The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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. (Continued from page I) , '
talniut In'tho Ut A
from this we begin to understand
a little of what It means In! the
first chapter of Genesis, where It
Kays In depleting the true crea
tion :-r ,- -: -V,
-."And god said. let us make
. man In our image, after our
.likeness: So God cre
ated man la IT fa own image,
in the image of God created
He him." I
.S manv reflects the image of
God t in ..Just the proportion that
. Mind, ' f . rj- . "
This' concept or God,, as Mind,
completely eliminates, any thought
of,; the divine . Being as an exag
gerated personality,- hnmanly cir
cumscribed, seated on a throne?
off somewhere In the blue empy
rean, and; brings God and Heaven
light down, to u .here, and now.
Spiritual thinking is right think-
; In g. and. right t h Inking tlsj prayer
and prayer' is kndwiug, o reflect
lug in 'thought, 'the divine Mind,
whereby, we establish our present,
conscious' unity with the Father,
la thinking good (are we reflecting
Godi and as we reflect God we
take on His image and likeness,
and taking on His Image and like-'
n ess. we,, likewise, obtain that
power over the carnal which so
exemplified the life of the Master.
In the .first chapter of John,
twelfth' iferse; it Is written:
-"But as many as received -.
him. to them gave he power (
- to bcorae the sons of, God, ,
-even to them' that believe on
,hla name.'' " ' - " ' ' ;
Indicatiutihost. clearly that this
sonshipfVWitll',the: Father- this;
ot Godwins image and likeness--is.
achieved through a mental pro
cess entirely and depends exclu
sively fob purfi individual ability
to recognize; Cod as Mind and to
comprehend? what this Mind '.Hi'i,
Kow, it would xeern, on . first
blUEh, quite incredible that hu
manity, merely through ; a - right
mental process, through spiritual
thinking, cduld over-master phys
ical; conditions and laws and over
come the" manifestation, in all its
arioffs",fOrms, 'of evil or matter.
Yet. t that was what Jesus ' did.
ahd thatf is. what he always did
in bis-three years' with" men. Mrs.
Bddy's.jdfscovery, however, made
through her search of the Scrip
tures ,aql devout and aneeasing
prayer, has solved -this problem
for as. and ' has explained " most
clearly'-how "Jesus was able; to
overcome, all the so-called laws of
matter and how you and by
demonstrating our conscious unity
with x the Father,, -as Christian
Science teaches us, how to do, are
enabled to obey his, command to
follow, his example. yMrs. Eddy's
i discovery, ." aside from I revealing
God to-be divine Mind, includes,
amoug 'dther thlffgs, the further
revelation that matter ' and the
Entire material, or physical, uni
verse, with all Its so-called - lawa
arid phenomena. including mortal
or physical man. are but the ob
Jectjfications,: or externalizatio'ns,
to I mortal perception, of that
:whicJ St. Paul .has denominated,
or named;' "the -carnal mind" In
oontra-distinctioa o - that; ' Mind
which-U Godit- She discovered. In
other1 r word ;yt hatmatter ' Is , a
false mental concept. So we have,
on one hand, the divine Mind, or
God and - His . creation, which f Is
the true, the real, the permanent;
and on the other hand the carnal,
or mortal, mind, and its manifes
tations' which are unreal or .tem
poral, because not of God. .'And
when we have translated the ma
terial universe, including its sick
ness, its Bin, and its death into a
mistaken , concept of thevparnal
mind we do not have fan to go to
perceive hat the process of over
coming the so-called material, or
carnal, "with f the real or spiritual
with God. or divine Mind -is
purely mental. :-h ' -; ' V"'
1 If Snatter were real and snb
8tantiaI''aBd anything but n.-mis-
takeit ntal concept Jesus nerer
could havtferfonned a single ni?.
racle and you and ,1 wottld np
e hpRetess-rfvpIfa and weary , wan
derers , on anv unehafted ea of
stygtajbWckZuess and endless
gloom';' "It matter wertfaiot
mehtal manifestation Jesus 'irever
could hay" turned the ,watei Into
wlna. walked the waves, instantrr
transported' the ship - across ,tb
Sea of Galilee,' passed through
closed' doors, multiplied the
loaves, add. fishes, healed the sick
and 'raised the dead. Jesus said:,
"It is the spirit that quick?
