earth, would not -be pos sible there , V '-. ; , i '' " It is hard to ; think: of how really big Jupiter' is It ' Is' as large as 1390 earths put togeth er. If these 1390 earths were strung out as' beads they would reach 5 our moon 4 , times,, vln fact,, this giant ' of the planets is t-vvo and a hajt times as large as fall the' other ? planets ; com bined. ' . . . ' ( Next - week : f "Are Comets Dangerous?") t w I THE SHORT STORY, JR. ; . ; , : THE KIDNAPER "By George.! " Mr., i Bryce gave his desk a resounding bang with his fist, completely knocking ever the calendar which he "was regarding " Intently. -I almost forgot Vltl 'Tomorrow is: Mar garet's birthday and I 'haven't a -r thing for-, her,"' Quickly he looked at his ; watchl ... "There's Just 10 xalnutes until the stores close, : too." . Grabbing hi haV he hurried out of -the office and .v of his famous' aqustie jaunts ;tb night; some mean aneaK would flash the Udlngs across the Hel lespont , and , he would be nabbed by his enemies Just as he reached the other side. ' : - , . If Paul Revere were all set to start his ride through a thousand years : of history he' would- get the horse laugh as r a bearer of Stale news, at the first middlesexj rillare or farm he trted through and be Informed th?it, he'd better turn around and start back with thel already-assembled- minute men. . .k ' And so on and on and on. For. though 'radio' holds first place in the romance of achieve ment today, it is a good thing for a lot of historic" romances that it wasn't . discovered before, when It could and would hare put the ki bosh on them for keeps. -; ; ; ; There la no danger that it will pnt an end to legal and ' proper elopements,; however. The cost of formal weddings, is such that there is a lot ; of parental collu sion ; about some elopements, and radio will never be widely invoked to interfere "with them. There may be even quite a few husbands and wivW-who won't ever seek Its aid to stop eloping spouses. , But the man who tries , to elope with somebody else's money, is alreaMy beginning to find It a mighty seri ous handicap. , ; ; Radio is doing so much good in the wdrld that we're all glad to give up a few romantic esca pades. If necessary, to enjoy its benefits. -- After 'all, so long- as there are human beings In the world .there will be romance, so there is .reajly nothing serious to fear on that score. But a friend at the writer's elbow declares that we ought to congratulate Lochiri var, Leandec. Revere, et al.; on living when they did. . ; v. The Oregonian of s day or two ao was bragging about messages and music broadcasted from the tower of its office building being heard in far Samoa; where above the sacred resting place of Rob ert Louis Stevenson in his loved Pacific Island ,on might listen to the patter of the rain on the roofs of the Jllatland country. , Several years ago. Edison start led, a-doubting world by declaring that the time was coming when a man mighty stand in the center of the Sahara desert and take from his pocket an instrument through which ; he could, talk to any one in all the world. Wise people have quit doubting. Doubt ers are growing- out of style. The Impossible has happened so often that-one may expect It to happen again any day. i - f if-..- INCOME TAX POLITICS i That certain - radical : leaders will rejoice should the v Oregon legislature Jail to pass a state in come tax bill Is becoming more and more evident. These radicals will oppose a 'conservative Income tax bill. They want a measure Taper In the World down the . street three . steps, at a time. He tore across the street to the big toy store on the.. corner- , .. "Here!" her called to the clerk, who was putting her stock away for the night, "I want a big doll, the best yon have. - v '.."Here is a. very nice doll just what you wauti, I am aure,". The clerk held up the most expensive doll In the 'store, a' big: Aazen-haired- b.eauty. . "Anyi child would .be pleased with. this. See If . you bend it down like this it says 'Mamma, and If yon lay it down It cries -like . a baby. She: suited the actions to her words and ; the doll ; showed of f beautifully. ; "AM , right, I'll take it. Wrap it np jrelL ; , -" - : , By this time ; the ; experienced wrapper was gone, so the inex- perienced