The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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Fi A
Two Corporals Who Stole
$43,000 of: Army Payroll
Captured by Posse Near
Hoppers oiop: ai naraware
1 Store and Purchase Rope
to Bind Captives
. . .
U b:--Corportll8'-- bolm . S. Wood
and James S. Harvey. ,the two
I men who were said by Captat
I fxorman D.' Cota to hare been
the bandits who robbed him ot
'the $43,000 payroll of . Langley
f field early today were captured
w a posse about 20 miles from
jhere ,eariy ;ionigni ; accoromB u
a report received by military and
police authorities' here j at 9
f)'ClOCk. - -, i i' 1
V , According to telephone j reports
7 the ... men i were captured -! in, the
arnniB ntar Bisr Bethel. Most
c i the , money . was recovered, : it
was added, although the bandits
ad been forced to abandon 1 5, -
iOO in silrer.
Tafco to Woods
J A TiKorous ; search : had been
Xpioaecuted for the two Dy mui-l-rV
nolice and department ot
sittBtice officials and their' cap-
; ' fure was from the first , beliered
o' be only a, matter of Jtxours.
"The, (giptaia and the four who
( Accompanied htm - were--fouitd
i pearly five hours after the hold
. Ay, bound, gagged ; and tied to
1 trees near Big,; Bethel, beside
i (heir badly damaged automobile,
I ihe!r captors they said, had es
carcd into the woods with ' the
I oreyi The search was Imme-
i itSately begunVeveji scouting air
? Jilanes being used. :SX.-' ..
1 The holdup occurred at ; 9: 1
, this morning when- the finance
y if leer was leaving the ojtf ice with
. Vae payroll and hopped Into; his
latrmobile ' to return- to the
.anglcy field. ? . : -
Corporals f Identified -
Although Hampton is but 10
jalnutes b automobile' from
y lngley field, j. no alarm was
taken by officers at t ha absence
f;f Captain Cota until : nooiir . whea
j'iity,; state and county officials
itn this vicinity were urged to
Assist In finding them. It was
iome ; time- later that ' Captain
bota and hlatjnen were found.
jA.They werei taken 5 immediately
ht Langley field whee they? de
k la red they wer pbsitTe in their
identification of the two oorpor-
I fi-ls as the bandits. " !
i ;Pew details of- the holdup
jreTO .made public; by army offi
cers but it was said that on their
flight from- Hampton '" the ban
ilits. .stopped . at- a hardwafre store
,- rhile one stood guard' over the
t captives and the. other bought
Vope with which , to tie the. pria
puers. , The last seen by Captain
,' kCota of the two bandits arter
; ih& automobile had - run into a
I f ditch, they were walking -through
the wpods. , '
A Frorr
cvengensi ueis Mowers
V From Walla Walla Klah
1 ' WALLA WALLA, "Jan. 30 An
usher bearing a wreath of white
U flowers encircling a cross of red,
j busied the preachment of Dr.
i I Charles Reign Scoville, an evan-
1 Teliat lion mnfari wtlM, 4hA
ji koer.was offered to the minis
f 'er. A note ot explanation stated
r. os irom me ivu iviux ivian or
this city "In appreciaUon." The
letter also vindicated the klan as
a lawless body and said the ef
forts of, the preacher to encour-
28 law fnrnrrmin . liorA was
iighly appreciated. ' .
OREGON: Wednesday gen
erally fair, continued cold.
' C (Tuesday)
;Alaxmum ; temperature, 40.
Jrinlmumv" temperature, , 25.
T-lver, 7.5 feet, falling.
PUiafai ; none. '
"Atmosphere, cloudy
Wind, south. . .. i
LAUSANNE, Jan. 30. (By the Associated Press)
Complications suddenly arose ainong the allied representa-,
tivea at the Near East peace conference at a late Hour tonight
when the French delegation announced that it had decided
to remain at Lausanne as . long as there was any hope of
carrying on successful negotiations with, the Turks.
The British delegation considered the decision of the
French as a flagrant violation of thev understanding reached
between the allies a few days ago that all of them would
leave Lausanne at the end of the week if the Turks did not
sign tomorrow' the treaty which has been handed them.
: All the British, delegates announced officially tonight
that that they would adhere to this program, whatever the
other allied delegations decided to do. Earl Curzon will start
for. London Friday.