' nettt: 1 " the flesh profiteth
n again J . . . .
! 1 i VJf Hrthae-.' overcome - the
world. , .
: - trxult- Heaven .
,Thns we-f tnd that Heaven, ln
Btead.of .being, a far off place or
event,' l-tainable ""only k hrough
the experience of death, is . here
aqd'nbwjiPpresent'and Immediate
reality--a ' condition capable of
present attainment. ' If God is
Mind, as He -iniiat: then the
IKngdQm-otGodJ op-IfeaVen,'mnst
. be' the kingdom -of Mind- or a-con
dltion of Mindi - tHeaven he.n;isJwor:d. In the year ;i6. this pearl
a 8tate.o MfcuL or . consciousness
and that state of- consciousness is
obtafrtable right; here. and. now in
proportlon as we substitute In our
thinking, the divine for. the" car
nal.:'!'3Vs:;we put -off this, carnal
mind t with h Its deeds --f this
mlndxf.&ickpess and sorrow and
( hate- and lust and greed and selt
ishue?p randin . it niace refract
that Mind of spiritual - purity
wheh ls Pod, are we entering the
Ktnguoin of Heaven. Jesus said:
' . TThe . Kingdom of Heaven
i is. at hand" :
not afar off; And' yon will recall
thai -ort. on- occasion Jesus ,,was
aSkV"(i TPlatlro tn tka "wharaihnnfa
- ,HV V. H UW U . -J
of .II3Vf . and when it - should
come and His reply; was:- "
VTba Kingdom v. of God '
cometh. pot with observation,
; neither, shall- they ; say, Lo.v
here! or.Lo there! for; be- .
hold, the Kingdom of God Is v
within you.' ;T
Po, . entering the Kinrom of
Ilaaren through the pathway of
; iyer.Us not a process of over-
:; -t-Ias matter with4 mldd, It' ts
the process, rather, of' overeomf
ing the carnal mind with the di
vine Mind evil with Good.; .We
are eliminating, in other words,
the creations of the rarrra! mind
"the world; -the flesh 'and the
devil' --with that Itfind'which was
in Christ Jesus. -We .pray. our
selves Into the KIngdom'of lleavi
en rather ; than enter i Heaven
through death's, ddoorwsy: ; For
did not St. Paul sayi - . .
"For to be carnally mind
ed is death;-but to be spir
itually minded ' is: life and
. peace," and also : '
For this corruptible must
. put on incorruption and this
mortal must put on Immor- -r -tality.
So when this corrup
tion shall have put on incor-.
ruptlon. and this mortal shall .
have put on immortality, then .
. shall be brought to pass the
saying that is written. Death
is swallowed up in' victory"
showing clearly ' that death and
Heaven have nothing whatever in
common and that death is & con
comitant : of corruption, rather
titan & stepping-stone to eternal
The process, then, of establish
ing one's unity with the. Father
the process of knowing God aright
is a process of true prayer. . it
is only: through prayer that . the
world will ever be saved from its
sickness and its sin, from death
and the grave. Prayer, -my friends
- t m e prayer is a process of
elimination and substitution rath
er than one of compulsion or per
suasion. Through praper we elim
inate from our consciousness' all
thoughts which are : unlike God
and in place thereof, we substi
tute those thoughts which ema
nate 'from God, orr divine .Mind.