clerk had to wrap the dolL- T Consequently, It , was a very bulky and -queer looking package ' that Mr. ' Bryce carried out of the store - a : tew minute later. lie felt , embarrassed. "Anybody would know It was- a doll he ; thought. "I, -hope J 1 don't meet j any; of my' friends. He thrust the package under his arm; and started quickly down the , street. ' Immediately he was startled by a -lusty cry , from un der bis arm.' ; Mr. Bryce turned an . angry red as he noticed the smiles on the . faces of the passers-by. r ' He snatched it out and held it upright In front of, him. Angry and disgusted, he stalked along, : holding the big doll in his .arms like a baby. Soon he discovered - that - people - were laughing at him. Quickly ' he thrust - the package - under ' his j-rj --- "jy :l that hitsJtiard In the upjwir brack eta and exempts liberally in the lower brackets. - They do net seem to! care "whether the legisla ture passes their kind of a meas ure. Should Jt; fail .to pass it well, the Non partisan League Is ready.; to come; in .and jrun th atate. v; Or if a conservative ' In come tax measure la enacted, the Nonpartisan League - Is -, still ready. . i The League has friends, many friends. In Oregon, and several of them are active In the Btatehouse. Some, ot these have not. lost faith but that they can swing . Gover nor -Pierce back X Into - line, and anything that might tend to cre ate a rift between governor and legislature is quietly fostered. So far governor and legislature are in harmony, each trying if pos sible to work out a' program that will i be acceptable .to the . other without too"great a concession on principle. But the breach Is pre dicted, and with it goes the pre diction that: the .legislature - will triumph temporarily, that the people will repudiate the legisla ture wrathf ully, that . Pierce will be elected United States senator four jyears from now, on.' the strength Of a breach with the leg islature - .and . that Charles E Spence will . succeed him as gov ernorthe -Nonpartisan League being the main factor in bringing all these about. , . I This sounds pretty "wild at first, but there are some close observ ers who think that something equivalent to this is likely' to bap. pen. Only a tax reduction by the legislature an actual, visible re daction can save the situation politically, f. Can the legislature do It? Oregon Voter. j ' i v Strange things have happened in the world and In Oregon be fore now. Strange things ' may happen again. -- : But, as the face of events look how, the above sounds mnclf like a brainstorm. .From present ap pearances, Oregon is a3 likely, to go Bolshevist or.craxy as to be captured : by ' the Nonpartisan League, which wrecked North Da Kota and would in full control make a wilderness of: any com monwealth or country. THE SELF-MADE MAN - (Written for Tbe SUtesman;), Look not where Fortune's favor " . Ites dwellat, ease, :r''f'-'-'.; But In the ranks of those fed with a wooden- spoon -i jTv His humble room Is dim," but lit- - - tie does he are ( i ; - j His , great ambition permeates , . ' the gloom. " ;';-,-;;- i. Nor does he linger- where nhe k footlights glow " v Attract the pleasure seekers of mankind; , . : ; ; ' Moments of idleness are a mortal ' dread -; ' ; , : To him who would be master of his mind. t He whimpers not because his lot - in life does not compare' , With others he has known; HUM08 PIAT ; WORK Edited by John H. Millar other "arm, 1 ; . . "Mamma! Mamma!',' squealed the doll. Desperately he turned it over and was' : rewarded by loud whimpering . and ; crying as from a baby; vBy this time the poor man" was setting quite des perate. He dashed into ' a door way, and shook . the offending creature roughly.! "IfI can only break Tthe works!" he muttered, shaking harder. ' .Suddenly he felt a heavy hand on , his , houlder and turned to look Into the eyes of a tall po liceman. "You're pretty slick," be said, taking a tighter hold on Mr. Bryce's collar, . "but we've got. you now. . 'Caught ' with the goods, , you are.' Kidnaping1 cry ing babies isn't so' easy. , is -it? Come on! r We've , been laying for you for; months." v r PICTURE PUZZLE yHAT 2 FLAW OF : kAKESPEdRE ARE HERE. ft --lU RCTUREO? 7MtriUr': Sole, pea. . 