Separation of Tax Levying
from Tax Spending Group
Is Advocated by Day
The only way to put a brake
on tthe public expenditures Is to
separate the tax-levying . bodies
from "the tax-spending bodies. I.
N. Day, chairman of the state tax
investigating commission appoint
ed by Governor Olcott told mem
bers of the joint assessment and
taxation committee.
Day was speaking in ' behalf of
the proposed bill J to extend the
tax. supervising and conservation
commission to every county in the
state, with authority equivalent to
that now exercised by the . com
mission in Multnomah county.
Most Pnt on Brake
The committie considered all
of the bills proposed by, the state
tax investigation j commission and
one presented by the state ' audit
commission.; but did not vote on
final reports on the bills.
"Unless some drastic action is
taken by this legislature," said
pay, who divided honors wrlth Dr.
James W.. Gilbert of the Univers
ity of Oregon in' explaining the
various bills,' "the; people .will de
nounce ' the members, when as a
matter ; of fact j there is almost
nothing that can be done at this
end. Put , a brake on the tax
levying organizations, of which
there are about 2800 in the state,
and there will be an actual re
duction In governmental costs."
Assessments Discussed
One of the most Important sub
jects discussed last night was that
of -uniform assessments through
out the state, during which it was
shown that variations amounting
to, as much as 400 to 30Q per cent
in the assessed valuation' ot iden
tical subjects were found in, ad
joining'' counties. K It is proposed
to have all assessors- subject to
the authority of the state tax com
mission and required to confer
annually In order; to equalize as
sessments and see-that all assess
ments are made on 100 per cent'
valuation. . :
is Bn
Two Persons Identified With
Case of Fntzi Mann
Go Before Jury ,
SAX DIEGO, Cal., Jan. 30.
Further Inquiry into the death of
Fritz! Mann, 1 dancer, whose half
clad body was found on a beach
three weeks ago, was indicated to
day when two persons who have
been identified with the case went
before the .county grand Jury.,
They were Mrs." Amelia Mann,
mother of the girl, and Dr.. Louis
L. Jacobs.' from the public health
service hospital at Camp Kearney.'
who was before the grand jury
yesterday, for a short Mne- ,Dr
Jacobs today was in the grand
Jury room for nearly an hour and
a halt. While he was In the room
District Attorney Kempley, who
has given much attention to the
case, was also there. The' district
attorney ' was also : present while
Mrs. Mann was before the grand
The British protest against the
French decision is based on a
statement issued by the British
delegation last week. This was to
tho effect that the treaty would
be presented to the Turks tor sig
nature on Wednesday and that the
allied delegations had , agreed to
depart Friday; if the Turks asked
further time to consider the
treaty, then the conference . was
to adjourn, but the plenipotenti
aries .would be ready to return to
Lausanne 'when there were indi
cations the negotiations could be
brought to a successful conclu
sion. , ...r.,,.r.":. ...t-irw...,
It is insisted by the statement
that the sub-commissions unani
mously agreed to omit the clause
giving privileged treatment to for
eign merchants! ent In ; Turkish
coast traffic, but nevertheless this
clause has been included jn the
draft treaty to the detriment ot
Turkish sovereignty. f
Generally speaking, says. . the
statement, "the allies treaty is
worse than anything we ever ex
pected." ; , - , , ,t, , b ' .
"The conclusion of a system of
legal advisers who would sit, aF
.judges in cases Involving foreign-
era is absolutely inacceptable. It
means that Turkey would ; be
treated as Inferior to Albania."
Causes Sensation
The . revolt against the British
plan .haR been i steadily growing
this week, the ground being tak
en that it would be liable to im
peril the chances of peace bfrcauso
it was too much in' the nature of
an ultimatum. vjf j U J
The British protest of tonight
caused a tremendous ' sensation.
It immediately switched general
interest away , from Near t past
peace negotiations to the ques
tion what is to happen between
the allies when the conference re
sumes tomorrow. .
It is understood the Italian del
egation had "adopted the same at
titude as the; French and will re
main in Lausanne while there is
any hope of making peace.
s.i The Franco-British complica
tion appeared to bring consider
able satisfaction, to Turkish ctr
cles here. The Turkish delegation
was busily employed throughout
the night in preparing counter
proposals to the draft treaty with
tho idea of forcing the allies to
continue negotiations without ! an
adjournment; of the conference.