Through prayer we pat from us
thoughts of sickness and disease
and In place thereof there come
to -us thoughts of health: through
prayer' we put away thoughts of
sin and- evil tand take to us
thoughts of i righteousness and
purity: through, prayer we elim
inate from our consciousness tuoswt
thoughts which make for. poverty
and lack and limitation and in
place thereof are established those
thoughts which make for -abundance
and freedom and peace. And
Just in proportion as we j elimi
nate, through prayer, thoughts
of sin and sickness and selfish
ness and hate and lack do we ex-
perience in our dally lives health,
purity, peace, love. ; charity and
abundance. True prayer is the
process of thinking whereby we
unite ourselves with the ever pres
ent God, or divine Mind, rather
-than a process of endeavoring. to
acquaint some distant dleity, with
our trials and tribulations. " .
:- As we begin, to work in Chris
tian. Science, : as we begin to un
derstand what true prayer la and
how to prajr as Jesus did, we be
gin, little by little, to displace In
our thinking' fear, anxiety, .envy,
malice, hatred, lust, revenge and
the like, the procurers of all dis
ease, and to j realize instead con
fidence and assurance and meek
ness and love and trust' and' char
ity and ; foregiveness and purlty
ana sweetness. . we begin, to. dis
place our concept - of'. God's crea-1 .
Ition to be crassly material, with
iuc uuuvrutuuiug mat iiuu s man
and unlverre! are pure and spirit
ual. We begin to break the fet
ters -of creed and dogma and rit
ual and to emerge into the free
dom Ktt unity with -ths. Christ.
And as we progress in prayer and
understanding of God, , His law
begins to manifest Itself to us and
through us, in proportionate our
purification of consciousness, in
better health, better morals, bet
ter living, better.- s business, in
more love for God and all man
kind in a more harmonious con
dition generally. We begin then
to understand a little of . ; What
Jesus meant when be? sald:- '
"If we have faith as a grain
of mustard ' seed, : ye shall say
unto this mountain, 'Remove
hence to yonder place;' and It
shall remove; and nothing
shall be impossible unto you."
. We begin' then to understand a
little of how Jesus ascomplished
his vonderful works and to ap
preciate how far we have still to
traverse how , much genuine
purifying we have -yet to attain
before we can fully: obey his. com
mand ta "go and do likewise."
"It Is s through prayer., that . we
gain our atonement onr atonement-
with !, God," with ; divine
Trnth, with Life and with Love -whereby
we; can go wHh confi
dence to the bedside of the sick
and bid them - "arise and walk ; "
to the charnel house of the sin
ner and command the ''evil spirit
to come out or. him," and to the
tomb of the dead and bid those
asleep in materiality to "come
forth." f ' -'
Christian science,, xny friends.
Is the outcome the emanation
of a life devoted to prayer. Mary
Baker Eddy s love ( for Cod . and
for all mankind, 'her ceaseless de
votion to right, her untiring and
prayerful search of the Scriptures,
her' sublimes compassion for poor"!
humanity and,; her; never "ending
desire to know God aright made
It possible for. her to give' "to the
of gTeat price, this great discov
ery which she has denominated
Christian Science. r i tl a n
Science ', Is not' an invention. nor
is it what some have -been p:eaed
to call it ''one bfthenew re
ligions." It reveals the law of
God. Mrs. Eddy's .discovery and
her wonderful .achievement in, es
tablishing a church for the per
petuation of this discovery are not
the results-of chance nor pr cir
cumstance. I Christian ' Science Is
the fulfillment of prophecy and
has come to us in due time and
order in accord with God's direct
ing. Mrs. Eddy nevfer' claimed to
be ; anything but ' the discoverer
and founder of thisigreat .trnth
but it will be a long time before
the world ;wiir have-' begun to
properly appreciate 'what she has
done for mankind and what trials
and vicissitudes were ; her lot In
standing before the 'tremendous
opposition to her first lisping In
the new tongue. This great dis
covery came to the world because
th world 1 wae. In a - measure.
teady to receive-tt-aadit came4iA, him ' wherec sianpg mortal
through Mrs. Eddy because she
was 'ready to understand it and
to give it to a waiting humanity.
As we are told in the preface
rot Science and Health, with the
charge placed upon Mrs. Eddy to
plant the vineyard came also the
charge to water and care for it,
the charge to provide those means
whereby this great , discovery
eould be perpetuated to posterity.