1 1 i "" i iiii' tesd, suds, He drinks the knowledge every v book contains -And claims each gem of wisdom ' as hi own. . For wbat,is education to a roan ' Whose atm . In life 4s ynt a thing unborn? - -His life becomes a mockery of the wise, j.. Y j v .. ! A book ot empty words and empty deeds the intellectual .well may scorn. How gruesome la the story ot his . past, . ; : ; ( ' : How Fate served many a blow, and Fortune frowned Discovering to her folly tempered steel - Built for endurance, never to be downed, A harvest bountiful he gleans ' , Among the husks that sons of . luxury would cast aside; His teachers are life and the uni verse, - 'Naught save ambition In his ' walls abide. " Short is the span ot lite to him ' 'Who finds ; A revelation lurking In each written 'line; ' Who hears a sermon in the sky lark's note. And. In the heavens' broad ex panse a thought divine. A universal question haunts us ' .... all: : What ails, humanity? When will the turmoil end? The lack la this: We need more Lincoln' minds. ' In other words we need: More ' Self-Mad e Men. By Emma Niemeyer. Salem, Or., Jan. 29, 1923. S0L0NS VISIT OREGON UNIVERSITY AT EUGENE ) ' , (Continued from, page 1) : raise, or, a voteao cast," he said "no" worthy; student will ever be deprived of the privilege of "having an education and. the doors of the colleges shall not be closed to those'- who do , not ; happen to ' be wealthy.'' 3 :f ' "Anything worth having j is worth working for?. wa one, of the striking, asserti9ns of Mr Brownell. He called attention to the serious -financial conditioa'of the state but averred that institu tions of learning should not bear the sacrifices that are necessary for. the., state to get back to i condition of normalcy. .- - ,;, ; 'Woman Regent Heard j Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, mem ber r of the : board of regents of the university and who was one of the hardest workers to raise n ey for the women's building, ad dressed the assembly, thanking the legislators' ; for the part, they had had In raising the needed money. s President P. S Campbell of the university addressed the assembly at" some length on the j condition of and the problems confronting the university.' ... Among . other things he told the members of the legislature that1 the mlllage tax by which the university benefits will produce 150,000 less this year than Jast year because of .the lower assessed valuation in the SUte. '-; -.. - -. -. -?;, ri " t' - -v . Pinner 8erved ' The . university glee cluh and other ! student - organizations fur nished ' music for the - occasion Col. W. G. D. Mercer, chaplain of the state senate, delivered the In vocation, at the assembly and also at the dinner in Hendricka hall at 1 o'clock The' dinner was served imme diately after the program in the gymnasium. ; The students', were well : organized,, for . this , event Colin V. DymenU dean of the col lege "of arts and. sciences and an instructor in the college of jour nalism, served as toastmaster. He called upon a number of the mem bers of both senate and house. 1 Buildings Inspected ( Following the dinner more than an hour was .given to inspection of buildings, and then a. reception was given at the - Chamber of Commerce down town, Eugene citizens escorting the visitors ' to the chamber in automobiles. The returning train left . at 5 o'clock for Salem. Boxed lunches were distributed among all the visitors as the train .'left Eugene. As the Visitors, went aboard ex tra edition of the , University of Oregon Emerald, containing a complete account of the events of the day. was; placed ; into their hands. - UNFLt'K.XZA FKOM NKCJLKCT- r". -.';.. ED COLDS. - ';' Stop your coughs and colds be fore they become, serious. If neg lected they lead' to influenza, la grippe, asthma and bronchitis. Three generations of users . have testified to the quick relief giv en hy Foley'a Honey and Tar from coughs, colds,- croup, throat, chest and bronchial trouble. Larg est, selling cough, medicine In the world. Mrs. S. L, Hunt, Cincin nati, Ohio; writes: Foley's Honey and Tar cored me of a -hacking cough, wheezing and pains in the chest? Refuse substitute Sold everywhere. -Adv. " Out in Los 'Angeles, basing our opinion on -the news reports from that 'section, no holiday stock Is considered . quite . complete with out agoodly assortment of ladies' pearl-handled revolvr.i--Coiuni- bua Dispatch, - - SON RETURNS . AFTER YEARS OF ABSENCE Boy Who Ran Away When He Was Sixteen Returns a Man and Finds Sifter CORVALLISJ Or!., Jan. 1 31. George Toplet returned to his mother's home... here today alter an absence of 17 years. He ran away : from home when he was 1C and enlisted in the navy. Dur ing the late war the. mother1 received-word that George had been killed in a naval engagement. Toplet found a 16-year-old sis ter at his . home here whom he had never seec She -met him in response to hla ring ot the door bell and was so doubtful of his tale that he . was her brother that she went to a neighbor where . the mother - was calling to call her before admitting him. Toplet.. has a wlfe and baby In England and Is going back to them shortly, he said. - PIERCE LAUDS . THE FLAX INDUSTRY , (Continued from page 1) priatlon, put in some machinery and make the flax -industry pay our taxes. .Don't let's wait two years, do it now. ; I don't want to make any mistakes, but this industry looks good,.I am going to-do thef fery best I can for a debt-ridden, tax-burdened state. We'd . like V pledge from you to raise enough flax to run the ma chinery at the institution. Well all work together and we'll atart the ball a-rolling!" , -, The .-association has pledged, through Secretary A. C. Bohrn- stedt, the 1000 acres already con tracted, and another 500 acres or more tor -sure, and still another 1000 If necessary to. make ; ;; the business secure. ' ' , . -v Many Speakers ' A. 'number7 of speakers , gave brief but strong addresses at the meeting. - One speaker was Mrs. Elizabeth Lord, The Mother ' of Oregon Flax," s who has been in terested In the industry for 30 years. - C. P. , Bishop v of ' Salem told of having -visited a great la, dustrlal editor in the East last summer, who listened patiently and uninterestedly ' to what he said about fruit but when the Oregonian began to , tell of the flax of the Pacific coast the editor broke. loose on this as 'the one greatest - product to distinguish this section. -"You have one of the greatest industrial possibili ties in the United States," he said, "and your state should get, back of if - ; Editor Quotes Figures' K. J. endrlcks, . of The States man, spoke briefly of the pos sibilities of making the. penlten tiary flax industry pay the whole cost;, of , the ' prison, as well as regenerating the men themselves through, work and, pay. He quoted figures from the Stillwater, Minn prison, where they have paid all the prison expenses since 1905 and have laid up -a surplus . of 4, 000,000 besides on their flax and sisal' works. : ' H;.v - -- -: - ; A wonderful basket dinner with more kinds of' fried chicken 'and cream ; cake, and ' every ! country dainty waa served by (the lady members of the Flax association. Yesterday h Legbhtare While, nearly all of the legisla tors went to Eugene vesterdav to visit and inspect the University of Oregon many remained in Sa lem to catch up with committee work. The proposal of the state audit committee to have a state finance commission created by the 'legis lature has been - abandoned and the amended bill to be submitted by the joint committee on assess, ment and taxation will, if passed, place the supervision of bond Issues of municipal corporations, drainage districts : and the like under the control of the corpor ation - commissioner. - - -' Representative Hurd's bill . to prohibit the fixing - of admission prices for motion pictures by the producers1: and ' distributors' has been favorably reported by , the committee on revision of laws. It will probably be on third reading and finals passage today, i The -report of . the house Judici ary committee ;)will probably be divided on .Representative Deals bill to add ; Insanity as a ground for" divorce. v.