Ex-Traffic Officer is
Caught With Moonshine
Floyd Browne, ex-state Jtraffic
officer, was arrested on the Sil
verton highway yesterday morn
ing and was ; charged with liquor
in possession!. He had "four gal
lons of booze in his car and when
arraigned in justice court pleaded
guilty. He was fined $100.
, Browne's resignation 'was re
quested and ceceived by State
Traffic Chief T. A. Rarffety Janu
ary 26. ''( : , .
SEATTLE, Jan. 30. Lieut. S.
W. Torney, in the aviation branch
of the army, died Friday of pneu
monia at Chanute field. Rotonl,
111., and was buried yesterday t in
Arlington cemetery, according to
advices received here today. He
attended grammar school here and
high school at Medford. Or., and
enlisted- just before the United
States declared war against Ger
many. -: ',: ,
Stephen Forney, aged -44, a con
tractor on the new high schoorat
Dayton, slipped from the roof, fell
20 feet on his head and died soon
after of a broken neck.; The acci
dent occurred f at 9 ; o'clock this
morning. 1 He leaves a widow and
two children.' aged 10 and 12 re
spectively. He . was bora ' near.
Wall Walla, .-
Government Disposes of War
Materials at Forty-One
Cents on the Dollar
SEATTLE, Jan. 30. The army
in selling surplus war materials
has cbiamtd 41 cents per dollar
of their cost. Major J. L.' Frlnk.
head of the bureau in charge of
disposing of this stuff, today told
the foreign trade bureau of the
Seattle Chamber of Compiercu.
He said that when the aKniatice
was signed.. the , army and navy
had unusable goods that had cost
Si, 000,000, 000 and that 90 pur
cent of this had been sold.
Government; War Indict
ments and Immigration
Laws Fired at
,LOS AN'GELES, Jan. ,30.
Government war fraud indict
ments and existing immigration
laws drew! sharp criticism in the
opening session hero today of the
Fourth annual convention of the
Associated General Contractors
ot America.
Adoption of a committee re
port condemning "the utter
recklessness" ctf the recent de
partment of - justice . action
agaist contractors and others ac
cused of frauds, in connection
with, the" construction of army
cantonments during the war was
accompanied by , a demand for
the early prosecution of those
- Criticize Indictments
"It would be an outrageous
thing for the government to de
lay one unnecessary hour," de
clared Arthur S. Bent, president
of the contractors' organization.
"If politics or any, other sinister
motive lies back of the, matter
vie shall see delay after delay, in
the prosecution. Tme surest1 way
to uncover the truth is to rush
hard: for immediate action." I
Four 'of the men indicted, Ben
edict Crowell, former assistant
secretary - of war; William A
Starred Morton C. Tuttle and
Clement W. Lundoff are . mem
bers of the Associated General
Criticism of tho existing Im
migration laws by which immi
gration from Europe is limited to
three per cent or the residents
of each nationality now register
ed in t this country came out in
the , report ot the committee on
legislation which . characterized
Jthe three per cent law as an
"exclusion act" which was "re
sponsible for the great and ever
growing shortage of common
Create. Board
The. report, urged creation or
a - federal immigration board to
include the secretaries of agri
culture, commerce, labor, state
and interior, which would ad
minister an immigration law
selective rather than restrictive
in principle.
Final, Decision of British on
, War Loan Expected to
Be Reached Soon
LONDON,. Jan. 30. Stanley
Baldwin, chancellor of the ex
chequer, gare a full report on his
debt funding mission . in the
United States to his colleagues, at
a-cabinet council today. ,The sub
ject was discussed for an hour
and 'a . half, but .no decisiou was
reached.' The cabinet will nicW
tomorrow to continue the discus
sion. ; :- ,' . . ,
l It is considered almost certain
that a final decision will' be
reached this week, first because
if the .American , terms are to be
accepted a speedy decision is re
quired In order to give the Ameri
can congress time to take, neces
sary action-, and second, because
the chancellor"' roust' prepare for
his budget statement next March
and needs to know definitely how
much he4 has to provide for the
payment -of interest to America.
