The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Coming to the X Liberty, theatre
t todajri Charles Inco la "West of
hUgo. ! Supporting Jones ia
the TlTacious, winsome Itenee
S Adoree, whose acting in Fox pro
ductions of late - has heen the
subject ol a vgreat deal of Trery
compllmenUiy; comment. ;
According to " advance ' notices,
The Biggest Slmw in Town
( mi '.
The Fo x
Come end See Why
v ( You'll: e the",Teryr firat
great WestenrSuper-produc-See
a thousand horsemen, in
tion ever, put biL. the screen,
a tremendous battle on the
scorching sands of the Moj
ae desert j Bee a - great
cist in ! a thrilling, picture,
headed, by ; the finest of all
Western character portray
ers. See It riow!
; Jack and ' Flo Jackson
The Boob and the GirJ
A DanringOddity ,
i JLm
-jy. :: ,y. BLIUHj A - i.-'.-H-.
-J Hipprodrome vaudeville. Har
ry Carey in "The Fox." "lu
the days of Buffalo Bill.", ,
i i-y y. oukgox y : y !y;y j
, 'The great ., photoplay "Hungry
Hearts." & ; ; : i . ; ''
ATf western. "West of Chi
cago. V ' ' ' - ' 1 : '..-.
1 t CiltAM)
Tomxyrdw ."Monte Cristo"
witlij special, orchestra. :; ,
and . makes his escape under tbej Jack and Flo Jackson, one oljcll around. It will add that; much
sea;' the scene ; 'being " photo-the best numbers on the bill. to the revolving fund, available
graphed - by five cameras under 'present a comedy rural offering to help , future operations. '
water. "Monte' Cristo" will be entitled "The Boob and The
shown at the Grand, starting to-Girl." Mr. Jackson's boob char-
morrow." A - special .orchestra
will give the musical interpreta
tion. . !. .
. TVhat has been pronounced
one of the I most notable screen.
. -l -
I'ruu ut: l iuus uiiuo euasuu, huu -eon(j will
gry Hearts" will be the ieature;the finish
at the Oregon theatre starting'. Th's- is a picturization
of Aniza Yezierska's volume of
short stories of the same title
aeter is d. gem and he enter
tains with some very fine Har
monica playing being the equal
if not the superior of any you
wll see this season. M'ss Flo
Jackson has charm and person-
humor and
The, number used at
wins mulch applause
as the result of their efforts. A
snappy dance used as an encore
ality " that radiates
It 'will be better than 1800
taken from the . blue sky: - be
cause it will take up a little of
the slack of idleness at the pris
on; the curse of idleness; the
mistake of. Idleness; yes. the
crime' of it.'
bocioty commits as great a
crime in- keeping a prisoner in
idleness as the prisoner has been
.guilty of in the stealing of an
will also please you.
shell," their offering
In a nut-'automobile or the cutting a purse
is mighty
ience. and as a result, say those ing entitled A Dancing Oddity.'
rapid, succession A who have seen It. an amazlnglyiconsist'ng of three numbers tea
this ' photoplay is ! filled j with
thrlls. 1 The action takes place
near f the Mexican j border,
quote the producer:
I "Startling scenes i follow each;1
ot her- in
powerful '; sweep of dramatic
strength carries the mind of the
spectator right along to the end.
Romance' is .deftly woven in the
story, and there are many touch
es of comedy,". j
Adding up the advance news
with i tho possiblitles i of the' pic
ture,; the Liberty should play to
capacity audiences. r ;
One of the striking scenes
from! "Monte Cristo" is the; one
in which. Dantes, the young sailor
is thrown over the edge o,t a
chateau , wall into I the sea. ' In
this scene he is tied in a bag) din.
another of Goldwyn's "Big Boa entertainment. At me migo
Twenty," which in Itself is suf-' theatre today and tomorrow. ,
ficient recommendation. u '
"Hungry Hearts" was written Cecil North, a clever female
impersonator presents an offer-
realistic picture of New York
life, with all Its humor and pa
thos, is presented;
Goldwyn gathered a superb
cast for this photoplay,; Including
turing "Spanish," "East Indian"
and "Dance Variety", each dance
admitting of Bazaar color com
bination In costuming and a de
cided novelty. Mr. Ncrth is a
Rcse Rosanova, who has a strong chic dancer, tall and graceful
intensely dramatic role as the
mother; Helen Ferguson, ' who;
has recently come to tha fore
front among the most consistent
ly capable actresses of the screen,
Bryant Washburn, long a favorite
with motion pteture fans every
where; E. A. Warren, well known
character actor: George Sieg
Riann, Otto Lederer and A. Bu-
and possesses an amplitude of
personality and feminine charm
which makes his Impersonation
a decided success. At the Bligh
theatre today and tomorrow. .
or a throat.
The crime of soe'ety in Ore
gon ;is especially heinous when
it is& known that the men may
be employed on a home grown
product, the manufactured ar
ticles of which are needod badly
by home people, and who will
pay enough for It to support
the prison and give every1 worker
there a daily wage; and create
a big annual surplus besides.
r - j
n m n . ri u ri in
Talk t)f Boycott is Started
I rading btamp Heresy.