-v ;.. -;.:.::.,.v:- The bill will come out of com mittee today with a majority re port favoring its passage with some amendments ' Including a provision that all brothers, - sis ters, children and the father and mother ot the defendant shall be served with summons; that the defendant must be confined in an Oregon institution for the Insane, and that the "head of the Institu tion be served with a summons. It la further provided J that , In sanity caused by the plaintiff shall not he a ground for divorce. The Judiciary committee of the house has prepared an unfavor able - report on i Representative Lovejoy bill, to provide a pen alty for hunters who shoot other hunters.; JTh report "will he filed today. - - - i"j . l J 9 By MARGUERITE GLEESOH The American Association of University :. Women " Hill h,old a luncheon Saturday at nooA'."In the Spa, 'This is: the regular meet ing dayof the organization ahd gnests Tor the 'occasion will be Mrs. W. S.'K5nney, senator. from CI atsop. county; Mrs. C. B. . Sim mons, , representative from Mult nomah connisVvand i Dri Owens Adair. Each Will speak on legis lative bills in which they, are in terested. " " ' w. .v; . 0 ''. The national convention of the association will, be in Portland in June and the local , branch will assist in entertaining the large group of women from all parts of the nat ion, who -will -be-In attend ance. , " . -; - v - - 'Mrs. Alice H.rDodd. will be In charge of the missionary pro gram at. the First Congregational church Friday ; afternoon. The .missionary department of the wo man's union Is4 In charge of the meeting. , , . ; The Piety HHi club will meet today with Mrs. E. T. Barnes. Mrs. ,W." E.: Kirk will be assist ant hostess. : ' - : 1 .:-.,-i-y:'.....: ..r.J ,..... .:-- Mr'sT' U. "G." Ship'le'y Is spending a'ahort time In Portland. . . ..-: . ,-. .: - . - Miss Anne Lang, state . regent or the DAR, wtiose, honie is. in The Dalles, will be unable to at tend the state conference next month Jn McMinnvllle. according to latest reports. Miss Lang bo gan an Inspection -of the chapters of the state early last fall - but her health, broke down and she was forced to abandon the trip. It Is Considered unlikely that she will, he sufficiently recovered to attend the-meeting in McMinn vllle. i ' -- . - - r-- - Jt had been the hope ot the local chapter to have Miss Lang here for the:, dedication of .the boulder; on "the state house grounds. Thia will be dedicated, according to present plans, Feh ruary 22. ' - f :. A silver tea will besponsored by ther American War Mothers next. Tuesday in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. War - Mothers in , the legislature and; others .at tending the sessions will be spe cial guests for the afternoon. A number; from Salemj were among those attending the Shrine dance last night in Portland. This is considered, one of the impor tant social affairs given "by the Al Kader- temple. ; : i x - Mrs. H. R. White and Mrs. J. E. Maddlson were hostesses'' Sat urday evening at a surprise birth day parties,. for Mr. 'Vyhite' and Mr, Maddlson.. Five hundred was played during the evening, and dainty refreshments served later by the hostesses. . - I Two great birthday, cakes-were part of the ' table decorations. These were ornamented 'with yel loW' and -white candles and this color scheme was carried out In other decorative notes in the liv ing rooms. . . "; ;Z -. ''.".;,. . Guests for the. evening Includ ed Mr. and Mrs. William Yarneli, Mr. and Mrs, T. Claggett, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. S4meral. Mr, and Mrs. Homer . English,. Mr. . and : Mrs. George VIesko, Miss Mary Foil- rich and- John F. White. Tuesday evening Miss MIrpah Blair, president ; of the ' Westmin ster guild of the First Presbyter ian church, and, Mrs. Laura Blair entertained the guild members in their new and attractive, home on Marion street.- . ' ' The topic under discussion was "The trbnd of the Negro World." Mrs." Bertha Junk Darby took up the musicians of the race, and played two of Burleigh's: compo sitions; MIsa Laura Grant played the lilting strains of "Llndy," by Rosamond Johnson, and Mrs. Merle Rosencrans sang 've11 and "Perhaps," the former ac companied by Miss Grant and the latter by Mrs. Darby, all of which were greatly enjoyed.