Board Would Remedv. Con
ditionif Allowed to Give
; Special Attention to Slow
Dr. Matthis Asks for Release
of Contract as School
A census taken by the prin
cipals "of all the schools ot Sa
lem has brought out the dis
quieting fact that there are 312
pupils who while not sub-normal
are still . enough backward
to need special teaching, special
classes. Whiltt , the . survey work
has not been done on a strictly
scientific basis by one official
who will judge all on one uni
form standard, it has been pains
takingly done .and It 'represents
a condition that the i school board
feels must be remedied in some
way. It is the condition' as
sumed by House Bill -No. 43,
now pending in the legislature,
to empower , school boards to
give such pupils especial atten
tion, both for their own good
and for tbegood of the others
who may be heM down in their
work to the pace of he slower
ones.' .
With these figures In sight,
the Salem board, which met last
night, endorsed the bill .now
mandatory (tor the school boards
to provide . .special accennmoda
t'ons for these less' agile pupils.
-Sport . Quarters Given, -. ?-,.-Salem
- high school is ' to have
a special wrestling and : boxing
headquarters up in its own at
tic If Superintendent Hug so
decides. - The ' board last . night
turned the matter over to him
for his decision and . control. '
The boys wanted to carry on
this branch of athletics, a lot ot
the boys who are not of the
elitn basketball squad; and' they
have been working down In the
prmory gymnasium. The board
took , the position that" It would
be, better to have them at home,
arid, so they are : to bp given
quarters , and encouragement to
work there in the school build
ing. The board went up at 10
o'clock last night,' through the
dark and the. dust,, to Inspect
the atiic. It is a bit cobwebby,
and they wouldn't dare to pound
the floor very! hard without using
gas masks or ! coal miners' breath-
sponges, but they propose to
clean up the dust and make it
habitable. The squad has sev
eral : matches in prospect with
outside schools.
Doctor Resigns
Following his own request Dr.
J. O. Matthis Is to be relieved
of his contract as school- phy
sician. The board would be
ready to consider the application
of . some good young , physician
who i: would take up the' work.
Dr. Matthis will continue Until
hip successor :s' Installed.
Mrs. Kellogg, ,a half-time
teacher In the high school, hand
ed in -her resignation because ot
her removal from Salem. Her
place is to be filled .by Mrs.
Lulu Parr.
I It was proposed, though not
acted upon, that all girls be re
quired to take a one-yea course
in domestic science, as a require
ment to graduation: Supt. Hug's
report showed that they didn't
need to be ordered info the, sew
ing, classes; 125 are now taking
(Continued on page 4)
Another tragedy. of which few
details are seldom ever known was
reported to have occurred late lastJ
week near Mission Bottom, about
10 miles north of Salem. Last
Sunday several small boy while
playing about the drift at Simons
Landing came across the body ot
an infant, probably a few days
oldr it's; skull crushed In, lying
on' the drift bottoms,
"t A stout string tied to one ot
the legs led to the. supposition
that the body had been cast into
the waterSrlth some heavy object
attached to the other end to keep
40J000 NOTCH
Currency May Overtake Aus
trian CrownNow Worth
Less Than Polish Money
BERLIN, Jan. 30. (By the As
sociated Press) One ten thous
andth of its pre-war value was the
German mark's official rating on
the Berlin Bourse toctay. There
was a lively demand; for dollars
in the post-bourse trading, on a
basis of 45,000 and actual offers
of 50,000 flat. For the first time
in its careening downward flight,
the mark today rushed past the
40,000 notch and it is believed
to be making seven league boot
strides in, an effort to overtake
the Austrian crown.
Incidentally, the mark' today for
the first time was quoted at less
than Polish currency.
If no Premium Money is Ap
propriated Exposition May
Be Called Off
Unless the legislature appropri
ates; money for premiums at the
Pacific International Livestock ex
position, Frank Robertson treas
urer of the exposition association
and a member of the board of di
rectors, will, vote against putting
on the exposition the coming fall.
Mr. Robertson made this .plain to
the ways and means . committee
last night when speaking in sup
port of a request of '$75,000 from
the; state. , t : . .