This charge Mrs. Eddy has faith
fully fulfilled in the establish
ment of one of the greatest and
grandest church organizations
the world has ever teen the
great Mother Church. The ; First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Massachusetts, with Its
network of branch churches ex
tending to nearly every part of
the civilized world. No one in
dividual in- all history has ever
accomplished what Mrs Eddy ac
complished in so brief a period
and the fruits o her planting
bear ample evidence of her Iltness
for the role of . discoverer and
founder of this great movement.
Nor did Mrs. Eddy give to the
world this boon of great price un
til she had proven beyond cavil
that it bore the stamp of divinity.
Through the application of the
Truth revealed to her through
this discovery she was enabled to
raise herself from an invalid's bed
and to accomplisih her complete
and instantaneous recovery from
the effects of an accident the phy
sicians had pronounced fatal. Fol
lowing her own healing she spen
several years in her search of the
Scriptures and in healing others
of all manner of diseases to be
able to. give to you i and to. me
what Is today found In Christian
Science. It was nearly ten years
after her own healing ' through
this discovery before she published
her first edition of the Christian
Science text-book 'Science ..and
Health with Key to the Scrip
tures." This appeared in 1875.
Since that time this book and other-writings
of Mrs. Eddy on .the
subject of Christian Science have
been read and studied by millions
and her book, "Science and Health
with Key tto the" Scriptures." has
experienced a sale among religious
books exceeded only by the Bible.
In fact, the book : Science . and
Health has stimulated a demand
for the Bible which , is unprece
dented ' and today, ' as a conse
quence of Christian Science,, in
stead of being a book 'of mystery,
the Bible has . become the; chart
of life to thousands upon thou
sands to whom it has heretofore
been closed. ' ?
In the work of establishing our
sonship with God we are bringing
to light the true concept of the
brotherhood of man 'and In the
right understanding of the Fath
erhood of God and the brother
hood of man lies the salvation
of humanity. National, : racial,
class and family characteristics,
distinctions, differences and tendencies-lie
in the : carnal mind
alone and ; when each one of : us
shall have established his indi
vidual unity with the divine Mind,
or- God -when, in the language
of St.'- Paul: j - , " i
"we all come in the nnity
if ;
of "The faith, and of v the
knowlelge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man." unto the
measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ"
then,' indeed; will there be
"neither Greek nor Jew, cir- ;
cumcisiqn nor uncircumsci-
sion, ' barbarian, Scythian, .
'bond nor free, ; but Christ
Is all, and in all." ;
-Christian Science, through Its
simple message of Love,. is tear
ing" from religion the masks i of
cold conventionality, conserva
tism, pride, superstition and for
milism impelled by man made
creeds and dogmatic ritualism
and in place thereof it is planting
the seeds of kindness and love
and confidence and trust and
hope resultant from a knowledge
of the - true God and His Christ.
It . Is 'bringing God and Heaven
down to earth down to you and
to me, here and now. It is plant
ing love f where fear and hate
were wont to dwell; health where
once was sickness;, plenty where
poverty and want hare stalked,
and joy and happiness where sor
row and ein had their abiding
place. It is bringing to a suffer-
lty .and in this new humanity wo
find the secret of Jesus' life mis
sion. .The burden of His whole
career was to inculcate in mortal
conscionsness a pure humanitari
anism. In First John we read.
"God is love, and h'e that dwell-
eth In love dwelleth In God and
uod in him, and Jesus tauglrt
that to know and understand God
to be Love itself rather than some
loving personality; we must first
Jearn to lova our brother . man
aright. Human tenderness and
love and compassion and forgive
ness and long-suffering base the
teachings and the miracles of the
Holy Nazarene and unless we find
onr path1 to the crown-topped
cross over the causeway of chari-
kty and, love and gentleness and
"sweetness we have missed the les
son of Jesus' great sacrifice. I
Jesns' teachings admit' of no
cold conventionality, no" austere i
disinterestedness In the woes of
our;, brother - man,? no arrogance
and no pride. Jesus brought his
understanding 1 of i divine,. Love
right down, to" earth and 'in ,hls
charily for those who would per
secute him, his patience with the
dull stolidity of his followers, his
forgiveness of his enemies and his
tenderness he showed the way for
all mankind.'- Out Of the agonies
of, hi.' crucifixion was born . his
compassionate appeal, "Father,
forgive, then; for, they ,know not
what they do." ; I i ;
In .the religion of Jesns Christ
there is no hate, ; no envy, ; no
lealonsly, malice 1 nor revenge.