-. - ' Miss - AlUe Chandler spoke ot the loyalty of the race. Miss Clara Albert on the growing race con sciousness, which" was supple mented by remarks by Miss Flora Case. V Miss Angle McCuIIoch gave a brief, biography Of Phillls Wheatly a poet, , also t extracts from some ' of Paul Lawrence Dunbar's poems, and ; something ot Braithwalte and his work. , Refreshments followed, and an , informal fiat, which. :ded . a most enjoyable evening. r. r A clever littles play called "The Woman .Who Lived In i a Shoe" was ' "presented recently fb'y the ; ICWOHG FOOIC i CO. Closinji Out SaIe;HAIl Scads Ilast Be S:H Ziizi 10 to 50 Per Cent ca tlis BcIL Dry goods, fornishiag goods,! Chinese-and Japjiacse f a--y goods, silk waists, klmonas, house dresses, bath rcbea r. wear, silk hose, gentlemen's and ladles', furnishing rood. cMna" ware, baskets and table'covers, etc. .- . youaier '--r. i I i son. The children',.--- cosUltaee?1'11"",'."3 ' Mother Goose -caa-"- - , The piano nuniljers , ar.i t provided an venu ;;;:; for-the guests were ue , r-ianrta of In c.. r ;n. eni buu . ; ,t,fr The children taking part we Robert- Zelsdorf. Lucilo Mosher. Feni Sie.tca,E leen Moore. Estner '-" " ' r n-ail ChapeL Edward Schunke Caro l SImnson. Detty Dotaon, Alrfiia la Alderson,' Meda IlarJea, Helen Ralph. Hazel ? " Helen McElroy,: Paulina t Orey. Marie Hunsaker, Rnby Orey ana Gladys Shelton, New Booksat tLe Library lV.rhe Golden; Dot: sX" a of magic and -ion hyir James George Frazer. A new i . . --tcr--- of many voiume tu-uuu " - . m -Mi-ct-"f ! -n andreiig-. lorna wi ut'"- - - Ion among prlEiUira races. lore, anthropology and compara tive jrelision, r ; "Cpatempory- Oce-Act nays, with outllae study c the cae-act plays and bibliosrarty, edited tj B. R. Lewis. Ancts the authors represented are Iirrie, Mackaye, Tehekov, Sadermann and String berg.- '.- . . "American Music and Music ians, by Waldo Seldon Pratt, Is an American; supplement to it 3 Grove dictionary of musics'-1 contains a compact historical ia troducUon followed, by sfcetcL.es of leading individuals, orsarira tlons, institutions and Interests, arranged in alphabetical oruer.- i , The federal "radio .control 1M was passed by the tqusa er.i t. . t to ; th senate. -, , -, .; - . ; Peru, it became . known,, fc: 3 been'ske&. whether t!:9 &7i' ment of Sonator roiaiaxter cf Washington as American, aiats.3 sador at Lima . would te accep table. . . -'. " . .- : -Mnvestlgationby ; the federal trade commission ' Into all pt : i ot the cotton Industry, iacludi .3 production marketlag nd r:'U operations; . was ordered by the senate. . - 1 , The federal reserve board In a review of conditions, reported re newed indications of recovery in the agricultural industry fro a months of depression. "The Bursum pension till," re cently vetoed was reported 17 tV. 3 senate pensions committee after some of the proflslons otjectel to by, President Harding had been eliminated. . ': . The house military commlttea tabled the Bursum bill to autLor ie retirement of .volunteer cffl cers,; disabled duriag tLe orIJ war on the same basis as regular army officers. " I Railroads' were directed ty,thi interstate comcnerce coinniIssIo to resume the sale of intercLasgd' able tnilease ; books et a 20 jr cent "reduction from, regular. E-j-senger rates. - Customs officials estlnmte.I that duties In imports wcull ex ceed: ,480,000,000 In the current fiscal year ending June 30, est&b. lishlng a new record f or govern ment revenuefrom that tozrez. A resolution which would re quest President Harding to crga world-wide limitation of narcotic and habit forming Zsuz prJ; Uons waa Introduced by Chalrnan Porter ot the house forcl-a. tf. fairs committee. : - Rejection of the nomlaatlaa of James J. ilcNarycf Kew Ilcxlca to be comptroller of the currency, was understood to be favored ty two'of the three members of the senate sub-committee cacsd to consider confirmation. JJtural credits legislation 123d progress in both houses cf coa gress, the eenate refasir to re comit the Lenroot-AxSersoa ,t::i and agreeing to Tote b nit Fri-i7 While the house 4bankin 2 conn It tee began hearings on, the Capper proposal irom the senate. A Guarantee cf Ccraplita cid . '-; IPcrma neat Ctrra . 'TT HADJbecrt a"suTcTerfrcrais different woman.w This is one ex pression out or Hundreds of sim ilar letters received from gmCeJ p.. dents whom I have completely and permanently cured cf Fllza. If you ere interred in knowlaj the rcts about YOUR ctie, t t Z free 1:1.4 rlv5.h r we no knifes clamp, jlture. V i' wncr oisagreeaLie tad clia- gerou method. ; Remember ryr";r- -t mtansayc....ytf l- r- i juneni cure C) r ..if now sevtreycur case maybe. - 3 'pfr 7 1 - dl :