Two years ago the 'total state
appropriation for the exposition
was $17 5,0 00, but ithis year only
175,000 is asked. The state
budget commission, after perus
ing the estimate of the associa
tion, made no recommendation to
the legislature. v -J
Plmnmer Is Assailed
O. M. Plbmmer, manager of the
exposition, I was the first speaker
in Itjs behalf, and in describing its
value in making farm, life attrac
tive in a way that will keep the
boys . and , girls . on the farm,
brought upon himself a verbal as
sault from Senator Alex La Fol
lett of Marlon, who, while shak
ing his. fist under the nose of Mr.
Plunrmer, declared he would com
pete with his boys against coUege
trained or cTub trained youths In
the state. . .
Ed Cary, livestock producer and
member of the legislature. Judge
Charles H. Carey of Portland and
E. E. Flavllle of Portland were
other speakers in behalf of the
appropriation. Senatoij Taylor
asked Judge Carey., how r he ex
pected to make farm life ; attrac
tive to the boys and girls when
all theproceeds of the farm are
required for taxes. Carey replied
that "the way to keep taxes down
is not to slash on the basic indus
tries. . '-.-.,.-.
Governor's Loss Cited
Much waa said about the value
of the livestock exposition in keep
ing up the livestock standard and
Senator La Follett reminded Mr,
Flaville of a recent statement by
Governor Pierce that hehad sold
1500 head of cattle and lost $15
a head on them.
Because attendance at the Ore
gon normal school has doubled in
two years and is now above 600
students, making a larger faculty
necessary, President J. s Landers
and other representatives of that
institution requested an appropri
ation of $20,000 for the next two
years. Senator Johnson spoke in
behalf of the school. I
Senator Taylor . suggested that
the financial needs could be met
partially at least by increasing the
(Continued on page 4)
It down. The string had broken
and the body was brought! to the
surface and later , lodged on , the
drifts. According to witnesses it
appeared as though the baby .had
been in the water; for several days.
Owing to the reluctance of near
by dwellers to report the incident
nothing was learned of the trag
edy until late last evening, when
G. II.' Sauders and T. Sheridan
reported the news to local author
ities. ; v -My: ' . - ; l
County, Coroner Lloyd ' Iligdon
will , leave tomorrow for Mission
Bottom 'to investigate- the matter
f (By Associated Press) France and Belgium are in full
accord on measures for control and administration of the
Ruhr region. Such was the import .made by the French min
ister of public works and General Weigand at a j conference
at Paris after their return from Brussels where! they werei
in close communion with the Belgian government;
Questions of Frontiers and
Disposition of Petroleum
i Left up to Moslems L
PARIS. Jan. 30. (By the As
sociated Press.) It is for Turkey
to say whether the council of the i
league of nations shall take up
the question;' of the . frontiers be
tween Anatolia and Irak and the
disposition of the rich petroleum
deposits in tbe Mosul region. ,
The earl of Balfour In present
ing this subject to the council to
day, did not go so far as to sub
mit a proposition and the council
decided there was nothing to act
upon, but' It ' was made - clear by
Lord Balfour, and M jViviani If
Turkey would accept the Jurisdic
tion of the league she would have
a chance to defend her; case on a
footing of absolute equality with'
Great 'Britain. ; .; , .' '.- '"'
I 1 - Hope for Agreement'
Both Lord Balfour and M. Vivi
an! expressed the hope that the
Turks would accept. : either the
terms of the treaty proposed at
Lausanne or mediation of ' the
council. .. ; '
' The council gpent most of. the
afternoon . in private, session con
sidering several disputed points In
the administration of the terri
tories, under r its supervision. A
good many private talks between
the members are goiag on respect
ing Germany's protest against the
presence of the French; troops In
the Saare valley, In the hope that
they can reach an unanimous
agreement without being obliged
to indulge in contention in a full
session.' t - ,
1 Session to Continue
The . Lithuanian-Polish dispute
will also, come up again. Though
the agenda is mostly, made up of
these- questions and minor details
of the administration- of Saare re.
gion and Danzig, it is expected
the coupcil will remain In session
until early next week, i
- l- 1 . -
Ex-Captain in Police Depart
ment Guilty of Misappro
priating $595 .
SEATTLE, Jan v 30, Charles A.