Therein is no abiding place for
aught but love, and as we bring
Into our experience thoughts of
love and forgiveness and charity
for a'l mankind are we hastening
the full comprehension of the
right concept of .the Fatherhood
of i God and the brotherhood ".of
man.- In Science t and 1 Health,
page 476. Mrs.) Eddy has written:
; "Jesns beheld in Science the
perfect man, . who .appeared
Mr ) - 1 -''- Mf
,-'?"" -f. . w
5 a i" v. i s - -
James J. Larkln, the radical
labor leader who has served' two
and a half years of a five yecri
term in Sing Sing, has been par- ;
doned by Gov. Smith of New York.!
man appears to mqrtals. In .
this perfect man the Savior r
saw God's own likeness, . and -this
correct view of man heal-.
ed the sick."
And so, only as we see4 our
brother man in the light of di
vine Science, asa true, pure, up
right child of God are we estab
lishing our unity with the Father
and healing the world of its sick
ness tnd its sin. - Only as we en
dqw mankind with our love and
tenderness and patience and com
paction do we become heirs of
that Love Which Is God. Hate and
greed and envy and malice- and
selfishness and jealousy and the
like have no part in the divine
Mind and: Just in the proportion
that we allow these thoughts an
abiding place in our mental
household are we separating out
celves from God and those bless
ings He has vouchsafed every
one of us.
Sickness, my friend disease
by whatever name is but the
physical, by-product - of ein and
grief and fear and hate and sen-t
suality and superstition and false
theology, and If we would heal
the world of its bodily ills' we
must first correct its mental mal
adies. To sain the height of spiritual
perception where we can discern
God to be Love and man to be His
image and likeness we must climb
the steeps of human forgiveness
and tenderness and compassion.
What a picture of human charity
and love is portrayed In the meet
ing of the Master with the Mag
dalene at the home of Simon!
What a lesson therein for all of
us! Here was a woman, come in
the fear of her shame, in the
meekness and agony of humble
contrition and repentence, to seek
the Christ. The conventions of
the world, with Us self righteous
ness and hypocrisy would 'have
driven, i her, hence.- But not so
Jesus. ' His tender kindness, his
forgiveness and his love, led her
away from herself and the world
and up to God and she was healed
and Mary Magdalene, this woman
whom the world today would
shun, was last at the cross or his
crucifixion and first at the tomb
of his resurrection.
.And, then, when they brought
to him the other woman in the
very- presence of the temple at
Jerusalem and accusing her before,
him, said, "Moses in the law com-,
manded that . such - should be
stoned; but what sayest thou ?"
Jesus then and there met and re
buked forever the self righteous
ness and the hypocrisy of all man
kind throughout all time in hi3
masterful reply: "he that ia with
out pin-among you, let "him first
cast a stone at her.". '.And his
tender "neither do I condemn
theee; go, and sin no more," will
stand throughout the ages a bea
con light to the unfortunate,-the
worldTwearjc and the disconsolate,
to guide them into that harbor
of Love .where condemnation and
scorn have no abiding haven and
"Where," as Mrs. Eddjr has put It
in Science and Health, "Love, is
priestess at the altar of Truth."
Can you and I then, afford to
withhold from the world's sick,
its sinning, its downtrodden and
unfortunate, that love and tender- ,
ness and forgiveness bestowed on
such by the Master?. Can we af
ford to let the little foxes of
suspicion and condemnation and
envy and jealousy and hate and
criticism, pride and self-righteousness
rteal from us our ! God-bestowed
unity with the Father?