; is Also Attacked
Local playgoers are keenly in
terested in "The Fox," Harry
Carey's Universal Jewel, produc
tion at the Bligh theatre, for
it is the first picture in which
the noted Westerner appears as
a Universal Jewel star. He "was
recently promoted by . Carl Lam-
mle, president of Universal, in
recognition of his world-wide a special called meeting of the
popularity and his place in the Salem Business Men's League, at
affection - of the public as -the the Chamber of Commerce latt
foremost exponent of the out-ol- night, discussed a number of mat
door drama. He wrote 'The ters of business interest. The club
Fox" .himself, which was adapt-1 has gone on record against the
led, to the screen by Lucien Hub- trading stamp . business, and is
bard, scenario editor at Unlve-r-l carrying oa a campaign of educs
sal City, and filmed on the Mo-1 tion against the practice. Crooked
lave dlesert under the direction! and misleading advertising was
of Robert Thornby. discussed briefly, and a letter was
read from; the Portlard Grocers
and Merchants association, ask-
other business practices. The in
vitation to pungle up $25 for a
Fcrtland membership, however.
was laid on the table for future
action. . : ';;; ;
t The anneal report of the league
shows that a year ago there wore
99 members; there are now H)D.
They had nine regular meetings
during the year, and the directors
held 17 called meetings. Several
new names were added to the
membership roll last night j
Some k unsubstantial talk of a
boycott, that In the talk took por
tent ious proportions, was brought
up, as a matter that the business
men should understand. It .would
be a strange j hodgo-podga to get
just what all I they do understand
from what actually transpired;
though and the fact was definitely
stated and apparently forever set
tled, that whatever has been done
the KKK didn't do it. Tha im
pression is gained from the meeting,-
and the lobby conversation
later, that loose, vicious, uncor
roborated- assaults on the KKK
have dine the organization good
rather than harm and, this is at
least as free a country ' for the
KKK as for any Other organiza
tion or individual..
ChairmaYi Gahlsdorf steered t
along on an even keel and there
were no' fireworks. ; - Some very
pointed -personal allusions did
creep into the debate, but the
meeting agreed to love, practi
cally everybody at last.
tract which has a year to run. It i Various eastern institutions ore
was announced today . by' Cradu-1 paid to "be bidding for SmUb's scr
ate Manager Luther F. Nichols.! vices." " " " . " ' -
Coach Andy Smith Gets
Good Salary Increase
BERKELEY. Cal.. Jan. 25.
A four-year contract calling for a
substantial Increase in salary has
been" tenderlSf; to ". Andrew F.
Smith, head football coach of the
University of California, to re
place the present, five 'year, con-
Apply ' thiciciy over tnro
; covr with not IUnnl
Oott 17 Million Jan Uttd Ytariy
m m MMm Mf i mi t i
Pi Alexandre Pum
Battwr Thmn m Mmttar Plmmtmr .
" '
For Cough and Colds, Head
ache Neuralgia, Rheumatism
arid All Aches and Pains
V 3Sc and 6Sc, jara and tubs
HosfMtAl Ix, $3.00
Go I
Manya Than fixes his. fences after the cattle are
oien. A story oi rogues, rougn naing, romance auu
ijJ v. ' .round-ups . . - ! '
Hurrah for Salem high! -m
Surprised, were you not, to
know the Salem district grows
the best celery in th werld? -k
i Better even than the Kalama
zoo celery.
4 You will be surprised again
next Thursday, perhaps, to seei
the' showing of the spinach in;
dus'try here. It is a great thing
to know the things In which we
excel; and to tell the world.
This 'Is the sure way to build
tip t thei solidest city curround-
td by the- most prosperous coun-
try on the green footstooL
J S m
The penitentiary will clear
about 11800 working tip the
Rickreall flax, stored there since
last harvest.' And the growers
will get their money, at higher
prices for their product than
they expected. That will help
A- A-
No other photoplay, of recent times has
touched the heart of humanity with such
simple grace ..and.: understanding. , No.
group of characters have ever lived more
truly on the screen than the actors of this
sweeping : drama.
is-- yv-
1 ' :uA LADIES'
r. ' MAN"
y -"11 :v-V,. s", I -ill ' '. :.. ; . . . f i'
y ; -m:0& :
A picture that contains many
of the things that made "Hum
oresque" famous. There is
the throb, a sob perhaps, and
lots of good laughs.
Harold Windus
at the
Satuf day, 6 p. .m.
foory s January
Friday and Saturday is your last opportunity
to buy good merchandise at a big-saving
Silk j Dresses for Spring
New Ones to Choose From
I Very Specially
This positively is your last opportunity to buy one of . these new Spring Dresses at this price.
They are made of Silk Canton Crepe, in navy, black and brown; some have touches of hand embroid
ery, others ribbon niching and a bunch of Parisia posies at the waist. You will regret it if you don't
get one before Saturday night. y. . :' - "
i . ' . .... .
27-inch Huck Towels 42x36 ' Pdd Lot . ' '
White Outing V Reg. 15c value Pequot Cases . Silk Canton Crepe
y. i - . -Short Lengths, values to
Clearance 1 A. Clearance Clearance ' JL. '.-
SaJc, yard ....... 19C SaU. , 9C Sa.e 49 C ' . '$2.69
Main Floor , Main Floor Main Floor r Main Floor
. .. - -' - . - - yy
Coatings Broadcloth Infants' Coats Outing Gowns
56-inch Homespun $3J50 and $3.75 White Henrietta ; tor
$2.98 value ' value $5 and $5.50 value Women
Clearance".'-.- AO Clearance dO QQ Clearance CQ 7C Clearance t1 7Q
Hale, vaild .... I1 0 Sale, yard . J.I0 ;! Sale I O Sate Ol V
- ' . . ' .
Main Floor Main Floor ' Main Floor Main Floor
" Bemnants of all kinds, wool dress goods, silks, ginghams, per
cales, devonshires. Linens, outings,
: ; Crash, ctc at .
Downstairs Store ?
Greatly Reduced Prices
Salem Store
4G6 State St.
Portland Silk Shop
383 lAdcr St.