Sullivan, formerly captain In .the
Seattle - police department, .who
was suspended over . charges that
he had misappropriated money,
was this afternoon convicted of
grand larceny by a jury. The.
jury, which deliberated four hours
found that Captain Sullivan had
misappropriated, a check for $5S5
sent, to the city by the govern
ment to pay for care of seamen.
- Judge John M. Ralston, who
heard the case,' ordered a tran
script of an exclamation by John
F. Dore, attorney for, Sullivan to
the jury; asserting that Henry J.
Gorin, another lawyer who was a
wltness for the prosecution, was
a "liar and perjurer," should bo
given to the grievance committee
of the Seattle Bar association.
Sullivan announced that ho
would appeal. ; -'
IOWA CITY, la., Jan. 30. Ja
cob Wernli, assistant professor of
romance languages of University
of Iowa, has resigned by request
and is en route to bis former home
of Switzerland following his ar
rest after being . caught peeking
Into the windows of a girl's dorm
itory." Wernli was fined $10 and
costs on. a - disorderly conduct
m -
HI '
, General Degouttej commander
in the occupied zone. , declared
that Germany's fate is in her
own hands" and that :"nothins
will make us deviate from 7 the
course 4aid out for us." The sit
nation In the Ruhr 'towns is re
ported as quiet;, arrests and de
portations of , German state and
municipal qf ficials continues,; th 3
allies are'restorln g traffic i on, h a
rajlwaysV coal is being miued.'and'
it is reported that the miners' un
ion has rejected the proposal for
a general strike; telegraph oper
ators, who . were oa strike, have
gone back to their keyB and ''the
occypational authorities are ' tak-
ing over warehouses , in Duis
burg, Duesseldorf and . other
places containing ; foodstuffs and
general merchandise. :
The French Federation of La
bor has adopted a resolution pro
testing against the repressive
measures in the Ruhr.
r German Mark Drop
The German government con
tinues to issue orders to the Ger
nien railroad men forbidding the
transport of coal or timber from
the occupied area to either France
or Belgium and cooperation of the
railway officials with the French
or Belgians Is also forbidden.
The German mark. has droppei
to 45,000 to the dollar.
By The Associated Press) "Ger
many's fate is in her own hancfo
Nothing. win, .make j us devlau
from the course which has been
laid out for us. We will take
whatever time and measures ar
necessary." J " .
. . In ; these words J" General - d
Goutte," allied commander-ia-chief,
in the occupied zone, today
summarized' the situation in the
Ruhr from the standpoint of the
French and Belgians. ;
: ' - : -i- I .
At End of Patience ,
"We came here with pacific in
tentions,", be weot on. -"The Ger
man government responded with
every possible effort to provoke a
general uprising among the pop
ulation. Moderation
is hot a 'sign of weakness. Our
patience has reached its limits; .
responsibility for the evils that
may strike their country' lies
withthe German government."
jWhen the French and Belgian
forces entered the idistrict, bo
said, they promised to trouble tho
normajl life of the Inhabitants as
little jks possible and ; asked the
workers to continue at, their la
bors calmly and orderly, ;
-;"Our appeal to the population
Inspired by common sense and
reason," he continued, "was on
the verge of being accepted when
tho Berlin government used all
means of pressure to cause the
people, to rise against us. The
wisdom of, the working classes
having made this plan a failure,
the , Berlin , rulers enjoined the
functionaries and state officials to
enter into open rebellion against
us." .
v Government xt "
; Strikes, sabotage and boycotts
have been resorted to, he added,
but the occupying forces had not
lost their heads and given way to
immoderation, which, he said,
characterized as ''disciples of Bis
marck." .- y-l -.'-.-j, . ; :j
In the further actions which
were to be taken, he intimated
the pressure would be brought to
bear not upon the German work
ers but upon their government. .
r.rV''-r -:j- ' JT
Jury in Shelley Case to
Render Verdict Today
HELENA, Mont., Jan. 30. At
10:25 o'clock tonight! the Jury in
the trial of O. H. N. Shelley, for
mer prohibition , enforcement di
rector In Montana, sealed their
verdict and will deliver it to
Judge George M. Bourquin in the
United States' district court here
tomorrow morning at 9r30 o'clock.
These proceedings were ou tb j iu
indictmeat charging Shelley a ilh
having ''- accepted f 'protect i on",
money from drug stores at Ill
lings,: Great Falls and la Hele" 1,