When we are tempted to judge or
condemn, to find fault or to criti
cise, to hate or to envy; let s
put our finger on our . lips and
to consider how much of good,
how much of joy and peace and
happiness and hope and comfort
one little : thoughtful deed, one
tender word, one kind and-compassionate
look may mean to some
weary one.
In Science and Health with Key
to the Scriptures, in closing that
wonderful, picture she has drawn
of. the meeting. of Jesus with the
Magdalene. Mrs. Eddy has writ
ten:? ; j -; - -
"If we would open, their
prison doors for the sick, we ,
must first learn to bind up -the
broken-hearted, i- If we ,
would heal by the Spirit, we :
must not hide the talent of
spiritual healing under the
napkin of Its form nor bury
the morale ot Christian Sci- -
. ence in the grave clothes of -Its
letter.1 The tender word
and Christian encouragement,
of an invalid, pitiful patience .
with his - fears and the re
. moval of ' them are better t
than hecatombs of gushing
theories, stereotyped, bor
rowed speeches, and the"doI- r
Ing of .arguments, which, are
. but so many parodies on leg-;
itlmate Christian" Science,", .
aflame with divine Love. -
r When, my friends, through love
and tenderness and. compassion,
yoo." have touched the hnman
heart-strings to rhapsodies of re
pentance , and contrition and
meekness and an -earnest, - honest
longing for the holy, things of
God you have opened the gates
of Heaven for some one.
r; And , with these appropriate
words from Whit tier I shall close:
"Then, brother ; man, fold to
' thy heart thy brother! i
For where love dwells, ' the;
peace of God is there:
i .: . ; i i ..!-:.
To worship rightly is-to love
each other;
Each smile a hymn, each
- ; kindly deed a prayer.".
. i - i
Legislative 'Committee
of County Clerks Meet
A legislative committee of the
County Clerks association met
with U. G.. Boyer, Marion county;
clerk, at the - court house Thurs
day. Matters of corrective legis
lation were taken up and recom-
mendationa placed with the 'com
mittee of the state legislature.- ,
Members of the legislative com
mittee we're Floyd D. Moore, pres
ident. Dallas; R. M. Russell, Al
bany; D. S. Bryson, EugeneV Joe
Beveridge, Portland; H. C.vKur
atli, Hillsboro, and iU. G. B,oyer,
Salem. , ; " . - - i
- The following articles of incor
poration feave been tiled:
Eugene; Service Station. Inc.,
Eugene; incorporators, T. L. Ohl-i
sen; A. R. Tiffany, Ralph W. Mar
tin; capitalization. $25,000.
Fitch-Dolph, Inc., Portland; in
corporators, Otis J.' Fitch, Perrie
L. Dolph, "George Arthur Brown;
capitalization, $2000; decorating
and building.
' Xorthwest Oil & Development
company,) Portland: incorporators
W. R. HealesJ. W. Caldwell, C.
G. Schneider; capitalization,' $3,
000. Notice 6f increase in capitali
zation from $10,000 to $25,000
was filed by "the Carver Canning
company of Carver, Clackamas
Notice of decrease in capitali
zation from $75,000 to $50,000
was filed by the Moore Packing
company of Portland.
Confiscation of Vehicles Al
lowed by Measure Ap
! proved Yesterday t
t- -v.- i ;'. .' "-." -
: Despite prolonged arguments
on ithe alleged unconstitutional
ity j of the Anti-Saloon league's
bill, to permit the seizure and con.
fiscatlon of automobiles, boats or
other Vehicles u?ed In the trans
portation of liqdor, the house yes
terday passed the bill with 37 at
firmative votes.
Other bills passed follow:
H. B. 4. Kay Providing that
dnly the funds necessary for. the
conduct of the state soldiers.
sailors and marines educational
act shall be raised each year in
stead of a fixed m ilia get levy. I
H. B. 69, Woodward Requlr
ing county courts to furnish trans
portation for pupils living more
than three .miles from school j
" ; JL B. 12 0,. Bailey Requiring
assessors to list all Chinese and
Japanese who own, lease or oper
ate, real property. I
H. B. 32, Cary Providing that
plain ice cream shall contain r 20
per cent of milk solids and! 10
per cent butterfat,and that fruit
ice cream shall contain 18. per
cent milk solids with not less than
8 per cent butterfat.
H. B. 9Q, Lee Providing a pen
alty for permitting unregistered
bulls to run at large on ranges.
The following, bills were In
tvoduced in the senate yester
S. . 89, Moser To prohibit
confining suspected insane per
sons In prison pending exaraina
tion. '
S. B. 90, Moser Making more
stringent v regulations relative to
appointment of notaries public
S. IU 91, Edwards To reg
ulate the taking of salmon and
crabs from Alsea river and bay.
S. B. '92, Hare Making the
dairy and food commissioner
- A new . photograph of Lady
'' Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon,- who , ia
engaged to Prince Albert. r ' ,
til' a
-i i
p. I . f
4 1. - , i
- r
1 ' '
c -J i
- -
. i . .-. - , .;
v.-; . --?,y:j.-'. ;Vv.-.v;jl,::
V- :Jv , . :.
? j? Jfi&T- --.'...;
" " . First picture of S. S. City of
from Los Angeles.';
sealer of weights and " measures.
S.' B. 93, Joseph and Hare
To abolish the office of labor
commissioner and place, its duties
under the accident commission.
S. B. 94, Hare To abolish
the offices of corporation com
missioner and insurance commis
sioner and , place 1 their duties
under the secretary of ptate.
S. B. 95, Hare To aolish
the desert land board and place
Its duties under- the state land
board. : "
SJ B. 96. Hare To aol'sh
the bureau pf mines and geol
ogy. ' " I " v! :
S. B. . 97., Dennis Regarding
delinquent taxes and certificates
of delinquency on property with
in; .'irrigation - "and ; dranage dis
tricts. . . ; " ; - i .,
S, B. 98, Brown Providing
that school districts that have
suspended school shall be en
titled to receive apportionment
the same ' as If school were in
session. . - v- '.
S. B. 99, Brown Providing
that one oft the game commis
sioners in both districts Nos. 1
and' 2 shall e -a farmer.
S. B. 100. Taylor (by request)
Fix'ng two years ' as the .term
of office of the secretary of
the county healtb! board.
S. B. 101, Klepper Placing
sheriffs and deputies - under the
workmen's compensation act.
S. J3.'102, Moser To estab
lish, license and. regulate pilot
age. ; " .-t. - .;:
S. B. 103, Tooze Directing
prohatei courts to set aside prop
erty exempt from5 execution and
to - ratify and confirm orders
heretofore made hy said courts
S." B. 104, Eddy Providing
for enforcement of . laws against
sale of narcotics.!
Consolidation Program
Introduced in Senate
Senator Hare's' ' consolidation
nroeram. " reDresented by five
bills, was introduced In the sen
ate yesterday. it provides for
making the dairy' and food com
missoner also state sealer of
we-fghts and measures, I thereby
abolishing the office of deputy
sealer; abolishing : the office ot
labor commissioner and affiliat
ed departments and placing them
under the industrial accident
commission; abolishing the of
fices of corporation and insur
ance commissioners ' and placing
them under he secretary of
state; abolishing the deserf lantl
board and placing its duties in
the state land board; and abol
ishing the bureau (of mines and
geology. . ' , .
Notaries Are Affected
by Mr. Moser's Measure
- - Under a bill '"introduced" by
Senator Moser - yesterday notar
ial certificates issued by the gov
ernor would be 'sent by the sec
retary of state.' to.' the -county
clerk In which the applicant re
sides instead of to the applicant
directly. - The secretary of state
v.ould notify the applicant that
the certificate had been sent
and it would then be obligatory
tor tha applicant to go to the
county clerk's office and sign
the notaries' register. ,
Washington and Idaho
Solons Invited Here
The senate adopted the house
concurrent resolution - introduced
by, Overturff and Hunter provid
ing for joint committees of the
legislatures of Washington, Ida
fhoL and Oregon to confer In Sa
lem upon, the ad visibility' of-enacting
uniform laws ' affecting
hours of labor In the lumber In
dustry. ! - -
Anti-Garb Bill 'Amended "
With Senate -Approval
With the clause eliminated
that would impose the penalty
ot fine and imprisonment ' upon
teachers violating the act, the
senate yesterday adopted with
out dissent Representative. Wood
ward's anti-sectarian- garb - "bill.
Senate Approves Bill to
Make Voters Able to Read
The senate . yesterday adopted
the senate joint . resolution in
troduced y Senator Clark and
Representative: Huston providing
xr r - ' f f 1
that : ability - to read - and write J
- ... - .v:...... .;..:,..;.,,-r,....- v - - r-r
y::-.-.- :--y-:;'- '-'.'Tf-.f-
iri'ia(liiV-i"iLi'rir"'iVA"irii- Yiir-r' Stt fttu
Honolulu lifeboat drifting on the wavea. of the Pacific 80U; miles west'
: -! v; -,j .-,- ;.-'; -
the English language be. required
for citizenship. Under the res
clution tho question would :be
referred to the people as a pro
posed constitutional amendment.
' ' C "w
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ti ' ' !
H ' - tl
. ' ' , A : ' I
- 'K- - I ;
If- ,i
' HI
it h
1 1-v i
- - .... j
...--'- r .r. st n& w - - '-. .-',.. . .
This South American heavyweight la on hla way to this country
on his second visit to discuss' with American" promoters matches with
; heavyweights that will lead up to a title boat with Jack Dempsey, the
champion of the world. . v; -
Staple Dry Goods. Low Prices
Take advantage of the situation. No advance ia prices
here. Dry goods will be much higher. Manufacturers
and wholesale distributors show from 17 to 20 percent
advance in prices.
All our woolen goods from $2.00 yd. up at 25 pir
' : : -'. cent Discount " '.
56-inch Suitings, brown, navy and'rey two-thirds wool,
-. Table -Cloth
a Good
Yard 85c
32 inch
Yard 23c
Agatha Percales, very;
yard i . ..u
27 inch i f Apron 36 inch Japanese
Outing I -Check Outing nM
Flannels - Gingham lannel Crepes '
Lights or A Good. Good Beautiful
Darks j .QuaUty ' Grade Colors
Yard 15c Yd. 12Mic i Yard 25c I Yard 25c
Low Priced Sheets and Sheeting
Seamless , Seamless' 9-4 Bleach .$3.25 Large
Sheets f - a Sheets ;: C ' : '"'- ,.
81x90 ' 81x99 ."V ' . Sheeting V Bedspreads
$1.25 .1 $1.39 I Yard 42c $2.50
, .-: -. ... y , .;; ,' - '. . ' '-tt:
Nashua Woolnap Blankets 72x8i pair $5.00
Blankets ' ; Blankets Nashua' ' C6x80 Ilash-
0x76 72x80 ' Woolnap . ua Woolnap
. ' . . Blankets - Plaids
Pair . Pair . . Pair Pair
$1.95 1 $2.75 ' $3.75 I Pr. $4.50
:.' Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns $1.00 r
50c - $100 . Outing ' Hank
. Brassieres . ' . . , Flannel : Yarn T
- 35c - . Brassieres Petticoats all wool
3 for SLOP r 50c i 50c j 57c
'Millinery Departxnent
Best Showing in Saleni
... . M0.. 2i!?; North Commercial Street
vw -Sr5.r;
rmm-&--i-,im''t Y-"
A ; passage of '50 words from
the constitution of the State ot
Oregon would be the basis of the
list imposed.
-The vote was unanimous.
32 inch .
. Gpod
' ' Grade .
Yard 23c
. 38 inch ;
Percales :
Lights ; or ,
- ,
New - -Patterns
fine grade, new patterns,
- - New Spring Hats